Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 07, 1799, Image 3

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    to some oft- : jf repotts, Gtccral Angeresu
wished to irlten to relieve GenOd with Bcoo
men, but was funoumled, and both himfelf
and his corps taken prifocers.
Mail' " de Diet of the Empire in the name
of the ki"g of Sweden as Duke of Pomcr
His Mijffty l«"" n g already d -clared, that
j, g co nsidered the Congre/s of Peace at Raf
tadt no longer Constitutional, after the re
newal of the war, and in consequence theie
of lie recalled his Minister, this Congress
ought to be confioiered as diflolved. No
Legation of ths dates of the Empire can re
main at Raftadt, without evident breach of
that refpeft which each state owes to the
Supreme Chief of the Germanic Body, the
prelcnt war, in his.opinion, oaght to be re
garded as a war of the Empire ; indeed it
was declared as such at firit, an<i as the Con
gress was convened, for the sole purpose of
negotiating the peace during the art? iftice,
he conceives that things (houlJ remain on the
fame footing.
• It i* the duty then of each member ot
(he Expire'tat t?le? an afiive interest in this
v.-ai - hi <urnifl»irg his contingent; no state,
In l.ih Majefty'* r'piinon, tan be difpewfcd
from this obligation, except those whose lo
cal pol'ttion, and wart cf means, render it
impossible. A contrary opinion teems to
him inadmifCble and nnconftitutional. Our
principal obli ation is obedience to the Chief
Supreme of the Empire, and attachment to
the Constitution, to mfure the enjoyment of
our rights and prerogatives.—lt may, per
haps, be alledged, that the intereft*'and well
bcir.g of f me of the Hates of the Empire
prtferibe to tliem what is ttrir.fd a neutrali
ty, but ai hi# Majesty has already excepted
thnfr Sovereigns and countries, which from
imperious circpmftanceS, are prevented from
supporting the burdens of the war, he does
not fee any reason for such conduft in those
whose ituaiion excludes the like excuse ;
and even should the part they would take in
the war be attended with difficulties and ex
pence, they hav no fclid motives which
jnftify a breach of their engagements. —
After some other observations his Swedish
Majesty thus concludes: He that reads in
thte hearts of men is his judge, and we will
aflured.'y fee that no motive of ambition has
induced him to lake thi* step, and that his
only incitement is the desire of re-establish
ing union, confidence, and integrity iu the
Germanic Body. He declares then here
to hi* Co-estates, that he i* ready at thi*
moment to make his contingent march, as
Duke of Pomerania; and wishes that all the
wall disposed Members of the Empire par
ticularly f hose who have the power to main
tain it effectually, may imitate his example.
Mr. Cockbuni, Consul of his Britannit
Majcfty in this city, has pre tented his cre
dentials to oar Senate, who have acknow
ledged him in that capacity.
r m^m
HAGUE, May 21.
Yesterday the Batavian DireAory,. issued
the proclamation concerning the organizati
on of the National Guardk. The Chiefs of
half Brigades receive annually 1800 florins,
the Captains 150, kc. The National
Guardsa-eto be inunedjttely enrolled, tor
the present year they will form a corps of
between'2 5 and 30,000 men. Conelis de Gy
telaer, who was so famous before the revo
lution of 1787, arid has never since
BrtifTels., is returned to Leyden.
By the late overland dispatch, we (and we
believe exclusively) received the Bombay and
Calcutta Newspapers to the departure of the
expiefs, having eflablilhed a medium, by
which we fliaJJ receive these papers in fuecef
fion by every poffibje conveyance. Oa the
pr:fent occasion thjry are particularly barren
of intelligence thf following being the only
articles we deem deserving notice ;
Fro m tic Calcutta Post, December 7 '9B.
By letters of very late date from Chitta
gong, we learn that some time part, anum
. ber nf Burmahs have emigrated to the South
ermoit part of the district, and that recently
abpdycenhfting, it is supposed, of 15,000,
arrived. Upon being questioned why they
lb;ridoned their native country? they ob
feived, they found it impoffiblelonger to ex
id there—feu may deny us protedtion, fav
they—but we cannot return,—death itfelf is
prefer raMe to such a measure.
* v v e have from time td time submitted to
our readers, facli accounts as could be de
pended upon, relating to the reeafu res adopt
ed by the Burmay Government, and not
fince we had occasion to (late, that the
molt vigorous exertions were mating to
meet the Siamese, with a formidable force.
J °. exertions and their confluences,
*• 1■( h rr.r r t have been distressing in the ex
tr me to the people at it is owing that
inch '• <J! '1 u inbers ti a veab *ud 91 it d their home,
i' Jearch of protection in a foreign land.
1 ! e wretched policy, or the pressing neceffi
ws 01 the Government, have urged them to
1. url to the c: Deleft means to raise money ;
perfrnf frppoied to pcffefn the value of 200
rupees haye been tortured till they confeffed
vhn-e tlvrir treasure lay concealed ; and to
from the less opulent, their little all
• ...!h has been applyed to an uncommon
oegree of fectirity ; such having been the
c.u'e, we may rather expert more emigrants, Tliat tjioie already arrived will be pre
vailed upon to return.
The Officers of the Calcutta Militia will
oin<', w, ; undei (land, with the Right Hon
orable Governor General, on Wednelclay
next. Ihe gentlemen will, cf course, be
dreflcd in the full uniform.
Tlie Metlville Cattle and Rockingham
Mougist Diw, capt. Laurence, and
several other paiH-ugers from the Malabar
coast. The Ih hide re on Thurfuay on a
cruise, as did the Princes' Royal, Lieut.
Higgenfon, with convoy for Snrat.
®? tins 3>ap's flpail
NEW-YORK, Augufl 6.
A London paper of June ro fays " Our
last letters from the Hague state, .that there
ale not at this time 2000 French troops
throughout, the whole United Provinces.
Extract,,/ a letter from Belfast, dated
Jvne 7.
" To such an unexampled state of profpe
nty has the linen manufacture,rifen in Ire
land, that cloths that used to fell at nineteen
pence per yard, fold this day in our market
ior three shillings and one penny.
How happy, comfortable, and content
po, Ihould such prices render our raanufac
turers and weavers,? What country in
rope can afford greater incentives to industry
and peaceable demeanor in its inhabitants of
all ranks ? Whoever wishes to interrupt or
dtftroy (uch comforts, deserves the execra
tion of Ireland as afi enemy to mankind."
BALT7MORE, August 5
Xir " S . °f a !etier f™ m Martinique dateJ
July 13, to a gentleman in Bnlimtn.
" A vtflcl in 27 day*from Gfbra '..r, ar
ived at Trinidad, reports that ih ; Brrfl
leet was thought to liave ibtind »t) afv um
n Toulon ; and that, Earl Sr. Vifice t'hav
»g retired from before Cadiz, tfae Spanifli
forming a junaion with >h t French—Earl
St. V ncen' in theinfidetft the Gut, howe
ver, intercepted and brought th,m to a par
l" "i bifgid Maferado
to take I y. Nt Ora;i on the
Barbzr'y t __ ghfl, admiral when
| the accounts came away, was making pre
parations tor an immediate attack, and al
though the Spaniards were flrongly (ituated,
WJ3 sanguine in his expe&atLns of not let
ting one efqaj c."
BOSTON, August i.
Mr. Russell,
As an evidence of tie polite attention paid
by the commanders of our cruising ships in tie
West Indies, tot be wishes of tie CQptains of
Merciant vessels -we send you for publica
tion, the enclosed letter from capt. PERRY,
of the United States ship General Greene, to
captain Eamcs and others, xvho applied to
him for a convoy, from Havanna to Matan
z as.
General Greene, 6th July.
I was duly honored with your polite re»
<jtief>, of the prefert in ft. and be r< flu red every
pofllbje protection in my power, lhall be ren
dered yew, not only to the Matanzas, but
from thence part of tiie way to America. I
have the honor to be Gentlemen, with great
refpeA and esteem, your obedient servan t,
To capt. E AMES, and othert, >
American Mjdnj at the Havaom. J
A letter received in'town on Mnndaylaft
from Mr. Laing, firft Lieutenant cf the U
nited States frigate General Greene, dated
at Newport harbor, mentions, thatithe Ge
neral Greene failed from the Havanna the
12th inft, with 50 fail of merchantmen,
which she convoyed to the northward of Ber
muda, when it proving very sickly on board,
it was found neceflary to bear away for New
port, in order to land the sick, and cleaull
the (hip : that 20 have died of the fever
(among whom are 9 officers) and about 30
sick, who are landing at Coafter's-harbor.
Among the deceased officers arc the purser,
the surgeon, and Mr. Coleman, of this
town, middiipman.
Tiie United States frigate Gen. Greene,
capt. Christopher Perry, arrived here on Sa
turday last, the 27th inft. from the Havanna
station ; having convoyed upwards of fifty
veflels bound to different ports of the United
States. A very fatal and contagieus disor
der, together with other pressing causes,
compelled her thus <arly to abandon her sta
tion. The causes which produced the fatal
malady will no doubt be developed in due
season—at the fame time we feel ourselves
warranted in expressing a belief, that it has
not been produced by any negligence of the
officers, or uncleanlinefs of the crew ; and
that no possible exertions were wanting In
searching into the cause of it, and endea
voring to prevent the eftefts. The exertions
of capt. Perry, since his arrival in port, to
prevent the contagion from reaching the
town, will no doubt be applauded by every
description of citizens. The candor with
■which the nature and extent of the ealafnity
were immediately difclofedby the officers de
serves to be particularly noticed.
While we deplore these distressing circum
ftauces, in common,with our te!low-citi»ns,
and in particular with the relative of the de
ceased, we have the fatisfa&ion to congrat
ulate the frietids of the remaining sick, on
the flattering profpett of their speedy reco
The frigate is now anchored near Collier's
Harbor ; the lick have been sent to the hos
pital on that island, and the well go on Chore
(it Rose Island for their health. No person
is admitted to go on board, or come Irom
the ship, so that there is no danger from any
contagion—there have died firce the 15th
July on bo.ird the fliip 20 ; and 35 have
been sent to the hospital at Coaiter's Harbor
—all but three walked to the liofpital, and
from the change of air and diet are rapidly
Vv'e fiftte tliele facts for the'public's fatis
taction, which may lx- relied on. \.;We also
subjoin a certificate frcm thfi phylicians who
have visited .them.
" Wc tlx.' fubicribfrs hnvir.j examined the
sick who were- hnded 011 Coa tier's Harbor,
from on beard the United States frigate Ge
neral Greet'.e ; certify, we have discov
ered no clearly, iuhrVccd cafe of yellow fever
among th-mi : but th.;it the print ipal dsteafe
appears no more than ;i reiiirttant billipUsfe
ver, such a 1: ;s frequently generated, ifi
warm teafont, onboard of, large (hips, or
other crowded titrations.
'Newport, Ja!y 29.
ruii.AOIi.FUIA, -AVDB*r 3.
Pix per Cm.:. 15/3 to 4J
Deferred 6 per Cent. 14/4
Thrte per Cent 5/"
B ANK United States, lsto 16
North America, 45 to 47
Pennsylvania, 14
lnfuran«e comp N. A. (hares jj
Pennfylyania, fliares, -17 to a g
8 ptr C»m StrcV—funded— par
Do S rip with the five InJlabntnts a » , ,
Do tlie sth tbftilticßt only 5j Uelowpar
Eaflli.oa Company of N. A. par.
l and Warrant?, -jo dolls, per 100 acres
On London, 51 at 30 days
50 at 60 i 90 day.s
Amsterdam, 35 & 37-100 per florin
Hamburgh 30 13a -100 per Mark Banco,
A letter received by thrfckr. Lifbop, gr
fived at tht Fort, in 36 fat f rt > m Lifben,
mentions that three Spamlb 74's have been
talcei) by the British and ctrri*4 into Gibral
A letter is received in towu of the 17th
of June, from Lilbon, brought by the fchr.
Lilbon, capt. Cox, states " that the
French fleet were (till in Toulon, blockaded
by Lbrd St. Vincent with 22 fail of tlieJine
—that the Spanish fleet had put into Cartha
gena, in a inoft deplorable situation, said to
have been from their express determination
not to join the French tret. No mention
was made of 3 fail of the line reported to have
been sent into Gibraltar by the English.
Accounts had also been rtceived at itlbon
of the restoration of the king of Naples to
his kingdom, and of the total deftruftion of
the French armies in Italy.
nit. tSNHo,
Mr. Dallas and Tench Coxe
will perfirt in their falft cods—They have
publifted in Aurora a lift if nine generals
and ten colonels, who, they fay, fervtd with
distinction in our revolution. The greater
part of them have beet}, long since the war,
in Thomjs Mifflin's (hop, not
for tks troops they led t» battle, but for the
number of votes they cotild bring to an elec
tion.. They are new fledged office rt ;
" That •■evcrfet afti'jadfon in tbefield,
Nor the diVision of a battle know
More than a fpirfteK"' '
One of the Generals they mention remain
ed "with the armjibuta Chfcrt time, and was
only distinguished for having placed himfelf
at the head of a fa&ion to remove General
Waftiington from the command. There
were but four general officers belonging to
the Pennsylvania line at the close of the war,
three of whom are now alive, Generals St.
Clair, Hand and Irvine, all decided friends
to the ele&ion of Mr. Rofs. The political
felitimentsof the other officers of the revo
lutionary ariny ivill be found such as to jufli
fy the observations in your paper of Thurs
day last, that not more than ten favor the
eledlion of Mr. M'Kean.
Pennsylvania Hospital.
Btb month 6, 1799.
The fitting Managers are for this month,
Samuel Coates No. 82, South Front-street
John Dorsey, No. 22, northThird-ftieet.
The attending Physicians are for this
month Dr. Shippen, No. to, Prune-fireet.
D. Barton, No. 44, north Fifth-ftreet.
Applications foradmiffion of patients must
be in the firrt instance to one of those Physi
cians, and then to either of the Managers ;
the Managers and Physicians always attend
at the Holpital, on 4th and 7th day in eve*
ry week, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.
Accidents of fraftured limbs, happening
to strangers or others in the streets, and
brought in at the time,' are immediately ad
mitted as poor, at the gate.
And poor perfens attending on the afore -
said days will receive medicine and advice
Publilhed by request of the fitting Mana
gers and Phylkiaos,
jt SM/ILL suANri<rr OF
SPANISH indigo;
Jtift arrived —and for fa!e by
French Brandy and Black Pepper.
To Rent,
ING HOUSE, No. in, South Water Street,
and an excellent CELLAR near the Cuttom
August 6.
r fftE Friends to the Election of
JAMES ROSS, of Pittsburgh, a3
G»vernpr of this state,' are requeued to
meet at Dwwoody's Tavein, in Market
ilreet, un Tiufdajr Evening next, at b'.lt
pad 7 o'clock
Levi Holingsivortb, Cbeirman
for the Comm'tttn of Qorrefpon
denct f r the city of Philadelphia.
August 7.
The Members of the Corresponding
Committee, appointed at a meeting of the
friends of Mr. Rofs, will take notice that
they are to meet every Thursday evening at 7
o'clock at Robert Meldrum's tavern in the
Northern Liberties, -\Vhere the several ward
committees are refpe&fully requeued to at
tend. Aug. 6
Isaac Sekter,
L. Kolloc£.
Those Citizens of Delaware Coun
ty, who are defiroui that j A.MES ROSS,
of Pittsburgh, fliould succeed the prel'ent
Governor, are requeued to meet at the Black
Horse, in fhetownlbip of Middletown, on
'.he 17th day of Aug. next at 2 o'clock ii> the
afternoon, in order to consult on jneafures
to promote his election.
HUGH LLOYD, Chairman,
of the Correfpondiug Colrmittee of
Delaware county.
July 3®, 1739.
Ala meeting of a number of the inhabi
tants of tht Tow»(hip of Germantcwn, held
at Ritfr's lavern on Thursday the lit of
August, it was
Retohed, That the inhabitants of Ger
mantown, Bristol, arid Roxborough, friends
to the eleftion of James Ross," Elij. as
Governor of this Commonwealth, be requeu
ed to meet on Thursday the 15th inft. at 3
o'clock P. the sign of Gen. M'Pher
fon in Germantown.
Augufti. 5
*«* No. 5, in defence of the AlinsHoufe
and House of Employ, is received for publi
cation. >
(Bajette %itt.
Port of Philadelphia.
, August 7.
Ship Arethufa, Keowu, of and for this
port, from Liverpool, is captured and lent
into Nantz.
Brig \ enus, Dill, Surrinam 26
Schr. Nancy, Kennedy ; Kingston 25
Brig Enterprize, Langdon, Havanna 14
Schr. Liberty, Watson, New-York 10
Sloop Sally, Potter, Forfolk 7
Brig Eagle, Wicks, from hence, is taken
and sent into New Providence.
Baltimore, Aug. j.
i Arrived on Fiiday l a st, fchr. Freedom,
capt. Millet, 16 days from St. Thomas's.
Cattie out in company with the ftiip Anna, of
N. York, capt. Johnl'on ; the Hunter, cf
Boston, Wheeler ; brig Polly, of Providente,
Graves, bound' to Turk's island ; fchr. Buck
skin, of Baltimore, Holms ; Camilla, of
Portsmouth, Difcoe ; Fifhhawk, of Somer*
frt, Morse ; {loop ,of , Johnl'on ;
and two other fchrs. from New-York, well
armed and bound to leeward, names not le
colletted. Left at St. Thomas's, Ihip Flora,
of Baltimore, Long , brig- Diligence, of do.
Jewell ; Sar.ib, of Hartford, —« ; fchr.
Neptune, of Alexandria, Willis ; Welcome
' Return, ef do. Guthrie ; l'chr. Federal, cf
New-York; Fox, of Baltimore, Andrews ;
Harmony, of Philadelphia ; Alexandria, of
Norfolk, G'ev Hound, of Baltimore, Di
mond ; Amity, of Portsmouth, Samuel Fur
tiel| ; brigs Clarifti, of Philadelphia, W.
Nicholls, 23 days ; John, Knap ; (loops
President Packet, of Boft m, Davis; Pomo
na, of Baltimore, Solfbury.
Arrived yefierday, Snow Nelly, capt. Da
fhields, 70 days from Liverpool. Left at
Diverpool, ship Sally, capt. Holhrook, to
fail in about one month after the Nelly ;
ship Apollo, capt. Thurfton, to fail in 6 days
—(poke nothing 011 the pafiage except the
Etiglilh Weft-India fleet, in lat. 42, long.
36, the Nelly 10 days out.
Netu Torle, Auvujl 7.
Ship Fame, Brown, Londonderry 54
Rifinp Sun, Thompson, Newry 50
Scir. Gtod-Intent, Smith, Si. Croix 14
Bellona, Don, New Orleans
Fanny, Lovett, St. John's [N. C.J t7
The (hip General iVathington was going up
to N. Orleans—the William came down the
The Chesapeake, capt. Tombs, it at Hell-
Gate, from London.
The (hip James, from Norfolk to London
went on Jhore at Cuckold's Point.g*ing up the
Thames, and receivedfame damage.
Boston, July 30
Arrived Snow Pacific Irader, Woodbury,
from Alicant, Sailed in co. iuilb Capt. Hut
Sime day, chr. Dolphin, Ru.tsel, jo days
from Dublin. She touched at Salem, on
Saturday. July 4, on spoke brig
VAm eric, Williams, 8 days from Gloucester,
for hamkurg.
Same day, sloop Sally, Thomas, 8 days
from St. Johns, jY. S.
Same day, scb. Godfrey, Askinson, 25 days
from Newfoundland.
Sane day, brig Hunter, Wheeler, 15 days
\ from Cl.Thomas—the Hunter is at Hospital
Arrived at tie Fort :
Island. Sailed under ccjitoj of r:.r.
i . etJtJzjGmms. Left, ct S;.
•>■■■ • vi, .of Boston. ; slcofi
\ avii, of do.-: ji'-v i-.
j>") >W- W& • *bip Stc.tkf-. st cf
B ■ icr, t; da/ft frftn Philadelphia fa:'
• t rSf toft., Thomas ■■:-
'* ' > f's *■ale, and ore .teaman -Ara I ti
Love, yndfi French col us, has
Scjl rai A>vi rU an vessels, cr.d done mutt
- fay 3 1 -
Aftiliei ship Essex, Henderson, from
Coptnhagen, via Salem.
August, I.
Arntrd brig Almy, Bacon, lurks Island,
t8 "»
Same day, sth. Three Ft tends, Masetij
Jamaica, 14 days. . 1
Same day. Schooner Lcrences, Reynold,
Sbelburne, 10 days.
Same day, ship >augha n i White, St. Johns
14 dry;.
SPOKE. X.—La? .41, Long. 66, brig Hi
ram, Ab.plet on, 4 days from Poi tsmouthfar
Barbaaocs.—Let. 22, long. 63, 30, slooh in
dustry, Doty, of N. Bedford, in distress, a-'
bandoncd by her cre-.v—Lat. 42, long. 66,
30. ship Ranger, Clark, ofWfcasset, 3 days
from Boston for Bremen.—July 17, let. 41,
20, long. 60, barque Olive branch, 5 8 ■ days
J¥om Copenhagen for zalem.—Jufy 21, lat.
42, 42, long. 66, ship Hiram,, 3
days from Boston for Liverpool.—J v'y 2c,
lat. 30, long-. 65, a brig 4 days from Boston
for Bremen.—June 30, lat. 41;, long. 47,
brig Btllona, Delatio, o] Bedford, from Bel
fast for A. York.— j nly 20, sch. Sal'v /' m
Lisbon, for Salem. Same day, Olize ferdt.cb
Knap from Copenhagen for New York—Ju
ly 22,1 Ranger, Claris from Bos:on' fro lit
Sremert, 8 days.
Left at Demarara, June 14, fch. H'/roj
Liliey, of BofVon ; Adventure, Sewards,
Gloucrfier. At'Surrinam, June 24, Belli
lirius, Allen, Salein, just arrived*
Wanted to Charter,
rgjrv- A vessel,
FROM Two Thousand Five
.Hundred to Three 1 h ufintt
Barrels burthen, to load immediately for Fal*
mouth atid a market.—Apply to
Philips, Crammond t2* Co.
August 7. it
For Sale,
The following GOODS lately imported in the
Adriana. from Lnadon, and in packages
suitable for exportation i
Assorted from 13 up to 18 < nd 20.
Printed 3 4, 44, and 5-4 chinhe^.
Printed Marseilles Quiltings of the newefl arid
tieateft patterns.
9*B Brown Sheetingjfrom 11 to 15.
No- 149, South.From .'•trcet.
8 mo. )th. tu'.'rh.&fit.ivr.
THE heirj of Keverrnd JOHN WADE,
formerly From Yorkshire in Grta Britain,
late of the State of Nrw-Jcriey in the Uaited
Sfatej of America, are hereby requcfted to
make application to the S'Jbfcriber, In Philad
elphia, No. jji, Market -trttt, in order to
reieivnthe proceed« of f l;e said estate.
Adtnip.iKrator to ihe Eltate of tKe John Wade,
Attglllt 7
Insurance Company of the Stat- rf
August I, i ujr.
THE Directors have this < »y
vidend orTflfitTY HC) f
Share of the Sio<k a
holders or their legul reprefefiuti
* - JAtffc'S $■ COX, Fteiitieni-
Awg;ift i' : dt'h-
Three Lents he
U away from the SuSfcril.i ron th- . . inn
i-V <>!' th« inft. a hound tier van CiUIL,
lameJ Eliziheth HuwcVel, had on ai;.a took with
icr rhree different changes of garment and niopcy,
he riifytfed of, the time sf a (tout, healthy
■ 1 and aftive BLACK GIRI,, who has abovtf
'4 I fix years to serve,—Enquire of the Printer.
■. ' Vhb skrf i
tytfcr x :
IBEHSIIPWIt& fail witk »It ctum-ditsi *
tirp*|la|j*«jjjslytn '' : -
No. rj4, iSiUlh Tilifd Strcft! ■
A«gii#£ .- - ■ - -■
A few Hogflieads of
Fot Salz BT
No. 70, south Foßrth street.
august 5
Tollstt t in Germantouin,
To 1 fmali Family, '
Handsome Lodgings,
/» tfi-t, fiimi/hcd,
CONSISTING of a parlor and twß chara
bars, with the ui'e of a kitchen anil ctllar. En
quire at Mr. Cb-f!e» Euglej, in Germamovji.
•» I- ■ J »v
\, r ~2