Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 05, 1799, Image 3

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tot t&is aDap's ©ail.
Salzx, Jvtr 30.
[The schooner Do'pbin, captain Benjamin
Russel, arrived here on Saturday laitfrom
Dublin, which place be left the jth oj
June. Captain A', has politely favoureu
us ivitb a number of Dublin papers, fron
•which we extract the following articles.']
The orders ifflied by the Grand Signiorto
the Grand Vizer, before the late favorable
intelligence frcrn Syria, is to the following
tenor :
" It is not unknown to you, my Firfl
Vizer, my General Representative, and Vic
torious Chief of my am)its, that it is the
purpose of the French to extirpate from the
race of the Ottomans, which God preserve,
and to fcize on the Holy Land of Mecca and
Medina, the country of our prophet, and
t! - place where the faithful cfter up their
" I have, therefore, thofen you, to frus
trate this intentirn ; you, who are my mod
diftinc'ill minister gild efpec'wl favorite,
ar.ii lwve before difp»rfed and destroyed the
rebellious ai d maVgnant hoiiles at Erzerum, I
IraHFon, and on the Pcriiar. frontiers. It is
, tiicrtfore my will, that yon, with all dis
patch, and with as little hajrga; ■- as poflible,
p: 3c?,-d to Diwnafttis as General iiv Chief,
v,hf)C I inved you with fuil power to take
with you the Janizary Ago, and as many
regiments of janiflaries as you (hall findne
ceiTarv, which shall be enforced on their
i, ;irch by others.
" I present you on this occasion wi:h a
pi-llice, and a keen sword set with diamonds,
in order that )ou may ule the former to give warmth to your seal, and the latter to
- prove your bravery ; may the Almighty
grant thai you, and all those who go forth |
with you to battle, for the maintenance of
Religion, may return in fafety ; for these
jre the times in which men should with one
accord, and with their wV.ole hearts, exert
thetr. (elves in defence of Religion and their
Sovereign. Viziers and other Miniflers and
public oilicers mull not imagine that the pre
fcnt times resemble other times. I call upon
you to exert all your zeal For the maintenance
of Religion and the State ; employ the un
limited power which I have entrusted to you
to reward and heap benefits on those who
ihall (iiftinguifh therafelves with courage and
fidelity in these important services ; and fe
rerrly to puni(h those who (hall aft in a con
trary manner. May the Almighty let vi&Q
---" iy shine od your forehead—Veneration be to
our Holy Prophet."
* LONDON, May 31.
3irectory vacant by the exclufior, of Reubel.
fcrted in.' the face of day, that the Frjncl,
Republicans have never, in any one inflance, I
violated the Law as Nations : If the French I
DireAory intend their Proclamati6n to have j
any cff. a on the people of France, no great
er proof of their gross ignorance of public
y'..l i r _ r
r tr h it thp
ufurprd one of France, *luch has ever vio
' . r * * t» 1 »
<• 1 «
• t# |b» CupjMicni, ;'«**& taM." ifftiwiwf.
ffee title of Baren ■tmiti ■*
~ Tw« 'new fliips the, Bw, of
v e*efc, an<3 / sre fitting/or ft* at Brett
-V Wijh great expedition*
DUBLIN, May 23.
jtjfKlVKitsAJiT of tie BEBELLIOX-
vVitb the dreadful recolle&ion of the last
futnmer frvfli in out minds ; with our pre
fers miraculous and unhoped security full in
our view, we weed hardh call upon our read
ders to obfervc with solemn gratitude this
awful Anniversary of the horrid Rebellion
ef 1 795. Who ainongft us have not felt
the calamities of the times ! Who of us j
does not deplore a friend, a relation, a bro
♦her or a parent? Add who, amidst these
agonising re'colletYions, does not acknowl
edge the hand of Providence which aire (led
the m-ogref* of horror, and ft ruck down re
bellion even in the moment of its triumph ?
Witl such motives for humanity and thank
ful nrf J, let us hope that the twenty-third of
May will riot pals without the most salutary
iraprHlions anchhe mod serious obfervanee.
Public confidence will ever be proportion
ed to the wisdom and energy of government
—The vigorous meal'ures adopted against the
Operable aiTafllnE who have* so long ilif^raced
the r,*jne lufWtnetv, ant! wlioni no fxten
fion of rr.rrcy has b<cr. sb!f * i reclaim, has
enabled loyal men to look forward v/ith {brae
afTurance of hope ;—accordingly we lire 111
various parts cf the metropolis new houses
eredi'mg, apd other vifib'e marks of confi
dence ; some of the many loyal perfonswho
have bee 11 forced to abandon their houses and
poffefliuns in the conntry, have lately vtn
. tured to return to them ; near the metro
polis, people without much appreheniiofi
rfgain repair to their country houses and to
the villages where they have been used to
fpena the summer months, efpecialty where
they have the advantage of yeomen corps in
the neighborhood.
The debates of the French a (Terribly, an<2 j
pages of the Paris Journals, are filled ■<->ith
cries of vengeance for their innocent ambaf- 1
fadors. The Star, The Morning Chronicle,
?nd The Courier have " yelled forth their
syllables of dolour and the whole jacobin
ifra of Enrope seems to have been roused in*
to sympathy. But wi must ohferve that all
this outcry has terminated in the bellowing
new powers on the Directory ; the conse
quence so certainly following all their formei
devices for exciting the languid spirit of the
French nation, that we cannot avoid sup
posing this to bp a new trick of the republi
can rulers, and" (until we (hall be convinced
to the cSntrarv) attributing the killing of
the French Minifteri to the dark and intrl
cate policy of their masters.
Jean tfe Brie, who alone escaped tlie fate
of his fellows, it tlie fame ruffian who in
'93 proposed to organire a corp of tj<3o af
faffinJ to Jeltroy all the Sovereigns of Eu
' roj)C —he dees not fecni to relifli thep-aciicc
of affaflination quitt so well as the theory.
May 25.
The last week of April appears to h.ive
made the Cantons of Switzerland the thea
tre of the most bloody «nd alternate carnage.
A general attack has been made upon the
French under Maffeiia by the Austrian ar
mies, which has fucct-eded so fir as to drive
the French from their pofitioni, but not un
til after a desperate conflict, in the begin
ning of which the French were fuccefsful,
and the Prince de Ligne and two thousand
Aufti ians killed or taken prtfoners ; bat at
length Maflena, weakened by the loss of
nearly five thousand killed in various aftions,
was obliged to retire.
This retreat seems to have been the sig
nal for a general riling ; the gallant 2nd in
iulted Swiss immediately took up arms
again ft their oppressors, and have .fallen with
furjr upon the French troops; but we are
sorry to relate, that this effort of honrlt ven
geance cost the lives of three thoafand brave
men. The French, hemmed in oa evary
fide, but po{Telling the towns, and advac
tageoufly potted, are as yet an over-match
for these undiftiplined troops.
In the cantons of Schwitt and Uri, the
French were driven from the open country
into the towns by tht peasantry ; every
(haggling Frenchman and every linall party
are ieized and treated as they defcrve—»»
robbers and murderers* The whole Canton
cf Berne is fa id to have declared again ft the
French, and expelled their troops.
May 31. •
With pleafurc we have it in our p<t>W*r to
declare, that internal peace, tfrdrr and fub l
miflion to tbe laws, is fu far ir-eftablilhed
among us, that permtnent duty will oft this
day, by order of Governefter.t, cease with
the yeomanry carpi throughout the king
Jun« r.
Thic day, his Excellency went in (late to
the Houfc of Peer;, and gave the Royal
aflent to a number of bills.
After which his Excellency delivered a
Speech from the Throne, and prorogued both
Houses to the 16th of July next.
The Speech, after congratulating the Par-
liament on the fuppreflion of relielion, k'.'.
continues to ob'.'erve on the improved Hate of
affairs on the Continent—the fucceflcs of the
Austrian arms ; thanks the Commons for
the large and extraordinary supply voted for
the exigency of the (late, &c. Sec.—His Ex
cellency fignifies, that agreeable to his Ma
jeAy's commands he has to fay, that a joint
Address of both Houses of the British Par
liament has been laid before his Majesty, ac
companied by Resolutions proj»ofing and re
commending a Union between Great Bri
tain and Ireland—and looks forward with
anxious hope to the final completion of that
measure. *.
CORK, May 18.
Copy of the dying declaration of Walter
"Bauer, Matter of the Rooms at M.llow :
" Dear Fellow Chriftiant,
" At this awful moment, when I am go
ing to appear-at the tribunal of my injured
God, the only consolation or hope my
foul can find is in confefling my errors, and
in exhorting you all to return to your alle
" It tvas d-unkennefs and idleness that
have brought me to this fad end, and have
disgraced my refpe&able family, by this ig
nominious death. Avoid those who would
lead you into drinking and company keeping,
the fame means of feduijtioo, and r*turn to
your allegiance.
" I die an unworthy member of the Church
of England.
" Robert Atk.vs, Ky itaefirf.
<< RicrfAßD WoODWARIV, )
KINGSTON, June 22.
The Spaniih schooner Felcciti, of 16
gum and 89 men,' commanded by Don Boc
co, one of the Spanilh coixiniKr.der» on the
late expedition against Honduras; and a
Spanilh Schooner with hicbs and dry goods,
called the Minerva, that was under his pro
tection, have been captured by the JjJamiHial.
We believe it is generally known, that
in the late fle'et from London, arrived tlje
famous Mr. Bowles, Chiel of the Greek Na
tiofi of Indiiuls, ".v!;o !t will b; tecolk&ed
was, for h con£ teraMe, time, detained by
the Sp.mifh GoxjfnVWnt at the HavJinnah,
whence he at '?r.;{tb nrticfe ess efcnpe. He
has,' we unoeriiand, visited finee that
time, and afterward* repaired to London,
where be w.;s greatly careffi-d hy the higher
ranks, and held in much efhtistion hv his
Majesty's Mintfteri. Me trudesat I'attbn'i
Hotel in this town, "fit! it is laH, is to he
conveyed to the Cdntinffit by a vets.l of Vfar
from this island.
NF t W-YORK, Aujguft 3.
By a r filial! yeJierJay.
The (hip Gei mania, Capt. P. D. Steen,
left St. Mary's July 26, Ballad, to J.
The (hip Enterprize, capt. Aplin, f*ilad
in company with the akove (hip, and has on
board wine and brandy taken out of her—
to J. Juhil.
Left at St. Mary's the ftu'p Hope, capt.
Har'mond.of New-Bedford.
The Enterprize belongs to Providence—
fhe went from Charleston for the
ia's cargo-
The copperbottomed (hip Columbia,
prize to tbe Janus, came up ycfterday from
the Quaremir.e Ground. .
NEW-LONDON, July 3 1.
ftr the C&**tCtiCttT Gaz^tti^
hail storm.
On Monday jHly 15th, the inhabitants
of the fouthrrly part of Lebanon, and of
the towns of Bozrah and Franklin adjoining,
experienced the mod awful and devastating
storm of wind, attar,ded with bail and rain,
thunder and lightening,probably ever known
in our country.—About J o'clock P* M.
a dark angTy cloud gradually arose from the
foutb, it continued iocreafi"g and gathering
blacknrfs and rapidity of motion aa it rose
I* about half an hour after, a cloud of a
bras* or flame colour feetned to roll up in
front of it, like a column of smoke, which
presently orerfpread it, growing brighter
and appeared more wild and agitated. At
thii time an cxtcnfive black cloud, before
unperceired, rose along from the N. W. to
S. W. similar to the firft, and in a little time
formed a junAion with it; when they di
re&ty (hot their united summits high in the
air, and the whale hetnifpher* by-fix o'clock,
wai covered with almost the darknef* of-
night: emitting (harp forked lightening
followed with heavy thunder. A calm of a
few minutes fuccceded, while the birds and
beasts guided by infticd, fled for refuge at
portending some great calamity. The wind
with a diftintt roar soon began to blow with
great violence, and incrcaTed almost to a
hurricane ; when astonishing to behold, hail
lionet of a prodigious site, two or three in
chcain sameter, were driven with almost the
force of grape foot, upon every thing in it*
court* | they wire at firft fcatttfiag, but in
A moment came thicker and larger, until
they fell in > complete (bower of ice, so
great at to prevent an obje& from being
diltinguiftied at the distance of two or three
rod*. Dir«£tly scarce an inch of glass wai
left id the windaw* next the dorm, and in
some inftaoce the sashes were broken \ fhin
glei were split and blown off the roffs of
houses and barfis ) and vegetation almost
wholly laid waste by the fuTy of the bail;
while the wind overturned trees, unrooted,
removed, or destroyed barns and fenc«3.—
Every think seem.-d in confufion and upnar,
and mett asd beads wtre silent with aston
This (cene laCed according to different
judgements, ten, fifteen minutes
though most agree that the greatest dis
charge of hail fell in Jhorter time. When
the bail ceased, a Ibower of rain more abun
dant if possible. immediately followed and
colle&iug ran with violence, swept the hail
into waves and the ruins info heaps, and bore
them away promifenoufly to the torren-t
and lew grounds, p'refenting a most fr>gu
lar and melancholy fight. After an hout
from its commencement the storm abated,
and the fun just fitting, broke through tb«
clouds and afforded a profpeft dreary aud
gloomy beyon i description. The earth
seemed almost desolate and waste. The
poor beasts were the obje&s of the" si ft at
tuition ; the cattle were found alive thtAlgh
sadly broiled and wounded, the backs of
cows were bloody, legs of horses cut and
iwolleo ! when the smaller animals iuffered
much tziore : Some pigs of four months
old, with thecp were killed, numbers of
geese, turklvs, Ac. expoftd, were beat to
death ; Birds'are daily found in large num
bers, in the fields and gardens, dead and
maimed : Buildings and fences ar - fcen
bruifiH to such a decree, that they will long
remain {landing proofs of the violence and
size of the hail.
In the field and among the fruits, the
deftruftion it terrible and, truly diftrefling :
Corn fields the rabft flourifliing are'def
truyed, in some not a is left Handing;
fields of rye, fits, Sax, See. are nearly rui
ned in many nothing could be fived, and
are still plowed up, and in others perhaps
a Gxth part of the crop may be obtained,
but with much more labour than all th« pro
duce will neat. The largell grass in mowing
grounds is not only levelled with tlse earth,
but cut up and swept away or driven into
the earth with a force that almost exceeds
Vast numbers of apple-trees were blown up
and the fruits of all, with good part of the
leaves and twigs are broken aod ttripped off.
Many of the fruit-trees in the gardens, such
as peach, plumb, 3tc. are so bruised and bar
ked that they will not survive. All the trees
even the hardest, are more or less marked in
their bodies, and so wounded in the tender
parts of the houghs, and deprived of cteir
leaves' as to appear at thtdiftsnce of v?.-o and miles to iuvc fniTcrrd fror.i * bli;-h*. or
a Sic. With the tnoft painful sensations do
the husbandmen vjejy. theuu'clves, ftrij ped in ..
an fcot'r of all their plentiful but hn: d earned
;>rofped'-', ; jilfflfcft khe whoie of the I'ippor. of
th.-ii tan.tlics anil i'usck. Tl* horrors ct
tlse liecne and the ravagei the 1-m art:
truly indefcritotslc, the ft'fforers
«u» only compare sft'im.vith tfieir ideas of
the day of judgment. The LiaiUfWries were
so large as to be taken for th- falling of
briefci from the chimney upon .the roofs of
the houf:s. After the ram, which mult have
washed theni, they were carefully examined
in ditilrent places, and found to measure
Tome 4 j inches, by in circumference,
others Ijx inches, fonie fix inches by nearly
l'even ; they aw general')- compared by lixrita
*.o>i to the full fit* of hens and geelecggs.
Banks of hail five and fix inches deep, re
mained on the Saturday and Sunday follow
ing ahd measured then three and an half in
ches round.—They were generally more flat
than round, with ragged cd es. The couiTe
of the florin was ch.afly from the S. VV. to
tfie N. E. though fame-times the hail came
from the south and then again neaily from
the Weft ; windows were broken on three
tides of houses. It ritn much in veins, da
maging only fame fields and totally deflroy
ing others adjoining. Thij. hail *xtetl3ed
nearly fonr miles in width, where it was'minl
dreadful; it grew wider in Franklin, Which
is to the call, thd fcemed to fperid ui' If
there, ending in rain beyond that place. It
was doubtless the fame cloud which ;salTed
over Litchfield country, &c. fcattoriiif its
hail through the State, even to the mouth of
other in the foutli, took this dire&ion and
heri spread ils mod diftiugujfiled horrors.
pie, that atmdfti all this diflrefs, the live*
if men and beasts have been ft) wonderfully
preserved ; only two or three men have been
knocked down, and one or two children, one
deprived of reason for two days.
However afloiiifiiing this description may
is impartial is the relation, and no ways in
erefted perlbnally by the fcene,but from mo-
Lives of hnmanity and curiosity has taken
nuch pains to ascertain the facts j and they
ire now so particularly related only with a
, iew to preserve, atleaft during the period of
1 News-Paper, the memory of so awfnl and
ilmoft an immediate display of the hand of
eview their condudt and reform : That pie
y among the serious and reflecting may be
iromoted, and l'cience by the attention and
efearches of the deligeut and curiont impro«
?cd ; the fufferers have great reason to fay
' In the midst of judgment the Lord bat re
ntmbtred mercy," and be thankful that their
ives, houses and cattle have so escaped;
lot been jnOre extensive. Happy will it be
f they learn t® kn»Wbitn, who has a right
0 take -what he lends; and more happy
will it be if we as a nation, are brought by
:hia and the (lowns upon our country, to
1 sense of our duty, before worle things
.ome upon us.
P. S. A particular estimate of the dama r
' ftail forwarded.
A letwf fiym East Haddaat to the editor i
tbU Suck damage wm done to the
grftiA, yardetii and window glafv in that
tewa. Mail-flfone* were p'eked up which
weighed three. otfocca, and me'afurtd from,
four rnchrtto
A eonfidmble ptrniber of panel of glaft
were broken in thii city, by the h»«l, inthe
f*ac storm. The florin wa» yiotent,, at,
Wiochcftrr (Li'chfieM county,) Torting
toh, Tor ingfore, Harwingcon, Briilol,
N««r-,Hau(tfr<l and Gofteu.
<oa3Cttt JLift*
Port of Philadelphia.
Ship Stockp«rt, Williams, fr«sm hence to
Liverpool, wis i'po'tft ou the 27th ult. in
Int. 40, ii|, all will.
An inward bpunct fch. from Lijbon, ,fap
pofed 10 be the C'ix,ef thh» poti,
'■» brio*.
The Montezuma (loop of War, c-.iptrun
Mqllowney, left New-Gaftlc, at 5 p. M.yef
t< rday ; remained, the Unittd States' brig
Eagle, Campbell, and brig Florida, Long,
for Tenerifle.
The fch. from Lifbnn, it said to have had
a flmrt patfape.
Ship Maria, Thompfao, for La Guira
and sloop Fri«nd(hip, Brown, for C apt
Francuis, went to fca on Thursday, and (hip
Adiiana, Fletcker, for London on Hurt
A Dini(h (hip ii below—name not yet »f
Salem, July 30.
Sunday arrived the fhlp T.Jfex, Captain
Benjamin Henderfon, 76 Jays from Copenhagen
Lat. 53, 50, N. long 35, 40, IV. fp ie the
trig Neptune, Capt. R. Barr, of Salem. Capt.
Henderfon reports a number of injlances nj
American vejfelt being brought to by Frenchpri
vateen in the North Sea, and permitted to pajs
without mohftatm. Let Americans beware
•' the tyger crouches, before he leaps upon
his prey."
Neiu 7~tri Atigujl 3 •
Si'P Enterprise, Aflin, St Marys
Steen, do.
William, ————y Chitrhjlcn
Brig Ann, JLaw, Vir» Cru%
Scbt■ <\< —iCsft. Allett, bat arrived at
Baltimore from Netu-Or leant- Left in the
Mer the Diffatcb, Clark, the Btllona Capt
Do , and a Slvcedi/h ship. '
Ship Svlly, M'Cerlhy hat arrived(rt tyeiu
Bis Sully, Kotchlift, I:j; arrive.'! at New
Londjn from Hay anna
jID.K Ir P H I J ,
- a '".y- - : ■
'X T;. nr
Philadelphia, AUGUST 3..
Sii iper Cent. XJ/ 4(1
Deferred 6 per Cent. 1 4 r 4 s< j
Three per Ceht. 9 y . ,
B\NK United States, . i 5 to 16
1 ■■ North America, i ( t0 , 7
—— Pennsylvania, ~ j
ir>furan«e comp; N. A. {hares i;
i Pennsylvania, (hares, 47 to »g
8 per Ont Stock—funded— par
Do Scrip with the five Infh'ments a J
Do the jth Instalment only ft f beiowpjf
Eaft.lndia Company of N. A. par.
Laud Warrant?, 30 doll*. per rod acru
Ou London, JI at 30 days
JO at 60 a 90 dayj
AnfJerdam, 35 a .17-100 per flotin
Hamburgh jp zji - lao per. Mark Panct.
Upv.-nnh of 300 Recruit from the Wcf
tcm and Middle parts of the State have ar Brifrol for the 10th United Suites
regiment, con.wa-idetl Jpy • Colonel Moorv,
all in fine health and fpiritj, and recviiitri'
in a Ihoft time. This is fiifficknt evidence
that the service is n«jt Co"disgusting as-hai
been iiiduftrionfly reflrfrfsrtfed,
Whatever declrntion has been wit;v & J
'oy the Aurora, Darby the cunduttor, or
Editor if you will, is Ceitjinly iu better calo
It is raid of him that he gets hts dully sllou
ance of gin, " which was not fp before," as
will also t>e be seen byan old folilcxjny hand
ed tis by one of his ci-dcvant ailocmtes :
Darby Debt's Soliloquy o*er c Gin Cash
Is til is a gin-calk that I f e before me.
The bung-hole toward my mouth ? Come h t ros
fuck thro*.—-
I talle thcc not, and yet Uracil theeitilL
Art thou not wayward Barrel sensible
r"pv r c i .
Governor, arc n-qneftd to m«a at tiyf Black
Horfc, in the tiivnfhip erf' MiddletcWJ), or»
Che o&y Ok Au*. Dt?xt 2. o clock in the
aftci noot>-> in order' to consult on raeafurcs
to ? r_
July 3©, j 799.«
A&&'jnrjriv.\g b$ a Wutones/of the fpttd>V
tar.t; of ;ht Town-fiijjyof (jfrfoatitototi, ht ld
at Rit-r'i Tauten 'on Tlmrfday ,? • z(% if
it 1 ; ''< ' "" *
*V«> • _. ; V . ■ •
Kesofcedj ■ t{H
iantawn, ■
tb* of diq, -as^.
Goveriiorof this-Cy {j ' '■•eiptffb-'/"
cd to HKet o:,
o'clock P. die lign ordtru'Jvfjl'iwf-,
I foil in Germ in town. O 'V ,>
THOMAS DU.NGAM, Cha!»rtwi.
August u /.-'.'J,
A few of ' ''
w hit x N g;
: .?s&* - Sjfit
-«■. ■ t ■ *
»"pft 5- ' - *
To be Let,• in Germamovjn^
To j small family.
Handforric Lodgings,
In fart, funit/bed,
CONSISTING of a parlor and two charci*-
ben, with the use of a kitchen and cellar. En.
quire at Mr. Charles Englcs, in Germantown.
august 5 dnv
Twenty* Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the Rendezvous at ftaf.
ton, JOHN FRANTOM, a tidier* , n
the 9th Of. State- regiment, 5 feet 8 inches
high, b!*e eyes, swarthy complexion brown
hair,, which he wear* long and fjiieiied • |, e
fti>op9 mtith in 1 walling, and hat a copfuierabJe
impediment in his fpee«h.
At the fiine time SOLOMON KfNNJ
MONTi a fok'.icr 111 the fame regiment ; ; i( .
19 a han<il'ome young man, 19 years old, j'feet
to and* quarter inches high, black et'e. ftort
-brnwn hair, fair completion.
They were enticed to ricfert by two men
who laid they
ti.e Baltimore fioop of wjr, and went
an irftenton to enlist in that ft-rvite ; both rre
in full uniform, though they will probably
changethei'r dress.
1 he above reward vril! be given for Oliver
ing the two, or ten dollars for either of'
to M)v officer of the ninth regiment; ! v
ift Lietitenart <ttb U. S. pe^'rrenf.
Ej:P.tor (M.) Aug. t. (<) * d .;:
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