roainder of their army, to the huinber ef 2000 metr, made their el'cape »Bto Italy lr BASLE, May 9. The attack of the Auftrians on the Gri fonswere favoured by the desertion (if about 25 men belonging to the 48th detni-brigiute. They went over to the enemy the day before, and led them on the attack. LAUSANHE, May to. Yeftcrday ewiiitjg the gallant General Jelmas arrrve'*) here from Italy : he is woun ded, and can hardly walk. All the news from the Vallais states, that the insurgents have been defeated in every point, and that the country is restored to tranquility. AUGSBOURG, May 9. According to the lad letters from Padua, the French having received confidcrablt reinforcements from ihe armies of Rome and Naples, are making a fcrious diversion on the Lower Po, and threaten not only the corps of General Klenau, in the environs of Ferrara, but also which forms the blockade of Mantua. Some Aultrian and Ruffian ticops have in consequence of it, be«n dispatched to reinforce those bodies, and to cover the rear tf the Imperial army. The Gazettes of Genoa and Piedmont state. that (i ice the 30th of March, Gene ral Macdonald, at the head of SO,OOO men, was proceeding by forced marches to the Po, after having I. ft French garrisons in Naples, Capua, and Rome, which were, in conjnnfticn with the National Guards of Republics, to defesd the South, while Gen erals Mo rest) and Macdocald were to attack with their united forces, the Allied Army in the North of Italy;. GRENOBLE, May 13. The crowds of tefmiees from the Cisal pine Republic and Piedmont, flying into the Southern department! of Fraoce are so great, that they cannot find a fufficieat number of guides and mulct to pass Mount Ce»is- The mule drivers are paid as higk as fifty louis for a carriage. We should not be furpnfed at this emigration, nor enter tain any lerious approherfioiiS on account of it. A general pcrmiffion for that pur pose has been granted by General Moreau, and it is to be prei'umtd, that the advanta ges resulting from fending away confidcra ble number of ufcleie mouths from a country which affords few provisions, mult be Yery great to the army. LONDON, June 1. Weekly Retrospect of Politics. From the General Evening-Post. Uninterrupted success continues to re ward the bravery of our imperial allies on the continent. Since the commencement of tlitii; combined operations, they have never had occasion to abandon any enterprise that they had undertaken or meditated, nor have they once experienced a failure in any at tempt. With unexampled pefieverance, and patience under fatigue, the imperial ar mies eiery where followed up the ad vantages they have inquired ; and have pres sed so clolely on the enemy as to give hin) neither time to rally, nor opportunity to manoeuvre with a view to reinforcements. Indeed, the ground that has been regained 11 >m the French in so lhort a space of time is, we believe, unexampled in the history of any nation. About the middle of April, the French under general AirtCdonald b£gan their retreat from tke Brindiu cotiuty in the kingdom of Naples, in. eonfequence of orders biought to tiieni overland , auoutten days afterwards in English torce, under the command of captain Hood, of the Zealous, landed and took Salerno, a sea port twenty-seven miles from Naples ; and the Englilh continuing to march forward, the enemy wholly evac uated that kingdom on the 25th, with such precipitation as to leave behind them both their magazines and their booty. We know that infurreaions are almost genera! in the ecclefiaflical slates* through which the French nauft pals; their march will therefore be attended with infinite obstacles. J he people of Tufcany have fern a deputa tion to the allies, inviting them to rescue tram the French exactions ; and we under hand, that an army has been sent to Genoa, wit" a view to the cutting Matdonald's re treat from Lower Italy. Pizzightone sur rendered to general Keim oil the 19th May, and Suwarjow has advanced upon Piedmont, awl tr,.:en Tortona, one of the strong chain ot fortre'.ies that the French probably look ' er tp P rotea France 'tfelf 1 he Kuflian general, however, who affords no breathmgtime to the fugitive republicans, has marched again!* Turin, where the ut mo ""fernatton and difmav universally prevail, as well among the soldiery as among- H; * fattl, has; Mi.tud. Vieupa, ana is now' on-his way to .E««au(SU;,. ' A, ' ' fe or.the ?.&ry, • fey, , London avs nearly *ll the Public " '? Metropolis ; but Pri ** &Wtf jawfei is peeper than e cr } and ftirth'rt tfere is fvutmedy but the old oiic—e evidence we do the re spectable testimony of capt. can not hesitate t» avow our implicit belief of the f act ' [A - . T.Gaz. On Tuesday a Dinner was given at the Tontine Coffee-House, by the Chamber »f Commerce, to the Gallant TRUXTON. Extraft of a letter from Belfaft, dated June 7. To such an unexampled state of prosper ity has the Linen Manufacture risen in Ire land, that cloths which used to fell at nine teen pence per yard, fold this day in our market for three (hillings and one penny." " How happy, comfortable, and conten ted, Ihoqld such prices render our weavers and manufacturers i What country in Eu rope can afford greater incentives to induflry aad peaceble demeanor in its inhabitants of all ranks ? Whoever wilhes to interrupt or destroy such comforts, defcrves the execra tion of Ireland a 9 au enemy to mankind." A gentleman who arrived in town yester day morning from Middletown Point, in forms, that he pafled a (loop on Firb,'to the southward of Stateu Island, with her malt overboard, and her bowsprit some dis tance from her—no pcrfon could be difciv ered on board. The above Hoop waa bound out, but being on fire put back. NORFOLK, July 27. By the arrival of the fchr. K'tty. capt. Williams, on Thsrfday, 6 days from Ber muda, we have been favoured with papers to the —we here fabjoin the only paragarplu wojthy notice. Bermuda, July 13. The Lynx sloop of war, captain Hall, which failed fcr Halifax lad Saturday, im mediately gave chace to the American (hip Pegasus, Concklin/ from Cadiz and New- York, bound to Vera Cruz, with brandy, oil dry goods. &c. which fbe brought in the next day as prize. The Lynx lailed again tor Halifax on Tuesday evening, after fee ing the prize in fafe. The Pegasus is well armed. Ycfterday arrived the privateer (hip Lord HawkclWy, captain 'Nalh, from a cruise with a Spa"ifti brig from L" Gcira for Cor unna, laden with Cocoa, &c. &c A Span ish Bithop and live prictts were palfengcrs on boajd. Last week the privateer Experiment capt- H. Frith, c;.roe in with a rich Spanilh prize from Cadiz, bound for Vera Cruz, laden with quick fllver, dry goods, &c. Sic. which (he fell in with to the fuuthward after a citiife of a few days. CHARLESTON, July $ 7 ._ \ To the Merchants, Matter vcflels,and pilots Chajlelton. The leperintendant of the Ligh:-Houfe eftablilhniciit at Clrark-fton deems.ii ncceiTa?- ry to notify'the Merchants. "Mailers, ot' vef fcls and the pikjts, that Lift nigb.fthe Lan thorn and wood work of the intide ;of the Light-House as by accident uoiortvuately qurnt ; the walls of the building however ftandirkg, will in the day, still be a leading mark to the Pilots and Matters ofveflels. In consequence of this there can be no light (hewn but the fuperintendant will lose no time in endeaVouring to have,a temporary light fixed on the top of the old walls, with all-possible dispatch, and measures no doubt Will be taken by the Uni ted States, to have it rebuilt, and a good light established again. Daniel Stevens Superintendent. Charleston, July 22, t799i On Thui fday lad was urgued before Judge Bee, the ledersft diftritt Judge for the di ftridl of South-Carolina, a motion, made by Mr. Ward, on a Habeas Corpus, to brig up the body of Nathan Robins, in order that he might be delivered up to the British conful,by virtue of a requisition tnadi under the of the of amity and commerce with Greot-Britaid. Mr. Moultrie and Mr. Ker opposed the motion, 011 several grounds, but particularly on that of the prisoner being an American citizen, and therefor entitled by the consti tution of the Unit(al States, te a trial by a jury of hio peers ; and also that the crime with which he was charged, (that of being concerned in the mutiny 611 beasd the Her nnone British frigate) was committed on the high seas, within the jurifdi&ion and cogni zance of t,he United States. . Yesterday his honor the judge pronoun ced his decree, for delivering up the prifonsr to the British cooftll, in the couri'e of which he observed, that it was immaterial, whether the peri'on was an American citiien, or not; he was equally within tbe purview «f the treaty, and therefore the court was bound to deliver him op, the treaty being the law of tbe land* - The United States frigate, United States, Commodore Barry, and George Wafiiing ton, Capt. Fletcher, were off the bar yester day, with Pilots on board. The United States brought 50 Artillerists to garrison Fort Moultrie on Sullivan's Island , they, were landed from or.e of the pilot boats there yeftcrday. BOSTON, Jviy 16. Yeftprday arrived at Salenr, capt. Weft, in a vessel from Gibralter. He was left tchre June 6—and has probably brought News—-but none.had reached Boston, when our paper was put to Press. In addition to the Importation by the Barque ' / Tniroy, from BREMEN, PRATT *#r* Kscfirso, By the Brig Poll?, (iapt*rrt Mackkws, fnm HAMBffRQHt 80 chests GermairLinnens, —tonjifling Liltados, dk(b tf Stripe*, Duptr, Pattcfhofet, Ctrrruj>. N. A. shares 13 8 pu Ceht Stock—funded—par Do. Scrip with the five Infiilaients a J , Do. the sth Inftalmcnt only jjcelowpar Eaft-ludia Company of N. A, par. Land Warrants, 30 ''olU fer tco acr»« ; COURSE OF EXCHANGE On London, jx at 30 days ■■ ■ JACOBIN DII.iMMA. . THE report of thf Kin,r of Spain.'s po litical conversion, through the mediation of General Stmarow, is faft gaining ground' among the lcfler fry of th? Democrats ; with whom the question now is—« If Don Tlio. niafo the, Chief fuftice should turn about alrttig with his diplomatic foil in law, the King .of Spain, whom (hall we. vote for at the nettt election for our Chief Maritime; i Urael! Coxe! Dallas! Blair M'Clenaghati! or Lloyd of Newgate ?" ! f! By tetters from Lisbon, to the ift of June, we learn that all the artifices ehiplctyed by the Diieftory, to .impress a belief of the crimi nality of the House of Austria, in the exe cation of the two Sansculottes, on the 28th April, had Cntifely failed. The people of France, and particularly those of Paris, openly charged the aft upon the Dire&ory. The United States, Commodore Barry, hai sprung her bowsprit and put into Nor folk. [The United States was destined to re turn from Charbfton to Norfoik, for a new bowsprit, at the time of her departure froirt this port, there being a difficulty in obtain ing a faitable piece of timber here.] A letter from Kingston, dated the Bth ■nfk. received by the Montezuma, fays—" Accounts are just received from Jeremie, inform, that a dtfperate battle has been fought between the armies of Touflaint and Rigrud in which Rigaud, was defeated with gieilt flailghter and himfelf wounded." Other account* from Hifpamola slate, that Rigaud occupied Gonaives and Petit Trou. At the latter place, all the Whites are said to have been mafiacred. Toufiaint's party, (the Negroes) are de nominated " Ariftocratsthat of Rigaud, (the mulattoes) " Republicans." Th« latter have exerc'rfrd the most unheard of cruelties uponfuch *f their enemies as hive fallen in to their hands. The death of the Pope, fays a late En glifc paper, is not announced iD ?»y way to gain credit > yet it is by no means improba ble, cor.Cdering the indignities he has late ly, fuffsred, and the hardships he has endur ed. If it be '{<>, there fell the last pillar of the gTeateft political edifice the world ever beheld! CINCINNATI, July id. Of late there has no information been re ceived of the Indians committing depredati ons on otir frontiers.—lt seems they have rfliwjuifhed the idea of kijling captain Ha miltoh and family, who Rill lives on his fanrt. CHAMBERSBURG, July 25. Extratt of a letter from a Gentleman in dated July iq; " One of the principal arguments ufecl here in favor of Mr. M'Keau is, that a pro bable effedt of his eleflion will be the return of the feat of government to Philadelphia." ©ajette fiparint JUft. ARRIVED Ship London, Ropes, Liverpool, Henrietta, CarJ'well, Dublin, via li'ilmingtm, Del. Stir. Veatman, Lougbeai., Charlejlon 5 Sfitiw sfbiguil t Kn6x r Gi Frdftcw Brig dn&akU GilSfa*t , C. Fr Merit , ¥cntrijf Agent 43" Sec'j * , . 3»wiiA /Vftr. Faany Br'tdgcr, Dunn, Arrived and fired a salute the Britifi (hip London, Ropes, front Liverpool, failec and latter place the loth Miy. June. J9 lat. 46,50, long. 48,4," < fpoke the brig Duncan days. 23d, spoke the Mary from Port land, bound to Liverpool, out 17 days, in lat. 43, jB, long. 54, ic, all well. Same days, (hip William and Jane from Wifcaflet bound to Liverpool, all Well. ADVERTISEMENT. PURSUANT to a Decree of Hi "-wedi/h Majefly's Court of Juftiee in the Duishy of Pomerania, Philip Frederick von Platen, formerly lieutenant in the IVafivai* army, being ibfenr since the year 1777, cr his «Ventuai heirs :nknowir, ara hereby Uimmoned to tome in, >erfonally, or hv att rnies fufficicntly informed, lefore the laid court, in the space of a y *ar, or at latest on the 11ft day ol May.l 800, be tig the appointed term, at 10 o*uUck in tie forenoon,' or to give fa Ithtul notice "f their live* ?rd . dwelling places, to the court, or in default thereof, tire said absent will he declined to be : dead, ap.d liia eventual heirs will he I their rights, and thereupon the property Imher ' to adir.iniltered wilt be a .lju:'ic»«d to the bro- THROUGH mistake, at the Office of the Sub' thtra oftbe (Vid iibfent fcriber, » handle ei YEI.LOW iVICREEN. j fjis Swili/h Mfyjlfs Court cf the owner it defireU to apply lor it to Jvfiice at Cr„Js-.vahl ■" ' SAMUEL fl. SMITH. Gr: 50 at 6? a 90 days Amflerdani, 35 a ,T7-«oq per florin Hamburgh 30 33a -ioo per Mark Banco. FROM THE CO-FFEK HOUSE BOOKS. Eaftcn, to his correfpondant in this to\Vn, CLE A RED Flora, Crefwcll, Florida, 1 iv heft some time since, ju'T V i ' New-York, A'Jfj. ' ARRIVED. -~ Brig y Jr,hn,Dnnb n, AftUaei) tjlar.d i. Hannah, Olcott, Hovannoh 1 Scbr. Do'oe, PotUr, Norfolk' Brig Nancy, Reed, arrived at '7..ns, 1 < July..::- ' - J r - " ,; • • - vv s"kc &ip Gambrevium, arrived at Ham 46rgh, irjth Mfy, from th : s port. -' ; .• . Ship Ghar 'otte, Jufitce, frm Nsrfclk,hti arrived at Cori. ' ■ ■ YetlerAay failed from this port, and left San dy Hook at-3 o'eloct P. M. -with af.rfh Irecze at W. S. W. ' Tie fliip Eagle', Cooper, for Virginia. Brig Ceres, 0 Conner, for Cadiz, Gibral tar and Malaga. Brig Nancy, Taylor for Cadin. Union, Burke, fur Neiu Orleans. ', > ' su « o (I David and George, for KtngHon, Jamiaca. B itijh brig Lord Duncan, Ov.-rend, fr St. Vincents. And another brig, name not recollected. Norfolk, July 27. 7he Retaliation captured again .' Last evening arrived in town capt. Jofept} Gandy, 14. days from St. Bartholomews ; by him we, are informed that 10 days to windward of St. Bartholomews, the U. S sloop ot war Merjiroack, fell in with and captured, the Retaliation' French privateer, just out of Gnadaloupe, with 150 men on board. The United States fhlp GangfSi lia3 al« so taken and frnt into St. Bartholomews, the brig Little George, of Boston, 31 days out from Bourdranx, bound to St. Thp ma's, her was felling at St. Barthojq mews, *#* The Editor of tbis Gazette, hjii/ig received several letters expressing a desire 10 be ascertained oj bis intention t continie in bis present occupation, takes this oppirtur.i ---t) tq mention, that be Las relinquished bis design of declining it, and tbat the Gazette of the United States Will still be continued us heretofore by John Ward Fenno. A T a court of common pleas h*ld at Union town for the county of Fayette, the fourth Monday of June, in the year of our Lord one thonfand seven hundred and ninety time, before the Judges of the lame court— On the petition of JOHN WILSON, praying that the aft of Afiembly providing that the per* Ton of a debtor shall not be liable to impri/in meht after delivetiug up his eflate for the use of his creditor', maybe extended to him i the court appoist the firft day of next term to hear the peti tioner and hi< crediteri, and order that be give his creditors public notice hereof in Fenno'a Philadel phia paper and in Yunt ana Brown's Baltimore paper, for one week, ending at Icaft four weeks before the day of hewing, and that he also give to ]chn Gillelpic and Jacob AirWt perso nal notice in writing to be served at lcaft fifteeri days previous to the hearing. By the court, RPHRAIM Proth'y atignft * » d6t ; ptoUats Reward* BKOjOuW; of tfew F*Mt3# for the City ui) i , Oa«»tf *f,PhDiddfhU, on UMNWht of the "■ . DANIEL. n An friQimaa, iba»t 3 » fctu of age, f.fett Jtm 8. mehftl higb. fitl «rt)«d fare; ttarfe hair, j&ftf a.d»w» teok MBvilUd iatht county of Beriri " Alnw J o.» iTic at A-*#'"fr'.-• A SM**, of ,Ch>t«h (Kliii ofcmtt**- |w|6ei iiude ; loB ) r«ir»ge, kcvrjxl* I*MK itaw^lckS, or %*. ."■■■■. " - "'. . mittinga burglary at the Hc-Jic ol J (J. Koch—■ The above reward will be paid for the uc m j tVho for fide'* ?oiar,«Mp" W'" :; #• J ; T lSt'' . .* >V.' . . -■ JL«_ ■■v, i ~t ; *