' 7 i '.. 2jotics is bct sby given, ; '*l MJAT iVpsiM'e |>r«-,Hii'.U wtl b* Kc«iv*cl at X the office of the of the' Depart ment of War, until ft.e expiration p+ the 15th of July next ensuing, fcr the supply of a'.l ra tions, which in ay. he required for the use »f the Uhiieil Sraus, from the firft day of O&otier, t79^ v to the thiitieth day of September, 1800, btith days inclusive, at theplaees and within the two <]il!i '(3s herein after firft mentioned ; and . illlb thst separate proposals will be received at | the fait} offire until the expiration ot th'c I.sth day of July m\; ensuing, for the fi'ppiy of ajl rations which may be required as afmefa'.d, from the firfl. day of January in the year 1800, to the thirty, firft day of December in the fame year, both days incluGve, at the place and witlr in the several ilates herein after mentioned, viz. Firji—Propolals to supply all ratibns, that may be required, at Ofwego ; at Niagara ; at P-efqulfic ; at M chilimackinac ; at Fort Frank 'in ; at Le Rceuf ; at Cincinnati ; at INcqu? town, and Loramies ftorcs ; at Fort Wayne; at Fort Defiance ; at any place below Fort Defiance, on the Miami river to Lake Rrie , at Fort Knox, and Ouatanon 011 the liver Wabafi) ; at Maffjc ; at any place or places on the east fide ef the river Mississippi, above the mouth of the river Ohio, and upon the Illinois river. Second—Propyls to supply aril rations that may be required, ar any place or places, on the east fiar of the MifTifiippi ri«er, below the moot!; cfth« river Ohio to the southern boun dary of the ftjte of Kentucky and within the said ilate ; at KnoxviUe ; at all otter polls and places ■vv.h'm the fate of TennefTee ; at South V.'eft Point ; at Tellico B!"ck-houfe, at St. Stephens on the river Tombigty and any place or plan s within the Cherokee boundaries ; be low the fruthern Hsundary of the ilate of Ten n«Tce and within the boundary of the United States. 'Third—Proposals to supply all rations that lpay be required, at at Coleraine ; at Savamah, and at any other placs or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the ilate of Georgia ; at all forts or ilatipt)s«on the Ofonneeand Alatamiha, ind at a'.l other places in the Creek Nation, within s he li-nits of the United States, where troops are or may be stationed. Fcr,irtb —Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Fort Johnson.at Fort Pim k »ey, at Charleston, or at any oilier place or places where trcops are or may be stationed, mar; he« ur recruited in the ilate of Soirth Ca rolina Fif'.ij— Proposals to fnpply all rations that ma\ he required at the Fort at Wilmington, Cape Fcsr ; ft Bear n liland, Ocracock ; at (.' f.e ; .it : ay.'tteville, at Salibury, or at any other place or places where troops are or tns" ' ■; f»att ned, marthed er recruited in the flste of North Carolina. Sixth- -Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at Norlolk, at Portsmouth, at Kempfville, .it Charlotteville, at Winehefter, at Sta;iiftfin,.at Richmond, at Alexandria, at Leef burj, at iWlerickibuig, at Carterfville, or at any other place or places where troops are or, in v be Rationed, inarched or recruited, m the ftateofVigi ia. Seventh —Proposals to ftipp'y all rations that may bu required at Fort M'Heftiy, at Baltimore, at Ai.n.ipol®, at Frederick town, at Leonard town, at Hj'U-rs town, at Blaceniburg, at George toiW), - <6 f i, « we ma ? *■' • 1 within the State' o & y M-s- * 'fefttotfttMtte, x #fc' *** ft V > ke II ' / Jfs,'■? •■• ■ ftqiflted-indiio *t> e »fi CHWtE itfll*.?**rf t»»-.fiW».fo! ' i»«v Wtired r»Mon», f«>p «s «ird aid a /'jWJteVrpt .» '•. c «4e ■ ■ »*A». FWJj o; •o^ei'ardtnt fpi ' ■• riti bar M7 tmndrcd - '- wKton*. 'W Pri« of •» ' r - , 'fit* ~ *i or ,»l*ewiativ«s ior p«ru aJT Wfarnifted in ftth ipMntitfen / . s*U)i£tteK&U dßfing the term tf v * 's**s*&fW >e fefficieix for toe con. {' s * tr, w■■ ■ V I -fe.. r ■nf sumption ot tUetrodpsat Michill .-lackirr..vuetrou i Niagara and ()fu\v<), fcr lis. m< rths in advances,, and at each oF rhc orSfCr posts on the western wa ters, for at least three months in of £ r od and whoifffomc prcvi'tou*, if th* lamcftiai) be re quired. It n alio to be permitted to all and cvc: y of th; commandants of fortified places, or pods to call for at seasons when the lame can be trans ported, or at anytime in cafe ol urgency, fueh fup phVs of like provisions in advance, as in the discre tion of the commandant shall be deemed proper. It is to be nnderftood that the contra &or is to be at the expeuce and rifle o! ifluing the fnpplies to the troows, and that all losses, fuft&ined, by the depredations of an enemy, or by r*£ans of 'he troops «f tUc United States, (hall be paid for at the price o< the article captured or destroyed, on the depofittons of two or more per (bus of creditable characters, and the certificate of a comxniflionGd officer, aftertaimng the of the loss, and the amount of the article®, for which comp«n faricn fhal! be claimed. The privilege is to be undf rftood to be rcfcTVed to the United 6tam of requiring, that none of ths fappKet which may be furnifhed under any of th propoftd cortraiflsfhaU bciffued, ui.lii the iupplit which have or may be furnilhed under contraAs now in force have been consumed, and that a I'up ply in advance may be always required at any of the fixe pasts on the S«a-bo.*.rd or Indian frostier* not exceeding three months JAMES M'HENRT, Secretary of War. mcrch ig Several good "Nurses WANTED. FIVE of Six capable NURSES may meet with immediate Employ at the public ALMS-HOUSE, On producing f.iti3(aislory reccnimtndaitOTf. — Married Men ami Womtn ueu d be preferred. Pcrfor.s acquainted with Inhabit: chara&era, are particularly requeued to fend them without delay to LUKE W. MORRIS, or CHAKLES PLEASANTS, Committee of the Managers. July jj dSt ON THURSDAY, The ist of August next, at 8 o'clook in tbe evening at toe Merchants Coffe House, WILL BK. SOLD, A COUNTRTSEAT. SITUATE in the manor of Moorland, Montgon - «ry county near to Thomas Longllrcrh's Pap«r mill, and not far diWant fioni the Newton road, and about 15 miles from Philadelphia.—containing i i.j acre* of Land, on which is a good two Cory (lone dwelling house, frame Gable&c on this p act is a large garlen with ev ry kind of vegetables and a good bearing orchard of the belt grafted rult, ages ja pounders ia cwt. each. I com -4 (hurt 18 pound carrojiades. J plcte. Round, Double headed atid Caanifler hot, English Cannsn Powder, Cutlafles and Boarding pikes, Mulketsand Pistols, Iron Ciow Bars. JLSO, for sale, }MV«nna S^R jurfe 18 . dim FOR SALE, Pine Forge and Farm, SITUATE in Douglas Townfbip, Berks county, about one mile and a half from the River Schuyl kill, and five (rem Potts Town. The I arm con tains three hundred and «xty acres of land, about one hundred and twenty of which is wood land ; twenty-five acres of meadow, firteen of which is watered, besides clover fields; a very capital orch ard containing upward; of two hundred apfle trees. The forge has four firm, two hammers, and four pair of bellows, is in complete order, having l«en lately repaired, and is capable of manulsiluring two hundred and forty tons of bar irea annually— Likewise, a saw Mill, smith {hop, two coal houses, and a fufficieot number of houf s to accoir.n.odate workmen, all in good order On th< prtmifes are a two (lory (tone dwelling houfn and counting house (lone barn and stables fufficient for thirty horses, a large grain barn, cow houfe,and every other build ing necessary fnr the use o! the farm and works. Also about five hundred acr-s of excellent chef not timber land from 3 to 5 n ilesfrom the works; which will be fold either with the works or fuper arc, as may fuit'the purchaser. The pure' afer can be accommodated with wag gons, horfea, and every otheifW|d of flock neces sary for carryirg on the bufinels. - The turflis may be known by applying to JOHN CLEMEN I" STOCKER,,Efq merchant, Philadcl phia, or to the fuirfcriber on the premifce. DAVID BUTTER. July Patent Ploughs, TO be fold for cast |>y Joseph Salter it Atfioft Richard Wells, Cooper's ?erry—Jonathan Marker, Woodbury—aiffl Jefle Evans, Lumber ton, Those who have used them give them the preference to my ovhcr kind, as they require lefsteam, brei* the ground bstter.. are kept in «rder at lei's expence and are fold at achsaper rate —the plan is much Amplified and confiitsot bul one piece of cast Iron, •with the handles and beam «f wood ; they may befixed with wrought lays Did coulters to b« put on with screws and taken off at pleasure Patent lights for vending wkhinftruilicrs for making them may be had by 3j plying to John Newbold, of the fubferiber Ho. 21?. JVorth Front-flrect Who bar for Salt; Or to Lceft for a tmm eft can, A R'.nnber ol valuable tram Sir Morton Eden, R. B. dated Vienna, May 23. I have the hstior of iiicloiing three Ex traordinary Gazettes of this pliicc, with the tranlfocions, together with the translation of an article in the Ordinary Gazette of yefter !ay ; and sincerely congratulate your Lord fliip on the happy tun) of affairs in the Cri sis apj the Ijttle Gannons, which muflcen tribute sb elthitially to the further success f the campaign in Italy, and to greatly faci iitate the operations of the Ruffian army, which entered this country on the ijth inft. ,tnd of that under the command of tlie Aich ■ uke (- May 30. Weans told, that Ministers have receiv ed fonie French papers, by which they learn that the Brest fleet, so long the objeft of (peculation and search, had fafely palled the Gut ot Gibraltar, and had aftually arri ved in the B;ty of Toulon. Private letters by the cartel from France, give pofirive alFurancts, that the efforts of the Dire&ory, to excite an enthusiasm and fury against the Auflrian Government on ac count of aflailination at Raftadt, have wholly failed. The recital of that unfortu nate deed ha? produced no sensation in tlie people, nor it the Government likely to dc rivt froin it wfcy lupport. The fc-indalous, the (hallow attempt to implicate the Archduke in thf crime,- will not aid their views His Highnefs's chancer and noble aflions place him above tl* fuiptcion of the raoft weaken ed Republic at), Monfitui's interview with his Majesty is fiiid to have been for the purpole of deliver ing confidential letters from Louis XVIII. containing advices from Paris, favourable to a restoration of Monarchy in France. Letters from the Continent mention that Lord Nelson has landed a body of troops at Savona, on the Gf noefe territories. The Emperor ofHufiia keeps a formidable army in readiness. to ejead tl* neutrality of thoic Powers *b© do not Join the coalition. The removal of General Suwarrow's head quarters to Earia seems to announce that his plan is to attack the remains of Moreau's «rmy, which, according to the conje&urcs of hose best vcrfed in millitxry movements, has taken a ftrongpofition upon the Bormida, or to advance on the fide of Ger.oi, to pre vent Macdonaid from effecting a junction with Moreau. In this cafe, the only step Macdonaid can take, is to retreat by the coast, by the way of Corneigha ; but then he inuft entirely abandon his baggage and ar tillery, for even the troops themselves can only pass one by one, and with tlie greatest difficulty, Thus Moreau's army, deprived of' 15,000 men from the South of Italy, and 10,000 men which Lacourbe sent him from the Engadine, who are cut offby the capture of Novarra, is 'educed to about 15,000 men ; of courfc, he will be obliged to withdraw the garrisons from Modena, Vercelli, Bcc. and will be unable t'o leave flrong garrisons at Tortona, Alexandria, lec. This morning arrived a mail from Halifax, brought to Falmouth by the Harlequin pack et in 27 days. Lord Duncan leaves town to-morrow, to re-hoist his flag in Yarmouth Roads. w&ftf FRANCE. COUNCIL OF FIVE HUNDRED. 26 Florejl, MAT 15. Rerlier made the following report, in the name of the Financial Commiflion :—" In circiiwfUnces less urgent than the present, it would l ave been fufficient for y< ur Commis sion to furnifh you with the result of the report which was made to you yesterday But when our wants are real, it would be a criminal inattention to be silent upon the in efficiency of the revenues, and not to occu py ourselves immediately on the means ior supplying- the Lctir.it. We have no other power over past depredations than to submit them to a ilritt enquiiy. Would you be lieve that in the month of last Vendemiaire, before the requifitionifs and confcvipts were called into aftion, the accounts for the pay ment ef ti.e trccps were calculated at the rate of 437,000 men irira&uttl fcrvice, -without including the troops in Egypt and in Hol land ? Would you boheve, that to Complete the number of 68,000 cavalry, it was nccsf lary to purchase 40,000 horlcs ? The Corn million would deem ltfelf unworthy of vour confidence, and guilty of treal'ou against the nation, if it did not propofc to you to de mand of the Directory, byamefiage, docu ments properly detailed, for the purpose o. tracing the authors ot so many calamities— We have been informed by meflages ot the existence of a conliderr.hle deficit. It thi Direftory fifties that the public fervie fhoutd be carried 011, .we alio desire it. Imoc the instant at which the republican troop saw their valour betrayed—from tlx inllaii when intclligar.ee ot' the execrable crime committed at Raftadt by order of ch House of Austria, wasannouneeu iliruugh out the republic—when a general cry m heard of " Vengeance ! Men ! Money ." nume'rous battalions were levied on all fide: and organised ; but thsir courage Would be impotent, if It were not to be rendered i;fe ful by pecuniary resource?. Shall we laife a war tax ? The affirmative cannot be doubt ed. Shall this tax be imposed on presume; properties ? Such a nieafure would be arbi trary and unjust. ti *ould open the dooi to a number of recriminations, and com plaints would experience delays, audits pro du& would be uncertain and of little value. The tax impofedby the neceflhy of war and national vengeance, which the commission is about to submit to you, is placed upon the following grounds t. " There (hall be raised a tehth by the livre in addition to the landed contribution. This resource will produce 21 millions. a. " There dial! be raised a tenth by the livre in addition to the personal coatribution which (hall commence with the indigent class, but this addition fhallbe pro'reffive and pro portionate to the different chlTes of the per sons The produdt is estimat ed at 15 mimoris. 3. " The lafl rate made with refpe&to the contribution for and windows shall be doubled. The poor who have only two opening's to their dwellings ihall oe excepted. The produft is calculated at from 6 to 7 mil lions. 4. " Augmentation of a tenth by the li vre on the registering of article's. The amount 2 millions and a half for the remain der of the year. 5. " Augmentation of the duty on pofl letters. A taxed at 6 fliall pay 9 sous. The produtt 2 million:.. 6. " Augmentation of the ftnmp duties. Amount 2 millions. V s •< —Thtfe branches of additional contribution do net rife to any, arbitrary meafurei, and ■will product about 5 <3 millions for the 7tS year. But as this sum does upt complete that which is demanded by the Directory, it shall be filled up by a deduction of the sala ries of public officers, and by ceconomy and i the retrenchment of ajl ul'elefi exprnCes. The Commifiion is engaged in attending with the greatest vigilence to the last objeft. The country, threatened as it is, requires the exertion of all its resourceS ; but it is particularly by re-cftabliffiing order and «- r jnomy in all the branches of adminiltration, that the public spirit will be enabled to arise with vigour from that kind of apathy into which it is plunged. When it shall thmbe reftoredto its original energy, it will find •- very lacrifire light, imposed upon it by the fafety of the State."—-The Reporter then proposed the following projefts » 1. " AMeffage (hail be sent to the Di re&ory demanding ciccumftantial accouts of the Adminiftra;io:i df the Ex-Minifler Sche rer, of the exaggeration of the expences of his Ministry during the firft fix months of the 7th year, and of the caufrs of the de fed which exited in the nominal and aftu» a! force of the armies when hostilities were resumed." The qreftion was loudly called, and unani maufly adopted. I. " The Commission charged with ren dering an account of the refponGbility of Mi nisters, (hall make its report within a de cade." The queflio.n being called for by a great number of Members, the refolutiou was alio agreed to. 3. " All public and civil Officers, whose salary is beyond 3000 livrcs, ftnll be liable to a drawback of 5 per cent, for tlie firlt 3000 livres, and of 10 per cent, on the remain der." This resolution (hall be applicable to the representatives of the people, to the Mem bers of the Directory, to the Members of the Diplomatic Body, to the Adminiflrators, &c. With refpett to inferior salaries, no thing (hall take place derogatary from the existing laws. It was unaoimouily adopt ed. The other projeih are to be printed, and the discussion is tabe opened after distribu tion of them. Podlan Grandpre read the commencement of a report on the conduit of the Commiffi otier3 of the Tre-alary during the 7th year, but the conclufton was adjourned till to- morrow. A Mrffage from the Elders.llated the elec tion of Syeye* to replace Rewbell in the Di rectory. Out of 20; votes he had 103. The next to him were Citizens Duval, Gohii er, Lanibrechts, and Charles Lacroix. After the appeal nominal for the installa tion of the new Members, Jean D-bry wa* chosen President. On taking the oath of hatred to Royalty,- he made a speech, in which he affirmed that neither Priefls n' Legtflafors and lVucfiors, the public voice aicufcs the Ex ,s ihc caufc (four calami tic i unci our re. -eifes, firft as Miuifter, and r«::ta6Ceneral. 1 his man, as i'lly as he is cowardly, was battle of the sth of April, and he left it on. ly at the ir.omer.t, wlit 11 the General < f Ar tillery caused the guns to be fired against iht there was a part of the Em my's Army." Alter a short discussion, the Addruls was referred to the Dirvdory. VIENNA, May 18. Captain Vimmer of the regiment of Lob. kowitz cavalry, arrived here yesterday from Field Mai fhal Sawarow, with tjje following aicount ot" his further apt-rations : As every account agreed that the enemy hud only a small garrifun in Tojjtona, Field Marlhal Suwai'row ordered Prince J'atijjr.iid. on, who was at Pav ia, to Croft th-- Po with, out delay with the advanced guard, coriift. iug of a regiment of cbaffeurs, two battel.* ions of k'renadieu, two bsulionsof infantiy and two regiments of Coffacfes, under tfiC command of Gencrifl Crckow. ,'I hev pafled tt.e river .near C diers, anil a iquadron of Lohkowitz, ■ysdrt the orders of Colonel Spannchi, and with the afiiftance of the inhabitants, who at heart are faithful to their king, the gate was forced notwithftanuinsj the fire from the cinuel.—. Thus fell the i'ortrefs of Tortona, the key of Piedmont. The Ruffian General, Prince Gortxikow, witncfled their operation. The troops were received withihouts of joy by the liihaL L:ar.ts- The town was illuminated tlic whole night, and the ne>:t day (the lotli) High Mai's and Te Drum were sung at the churches. There were but few cannon in the tcv.-n. The enemy, 700 ftrortg', have retired to the citadel, which is blockidtd by 4 battalions', and the works are already begun. The enemy left them ;