file B.ftnt!) c* tlie £nis, near ifcliat ii called tK V>'"ats, a fdiali flotilla of Englidi armed vefLls is arrived. LINDAU, May 16. This n:»riiing 4 companies of Frelich troops have again been taken prisoners. A corps, confiding of some battalions, has been surrounded in such a manner by the Atiftri ans and the peasants, that it cannot tfcape* In the upper Grifon country all the people are in itifurre'&ion, in short, the whole Gri son country i, conquered. LEMBURG, April 17. According to letters from Riiflia.the Em peror has resolved to colleft another numer ous army, on his frontiers, to employ them wherever it may be necessary. LONDON, May 31. TkjOKAPARTE'S idea of tranquillizing E jrVM reminds «s of the fpe S «un, jitUifie-. the fnp poiiU 'ii that they are going thither in the firft in fiance to faciliat e their jun&ion with the Cadi' fleet The (hips that failed from Feirol, having miffed the French, have put into the road f Aix, where the troops are Undid, and are to be employed in the inte rior of the country, probably to serve in the French garrisons, in order to enable them to ifpatch their own troops to the reinforcement of their armies in Switz rland an Italy.— These are not the only troops that seem def lincd for this purpose. Numbers of Span ilh regiments an marching down to the pcrts of the Bay of Bifcsy, and particular to wards St. Sebaltian, and other places near the French frontier, from whence it is un derftond they a e to be Cent into France.— The Spanilh militia are also marcM'ng down to th* and » confi iera'.ile body of troops are afftmbled at Corunna, of which an Irifli officer. Gen. O'Far.el, has the com tnand. This c : rcumftance seems to counten ance the idea that the armanent is Rill final ly dellined against Ireland ; and it i# upon these appearances that those who still fuppote the expedition to be direftcd joice to find that the movements in Spain did not escape the unremitting vigil ince of Earl St. Vincent, who, it seems coliedted all his ships, and had afiually with him 21 fail of the line. Those who know the noble Admiral will not readily believe that the French will be able to pass him unobfer Accounts fiom the fleft off the T«xei state, that the most busy preparations were on making for the failing of the Dutch [qvudron, which ihtn con lifted of iy f iil of the line. There were two other veffeld of like denomination in a state of confiderablt foiwarduefs. Dickfot.'s fleet comprised the Monarch, and Gangrs, of 74 gnns, the Monmouth, Ar dent. Agame 1 non, America, Bellqueux, Nassau, Oite&or. Veteran,and Prince Fred eric, of 64, and Madras, of 54. Whatever may be the grand and definitive object of the fleet which hat failed from Bred a co-operation iseafily perceptible in the vas sal ports 61 Holland and Spain. In the Texel, it fleet of 12 fail of the line and fri gates is ready for sea, apparently expettinp the arrival of an external fore: to deliver it from the blockade in which it has been so long held by our Iquadron in the North Seas; at Cadiz, private accoun:s have already in formed us that the French force wasexpett ed there ; and it is now added, that it is tp bring with it officers to take the command of the Spanifl) fliips. It is noteafy to believe the Spnnifh character can have so rapidly de clined, and funk into thegulph of cowardice and treachery, fhould wantonly de liver up the fleet and arfeoal of their country to their eppreffors. It in nil be considered as proceeding from the proud and unblemish ed chara&ercf their nation, and their hor ror ef the very name and furfac? of treach ery, that they did not dispose of their fleet in a very different manner, and join with the British colors to revenge the injuries and the insults thf.y reluctantly submit to from the intrigues of their court, and the want of energy in their Sovereign. Extract of c Utter fromEhintur, May 29. " By a letter from Bergen of the 20th ult. we learn, Le Tonnier, French lu /£ cr P r ' lv «tecr, 0: Dunkirk, capt. Norton, 0 z® guns and 30 men, had arrived tliere, and reports that 36 other privateers were ready to fail from J)unkirk, and 14 to be eouipped 11, a Iho. t time. Letters from Got tenbuw ilk mention the arrival there of fe vrral French privateers, for provisions, &c. T) I''j n '~^ acre r -h? French deputies at Raftadt twist he deplored as one of the heavi . J..Q rai.,. ur.lpnked tor misfortunes which t ' &t t ." s tlme > ' iave happened to En cuife'cf ih&-a% CUly un P rofital,le to the ■; I' C ' ll '" re wh ° to have committed t, Lut profitable ,n the highelt degree to the i . nnjr government and trembling ufnrp t' ( : rrane f- The Direaorv v. ill not fail mot „;x,„ manifefto, and tail X'"r v ted c " ile p ubii,; r^v w! » ch iuy hive never hitherto refpsdk-d, and upon y c 1 i'- ail< -- annihilation of which they "p'i f ai ' ' ' rcrn usurpation to ofurpatior, and :rom W k(Lcre to toW. That lav,; , 1 ,'7 1,1,ve trampled 0 n j,t Pttris by tae expmfiou and !i;>pnfomne;.t of foreign TBh. ,:, is, t'.ey will invoke to aveng; the of -v.". t 0 aWj w hich they have BiSttsiJ out in tl.s gore of the Swiss at UndcrwaW, and which they have Iwept off in torrents 01, human blood where* e«-er their arms and their crimes have carried them, they will now appal, and in its name, p(,rhap?, arouse and animate anew the jaded enthuiiafm of their wretched countrymen. A fingl*a& of barbarity committed against those who have driven civilization from the world, who have rendered their own nation ferocious and bloody, who have, by the sub tlety of their perfidious fophi£ms, and the groffnefs of sensual feduftions, corrupted and depraved the human chara&er itfelf, and degraded man and the dignity of his nature , one single deed of retaliation, though from private hands, and the avarice cr fury of banditti—one aft fef vengeance for a series of oppreflions— one example of their own contagion,—one unhappy comment upon their own doftrines afid pratUce, may turn the tide of opinion ; and drefled up in the exaggerated colours of an eloqjent prrver fion, may arm the reliques of their popula tion against the the world, who mourn and detest the crime, and are punifti ing the criminals. MILAN, May 12. Proclamation of Field-marshal Suivaro'.u. " Nat'ioss of Italy ! " Take up arms ; unite under banners which are fighting for God and the Faith ; and you (hall triumph over perfidious ene mies. The army of bis Majesty our most exalted Emperor and King are fighting (pro voked by the French) and (hedd'mg their blood in defence cf our holy religion, for the recovery of your property, and the re-efta blilliment cf your former government. Do not the French demand every day inimenfc funis of you 1 do they not command uncom mon requisitions !—And all is under the chi merical name of liberty and equality, which are even so painful to the heads of families, deprive them of their dear children, and force them to take up arnu and fight against your lawful your loving father and most zealous defender ? Nations, be of comfort! There is a God who protects, and armies who defend you.~Sep the number of troops'. See a new complete army sent by the allied Emperor of Russia ; behold those prudent nations, every where full of enthu iiafm, to terminate the bloody war in the molt speedy manner.—That faithful, nume rous army, conlifting of brave warriors, comes to deliver Italy. Fear nothing ; wheresoever the armies combating again ft the French Republic fliall come, you shall fee tfie laws restored, religion exalted, and private and public tranquility revived, which has been for this three years past under a heavy yoke. The faithful ministers of reli gion, too, fliall be reinstated in their oftiies and property. But hear ! should there ever be found awong you one so perfidious, that (hall ejther take arms against our Sovereign, or favor in any manner the enterprises of the French Republic—such a perfidious man shan immediately be (liot, without >egard to birth, rank, office or condition ; and his fa mily, houses and property (hall be perfecu 'ted and destroyed. Your prudence, nati ons of Italy gives hopes that being -now con vinced of the justice of the cause, you will furnifh no occafiou of infli&inglthoferigorous measures and irremiflible puniflmients, but that you manifeft proofs of your fidelity and attachment towards lo beneficent and lov ing a sovereign. (.Signed) I..SUWARROW. tftfs 3>ap'S , hv another n'ii'oonier—thjft of Pha tiuel Birli op, ir.frcad of Phatniel Bi-ftiup.— | Why then Ihoolil not the rule of 1787, ope rate in .1799 • is gfeneraTty, thought his fner.dfhip for our fed?ral government js "no greater than it was for the government of this state. Ycfterday the Constitution frigate, of 44 guns, capt. Talbot, failed on a cruile, with a leading "wind. The BoflcH frigate, of 32 guns, capt. Little, will-fail this day on a cruise, wind and weather permitting. NEWBURTPORT, July 23, Vhe Report of the Health Committee. 7he fiifcrilert appointed a committee of Health having attended to the luflneft ajjigned them—make the following report viz. Jinee the Ift injl. 9 per fens have died of a malignant Fever in this town ;—8 uoiu remain Jicl —of vjhom 3 are dangerous, at reported by the fevetal PhyHtians. Jona. Boardman, Joseph Whittemofe, Greeftleaf Clark, Benjamin Wyatt, Robert Laird, Phillip Coombs. Monday Evening, "July 22, '99■ ALEXANDRIA, July 25. The schooner Thomas, Capt. Jaft-pli S;til3ford, of this port, arrived here-yc lie relay from Surinam, after a passage of 19 days. To the friendly care of Capt. Sandford, and Mr. Johu Mrwre, the Supercargo. I am in debted for a lift of Amcritan vessels laying at Paramaribo when (lie failed, I ha*e also re ceived from the polite attention of Capt. James Crowd Hill who cairn pafienger in the Thomas a full account of the of the schooner Cornelia, of this port, by a French privateer (loop. The Cornelia was commanded, and partly owned, by Capt. Crowdhill, and was taken as (he was .enter ing the river to go up to port.—The priva teer which had taken the Cornelia had also captured the following veflels The Brig George, Higgins, Baltimore ; the schooner John, Yard, Philadelphia ; and the brig Indu stry, Verry, Boftoa—The lift of veflels, the particulars lefpefling the captures, and seve ral other remarks (hall appear in the next Mirror. AUGUSTA, July 6. The anniversary of American Indepen dence was celebrated at this place in a man ner becoming the patriotic aeal of its inhabi tants—The Richmond county regiitoent un der the fommand of lieutenant colonel Wat kins, paraded at Campbell's green in the mor ning, and after performlflga variety cf mili tary evolutions, marched in order to St. Paul's Church, where, at the request of the volunteer corps, an eloquent and patriotic oration was cklivered by Willian: J. Hobby, Esq. to a large and approving audience. From thence the military marched to the Fe deral where a federal salute clofcd the evolutions of the day. The volunteer corps of Artillery and Light Infantry with their guests fax dawn to an elegant dinner which had been prepared so the in at major Durkee's, where the following toasts were drank accompanied by music and alternate firing of cannon and platyons. The President of the United States. Our illustrious commandeV in chief, Gen. j George WaQiington. Timothy Pickering—May we ever 1x- J mindful of his energy in uniting application with talents, to oppose the prostitution ot American liberty to Gallic d^Tpotifffl. The riling n;ivy of the United States. The people of the United States—May they never court a fraternal embrace from the boioni in whit h a dagger is concealed. The American youth—May their soldier- Iv vigitarce convince the myrmidons of France, that they know how to defend their rights, against the encroachments ef law less conqiteft and ambition. The Army of the United States—May American glory be their objefls, and the affe&icnsof a grateful people their reward. May American hemp be the reward ofdo meftic traitors, and American bullets the por tion of external foes. Captain Truxton, may his excellent les sons of American braveiy,be a presage to an acknowledged superiority of American sea men, New -The Amnion Eagfej toay W ftreijgth of itstalaijfc bedifplay, , Do. the jth Instalment only 6j e ovv P sr EafKlndia Company of N. A. par. Land Warrant?, 30 dolls, per 100 acres. COURSE OF EXCHANGE On London, 51 at 30 days 50 at 6c a 9° a T* Amfterdnm, 35 a 37-100 .per florin Hamburgh 30 15a -100 per Mark Banco, The be ft guarantees of the security and honor ci the United Str.tes, as Prince I.u gent faia of the Pragm :iic sanction, are a good army and navy, soldiers well disciplin ed, and appointed, fortresses well provided, and the finances in good order. This was the sentiment of a sagacious and highly ex perienced officer ; how then does it happen, that an army and navy, soldiers well disci plined, fortressei well provided, and the fi nances in good order, to support and main tain these establishments, have been, and still are opposed by the different tribes of Democrats ? Committee. These partisans of France do not relax, although their object has become visible as the fun at noon-day, in tterj part of the Union. Some write common place Philippics again ft the army and navy ; a lesser fry, glean, distort and relate, in news-papers of their own kidney, little ajjrays between individual officers and cititens ; others of still smaller capacity employ themselves to tut up drum beads by stealth, and impede th« recruiting serviot, by malicious reports and insinuations ; while Duane openly in his writings, and orations, encourages the brigands to prepare for a trial of strength, and embodies a corps of men, unformed a la Francois. fc verstis, SenifHrr > Semper Ef*., ' yWf..^- Fußy.» «xp}iijß» I 'KoiClfc 1 ' »Hl ttkt fro& bhift» 3fe - « fc*en««i>ktfwiiwi«m4 .. *#■)!». feiNTrtwaaiSMwtaa^ nihety ttiW» cfatf t»£ vitii iii tbat perioa *i« Rt* ,cn&'joM»> fa W* ItittWtlfen Ujsflf; a<* CW»M tttHgc •.. oi4tat»iW<4 ;.' tiite «sta-: ; •i»6 iwifc'-'lffewf *»7 w«naeit, 4ijd. itvi-dtfifle, On fctc csrd, *l6 wkflfc flPBt atfthmfcto* ■ _. ; '. eri Sbwwle^edqiKniK ' corrl-ftpeli v - io 'the . adduiva 'of >. .-*'■> . 17 1 wo Sifters, Darnell, St. CrofX 18 Sloop Vauquier, Duboife, prize to tb' CLEARED. SJtip Adriana, Fletcher, London Brig Ajigullus, Smith, St. Jago dc Cuba Liilie John Butler, Smith, Havanna Schr. Winfield Packet. M'Nearn, Norfolk Sloop Friendlhip, Brown, Cape Francois A brig in fight of the Fort, name unknown The Delaware (loop of war, capt. Baker, with fix fail under convoy for she Wind ward idands, went to sea on Tuesday last. Arrived, brig Polly, Makins, 56 days from Hamburg. Sailed from thence the day before the Two Sitters, Watson, already arrived. On the 19th tune, !ai. 49 lonK -22. was boarded by the BritiflvFrigate Ze bra, who informed that he left Cork the iotli June, and that the British fleet under the ci*i mand of Lord St. Vincent's had chafed the French fleet in;o Toulon, and had ift-rwards been joined by 16 fail of the lme. Capt. M.came iuto the Capes on Saturday morning ; fa* a number of inward bound velTcl*, namct unknown. A (hip btlow, fnppofed the Camilla, frcin Canton. Brig Lfceilf, . frora Surinam labe ls*. ■*T*" ij/3 to 4d 11/4 Si 9/" . 15 to 16 ,V > V VICE VERSA, ALIAS Capt. DampV.y. of the Delaware, 4 ts "'H, inlat. 43, 25, long. 48, fpStw Uis fliip P. rt Mary from Nev.v-York to Liver pool, out 14 days, all well. §hip Gallgher, of Fhilac;?- ! Blig Peggy, Msxwell, of da. to fail sos St. Scbaftians the 2d June. Sloop Elizit, Parker, from bence, has arrived at St. Kitts! J,;; Barque Triton, Spilker, failed from men 19th April. On the 13th May, lat.' 49, 3, long. 9, 19 spoke the btig Black Eagle, from London bound to New York. June 15, tat, 43, long, 56, spoke the fliip John Bulkley, Fletcher from Philadelphia toLifbon. 4th July lat. 37, 50, long, 64, 4. was boarded by the Camilla British sloop of war, Larkins, bound to Jamaica, July 20, lat. 38, 9, spoke the !h;p Hariiet, Martin, of and for Baltimore. If has arrived at Bremen. July 2t. k' BrigSallv and Betsey, Wor:h, liavanna Arrived {hip Martha, Prince, from Bar celona and Gibraltar ; brigs Mars, Orne, Barcelona, , St. John, Gadfhnll, Toba go ; fchr. Ranger, Attwicfe, 'fritndada; Sally, Rea, do ; Thomas, Thortidifce, do.; Four Sifters, Shilab.-r, St. Thomas. Gapt. Prince failed from Gibalter,6th June, in co. with the Herald, Skerry, of Boston. The day after they failed the He laid wis boarded by the Europa, Englilh < O ,;un fliip and was informed "they had fern an engage-, meiit, a few days before, between an Ameri can (hip and a French privateer, in fight of the Roclc, in which the privateer waj beaten off. The above (hip, and another, both from Alicant, went into Gibralter the night of the 6th, in life tw-yw' STW*iv4* mgj&r, y '""g; • iiSsF" t 'I J# CWirtu ' „ |*Meyjp* B»®» '■ 37 p»*» MMing* *piitk treasury department . May 2gti>, 1J99- THE proprietorsof certificate* ifTned for Alb re moiety of ti:eioms ex p-elTed in the fublciiption certificates cer tificates of Funded Stock will however be iffuei for left than "lie hundred dollars. Such fobfeription certificates as may be pre anted at the Tre-afury or-Loan Offices in cpn equence of the foregoing arrangement, will be ndoH'ed an'-l diftindly marked so as to duiow, tha* a'moety »f the stock has been issued. y OLIVER WOI.COT7, Secretary of the Treasury I . . SaUn* J of? 23- * t" '» , y < --V J - >»•. «V < » i -V , & ' V • • ' • / •- •. .V .*• > ) i" t •i < - f fciV -• r. . _ i