Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 26, 1799, Image 4

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    ■ iwxj-tKw. | SALE, IS OFFERED FOR SALE, PROPOSALS, I Not « 2. Half an hour ih.l; be alWej fa optl
, F&kTAG'N ATTACHMENT. By the Subicribers at No. S Chefnut ' (if speedily applied f.,)
i'.Kn Will. , -4 \TO ibJU i» hereby given street, the following articles, VIZ. A VAU/ABLE parcel of Land in Ann Arua- _ • 1 , « • n r. " Note 3. For ev„- Unit's delay (unavoidable ac<j.
OiarU-i -M-iitwv &/ IN that a Foreign Attach- ,fta ,d Ath uroof Soanifo Br Jt uv in i ires del comity, not far from the city of An- On the follows* PosT-ho.IDS, deals excepted) «. amvv.g alter ,ke tiroes prefcrib,*
r "" "r "• &Ja®T»JS3K«i* «»*~ ,ht «* wm* "™« d »«*O—JMM*- C.WSSAS«
. I general ( ""ft or the tern- CodfiJh. m do. On on. of Aefc trails a most .tegant VV ' sice in Ph.l.delphia, nnt.l <hc ,*U <b> ,„y Mail Xety «btt s dSf*
I evi MunftU. J to.y Norm weft oft be river Tnhjuvo in do two story brick Dwelling House, 4 rooms on a a « ruj .r iv* i i » *» aeitmed for
Ohio, at the luit or John Wilkins, Charles Wil Rice in tierces floor,beautifully (Ituated in an excellent and healthy 1 ' ' " C 1 • a,' uW' J- I**' 1 **' * ttoia^^ or^
kins diid Matchew trnsft, against the Lands and B UQ f in bb's and half bbls neighborhood—Thie body of Land will be fold V«u u > m'' ' 'SjcM i
TeaenteiSu;, Goods, Chatties and Ejfc&i, Right, M«k«el td" in lots or in a large body. There are fev.rr.l ten- / «• S»od.c by Machtas, Chandler's ■ river, N «.£ N
and Credits of Levi Munfell, and that »n!«fs the Spermaceti Candles in boxes, <•»«?" »» f * id frl <* whlch rsnt for fomethiug Columbia and Narraguagusto Goltlfboro , once deflrM ff> ca ,; y N ew spapers other "thaa thtle^v^*
f».d Levi fhull appear by hinifelf or attorney and Madeira Wine in pipeshaffpipes &qr.cafks conOderable per ann. A further defer.iptiw « a v.eek, el.imated eighty eight miles. Ed in the mail, for his own emolument, he must IW
give special bail to an.wjer the iuit of the said Claret, in cases, " deemed unncceflary. Apply to thepr.ncer. From April isth to Oflober istb—Leave Sloo- inh . s propo r 3 l s f or what fun, he will carrv it Wlt u '
fbnftitivjn gment will be entered agauiUh.m by j Bo,ton Sail Duck, Nos ra J. June t. iaw6w. die every Satur ayat j P.M. and arrive at (jokll thatemolumeuc ai.d lor what furo without that emo.
Default ~nd the property attached will be {old-for Rudia, ditto, (different Dualities,
the fcti«fa(shon of all creditors who iball appear to Rußia Hemp', * ' Leave Goldfbaro' every WedneHay at 5 A M Note 5. Shnuld any person making propofali def )re
be juflly iatit'ed to a demand thereon, and who 'OSEPH ANTHONY & Co. Jgm&SßZxm*), - l»d arrive at Sc'oodic on Satuiiiay by 10 •. M. ao .he times of arrival and departure a.
ibUi apply for that porpofs. Inly c * * itiwaw Yl « ■ri -J ' ****—— v Fr»mOsoier If, to April is~ Leave cii 00 bove fpecifi.-d, he mutt state in his propofalsthe ai; a .
DANIELSYMMES, Clerk- VOL*' ISPOT- . sS •' d c every Sunday at 2 p. M and arrive at Ooultli- j "ions defr d, «od the difference ihey will make in
L, of the General Ccurt. Received by the ship Adriana, captain Carl- | b<»io J or U'edn Slay bv 6 I'. M Ittc-ning — theteimaof ht* coot raft.
Cincinnati »t tor., Zvx London, I fßßpLeave G-.,V.W e'vcr'v Thu.,'i ty a. 6a. M. Note t. Perlo. . propofa s are desired (o
Nov-.-oS,. 3 jalyaj A «F i aifrf arrri*e at Scootlic on Sunday at 10 >. k. P"c« by the year Thofc who eont«ft
L-flKOt A.SSO-T .vri- N1 til I ..»■ •* ''< »'££ tATSX T- „ ~, ~~: ... wilt receive their pay quarterly, in the Bioatb* oi
fiUK ZAJ-.M., . ' Blue Hill, Calhne, Buckflon, Pl'Olpeit aiid , ;W ot ,-, Thi-«rin-raft« fir llic routes 'Mumbcrpd 1
Glasgow works & Farm, The Swift-Sure, SSJ.-ST" ~■—
SltuMe in Montgcm-'ry county, about one "5 A V-'rhc"' *'' **' ** J\tJ}lVTtVVfllf ?TAr Tf •} 'T ' l P rt l IS,to OSober Ij— Leave Gowldf- ißj:. Cootrafls for the routes Numbered 'O to ,6a, e
ipM* nd an half from Pott flown ' ' - i-ch-s. /j NE Iv
TUl 1 v* /*/l c j £ F9R SALE R2* NO'v running Bi TWFtN on Saturday by 10 A. M. Return- are to continue in force untd the ift of i<^os a
i lib b arm coniifts of upwards of GEORGE PEN NOCK, running bktwf*n Puekrrap eiery Saturday at 2 p.m. JOSEPH HABERSHAM.
eij'T: . hundred acres o; i;.nd, aiout two hundred july 8 eetf PHILADELPHIA fef OR.K, and arrive at Gouldlboro' the next Tucfday by Poftm jlcr Gen^rtjL
and fifty ,f which i, woodland; 'alarf* propor- FOR SALE 8 y the short and pleasant road of 6P " M " General Pojl Office, \ [l4]
tion ejf.'c- 1 ~nt watered meadow, besides clover t> VI AT ir'l? P , , From Oftobsr iz to April i? —Leave Gouldf- PL;/„ a V r At,. >i
ifielda, anxl a g.W orchird—There are about SIMOIS v/ALKER, BujlUton; Newtown, Scotch Plain s, Spring- bro' every Thur«ay 6a. m. and arrive at tla. June io. I 799-3 * lw J& tsl Sd
Tis acres or go6d'wheat and rye now in the Pine, near luftb-street, fold and Newark. Ducktrap on, Sunday hv io A. M. Returning, it \ u I T "T r. c 1
g r ■ -.nit' ; xjf jc-cs of indian corn and ij of iTTOOLWICH proof Cannon—9 pounders, J"' HE excellence of this road, the populous- Leava Ducktrap every Sunday at 2P. m. and aluable LJini-.i lOs o.'.X,
oats; from sixty to leventy tons of hay are - 1 - long, cwt. each, and 7 lett nels of the country through which it pasT- arrive at on Wednesday by 6 p.m.
Jnafcie aa na'ly ; the fences have been repaired 'ong. c»t. each, withcainages, &c completed ei, with sundry other advantages, which render 3 From Mschias tO'Paffamaquoddy, once in ' eipole to public Ale, at tbe town dtHutr.
within 'he till three years w h twelve thousand V'"* I ™*", 5 i-a leet long, ij cwt. each, ; t fp {zT pre}erah!e ,j l 5 Qid Road through two weeks. Market, in DoreheHer county, all that valuable
new rhelhbt rails', Bene of which wer*madeoa j 0 " S ' 18 CWt " ' W,tb cama K"' &c ' Bristol, Brunf*itfk, &c. long ago suggested the Leave .Vachiasirvery other FrMay noon and trafl or parc«l of land commonly called the Cl-oj.-
tfie pbdf. i Car-onade* on flidintr carriage, 11 iR & u propriety of it* becoming the Gra*d Tho- arrive a: on Saturday at 10A. Indian fituated on the fonth fide and
i e Works consist of a forge for th- manu- j
• c '"ring of bar iron, well manned; a lilt ham-j Mke» and Cutla < *i- • ' During the priient year, a minute fnrvey of it other Saturday at ap. m. and arrive at Machias con ,' ilin ,, -' out ™ f ,h " u and acr "' 1,4 ; ? grift mill with .wo paits of ffones, one | S &,„ouPowder- ' hss h « n takeu.and its fupcriority over the Old on Sunday noon. ' !ot9 ««? to „f\- c / es
pa:. .of them b?rrs with ruling fcreeti, <?cc a Copper Sheathing Nailv'Spikes aad Bolts; Road, both in winter an 1 fuinmer, has been From 6i)ober 15 to April 15—Leave Ma- t# honTimmediitclv after"thTfiilew'th
ut ir ' -Cr f""'! 1 whole w good • 6,9. It, >8 and , 4 lb. round Shat,; c.early are good bridges chu, every other Saturday noon and arrive at fecority, C lor payment of
; »'C 1-a .Uificient ftoek of cord wood 6,9, 18 aad 241b; double-headed do. overall tne other waters but the D.-laware, Paflamaquoddy on bunday at to a. m . Ketur- ourc b a rc money with iniercO the day of
IV • coal-tiR tr, supply the narks for one year, J9, 18 and a 4 lb Cannifter Shot. and here the trolling is performed with great nmg—Leave Paflamaquoddy evci jl other Sun- f a i e ( vur eciu9 | - j rnua | i u a a |me*it.-., -reeahly
a-.i.i the will engage to furnilh «-ith- Alio—a quantity of bed English, Porter, Claret fafety ami in ltfs tliao half the time required at day at 2p. M. aod arnvieat Machias 011 Monday jto a'n ait, entitled "Ah acl at- oaitiro- commit,
-ntcoii. «;.nt d'nlauee, a« muoh more, to be and Port Wine Bottles. the Trenton Ferry. The road k fevtral milej at 2P. M. ' fleers toeoutrad'for and rnrchafe th- landscom
cut next wiutr, making together two years Tauntsn Ale in calks of 7 dozen each. Jborter than the old road, but this is amongi 4- From Augnfla by Ueadfield and Chester to | monly called th? Choptank It l.imli in Dor.
Koc - rrbm ihis time marc h 8. zawtf the lead of its advantages, becanfe daily expe- Farmitigton, once in two weeks. -heller county, aad ft-r approprialhig the fame ta
ear the works is rlje dwelling house large JoHN MILLEii 7UN. 1 ience ptovts to us, that dispatch as w ellartom- Leave Augnfta every other Wednesday it •? Jie vfe of thU state, ond to repeal the *& of aif -m»
jii room*, .md commanding anextenfive .iewj „ , 'iLA , „ fort io travelling principally depend on the *• M - and arrive at Farmington on Thursday at ! hly therein mentioae-J passed at Novtmbtr ftf.
aoarn, stable; for a number of horses, wa(h, °' ' ' near oireet. goodness of the road and the levelnefs of the I° A :l - Returning—Leave Farmington every lion, 1798.
smoke, iep, and milk hiiufei, ps Hone ; and two _ for Sate. conniry, and, in tbefe refpeifli, the New Hoatl other Monday at 1 P M. and arrive at Hallowell Wm MARBURY, Agent
gardens indole 1 with Hone wills, with a fijrfli- G " iea> is, beyond all comparison, the best. It prefeuts Oi) Ttiefda* by 6P- M. for the Hate of Maryland.
ci?nt number of houses for the accommodati n Ma'nto d" none of tfcofe rchky hills, which render the Old i\ iibm9k't. afrll 19. djm
or v-orkmen, and a large Hone coal house Ta^aties'''' !load r " 'atigtiirtj betwtcii the Delaware and j 5- From Windsor, by Royalton, Randolph, IVII. L 1 4** CORniift'
I htr; hssa'fo been lately built a two-(lory Colicoes* N«wa|k'. The foil, too, Inr the greater part, is WlfiainHon and Montpclier to flurhngtor. 1
ftoue Iwel/ing house for a tenant who works Patna > ''ich a.-, to produce but little mud in winter, and once in ;»o wertj. mas J»st rusnsaic (faice 1 dol. 30 cints)
U>r*nf the iarin Romsl and > Handkerchiefs. vyry litvle 't in fuouner, which cireumlUnce, Leave Windsor every other Thursday by 6 "* Hi
i '-a purchaser enn be accommodated with Mulmul 5 added to the beauty of the country, and a con- A m and arrive at Burlington on Saturday l»y ■ BA VI AD
wag^oi.3, nor,es, and every other kjnd of ftoc*. Ihe roods are natu to be foldat Werable prop,.rtion of (hide, rruft always ren- 4P- " >irttiming—Lewe Burlingtou every
liccciiary tr>r cany:oj< cn the bulineis. T) vnilprn OD IPITC der travelling m the latter i'eaibn peculiarly a- other Monday by 6a. m- and arrive at Windsor . „ . _
About ofiF fifth of the pure iafe money will ivi JJ vj 1 IY. L'-Lo, on Wednesday by 4r m M /xL VIA D.
he w nted.and the remainder in yearly inftal- N. B. Many «f tSete Good. t.,ny be printed to " The Swift Sure flirts from PHIMDEL- 'in x. w-Yonj-:. Br WILtUM Girrwn' Estniitr
n,e ", l ' a vantage in thiscountsy PHIA, at 6 o'clotk every morning f Sundays j rt. From Filikill t- Nrwbuiy, once a week. To which is prcliVeiJ
Tie terms may be known by applying to Mr. li w . tf ■■ e*cepted> tr m the CMUM 3T*fJ5. opposite PiQtkiil every Friday at 4 ft o'clock, ». M. a VO"TI<AL £f>ISTLETQTIiE AJITVI*
tin. tf, north Second street, or DONATION LANDS. «he Lutherin Church, North Fourth street It and arrive at Newbury by 6. pm Return,,,g
> . jubicuoer on (he prem res. goes through I rjriklord to Buftleton, where it | —Leave Newbury e»ory Fiielav at 2, P. M. and i, - . . , ' , " ,
JOSEPH POTTS, Junr. v ,. -T; ■ flops to Dreakfa# ; from Bnflietoven it goes arrive at 4 , * [ln th., cclabmed vorkto the Ge
n;,. r,. J Nottce is hereby iriven, •uJL, „i. In . . c £ "T ?': ' . .. , tkirm and Ladies cv America. ! iiavc endeavored
— v ... ..l -pHAT Claims for Donation Lands granted S , 7 ' Canai»da«tia by Hartford toNu- t0 give it a dress P on.o,ed to its difl.ngui.h i
BOA R V TJV G. Iby the State of Pennfylvasia to the Offi- H„ u -ul brouk Oi ' lil-i >u iT.dPI 'si n'T* once i.i t\.-o .eks. merit, and to the tave ol thofc for whose amuse ■
:& Thr-e or four -entleraen mav Soldier.the Line belonging to the s Cot ch Plains' ,S.e Th, e VC C ; ,l,1Bd »« oa ™rr ntl T r V and delight it U n,tended. No , ha.
V 1 or rour gentlemen may Stau . u be M Scotch Pla.n, to lodge. The »e*t It BA. m. and at N.agai S the next 1 hurl- Wen fp«cd in the publication; and 1 flattermyfelf
beaccomm dated with Board and Lodging, the Office of Comptroller General of said State to. breaWaft, from wlttaee day by a. m. X>tw»,i,g—Uive Niagara ev- rhat the werk doe. not yield either in papc, or
at Mrs M'Crct's, No. 29, north Eighth until the tR September next incloßv. "andtlut nonn and arrives at New- try othtr Fhurfday at 3p. m. and arrive a. print, to.r.y we ever puWilhed in America.
Brrel. the fubfciibers authorised by law will fit as ?. Fmm NFW YD*?K i, '! „ , >, , • pn Sunday by 6p. m. This edition has an advantage over lomc former
mav 30 *" t-f Board at the feid Oftci on eo.-i y Monday from *, elad l w „ m PrnnmiA. onus, as .t contains bv way of rot«, the minor
■ ■ ■■ ten o'clock ill the orewonn tnutil one in the at D f, ~- l V "aulus Hook) and arnves 8. From Lewifcuig by MtftV-üburgh, Aaropf- proibi>-.u>nsof the .utnot ; and, it has an advai..
AIL PERSONS ternoon,' to hear and determine all unratified TJ Fc , r ,ca 'l at burg, Wlelburg. Bettefo.t and Centre Furnace j tage over retry "ther edition, 1.1 rt e JW-.0/
" KDEP ;"FD to 'he late Henry Faffcr, de- Claims'already bled » we'll as thole which TI 4 %j' T ny r be rna(!e t0 ? d ' to Alexandria once a week. which is prefixed to it, and mu't be ex.'
S. ecaied, are r:-<ju.!led to make immedi.'o; pay- may be filed on or before the fadfirft day of W1 r*S?'n* Coftee honle, Io A. Mithitu, Leave Levi feu rg every TueHay at aP. a. trtmL ' l s' gratifying to every lover of liter.ars m
h^en'; and ail prrfo-s having demands agiinft Seotetnber sext corner ot .'.'fiati and John streets, to B. jl/any, and arrive at Alexandria on Friday by J P.m. this country, as it u a proof that there are Ameri
said ailale. ar« desired to furnith their accounts to limn nnsv«.*tn« rVm.'r n0 ". 48, ( - 00, ' t ' an dtt corner of Greenwich flreet, Returning—Leave Alexandria every Saturday "nswkohave the taste to admiie, the justice te
th, fubferiber. Samdel Bk y R c «V o f ° M,chlcl Li,tle ' " hotel, no- 4 », at Ba. m. and arrive at Lewilburg th. next and the talents to rival the Gemufes of
Christian C'.audy, Admin'r. ptr kR Bavnton Tr«,V llrect. Tuesday by .0 A. m. other oations.;
15 , , 3W Department of Accounts of J for paflengers, Five Dollars. 9- l-tom Harrilbtirg by Clark's ferry, Millers- , r Lane. Mtw T° Cifr-o Mr. i'Ut,
TO BE SOLI), Pennfyivania, May \ Way paflfenffers 6 Cents her Mile r ' r T h 1 ? m P/°T W ";, M, ®'" ta " r . ,i ' ft.W.andto&fofO*.
TWO new frame two Story Hou- f-6J H,w fm.w.f, t f) • o Lents per Jyltle. town, C u bertfon s m.ll. and Huntingd.n to Cop. ul Will be font
fsi P V; '' Jn ">' , ?"' ! ; d t rv r -l , | h ; j °"f y a d Vutuahle Property for Sale, b»ggV«rrUge W Harrifburg ev
eri., i.pper en oi- the \ ilhge of I ranktord. u Cl»;f«Ht, near Sixth street, direiftly oppofit tak»n onbya pafleoger, will be charred at a cry Sunday at 6 A m. and arrive at Alexandria yr 4 - ——
There are in each house, besides a kit-hen, two C.ncmss Hail, cents per pound weight. " 4 the next Tuesday by 7 P. « Returning- • RtKOVat.
rcon.- on t-.t nr.t flcor; thiee pn the fec.ond, A LOT of ground, abyut »l feet front in Chef- With refpett to packages Tent on without L « v t Alexandria every Thursday ot 6a. si.
wuh roomv garrats, ail well hmlhed ; thdre l\ nut street and 73 feet :n depth, whereon is a patenters, the proprietor* ttrefume they have >"d arrive at Harrilbure on Saturday at 4p. vt. -I HOMAS CLAYTON, HaNCr,
are also Mfceatb, a good garden lot, liable and good frame houfe,-row m the tenure of Samuel adopttd a rei . u lafio„, which, though unknown I<Toa o{!o ' ,er V to '5-Lcave Ilarrif- TTA? removed to No. 126, fouih Front street,
coach ho iff Ir. rt goods w.,1 betaken ill pay- Benge, fubjed to a ground rent 0/ a s. perannum. to other line, of itage.-, they think mul* meet bufE wry Mon<ft y at 6 .1. n. and arrive at Xi. where he n tends carrying on his bafir-efs =s
went. Any perl, ;is wifliing to become pur- iTie advantageonsft«at.on of th» property re with general appr bftion, They pledge them Alexandria on Wednesday by 7 p. Return formerly, »d has hand i. complete afloitcent
chafers are . reeded to view the premtfes, »<•«s, for it mtHI be known, there make good every P .ckage on !he fd '»S~ Leave Alexandria every.Fnday at 6a.m of his o.n ladies, gentien,,, and
and for terms applv to „ arefew in this city to equal it, an unecceptionaUle . ~ 6 y t-"^ Ka fc c yo me sol- , ■ t Lf. rr ;A, lira ftl . o Jin L r . D „ chil,ir-n»'
JOHN McCLELLEN. title will be made to the porchafer. Apply to The person who delivers arrive at Harrifburg on Sunday by 4 P-m. childi*».
Frank f rd. July i eotf fAMES GIRV\N i? f S acka^ f at 'h* office, lhall Tee it entered in * N " - -R ct NiA. fj g
«pt r , n - '. ' the stage-bock, for which entry be (hall nav /. 10. From Morgan!own by Petty John to
Notice is hereby Given, mifei pr£ ' cents ;he w.lltfeMl state the value of the pack- Clarkfburgh, once in two weeks. Leave Mor. r , „ c .. . n
HAT application will be made for the issue mareb t tu th fa-tf age,and pay (exclusive of the carriage) one per ? an ' BVVll ev "sf °'her Monday at sa. m. and ar- LuUdaU OeClVi) Ci filtijk-ra t 'SKITIS t
• oi -trtificates for twenty two (hares of the A — cent, on the v lue, zs infurarce, ana for w. ich ti* c at l by sr. m. Rthirming. Leave a complete a(T«rtment of FUR,, aiwr.ys
Stock of the Bank of the United State., in lieu L/Oi) 1 , he will receive a receipt. Thus, for instance every other Tuesday by ki a.m. and Tor (ale—He has reeoived per the Lts at rival j
of the undermentioned certificates for a like Either in tbe City, or on the road to Ger- !t he ertimates his package it one dollar, he wil! tli °L e ? n, £" r ° '.V' 1 ~ h clu a complete assortment of
mlviiber if flares of the flock of the said Infti- mantonvn, pay one cent, and il at one hundred dollars, he ' h i l t'/,!''! .! FajhlOnablc EvfUlJj Hats,
r on, in favwr- of James Eckley Coltey, of SOME paper- of no value but to the owner— °!}* r " lf " rancc ' ' nJ in like pro- 1 -ave Peteriburg the fir ft Tuesday in each which he now otfe* for laie at vsiy reduced
LmrpooVM .by the capture of the D ana, They were endofed in a « W fpaper-lf . P o "'*" P»ckag« of any other value. . month fcy noon> J d trri „ at south Quay c.i prices.
ffi-jiV r' m after, Oil a voyage trpm at this office, the person leaving the-m (hall be re- ey rw perlcns itisprefumed, will dislike Wcdnehiay by 7p. m. Returning. Lcav. South j l -" 2 9 1 iaw6ri
Ph.ladelph;- to Liverpool, Great-Britain, via. warded. th« regulation ; a will howeve,, be optionable Quay the firft lhurfday in each month b,B*«.
Two cert Qcates, No. 17,000 and 17001 far Jui,e.t 4 _ tawtf wtth every one to avail h.mfelf of this security and arrive a- Peterfburg'on Friday bv i*\u Tf) ftp ,r T
five lhares each. Three certificates. No. 17301 .7 jV V hTT C P or not. But the proprietor! think it right to T -r T \ T , t i, ~ ' • .
•and 17COV for four shares (tacit. r Lr L ,7" , fta( r very e*pbsit!y, that they will be refpon- -" IROIHIA and North-Carolina. A Large ConimodioUS Cellar,
C-. SIMPSON, Cashier. [ " E . fnb f" ,b#r > hav,n ? k obt:1,r r etl }>s** oo f ' «ble for the fafe delivery of no package, which „ 1 *• F f om Nprf ° lk b y KempfviUr,<sr-at bri-fge, Uwder F • ® d , M , „ f „-, ... '
Bank «tf the United States, ) Admimftratiori on the personal Eftstt: of :19 no , regularly e.tored, and si r which an infur- Ncw Leban '" l and Joneftoro' to Elizabeth city, . , p ' ' '" y "
IU , 7 ,0. \ tau'3 m John Mortrm. late of C«eal County in the state arce rfC ei pt cannot be produced. on «LfOS RT) SNOWTIVN'o
—2 LLL —— of Maryland, ceceafed ; all perlons having claims l n
Twenty Dollars Reward. wan rd to exhibit the J e n £ : b d re R „ 1 M -'=" a arrive at Elizabeth city 011 Friday by ic ) r6nt ce --
J lan,e with the vouchers thereof, o» the 6,h day of 4» C ! P a. M. RMg. Leave city .L 7 ,K ° = ft
August next, at the town of Warwick, in said ' d ,lf n iCCCmm^" J " c " other Monday at noo- awd at Norfolk ol ~ tTi
DESF. J. 1 ED, county and state, that a dividend of the sffctts in , J e palTcngersat the raoit Wednesday bv Io a. m. ALL PERSONS,
"C'SOM the Marine Barracks, enmer of Fil- hand, may be made agreeable to law. ™ e r . a, ? E •he stages are well equipped 13. From Snffoik by South Quay to Murfrees- INDEBTED to the Ei.'ai. r,f A3H A HAM
A bert and fhirteenth-ftreets, It! the City of REBECCA MORTON, Admin'x. ' nll " e,l w an.) lteadyhorfes, and com- bnro'once in two week--. 1 D i€« ?, liso late .Sheriff of Ihe Cc-'r.ty <,f
Philadelphia, the aSth day of this inflant Two Warwich. July i. [July j] to the of intelligent fob.r and obli- l.eave Suffolk eterv other TueWiy at 6a. m. Delaware, ar- reniiened t make iromttihte oty-
Marines, by trade Tailors, otre John Crawford <T qiu ,. lfv r>Jlnr* BmnrJ ft lhep ' op n«»« themfelve, IW e and arrive at Mnrfreelboro' by 5 r a Racing, ment, art! all thole who have demands
(tn-fesondtimeof his desertion) five feet seven IWCMJ Dollars Reward. at the different towns and villages whers the Leave Mnrfredb-ro* ever, V. .dntfday at 9a. m. laid Kllate to amhentirate and p'e&rt them f »
inches high, fair hair cut ciofe, T"~\ESERIED from the barracks at Reading, in (''"ges will flop, io that theconducl of the per- and arriv. at Suffolk by 6r \i settlement. Alb, alllhof- *bo Lave denofit-J
rlark.tes, slim built.—The Hilary Biftop -M the night of the jth July, 1799, the follow- ,o,l s «hey employ is continually an objeil of their 14- From Wythe court house, by Auninvllle, writings with laid d'eee»ftd to w.iv for tWm.lo
five feet fix inches higFi, ruddy coraplexivn, ing f©Klier& in the tith regiment id the service of attention. T hef take car<? a!fo to idtthat the Gray fan court house, Flower Gup and Utihania to vWLLIAW "<» K dvn'i
faiv j .y h-iir, a r-markable ringworm on the left the Uuited States, paflengers are well provide 1 for and po'itely Salem once in two weeks. Sorinrfield Delaware rouTitT ")
of hi-lip —( Vv ciit off in uniform.) Thamas Bniton Booth, a private, born in Cheftcr treated at.the taverns, and that no fort of chica- Leave Wythe court ' 0 v.u . ?0Q 4
N B. They took with them one brown cr.unty, 25 years of age, feet 8 inches and 3.4 nery or insolence is pra&ifed up#|j them :in A * M • at Salem the iux r I'hurrdny <? '
c'o h Cfat,• pnt hltie cJoth Coa-t, and many high, r.ark complexion,brown eyes and loHg black short, they h<ve fparedncithsrpains nor exuence Returning, Leave SaUm every <.tlier 1
«ther articles not known at prefer*- ' hair he common.y -vears tied aolc to his to reader the SWIFT-SURjE the very beit line Satur^a y b y 6a. m. and arrive at Wythe c.h-the j r ■r / , r c /
\ ]\ T t BURROWS he:d,by occupation a tarmer ;heis a stout, good ot stages in America. 1 next Monday by 6. r. m, SIUCCIUtIJUI V
Major Commandant of Marine Corps no ™ r »n »<arly a mooth.dur. In Kkntvckkv axd Ty n m-.sskf,. QH OATED on f-e bankof the Delau'are
29 buGve when intonated; he was dressed in f„ll " UnU3 " .f geatlemejn 15 From Moifats in bv Col Otrs P. inds Matthias 5:pl« and Mr.
f „, c / 1 Z 7 3 mfantty uniform, except his bat~it is cxpeded HMUdelphia Md Powell's Valley, Cumberland Gap and Stafford , ' (V 'd. '3: mnennmi Philadelphia and
Io be Sola or Exchanged, m he will change h\i dr fc as he aZL a plain ™,7,1r k ' f y passenger lus ftund the to l)..nv,l|e, ''T,'? 1,,,i,0l : n
FOR Property within twelve mile» of the CitX round hat and a number of citizens* cloathi. urpas\ery far aii that his bten faid'of Moffats every Friday at 2p m and ar- „ uilunjgs tdjlhff two Sory_ Fraffi*
p a';,iphia, and on the SrtftoJ Read; Alio, James M*Mullen, bora in the county of o S * iCC 5 the Proprietors of the Swift rive u Danv.lie the ocxr Monday by ;p m. ■ l ? oufcc Kitchen atijo-ninp—roorris Otta
jfitdxilifnl dfld.very'highly cultivated Antrim,in Ireland, 36 yr-ar? of age, 5 feet 7 inches % f a . re tXtrcniP 'y happy to hear the behavicu, I eavc £)anviilc every Tuel'day by sa. )or > a tke whole si or.t of die Hou!e, a
"P A R TyT and 1-2 high, f#air compiexion. grey eye*, (hort nie,r "rivers, and the treatmeat at Tavernsr and arrive at 'Mfiffus the next Tiiday by 10 4 V m P (c * wjier, ajfo srood garden and
*'* brown hair, whichts very thin upon the crown of °f with the highest faiisf'aclion. AM# orchard—lo acres < t 4arid will be fold wi'.h the
partirular?. o th. < f-ce of C. I.e' a-bier du his head, ol thin vifnge and a very pleasant coan- JOHN M} CALL A, Philadelphia I 6' ronl KnotviHe hy South Weft Point, and pcfmiles, but more can be lisd if requi'.ed.
]?!clhs. No, 15 1 ' J i - Strrbt. j tcnaDCC . i,y occupation a farmer, and was dressed ' HOS. I'Al/L, Snffleton Craig fort to \;.lhviileo«cc in two week... ' here is a gravelly fh re if the river, ihe jl iter
Jur.e - :• ■ ' jin full infantry ur.ifo. m. JOSEPH THORNTON, ) Leave Knorvillc emy wthtr Monday at 5 a. stages for Burlington opfs evei y day in tlie fum
f/Wt of Richmond Th- above reward and rcafonablc espences will NICHOLAS HTNKOOP, > Newtow* r-.*nd arrive at Naflivillethe next Saturday by 7 mer feaf-.n, atfd the iand tV: New-York
lr _ \ s r-> r\ be paid to any pi-n'o.l who shall apprehend and JACOB KBSLFR-, J M " horning. J.eave rtafhvilte every other within ba!f a pile'; j erjoftWttririjr topur-
I o Jt> A L L U, ccnSne in any g»al, or deliver to any officer in the JOHN MOREiIBAD, Pennjttnv" Monday vJa. u. and arriveat Knoxville the next chafe may kr.ow tlie terms of faic and <.tber par
excellent quality, service of the United States, the above described T. KILLMAN, n-ir Miijlou. batuiday by 7 r. u. -ticalaivby enoniriim 3/ N'o. 12. Outk-llreet, «
" i-i-U >.vt I-. by <1 -si 1 ters, or ten dollars and expences lor either oi ELI AS COMBES, Bound Brook. ~ No-til, South Se«-nd-ftier'. '
•v-,' ■*. ■ ■ - Barker & ('• ' T „ «. SANSBURT, Scotch Plains. . Note 1. Ihe Post Matter General may altet ih'e jane I.
Neia3 I-li-lj street LEWIS HOWARD, ISAACRAU'LX, > , , cf arrival and (Wpirttpaai a;y time during tn ?
' *■"*," Lieutenant xxthjnited States Kcgimen ROBSRT PS ARSON, t S P r >tg/i<ld. <w»tinuanae of the cor.-tatts, he pievioufiy Ilipulat» ? r=r.—. ■-. -.. ---
' " Re d! g, july 7 June 11 j - ■ idrqu.v.e fer stiy extra eaieu.e iba
end:/. j. - DBY J If. ?J?.\XQ
rt. v ■■ -I , *
S's?:* v 1 - . • j ■ '
■~r -.» .-•- * ' *' ' '■ • 3? " N ': ' .. ' " - T. s "' " . f