Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 26, 1799, Image 2

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    ■■ ' ' LAW-BOOKS. LI 2 ho
The following Lift of American Vessels, convoyed from the ,Havanna, the General Green, Frigate, and South Lattft Eui iqds. A citj, or a birth to go to the Weft'lndi« or
Cnrolira, Brig, has been received at the Office of the Secretary of the Navy, in a Letter, dated i<th July, Lat. 27, 10. GEORGE BAVIS WC/AG mj'a £f
owm-.Mmtt. <-*• B'
6lirp Akerly, WW " W™„ Ju" ~Sjr, f&p
Neptune, T. Bythwood, Thomas Cave. do. 89 9 6 Sugars, Charleston. co i le &i o n of the greatest variety and value, and ticyla, enquire ol the printer. P
Friendship, S. Grey, John M.llegan, do. 8 S 6 - be
Clinton, W. Champlin, John Champlin, do. 114 8 - Molasses, Rhcde-Island. furnifhed Gsntlemen as heretofore; and in the CANAL OFt ICE,
Harmon','', W.Roberts, John Berney,' do. 85 7 - Sugars,, Charleston. mean time he rcqueflj th. favor of their early or
Schooner Polly, W. Whittlefy, John Edeife'y, do. 103 7 - Sugars, Baltimore. Je "- eod|w A MEETING of the Sudhldtrs of the
Brig American Hero, J. Brown, Nicholas Scheveyhawfer, do. 108 7 - Sugars, New-York. Jy ' ~ 5 X y and Canal Navigation will b « held
Schooner Sally, J.Stanton, J.Stanton, do. ,00 7 - Sugars MolaiTes, Charleston. FOR SALE, * °' £ loCk
Sloop Little Mary, T.R.Gardiner, Ph.Robinfon, & Co. do. 51 6 - Sugars, Newport. -p J Farm By order of the Vr.fidem,
Schooner Polly, C. Higby, C. itfghy, do. 60 7 - Sugars, New-York. rine rOrge ana rail.l, GEOKGF. W(jßßAL,Ses'rj
Gutter Friendship, Hatheway, H.T.Jones, do. 60 7 - Coffee tsf Sugars, Rhode-Island. QITUATE in Douglas Tnwnfliir. Berk's county, to Debwateand Schuylkill Canal Company.
Georce Clinton. Morris, R. H. Morris, do. 76 6 - Sugars, Mew-York. Oabout one mile and a half from ti.e River Schuyl- jt»oe»9 lawtiAu
Patriot, Hanly, M'Fraddon, do. 160 ,6 - Sugars, Baltimore. kill, and five from I'otts Town. Ihe ; arm cos- .
Confidence, T. Manning; R. VA. M'Kiln, do. 75 8 - Sugars, do. of'which i°s wood' land; {s* Canal Office,
Schromr Industry, J. Lovell, illiam Frenholm, do. 7 1 7 Logwood, Uparleston. twenty-five acres of meadow, fixtecn of which is I niudelphfa, May 9, i
Ship Fabius, T. Corran, fames Crawford, do. 224 25 12 Sugars, Philadelphia. watered,befides clover fields; a very capital orch- T« purfuince of a refolutirn nf the preli, , rt
Bria- Beaver, T.Elliot, John Elliot, do. 138 8 - Sngars is* Coffee, do. ard containing upwards of '.wo hundred a Ff le •* and managers of the Delaware afid Sth By |.
Susanna, E.Hunt, fames Crawford, do. 102 4 1 Molasses & Sugars, do. trees. 1 i Canal Company, the .tock-holders are here
c, C, m tin ni Sugars Isf Coff-e Vet v-York. The forge has four fires, twu hammers, and four by notified and required to pay, en each if their
Schooner Nercury, Skinner, Thomas Ohver, do. 91 5 - Sugars W Coll. e, v r of bc Lws, i, in complete order, having been rclpeaive !hare S . to the Treasurer the Com.
Brig Industry, H. Traders, Rogers & Owens, do. .42 8 - bugarg, aattimo.e. ~My retired, and is capable of manufacturing p«nv, at the Company's* Office in 'his city,
Rambler, I. Moulton, J» 1 horndike, de, 165 18 6 Sugars, oaltm* two hundred and forty tons of bar iron annually.— ij dollars on the 15th June next,
'Schooner Boston, Wilkinfon,
Hannah, I. Olcott, N. Whillis, do. 150 8 1 MoLiTes. New-York. and afufficient number of houf.s to accommodate jo dolla. snn the 15th .\njruil next.
Smw Ranger, G. Martin. Gittings W Smith, do. 224 148a1h.11, Baltimore. workmen, all in goodl order On th. >re VVm. GOVETI', Treasurer.
Brip; Good Hope, J. Neal, Nathaniel Wist, do. ,87 to a Sugars W Molasses, Salem. ! MjV 4 w(d
Schooner Tabitha, C.Greene, Gittings it? Smith, do. 95 fa - Sugars, aaltimore. krge grain ham, cow house, and every other bnild- fiOP Cjr 7
ShipHaKcon, W. Wire, Smith isf Buchannan, do. 173 14 10 Sugars, do. irg ncceffary f.r the ofe of the farm and works.
Good Intent, f. Drnr'-., J. D-nnis, do. 76 9 - MolaffrS, Newpcrt. Alio about five hundred acre, of excellent chef Madras Handkerchiefs,"N
mm E- H.»l=d u- Houhkif,, do. „6 ,3 4S = ■JS«SC«±^
a.. „ , r 5
Ship Harry, T. Harper, John Leamy, do. 213 18 12 Sugars, Philadelphia. gon«, horses, and every other "kind of iiock necef- Philips Cratnond Cs* C y
Sallv W Betsy, W. Wroth, S vage Dugan, do. 10c 11 - Sugars If Salt, do. fary for carrying on the bufineft. - S' iulv »4 * *►
Fannv is tar-. V. DrifciU. John Carrier, do. t 4 2 8 - Sugars, Baltimore. Ihe t.rms may be known by applying to JOHN -i— .*•
John W Jofrph. M. Ciark, U™ K.Ur, Z,,£ «» A ~ <?. TREASURY DEPaStSSS
>f;"Fo";».n, £ I?' 1 . j.,,., *s«>***& A®.
Schooner Commerce, B. Smith, Benjam.n Smith, do. 7J 7 - Sugars, Rhode-Island. J-Ll ~ oL.blu tht
Bng Felidty, J. Chayton, Robert Wcllh, do. 154 10 - Sugars, Baltimore. Samuel MileS, jun'r. dred and ninety fix, entitled >'a„'ac» reguhl.
SI up Abig-ail, [• Read, John liollms, do# 9 "
Mercury, E. Smith, Perez W Tofcph Morton. do. .60 ,4 « Sugars, Ba/Z'ore in 8 »®g«dov«r .11' h, S \ P fre^,^, a perfonal "o* and for the fodt.y 0 f UaiteJ'
Schooner Beauty, J. Haynes, John Holl.ns, do.. 103 13 4 Balbft, , Baltimore. and tothe fubferibers, for the benefit R.cthren tor the t -c,f F el , mo n^
Slup Active, C. Cranston, rimith (Sf Buchannan, do. 180 8 - Sugar L Molasses, do. G f t'ucb of his creditors at may fubfi ribe to the ", 1 « '/r B .* r "Pp!emhitsryec
Brig George, J. W. Hyder, Hyldrop V Arnold, do. 118 8 - Sugars, Charleston. fud affigHment on or before the firft o! Aiu;uft the (aid reciictl aS pM ed on thef»cnd day of
Ship Fame, E.Jones, Joseph Symes, do. 262 19 8 Sn«r Cotton, Philadelphia. neat. _ March, cacthoHfand leven hundred and nine-
Mac, P. Brownell, Crowell Hatch, do. 13 2 Molasses & Sugars, /iostor.. Notice is hereby given, > '"nee j
Gund Turk, P. I. Taber, John Coles, do. 376 31. 14 Sugars, New-York. To a'l persons indebted .to rhe said eltate, tha THAT the tp.9 of Land.herein after de
. Saily, W. B. Smith, John Hollins, do. 213 t a - Sugars. Baltimore. they are requefled to n. ake immediate payment scribed, namely,'*uepii.ning at the North Weft
Snow Susanna, Remington, Tilling haft, do." ... ... Providence. to either ot the affi*i»er or u> the said Samuel corner of the (even ranges of »ownfrip», an d
Schooner, -- .... J? . . . a i . - - New-York. Miles, who is autho'ited to ieceive the fame; runnrag.thenee fifty miles due fonth, along the
IC* Several Vessels in the Fleet, names unknown. - [" k' lure wb «" t ' *•', ' ,e P s wi " be "J 1 " for „ fa,d
- due Weft to the Mam Branch of the Stioto ri.
—m^m ged accord.Bgl/. VCr ; thence Bp the Main Branch of the said ri-^
_ , , . , - , ' ' . . . , , GEORGE ASTON, 1 ver to the place where the Udian boundary line
tjftiimpfhr country, remihd me of the title of a book, ment of faft. coutainerig in the la« week's CORNEI.IS COMEGYS, >• Assignees cMffu the. fame tbence along Hie hid boun
pubhrhed by John Bunyan, entitled—" Joy Gazette, at least feel a just Ihame for his 10HN ALLEN ) dary line to the Tufraroraj branth of the Muf.
—from Hell, oj the Rejoicings of the Damned loftg fcurr.laus career. But doubting his f f i . ' ' tawif Wingum river at thesrofiing p!>ce above Fort
vVaLPOLE, July 15. Souls." consciousness after the tries of invec- ** . Lawrence/; thence"the saM rivjr, to the
A Jacobin writer has, fomewheve, the sol- tives exhibited againll his neighbours, WHEREAS point where a line run due weft from the pLcc
lowing image, which exhibits a toleraklopic Extract efa letter, addressed t S the Editor, despair presents itfelf to view, and proves . N atUchmcßt wa< late)y inu ed out of the i»- so rlare oT-Li
ture ot the features ef two kinds of politi- from a traveller, in the li estern countrj, that he is not by facts to be retarded in ferior court of common plea? of the ctunty R j nn i Dt , .» |„ s been divided into townflrius of
cal domination. It must. however, be added dated Nashville, Maj 26,1799. hisprogrefs; but that vile calumny and flan- of F.ffex, in the flan of New Jersey. direilcd to fi v . iJUtt fmn--. "irtr - f tetrn--
that the firft member at his paragraph con- " The people in this country, owing to derous epithets are always to charafterili his 'he fteriff of the said county, against the rights, . 3|)( , th , t ht , Jnd rurvcy , of , he fil j
tains a much juJlera'.luCon, than the second. their better established fiwitions, and better immortal scandalous fame. All future pro- "cd"?, momes «nd «iffcas, %oo&' townships anil fratlional parts of towhfhips are
" Governments have too generally proved to opportunity for acquiring information, are duAioos directed to ine, whether editorial a p"ea of'trefp*ts on the in the offices of the lUfiftcr of the
be a kind of political chrysalis, paffitig by progrefling in the science of reposing confl- or communicated, will be treated with fi'/ent cafe to his three thousand doTlaT, Treasury and Surveyor General, or ,ke infpec
pro cnil\ve trspfmutcitions, from the grub oence in their government. A Roife has contempt, which is the only reward such And where**, the said fcenff did, at the urn\ of tion of ah ptrfows contemtd.
of pure democracy to the butterflv of aofo- made in this town, refprftißg the correfpori- paltroon demagogues merit; as the source June last past, rtturn to the said (ourt that he had , .. , . .. ,
Kite mpiiarchy." The author, at the close dent who described the democrats here, ac- from which they flow is fufficient to render orlaU E££
of his allulion, whieh, indeed, isfuffKient- cording to a publication 111 your paper, as thetn despicable in the opinion of tbofe who defendant t0 thc lm oum ofnear two thousand ed during the tatewar, are required to present
!)• elegant, is more brilliant than «orrea. " busy demagogues, and mob popularity are the supporters of truth and vir- dollars,and also ay sixty land warrants the lame to the Register of the Trenfury, at
Pure demoCraciy is, to be sure, a grub, a courtiers." A gentleman of this state, for tue ;as from fadtions diforganizers, calum- AW ilmftrc, nnlefs the said John Clevet some time prior to the twelfth day of February
" poor beetle, that we tread upon," it is not whom the shoe was precisely fitted, has clev- mating inve&ives tend only to add merit to Symmetfhall appear,give special bail, and raceive in the year, one thousand eight hundred, for
only a u creeping thing," but of the lowest, erlyputiton. the fame of virtuous citiaens. [Cos.] a declaration at the fuic ylaintiff, judgment the purpose of bein- registered ;No registry I
baleft, and mod ofFenfive kind. It is always, " The Vermont Lyon has taken a very * i '' lbc
u 1 ca. 1 a.u t onA v CnmAC M herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the a quarter townihip, or four thousand acre».
bv the energy of talents, and the arm of extraordinary range, has lately lurpni- ptttctittdpu ri lUtute in such cafe made a ß d prov : ded. M K . m.
pflwer, to be brushed away like the filthy ed the people here with his unexpeded pre- 1 I SBUKGH, July 20. Aaron Ogden, Clerk, &C. Th. priority e f location of the warrants which
fpidtrr of our cieliitgs. But monarchy, even fence* They have a monkey here foralhow, Th c present harvest, we hearfmm every July 8 i?oo (n) awiam may be prefocred and>pe«Mfttred in mannfr afore
when absolute, resembles a higher order of but it is pretty generally acknowled, that, quarter, is the most bountiful ever known in pr to th. nth day of February in the
the fearing tribe, than a democratic rhetori- as this poff.-ffes no faculty for spitting, the thig country. ' year one thousand eight hundred, will imiuediar«.
cian is willing to allow. Monarchy is an Lyon i s the greatest c.riofity, for a wild - ' TO LET, •
eagle. It sometimes nfcs audaciously to the pealt, we have ever here leen. A very Hour- WINCHESTER T lv And possession given tb? *jtb of next month jy t
Ikies, and sometimes cruelly pounces its idling seminary in this neighborhood, have ' 2 A Three ftorV Brick Hoilfe, The holders (of registered warrants, Ciall on
prey; but Hill it is strong, maieftic, and lately had a fihool exhibition, at which the On Sunday morning last fix patriotic v» r h™ »nd cellar in Second-street Mon^a T th£ »7tb day of February, in the year
bold, and rarely descends from the elevation aforefaid Lyon was present, and from the youthsleftthig town, for the purpose of (hip- „ ' >jJw market Enouire of ISOO, in the order of wfcch the priority of lociti
of its greatness, or loses its power to awe, federal and patriotic orations, delivered by ping themselves at some seaport, in defence ' THOMAS GXEEVES. ojj (hall be determmed by lot as aforefaid, pef^n
or its perspicacity to discern. the fludents, and applaufively received by the of their beloved country against the implaca- ' No . „ Walnut-street. Ac SthJ
audience, he has conceived a very unfavorable enemies thereof. July a,3- 3 tawawf lar quarter townftipseleAed by them refpeifively.
My (ludies were interrupted, this evening, ble opinion of this state, and has ranged on ■ _ —— and such of the said holders a* (hall not d«fignatf
by the entrance of an old friend. He was, to Kentucky. Whilst at Knoxville, he was ~ ~ Notice. their locations on the said day, lhall be postponed
however, a classical one ; and his converfa- heard, in company to observe, that- he was qjj THURSDAY THE fubferiber, havir.g been appointed ad- "" ' | '' ca,in fr :dch warrants ta all other hoideia of
tion was in tone with my books. Aspoli- tired ef reprefcnting the northern people ; t f- A - ' / I ■ i miniftrator ofthe estate of Mr. John Lup- re g-»<-'r«'**rraDt».
tics are a very reigning topic, the different their sentiments were faft changing from re- ° e ton, late of this city, merchant, deceased, re T , ho ij. w of frro :„.
forms of .government were casually mention- publicanifim to aristocracy, and he could not evening aoe 1 lercbants Coffe House, queflsthofe who are ird.bted to said estate, to f u ffi c k;m to cover ore or more quarter townships
ed. Your republicanism, fays mv friend, abide with so corrupt a people ; but _ win. bf. sold, make payment, and tkofe who tuve demands or traS3 of four thousand acres each; shall, at acy
'.vho has the works of Butler by heart, and he continued, he should have no objeftions, j rnrr/Vtrpy cr act againrt the fame to exhibit them to him with- time after Monsfcy the 17th day of Februsry, 1800
who is, by way of excuse for the boldness of as he intended to remove to the western conn- out de ay. wpppntTH and prior to the firft day oljamjary, IXO2, be al
the application, an inveterate tory, reminds t.y to represent the people there. A gen- Aemai*No. .6, <buth Fourth ft.eet. ,nTforth , wi t h i, ,ofcal^«\ , t" a "Xef«
•n® °f tleman present mentioned the propriety, as n P / s P ril 26 on any trad or tradsof land not before locate*.
" When a fly retires to bed, he thought; of advising how to lecute his IV , ? far difUntfrftm the Newton road, V|
He rests his tail above hii head ; elcAion, if he intended to do so, by bring- acrc/ofTand' ™ which isa TREASURY DEPARTMENT A» warrant, or claims for land, cm account of
So, in this Mongrel state of outs, ing eleftors with him." fione frame fiahle &c on th„ p ace T.™« »«* n"l«"yf.;rv,c«, which fhalnotbe regiflered and
rlbble are tl,e fu P reme P° W "'' is a large farl-m with er< ry kind of vegetables XTnTirF ,e HFttVRY GIVKN Tha't bv v'ir
anH atrood heiriro- rnf thp i.„:. \TOTICE IS HEHXBY G1 VtN, 1 hat by vir the supplementary a<st of Conewls hertdii kefore
Shenllone was the most indolent of poets, NEWARK, July 2V such a; harvest an ' wint;r apples, pears, r "" pafT«d during the prafent recit d palled on thc feeon.i day of March, 1799,
trhich, by the bye, is a very strong phrase The Editor of the Gen.-ine! being obliged quinces &c. The crop in the ground c.insists of «.°An' A<t°mata<r fa^er'nrovifion for^iffiiti- *<-• * forever bar.-ed.
and expreiTive of the very sublime of laziness. to retire from his editorial capacity, which < : lov "- T he fitu ' ,t,on ,s . " port of public credrt, and f«r the redemption "da" tad VeiAtxrJ'e P " ' '
He was even more flothful than Thomson, he has so long and honorably filled, (for the "of the public debt"-passed the third day of ' ' ni.ivßßWOr.mrr.
1 r 1 l- n.t c t 1 r c . . . leveral (tores and flowr mil!*, makes it a deurable ** t. r a c j r u 4j . •' \Ji+x > jzi\ i.
who, in a lively manner, in his Castle of In- benefit of his health) it appears his brother purchase for sny rr ,on within, to fecurea sum! « ,arch> °f th ° ufand f"« hundted « d n >"«y ser. ofthe Treasury.
dolence, defenbes the yawns, the fleepinels, has succeeded him : confetjuently, this peti- mer retreatat a Imallsipeoee, Terms nny be made Te './ 5 has « frora Settlement or allowance, _
and the languor 0} a bard. The disposition fogging representative, in ordei that bufi- known at the office of Edward Boufall. No. 64 C " "
of Sheqftone is a ve.y ftvongly and curiously ness Ihotild not depreciate, and fearing some Dock Street ;orby o'f P aten t Ploughs,
manifefted in one of his letters to the Rev. may doubt his abilities, has given a fpe- . , B&MSQWW TQRKE, am n. J«ne, which willbein theyearonethoafiandfeven r T. c n, 1 1f k' iL„Aiti«i
Mr. Graves. The poet is speaking of his of his billingsgate performances, under JU ' y 15 dtaA and ninety nine. T **
far tamed pastoral, which, as the most merit#- the head of" Communication," in the two , That onthe liquidation and fettlomentef thc H .,. ''yf nrihl rv JL a , leiTe Evan;,, Lumber
rious of his produflions, one would suppose last Centinels, andpromifes anotherthis week, TPTfACTTDV TODAnTMrHT) (aid Certificates, and Indent, of Intereß, at the .p h f ho J thtm give ,hemthe
would be cheriM by the author, with fuf- which, no doubt, wiil appear under the fame' TREASURY DEPARTMENT' oXr kind, a S fhey retire
ncient care. Of this poem he fays,« I fend head. As these are not his/m produtti- - l«f« team, breiK the ground hstctr, are kept m
you my bsllad, on condition that you return ons, it is expefted he will, by repeated ex- HPHE proprietors of certificateaifriied for sub- ages of interest due on their said Certificates, prior «rder at ler§ eapence and are fold at aclieaptr
it with ample remarks in your next letter : I ertions, at least be equal, if not superior to . f cr, Pt'ons to the Loan bearing interest at to th. firft day of January ore thonfand seven rat{—the plan is much fimplified and of
fay,"' return it," because' I have no other co- his unciajtepredeceffor—for (lander is mark- e,B^lt per ceiltum per annum, are notified, that hundred and ninety one. but one piece of cast .ron, with jiauoies <n
py, and am too indolent to take one." ed in his countenance, his breath is strongly V"J "T "»»de & principal fumsof the said Loan Office l*am «f wood j they may befixed
•r-> j • 1 1 1 1 r of the ctb instalment, wkicii will become H«#» and final .1 criement Certificates, with the interest lavs and coultcn to be put on with lcren • ana
«T - f .~ f „ , , with calumny, and the fermentat.ons during the firft ten days of the saonih of iX ' h "eon, since the firft day ol January, one taken cfT at pleafuw . f
In penuDce foi post folly, Ictmdemned o. hi» agitated brain is seeking relief:—his ensuing, Certificates of Funded Stock mav at ftnd seven. hundred and nmety one, will be dif- Patent lights for vending wUh mftrutfmns for
myielt, this evening, to a pint ot water gru- last struggle in particular, is ifruly cbtirafler- their option be obtained at the Treafurv or Loan chlr g ed lftcr li H uiJ » ,ion st the Treasury;, by the ra »kiiiL' them may lie had by applying to Joha
el, without fait; and the vvrnfal ot two An- iftic of it, and evinces that this son of Mo- Offices, refpeclively, for the amount ofthe four P 3 ?" 1 "" of interest aUd reimburfiiment of prind- Newbald, /,r the fubferiber No. %lt North
roras, one Bee, and the supplement of an Ar- mus is fully adequate, and highly worthy firft inftalmeots, or one moie'y of the fnms ex- P* 1 -"!" 1 ' 10 tbe sums wtuth wwiM have heen p ront . )Ir< . et .
gus—An admirable help to a dose of the confidence of his constituents—lie even prcfiedin the fubfciiptioncer'ificatesNocer- fuhfcribcVwrfaibtto the Aas'makbir proven a ' JOr S °''' ~
pills. The complaining periods of the mife- pofieff.-s the faculty of anticipation! when tificateh of Funded S-ock will however be ifTned f or the debts of the United Stat.s, contfXd dur Or t* Lease fir * U**of Tears,
rable, envious columns ; the malignant plea- aOifted by his collusive mercenarv. As this c f , th / . lln ( .' >n . e hundred _dollar*. illg t he late war, and by the payment of oth.r . A ~"1
sure their editors difpfay, in detecting and paltry editor has foretold the labor in procu- l, 0 ' 1 GCrtifieates a« may be pre funis, equal to the market of the rt-maining lituated tor M;!i>, Iron a o ar »
expoflng any supposed errour in onr excel- ring; a tickler for him, I hope he has, ere €med at ! J e T [ <rafu 7 or Loan ° ffices in c° n * Stock, which would have been created by such »' improved, lying <;: h- l.y ir t.
If nt constitution and adminiftrition nf cm thi h»en matifiprl K, ; 1 equence of the .oregoing arrangement, will-be fubferiptions as aforefaid, which market value will tingdon state of 1 etinfy ; - 1 " , t0
jXt giatified by an interview with the n> ftrr<d and diftintftly marked so as to denote, be determined by the Comptroller of theTreafury. «n«Le to view them wiil p'eafc to apply to
wrement, and .he fiend joy tiiey con- proriuaions andtheir progenitors, and should that a moety of the ftook has been iflPied. QLIVEP WOLCOTT e!'q. near Huntingdon,
hantly evince, in the success of the enemies his foul not be lost to every sense of ' OLIVER IVOLCOT7, Sectary of tic 77«W Claries Nw!>#d.
or the d.fcomGture of tfee friends of em dear ihame, tftift he Hill, on reading the state- Secretary of the Treasury junc iS " l.'rtf' p!y
- , :■ -■
' :.. - . . t ■ , r • • - 4k -v: <