Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 25, 1799, Image 2

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    fUte Jkeigit llxtizks
When Gencal Melas was about to entei
Milan, was met by the Archbilhop anc
Magi'ft&tjfcsr; who delivered to him the key
of the city. Ihe liveliest joy exbiliratec
the pecpl;—The inrtflant flioutt of
live Religion Long live Frasyis 11. v>ht
Restores ber to us j" exceeded the found oi
martial music, even audible in the bullle ci
afiion. At night the whole city was illu
The Atiflrian ]ofs on the Adda -was 6 offi.
6trs, 246 men, and 105 borfes killed—2l
officers, 756 men, and 150 horfl-s woundec
—3OB men and 28 horses miffing.
\_He-c follow tie names of the Officers.]
Suwarrow is now marching the flower 01
his army against Turin.
4 Capture of Pizighetone, &c.
May 18.
This town has been taken by Genera
Keini. He took therein 30 officers, 60c
men, 95 pieces of cannon, and an abundanct
of (tores.
At Arena we foiind 17 pieces of cannon
jooo cartridges, tic—At Milan, 23,00 c
/ 1 lie citadel of Tortona has been taken b)
aflault.—lvrea by, capitulation.—Olegio ii
also in our ; 2000 prisoners, anc
120 pieces of canr.on, are among the fruit:
ef this qapture.
1 wo thoulard troops have been landed by
the Englifii, at Salerno, who have joined
Cardinal RufTo's army;—Between 7 and
8000 have been landed 011 the opposite coafl,
The French have left Naples ; and the King
is pairing to return. The Archbishop o(
Otrantc, with several thousand Republicans,
have fallen into the Cardinal's hands The
Cardinal has an of 20,000 men ; is aid.
vancing from Calabria j and blocks ©aeta
on the land fidt.
We learn, from Constantinople, that thirty
themiuhd Janiflarics are marching for Syria.
'I he clergy. &c. have made the Grand Sig
n:or prefeius of 25,000,0<f0 piasters.—A
squadron of j fhjps of war,, and 1 j gun boats
are to fail to join Sir Sidney Smith, in
The citadel of ft/fat* is garrisoned hy
the Enrlifh.—Commodore Trowbridge pol
feflcs all the islands in Naples bay.
may 13.
Gen. Moittu has taken a new poGtion on
the river Teffino— Its right the Appenines
•—its left the Italian bailliwicks of Switzer
land. 1 his polition extends upwards of 30
lea j *s. Jiib (kill to defend his flanks will
be in rcquifitioa.
VERONA, May 10.
Since the Ufl tfl, gooo French prisoner*
have pa fled this city.
Fourteen thousand Ruffians, «nd 8000
Turks, are Paid to he landed in the Neapali.
tan territory.
MAT *»,
1 he Auflriar Head-quarters are at Novi.
combined Ruffian and Englifii (we think it
fhouM fay Tuililh) fleets of 130 fail, have
landfd at Genoa, and the harbour, and the
city have ;—and 8000 of An.
gjjtau's army taken near the city. A Ro
veredo account, of May 16, confirms the
account 01 the capture of a conliderable
French corps near Genoa.—They, were con
fciipta jaft arrived from Toulon.
may 16.
General Kray has summoned Mantua.
The French Commanded re; I;ft s tofurrender,
alleging his ability to'defend himfelf, and
his confidence of relief,
It is reported, that Ordinal Ruffo, has
entered Naples—from which the French have
On, and near, the Rhine.
Basle, May S.
Between 3 and 4000 French trcops pas
sed the Rhine here, to penetrate it is said,
near the Black Fore ft.
Upper Rhine, May to.
Skirrni files daily take place between the
Aufirians and French, ne,ar Kehl.
Yesterday the Archduke Charles informed
the army that Gen. Hotze, after taking
Lucienftieg, Chur, and the important pafies a Circuit Court, held in King (lon, for
of Sargans, Sagatz, Vettus and Kunkel, and j£ e count y °f Ulster, before the Hon Judge
took oil that occalion 1000 prisoners, I Kent, Isaiah M'Doiiald, was convifted of
standard, and 7 pieces of cannon, had also f° r g er y< received sentence of imprifor.-
occupied the whole of the Grifon country. ment life in the Hate prison.
To this very day the Archduke's army has
not palled tiie Rhine, but its polition is such, MONTEGO-BAY, June if.
that it can be done every hour. _ Wednefdaj arrived the brig Chance, Ftir-
Ma y »*• r ' e 5 ar, d "i'P Columbus, Fish ; two of the
A corps of the Imperial army in Italy Cork fleet. The fleet left Cork the 2?d of
has already been dispatched to support the April, confiding of 40 fail, for the Weft.
Archduke's plans apainft the French in Indie*, including his Majesty's (hip A rah of
Switzerland and the Grif.m country. 22 guns, capt. Cabel, and arrived at Barba
— does on the 25th of May.
SY/ABIA, May so, In the evening of the 25th, the middle
• . - hc ar,r! . v ot the I nnce of Conde, which Packer arrived at Barfeadoes, from Falmouth
15 £ '' , m: ' c , h throi; S h Gallicia and Sdelia, is and <ui the palTage fell in with Lord Brid
t ■ fulpenU its march until the Ruffian Co- port's fleet, and was informed that the
lurtjns shall have palfcd beyond Lsjnberg. French fleet numbered 18 fail of the line
Hie day 0 tore yeffcrtlay tlse Rnlfian G-- and 10 frigates, had failed from Bred on the
Count lolftoi, paffea through Aug- 25th of April. Lord Bridport's fleet con
four;', to the head-qu. rters of the Archduke filling of 16 fail of the line and five fr,V.
Lhartes, at Stockach, to regulate the march atcs. 6
| of a Ruffian army, which is to. be ftahaotcl
on the Rhine.
There are authentic advices that the con
vention is already* Tinned, by virtue of which
45.000 Ruffian troops, now on their march
to Germany, are to be taken in Britilb pay.
They will adl in le pa rate corps with the Au
ftriaw's, wherever circumstances mny require-
I'he common interest of the allied powers
will clirecl these troops to those parts where
their pi t fence will be mod wanted. Thus
77,000 Ruffians are already in motion to
the assistance of Austria, and their number
will always b* kept complete,or in cafe of ne
cessity, will even be augmented.
VIENNA, April 27.
The Grand Signior will fetout immediate
ly from Constantinople to Syria, in order to
command in perJon the army against Buona
SDap's ©ail.
BOSTON July 20.
Very Important News
May hourly be We were yeftcr
day favored, by an attentive friend from
Cape Ann, with the under communica
tions, which were brought to Cape Ann,
in th* schooner Jack, capt. Stacy, arriv
ed 011 1 hurfday, in 42 days from Figue
ra, in Portugal.
" Lisbon, fSunday evening J
id June, 1799.
u Mess. Richards, Hitchcock, Baker, & Co.
" Dear Sirs,
" By the sleance (we suppose mail) of this
day, they fay, the Spanilh fleet put into
Carthagena, and the French ran into Tou
lon ; that the king of Naples, was in Cala
bria, collecting an arryy to drive the French
out of his kingdom ; and that the Auftrians
were in or ncxir Genoa : and yet we have this
inflant an express from our friend, Gen. Con
ntl, dated Faro, May 30th, half pad two in
the morning, faying, that from Cape St.
Vincent, were ften on the 18th ult. sixteen
ships of the I:ne ; and that between nine and
ten oVlock, in the moruing, an a&ion was
begun and continued ; when the news was
sent off to Faro ; but from the dirtance and
fog, they could not distinguish completely
at the Cane—What fleets can they be ?
Tours, ifc.
Extract of a letter from Mr. Leigh.
" LISBOK, JUNE I, '99.
" The Cadiz fleet is said to be put into
Carthagena, with damage J—-and the French
fleet to have mchored in a bay of Majorca,
with Earl St.Vincents near at hand. Their
force I believe is pretty nearly equal.
Here are accounts of an a&ion between
the Imperial armies and the French, in which
the latter were totally defeated with thelofs
jof i4,0e0. The Ruffians gave no quarter."
Afcnuittt from the Mediicrraimn l»-c
contradiaory—The probability, on an
average of the reports, is, That the Sp»n
ifh fleet, and not the French, have put iVto
Carthagena. having experienced, much da
mage from a strong Levanter. The Fiench
fleet has pushed further up. s—and Minorca
we eorvjeflur* is O Df of the inferior object,.
I of the expedition, as M .lta was that of
The confederate Imperial armies improve
evry momerr. The lauft accounts via
Hamburg, bring their van to Turin—their
left to Gtri oj, and their right to the bor
ders of Switzerland, This line effectually
cuts off all communication between Moreau's
army,and the French '< Conquerors of
Rome and Naples.* Tbefe la'ter are
th eatercd by a strong army from Calabria,
disciplined by Englifii officers.
Our Lisbon .accounts prove, we l think,
that the Spanish, and not the French fleet,
has put into Carthagena— If either has, the
obj-6t of the combination is fruftrated.
A Paris paper of Mav 7, fays, « The
new American Envoys may be daily expe£t
ed at Paris." ! £?■ A good thing this !'
NEW-YORK, July 24.
The brig Intrepid, owned by M. de Butts
of Baltimore, who was on I'Oard, arrived on
| the 19th inft. at Baltimore from the havan.
n«, having been instantly ordered away by
the Spanish Governor, without perm flion to
go o.n (hore. This is in consequence ot the
late edift rf the Kii gof Spain, prohibiting
a trade with neutrals.
There was an embargo at the Havasna
on the 16th of this month, on ail veffcis in
that port, the time M. de Butts fa/ltd.
r - •
r f• - *
Thurfdsy r.irived the fliip Augullus Cse
far, Kerby from London. The Auguftu;
C®f3r left Poitfmouth 24th of April, ir
company with a fleet of 100 fail, for the
Weft-Jodie*. Africa, and America, convoy
ed by the Quebec, friga'c, Capt. Brcnton ;
the division for the Weft-Indies arrrived at
Barbadoes the 2d of Jane, where they learn
ed the fame intelligence as is reported abov;
by the arrival of the middle packet.
Twenty three fail of the London Fleel
came down to this Island under the protec
tion of the Quebec.
The Salus, Dunn ; and Glory, Higgins,
two of the above fleet, are ariived at St.
Ann's Bay.
Eight fail of the Cork fleet came down
under the proieftion of the Arab. The
Diana, Ronaldfon ; Creeping Kate, Long ;
George, —, and a brig were bound tu
Klngtton, The brothers, Wyllie ; and Har
m ny, Alexander are arrived at Port Auto
The Adelphi packet, from this Island, ar
rived at Falmouth in 44 days.
His Majcfty's ship Vulir.nt. Captair
Cravrlc j, arrived at Sheerness the iSth of
oa3ette 40ariru %ifk.
Port of Philadelphia,
Schr. Sophia, FcC'ci.dtr, P.iflamaquody, 16
Came up from the Fort.
Brig Efpcranta, Kenny, Surinam
Brig Rose, Meany, River La Plata
Georgr, Burke, Surinam
Ship Henrietta, Carfvrell, from Dublin,
has gone into Wilmington.
Capt. Rutfcl of the fchr. Sincerity, from
' La Guira, arrived yesterday at the 1 Fort.
The following veffcls were at La Guira when
i apt. R. failed, vit.
Ship Polly, Taggert, Charleston, to fail in a
tew days.
Brig Maria, Woodward, Philadelphia, to fail
in 5 or 6 days.
Schr. William, Toeffry, Marblehead, to fail
in 3 or 5 days
Germantown, Lewis, do do
Alexander, Hulcy, Baltimore, to fail
in 5 or 6 days
Polly, Port, New York
Sloop Abigail, Towers* Alexandria.
On the night of the sth inft. two days
previous to my leaving La Guira, the Bri
tifli frigate Trente, appeared for the fir ft
time, during my stay there; sent in two
boats and fucceededin cutting out a Spanilh
Poise re, that arrived trom Spain a few days
before; the day light however appearing, the
Spaniards diljpatcbed some gun boats and re
took her from the frigate's boats; in the
course of the day the Britilh sent in a fla j of
truce to demand three seamen that
ooard the Pclacre when ihe wa3 recaptured,
fvhich was immediately acceded to.
It it also to obfci >cd, that altho' the
American veflels lay outside, they carefully
rowed pad them and felefted the Spaniards'.
Markets very dull, and fully (Licked with
all kinds of American produce.
Captain Davis from Havanna, arrived at
Fort Mifflin, kept company with the (hips
tame and Menry, from this port, as far as
cape Florida ; they may therefore be hourly
cxue&ed. Capt. Haines jn the lchooner
Beauty, who had been in La Vera Crnz,
was at Elavanna, expefting to fail with the
fl :et, for Baitimofe* 1 lit Americans are
still admitted to make entry at Havanna.
Lift st La y trJ Cruit—
Ship Rose, NichoU, of New.York.
Brig Ann, Law, ditto
Franklin, Morris, Wilmington
Nancy, Herenburg, Baltimore
Sch r Zenith, Shotleff, Philadelphia
Citizca, Stockett, Baltimore
Alert, Diamond,
All expe&ing to fail in a few dayj.
New.York, J.-ity i
Tefterday arrived trig Delight, Wkitam,
>3 days from Cop.-nhagen : Ht p and Iron.-
Same day, thip Draper, Cottins, 52 dvyt
and ch I,ren ;—amang the umber, the Rev.
Ba th'Jow. v) M Mcthen, and Mrs. Hopkins,
and three child en, ■wife of Mr. Jot. Hob.
Bahimtre, July 23.
Arrived ycflerday,
Schooner Beauty, c ptam Hayneg, 10
daysi'romJ-lavaiiM—Ballaft Spoke Schoo
ner Polly, of, 4 Jays out, ail well.
Sailed in company with ihe ships .Sally, capt.
Smith ; Abigail, 1 ead ; Haleyon, Wife ;
and ndivc, Cranston ; snow Kanger, Mar
tin ; brigs Jol.n and Jofcph, Clark ; Patriot,
Stai.foury ; Fanny and Jane, Drtfcoll, and
Felicity, Chather ; fenooner Tabitha,
Green ; besides a number of others, namea
not recoHecitd, for other parts of the
United States —All under convoy of the
General Green frigate which parted from
the 10th inft. lat. 32, long. 75. 20 .
Arrived this day.
Brig Perfeveran -e, capt. Lucklin, 8 days
from Bermuda.
The _fh;p Pegasus, of New York, capt.
Concklw, was carried in there and libelled.
Sn °w Ranger, capt. Martin, 12 days
fiom Havanna—Sailed with the convpv,
parted from them about 7 days ago. Gap
tain Martin has colicingly favored the edi
tors of the Federal Gazette with a minute
hit of the Havanna fleet, consisting of about
fifty American veflels, which will he publiQ)-
ed to-jr,orrow.
f „
S*l < v <
" t ll " ir ;
Sflc <Jsajem.
7 5 HAVANNA, JULY Ilth, 1799.
A pedant of Salamanca, Don Frn.ncifco i IN consequence of a late order
ue Caietto, lately opened his Dilpinfatof-v of t'roni Madrid, no neutial veflel from a Bri.
Medicinal Balms at the capital of New-F.n- -n ~ ,
gland. The sagacious 3oitr,nians soon tl(h P ort 13 al,owcd tocome into tJ,is P ! *« ;
found reafou to fufped that Don F.r>cif'co as several have been lately ordered away, and
had been more experenced in the tt f im auy romc ror the want of ■ f
than the healing art, and the Doctor left . , , ml
them. , tlon ot this " w order, I think it my duty
to communicate the circumitante to you,
The Neapolitan Republic, is, it Item;, t ] )iit y OU mav> ,f .- ou ifdgt proper, maker
ephemeron has palled into the vale of fliadows, ! P ub!,c « V
and republics! ism, in future, will aihmilatc j . I l ave tie honor to be, See.
with it, in the mind of a Neapolitan, no jnc iu Y7NAimr
other ideas but mttdef and rtfiiZ. Sor* i J YZNARDI
eighty or ninety years hence, two grave old | Tbe Secreta ry of Slate,
couuitllor* ( with crimson velvet caps, (not' ifc. &c. Is't.
cap; of liberty J hearing m the streets of Nj.
les, news ot some Moody and feroc;uu? ir
lurre&ion in a diftaut and barbarcus land,
will call to mind the days of Gallic devafta
•ion) ar) d one will fay to the other 14 the
cruelty of thel": favagei, brother, is exceed
great—the world hath not known any
thing like it for many a long day." "Av "
ftjni the other, * fine* the bloody French're
volutionifts, now long since wiped from the
face of the earth, we have lecn nothing Kki
With great p'rafure I have heard the pieces
ligned '»tie Lay Preacher of Pennsylvania
approved of and applauded, by gentlemen
whole knowledge, judgment and taste, enti
tle their opinions to high regard.
1 he ten Austrian companies . supposed by
some accounts, to have fallen into the hands of
the panic -stricken San'culottet;, itnowappear:;
by later dates are fafe in a flrong hold, breath
ing defiance to thole rtgk ides and aflaflfms,
and ( only waiting a reinforcement ofprovift
ons, to speak daggerstotbe bloody fee. As
the Auftriahs have met with no loss so ccn
fiderable as this, since the opening of the
campaign, it is the more pleasing to ascer
tain it to be unfounded. That brutal furor
which poured droves upon droves of she
wretched raggajnuffins oi the Revolution
upon the scanty ranks of their enemies, has
now wholly evaporated, and it will in fu
ture be as strange a fight to them to behold
ten Auflrian companies prisoners, as to fee
one English man of war brought into their
The Republic, astbe gentle Bar
ras tells us, is going to defend at taft even
the cause of humanity : but alas the weapon
wherewithal her defence is to te atchieved,
is the fame whereby fiie has been extermina
ted from rrance. \ engeance, vengeance,
bloody Revenge, is the mean by r.-hich bit
ntanity is to be relcued arid defended.
11 'Tii thui they oufe a compromifc
" 'Twlxt wrangling cont rarieiiet;
" Ai Irifli logic never fail*
" To gear draught horfea by their
ihe following palTage, cr one better ex
prefTrd, may be taund in the p*ge cf fonie
future chronologift :
" 1800. The centurialjyeai—Final Dowr,-
ial Ci the French Republic—Regicides pun
ilhed—Europe reftoxed toorder-Uuniverfal
Buonapzrtc has told us that the French are
good MulTulmen. Jf s O , why Ibould they
whine at the death of two men, when they
mujl believe that " God from fill eternity de
creed' that they fliould pcri/li at that time
and plaoe.
Fifteen of the council of youngsters rose
at once to bellow out the sanguinary itera
tion, Vengranec ; like fifteen AfTes running
to the road fid?, to bray at a fieed palling by.
But they need not be in a hury for vengeance;
there will be enough of it amongst them, ve
ry focn.
Paris, long the Paridife, has now com
pletely become the Pandsemonium, of Fools,
Goaded by a million of deadly impulses, they
rile up in the agonies of despair, crying
Vengeance, vengeance, let us execute veu
geance. Like one who when life was at its
last ebb, defirtd to be mounted on his horse
to" give the enemy another charge ! but ex
pired in the attempt.
A calculation on the probable durability
of a new republic, in tjiefe enlightened times,
must be foinevrhat analogous to that made
by the Marquis de Condorcct, soon after the
m " rd " of !h s royal master. This fanfculot
tifh Marquis cikulaud the probable term
of a poor dtir-iA life at six mentis. Now,
your Republic hath been known to lail not
so long.
Ip evidence of tfrc advancement of litera
ture in Amerto, the Editcr of a periodical
wo k in New-York has difcoverecf Homer
to be a blockhead, p.nd the admiration excited
by his works in every age, to be an evidence
it the stupidity of raankirtd> One Miro, a
Poet of Mantua, had the preposterous folly
to 1 cribble an imitation of his nonsensical
rhapsody ; and is set down for a still great
er Als than his original. Dryden and Poue
are n-jt touched upon by this iagacious be
ing ; but Southey's Joan of Arc is mention,
ed with applause. lUsum tens at is ?
Dr. Francis J. Smitb, the Northampton
Demesne*, who admires M'Kean for fwno
ing the Quawkefc, has feat his l'peech to
Tench Coxe, requeuing the eld Tciy, ( 33
he, Sn;th, is not viry immiuer.:, Itt qifiiu-
:,r* ' V.
» .
* f ,jiihir S ' :r -uiiuon) to
K o; J 1 " and pub.
Llh n in the Aurora. This the old T orv
- appears to have done, it the speech has been
in the hands of Bache, :>nd btiag either too
long or too. nonfenhial even for his stupid
meridian, was -ofufed a place. - • -
On tbe t'tb inst. tvas celebrated tt Cam.
bridge in jl f i:-sacbusctts, tbe annual com
mencement at Harvard College. Tbe De
grees of A. B. 7tras cenfcrresl on Forty-Three
Cand. dates, and that of A. Ah on Thirty-
Tbe era of oar disconnection ivitb French
Despots, was atso celebrated at Portsmouth,
by an Cr.Vion, &c. [Bos. Cer.t'inti.
The Ift of Aiigu t next, at, 8 o'clotk in tic
evening-at toe Merchants Coffe House,
SITUATE in the manor of Moorland, Montgcm
cry county near to 1 ho'iias l.'tngflreth's hap«
mill, and rot far diftint irom th ■ Newton road,
and a6ost 15 mi!«sfrom Philadel] hia containing
a !•» acres ol l.ard, on which is a good two story
Pone dwelling houlV. frame liable Ac. on this p acc
is a large garden «it'i every kind of vegetables,
and agood hearing • r.. . < 'he ltd graftedtvuit,
such aj harvest and winter applet, pear>, cherries,
quinces &c. The crop in the ground consists of
corn, flax, potatoes ana clover. 'I he fitujtion is
very healthy, ?nd being in ihe neighbourhood of
several floret and flour mills, makes <t a dclirablc
purchase for any person vvifhing to feeure a sum.
nier retreat at a small siperce, Terms may be made
known at the offiee of Edward Bonfall. tlo. 64
Dock Street; or by
joly is
BEOS to let hit ProFclfionil Friendi and th«
Gentleman of Uie Bar generally, thfooyhthc
United Staict, know, jkkt hit BOOKS tre just ar
rived in the Henrietta from Dublin, comprising a
cullcilion of the gretttt variety and value,
exceeding any former importation.
Hi» Catalogues, so soon as prepared, stall W
fiinilhed Gentlemen as heretofore ; and in thj
mean time lie rcqutfts the Javor of tkeir early of
July IS
Pine Forge and Farm,
SITUATE in Douglas Townfcip, Tlerks county'
about one mile: t>d a half from the Ri»er Schuy 1 .
kill, and five from Potts Town. The farm con
tains three hundred and «xty acres ol land, about
one hundred and twenty ol which ii weod land;
twenty-five acres of meadow, Extern of which il
watered, besides clover fields; a very cipital orch
ard Containing upwards of two hundred air's
The forge has four firn, two hammers, and four
pair of bellow?, i< in complete order, having been
lately re 1 aired, and is capable of
two hundred and forty tons of har ires annually.—
l ike* if.. a saw Mill, fniith (hop, two coal hoefes,
and a luScicnt number of hou/ s to accominodaije
workmen, all in good order On th* prcmifes are
a two ftoty stone dwclling house and counting house
(lone barn and stables Sufficient for thirty horfei, a
' ,r K e S ra ' n barn, cow house, and every other bnild
iug ncccff.iry fur the use of the farrr. and works.
Also about five hundred acres of excellent chef
nut timber land from 3 to J miles from the wotks;
which will be fold either with the works or fuper
orj, as n«aj suit the purchaser.
I he purchaser can be acc»mmodate<3 with wag
gons, hoi fes, and ev ry other kind of flock neces
sary for carryii-g 011 the bullnrfs.
1 he ttrmsmay he known i>y »pp!ylog to JOHN
CLEMENT STOCKER, F.l'q, merchant, Philadel
phia, or to the fubferiber en tbe premiics.
July aj
AFT EU long and tedious trials, the luhfcri*
her has at length brought forward i pro
c-rs and clDiiti-d U patent for the purifying of
aea ! itpt-jHt and Spei maaeii Oil.
rhc 1 in Ijid Intent i* veiled in the fub
foiher, ,S«AW R,6cHx,m, of Hudson, Jared
Lejftn, Eiq. silo of liudfon, and M'j r John
Stephens, of Vv'il) inptcn, itatc of Maffaehol'etU*
to cither cf whom applications en the fubjeiP.
may he made.
This we yrcfuwje is the greatest difccvery of
this kind that has ever been trade, for
or it has been certified by the heft
judges in the Uhited States, to better the light
fifty per cent, and gire little' nr no smoke
thrrriorc it is recommended to pcrfors concern
ed in the Sp&Elephant and Spermaceti fiftieryto
tome forward and promote this excellent dilco
very, as the best and eaficfl mode of putting it
in execution, is to begin the process on the lift
ing ground. They slut havc.rsreiU cil of St 4
Elephant and Spertntre#! on hand, may by *j>:
plyiijg to the fubfcribcr"i>e put ie a way to puri
fy the fame,
Richard Robothatn. •
** * -A sample 3f the n!)cx: way be '-' n
Ibis .ejficz.
j'-»y *5 • •' it '
Latcft Edition*.