Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 23, 1799, Image 4

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    ; : -V -V/ ■" v . :':t t " ■ _ '
: ; \ I? OPr iiliEO FOR SALE, . , PROPOSAL::, » N,at .. i;-if i,jbaijl* ailw,„ 'ir 3 i, „,
.Vok : ''li"iX' rifs\-eJ.: va pyhJfor) For carrying the Malls of tit •• y • «j r'*nd :s ,
By tl?e B.ubfcriSer? at No. 5 Ghemut 5V -V Li/ABLE parcel of Land i» Aim Aran- UNIT EDStA TE S, I Nftie 3. H CT , yl ,«'.a,! iy (unavoidable acci- I « S^W^dYVt rib. 7_-
(i-,.,. . ,1, , Vl7 • '"*• <lcl coa-ty, not far from the city of An- On the foUovuvi? Post-Roads, 'lean. ex«epi j) in.artivi»*afc* theum.a ore.cnbe,! ~i . . , £> • ndat any other
itpeet, articles, viz. . nap<)lis a;:d , lou^ . rails(( from tlie c!ty >, V v ß ih- ' f , am.feor-toi: Wck o«<doi.
ifc,aitd 4tn pror, ,■ t.'i L'r ndy m f ipci, ;„„r o j,. On oik. of these trafl, i» a moll elegant \ST V* !*t °! i " lar > a,, d ifwedclay comiijue, until tjie departure ol nl. n c MitfieW i' w,t '" n ihe limits of th*
New I: upland Humi.ihl, two (lory brick Owellin" House, 4 rooms on a : ln r hl.adeljahra, until the 1 it.h da> 'any depending Vtsil, whereby t! r Mul, dcitined 10. _ • J ' v " *•
Co *» do ' floor,heaorifnly Ctustcd in an excellent and healthy ci Aug-uii a«*t, mclufive. -uch depend..* Mad, loiea t.ip, a.. add,;io.isMorfe,. ,0 / UpP if' aM ration, that
Tkltaew>. in do. neighborhood— rhi- body of Land will be fold IN MAIKK. lu-cot «<-e » o ||,r, fliall be incurred. mav •>.. i.quned at Portfmoiith at Kuetrr, «
■Rice in threes, in lots or in a large body. There are several ten- I. Sfotfdife by Machias, Chandler's river, Note t- Ne»*lpap<-ia as well a* Lrijprs are to be ' c '''® Lm ir o "« a «, or at any
; ef-fc\ b. »Q.l half bbla. ementa. on said fracl which r«nt lor fomsthiug; Columbia and Narragnaeusto Oold/Boro' f once tht Main; and ifany pctfen ifnkin; proposal.«, P 1 " 1 w " • -'oops are or s may bs
taaclrarcl, in !o. eonflderaWe p-r ann. A further defcrmtion is 'a «etk, eftiroaied e.ghtv eight milea. deine. toeairy Ncwfpape.s other that: those con.ev- W"^l^'. (hed *recrujte Q wuhmthe Statetof
I ' S ! ,-r.v. JC «u,,:, u l e M„ b»« V . deem* i unnecessary. Apply to the printer. Fr,,.-, .l br H i«b so C«W 1 5 <*-LeaVeßcoO- ed .« the m,.1, for (mown rmolume;;., he mull JW.
Wita j m ptpts halt pipes Scqf. Caik* ■ 4 , »• . , * . • r , ~f mhu propolals for wnai futw he will carry it ' * le to bt iuppliea, is to consist of the
CUrct, in eases -JS2LL » w6w " !•'v e y haiur ayat > and at Goldl antJ lor what rum wlhout y th , t Wl.-.ving artick., viz. Eighteen ounces of bread
Uo on Sail Dock. No. tat " Wo .hem « Tuesday by 6P. M Return,ng iuinen; . or flow, or when-either can he obtained, of one
Ruilin, ditto, qualitisS, every \i rdnefday at SA. M Kote 5. Sh-uld any person making nropnfal! defne ,ju trt .1 rt.e, cr one an J a half pound of fiftcd or
Riilfn H np, ai arrive at bcoodit: on Saturday by 10 a. M. an alteraiinu of the timei of arrival 2 d dfea tu r .i. onltr i it,! an meal, one pound and a quarter of
TOliF '• > 'h ANTHONY & Co. j jfe Frew Qfithtr 15J 'js4 slprii 15 —Leave Scon bove fpecified, he mull slate in hi. ptopofalxhe aitet- frefli lutt'. or one pound of foltrd beef, or three
r„i v - '"" itaw.t\v 1 la d'C ey.?rv Sun'day at 2P. M and arrive at Gouidf- aiions defirtd, and ihr difference they will make iu quarter, of a pound of salted Pork, and when freflt
4 "tt 1.• : , .—" - " ' C?i: TSvS' ' ■ 1 torn* on VV; blpffij bv 6C f M- Returning— ihe term, of hi. &h«rafl. iK.rat is ifiiic.l, f It. at the rate of two quarts for
Received by tee ship Ad-tana,captain Car t - 1 Leave GoM'dlbo' every Thursday at 61. M. Note 6 Pxio » mjktn K frtpofcV *r- defned to e , hundred rations soap at the rate of four
trMy-'jf -im London, vivV.,'; 1 ?f$ \'s* ' • ! and arft ie at d c 011 onnday at to *M. la e prices_ -y t'.« 7 ar. . bole .vho eontrafi p.<und«, and the rate of a pound and a
a ■ - w ihe mo.ith« si half for every hundred ration,
HAIR SEATINGS, Bl#e «UC«K Frofpta antl J'Z'J' « m v, It is expeacd the propoiah will also e«.bd to
'SpiUhl? far eluir and f> f hi covers, cnnfiltlng TllP Swift - SIU'C B'-iUit to Dwktra?, oace a week; t .limned ~«e to'be InTperatioiiOT the ,"day of Oftohe, tt,e fu rF'y "1 rom, whifcey, or other ardent fpi
of ltrip.- I p.nd iliain, and of the following 111 C O Wilt ULIIC, eighty five mi!e». ,nd are t.romioue in force until the .ftOil. ".5 at the rate of hal: ag.U per rat.«» and *«*.
width*, ■sv-ts .7 . ia, to, ao, 41, 11, 14 A xtvvr TtKtJ!ne CTA rV ? From /.prd 1 t,M 03«ber IS—Leave GouMI- ,Bj,. Contrast, for the rout, sNumKtcd toto ,6ate S ar _ at the rate of two qu u-t, Inr ev ry hundred
i 6, 28, 3 o and inches* LIN hUto/ALr IL o, ber6 every VVcJncl'tiay, at SA. M and arrive also to be in operation O o the ift day of Oftober next rations. Ihe pr.j-ofa s will Ip .city the price-os
F s4l Fpy wow running ut fw cN c.t Dutktrapon Saturday by 10 A. M. Return' and arc to continue in force until the Ift of April 1802. the Ccvtral coinponcpt yiarts oi rhe rutioi>, as well
'GEORGE PENNOCK xtrw VOPir Dac'trap every Saturday at . p.m. JOSEPH HAJJEftSHAM. a, tbofe of tuhft.tute, or alternatives t or p , rtJ
v»rOßv.rE PEN NOCK, PHILADELPHIA NEW-YORK, attdarnve at Oouldlboro' the new Tuesday by Poller General.
roTl SALE' By the (hnrt and pleasant 'oad of 6 P.m. A> r ,7 , c-T eave Goul.'f G "' ru! Pa(l \ C' 4] ait.Satther "%U at all time'., dut th^Wntf
Bv SIMON WALKER, BuJlUtan, Newtown, Seoteh Piaitu, Spring. W every Vhorfday «6 a.m. and arcivTat Pkita ' J™ ,0 ' *799- 3 * *t w AtfficieiKior the con.
1 ' Goldnntl Np<it\nrh i c j -l. . i> a —~— ■■■ riimntion ot ttoc troops?£ Vlichiiimackinac, Detroit
"■ T r-)OI M('U' iear . pHE excellence of this road, the populous- LeavVDncLrap^\o' > slnday M at a' Notice it hereby glD€tl y Niagara and i«r fii m.-rth- in advance,,
VV I'* r».; o c vt'-'rach?andT"'; nes s of the eewntry through which it pass- arrive at G u.dfborb' on Wcdncß yby 6 p.m. ' PIIAT fcparire propolals will he rcc.ivrilit t^ori^ea^hr-Vmomh
I -,g 11 r«. e«ch, With carriers, &c completed advantages, render , From Machiaa to Paflaniaquoddy, once ih 1 tl'e office ot the Secretary ot the Depfrt- , nd V ;;oU (otnc provision.. in, fameftdl U Z
ditto - 6 pounder,. 5 t-4 Icet lon«, l S each, «t f < far pr?fenabte tb. Old Road through two week.. ment ot War, ant. the expiry not the ss«* 1 ired . l t alio to be permitted to allanievciy
and 6 feet long, t8 cwt. each, with carriages, &c. Brmifviiak, fcc. long ago (upgefltd the Leave Varhias every other Friday noon and ot July next enlumg, tor the supply ot *•' **• | o f th- ceeueaiidaeu.of fortilrd ptacea or roftt
complete; , ptopnety of ,ts becoming the Grand I ho- arrive at Paflamaqnoddy on Satarday at IoA. nons, wbjch may be required for ft* ! t0 ca U ( or at fcaf-n, wheq the fame c.n'ht tranf-
Carrona les on Hiding carriages, la, t3 & 14 ; rough .arc from I hilautjpma to New York. m. Returning—Leave Padamaquoddy every United States, from the firfi day of OdV htr, 1 ~orrc<l, or a e any time in cafe ol ucrncy fuchlup
ponndeit, weighing 61J, 8 and !3cwt. each ; Daring the pre fen t year, a minute fmveyofit other Saturday at ap. M. and arrive at Machia, 1 799> 1i> 'he thirtieth day of September, 1800, oflile rrovifion, in alvance, a--, ih the tiifor;-
Eoardintf f'ifcea and Cotlafle,; his hetn taken and its fup-riority over the Old 011 Sunday noon. both days inclusive, at the places and within the j t ;,, n 0 j t h e cammandart {hal! l-e drcmrd proper,
ynglift C-,n'ou Ptw-er; Road, both m winter and lummer, has been From October 1; to April 15—Leave Ma- two diftriAa herein after firlt mentioned ; and 'lti,,o be underltood that the contractor i« to Ijc
| 'toper Sheatl'. ; ni}.Nail, Spike, and Bolts; clearly afcertaincd.—There are good bridge, chias every other Saturday noon and arrive at s "o that separate propefals will be received at jatt .e expencc aud rifle o! issuing the fnppliei to
6,9 ii, : K and 241b. round shot; overall the other waters but the Delaware, Paflamaquoddy on Sunday at 10 a. m. Ketur- the said office until the expiration ot the 25th ' the troths, and that all loflss, fuflained, by the
6, 0. »4lb. dpu- I- headed do. and here ihe croffiag is performed with great ning—Leave Paflamaquoddy every other Sun- day ot July ntxt entiling, lor the supply of aj) j depredations of an enemy, or ' y r«ana of »he
9,18 14111 CaniilOer Shot. falety and in le's than halt the time required at day at IP. M. and arrive at Machias on Monday ration;, which may be required as afucfaid, : troop, »f »h« United State*, fliall as paid for at ihe
I .i-.i quantity ol Sell Englith, Porter, Claret the TrrnonFeTry The road is several mites at IP. H. from the firft day of January in the year 1800, price of the artic'c captnrH or rfeftroyL-d, on the
a., fort a oit «, \Jhorter than the ol' road, but this is amongS 4. From AugufJa by ReadSeld asd Chefler to t0 the thirty.firlt iJay of Decenjbcr in the fame | drpofi'iini* of two or mo»e perfnn* ol crc-lhabla
\ aunt-* Ale in can, ot 7 doreneach. j the least of its advantages, because daily expe- I'armingttin, once in two weeks. year, both day, inclusive, at the place and with- r eh.,railer«, and the certificate of a conmiiCoiiffd
' ,1 , *' r " , 1aw ..~.— 1 ieti' epitv sto us, that dilpatch as well as com- Leave A ngulta every other Wednesday at Bin the several dates herein after mentioned, via. ofliccr, aAcrtaining the circumtt of rhc tola,
I Jottht B t JuN. fort in travelling principally depend on the a. m. and arrive at Farmington on Thursday at Firji— Propolals to supply all rattoni, that and the amount of the article*, for which contpmi-
No. 80, Dock, near' Third Sireet. goodness of the road and the levelnef* el the 10 a. m. Returning—Leave Farniington every may be required, at Ofwcgo ; at Niagara ; at • fation fnall l, e clauned
f Has forfeit ' cnun ry, and, in these re'peiSs, the New Road other Monday at 1 p.m. and arrive at Hallowcll P r efqti'iik ; at Michilimackinac ;at Fott Tf:e privilege i, to be unlttftood to b* refcwed
I CciTae, " is, bey>n ! ill comnirifon, the bell. It present, on Tuesday tty 6P. M. Franklin ;at Le Rcruf ;at Cincinnati; at lo ; be'. mted Staw« of requiring, that none of th,
Bafia ' none of thole rocky mils, which render the Old in vkut.sont. Picque town, and Lorjmici stores ; -at Fort lu PP l| e* wW h may he ftirnifW under any of t h
Vamoodka, R ,ad fatiguing between the Delaware and from Windsor, by R. valton, Randolph, I Wayne; atFoit Defiance ; at-ny below contraflsniall be issued untiHhefu-plie
Tara.tes, Newark. The foil, too, tpr the greater part, is VVil ramßon and Montptliu to Fort Defiance, on ihe Miami river to Lake furniftti wirr wattyi.,
Colic js, ftfch as, to produce but little mud in winter, and once in tui. weeks. " i Krie ,at Fort Knox, and Ouatanon 011 the .■ 1 ', "I ronfumed. and that a sup- > very little u!t m. fummcr, which lin umfhncc, Leave vv int)lor every other Thursday by 6 'ivar Wfibalb ;at MalTic ;at any plate or {! V' a ' "<1 at any of
Uoiv.ll and '> Handkerchief,. adtlel to tha h<-auty of the co ntry, and a c<«- A M nnd an ive at Bin lington on Saturuav Uy places on the east fife, of (he river M t eisaJStor »bre-niortht
. '•- 1 «1««1 3 tiderable prop rtion of (hade, o ult always ren. 4p. m. Returning— Leave Burlington every i a'>uve the mouth of the river Ohio, and upou ' V i4>HP\rx?V
The firegcing goods are now to he fold at der travelling 111 the latter season peculiarly a- other Monday bs 6a. m. ,t)4 arrive it v/indfof the Iljinfti, rjvtr. M fJtiIVK.,
R I 'TIITPF'n PR IPFC: greeaWc. nn vVedreftla'v by 4 p. w. Second-Propyls to supply »I 1 rations that Secretary of War.
4j y, " . , '. , I Ihe Swift Snre starts from PIJILADEL- ' nkw-vork, raay be reqaired, a;aAy plate or plac<*,.on the yrch it
i Jvant-C* in thi's'eouotry 1 ? j -j^ l 'Vll 6. Prom Fifliki!! t.. Newbury, «nce a week. «l» fide of the MMMippi river, beba-tne Valuable LandS sOT Sale.' '
may IS * jawtf IW' ! r m ' he F R £ Et t Lt aV( . Fimkiji cv ry Endav v«4 oVlock, ?M t of (hw river Ohio to the bntbern boon- Tuesday the 20th of August n.«, I fliaH
* " <TL' th r> J 1t e Luhetan Church, North Fourth Hrett & and irrive?t Newbury by 6, P. M Returning t>ie 'lCMWidry attll^witboi the |\J t'apofe to^p«bßc fclc,-(*t)M tiwnof Mbw
■Lhvty Dollars Reward. g°«» 'hrongh War.kford to Bnftleton. wher- it . -Leave Ne«: irveveryTriday at 2, KM. a.'d 5 at Knoxvihe ; at a|l other pods .and , Ma, ket. in Dwibeller tomity, all that valuable
rC T OL .-No'uto the ft jb■ eof the fubfcr'fbtr, " J P S •« J'eakfaft ; from BdUctOwa it goes ,f r ive at Filhfeill at 4, P.M. ■ places, wiiijio the liate of Tenneljce ;a; S uth or ;.arc«l of land commonly called the Chor-
CJ/'r *■* - t ,' a j 1 nto lenny town to dinner ; From CnnamJa?gua by Hartford to Nil- Point ;at Tdiico St. ; tank JmlLii Hcuaterl on tho south fide and
Dark rhefnut Snrrel Hnrff ; hoiK Pttmy town through Hopewull, MilUlone, gara once in two week?. ' Stephens on the river and any [Slace , binding o)4 the Choptanli river ffveral milrs.fup
- . "** ~ i Bound brook, bbletown and Ptiinfield to I, fSV e Casantlaieua . virv other Monday, at or P' 4C " wilhin the Chefokee'boundancs ;be , jrifcd to contain about fn 'h"ofand acres, to be
Nito ,1 n-ie tias auatand niaz ; lix years od , g C t tcb Plains to , .dge. The next morning it BA. m. and arrive at Niasar* the Th«rf- >"w the foytnern boundary of the state of !"en- I divided into lots to contain from rocv, 3 500 acres
.h'i .pring, ... s»d an halt hai t s nigh ; ■ ft b ps at Springfieltl to breakfaft, from whence ,| av j,., „ 4 M Returning— ~L-ave Nia art ev- I ncflte aud within the boundary of the Ur,i;cJ ca ch: ihe teruif of Lie as follow, vlt. Purohaf,!-,
? C Vfc o T. W r h,te ha f u wa y tn h,S k - "'J [T i {t «<** Newark and arrives a. New j e ,-y other thurfd"v at fP. M. and arr "e at ! Sl«ea. to give bond immediately after the fob with ap.
i . ■ f L *, • t '"'S ht were a saddle < York ar noon Can.indaigua on Sunday by 6P. M. 'Third—Psopohls to supply all rations that cttodi'ionod lor ( >e pnymcut of
■*»»., «-i j'lir •■•fn f>u of .mother ftablc ; fuppoftd ; From NEW-YORK it Uarti at 3 o'clock if) Iv van I'a iray be rrouircd, a; Point-r'ctie ;at i ,u »'chafe money, with intcrcd from the day of
t»y'pei v,unhy tfce said Ovibby thc afternoon (frcn Paulus Hook) and arrives « Frnm r ' ;rh uj vi m nh ," v, Aarnn r s"****£* and At any other cr platen f,,e » ,n J our ***** inftaJments,
j taken on the fh:rd inft. with the Philadelphia the next evening For fra's at fc ur A Mileiburtr Rd fjrt unfi Cexute Furnaci 1 w k' r * troci* ? an a ' cn(it ' 41 ad appcintir.promm:l
andbiid.e, and had exchanged the horse for a New-York, appl c«ion may he made to Bd- Cen «" Fur,,iK: f .or recruited within the"Le of
aark J»mw.> mare, aboW M a half hands ward Bardin, Old Coftce house, to A. Mathieu, T,, n,» at - p I forts oyftatiqn.on the Ocoftnee «ml AUwinaha, the Choptank Indian Lane, Dor-
Vgh ; fhr hn: a liar, and white (pot on the near corner of NifTau and John ftreets,'{o R .Warty, J"LdriJln fruh,v bt', T « and at all „ther places in thc Cr.-ek Nat,on, a«d for approprta «ig the fame to
Cdco: her "jaw, ab/r the bit , has the.liftem- m,. 48, Courtlandt, corner of Gremwirh ftrcet, 1.. S«..rd« ; wkhin'he limits of the United States, where M v h-rem nT' '"(r"? urT
per [.and in-good ; the said Gabby made and to Michael Little, at his hotel, no. 41, ~ o f~»dZrrve it Lr
Ijii efi.ape the fame evening. If the owner of Broad flreet. Tuefdav bv ' B W-Propofals to supply all ration, that MaH3 ,. bv .
.- " * I- » o fa., Way pafifengers » Cents JSS&TTX. "f SS 2T5 SUCTS? "w J&5! iSL.
E.'fhp.,ll"eDgFr is, Hoard (otike on i,tb,. of - fir &*.
jfcsss*tn? rOLIO - N0PKOP£RTV-
ing the thief, as as jrefaid, (hall be entitled to r p r ut "'^ c,g , f the next I uelday b> 7 p.Returning Cape Few ;at Deac n Island, Ocracock •at A Excellent thre< Itory Brick Honfe fltf.
the above reward, and reasonable charges, or _ ' re-i edl to packages sent on without Leave .. exandna every Thurklay at 6a. at, Char j clte at i-.i yct tc V il!e, at Sab(bury, or at Jl atethe corner As 7th and Kace-ftreet"
wt wa.,,,.. »"v" '" c ?k ,b :4 tj T* sA - - f.« " "" m " d " *• K,:xirs f islz™
DONATION LANDS. - ifg-U™* Alexa'ndTia^eterj Fnd*v'«. to supply all ration, that J»bly airy, havtng a p«t,i;c open in Frn.t
lowing conditions. The person %ho deliver, and arrive at Harritbnrg on Way by 4 Ih, .V VHr „ no
f , lt mckaoe at rbe nfSre shall f,, I. „I Kempfwlle, at Chlriottewlle,'at •»o three ftor> Bruk Honfe., Brick St*es,
Not ice is hereby given, the ftage-bo-k, for - hich entry he (hall pay 6 10. From Morgantown by Vettv John to Stanntnn, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at Lees- Yh'T'^'l
T r Claims for Donatttnt Lands granted cents . he u ,; lthen | hte the value ot tie pack- CUrhfeurgh. once in two weeks. Lcav« Mor. bUrg> " at, or at r 7 W, " fh
1 by the State- ot Penniylvama to the Offi- age.and pay (exdufive of the carria e) ne per gantown every other Monday at ja. v. and ar- *»V 0h " P ljc % or plac« where troops are or 'h.fe buihing. are, is fifty fo«r fee. from on
»ers and' Soldier, ot the Line belonging to the c nr , m thc v | w , as infuranc , and for wiTrh r '»« at C larkfturg by ? p.m. Jlet»r,i*g. Leave ™ a V b e ftat.oncd, marcbed or recru.ted, m the ' 'k' •, continues that w:, th about
fa d State-ill the late Wit, will be receive,: at be will receive a teseii.t I Lus frinfhnct Clarksburg every other Turfdry by Ba. m. and «ate of Virginia. 95 ,hen w. Jens to the (outli i, feet 6im h
t',K Office of Comptroller Ocneral of said State ,t He eftimaes his Fat kage at one dollar ne «.l! arrive at Morgantown by 7 p m. Proposals to supply all rations that «'• fc.fl attfce. front on the w*er is sixty fcven
" tnilii tbe lft September next inclufivs and that ! pay one cent, and if at one hi.ndred dollars, he IU From Peteriburg by c.h. - j„h« Steinmetz
> .ri!,nl-res ai.' hcr:' ll'. by iawwil! fit as w -il one do'lar inlurance and in-lifc#> «rr» ampton ch to South Quay, once every month at Aunapolw, at Frederick town, at Leon-srrl q )'M. e low.ri, and ha.- rne *d vantage of a
ff :U the said Office'on every Monday frorß portiyn for packages of anv o'thci va.ue ' ,4tave Pctrrfburg the fir ft Tuesday in each town, at Hagers town, at bla<Vn|Wg, at P' '' , c 31 T on the north, and h a very dcDra
*eH o'ti'vk in the ore"o<>n until one in y ri ' c * ''" if ' Lr, im# . f i l,;i! r*;n;tr- month by noon, a«4 arrive at South Quay on George town, it Harper's ferry, at Eiftown, at b!r fyuatkMilor the business of a Flour Factor,
r.-roen, bear and detc-ir.ine HI unfat.f.e-1 ,y U reeul-tien • "»il! t ontinhahl! by ? r m. Atar*.j. Leave don,h the of Elk. and at any other place or or Merchant
C alms -already filed, ars well as tbofe "which , h * , ' , h - . 'r, ■' r Quay the firft I hurfdav in each month by'B A.«. places, where troops are or may be fta'ior.ed, A |jr K c elegmt two ®»ry Stone ILiulV, f.tu
inavbe fifed on pr before the fatd firft day of not •«_, w-nnMora think ir ,!,?•» X aad arrive at Petersburg on Friday by tf m. marched or reciuited within the I mils of itie ate on the Point no Point road. the firll
JOHN DONMAtD?QN, Comt'r. fll) | r for , hf fjfe deiiiirry of no package, which «*•. From Norfoik by K-:. P fville, Great - ridge. , to lupplyall ration- that *'"■ *»hou« io eet front and 40 lee. deep
Samuil Bryan,Kegtr. is not regularly eatercd, and f r which an itilur- New Lebanon, and Joislboro' tu Elizabeth city, nil . v >e required at 1 ,>it .i.tiTlin, at Phdar.eU ' fl ,V r ' e : , tr \ '^, a no, d? lr -
Pktlß P, Ay N ton. Treaa'r. , nc< rtce P ; ~e once in two weeks. £»"»« Lancaster at, at clioue collsa.on of,he bed fruit trees.
Depafrtnt of Accounts of > In the difirib-tion of the route the ereateft Leave Norfolk every other Wednefc.ay by Ir. Hejdirg, at Bnftol, at Y.wktown, at C«r!ifle, ICe-Hoo.e and other conveniences w-ith about
Pennfylvitiia, May '99.. \ rare ha-s bren taken to fix on fuel, platcaand :a- « and arrive a, Elizabeth eity on Friday .v ,c " Lev,,ll county) at Bedford, at "«' «r" ' of
(•6) dfw fm.w.fa tf) ,™ njk v. a 1T,,l a „„„H ,r!L™,. * M Rttur*i*g. Leave K!tz beth city rve.y o<*enftmrg, at VVaiTungion, at Eail own, at 'be purchalei, thirty two arresot upland and
1 '* I' / Ulo Pi-l-hei-'it fm- K,t!c and eiiteriainmcnt for the oafknpfm at the o other Monday ;,t noun and arrive at Norfolk oh W 1 minpfo#, at Chriltiana, at Dover, or at'any . meadow nw.y be added toi\
A CllUtiisle X f 'J J O .le % reafonablr riter Tkp ll,rL e • ■ll' . ( Wcrinefday by io a. m. othrrplace or places where troqps are or may A plantation in Bibirry Township, Philat'et
! j Chet»«t, rear Six'h dr et, tlireflly oppoGt , |', , ' ( I^'Pi tl t From Suffolk by South Quay to Murfrees- ->e stationed, marche-J or reerdite.! within the P' l '" county near ih* ked Lvrtn, about r 1 mifrs
Cotioatrs Mail, , T co "}- boro> ORCe in two we 4. limits of -he dates or Penttfylvani, and Dela- *«>"> this city ; bounded by the ,Northampton
A LOT of ground, about a I feet.front in Chef miitedtothe ' are.of intelligent o•• and old,. . L „ Vl! Suffidk every oth r Tncfdiy at 6a. m. ware, except the p Its within the (latent Pent,- R®»d and PoqueSijg Creek, thi. farm cowar »
J I \ nut areet and 73 l«et W de r tb, wherern isa gn? d . , ;rs , J, P ' ',T an,i arri<B " MurlrcefcctV by 5* « Rct«rm, g . fy.vania, enume.ated in the firfi propolals afore- J ? bm " M.a. acre, of land, a proportion of -vhich
.< ,od frame house, now in trie tenure ot Samuel t ' .. n ' , " villages vvh«e the i. Murireifb .ro f every euuefday at o a.m. s a id. |is woodland and meadow , a brick eta el !i it?,
to of-2-9. per annum, will stop, so that theconducl of the per- ar.d arriv at Suffolk by 6 f.m Kintb— Prop, fall to supply all rations that houfc » {r ' mc h^n « and other rmJioJfcs! and
The sdvititajreous fiiua-.0. of tms property re Tons they empLy is conuniialK an ohjedl ~1 their ,4. From Wythe court houL-, by Av.nir.Ville, Wiy ~e reqili , P cd at Hackenl'ac. at E'izabeth there is said to be » good ttone qua. r v p' a ,. t fl f
pa'flingers - Burlington a,
iUie will be mjde to n ToV'inf'l "Urd "° '—£ b "'T tt "7 n '' n ".T ue[d or JLes where troop Tare or ««i,fned' P erlon *1 P»Khaf«, without
JAIVILiO OiKVriiN, ncry or intolencc is pra*9iled upon thtm ;in by 6a. m. and, arrive at Salem the near Ihurlday /l i \ , f L- t , . . rnife?, 1
I flo. ioS.Chefnut ilreet, next door to the pre- short, they * U '' '- • * trui C( -t <. .i... tmall olrnftlnn in t n •
" r ! »- tuthf , tf to the SWIFT-SOKE ihe very bed line » and at Wycbe ch the to supply all rations <hat may Mo-tpWri coi^.^S^SSil^
- ladelfhia, : djoi„„,g to Onme plrk, whkb
LOS r, . she line has now run near,y a month,dur- In Kkntuckkv AKD Tf.NNKSSEF.. itig, at Hirrlem, at Wetf-Ohelter, at Pcughkcep. is an excellent new Stone House asd Kilchm
_. , ■„ tk, Citv or nn the road to Gar- If 8 * lc '' rte .*5 t , ) e<ne s I t From Moffats in rcnttefie by Col Orrs, fie, at'Kenderhook at St.llwa'ev, at Ntwburg, at with a large Stone Shed for the accommodation
Either tit the J> have gone-through, bothtfrom Philadelphu asd Powell's Valley, tumherland Gap and Stamford Albany, at onejoharie, at Cherry Vsllev, and ar of traveller's horfea ; the house i- now (venoi
-4 mantomm, New-York. Every paflenger has f. und the to Danville, on,e a week. any o-her place or places, where troop arc nr ed rs \ tavern, and is fuiiable for anv kinrf'nC
SOME-papers ef no value hut to the ow-ner~ road to flirpafs very far al, that bas been said of Leave Moffats every Friday at tr at and ar- may be stationed, marched or recruited within thc public buDnelV, tile land is s-ood in nnalir,- -
They tverc cnclotc l ina • ewfpaper II «Meered : Us e*cr,lence J and the Proprietors of the Swift rive at Danville the next Monday by 7p m- Re- limits o! the Hate of New York, except the pods good neighborhood, aed a rfnirhhh, ' 't,«
tht offiee, the perfow Icavißgthcm th tu be rc- Sure are extremely happy to hear the behaviour turning. Leave Banvill'e every Tuesday by 5 a within the said (late enumerated in the firft pro- filtration : there is ftftv acres of 1 1 •
Warded. of their drivers, and the treatment at Tave.ns, axu arn« at Mofifats the next I'iiday by 10 p«fal-aforefaid. dow in this f' rm- -Also for sale' feJr'!,! ,7^l
Jut el 4 Ipokcis rf with the h,ghefl fatisfaflit n. /". Eleventh —Prapnfais to supply all rations that of land in di<Teren» c V. traL ' s
7 ,I'KE It 071 CE. JOHN M'CALLA, P iladetpbia ' r From Knoxville by South Weft Point, and may he required at Hartford, at He ro:i, at New The House Jn kW ftr »c A C • .
Win., ol taine.l 1 et'ers of THOS.PrIUL, Mleton .Craig lort to Vaftvi.leonce in two weeks. London, at Bro ldynn, at Wyndham, at Litchfield a Jfiillf W "Wttffned
ol JOSEPH T HOI! A TON, ? Leave ever, «tb,r Monday at SA. t Guilford, at New, Haven, a, FairSeld, at Dan- one ct the Hoof,. Water.street, arenow
I Ol ' ircal County in the (late A ICHOL /IS IVTNKOOP, > Newtown- r..and arrive at NaJbviltethe next Saturday by 7 bury, at M.ddletown, and at *ny other place or
;:.V';r.c«afc f -"ailperfcns havire e'aims JACOB K.bSLI'R, ) M. /btiui&g. i eave 'Jalbv.lle .-very other where troops are or nny! e lUtio«ied,march- TO BE LET,
'"'the laid decked .rcwan-'ed to exhibit the JOIIN MORE HE AD, Penny town. Monday at s*. «. and arrive at Knoxville the next ed or retried w„hm the limit, of the bute of And immediate pr.ffeffion eiven For term.
%ZfcSZ\srs&L f -«s» « -
i fs'ii'iSlf iS3^»sjfar«!S
haro,m3> otfterpA MOiITOKi Adwi"'*. ROBERT PEARS ON \ *P rtn &fald* continuance of the contra&s, he pievioufiv place or places where troops are or mny be station th&ftr
,; "U u: J - l} 3aw,6A. J u , u X ' eedtf , By y
I 1 '
.;.I: -V. .
i *
'r-3. ' 'v
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