Klenau has occtip'fc'd R'Vrgio, aud Co c. i " is. iiiveftffd.. i/y:jrtnetl' fcafants. The whole ropriwipality of Crcißona havc ifone'i-s to Verona. The garri lbnbf Pcfchietaconliils of 1500 men. The itfeapafitan army i« Calabria is now 40,000 men ftwni I '. aitd to advance, it only waits for admiral fMfon's making a dejeent. In Lom bard* the infiirrcdio.v is general ; it spreads toward Lucca, and Genoa, and the fame 4 scenes are expend i Ei i-^ VIENNA, May if. ' This moment it> s Tcported here, that th En-lilli, in concert With the Neapolitan in foigPHts, have taken the city of Naples afto an ohitinatc «ftiou l in which many republi can patriots loft their lite. In the Rornai territories there is also an insurrection again! the French. The English had effe&edj jmiAion with the Neapolitan army unde Every prlipjration is making'to atuck the eitadcl'of IViiktn. Suite the 28th ult. Auftrism and Ruffian tronus have been continually defiling niglit which Suwarrow means to* conquer, before The French armjuin Italy, it is laid, is mrltf. 4 . clown to 50,000 men, not including TRENT, M Col, Stisuch has, forced the French into tin: Vakeiuc ; th-n occupied the jsiffes ol Aprica and Morquio ; at the latter the Ereiicb f(H>n attacV- d him ; with reinforce but the Aultnaiis charged thern with drove them batlc :he depth of the fno»v, with the loss of 700 me.u Lilkdor wounded. M iv 7. This instant the Imptrial Royal Major MarlchalMias arrived, a (Turing us that the Rufliaui are inTortona, and the Aulhians ai Vercelli—the head-quarters are at Pavia. Part of our troops are marching against Gea-i, to facilitate the landing of the Allies. The French arc retreating in the utmost con fute n. ROVEREDO, May 7, The French ha\e made a mod precipitate retreat f v »jn Parma, and the Auftrians now ■wholly o«i.py it. VERONA May 5. Suwarow has fummnned the citadel of Milan to fnrreoderin 24 hours -The Commandant answered that he would furfen der that place, which has a garrison of 2500 men, on condition of his being permitted to march out his troops, and all the pa triots, with military honours, and ij cover ed waggons, and ricorted as far as the French Camp. T)>e Fieldmarfhal hereupon sent another fuinmons, to furrenderin two hours, *nd threatening in cafe of refufa!, to put girrifmi to tN. (word. I ' May 8. The whole French flotilla on the Lake of Garda has fallen to the Auftrians. 3REGENTZ, May 9 The seven companies, which, on the raif c.irriige ftormon St. Lncienfteig, on the ift of May had been cut off, are not taken pri soners, but faft'lv ported on the mountains, whence they have sent a report to general Hotze, and demanded a fupplyof provisions. CORFU. April 15. Yefterdsythe Ruffian and Tur kifli fleet, confiding of *4O fliips ®f war and 46 tranlports with troops, failed from hence towards Italy. BOTZEN, May 7. The fm 11 fortrefs of Orci Nuovi (be twe«n Crema and Brescia) lias surrendered tt> the Auftrians. The garrison confiding of jco men are made piifoners of war. General Hozenhollern has given battle to the Frc ich near Piacenza and took from them 8 pieces of cannon. Some artillery of liege is on its way from Venice agaipft Ferrara. STOCKACH. May n. Tlie Avch'oke'f head-quarters ft ill re main here ; the army has encamped in our environs and is ready to break up every hour. The result of the war in Ilalv and the Grifon country will guide th« ire.afures 1 of the Archduke. This prince is ei tirePy recovered : he only abstains from going on horseback, but takes the air in a small open carriage. 1 IXSPRUGK, May 7. The French made a most precipitate re treat from the Valteline, and Bormio or Worm- ij already evacuated by them, But Como having been occupied by the Auftri ans their retreat through Italy is cut off. CADIZ, April 19. A French officer wick an adjutant arrived here from Paris via Madrid and has had al ready ifeveral cojlferrehces with our Gover nor and Mazarado. Our fleet, which is abundantly supplied with provision is ready to fail, and will it is thought join the Bred fleet. The Eoglifh fleet has fud dejily left the coast. UPPER RHINE, May 10. Skrrmiflies daily take place between the Auftrians and French, on the right bank of | the Rhine, from the fide of Kehl. 'General Le Grand commands thelatter : his head -1 quarters are at Gwrk. The Austrian troops extend themselves more and more into the Brifgaw. Several - detachments of the troops gradually pafsto Frifcourg The French dill continue at which they are fortifying. HAJyIBURGR, May 22 Some CoiU'Kcinal papers it.livuate, the murder of Bonnier, &c had brtn 'contrived by personal- -enemies, high--in office.of the Grtrat' Republic. By olhtra k in stated that the Frei>ch ex general Danican, author of the Caflandra, was-the chief of thitcon fpiracy. BREST FLEET. By accounts fiorh Paul's we learn that the, Bred fleet, under Admiral Bruix, had en tered thcMiditerrariean, and on the 7th of May was in fight of Car hagena. G/eat expedtatjons were formed from this cvtnt at Pari? : they already saw Malta and Egypt relieved, and expe&ed that their fleet would soon be at C'oiiftantinople. The fleet did not stop at Carth&gera, but the admira' sent a packet into Malaga, and the French con ful of that place sent the difpatehts to Pa ris, informing the mim'(tcr that the fleet had passed Carthagena. Five Spanish (hips of the line with troops wire ordered to join th- mat Carthagena The Spanish troops were to be landed at Minorca, and the I/land to be recovered fur Spain. Mab.a was to be relieved, the TurkiJh fleet in the Mcdi terranea was then to be engaged, a'd then by Leghorn, Naple c , Italy and Turkey, they were to fail for Egypt. After the jnn&ion of the fleet from Cadiz, and of the Ferrol squadron, which is to come from Rochefort, they cxpefl to have fifty (hips of the line in the Mediteiranean. Admiral Lj CrofTe on the 27th April, had 17 Spa nish"ships of the line at Cadiz, ready for sea, and expert.cd that ten more would be mann ed. Admiral La Crr.fle, the French Ad miral, wites to Greban, the commander at Havre, telling hjm, " I am at Cadiz, not kno.wing when I shall leave it, but impatient for the event, which is to give us France my friend." By letters from Larrey, in Egynt, of the 28th ian. t'here was an expedition into Sy ria, and the troops had no doubts of visiting Constantinople. The Dutch fleet, of 15 fail of the line,, was at the Tesel ready for sea. MILAN. April 14. The French army has entirely abandoned the banks of the Mincio, as well as the en virons of Mantua, and concentrated their potition behind the Oglio The head-quar ters of Scherer are still at Lodi. This re treat has caused force fermentation here— It is reported that the army under General Macdonald has received orders to evacuate the states of Naples and Rome, and join | the army of Sherer, of which it will form the right wing. This disposition, it is said, the more necessary, because, added to the fears of a debarkation of part of the Ruffians and Englilh, the infurre&ion makes a mod alarming progress in those ftatei. LONDON, May 21- The Dire&ory has sent another message to tjic Council of Fi»e Hundred on the inequality of the revenue to meerthe public expences.—The message concludes with ob serving, nothing can be more urgent than to raise the reccpts to the current expences of the year by filling up the deficit, which is a fubjedt of th« most serious alarm. An nexed to this message is a further report of the Miniller of Finance, in which he juftifies, by official ftatemcnts, the financial report which lie made on the 25th of April. SALEM, July 16. We bear that a vessel lately arrived at Neivbwyport from St. Thomas's on board of ivbicb several people died of the Yellozv Fever: and that after her arrival a number of la bourers lost their lives by the same disorder from "working on board of her. It is with the most painful regret we men tion the death or Captain Joseph JlloSELsr, of this town. Capt. Mqselet sailed from Philadelphia in the ship Enterprise of this port, bound for Copenhagen, and on her pas sage fell in with a privateer of 16 guns, which, without shewing any colours, fired upon bis vefiel and killed him The parti culars have not yet come to band : we only learn that the commander of the privateer after boarding the ship, exprssed his regret at the misfortune, and passed off bis own vessel'as a Dutch privateer Capt' Moselp.t has always, supported an excellent character, and bis loss is -universally regretted. BOSTON, Jilly 17. Yeflerday the United States frigate, Con stitution, of 44 guns Capt lalbat, got un der >yeigh for. f*a ; —but the wind getting round (he was neceflitated again. Lieutenants Hull Hamilton, Col/ins and Baft, are on board the Constitution. NEW-YORK, July -20. The riotous proceedings in M-ifray street, which lately called forth the vigilant* of the magistracy, have, to all appearance?, fubii ded. Much credit is due to the company of riflemen, under the command of Lieuten ant Armstrong, the artillery under com mand of Major Cilrtenius, and Col. Giles's troop of horse, who turned out v>ith alacri ty 011 the occasion for the last two or three evenings ; and have prevented, by their spi rited condudt, a flagrant violation ot the laws of\our country and of the tranquillity of the city. BALTIMORE, July 19. The commiffionera of the City of Wa(h ington, we u*dei ftai d are about commencing another range of executive offices, weft of the prefidentrhoufe. The exterior work of the capital it en tirely finifhed, and a number of the rooms completed. The whole building, it is ex pefted, can be ready for ti»e accommoda tion of Congress. if ntccflary by the win- ter, A rt'-rrioer of ciegant Imik'ifigS f(»r Gsneriil Wa&ingtori, Mr. Law, Mr. Car roll, &c. arc progrefiing in itj u«gh'&our hood. 4 ■ ' X"fc£*Csa3 ette. PHILADELPHIA , MONDAY ttVEMNQ, JULY 21 P K ICES OF STOCKS Pnii.ADfci.ruiA, Jolt jo. Six per Cent. ii/j W 4 1 Deferred 6 per Cent. 13)4 Three per Cent. 9/ B \NK United States, North -America, 45 Pennfjrlvania, 14 fnfumye con-.p N.A.iJiarei 10 to 12 '-• —; PsnnfylvaTiia, iharcs, i? to 38 8 p«r C«nt ?t . . Do the sth Inftalmcnt onW Haft-indU Company ofN. A, par. Land WatTann, 30 doUi. pet 100 acres. COURSE OF feXCHANGE On London, 51 st days SO at 6; a 90 d-"y» Ajnfterdam, 3J i 37-100 per florin HatoWgh 30 ijl -rod per Mark Bartco It as pears by the lafl* dispatches from Field S:rj>ar?Gio, pablidied in our papers, that " be' was resolved continually to Jilt oiv up the enemy, *till he,forced tkem to, a battle". . Kouli Kban uied to fay, that the viftoi iijus by flow marches, cf>me up to the enemy at Ust v fly as-frft as 'lie- cen. £3oW>is' it, that the jacobins have ceased tbeir eulogiums, »H it on French im petuosity and and making their en emict bitt the dust ? •* ' Joshua conquered the greateftpart of Pa lefline. The Aurora ot' Saturday l«ft, puts Buonaparte in poffeffipn of St. John D'/lcre, and employs him in organizing Palestine / at the fame time, it appears by the Court Gazette of Vienna, that Buonaparte had been repulsed at St* John De Acre, and obliged to retire. -Which of these authorities are we to Credit? Are wc to believe that Buo naparte ir*not a Joshua ? Or that the Au rora has better intelligence than the Court , ot tonmbnting >iy -AtS-r labor towards their ; fi4 icts extraoitunory is, tjjat., m proyiliou ap- meu'ts of Envoys to tftut with .ue, and Out :the ftqyrtv "-,i 1113 hand oi dile?<. rue mf.mac had 11.0 so, Leghorn. ii id remained ,ujiri »!( ffd by \\t lltary cell provided for Jjss reception, and French when, the lass accounts from loente .[though the vagabond ana the c.i! >lnte (fit seached there. .- bj >1:: ior a goal or ,1 JkmiSb a . final! contribution of kho'r, found fhd'ter, food awl rsimsm, the.poor ho ale lei's uik. befriended female wander-r in her hor.t of over>*iteiiß#d wills pain and anxiety, had no .invitation to thele walls. At this part of the invefli, at'loji it may perbjps be proper to alk, v-hcthrr theie .cases required a pofitiye. ItgiUative provision, or whether • hey were to be confidercd as incidental to • n inftimtion of the kind, and left to the humanity, discretion and prudence of the" Managers for the time being to provide for. In order to solve the cjueftion, I will ask, if i poor man may not, by any possibility, 'be came a maniac ? Or "whether a man may not happen to be fipk and poor at the Cuiie time ? And if an indulgent public will-excuse another ridiculous question, <1 .vjil ask, if a poor woman may not -be J'o far advanced in. pregnancy, as to be rendered inle of providing for her own iupport ? I will pre lume these questions anfweied in the affirm ative—that they aftually exist, and that a guardian of the poor is applied to for relief. Independent of the suggestions of humanity, what becomes his positive and indispensable duty ' I aufwer—to provide in, the molt comfortable manner possible, for the respec tive cases, with the least jyffible inconvt nience and eXpenceto the public. And ex perience hss set—i to a long fuccclfion of worthy and intelligent Managers, that this can bell be done in the Alms House. Fel low citizens, had a different conftruftioi) prevailed iR the summer and autumn of 1797 and 1798, the fatherlefs infant, audthedif confolate unprote&ed widow would have perished in your streets. Did a different conftrpdion prevail at this moment, more than seventy children, meft of them nndef five years of age, whose patents have paid the last great debt of nature, and many of whose names are now unknown, must be dilmifled that asylum. Humanity stands aghast, and the eye of religion recoils with horror at the idea. I will not difg'race my species by supposing that a man exifii barba rian enough to wifli it. I think that I may now without arrogance conclude, that I have proved the Alms House and House of employment, partakes in its nature of an infirmary or hospital, and that from necessity. If (To be continued.) At a ftautd meeting of the American Phi losophical Society, held at their Hall, July 19, the following gentlemen were el cited members : William Boys, d. "J John Redman Coxe. M. D. / Of., Phil, Thomas Peters Smith, | delpb ia. Joseph Clay, J Samuel F.lam, of Newport, R. Island. Benjamin Kenry Latrobe, pngin.er. William Maclure, of Philadelphia, At a meeting held at the house ef Mrs. Landel, in the Northern Liberties, on the evening of the :7th inft. for the purpok of nominating a proper person to fill the office ot Governor at the ehfuing eleftioh, Samuel Wheeler, in tre chair. Jos* F. Watson,' Secretary. The meeting takißg into cofrfiJe ration the (hock which the equal rights of men have re ceived from *he overwhelming ambition of Frajioe ; the danger' With whiitfrevcry republic on earth has been -i.hejn dfcftr.cyed by hrf open violeiice'Qt fccrrt intrigues ; and the.tmportarice of filling our offices of public trust. with men who have ever manifcfled an exclusive att-chtncirt to oar! own county/; who have bad no Corineftion with foreign factions, .110 biafj j'roqi fo reign influence, who are truly 'repttblican id their manners and principles, #tid truly American in their afFefiions andpa.triotifiD It was unahimoufly refotved to iupport JAMES ROSS, Esq. of Pittftaurgli. The meeting then proceeded to the ap pointment of a cqrirfpoiiding committee, Whereupon the following pcrCons wets' cho fcq, viz. v • . Samuel Wheeler, Tweph Coperthwait, John Kean, B» 111 Wood, Abraham Coatet, James Swaiije, Abraham Duffield, James Hart, .Abiah Brown, Matthew Vandufcn, Thomas Hambleton, Lewis Bender. Resolved, That the foregoing"T>e publifli ed in the papers of tins 1 An Rxprefs arrived in town thik mo/n ---i»g. from Baltimore ariftfiU'Cing the ar« rival of 2 brigj in the.Clicfapcsite, {mnf llie .Havana, ic is • therefore fujipofed the late embargo has been railed. A duel was fought- yeflcrdzy by twc. Frenchmen. One as he .parties was woun dtd, and the other killed. . A cirpenter at work upon a. n. w.houft at the cottier of.Fifth-and Minor Streets, f?ll from the fcaffoldulg to the gf -niid, oa Saturday hft, and txpir. d on the spot. oasette #armt Port of PhtJadelbifiy. No arrivals at the F-otrii The following ye if Is of i his port were at Hamburgh 63 d;iys since --v Brig D [ ateh, Rose for Hull, in 3 days. Gvace Etfwards, Russia 5,-days Sally, Dawf.'n,. 1 wo bitters, Watfgti Philadelphia* ■Netu-Tork, T-/'«)20. Ttjleriaj arrivedJiip Sta>, Brut, mare, 6t Jays from Copenhagen June I, fpohejhip Union, DanieJi, f <,m Baltimore bound to Hamburg—l at. 59, o:j t long. lu, 39. £une 21, c/? tht Ban Is of Newfoundland, thejhifr America, Cast Scnidt. belonging CO Alejfrs. Ren wick tzS Orc.y, ef and j r Netv-Tork, bound to Liverpool, out 33 days. ' Capt. Sands, informed capt. Brufbm .r*, that I never experienced so iedious a pdfj*. y. The brig Black Jeke Capt. Gable of i/(. 1 guns, aYrived on Thurflay; left h prixt, tht (hip Columbus laden with 300 hhds. rum /u ---gar. and molaflcs besides a quantity 0} f-e, in tie Sound, on Thurfd. y laji. From the 2d day op April, 1?<}8, to hi 31ft day of December, one hundred end four teen American vefels puff d Efenetr, ps which number, 12 art from New Tori, 28 Baton, 45 Salem, 6 Philadelphia, 6 Provi ence, R. IJland, 4 New Po< t, Jo. a, 4 Charlcjlon S C. 2 Newburjfort, ( M Jf.) 1 Glouccßer, 3 Baltimore, Maryland, 2 Savannah Georg . and i Pre J, ricijburgh, Pi.ginij. The brig Friends, Hughes ; and / ~r Bet sey, M'Herroe,from N 10 Tori, arrived at HaMfax j alfo,the fcbr. 'Jane Toung, from New. Tori. Same day, schooner Ciram, Lewis, fr m Charlejlon. 12 dayt, bellngiig to Brown, 1 cj boat, and Co. cargo. Rite, Indig« and cotton. Capt Lewis on 7*uejday of the Capes of ' Delaware, spoke the Unite States big Scart tnel: of 16 guns, jufi out, on a cruift. On % * fifCr red frrgc, fixppafc W .be ' a retiij itore, ~, / v . . Tht bwrer Ky »t T3O, ftfirket.^ ftrcit,, and prß*ihg m»y fyve jtjL.; gjrn. ,v - July ii. AT a' meeting of tfce «igtcr« »nd of St. Jonn't college in the State of. Maryland, ►' <»n th« iUy of July' * r ." O' ■ Ai/4.W,' Th»t on tftf; si ft diy of jf)sofcer neat, this boar 4 Win'pfacet<} la tfrflT&lor nt Eu»« '. liGsand Grammv.jtho fcaH fccciy#, {or hit ser vices, as t*ie iat« of £\ajpo be fMght to all hi-' si holars at listed honh) and to tlio.'e students who ar< not defined for the fopeiior fchoo!, are to be t-ught, at the discretion of their parents or guardian Arithmetic, and oth.r branches of fcieDceufually tanjjht in English fjhool« A complete knowledge then d( L.atin. Arith metic, &c. is confiderediiidifpenfibl: in the profef fnr ; and it is expelled, that candidates who aie nut known to tpe Beard, wijl submit to an exami nation, as well as produce f.:tisfai!lory teltimonialf The Printers within the United States are ro quelled to inlert ix their payers the foreg otng te fo'itioi! arid remarks, and ts repfat the publica tion, aso't'n as convenience will admit, until tl e HP Twenty Dollars Reward. DESERTED, FROM the Marine Barracks, corntr of Fil bert and Thirteentk-ftreets, in the City of Philadelphia, the 28th day of this instant Two Marines, by trade Tailors, one .fohn Crawford (the feeond time of his defection) five feet fevett inches high, F.iir complexion, hair cut c afe, dark eyes, slim built. — The other, Hilary Bifliojj five fe»t fix inches high, ruddy complexion, faudy luir, a remarkable ringworm on tbe left of his Hp Went off in Uniterm.) N B. They took with them one brown cloth Coat, one bliae cloth Coat, and many other articles not known at prtffent- W. W. BURROWS, Major CsiraraanUasT of Mart»t Corps. may 29 • i. flzt. V >•