#a?ette*fre Wtnltm§btm% *»° Philadelphia Advertiser, iVswbe* 2131.] pUlr.Jtdv j PH /j. SATURDAY EVENING, JuLr 20 noo _____ - - ' ' JJ ' ■iiiii-miiiiiiiL iia»ixr-~ 1 .... . . . , ~,,1,, n —- r --- I r";: v' '- mail coachkes "I « n tk at-/ of Pt-.laiclpbia. All others pay A convenient Three Story Brick House, F ; - : !-d t->h'- »£,V *•' ''i I'l Piiilaobifhia and Baltim-ju-, As a Seamftfeft hr P» 'i j? - I /■' >• - Addition!, for enclosing and di- OITUATE in Sprue. bctwe Second and ThW lectin? ' and unless some in this city Street; apply at No. no South Second Street.' ° { " 1 • *ujue(teci tC Ht " R . 1 .- \* f Ot,oc«,A iVi. arrive at country, a YOlTN'r be paid' Six Months in Advance. Just Received, and fir Sa'e fa ■'••V of 'uly UiV-t V - V'' 7 ,. * 3 I ? Return '"S- f. Wua *Mar'» "bufiiiefi. Enquire in Kk Ji- - J 1 * ' "juroa.e Vy l. ot jUly at 7 o cock m the even- , .Leeve dahimore everyday, (?«hd»y except- »"*?. ®t the ttfrd ho.itt vMil of p|Lh See FOR SAT F PAUL BECK, Jr. "*• at ," ; .k, « M.UdU;,,« ka*ku -A AVIS, Sec'ry. .Jay, by 9 ofcl<*£, A. M. J' !| y H «, iJgKffip The fast sailing Ship No. ii, South Wateh Street, Hi ere are i>veral new njeu-bers to'be'ballot- lietn .° c » -York andPhilaoelphia, ' ~to PACKET. Patent Sheathing Copper, "J* Journeymen Shoemakers: She ts well calculated as a I'torn 16 oz. to 74 oz. per foot> —. Vork the nexi moruing-, by 8 o'clock. HffMnRPn -1 • ; FacSet bttwecn this and the southern states, hav- inch's, inche:. THE Pl'OprietQfS of the New Returning. I • "JJKtIJ wi,i receive im injE hantllnt; md ettcnCfe accommndajwns for Copper in Iheeu 48 by 24 from 6to 301k. pr.lheet Theatre art r. W e»nr the Ci-j Tavern Lew New-York everyday (Surrey exc»pf wr r by tJ pj ,r„o„- f S k « ? il fv,tc.'fcrthe «■ do. do. « ,6 S 37 b. do. c* Mon.iay ,V■ -nil. Ac 7 ./clock iu the even- £fP"d) a| ~o e »'cK«!c, P.'.V. -mt arr.ve at WILLIAM M LAWS, Sadler, \. dl liKlia andean . sent to f;»avi tnf- do. 00. 60 30 8 oolb. do. >"' f , to cka their agentt. Vndadelphia the next morning, by 7 o'clock. No. 72, ChefnutUtrcet. linp expence. The inventory mty be fcen 3nd the »»olb. do. tlofe at 9 Vclock ' 7an stn tfc Mail C. acbees to bg taken in vHrr —K~ —- - j N. T. KRA/.TER, f>- »• «| M M«k do. rwAM rV- nrnni k NewM, CANACOFFTCE: m. 9S , *mi\*r« t t. S i t ~ y»,« w way 30. diwjawtf B -fom Pipes, of various fizet, W?y «*• Jti-id Philadelphia. A . LMO of the ShMMwol the Dc:*B.:n - At Presets' Motel, .Wo. ra, south Ffturth- rt' Na y'e»J'on will%* held sfieathi '.f, Naiisfpoiifhcd) i 1-8 inch f.o 2 1.2 incheii Aic 77" ; p- lirccr, and at the tianlcltn In,:, Wo north i«fK P * & Atiguft next,at 6 o'clcck k AJkt»' Jorgta N-..U, i.Dta a !•» inch to 7 inchet, MOIICC IS flereh QIVeV,, Second ftrcet. in.., ~0. t V > nortfl ... the Evening ti the Cwaj office. V V Clinch K- ,n «* from 1-a inch to i 1-8 inch A tioo will tece.- their pfile monty fir the At Evans' 1 Ti ' " •r~ , VSORQB UTOXSAZ.Sa'rj . Coppe. Bolu from 5-8 inch to 1 x.B inch, Frigate I.'! .Inrgen:, ty cal on CHARLES _' ..0 Detaware and Schuylkill Canal Coaipm-.-.' J ALbO, Ell»0LE, Ko. 543. Markat-feet, or Fj| e tor lV:„£ ( rs, « Dollars from I'liLdel- J!"!* 9 , tiwt.TS C, rr Tl> Rp Atr lr p'c QprifF ico tlerees freft rice, HINRT BENBRIDGR. pi»«ta Krw-York, and 8 Dollara frosn Phila- DelatuaH S /r, OHIP DhOKEli S AIHLt, 60 pipes bra. dy ,tt and 4th proof, juiy u dim . •«o Baltimore. w Laual (jjp.c,, And Cenmijlion Store, Imperial, hyfon.Kyfonlkin, foucfeong and bohea ——'■——» A 1 ?9?- - s itwjK: zz- °'T'w La " i> 1 1 ' Tssr:;s;;is rrr£E&'->^ ei to buy asd fell veilels aad every thing relat- jos kegs •! ginger, ' • ' WARD, BROADHORST, JONES tfCo. 15 dollars or the-j «h jwnonrxt '*' ing thereto—afhft mailers of vtffels and others 10 ,006 wt ofpipoer, th ° , B f I' % , S e Proprietors oftbe Mail line, from 20 dollars on tfte x-t h lulv tr' a „.l in entering and clearing at the Cnftom-Houfe, Nntm.gs, mac' and cloves, I,rh Y r 1 f , \ T Y W '" bS ,d Philadelphia to iVwti York. 20 dollar, on the lah iS nexr prncutinga„d (hipping freight, fettling In.ur- 30 ton, fhott BB No to 9, Ver " ftd General Poft-Office, > tfT ler ai'.:e and all other mercantile accounts, and JC keg,of powder, ' >*» PMlifis, 1 _ May j \ j May 13. tt&£lJrdfr ' I?® { have on hand the neccilary Blank® and Stamps. Port wine in pij < Jwß jenki?is > County Commii'ri ~~~ [ ~ TSTTfcj'Z'Ui —/Mi ~ » /- - Papers laloreigp languages trwifltted,»od ill- -io hales of cotton. Thomas bright} OFFICE 1 arttierjhlp lU } thc Ifaild formation given 1:1 general mercantile matters. j"'y ££• ,t ;w Commiffiouers'Office, ) A . ~ . . of AtltipliC —From a knowledge pained by'long experience LANDING • Wilkefbirre, July 1, '99 j (, 6 ) dtaoA *o. 14 Uffrvtjireet, or Ro. 25 slrchjlrtet, r fubferiber give, .'ni. Public Notic-that of every branch of Inifinefs he hopes to he use- v , , , FOR PU BL,C and private i the Partner'iin r< k ,». Commiffion Bufinefe, Jkoveraherw «». An afortmCnt of , ha\r rp R s.uj, Transacted Extensively. "f[he!*- f«^ n " 4me an ' ! fo?id,s a con,i ««anee Bv SIMON S WALKER, GERMANLWENS, MONEY ADVANCED; s..Jota(2IS" M m™« VlK ?j™o 400 boxes iin I lates, l latillas Royals p hih roju, suitable for coffee and cotton bags Purchases and Sales of LANDS made, slbfautljul Country Seat,fcr Sale Har&ware sfloriedincallts, . Brbwn Plat.llas Creas ala Morlaix &«. &c. - n v vai>'Drtun the K, .„f • r. 1 SaJI ry, alTorted in casks, Bretagneg iTilcfia white Rools ao chests patterborees or white toll, july > * * alw tf joining I«H« 'of Matthias s!n'e»*i. rf^M* W'cotwich nroof CANNON, tit'z. Rouanes Warciidorp linjp 14 pipes choice aid port wine TO BE SOI DBY John Dufiield, 13 tr-ilei from " ' ,i'° j 4 pounds, fandi.ew each ■) »ith Check, & Stripes Table Linen A few cases claret 7 milesfrom^BriftoT tr °™'b,lade,phta and 6 yotmders, 11,13,15 &18 cwt.each/ carri- Lcftadoes Lintfn fit for coffee bags *S Jousjhamp lloooDemyjohns r»l Ir>+ W- • The buildings consist ofa n tw t«.n a„, v 9 pounders, *0 and 2jcwt. each I ages Bielefield Linen, Pocket handkerchiels I h«x fine platillas 5 chests men's flippers 1 Old I Ort Wine, in Pipes, Hhds. House and Kitchen adfoiflint'—l rn« * U poiMjilers »icwt.each. I cod- likewise, >. do.Bielefield linen iz trsnktdo.coarfelhoes [ and (juarter caiks, fl oor a Piaz23 tke whnl*lVv. n » rf „ s ? n a 4.(hertigpoundcarrnnades. J pltte. German broad Cloth 50 hhd*. claret * do. btowuHolbnd 3 cd lid,s upper and foal , Also Landing c.t their Wharf P, ; mp of - x ■ c'lent water alfoi hof, Thread Uoo demijohns « d., bed ticks,« lather From on boa.-d the ftip Edward from Lilbon. orehard-Lo acreU usd tngltlTi Cann#n Powder, Frrnrh fillr - _ ■ „ r L tariu wiii De lolav.'iih the CutlalTes and Boarding pikes, , „ g a boxes Ruflia drilling 37 do pJnrl barley Llfbon Wlltf, in pi|x;s and qr. calks. premises, but more can he had if rrqu.red. Muficetsand PitloU, Holb-d Pin' » do. camhricks and" 7 biJLtJILs ' V™ 5 There ,a a gravelly (hrreat the river, theater fesn Crow Bar>. U p.p.. ALSO, for sale, Ksffi B.ifiles, 4 bale'coffee bags j\ £ ' P p'v"' **> ' "fthin ?o ditto W°hTtrl nualiHr Ruffio • 113, foutli Thnd-flreet. pencils Naval (lores, anchors, of himl'elf and the other truftecs for the estate " * 3°o pieces llt and 2CI quahty Kuttu JMmS . ,t,( 4 chc7l s N»rcmbe n gte, f ic.& c . of Samt.d ol lame, 100 pieces Ravens Duck rf„nerir,r> NICKLIN & GRIFFITH, , ,J he lbo ; car = en M tled to drawback, and will le Meefc, bearing date Philadelphia. s th Month THE Creditors of Woodruff and UUsi"M,ii"s'r UMS ' L "" P "'' Millinery. ZfS £&& annl ii a nimifv, iNor,niiixtf>urlano, iwi veyvd to bnmuel nt Jphr. Joiinffiri s urn, m this towr C cr ' )t » J. : • r Muflincttes ****** , ELIZA M'DOUGALL, •*» " f » W>TW dated 10 1774 , and J ,v. pof« of making the lirft dividend of t'he.r cf- N»w Landing from the (hip Delaware irom Can' Mufl.rs ' I and trunks, (sited uASKMTtrkSir thv ovfler fttnatc now in Lufertie C6ui,ty„ ; TEAS Silk Striped Naukr.iii.J of tlie mod falhionajile MiLLir»tß v, v.x ~ , '. u , 1 !vf Gfatn- .• ewto..,, ufiex county, > ong i >fo», ts T * ' Caflimeres. elegantly assorted in small bales Chcmillc rofatte FF.ATHi «S • 1 nhjhmun, john A(li ey* and . J 4w-|cr^'y. '99. f july q dim Souchong ) WiUbore Fancy., in do. Fancy flowers • • ho m truftecs ..t the estate of / AST NilTlf -V - Canton and Garden Fan,, Fernando Serges, in do. Black tiffany fiower* • Sa.nuel Cah well, partner <>f James rh' ,\r' Broad Say, in do. Wreaths . Meele, a, the laid, two trafls were part of the i 0 the Creditors of lofeph Thomas • ir-'i 1 m 2 • Coarse Woolens in bales Pink, yellow and blue crape, full dress caes eliate nt . let ir ami CVdw ed. s clu -« 9>cv ' " / Sewing Silks. Nails 4,6,8 sprigs, clous, clalps, lheathing' ard Maid's (ancy do. do. g'»en inl one o. the Philadelphia newlpapt-rs, j ffall then have fumifhed ti ei'r . v< -J? t Rliel ii rema,mn g oh Hand (cupper Women's do. do. do and in the Lanca/ler JoßKnal to the laid Collins rtcuirifizod as such 4tth* - eiiia-ki and PuH&tt R °maHs, Sheet copyerand copper bottoms Do. do. (hades or his .assigns, to app< »r hefote the Board ort • ee,< hope 'o have it j,. tnti- pov • #fo'l-t fc /"* AdJ a geutral aflortment of Dry Good, as usual. ' sheathing paper H Do. do hats -th. firll Monday in Oaoh,, next, «o fecw , aule ! thert a ci.comfiaMial ac!ou« of h. i Y .. h m , 1 bomas Fisher. Yellow ochre in calks Fancy kuglc (Soe rofc. . d any he or t|iey ha-e, .vhy patents fnot.ld not I a ;,d to propof, f. me mode of adiuflr^n,"" ; 4,hmos6 § China ware assorted in bo*es Do. do. trimmings .(Hie (or the said two trails to(aid Cfeditof'/ Thoft who nV U\ ,f hc _ - -- — —± A quantity of empty port wine bottle. Black, whit*, blue,yellow, pink and orange arape agreeably to the prater o. the laid petition. acco-.mts before that d»y, *t|| b - r Uld rrench Brandy in laroe and London particular & India market-) In pipes and Black, white and green gauze veils A true copy the of anv '• Cm r*.-., ... j— - ■»* R .'- urBOROLGtt „ m «.%, 1 «5~- FOU SALE BV_ *SSSCK»%"S - . JOSTSKEIVW n ' barney £sf Smith. Gun-powder in calks From the BOSTON Manufactory, A variety o r Lots, many of them v.-ry aivarf* * TO 111 ~P; | ■*« may i, j 7r , q * july 9 wdtf A oi'AS7irr nr ,ZA-tagcoully fituat.-d north of the c.tv of Plw,.- a 1 p ' —- — ——— —— , yv , wmnnw nt d«jph«f, >p diffes^tpartstomni..«« " i-arge LiMnuiouiou'S Cfelikr,. TO BE SOLD, Lo/l or Mljlaid, VV uww * ULAOO » tb? of thelate-William Martia, £(s mat jy Uxde'r Friends Meeting House, mK- s' Al-t An Invoice of Woollens A CERTIFICATE of one (haie of the Oj different si%es K of the lots afford valuable sites for Country feats, Apply at p OOMSBTIKO of Coarfs and Fine Cloths A Bank ps the United Stat.s, No. 4 '933- i" roB SAL * BT ' slot exiled by any w.thn thefamc dillanre of the LEONARD SNOWDEN'S, L, principa'.lyDark priuted Calfinieres the name of Julia Wadfworth Knox, and for ISAAC HARVEY, J L '». fuy, other Us are well adapted lor Garifeh No. i S o, North Front llreet. ' App,y to P which, applicition is mide « the Bank of the N- B. Any size or fi«s that may be Ranted cut Ground, jc. a tlord defer,ption is well yn.O:,A n , . r-j- r- « l!nit>! S'ates for the r-newal of fiid certifi larger than 18 by it can be bad from f>id mshufaftcf ealcii-Ated for budding, (renting upon Frank ford tub n w .,i; f . .-ft-j )T _, , .I:en o Jonathan ' ' ' \ , tlelirpd to r 5 F ' ordered, and atieniion given toforward roa.l, bectjnd, fhird, and Fourth streets continued Creditors of Ixi.y, Hill & No. Ijl Marltct-ftreet. ''"} e '• f 1 " a " persons -2!iLit 5 take notice. CLEMEN i ' Apply at No. 9, South Water-lire.., a. above. designed to Iv. Kid out trom Fourth Stre { : to Fur are tr meet the Assignee at the Court-rfotffeS A,-, ItTIITTT - 1 r r> r r %i 301 i ulv 8 . d'f s - er> 1 ani •.« Whkh the property extends—For ccdnty, on the »jth of Dec. next, r.t to oviocir a "11 t-xcenent Ot«**£*•< Lirr, on the Premises westward o. Wt!. Sttect. CH. CASE, assignee. TLta t ill M , n * r. J-A the estate of the rev. JUttW wAUtt (ae- \\r T j T i' i!' j i r «, a. i o ju'7 dtf. rare ic ° I HAT valuable ftancl for bufl- cer.fed) late ps New Jerley— VV IjLL landed o-Morrow, at SoUth> _ "WTITi om# r.ef* at thehcad of Chcfter.Kent county, Maryland NOTICE is hereby given to all persons indebted 1 ■*£<■'t whart, from on hoard ot the brig Jnmes I lWnerlhjp ot Jolhna ft. Br r,d, and IvJ ±>il oOjLID, a brick ftere-houfe, ao ftct J>y 60,tw0 to the said estate, to make immediate payment to arrived, at the Fort, ' - A {/V 1 ? B: ooks, trad under the firm ot' A LOT of L«nd ecntaining r wo and an hsif 2C rc.^ Tories high, three rooms on a flo r, well ap.por- the and those who have any demands FOk SJLi: £2' i>ond Bj-ooKs, 15 tikis day diUolveel by mutual Utuatcinthe rrauof oi" Moot land, Monf^om^ tn iiodlor bufiiiels, two twenty feec rooms for the again# tht farre t to render their accounts withour UR.AO-FRS 1 • cottilerit, all persons indebted to themj are re- r V coairt V> tard.iion irom the I. wion road,and of grain, and .1 counting; room, and threa delay, properlv atteOed • _ lR ° 4 * to inake immec'.rare ppymVat tii aboCit 15 twite* fr<»m Philadelphia, 011 which i,< C rco ; room, lor g..,ins. with an exccllnet cellar under Edwrfl'd Thompson, J 6 R . Bond, and thole hav imj demands to present n S the wbb»; Sompleatly gtmered off for fait add AMTOfUTU au n? , accounts to him lor fettlemwit, . W S ab ' c - .°» th " P'sce u a large i ad i eiD ir ? ' joly One s- re of exrellcn. wo r *' • " ' 1 V.v - ' '•< \ , _ • .' .. , y .- . -S