which it is JI the troops upon die right bark of the Rhine, befote Kchl. znd the eld Brifach, and (Itetches jloflg the i'hioe, as fa as It farms two divisions The firft comman ilcd by get end S' ni am, comprehends all the troops from LauTebfeouvg to Hurlin rtorti irieteftvely.'- The heath quarters are at Baile. The '"eccrtti, under general Le grai'de, co-*:prife» the troops before Kehl and the < Id lirifach ; its head-quarters are at V ilfiadt. Pefrfve of cavalry for the center—The d'\:("»«! which eompofed this reserve is j, u . behind Basle, under the command of gene vl fc^ey. Divifron of cavalry. This division is cant ned between Strasbourg and Basle ; it is to be titidei; the orders rf general Klein, ivho has also the command ©sal] the caval ry < i the army, The heed-quarters are. at Bsf.r. Division of the interior of Helvetia This ! jdv, eonfifting of the garrison ba't talion/oi the late army of Helvetia, is un dfr the ordcis of g'-neral Nouvion, wfeofe head-quarters are at Luc/rse. First military dtvifon.—This is the frme ,v ? hat formerly bore this name ; it is cum in Hided by general Laroche, and its head quarters are at Strasbourg. Division ot the Lower Rhine—This com prifey the garrison of Manheim, and the troops advanced to the right of that place. It is commanded by general Collaud, and the head quarters at Manheim. The four united departments are to be commanded by general Dtrfour, who has his head-quarters at Cobleiitz. The head quarters of the general in chief his been since the firft of May at Zurich. FOSTSGRIPT EXTRAORDINARY. - ■ ■ Sun Office, I c'clock, H. M. Dispatches have tbij day be.': received frm Vienna of the i itb, by rjhicb :t appeals that Pescbiera tad surrendered to the Aus tria's and Russans. Novarj was also in tbe'-r iossessio!'. and ferrnr.rworthy}nhgL "be inhabitants lad risen in several places jo&ied tie AustrianJ, attacked the Frttfcl Vitb great fury, and made great slaughter in several skirmishes. Ttebooiy taken from the French in the different actions bits been immense. General S'uvj arrow's head quarters si-ere at Faiia. Mant an wi closely 'blockaded, and PtzzigbtOne bad not surrendered, but it ioas expected to fall ve> shortly. i ' he g, cattst part of the French army had retreated to foe, garrison s of J'crtona, Coni and A exandria, and in tbeneigiioourbood of those places. The Hamburgh mail due on Wednesday last, arrived tbis morning. In ad&'iion to what We (Sun) yesterday stated respecting the Frttyb fleet, there re. fftains t'ttle to be added, By the packet dis patcbed by genera' Cuy'er and Mr. Walpole, a few private letters w.irf brought, from one o; which the following r'i an extract, upon the authenticity of which vie con rely Extract of a letter frow Lisbon, dated May ii, nine o'clock at night. '• Various expresses announce the Impor tant <*!ei'.:g,nee thrt a large enemy's squad ron is at si a, and it is said they have been seen off Fiji to. Report goes sa far as to say, 19 sail of the line, 16 of which left B.ey.on the z%tb ult. and ; Spanish from be "-tit jomcd the is< ir.st. Letters by yes terday's post Jron Aferprid, mention that the Fee!-:! squadron was at anchor, euid bad 4000 t' obp: m bihirdf-e great deal of camp equip- Oge., and f/v month* provisions. A f"i i'f tc gone to Gibraltar to apprize Earl St. '* nc ' '( of all this, ard we are anxtqiisly •watting the result of so interesting an, ex-, pedition I 1 " m LONDON,. May a:. fl . ' ' n ' s mornir>g a nifff«ng«r arrived from 1 J'r M. Eden, Ht Vituvia, bringing dispatch es dated on the 7th, which ftr.te, that an ac tion had -),: ace pvcvio»>; to th taking r -t Mtlar. m which gen. jiuwarrow, after croiiing the Ados. b?d compltjtely defeated the French, and had killed 6000, and taken coco pi-ifoneFj, anc 80 pieces of cannon. Sarner, ipd.hjs 'vhple cjivpslaid do\vn 'heir an-'i, after King surrounded bj die ! ' n ' an 4 Ruffians. iiie French had retreated into Switzer land. wlwrc theie were leverrtl infurredljons agfsiiili. tl.eni among the Swiss. " [ 1 h'e fame paper cojitains the official dif .'iich from Sir Morton Eden, to Lord Gren '•';-'e, in fDi.ulance ;.s the above, only more p r ':tXuW.] May 25. Stocks^—Tliii day at twelve o'clock. Three per cents. Cor.s. 55 7-8 56. The coHimander of'Philipfburgh, on the Rhine, has piiblifhedari account of the block ade of that fortrefs. In his official retJort . to the Archduke Charles, he Hates that fie c. v /' . • . r -* 1 '' - had ar.rtifc-3 -cfrjee Frenchmen, who had en tered. the .phce for t.'e -purpose .of fectucing. the officers , v of the garrifiin—; : Hitfy'had ap pointed a meeting with one of the officers, who. informed the governor, of it. They declared that they would give 200,000 li vres if necessary The account of the (?eath of the Frerch mtiiifters, figneJ 'by all the at Ra ftadt, and transmitting to their refptflive courts, was drawn up by the Prufiian En voy. It is expefled a* Strafburg, that the di reClciy will fend two new plenipotentiaries to that place ; and that the negociatiun will be coritfnued there with the several ftatcs of the empire. One of the minilkrs of the ele'ftor of Bavaria and an envoy of HeflT - Darmftadf, are at present there, .aud have had conferences with ;ean Dcbry. Great changes have been made in the Turkish ministry. Tha Reis EffenUi, here tofore minister for foreign affairs, has. been disposed, and Alip Efferidi, a favorite of the grand vizier, appointed in hisroo.Ti. Yesterday three horsetails were hotfted at the signals for the granij vizier's departure, DUBLIN, Wednesday, May 29. By the ftircefsful direjflicm ef the Aufiriau and Ruffian armies under Field Marshal Suwarrow, we find the tlelivsrance OfTufca nv is an eventual ohjeA, the immediate one being the cutting off all communication be tween the republican armies yi Saubia and the Alps with that in Italy, south of the V'o ; which latter, thus insulated as every re lief by land andfea is precnled, muff diviiidle into infio;nilicance and its rertiufftt submit on the befl terms that may be granted. The late mails from England tell us that the abfenee of the Erltifii shannel fleet, has been taken advantage of by a swarms of hrench privateers to commit depredations On otn trade with impunity-we are'forry to add, with uncanlmon success, as the two last Lloyd's lift, offer (is a catalogue of more than thirty merchant vessels, having last week fallen into their hands ; and we fee with con cern among them, the names ot three vessels bound to Dublin, namely, the Peggy, An drews,-from Lisbon, brought intoCamarines; the Jone of Dundee, from Aberdeen to ditto, laden with barleys captured by La Belle pri vateer of Dtmktrk, carried into Bergen in Norway ; the Fingal, M'Vicar. from Lisbon to ditta :—we are happy to fay, that this last vtflVl has been recaptured by the Eagle pnvateur of Jersey, and carried into St. Hillie.rs. The owners of the cafgo fettled the salvage to be paid to the privateer at Mr. Bruce's office. The following is a copy of the London" Gazette which arrived ye sterday, by exprtfs. > "Downinc-Strket, May aj». Dispatches ll thcal water, close in (hore, and under the protrfticn of a five gun battery. " Licutcßant M'Gee and his patty of Marines were landed, zr.A fo'mc feamer. un der the orders of Lfeirt?nant Belchirrs who immediately (li.rmcd the battery, bay.iuet ted five and wsunded fevera!, and fffec iial ly deftruycc! the gims &«. t( The fli'p ml fchoonrr were in the mean boarded? and 'brought out by the : boats ; the other !V/refcnt ■state of «n» •*ie»y • ' - , ' ~ VIENNA, May 8. This moving -arrived here t|he Ruffian Major Romanzow, with new inportaht ad vice from Italy, the contents of which our court will not make kr.own till to morrow in an extraordinary supplement to nut Court Gazette, as owing to the (hor tne'fs of the time and VKe size of the supplement, it can not he published sooner. ' Som« fay, that that officer has brotight intelligence of the capture by storm of St. Giorgio, the suburb oi Mantua, on the part of the Rnffiaos; others fay, that it concerned the taking of the citadel of Milan, and others again believe that Fefchiera is taken. Field Marshal Suwarrow now intends, they fay, to penerrate intrt Piedmont to support the infu'rgents in that country, and peaetrate afterwards to Genoa. BERGENTT2, May 9. The firlt attack of general Hotz upon Lu cienfteig has miscarried* Nine companies of Infantry wsrt'cut off by the 1 Frensh aud ta-> keti prisoners. In the Grifon country the infurre&ion is almost general and may force the French to vulh out ftovi Switzerland, or to retire farther. The Imperial army in Italy will tjndeavor to establish sr communication with tbaf of the Archduke Charles. On the jth inft. in the mbrn'ing,the whole Imperial army war under arms along " the I SVils frontiers. The French intended they lay, to make attacks .7 Lrrram, and otber places, and to crtls the ftfiiiie. Near Zu rich they had'eftablithed many Many Swiss desert io the All the women had Received orders to quit the French army. , Th# fevcral which, on the niifcarriage flcjnn 011 St. op iftof Mjiy'had bte'u cut "ofl£ are not prHonfcrs, bmfafel/polled on the mountains, whence'they have sent a report togen. Hotz:, and issianded Ob!BA V, DEC. 29. ACCOUNTS from thft' Pfirieeiof- Wales island, memiah, th*t ; th£ RVlilfcuice, of 44 guns, Capt. he be 11 blown uj in the ftreigltts of Banc.i, and only' foyr 01 . five ef the crew saved. CAI CtiTfA, jam. 19. Upwards of 3000 hove ar rived at Madras to join the gratid army. FIB. 16. Buonaparte having terminated his career, and Zemauiv Shaw ( niar«h?dl up tht hill and then marched down again*" the movements of Tipp'oo Sultaun seem now to engage our attention. That the Myforean Prince would not again have provoked tht British power in 111- Uk, had he notexpetted lupport from either or both ps thole chieftains, appeats to be more than probable; but being effcdtually difappointtd in those cbje&s, and perceiving the vigorous preparations that are going for ward to oppefe him it Teems tnoft likely tfiat he will tndeaVour to prevent the horrors of 'war, by timely cchcelfions. Tippoa ha* recsmly experienced the pow er as well as the lenity pi a British array.— be ouyht therefore to fa?ware of the renewal of a contest in winch, nnallrfted, he can £ca,rt> ly hope to be a gainer, a:Vd in which he has so vast a ftakt* at jflue. But to insatiable atnbitipiy, like his, fhe:c arc no bounds but those that a>=e prescribed b■ j lire neceflitv. We.are however happy that lippoo no*, avows the moji aniirabie difpolicicn to wards tht Britifli government in India, and has pledged himfclf that he would by tht 12th infhint. by solemn a<\, remove all thofc doubts which his iate conduft had so juflly given rife to» Should lie roaui&ft gowl fjith on this oc calion, we may cstjicrt a Courier from Ma dras, by ?iie 27d inft. latisfying us t>(the happy effciV-s of our late arrange m?nts—and that, to prelcrvc pe;ict, it is ti'ccffary to be prepared for war. Letters from the e.arsp of the Grand Ar my, affemblrf at Vellere mention that they were to commence their march towards Tip poo's territories on the 27th ultimo. We understand there never was a better equipped or so formidable an army aflembled at the beginning of any campaign in Jndia, as that now under the command of Gen. Harris ; it is said to consist of upwards' of of the best discipline troops, a very large proportion of which are European:;. ritrwrarKi %l3t -d&jijette, %HIL A DELPHI A , ' t RID AY EVENING, JULY 13. ; ,1 J R ICES O F STOC KS. PHiiAnEiriy^,Jl'LT i>. • Sra pftr Cent; lj/3to 4d ' Deferred 6 per Ccr.t, l^r 4 Three pe'r Cent. . per 100 acr*s. Eight per lefit. Scrip par, to t per feni. difcoiint. COURSE OF EXCHANGE On London, 51 at.3o days S° 1 - 60 a 90 day* Amftcrdam, i 37-400 ptr fir,rig y Hauiburj-I, 30 23a -r#o p«r Mark K&aco. At a meeting fceld Landel, ii> the Northern 'Jb;rtics, an the evening of the 17th ir.ft. for tbepurpcfe of l-.omiHatifig a proper perfoti to fii.d e -iffice liud cither i'ood or mo* ney, impeaches thole hands which were.&iv cii yo\i to labor with, oi High crimes and miiotpcanenu Tbe inieparable companions of indolence are craving appetite, debility of body, anc | wretchedne.fs of mind. Avoid the cwupatiy of liwd women ; yoi v ill Snd them callous, perfidious, rapacious ,r.d cruel. Their embrace is tWat ot a fer lent. And who would he robbed of hi' md credit, lor the vm manly indulgence o: 'y 'mg inglorlvv.slj in the lap of a harlot. It -Soften to ii'jport a mirtrefs, that a (errant betrays his'mafter to his accompli res ; that fr«m pilfering !>§ jftoceed? to theft fin;: having rifled, the till, he commits hi: depredations on the dtrfk ; that a falfe cil dilution isfo o'ten an introdudion to fjirge ry ; tfcat picking 1 pockets emboldens to rot nn the _higbway v and the thoughtlef are often prompted toaffdire tilt? garb of ; ruiEan, and murderer at n.id<%ht. Th-vfe are the deeds tlutt crigiuute in lewd iefs; inattention to bulinefs, or excels il he purfult of pleafutf. . •. <. As fforefdle the Jwatttf of b©r dy, peice ofmmintd t a gqdl i&ifVa#'er, ani.# quiet life, be industrious, aftc bsneft. r *■-■"' • Spen'4 evgry •wrejk day at work, and go to church at lcaJVpne pwt»f Sunday. / '. Brink as you cut, onJy for nouriftiraffti. Go'early and coolly to and you I*lll ftccp «afily, andffeu fell utnbrttfaV. All around Is lovely. Ha*?i Ivy yonder wall % fh« kenbel (lands ; \lie horie ?ieih hanging near. Perchance with ['cent unfav-'ry may offand Thy delicate noftri!s; hut/rnicr.iln r thou Hew fwret .1 pert'uipe totlie !o"ndit yields; A*d lure its ufeful pdoari wll repak More gratefully thy {>hito)'r phic nose, Thou whatith'unprrfifabl? violet Wastes oh the wand'ring wind. Nor wilt the® w;nt " Such mviCc as bAtvolence ve ; For tr-.m ihefr fruitful boughs (he acorns fail Abundant, and TI'C f*'iru'nt Doft I hen, not Jov( rhe I'■ u(m 1 s ilut eojoyietft o Oh [if not— Ifrhotf woiddn rather wit.h inhuman ejr Mfirk to \Hf •varbhng.i.of'fotn.- Vrrdfcheibird Bereft «f ffrr'dom, iufe thine heart is dead To t-afebyond anil,thy spirit v«id Of ail that fqitr'ns or.enolt'es ir.in. &:*.,rmw- ■ trmi..V :>, jtd ai titc £j&a'tiui.MAW! iV/ ojt Pbiliukllia, Anivv-J a; thr I'ort Sch'r Favorite." J Gvenn.la. Dick, Rchards, St.. Thome's. New-York, 'jho had taken a French mer chant Ihip, e f 8 ]o men, from Ja xquemel bound to Bordeaux. Same day, Snow Dublin Packet, Gretn, 47 days from Dublin. L'ft there fh'tp Jo jiah Collins. Cottrel,for New-York. The Ihip Draper, Collins ■, oj and for Mew-York t I failed in company ; and parted, in lot. 40 22, long 3 , 20. June 16 spoke Ihip London, Ropes, from Liverpool to Philadelphia, out 2C dfiys, lat. 40, rs,ioHf. 4s, 36. ' July' 11. fpoke'b ig Rover, Bar-Hat d, f Hit BajUm to Cape Francois. July 13, fpokefh'tp Factor, Kemp, 24 hours out from heiv-York, bonndlo 'London. Siime day, spoke brig Minor, from New London, to Cape Frincots. , i Same day, a I anifh Cutter, from l.'.flon, 4,6 days ; cargjj wine and lemons, to John Halfty. Although so Jhort a pifftge, we I could hear no news by her. I" , N w'. >f '"""l w; r. - £T A fcatcd meeting of xks Ameri tajv Phiioi'cjphital s»c Klf will be lit Id at th;ir Hall at 6 o'ctcck th;s evriviiig. N. B. New mewbe-.s t\» brbath tad for. July 19. IRISH LINENS. «• 4-4 &. nrnfe- lJrtens, , -f i&tis., Some of,which tr't~ ittf fffc) "ft b»te (*4 & 78broirt) loit»4l« for; tht St t)«itaksfe fffcich wfll ft? "term* by '-• "<.<">', • v, Ho. «$/ ftw&Prgßt ftrcet. . f Ifr. - . '; yr ■ y ■; ' IVEER EAS, AM attachment wai lately i tfued out of the in ferior convt of comtnurr p!ea< of tile crnnty of Effex.'ia the ftat«'of Ns'w Jefley, dlreflec.-to the fheriiT of- the (aid eoutky, again ft the right 6, credit*, monies and efifcdls, goods and chitde', lands stid tenements of, J*i* CUWJ Syjnmet at the suit nt H'iilrtri Welts, in a pica of .roipafs oji the cafe to his damage three thou fund dollars; — ApJ -u-bertai; the said fltentf did, at the term of Jiine l*ft p»ft, return to the said court that he had attached the defendant by i certain bun j given by- Matthias Dermis and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the aaiouut of rear two thousand dolUts, atcl ajfoby sixty land warrants ; Kuru ttercfore, «nlcfs the said John Clevel Syr*.m:!9 {hall appear, £ive fpecisl bail, and raceive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment wiH be entered against him, and his property herein attached, will be fold agreeably to tie (latute in such cafe made a»d prov : ded. Aaron Ogdeu, Clerk, Wc. Elizabeth-town July 8, 139 3 (It) law ram - , ' ' ALL. 'MASONS. „ INDEBTED to the lite J'Jff &**>y mik«>p}nied>atc~. p»yw ar><, ail person* foavingtfcmaßd».»gvrft (aj4 eftatf.We (fefiredtfj &niffl their;««#)&[(*: «r ' the-fuhfcriMr. July Ifi " —'V _ £ m. Cbftsinn ■, -.'•miJkfn ,3«r~