H . Df 3EIUtCtJ J&tattS, and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. v: ***s 4 iyrice of this Ga7.HU is V& Kubscribers residing Dollars tier annum to XtOscr i„ th a, of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar ■ [ecting ; and unless WW in tbis ty lill Lome answerable for the subscription, ■ it must be paid Six in Advance. foe sale, jjasagr-* The fast sailing Shif PACKET. She is well calculated » • Packet between tkis and the southern at< ?V - ,Pg handier,,, £ rd «tenfi« •«»■'££?£« I Jfogen. She is w.il MuJ «* the (height. or U-cit India trad-■ ami can be sent to feaat,, tnf ting erpence. The inv, vtorf m>f *6® » nd tbe , k -"Zuj!Wzim, jfj. South Front st. diw3awtf may ;,o. _ "* A !• Ship Broker's Office, dud Csmmjfton Storey No. i»9, South frokt Strkft, Next do»r to ihe Cirflcuw Ho ages I» pounders 11 cwt.each. I torn -4 fhert 18 pound carronades. J plete. Round, Double beaded and Caoniftcr hot, English Cacnen Powder, Cutlaflc> and Boarding pikes, M Li fleets and Piflola, Iron Ctow Bum. JLSO, for sale, tl b diuo B whTuj HAVANNA -™ R june »3 dim 7 Mdis V SIMSONy HAVE FOR SALI, 300 pieces lftand 2d quality Russia Duck 100 pieces Ravans Duck (fuperioj) B«fton Beef in Barrels, A few bales Bengal j HUMHUMS. 1 100 bulhels St. Martins Salt. apnl n 4 ' Now LandingTrom the lhip Delaware, trom Can ton and ioi lale by the Subscribers. Hyfcn, HjfcmSkin, ( rt ,o Young Hyfog, &•( 1 * A Souchong, J Cantos and Garden Fani, China Ware, alTortcd. Umbrellai to 30 inches, Silk Handkerchiefs, They have alio remaining on Hand Black Persians, Choppa and Pullicat Roiralle, And a genera! aßortment of Dry Goods a« usual. Thomas JJ" Joshua Fisher. 4th ruo z6 S French Brandy in large and small ctfrs 100 b'>xes 7 by 9 & 8 by 10 Window Glaft io chest pint & half pint Tumblers, aflorted »*6 whole & 6 half-tiercs Rice, FOK SALE BY Gurney & Smith. mar t, 1T99 § TO BE SOLD, An Invoice of Woollens, VJ prinupxtyDarkßlus, and printed Caffimares Owen is" Jonathan Jones, No. 151 Market-street i M &J. " x y m'-v t J • i •• 4*, •* I _april 4$ Lost or Mislaid, AOFRTIFIOATE of one (hare of the Bank of tt.r United States bearing due ift January ****» • -> FW-" r r..*-* ■■■ l? 9&, *n tbr. i&me Of Jofisph Thornbargh, No. '' ' - • ' (Ij!, for the vcaewal of wHchiipplicatiqn hath •' »t flidßaAj ind all jwrfom eeo^iwd 4»c (Veiled t»t»ke notice thereof, v t • ; KO3ERT DENISON, J« r . •> ' •; r ; i-'- . <••>> r \»» - -""* V *■ '?7£SC' ' ... ' ■ ' * • 'i '■ A PHILADELPHIA: WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULT 17, 1799. RECEI V E D, or The lav's arrivals, From Lonbon and L:v»r?ool, And now offered forfule, by the package only, ON VIRY LOW TIRMB. 10 biles of fnpcrior British fail Canvass do. of Rose pUnktts ttrii ed Duflels fe" Rugs 5 trunks well affbrt«d Printed Callicocs, t bales Yorkftiire Broadcloaths 4 bales low priaedmixt Coatings and Doffells % cales of Madam Lc Bi un Qorleau'j faihior.- able Patent Hats and Bonnets Pilis—aflititcd in small cases Townftnd and Compton'sFewter —wellaffort- ed in small <*a&s. ALSO, Daily ExpeSed, By Volfels in the SbfriiW Convoy, 4030 buftels, high dried., floved S»lt IjO crates of alTnrted Earthen Ware A few tons of the bell clean St. Peteriburgh Hemp Patent Shot atTortcd in calks of scwt each White and Med Lead, in calks of aewt each Crown GUIs in boxes of 100 ant! 50 feet each, London Superfine Broadcloths, and A few hundred Crfltsoi Nails. MEDFORD V WILLIS, No, 78 North Front, near Arch-flreet. June 21 landing. Frcm on hoard the DOROTHEA, at Willings and Francis's wharf, and for SALE bv the Cublcribcrs, An affartment of GERMAN LINENS, —Consisting of — Guingas Dowlas Crean i ll Mcrlaix Silesia white Rools WircHilorp lint* T»i)le Linen Linen fit for coffee bags Pocket handkerchiefs Eftopi'las Platillas Koyales Brawn PlatilUi Bretignu Rouinca Checks St Stripes I.cftadofs BieleficlJ Linen» li kiwi st, German broad Cloth 50 hhds. claiet Thread noo demijohnt French (ilk Stocking! 155 liquor cafe* Swedifa Iron 300 c*l«s claret la pipes Holland Gin. OK HAND, Rufiia Bristles, English Sail Cloth, St. Peterfbnrgh Hemp, linglith Silk Good* —colliding ofSMini, Ribbons, Perfins, fcc. ERICK& LtMnS SOL LMAT* N, iix< south Third street. »r June »6 IRI ri Just reaeivtd, via New-York, att* by ®i>P Stockport fram Liverpool, a good affort mcm of 4-4 wide Irifli Linens* in half boxes, Which will b« dilpofed of by the package on rea tunable terms by JAMES CLIBBORNU ENGLISH, No. i_;,iouih Front ftrfet. June 14 NICKLJN &? GRIFFITH, HAVE FOR SALE, No. 165, Cbesnut-Street, Received by the la&arri>ale from Liverpool. Gingham!, Drmitys, In fmallchefts, Wufhnettcs, all jj trunks, f»ited Muslins, _ r titkier for exporta- Printed Callicaes, tioti or home trade. Checks, Jsilk Striped J CalTnucrc-, elegantly aflorted m small balss Wildbore Faacys, in do. Tornando Serge*, in do. Broatf Says in C oar ft Woolens in bales ON HAND. Sail canvufs fey the bale or piece, No- I and 5 Nji!> 4,6,8 sprigs, clouts, clalps, (heathiag and scupper .Sheet copper and copper bottoms Sheathing paper Yellow qchie in caflcs China ware assorted in boxes A quantity of empty port wine bottles London particular it India market \ In pipes and Madeira wine j hogfheails punche«i*£t. Kitts mm a o liitto coßn'ry ditto 11 fix pojlnd cannon \ 10 Xour pound ditto, with carriages, hand-spike«, rammers, fpungea, (hot &c coinpleat Gun-powder in casts july 9 « odtf John Milles, Jun. No. 80, Dock, near Third Street. Has for S«le, C«.J£««a, Baftac, Munoodin, T pities* Colicoet, Patfta , ) Rdmal anil > Handkerchiefs.. Mulmul J The foregoing goods are notu to be fold at REDUCED PRICES, I N. B. Many »i thrfe Good* may be printed to advantage in this country may 16 Lojl or Mijlaid, A CERT! HCATE of one (hare of (he Bank of the United Statu, No. 49.<3» in the name •£ Julia Wadfworth Knox, aad for which, application is made at the Bank ot r he I'nittd States for the renewal of laid certifi cate : and all perfoos concerned are desired to take notice. CLEMEN f BIDDLE. may 13 < \ ,m TAKE notice. THE subscriber, hiving akoic«*i l.ettert of Adminiflration on the personal Eftatc of John Mtrtai). late of Ccecal County in the ftaxe of Maryland, •'eceafcd; all pcrfons having claims again!' the laid deceased, are warred to exhibit the tame with the vouchers thereof, oh the 6th day of August next, at the town of Warwick, in said ceunty and ftat® ( that a dividend of the affetts in hand, may be made agreeable to law. REBECCA MORTON, Admin'x. Warwich,J»ly i» U u 'y j] jiwt6A. No. 95, north Water Jirett, HAVE TOR SAL'S, Ninety Packages Ticklenbtirghs, . Hempen lii.en and L pcrefl. ?J baits brown Heffeas, brdivn rait* and wide Bo lith rolls, luiubH for coffti: ap4 cuctou big &*, &c. r to cherts patterborres or white roll* 14 pipe's choice -Id wine A few cafea claret »5 tons hemp 11 1 bay fine phtillat | 1 do, BieleSeld liact I do. biu*n Holland 1 4s. bed ticks, afTortec 50 piecs Madras hhkft "% boxes RuQU drilling i do. cambridta and lawna jpackagnsoii cloths I A few boxes window] I chefi quills 120 fitter watdies A few do slates and Roll brimftonc 4 chcftsNnrcnt>ergc«ys| be. See. J The above are entitled to drawback, and will be I fold at reasonable prices and a ganerous credit. •i r I FOR SALE, 3y the Subscribers at No. 5 Chefnqt i(t and 4th proof Spaniih Brasdy injipes, I ~, * I J"'y i. Mafhionablc Millinery. NO. J 34, MAKKhT-STkf tT, HASjuft receives per {hip Tfcocnit Ohalkley and Adriana,from Loudon, an elegant afl»rtm«nt of the malt falhionable Millinxkt, vix. Chemillc rof«te FEATHERS Fancy flowo> Black tiffany flower* Wreiths Pink, yellow and blue crape, full drefi uti Do- do. and do. Nel£on'» bonnets ' Infant's pipe straw bonnets Maul's fancy do. do. Women's do. do. do. Do. do. (hades Do. do hat* Fancy bogle Omjc rofcs Do. do. trimming Black, "white, bin?,yellow, pink and orar.ge «rape Black, white and green gauge will Do. gauie cloak* N. B. And per Harmony, just arrired, a further j f June ;nens. WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes. fOK SALK BY, ISAAC HARVEY., Jus. N. B. Anyfirjor (izrdhat maybe warned cut larger tnanrlt by it can be had from laid manufa&o ry, or ordered ; and attention given to forward on any ordera that may be left for tb»t purpose Apply at Na. 9, South Water-street, as above. July 8 d'f Received by tkt ship Adriana, captain Lart ton, from London, 3»wtf PRATT (s- KINTZING, I l-000 Demjjohns '5 eheft# mfn's flipptW Ii tronksdo. coarfefhoes 3CO fvduj upper andinal leather to kfgs yellow ochie ,7 do. pearl barley 7' bhi, lelltilltS 3 hflu glue ~ * " *•- ELIZA M'DOUGAI.L, JTJST RECEIVED, From the BOSTON Manufactory, A QUANTirr OP , a large assom«ent op HAIR S EATINGS, Suitable for chair and fopha covers, conMiiig of ftripetl and plain, and of the following widths, viz 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, »2, »3, 14 »6, *B, 30 and 3* inches. ton sale Br GEORGE FENNOCK, julv 8 e»tf FOR SALE By SIMON WALKER, Pine, near ffftb-itrcet, WOOLWICH proof Cannon—9 pounders, 61-2 feet long, 10 cwt. each, and 7 feet long, 25 cwt. etch, with carriages, Stc. completed ditto-6 poanders, 5 i-» feet long, 1J twt. each, and 6 feet long, 18 cwt. each, with carriages, &c. complete; Carronades en Aiding carriages, ia, 18 & 24 poanders, weighing 6 1-2,8 and 13 cwt. each; Hoarding Pike* and Cutlaffe6 ; Englilh Cannon Powder; Copper Sheathing Nails, Spikes and Bolts; 6,9, 12, 18 and 441b. round Shot; 6, 9, 18 asd 241b; douMe-headed do. 9, 18 and 241b. Canniffer Shot. AHo—a quantity of bed Englifli, Porter, Claret and Port Wine Bottles, Tauntwi Ale in calks of 7 dozen each, march 8. St. Croix Sugar, of the first QUjiLirr, WILL be landed To-Morrow, at South ftrfet wharf, from on board of the brig James arrived at the Fort, fOJi SJLE Br PRAGERS er Co. iune 18 UNSEATED LANDS. THE owners of Unfcated lands in FAYETTE COUNTY (Penn.) are hereby notified, that ntefe the texes doc onfoid .lands fit thi year# and r798, are paid into the hands of General Etkraiv Doiigkfs, County Tritfitfet, on or.bafare Thursday the 19th day of September next, tbey triU be advertifad-for £>l« as tha la«r di- Hd> ' ' - Caleb Mounts, Y James Allen. V County Cartmu'n Jokn Fvdton, J Union Town,Juuc s*99' MAiL COACHEES PitUADtLPUiA and BAtfruoßs, Lt AV£ Philadelphia every (i»y, (auildiy ejc« spud) at 8 o'clock, A M. arrive at Bdlutiiorc ttie next day, by 11 o'clock# A. M. Returning. I.tave Baltimore every day, (Sunday except ed) at 4 o'clock, A. M. av>d arrive at Philadel phia the next day, by 9 o'clock, A. M. Between nt.iv-YoRK and Phila/iei-Mia. Leave Philadelphia every day (Sunday ex ceptedf it 11 o'clock at noofi, arrive at New- York tUe next morning, by S o'clock. Returning. Leave New-York everyday (Sunday exoept cepted) at or.e o'clock, P.'VJ.'arvd arrive at Philadelphia the next morning, by 7' o'clock. Seats in tbe Mail Ccachecs to be taken in Ntrj-York, At Butman's Office, No. Cortur.d-ftreet. In Philadelphia. At Francis' Hotel, No. 13, tbmh Fourth* Srttt, and at the Frautli'n Iso, No, 59, north In, Baltimoret TiVerh. Fire lor Paflengers, 8 Dollirsfrom PhiVadtl phiato New-York, and 8 Doltara from Phila delphia to Baltimore. , All baggage over 141b. weight, is carried at 5 ecuts per pound. The Proprietors are not r&fponfible fir flag gage. LEVI PEASE, Agent for the Public Line, from Philadelphia to Baltimore. WARD, BROADHURST, JONES Co. Proprietors of the Mail Line, from Philadelphia to New-Tori. General Poft-Office, J Mav 1. \ < OFFICE No. 14 Chefnut Jirtit, or No. 25 Arch Jircct, FOR PUBLIC AND PRJYATE Commission Bufmefsj Transactcd Extensively. MONEY ADVANCED, On good Paper, on Mortgages and Merchan dize. Alio, Purchases and Sales of LANDS made, By JAMES NEWPORT juIjr 5 law tf TO BE SOLD BY JSSSB ISf ROBERT IVALS. Old Port Wine, in Pipes, Hhds. and quarter calks, Also Landing at tbtir Wharf From on board the fbip Edward from Lifhon. Lisbon Wine, in pipes and qr. calks, iunc ts 5 AT a fpceial meeting of the Board of pro perty in Lancaster, June 14, 1799- ' Present, Thepebtuip oFThoi»a« Stewardfoß on behalf of bimfclf «n flatdiaa That • ewtain: John Collins hid inpoßlequuMK ps /rauduleat 1 ted* pofl/ ofenwil patent#,jfnr. r ttn». eeNaia trlflt of land, <»« fitoate if the. «wuty of' NohhimtVrljiul, fiirveyfd,to&^fif{|.r9 in w » warrant till S *m4 r tb» fjtiMte n«w inLuzerns-«ouWs*> 'fW viyed to fiid Caldwell t>y a wvti«t «ofe in rcqacftod that palr»t« raigbt bx grinteif, fa the'laUl traidU, to,Willi»n>Or»nl' iTrtod, Ed\y»cd TboplM Stewardfon, tniften of ttye •ett»t«uf Samuel Caldwell* furvivipg partner <>f jrtnfi Mecfe. a» tbe laid two trails of«be fcflattfof M«fe and Caldwell. I t Vraereupon tbe Board having coofjdpvd mr ft roe, ordered that at least fixt* dipya notice be'' given in one of th? Philadelphia ncwipiptaj and iq tbe Ltncallpr Journal to the laid Collisa orbii' aniens, to appear befor? TV B#iu4 on th« firff Monday in October next, to (hew cauta Ifcany he or they have, why patents flxiuld apt ifiiue for tbe said two trails to the iaid tru%«i agreeably to tbe prayer of tbe laid petition. A true copy • FOr JOHN ftttf., gfq, Jfce'ry x>f Ifapd Office. N. LWBOkoOCH. dam . eotf. July i- A variety of Lots, many of them very advan tageously fituat.-d north of the city of Phila dslphia, in different pirti of the Land known as the Eftateof the late William Martin, Efq—many of the lots afford valuable Gtes for Country feats, not excelled by any within the fame pittance of the City, other Ins are well adapted for Garden Ground*, Failure £cc. a third description is well calculated for byildings fronting upon Frankford road, Second, Third, and Fourth fireets continued to the German Town Roadjand alfo'on Cross Roads designed to be laid out from Fourth Street to Tur ners Lane, to which the property extends—For further particulars,application to be made to NICHOLAS HOLVDAY, on the Premises westward 01 Fourth Street. THE partnership of Jothua B. Bond, and John Brooks, tradiug under the firm of Bond & Brooks, is this day diflbived by mutual content, all persons indebted to them, are re qusfted to make immediate payment to Jolhua B. Bond, and those having demands to prelent »heir accounts to him tor settlement, April I TTAVING demonds againll the Estate of Do ll nald Grarft Mitchell, esq. late a captain of Artiilerifts and f.ngireers, iD the service of the United States, dfce.ltd, are defircd to produce NICHOLAS DIEiIL, ailiiinistrator. jo, VValnut-fireet. i>*ie ja .}, ('4) <23® x \ FOR SALE, 'Joshua B. Bond. Jfoitn Brooks. TO Journeymen Shoemakers, Two HUNDRED wfl receive im inc iate employment by apylyihg to WILLIAM M LAWS, Sadler, No. 72, ChtfiuiUilrect. June 1.2 nalTof \ ' " 9W,i€/£ 1709.v, AIVIEJSTINO of the .Wtt./dkr« of tbe i)<6jwarl'"-' r Canal Navigation *»ißb« fceld • ■ 00 Tfeurtiajr theJirft of August neU,»t 6 o'clock * utf^Hwniny»;&CaodO&ce. r . „ . - 5 Byordtt-ttftfie.prcfideet, V ' . ' : - -V tgJtOjjHSS m()XQAt,SOt % n; .*>•/ -•• _ (• ittd Schuylkill Canal Compoy* ! I"W*9 k •, aawfiAU " * ' if i ■ * .• - '-• • ' Delaware isf tbhtipkiHCamti z. <>' N purtatuft of ».*efosu'ti»s ef ; ' and mif\«jers t c( the Dciaitrirr «0d Scfcuyfr '"f.CaQal Cmnjjany, the »«Y notified and retjuirecf top piji* on each oftqeir efpe<£tfv« ffiarei, to tfie T of Cftffi- "- r ,_ lajsiy, *t the CifhipJDy'i Oifficc in t)i»< cjty,' V' . tjt )B?>l'»rion the n*xt» ,-i,,, 14 d«ttar? on t}ie j-pf jffcy ec*tv*Ml «* jo dojlars <.n ffje A AttgwflitejH. «. i , A r\l7 p T«i• »f r . •• .t.. 15 A) May 13 of their favors fVILLTAM SHIRVINGTON, St.John (Antigua,) May 16. (Julys) 'Uvu. Abcautiful Country Seat,for Sale OITUATED on the bank of the Delaware O joining land» of Matthias Siplei and Mr< John Duffield, 13 milei from Philadelphia an J 7 miles from Briiiol. Tije buildings consist of a (it w two dory Frame House and Kitchen adjoining— 3 rooms 011 * » 1 o tiic creditors or joicpii I iioin3sy jfl intended to be called) for Thwrlday the u&fr.ti A. A Large Commodious Cellar, >. '.j Supply at ■ No. 130, jJortb Front ftreef. 9n THE Creditors of Baly, Hrll," 1* Evans, Insolvent Debt rs, in the county of Soilcx are tr meet the Afliguee at the Court-HouiV . ,ui county, on the 25th of Dec. nest, at ic : c* m in order to make a dividend of faiu iftate, that may come to hand by that day. 'r' * juns 2? "tWO {. ft. fofl'fctW,. em. upper, end ,o£ the YiU «6 ps ftukf&i/ ' There's fit lit sicli hopfe, befiscM kkolwiKiew rooms oV'fW Ml fliof J ihrw'ciil tfc« '{jKowirt «fith rootty Mrfati, f"\ '- ttc *lfc to& gfWen' -fee, fiaHfclSi, 7 4 ' mm* Wkx\ rtV udorlcd and oHfiniUy ttcriirt, th»t » mottyof the ftgck fcif «$/> dtf. ¥ T .. j-. * •$- [Volume XVI FICE, ~ -<* *44* 11 .'Mjf I J r i t..; H '( V ■.VI • *? A* - xh " ; >v - - K' ' i * 'lt - * ■ * f V V f-