fCttt 9 * & ANn Philadelphia Daily 'Advertiser. -s NffMSCt 2127.3 pifice of this. Gazette is Eight ■- Qglktriper 'g&utfo to SudScr iters reading Alt Stbe-rs pay '~4Kt Bp## iMMvwd) fir enclosing and di .fating, i aifd vritfx 40me ferscn in this citj subscription it must it paid Six Months in Advance. SWIFT PACKET. .JPisSy**B® « well, calculated as i. Packet Between tiiis and the f'outhern states, hav ing Me ■» • ♦ - •- M to liOv aud fell veficls and every thing relat» ing thcrrto—iliift mailers of veflell and oiheri in entering and clwrmf at the Custom-House, asce ar.d ali other mercantile accounts, and bave on hattd th« oecefiary Blanksand Stamps. forrcifion gives in general mercantile matters, of every branch of business he hopes to be use- SAMUEL EMES.T. J^±Ll y US t Imported, In the Adriana from London, and N Sal* b; Averj neat of the,following , rjtt cyikii, t&Oto, - WWwicli proof CANNON 5 , vi. ..'$ f*W#»fr 8 iai jt fwt , each ' "1 with * ,,, '3>W * '8 aimsfiaSr*' f*: 4 .flwirt i' 9 pAandcaWojade*'.' J pfete. «wfA fcade* a*T CawKtrt fcit, . jNplCimnKcMer, , .■> * for sale, SWA*. ''isw* -v . J1 • • J-"':. ? „: JKW* W«r'-» *is» ihm ad quality Raffii y^^twm»Hfci l p > d t (fiiytftor) - Apkfecf in ftm-ch, < S COJSAS flfe bj thtSotil&aitr.. 2 r,». f Dry Geodi a« »fual. j . • . 12 Joshua Ftfber. , , v° ' r*'ii ••■ -■!. ■•■ •v: • 5v •xf .f /St Brandy in Uiu i'rench l'mall cases 100 boxej 7 by 9 & 8 I>V jo Window G)afs jo chest pint & iwlf jjint Tumblers, aflorted whoie & 6 hjH-riirrcs Rice, SALE RY Gurney Cii* Smith. ■ may t, 1799 TO BE SOLD, An Invoice of Woollens, CONSISTING of Course and Fine Cloths, — principally Dark Blue, and printed CafTimcres —Apply to Owen & Jonathan Jones, No. 151 Markct-ftreet. april 39 Lost or Mislaid, ACER IIFIOATE ol ore fliare of the Bank of the United States hearing date ill January 1793. the. name of Jofcph Thornburgh, No. Jl3B, for the resewal of which application hath been Qi3de at foid Baf.k. and all persons concerned are desired to take notice thereof. ROUERT DENISON, Junr. Philadelphia, juse ij. djm RECEIVED, And nam afirtd for file, by the package onfy, ON VERY LOW TEEMS, 10 bales of superior Britifti failCanvafs »t do. of Ro!e Klanlct's ftri;-ed Duffels Rugs S trunk- wt ll aborted Printed Caliicoes, 3 * balesYorlilfeire Broadcioaths 4 halei low prised mat Coatings wd Duffells l cases of Madam Le Stun Bqjleau's fafhior.- atile Patent Hits ind Bonnets Pins—iffarted in Imill cases Townfend and ComptOn's Pewter—well abort ed in small <-afks. ALSO, Daily E*ptßed > By Vessels in the Spri&r Convoy, ■JO3O iwAicls, high dried, ttoved Silt Ijo crate* of aflorted Earthen Ware A few tons of the best clean St PeterflHirgh Hemp Patent Shot assorted ill calks of .jewteach White and Red Lead, in calks of icwt each Crown Glass in fcoxes of too and 53 feet each, Loudon Superfine Broadcloths, and A f w hundred C ifcsuf Nail«. MEDFORD tsr WILLIS, No, 78 North Front, near Arch-street June ii Fum on board the DOROTHEA, at Willing* and Ffjncin'i wharf, and forSALIi by the fubliribcrj, An ajjbrtment of GERMAN LINENS, Eftopfllas Platillas Koyalea Brown Phtillas Bretagnet Rouancs Checks & Stripei Leltadoes Biflcficld Linen, LiXiWiSt, German bread Cloth hkds. claret Thread laoo demijobm French silk Stockingi ijs liquor cafe» Swtdifh Iron 300 cafo claret It pipes Holland Qin. CX HXKP, Raffia Brjftle*, Bagtifh fail Cloth, Bt. Pfterfcureh EftgMh Srlk Gnod*—co iflflhlg of Sarin*, KibboM, PcrfifM, fcc. M&ICK&L&ms BOLtMASK, lIJ, forth Third ftrett. d«f June 26 Just received, via New-Yrtrk, also by th« ftiip Stockport fr»fn Liverpool, a good affort ineiit of 4-4 wicl.c Irifii Linens, in kalf boxes, Wbiah will b» disposed <4 by tlx package on fM* limbic Mean by "T JAMES CLIBRORN ENGLISH, No. li.south From street. i une 14 ; tu tft tf NICK LIN £j? GRIFFITH, HAVE rOR SALE, _ No. 165, Ci'esnut-Street, Received by tlie lift arrivals from Liverpool. Giigharfjs, Dimitys, In fmillcheft., Muflincttej, and trunkSi tuiuA { citbcr for exporta- Pr.mcd Ca»K««, tIOD or home trade. Cheeks, Silk Striped Nankccn#,_ Caffimerc.-, elegantly alfortcd in small bales Wildbore Faacyt, in do. Ternando Serges, in do. Bread Says in do. Coarfc Woolen* in bales ON HAND. Sail ctviafi by tho bale or piote, No- X and $ >1*1*4,6, g fpriga, cloots, cltfpt, fhcattung and Sbett coffer and copper bottemi Sheathing paper Yellow ochte io rtflci Chun wrretfqrtad in borct A quantity of etnpty port wine bottle* London Madeira wine J hogflrtid* 30 puncheon* §t.&itt> ram ao ditto coaotr; ditto II fix poand cannon l( four pound ditto, with carriage*., baod-fpike*, rammer*/suag«*« Romal and i HandtercMefr Mulmul J The foregoing govds are now to he fold at REDUCED PRICES, N. B. Many of these Goods may be printed to advantag* in this court may 16 large and Lojl or Mi/laid, A CERTIFICATE of one fliire of the Bank of the United Statss, No. 4933. in the name of Julia Wadfworth Knox, and for which, application is made at the Bank of the United States for the renewal of said certifi cate ; and all perforM concerned are ''efired to take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE. may ,43 1 A KE NO TIC E. THI ; . fubferiber, having obtained Letters of Administration on the personal Estate of John Morton, late of Ccecal County in the state of Maryland, deceased ; all persons having claims again It the laid deceased, are warned to exhibit the lame with the vouchers thereof, on the 6th day of Augud next, at the town of Warwick, in said county and ftafe t that a dividend of the afletts in hand, may be made agreeable to law. REBECCA MORTQN, Admin's. Warwich, J«ly a, [July 5] 3awtsA. PHILADELPHIATUESDAY EVENING, yUL?~ l&, , 799 ; nr rue uira axbiva is-, From Lonsov and Livikpooi., LANDING. —Consisting or— Guinea) Dowlas Creas a la Mcrlaix Silt fu white Kocls Warfwdorji linen Table Linrn Lin«n fu for ct>ffce bags Pocket handkerchiefs LINENS. Hai for Sti/c, PRATT is* KINTZING, No. 95, K9rt% iVater jit «i, HA V t yon SAI.K, Ninety Package# Ticktenburghs, Hempen 75 tfowhi hdTalts, brown rolls and wide Po liih tolls, fditable £u*-coffee and cotton ba£3 &c. 6 to chcftn patterbon «• white roll* 14 pipe* choice *ld pbrt wine A few cases claret *5 tons hemp xooo Dcrftyjbhijs fll box fine ptatilla*, 5 chests men's flippers 1 4®. BteiaoeUi JgKQ tt trunksdo. caarfefhoes I df. ot(Wrt Hol|i*d 300 lidss upper and foai 1 bergtef»4 flfc. &c. I he aboveare entitled- to drawback, and will be TqM at reasonable prices f.id a generous c£cds. ' - faftwxw FOlt SALE*. By the Subscribers at No. 5 Gbefiwt street, the following Articles, viz. Ift Mad 4(h proof Spanilh Brandy in } ip*t, E^ijluud Rum in hM«, CodfUh, in do. Tobacco, jo (Jo, Hie: io tkrct», B«4f in bblt. Mid half bbli. MSctfarci, ia do Spermaceti CtfHtbuin Madeira Wi»< in pipes hall pisei&ar. cafti Clarrt, ip cafe*, „ B. Rulfia, ditto, «JVfVnt ijuslitUj, Rufiia Hemp, JOSEPH ANTHONY h Go. (t»W4W JUltj, Eafbionable Millinery. ELIZA M'DOUGALL, NO. J 34, UJtXBT-STttBRT, HASjuft received per Clip Thomas Chalkley and Adriana, from London, an elegant afibrtment of the most fafhion&ble Millinery, rix. Chemille rotate FEATHERS Fancy flowers 8 lark tiffany Sow en Wreaths Pink, yellow and blue crape, full dress caes Do. do. and do. Nclfou'l bonnets Infant'* pipe ft raw bonnets Maid's Icncy do. do. Women'l do. do; do. Do. do. (hades Do. da hats Fancy bugle Otoe ru£» Do. do trimming* Black, white, bhi?,yellow, pink and arange crape Black, white and green gauze veils Do. gauze cloaks N. B. Afcd per Hartnoay, jull arrived, a further assortment of Millinery. June 16 eotf. JUST RECEIVED, " From the BOSTON Manufactory, A QVAsirrr of WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes. roh SALK BV, ISAAC HARVEY,, Jir*. M. B. .Anyfizeor fizcs that maybe watifed cat larger than i 3 by is can be had from said manufa&o ---v, on being ordered; and aucntion given to forward on any order* that may be left for that purpose • Ai>ply at N». o, South Water-street, as above. July 8 d«f Received ~bf tie sbip Adrian#, ton, from L.onitdn, A LARGB •ASSO».Trf**t 6* HAIR SEATINGS, Suitable for chair and foplia covers, confining of striped and plain, am! of tfie following width?, viz 17, 18, 19, 2.0. tii »», »4 »6, 28, 30 and 3* inch<». tOB sale ar H»ly » FOR S A By SIMON WALKER, Pine, near li'ftb-streit, WOOLWICH proof Cannon—9 pounders, 61-2 feet long, 10 cwt.cach, Mid 1 feet long, 15 ext. e«ch, with carriages, &c. completed ditto —6 pounders, 5 i-» feet long, 15 cut. crcli, and 6 feet long, 18 cwt. each, with carriages, &c. complete; Carronades an Aiding carriages, 11, ig & 14 pounders, weighing 6 1-3, 8 and I Jtwt. each; Boarding Pikei and Cutlafles; Engiilh Caanon Powder; Copper Sheathing Nails, Spikes and Bolts ; 6,9. It,! 8 and 241b. round Shot; 6, 9, 18 and 441b; double-headed do. 9, 18 and 441h. Cannifter Shot. eodtf AKo—a quantity of bell Porlw,Claret sotl. Pj*n> Wine BcttUs, 1 Tiptop Ale in caflu of y doztn tack. p]arch 8. . , ... aasr.tf jawtf St. Croix Sugar* of ras Frksr WILL be landed To-Morrow, at South ftreet wharf, from 011 board of the brig Jaipes arrived at the Fort, foh sai.f. nr jufie 18 UNSEATED LANDS. djm HPHE owners of Unstated lands 111 FAYETTE COUNTY (Peiin.) are hereby notified, that nlcfs the texes dui: on said lands f>r tht years "796,1797 arrd 1798, are paid into the hands of General Ephraim Douglafs, County Tretfurer, on or before Thursday the 19th day of September next, they will be advertised for laic as the law di rects Caleb Mounts, "1 James Allen. s. County Commu'rt John Fulton, j Union Town, Juuc itUlll GEORGE PEN NOCK, c«tf PRAGERS iff Co. («4) MAIL COACHEES Between Philadslthia and Balttuohs, Lfc.i.VE Philidtlphia every day, (Sunday .e%Ceptte said ty Williun Cram- John Afliley, ami Thom>« truftee* of .tlfe, dtet* of Samuel Cakt«t«lt, lur»lvjri(j partner §{ Jamea ae the {till two tfa&t wert part efthe efttfe of Mcefe and Cafctoell. Whereupon the Board lnving cooAdlmd the fame, ordered rhtiatleatt fixrf day* nMee lie gi*eA id *ne qf the Philadelphia (MrwfpJperf, awfin the L*nc»fier ) |obn l al to th< said Cellini or hi* alliens, to apfatar before the, lioafti ori fh» firlt Mbsday fh OflFober licit, t? flicw eatile '£*°f he * r «(>?? M**» why pateib fco'utd itbt i»ne for (hi laid two t rafts ro the said trilftiel agreeably to the pfayft of the said petition. ; A ctijjy fir JOHK HALL, Ifq, - - Sec'rycf-Lam) N. LUFBORpOGH, "tdsoK July ?. FOR SALE, Awiftjr of Lots, many of them »try advan tageously fituat.-d north of the city of Phila delphia, in different parts of the Land known as the Estate of the late William Martia, Efq—many of the lots afford valuable sites for Country feats, not excelled by any wit) in the fame distance of the City, other l?ts are well adapted for Garden Grounds, Palture &c. a third description is well calculated for building* fronting upon I'rankfprd read,'ieconj, Third-, and Fourth llreets continued •o the German Town Roadjaad alfb on Croft Roads dcCgned to be laid out from Fourth Street to t'lir r.ers Lane, to which the property extends—For farther particulars,application to be made to NICHOLAS HOLYDAY. on the I'rcmifra westward ol fourth Street. 8 july- dtl. THE pirtncrfcip of Joftnia B. Bond, and John BroAs, trading untttr the fku «f Bond fe* Brbbks, liihisday diflbfvri'by motuJl cohTent, ill Ipdrblid to thein, are rfr qo« fted tb rtiafce immediate paynirtt tuvfkitl Qanal Oft** ' f« purfuaivc of 5i irfolot^n. (,{ the frtw&t ---tu n J »»f '"»*<** 'ofthe , ' U ' °PPilffi*bt 9tock'hoki«a»^f irty i'm »SifTOwi' refpecltv? Vb the iwirar. rfpa^Sjfc.]' )»ny, at Ij ('oijarson ti.c i.jth J'JrtCT r -'Xtg , 'i'i »o do! iff QD.tfte tttb Inly near, mptf 1 .; ■» * so dcii*"-* col t(.e I?rh Avruii ■ ;; Wli», GOVgl^l, Trcifurer> )■, m.'k:u4w( ■ I'lfE fubtribcr pi«r» PublicNo*»Cf tjhjic ibe Partnfrthip i>< aßd is thjj daydiifelved. tiegsleaw ia»qjijsqit , his Frienrfj that Jk cintinWs t».caWy on faufi, ness iii his own name find foliciu a conirtt»rt«» «f their fcvorj. WILtIArM 9HIRV|N«¥ON, St. John (Antigua,) May j£, d J ir. A beautiful Country Seat for Sale Sll UA IED on the bault or the Delaware joining binds of Manillas Sfjilei and Mr. John Duffield, 13 milei fro'ii. !'hilatl*!pliU and 7 miles from Bristol. Ti»e buildings consist ofa n«w two ft. ry Frame House afld Kitchen adjoining— 3 rooms 011 a floor, a Piazza the whole f.cr.t of the House, a Pump of excellent wcter, r-1f igood garden and orchard—l© acres of lanu will be fold with the premises, but more can bt had if required. There is a gravelly ftinre at the river, the water ftagej far Burlington pal's every day in tbe sum mer season, and the land stages for New-York within half a mile ; any perlon inclining to pur chase may know the terms of faleand other par ticulars by enquiring at No. i», Dock-Ureet, er No-161, South beeond-llreet. LAST NOTICE. To the Creditors of Joleph Thomas, A GENERAL meeting of the Crcdifors is intended to be called, for Tfmrfday the | firft of August next, when those pcrfons only at (hall then have furnifiied their acc unts can be recognized as such. At that meeting the Afijgn ee* hopeto have it in their power to lay befor£ them a cirrumftantial account of his concerns - and topropofc f.-me mode of idjtiftment to the Creditors. Thoff who neglcft to furnilh their accounts before that day, will b» excluded from ihe benefit of any arrangement* that maybe then nnd«. Samuel W, j Willi am BnrkUy, I , of ■i u 'y 3 w&fr.tiA. AT Ji j".' ' ~ Jpp!y at ' Al!ey * LEON.\HO SNOWDEN'S, 7 mo : 6 THE Creditors of Baly, Hill, & Evans, Insolvent Debt s, in the county of Suffer, are tc meet the Assignee at the Court-Hoi.fe infaid county, on the 15th of t>ec. next, at io o'clock a. m in order to make a dividend of £aid Inlolveat'i eflate, that may come to hand by that day. CH. CASE, assignee* • 1 X to 1.1). . TWO ntw frame two S&ry Hou« fe» plcafmtly ne«r the Jolly Pofl.T»y» 1 em, upper er.d of tbf Villigc of VrujkfatAj ' There are in each house, a room* on t>i«- firft fiftor; 4krM like fe'pSfe,',- with rwmjf gvrmV ail weir are also to eich, a g(W«4jf»rt« tof, fed** %*£,', coachhoiili. p»rtgoofe*wfll t»iak*B^p«p, jn«&* ■■»«* MfW.I« Ik* Ac 'jSJBEi wd for iern» applv to . • ' ' JOHN McCLWaHN. *.t t ~ e«stf T O BACC 0, . ofsbmccQmi qvajity, -Foil ; *V; . ■-■ Piut Barter ' ' *» 6 roi»i iS RETASURY DEPARTMENT May 29tb, 1799. 1 'HE proprietors of forfub . fcriptlons to the Luan bearing interest at eight per centum per annum, are notified, that at any time after payment (hall have been made of the sth instalment, which will become due during the firft ten, day* »f the month of July cnfoing, Certificates of Funded Stock inay at their option be obtained at the Trejfury or Loan Offices, refpeillively, for the amount of the four firfl inftalmwits, or owe moiety of theforj's c *- prefledin the fubfciiption rertflfcaus;—N 3 ct ,„ tificates of funded Stock will however be iii'ued forlefs than one hundred dollars. Such liibfcription certificates as may be pre •nted at the Trtafury or Loan Offices in cmi eqi-ence of the foregoing arrangement, will be ndorfed and diftin&lv niakrd io as to denete that a rnoety of the ftoek has been iflfued ' OLIVER IVOLCOTT, Secretary of the Trnaruy, \Volvma X\l [une 12 I. rW A