Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 05, 1799, Image 2

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From the Whitehall Evening P'Ji, of
April z 7.
Scarcely a week now pafll-s without swel
ling the number of the victories atchieved by
our Allies, nor does there even ela-jf: ;a day
that is not signalized by some disaster or de
feat luftained by the comtnon enemy. For
tune, tnat has hitherto seconded their enter
prizes with Juch unaccountable partiality,
begins at length to turn from them with the
disgust they (liou'J inspire, and to exhibit, in
the humiiiaiirti of their insolent triumphs and
preiuniptuous pride, a dreadful example of
her < haracterillic veifutility which delights,
as tfye Poet tell us,
Virtere funeribtis triumphos.
And indeed, if we but examine the long
and various line upon which the hostile ar
mies cany,,on their operations, there will
icarcely be fc.und a point in which either their
plans have not been disconcerted, their pro
jects anticipated, and their attacks repelled.
From their positions in
tlu*y flill continue to retreat, though they
new cease to be so clolily prefftd by their
viiflotiiaus pursuers. In the neighbourhood
of K: 1.1 they betray some intentions - of ma
king a P.nnd, and for that purpose are collect
ing a considerable force. Butths Auftrians
appear equally refoltvd, on their part, to ex
pel the entmy from that fortrefs, which they
are row preparing to besiege with an army
of 30,000 men. As for the mock negocia
. tion that was carried on at Raftadt, it has
at length been dissolved, and the Plenipo
tentiaries of the different Powers that enga
ged in it are returning to their refpe&ive
Covrts. Every hone of Peace is therefore
complete]* vinilbed ! A short paufo and tran
sient respite "ems indeed to fdfpend hostili
ties in iome points upon the Rhine ; but the
gallant Archduke Charles is taking every
meaiure to pursue the progress of the War
where he intends to condudl the military ope
rations in perion. The Auflrian main army
already extends in front of that country
from the frontiers of the Grifon country to
Basle, and t'c-upy alinolt the whole of the
Cantons of Zurich, Schaffhaufen, and Basle.
They would ere now have pa (Ted the Rhine,
had not the enemy, in order to retard their
progress, cut down all the bridges over which
the Auftrians intended to have patted. Ge
neral Hotje is to co-operate with the Arch
duke, ana from this well-concerted and com.
Kintd attack upon the French positions eve
?y fucccfs may reasonably be expected, espe
cially when we take into account the dispo
sition of the inhabitants, all of whose hearts
{till rankle with a rancorous recollection of the
many insults and injuries heaped upon them
by the French, and which, by aflifting the
Autlrians they will have fair occasion to retal
iate and avenge. Nor is i> in Switzerland
only that the Republican cause appears to be
desperate ; in
itis oppofedby forces equally formidable,which
by d;iily receiving additional strength, must
soon en lure a decided superiority to the alli
ed powers. Since the battle of the 3d inft.
which was fought near Legnano, and in
which the enemy are said to have loft from
8 to 12,000 men, together whole
of their artillery and ammunition, the Auf
trians have received a frefh reinforcement of
13,000; to thefc may be added the 23,000
P.yUian auxiliaries, whose arrival on the 7th
must be so opportune and so powerful as to
enable the Austrian General to follow up
with fucce'f; the important advantages which
they had gained in the battle of the sth. In
deed the Einpcrcr of
begins to take a moll aftive part, and will
no doubt obtain a preponderating influence
•wherever they mayfallin with them. These
«fders must naturally ftjilie a ferioas alarm
* »• 1 *
y:\ -
, - ' -V '
2 -
*s they arc likely to deprive them of the very
txtenfive and profitable trade which thtfe
Powers have alinott entirely engrolTed since
the cojnmeneeraent of the War, and which
will now be expo fed to inceff.uit annoyance
from an encifiy vhofe Councils or wboftpow
er they pofiefs 110 means to influence or to
rtlitt. Tile Emperor Paul fcemsalfo dispo
sed to tliut oux from his ports all {hips from
Hamburgh, that may be fufpeftedof con
veying any naval ilores to the enemy ; and
9' v
• /
. l 1 •
> \
v '-*-<•
'herfelf conpftetfiy eut off from all
ftofemcKiiil tot&gvrte w|tft the Europeaiv
jfi&tly gf view j mi,
- '#&**>?*» feeratwijes jfreii in 'an u»ui
-s<rt»pted >nd threat
- ?"& a » ftfU&ore •
S , Hfe&ga), ;fiw Biuft, tffiain.hc the i
& sis Afcufup&o, anarcliy and infurrefti
•t tlie.
C^itnptipfj\nx^;r€^stttmt r
-'. -, their fo«# that. the ■ ws
•■ Obwdlf.
«B® ttflre impatient eitfeentebt,
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which, vtlnlc they favour the external pi'ef
urc of the Combined Powers, mull make the
D reilorial thrones totter to their sanguina
ry I afe—not a ray of h®pe dawning from a
ny quarter to cheer the gloom that fur
roufds then; ; not even from
where, in dead of ths pretended viflories an«
noli need from time to time in the Paris
Journals, nothing is to be found among the
army of Buonaparte but defpe ration and dd
may ; for it is not only exposed to the un
ceaiing attacks of an unrelenting enemy,
but is rapidl) wafting away from an epide
mic difeale, which has extended itfelfto Al
exandria, the greater part of the garrison ol
which are already fallen vidians to its rava
In the interior of France, the legiilative
afiemblies are occupied'with the diflrefiyi of
the treasury, and the embarraffmertt of the
double returns of Scissions. The latter dif
ficulty will fee the easiest and the earliest fet
tled, lor the council of five hundred has al
ready found out that the majorities were con
spiring majorities, and thai good republicans
could not remain servile fpe&ators of their
French papersjuft received admit that Mo
reau has experienced a defeat in Italy. The
French have already, it is said, loft 35,000
men this campaign.
The Auftrians f<Jund in Ferrara, 18,000
rnuflceti, 4 millions money, 8 waggons of
uniforms, and a convoy of military (lores—
Also, took 10 armed vefleU. Salo and Bres
cia are taken.
Ihe lad levy of 200,000 men in France
produced only 40,000.
Some Paris Papers hint the eleftions are
to be suspended and the present rulers de
clared permanent till peace.
Buonaparte, is reported to hare been fuc
cefsful—having become mailer of nearly the
whole of Syria.
Frince Edward, now Duke of Kent, it is
said, is to be appointed governor of Canada.
Amount of Flour inl'peded within the
city of Baltimore, for thelaft three months,
ending the 30th June, viz.
71,192 whole barrels,
5,498 half do.
By ordt-r,
/?. 11. MOsILE, register.
' Arrived jcstirday. v * ' >.
ScliOonerAtlantie, captain Weft,from
Arrtigua> via St. Kitts and St. Tlioipii.—.
Saijedfrom St. Thomas, June ig, in com
pany with; a fleet of 49 fail, under %eri\ey
of the United States' fhipßaltiijndie, brigi
Richmond and Eagle* and parttd with the
fieet June 26, bt« 31, 30, long, -jt, 3d.—-
In the fleet were tftcfoUowing taffcls :
Brig Florid?, LoAg, • KtilAdeJphia
. Little Mariar, Brajr, Wilmington
. Hope, Blanctuifdj Boflon
■*"> Lsntj PoTtfnwwth
Dove, . ....... Newburyport
Schr. Neptune, ——, Philadelphia
William Butler, Newbern
frgßY> Wharton, Folly Landing
Harmony, Lambert, Brtrnfwick
Harlpm, Utley, Hali&X
Columbus, Rihg, Wifcanet
ganger, Little, do.
Seaflbwer, Baker, Bo(ton
Sally, Surtevent, Plymouth
Sylph, Weeks, Baltimore
Rover, —, Bolton
Hever, , ■ ' Portland
.Maria, • , New-London
Henry V Guftavus, ——, Middletown
Two Brothers, , New-Haven
Eagle, Spragur, Bath
Hope, ——, Caftini
Shildrake, , Plymouth
Prudence, , Hartford
Sloop Cornelia, Culver, New-York
John, do.
Frier.dfhip, , Bristol
Sally, Coan, Boston
Ruby, —:—, Norwich
Rofanna, , Bristol
On the ift of June, the (loop of war Bal
timore captured the French privateer Styren
of 4 guns, and 36 met), and brought her
into St. Kitts.
On the of June, the brig Norfolk,
captain Bambridge, fell in with a French
lugger, of 14 guns, and after chafing her
some time and nearly within gun shot, the
Norfolk Carried away both top-masts by the
cap, in a squall ; the French lugger feeing
the crippled state of the Norfolk, bore down
for her, but finding they had cleared the
wreck and prepared to receive them, they
bore away and left hex. The Norfolk put
into St. Kitts, had repaired the damage and
failed again on a cruise the 14th of June.
WASHINGTON, (Ken.) June 7.
1 lie paragraph under the Lexington head
refpefting a party of Indians doing mifchief
in Shelby county, we have beard explained
111 tins manner.—A party of Indians had
came into the feitlement probably with a
view of trading, and in course of thtir pere
grination, had aftually (hot a sow and a lit
ter of pigs, or at least some of them ; they
were pursued, overtaken, and on an expla
nation taking place it was found the Indians
had been several days palling through the
settlement and no one had given them anv
thing to eat. They said they wer# very
hungry, had killed the pigs for sustenance,
and if any white people (hculd come into
then- country, ihey would give them plenty
of any thing th«y had. We prcfume thai
the matter ended here and that the feemint
tnhofpaahty must have originated in an .Vno
ranee of the wants of the Indians, or the na
t«r. of their vifit—\ Ve have given the
above ,mperf t a accountjuft as we heard
it thinking it our duty to eommunicate
every thing that may tend to quiet the minds
c-f our 'vHow citizens, o-; a fuKjett, many
of-them, from a revii-w of rveris ilill recent
in the r mem»ri s, cannot but feel peculiarly
intcreftc-d in.
CARLISLE, June 26.
On Thin fday last, the Corner Stone of
the New Edifice for Dickinfon College wan
laid. The Trustees, Profeffors and Stu
dents went in proceflion from the Old buil
ding, in which the clafies are at prefect
taught, to the ground allotted to the New.
John Montgomery Esq. one of tht Crfl
founders and moll zealous supporters of this
seminary, had the honor of laying the firft
(lone of this building, and of expuCinghis
hearty wilh for its speedy completion, ex
itrifive utility and permanency. After which
jtmes Hamilton Esq. one of a committee
of five, appointed to superintend and com
plete the building, addressed the large num
ber of citizens . flembled, in a manner suit
ed to excite them to vigorous and united ef
forts in this laudable undertaking ; expres
sing a hope that all parties will combine in
that which is so manifefily for the general
good,— and a w!(hthat the rays ot fcienee
may diverge from this centre to every part
of the union, and be produ&ive ot the kind
ell influence on the morals and happiness of
society. The whole of the citizens aflem
bled united most cheerfully in re echoing
these fentimenls. The ground chosen for
the fcite of the college, is a beautiful ele
vated fp«t, on the weft end of the town,
where the building will appear to great ad
vantage, and from which there is an exten
sive profped of the valley and the mountains
enriching it j and where the atmosphere is
as pure and favourable to health, as perhaps
in any part of the world. There will be a
beautiful green in front of the building,
which in time may furnilh as delightful
walks for the contemplative Student, at
once did the celebrated groves of Acade
Bank of Pennsylvania.
July 3d, 1799.
THE Direftorj have this day declared
a Dividend of vSixteen dollar) per
(hare for the last Six months, which will be
paid to the Stockholders or their legal Re
prefen'.ativea after the 13th in#.
j"ne 3 ' dti3
United States, ? ~
PeftnfylvalViii Diftrift. 5
BY virtue of a%ritof a plurin writ of vendi
tioni exponas to me dirc&cd by the honor
able Richard Peters, Esq. Judge ot th« Diltriifl
Ciort ot the Oiiited States, in and for the Penn
fylvaria Riftrict, vriH be fxpufed to public Ode at
the Merchant"* Ckffcs House in the City of Phi
ladelphia, on Thursday the nth day of July inft.
at 7 o'clock in,the eveqmjr, a certain
Three Story Brick MelTuage,
nearly f.uiflild, and the lot or piece ot ground
thereunto belonging, fitsate cm the east fid# of
Sixth street from the river Delaware, between
Walnut and Spruce ftre*ts, containing in breadth
on Sixth rfree^'twenty- two feet, more or left,
and in depth t"e hundred and seventy-seven feet.
The terms of(ale will be cath 011 delivery of the
Dcc 3. If defitilt'ih payment the prcmifei will be
put up to sale again at the ri/que of the parchafer.
Seized and.taken in execution as the property
of John Swanwick, cf<|. deceafcd and to be fold by
Marflial'i Office, > ,„ (i
at Philadelphiajuly j ,'99. J
G A Y O S O,
Ax Jhe now lies at Cuthlert's
' wharf t in complete order,
And ready to take a Cargo on board; will carry
about 900 barrels, and may be sent to f«a with
out any expence. For term» apply at 47, Perm
street. if the above brig is not fold before Sa
turday the 6th instant (July) flic witl then be
offered ftr sale, at 7 «'clock, at vendue, at the
July a
For freight or Charter,
BURDEN ak»nt ioo tow, ten gun., &c. com
pletely cq«ippc4, »<fr«dy to rtctive a car k o_
How by. at Pewofc', Whatf-for terms apply to
No. 46, Walnut flreet»
i»'y 3
H^RImE^ TONy f'
WILL fail «*th<he Mail 0B Monday the Sth
Ifc'b «'rti' e ? er^sorthe Paclutmuftbt
left at the Po.l-Office before 8 o'clock on that diy.
bJrH J'p °2f a ? a »5 a FP')' to the Captain on
board at Perot > wharf, near the Old Ferry, be
tween Market and Arch-ftreeti.
General Poft-Officp, >
Philadelphia. July 1. f j .
last Notice.
T a° of Joibph Thomas »
A . G , N . E i<L , nict "»f «*' '*>e Cred tors is
r7rl> Jaa '° becilled ' f °' Tha.fdJv the
f "f*'' when ,h "fi P tr f™> onh -s
lyf furmthed their accounts can he
rtcogtiized as such. At that meeting the Aflier.-
e« hope to have it in their power so lav 1" W
them a c.rrumfiantial a«oun f of his concerns
and to propose f. me mode of adjuftmeot -o the
Creditors. lW c who negttfl to™ ni nX; r
STTefy !hat da -• u,a be
y thlt ™y be
Samuel IV. Fisier,!
William Bvckl-j, C of
John Hal!, " J Jot " Ttom "
j"'y s
IHE Creditors of Bajy Hill f«j*
are te meet the Assignee at thcCourt-Houfeinfairi
01 Dcc '" «P o'clock
SaWW " m,fcea di »'<icnd of said Inlolvtnt'i
eflaie, that may teffie to hind by that day.
Cff' QdSE, oss'gme.
June y
» v.-i *
»p tjjis H>ay's £OaH.
BOSTON, June 29.
No choice has bet n made in the firlt louth
ern diftrift. Mr.Williarnsot New-Bedford,
wanted but few votes of a majority;—and
we anticipate will he clt£led ill tbe next tri
In the third southern diftrift, the whole
number ps votes, according to acoums, was
3041 —of v.liicli 152 1 made a choice. The
Hon. PhaiiueJ Bifbop, had 1583, and is
chosen, Fidcralifts of the third ft uthcrn
diftrifl have you worked it right ?
On Tucfday ablurjack 011 the mizen peak,
with the eniijrn at mizen head, was lioi
fted on boari} the Constitution (Yigatf, a fi
lial that a Court-Martial was fitting onboard.
The Court iscompofed of the following Of
ficers, viz—Captain Talbot, Prelident, Capt.
Seaver, Little, Lu. Tipcomb, and Lu. Tal
The French having eflablilhed their title
to the epithets of pirates, and fea-robbers—
in mentioning their enormities we have only
commercial information, at pvefent, in view.
—The schooner favourite, Capt. Paine, was
captured, June third by the French priva
teer Hippollitte, from Nantz 14 guns.
76 men, from Cayenne ; finding the schoo
ner to fail heavy, sent on board and broke o
pen the hatches, stole three boat loads of bar
rels, Bcc. all the small flock, cabin (lores and
furniture, books, charts, quadrants, fea
mans clothe) bedding, &c.—aiid thus naked
gave her to the American pr.'foners, 9 in
number, besides her own crew, and ordered
her to proceed to the Ui.ited States ; after
taking a parole to release a like uumber of
Wednesday June 27tb—Arrived, (hip Bar
clay, Grifßn Barney, from a 22 month's
whale and ftal voyage, in the South, Pacific
Ocean—all tvell—with 735 bbls. lperni, 523
bbls. Whale oil, and 21,000 seal (kins. The
Barclay-foiled f:om St. Marj's iflt, in thq
Pacific Ocean, January 10,'99, and p,ives
the following information rei'ptcling Ame
rican whale men in those fcas, which he ob
tained between the 3d. Dec. and loth Jan.
last viz.
Ships Bedford, Barney, of Newbedford
350 bbls. fp, oil; Warcham, Clark, do.
i 000 ; Olivebranch, Pa<}dock, Nantucket,
8000 ; lienor, worth, do. 250 ; Ruby, My
ric, do. 3000; Juliann, Aldrige, do. 800;
Renown, Coffin, do. 500 ; Hope, Giles, do.
5005 William, Cotton, do. 170; Dianna,
Swain, do. 500; Cxiar, Swain, do. b.OO ;
Ttyal, Starbuck, do. 350 ; Alliance, Banurd
do. jooo ; Commerce, G'.runar, do. 450 ;
Maryland, Lilcoinb, New-York 250 ; Ame
rican Hero, Pitts, Hudfcn, 220 ; Ofwego,
Clark, do. 4000.
On the 3d, January last, captain Lifcomb,
1 1 and A. Gardner, with their lecond mates
, aud one boat's crew from each lliip, with
: thair full complement of men, and captain
Jonathan Barney, with one boat and crew
from his ship, went 011 ftiore upon the main
land, to a small village in the lat. of the
island of St. Mary's, being lat. 36. 54 S.
long. 63, 10, W. to purchase some vegeta
bles—after landing, the Spaniards decoyed
the crews of Lifccmb's and Gardner's beats
on (here, while the captains were in the vil
lage, and with horses, rapidly tianfporteJ
them to the country. Some of them were
seized by a noole, thrown by the native;,
round their bodies and fattened to hcrfes, by
which they were drawn like fledges, over the
hills, beyond reach. Their boats were iecu r
red by nocl'es and draw offin the fame man
ner. Hearing the confufion, the captains
left the village, and got on .board Cfpt. Bar
ney's boat, which lay off out of re'ach ot'tlie
nativ a, and returned to their ships. Next
day the abovementioned captains went to the
main, to recover their men, but could get no
fatisf&flory a 1 count of them ;but were told,
if they would come next day, they iliould re
ceivetheir men, and fuch'fupplies, as they
wanted. The third day they made another
trial, which proved the Spsnifh protections
were only a decoy ; for captains Lifcomb.
Gardner, and Barney, with the boats and
crew, were all seized, and had not been heard
from When the Barclay left that coafl.
Mr. Elijah Stoddard, who commanded the
..eating Party, 7 in numbtsr, was landed on
the Island of Mcrcyfuj-e, one cf the letfer Tu
an Fumades, in the Pac. Oce. the 10th March
and remained there till 20th 0& During
which tune they procured the 21,000 fkira
above mentioned.— Left ona of their party,
Will lain Walker, an Englithman, on the I.
n -j v' 10 cho( '~' to rc «nain.—Alio, Do£t.
David rorbes, and 10 men belonging to (hip
Neptune, cap: Daniel Green of New-York,
who had procured 30,000 skins The
Ihip having previously failed for India, with
60,000 obtained atthatandthe Falkland iflcs.
1 hefe men were all in good health, the 20th
Oit. bft The wlirtle number of {kins
procured 011 the island of Mercyfure from fir ft
January 179810 ill October fame year, was
85,000 Mr. Stoddard, and party, pro
cured 320 goats, in the time they were there,
and cultivated a valuable garden, which they
lelt 111 a flourishing slate.
May 16th, came to anchoi at Pannmbu
co, for refrefhment— where the Portuguese*
.informed capt. Barney, that war was decla
red between France and America ; and that
a trench sloop of war was cruiting on that
coafl—and that three days before (he had
taken a Portnguefe Hoop within three miles
f^nambuco —Advifcd capt Barney not
to fail without convoy .—But he flipped out
m the night and, fleered clear of them.
Tuefiiay last, in lat. 40, S. from Sandy
Hook, in 50 fathom water, saw two thine,
about three leagues distance, clcicly engaged.
ot feeling disposed to meet a fiaternal
hug, Capt Barney flood cn hiscourfe, with
out ascertaining whether they were French
and Enghfh or French a- d American.
highly interesting to the vjorld. Before this
"j 71 * events have recci*.
Ed « the first c.n4 pressure of ex, stance.
How far they te proved auspicious to the
At tbe sat.-tc tinje tbat these interesting
jptrations are progressing on tbe ocean, tbe
continent of Eur opt presents a spectacle re
plete -j/itb stupendous ctrcumstances^calculat.
Ed at once to awaken apt retention, and to
inspire usivitb hope. Tbe fate of Frcnce is
converging to a narrow point, and may per
haps be determined in one imponer.t day.
Yesterday arrived at the Watering Place,
the United States frigate Constellation. It
is said (he will contribute towards the cele
bration. We hope to fee her rear ifce city,
with that u ;furled which, supported by
a gallant commander and brave Crew, com
pelled the prostration of that on board {he
Infurgeot. Let Truxtoo, and the Tars of
our " infant navy" be a Toast thin day from
the lips of every friend to his couutry and
withold not the pointed of contempt
from him who would refufe to drink it.
A letter received in town yeflerday by a
refpe&able mercantile house. from Philadel
phia, has the following painful fentencc :
" The Fcter is, we are sorry to fay, now
actually liere, and has made foirie coQiidera
ble progrtfi."
By arrivals yellcrday.
• The brig Bel'ona left a»y nft.
Sailed, mi co.-wih the brig Flora .-of Philadel
The fchr. Sally, M'Tarlan, left Wilming
ton, N. C. 28th inft; Wednesday feJI iu
with the C( nllellation and Her aid,, the lat
ter on a cri.ife. The Noil hern Libeitirs,
on feeing-the shave fctps, flood back, and
feat one of tt<e pilot-boats to the Sally to
know whether they werr enemy's ftips or
not—The pilot oemmunicati' g the news of
tlieir being friendly (hips, the Nortl.ern Lib
erties proceeded.
The brig Maria, Jones, lift Curra
coa June 13, in company with the floiop
Hercules, ot Baltimore.
Accovxr of the FrAC/is at Cetn.icej".
Curracoa. ■ Jtiue 17,1799.
We the fubfcribei t, matters of Amcricatr
veffcls now in thit port, declare, that «n
Sunday evening the '9th i*ft. a number of
seamen belonging to our vefiels. Were, with
out provocation, wantonly attacked, and
some of them cruelly wounded and beaten,
by some French people, armed with knives
piftolt, &c. We thiir captain* and efficert,
hearing this, went to a (Tift in rcftortng peace,
when we got to thefeere of a&ion « gene
ral fcuffle took place : t,h< burger guard then
arrived, bringing with theM a number'of
armed Frenchmen, mula toes and fomeifaves,
ovned in this ifla/id-No rtfiftanve wai
made to the guard—who conveyed the
whole of ns to prifun, f'iflering the negroea
and others, to around, beat and ahufe ua at
pleasure, whilst prifonrrs, without giving us
the proteftion our fituaiion demanded.
J Monday, the I lib The governor wa# wait
ed on by our friends, and the ciicumflaoce
of the attack mentioned, aa also of the bur
ger guartl arming the mul .'.tinea, French,
ifc. to destroy us, which was by him denied,
but the 'captain of the guard being prefetft,
said in an fnfulting manner, that he did it
and would do it Again—in the evening of
this day, we were r.-lcaftd from prison (our
people ft ill remaining) upoa fccurity being
given for our appearance.
Wednesday, the 13/ A. This day two A
mcrican veffcls being ready lor sea, their
captains, consignees, and other Americans,
waited upon th» governor, & requested to have
their seamen then in confinement, released,
which was refufed ; it was requeued to lib
erate them 00 security being given, which
was refufed ; pern>iffi,:n to waa requeued
and to keep the people .for trial—thiii waq
also refufed ; finding the government difpo*
fed to di-ftrefs, and rake
Btage of our situation and na faiisfa&ory afl
fwer to Ije obtained, wc left them.
In the aftrrooo.'i further rmonftraoees
were to th. goycrr.or, endeavoring U>
impress Virn with the impropiii-ty qFdetail
ing their veflela. when every thii>£ had berQ
'offered that was. reasonable and just ; and
informed h:m if he detained them longer, the
United titates muil feck rcdrei* for her ci
tizens from the Dutch government ;-r-tb4
governor got into a violent passion ; said not
difervedrto be lung; that he would krep
them as lung as he thought proper—that the
French at GuedjLupe bad complained cgainft
him ; ajid many others expreifion* high!?
improper, and equally foreign to the fiibjeA.
In a fliort time after lie said: in the prelencc
of Mr. Phillips, the. ArrffcriVan consul, the
vessels might go if the men were left behind ;
-—we answered that was all we wanted} hut
upon explanation, found his meaning and
intentions were not as he then declared,
the whole of crews, innocent or guilty must
remain and others be got in their placefc
Thursday the 14/ A. It was hinted this
morning fi\ m government, that if a petition
was proffered to lhe governor and council,
acknowledging we had aftcd »ather impru
dently ifl not calling the guard, the buftnefs
fiiould be immediately fettled, 10 uur Cstif*
faftion, acd leave given u« to depart-
\ >