Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, July 03, 1799, Image 2

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    %l>e "cpajctte.
■ '
Wednesday evening, yin.r 3.
. From the Jl'/ncvEsrEß Gizt-rrz.
"To the Freeholders of the Dhirct compcsei
of the countries of Frederick ants. Berkeley.
I CONGRATULATE you on your'elec;
ting from this diftrift a federal member tc
rtpiefent us in -the Congrc-fs ot' the Unitec
States ; a member who is attached to the
government we live happily under, and whe
n» doubt will lend every aid in- his
the ftijiport of our ii.dependenceand the pub.
lie good. . I congratulate you alio on your
electing (rem) y«tf rcfjiective "ceunties fede
ral members to repretent you in the' State
(a* us. at this ' important crisis, to fend to
bur State Couneilj, men attached to the Ge
nera! (v:*vcrnr.Cnt, efpeoially when we have
daily proofs of the 'artifices" that are fedu
h'uily clifk minuted by the enemies of go
vernment ampngitthe good citizens of this
a 5 *cpss with- the view to
i.:vMv- them, and withdraw their affeitiops.
#nd.4upp.>rt there Iroin. ,Thi» proof of vour iQt;is to me a source of warn and
j»!rai;ng gratification, fearful, as I wag, (from
the mkny mil re pre fe nta t i tins which had been
inadt use of by the enemies to good order
amongst us) that you would have bee?) led
afiray : but happily far? the good of mankind
they have keen disappointed, and J. hope they
tvi v.!:; bp.fooivfiniilar fc^'dafionj.
i t:e citiacns of Berkeley county have ac
cfiihd hitting honor on this trying occasion,..
j (.0 not meiin, hovtever, to cenitire the pa
.tnM'iTn- of my own country-men, being con
vinced tl«t *tye greater part of them are
friends to government ; but I roust be free
to confeis that i think the ridiculous and I
falfe iniinnations to indartrioufly spread,
tvere embraced by Come too haffily ; and 1
make not the least doubt but a majority of
tWjfe will concur with me in this opinion,
when an ejvptiution of the deceptions which
fo fiiai.netully impofe*d upon thetii, takes
place, which cannot fail to ensue.
My fellow citizens, notwithstanding we
have happily furjnounted a great difficulty,
an-J our point for the prefcnt. yet it
items we have the frme work to' do over
again, the fame men having declared them
feN-e>, candidates at the next eledion, with
the addition of a candid itc for the eledlorfliip
poflefling the fnme politics. This, my fel
low" farmers, will require the exertions of the
friends to good order from the fhrt, who
would inform the people by authentic docu
ments, iii order to counteract the inipofitions
which I e:;])edV will be o3cred to you by the
oppofers of Government. It is by my fin
ttrt belief, that every artifice will again be
or to deceive you ;but I hope and
trqft you will not fufter the insidious nfler
tior. of ail tnti-fcdersl junto to alienate your
affections from the government ofyourchoice.
Among the other fa'ifehoods induftwoufly
dif'-niina'ed, an of rel&bn has
been brought upon the carpet—iTubjeft
that I nsver heard mentioned either in Con
grci. or lie where, until the demons of faft-
let it afloat, with the defigiv, no doubt,
oi promoting- their views ; nor can I be
brought to believe, that such :I measure is 1
witiied for by any of the citizens of this 1
c ninty. The corflitution, however, of the ' States forms an eiTefhial barrier '
n r .i'iiift such an attempt—insinuations to the '
ee.r.craiy are therefore idle, aird not worth 1
attending to. <
Hut, rnv feliow citizens, it is time to fpeal
plain. 1 li'ofe people, who call themfelvei
democrats, at times republicans, &c. wish to
overturn the government; nor would it be
'°i l .' 'n my opinion, before an attempt woulc
be made for that purpoft, could they fee their
y vrood. T am told that a law passed the
* irgv.'-ijafleinbly la ft ft fficyi, for the pur
chase ot twenty thousand stand of ;rms, iii.
t«naed, it is said, to be put into the hands of
: i citizfns to oppose the government. :
K'veuld this be the cafe, which I cannot be
■ ' , how (hocking the idea that one citizen
should take up arms against another, in order
p rhaps, to murt'er him and his family. I
none a'-id trufi the great body of the yeoman
ry ot /irginia have too much sense to be
V'l.i-f' on to such enormities, to gratify any
let of men, whose views are so base. For
" hat c"jl 1 the jjeople promise themfrlves, if
*• "•"/ t ' l "* it 'i* tbejr power to overturn
,-tjmvnt? I'hey niufl certainly ex
1* --t bother, lit to live in anarchy, which is
V* ' vor(i eoiifulions. Or, can they ex
j- '. to have . better government than the
tf-.'i-■ i I think uot—Jthen why with for a
it is fiucl by the violent oppofers of
tlm the President has done wrong
" Ik; has too much power, Ice. -See.
U-re I nrnft reply, that the Prcfident has no
cier; ]>ower than what isgiyen liim by lav/ ;
iiei'ther Has he uiTunjed more ; and that the
government lias been honestly and wifely
•adtv.iniftred, is evident to all who mfh to be
informed. This, my fci'ow citizens,
is a f«A mcont/OTertible. 1 have endea
vored to inform nvvfelf, while a member of
Congress, of the whole of the operations of
government jn'd, tmifl fay, that I know of
nothing done wrong, o-attempted to 'be '
dnne wrong, hv the-adininiftr«ition ; if I had, :
1 certainly j have informed my confti-!
tarnts. ljjis will appear evident, as I have I
JU> inducement to do otl.'i wifc, :, f! lding no !
puce under government, or a wi.'h to 'hold f
,;ny_it cannot, therefore, be said that I am I
■ r eyrntive 'pitr^uage.
T wiOi not to be thought too t.roublefomc
opinionlo often and so freelvon
the affairs of government ; ninths is a cri
tical time, and I much fear that matters wdl
go wrong, nnlels timely prevented. SJsonl i
it, bo vever, be cwievj'ved that 1 hav been
*.oe) torward, I ejnedt forgivenefs, Havinc 1
trove, for a series of time.
>thers, at the rilque 01 , \
iearto mitn, tfcgain our inA
jroaning under the pains and itihrmtw =
tracled in endeavouring to fecuf? it, arid t.<
heboid such a number of peribiii (who were
idle, fyeftators at that trying time) wifliing
to rltftroy every thinfj that was acquired by
the arduous ftrut;'g'le, be acknowledg
ed, are'rircuinftances foflgvieilt todifturb the
most tranquil mind. ■
l am, r^peftfully,
Your mofl obt. hble.-fervt.
From the Vergennci Gazette'
The plague hat broken out in Egypt.
The operation of one plague upon another
nuft produce dire effc<Rs It reminds one
jfthfcßieeting j f Death and Sin, in Milton's
Paradise Loft. There has Keen a report
:hough not confirmed, that Bvtor.ap,,r'.e
iberty at Jerufelum. Were this true, our
pious American Christians would believe
that the prophetic words of Daniel were ■
literally fulfilled ; " <whtn you Jlall fee the
irt the hnly plaee." Buonaparte writes
home to the Directory a ftorjjr equally extra
ordinary ar d improbable, of the .mode of
the. Turks' fighting. In pitched battle, he
fays they oreap on their bellies and after
flingii g their hatchets pistols, &c. at the
heads of the Fiench, they endeavour to cut
off tkeir legs.
er It is said, that Dr. Priestly fo6n intends
eel to leave America for Europe. Probably,
id, this, illuminaf us is disappointed hert as he
; y was at Birmingham in his avowed intention
and endeavors to fire " that tram Ly -which
c- he would blow up the religious e/lablilhincnts
il. of his native country " Such inflammable
a- mater ialifls can fcc no loss to a virtuous re
(l,- public, when they depart, and no valuable
re acquisition to any other country.when they
re reach it.
From the Alsast Ces'Tinkl.
if Logan, tat-* reputed Envoy
Extraordinary and Minijl r Plenipotentiary
from the fratern.ty of Jacobins in this cam
,s try to the Directorial tyrants of the Great
Nation, hai recently ifliied what may be
e termed a republican bulletin relative to the
■ f present ttate of France j After stating that
t Logan pre fen tf what is contained in the
r three following paragraphs, as facts, the
public may judge what degree of credibility,
1 attaches to his jlerformance in the groli :
i " France, from an ahiblute monarchy, has
. become a free, representative republic."
. "In the AfTembly of Fjve Hundred, arid
■) alfo-that of the Anciepts, the greatcft order
. an< i regularity was preserved in all their dtli
s Iterations."
- " Atprefent no government in Europe is
. more firmly ertabliflied, more ahly achniniltred,
> or better calculated to promote the genera)
[ hippinefsof its citizens than that of, France."
If France is '.\free, representative republic,
. all the ideas which have been entertained of
, * ree repretentative systems, art erroneous in
. the extrejpe ; the freedom which hai lately
been witnessed there, is the suppression ofe
very newspaper which has dared to comment
. upon the proceeding's of the Directory in a'
manner warranted by* nth and fads. With
re fpeft to the freedom of its representation.
the Dire£fory has violated every principle of
tranclufe, by expelling from the
Councils the deputies returned by the majo
rity, and banished thfm, even without the
form of a trial, to the regions of sickness and
death. As to order and regularity being
preserved in their Aflembly of Five Hun
dred, and Council of Ancients, let the reader
retrofpeft the details which have been giv
en in the French and translated in the A- -
meriean papers, of the proceedings of those
bodies, and judge what fort of order and re
gularity has prevailed in s//theirdeliherations:
Theinftaneesheremertionedare few I —an hun
dred others, of similar import, might be rc
forted to, which would Jjut the {lupid jac'o- 1
bin to the blurh, if all fenft of (haint bad not
i Been blotted from the minds of those who . '
bow the knee to every thing, black, white, or i
grey, which appertains to France. f
Logan pidurts Fra nee ai increasing in prof 1
perity, the people exhibiting the appliance of c
happiness, and their burthens he repref nts at
nothing uthtn putin competition with what they
1 _ under the monarchy. What an
afhonifliing aberration from truth is this 1
'tis btot a (hort time since the financial d«-
partment announced t6 the Direftory, that
hut a small proportion of the amount of the
last affeffinent of t=>xe« had been collefted- v
that many functionaries of the Republic"
remained unpaid, &c. & c . in (hort, that the
of the pyblic suDds was alarming -
to the highest degree—& this, notwithftand
mg the mod odiou?, the molt oppressive,
and the moll complained of taxes tinder the
monarchy had been resorted to-
Logan represents travelling as .perfeßly
fafe in France, that tranquility reigns there,
and that fueh is the refpeß for the Laws, that P
the fields of the farmers are not enclosed,
yet property is hddfacred.; and even tit exten- ~
five gardens in the neighbourhood of Paris
abounding with the most defictnus fruit and ve
getables, are free from plunder. The Jaco
bin who can swallow fuck a dose as this,
mult have a gullet large enough to take in a
gu:Hotine, executioner, sua all among
fame of the most recent proceedings of the
French powers that be, is a report on the cc
alarming state to which robbery and plunder,
as well a sail a ffin at 3 on, have arrived In there
public, and mes Cures were carneftly recom
mended to check the growing evils.
Logan rep relents the character of Merlin
one of the French Tyrants, as amiable and
exemplary. Merlin was one of the co-pa
triots of Robespierre— one of the butchers
of Louis the iGth—one of the adors in all
tiie drownings, footings; ikrving, guilloti
.iufo ||d other modes ofn.afecre, which ren-'
uered 1' ran a- a clntrnel-houfc—and vet Me,:
- n 15 *s&*** by this Jacobs as'an cmla.
ih afid ex.cmpb.irj character. Such titles, 'TODD .&>' inOlT.
it -3 beiieved will not be rc*ej:J' : .*e<l by v.vy 1 & MOTT, an wit. rni ,< tfj' ih. ymy rr
nut ibch as are within thecals oi'G; 110-Aoie- ceiwthw refpc&ivc divkien.-s. i,y tolling on
1 W. MUTT, 145. Market Hreet
ricanilm. ; «J ~r , , ->
There is no confidence \vlntever"to be pla- I - fT L,
red in the fatten devoted to Francc-t:,y j . copy) Join Mafe, V affixes,
'fly in the face of the id oft prominent tnitks .W« Jtfbn AUcv, J
—*they represent vice as viVtue—taphit as j ,—, -
elyfiam—and crimes .of the l'oulefl Itain, a* j VUpilOUClblti MilllflO V.
idteds to excite &\ir admiration and applaute
—he who views their colouring, (hotildrefleft ELIZA M'DOUGALL,
that he looks-into a mirror in which if he
„ , , 1 ,1; AO. IHi MARKET STREET,
rrverfes wDftt meets the rye, and adopts d - HAS;u( , itc^4 (hip Thoma , chalky
jedtly contrary opinions from which and A(lfiira f roTO L OU( ) on , n etegunt aff«rtm«n
tlieir iketches arc del'gned to inculcate, his.; 0 ; ,h e mo st fafl-.ionable Muliniky,»ix.
mind will moil probably attain the know- CheniiHe rolcttc FEAi HERS
ledge of the truth. Fancy flowcis
B!a<k ttffany lu-wtr«
i a number of
thing that is
" An ACTreliitPse to Statutes," fnisred in
the last sitting, of the legislature, contains
tbi following it aion :
4 ' tind be ft'£ti#cteiß 7bat no adjudication
decisive, or opinion, made, bad, or given in
any court of law or equity in Great-Britain,
or any cause therein depending, nor any
printed or Written report or statement t here
of nor mi\ compilation, commentary, digest,
tetter, treatise, or other explanation crep t':o
ticn of the tjmmon law, made, bad, given,
written or cdinposed since the 4fb day of\
fuly, in t/Jt' year of cur Lord, one thou
sand, srVf/ihundred and seventy six, in Great
Britain, shall Ce received or read in any tourt
of law or equity in this state, as latu or evi
dence of the lewj or elucidation or explanation
thereof, any prccti/l, opinion, or sentiment of
said courts 0} justice, -Hied, entertained, or
typreSsedft the contrary thereof notniilhstjn
We, the Grand Jury for the coutity of
Aleghenej?> at June Term, 4 799, taking- into
confidern.tion importance of obtaining at
the next general cle&ori, a peffon qualified
to fill tlie Governmental chair of this Ihte,
have, with or.rdnicnt'ng- voice, and
pledge ourfehes to support JAMES ROSS,
Esq. of Pittlburg, for the Office of Governor,
and recommend him to our fellow-citizens,
believing lifni to'be a firm republican, and a
decided supporter of the.eojliHtutien andgo
vernment of the United States.
For J axes boss.
Jeremiah Barker, William Earl,
Henry Rcithnrd, William Gray,
Anthony jßc4f.ll, John Robertfon,
John Irwin, William Foster,
John Reed, Nicholas Baufman,
James G. HsrdC. Jacob Negky,
John Scull, James M'Farland,
Ifaac'Gregg, Samuel Shannon,
James M'Gill, Sterling Johnftofl,
Richard Williams, James Brotherton.
For Thomas M^
David Mead.
United States, >—
Pi-nnfylvanis DiiliifU
BY virtue of a writ of a p'urin writ of vendi
tioni ciyonas tu btc direScd by the hor.or
jklt Richard; Prf*rj, Esq. Jucifre »| «Ji« Di(lri&
r«urt of tf c tloiied Statu, in afid for the Perni
fyhrania Di(lri<3 will be exposed to public sale at
'he MerchaßtV Ctiffe# HPtife in the City of Phi
tadelphia on Thursday the nth day of July inft.
at 7 "'clock ill the evening, a certain
Three Story Brick MclTuage,
[ nearly .ficilhed, arid the lot or' piece ol ground
I 'hereunto belonging, fits ate on the east fi.|» of
-ixthftjeet from 1 ! the river Delaware, between
Walnut and Spruce streets, containing tn breadth
°n Sixth street, twenty-two feet, more or left,
and in depth one hundred and fevcnty-fcTen feet,
i'he 'erms of sale will be calh on deliver* of the
Deed. If default in payment the pritnifei will be
>ut up to sale again at the risque of the purchaser.
Seized atid takep in execution at the property
of John Swiyiwick, efq.deceafed ind to be foldbv
Marflml's Oißce,
at Philadelphia July 1/99. J
jfpjp OA vos 0.,
flic now lut at Cuthlert'i
wharf, in complete order,
Aijd ready to take a Cargo on board; will carry
about <>co barrels, and may he sent to sea with
out any expense. For terms apply at 47, Ptnn
ftreet. If the store brig it lint fold before Sa
turday the 6th instant (July) fce will thtn be
.offered fer sale, zt j o'clock, at vendue, at the
Coffee house.
For Norfolk Richmond,
NOw'lyi'ng at Ch.-lrur Strset
hart.—Fgr freight or pafiajre apply to
Joseph Anthony &? Ce.
July »
lobe Sold of Exchanged,
COR Property within twelve miJcs of the City
i ot Phil»,,tj>hiS, and on the Bnftol Road;
A beautiful and very highly cultivated
For particulars, fc« the office of C. Lebarblefdu
PiefTu. No, ij South Third Street.
June 19 ;
For Jale by the Package.
gegrge Davis,
H . 3'9' H'gb-street,
AS imported in the Admna, Ch.rltofl,
from London, the following well assorted
arttclss, rut tip iri small packsgt j, to foil the
convememy of purcliafcri,
I.adie,s' cloths* . ' .
Irilh linens 4-4 and 7-8,
Hatt—tr ens', arid eHidremV black, drib.
der 8 C 0 ' and d " b! With B ,een un-
H S;s a ■*
Imported in tbx Beware, Swords, from
parcel of
■ Frtrfn Bohra and
Hyion Sjiiu j TEAS.
jm.e 24.
Wre»th» ■ - '• -
tftnk, yellow pud caM, full df ift «e»
Pp. do. ilo. NVrftn's bjm.ets
inftfnt'n pipe ftrW.btMinsu
Mifd's ia*cj So..' . So. v '
- Ifoa»e»V4n..'da. Bb.
. . i>o. • fcad«i
' tfa. i tio hu •
' ' Faircy bogle Owe riofci /• ■
Oti.; do. r trimmingt
Black. w.hitt, bl»;,yellow, pi«k and ofange cfapt
Block, white aivd grtfllgwie i«il» '
, Da. gauze cloaks .
N. B. Ar.d per Harmony, just arti*cd,<a further
aflortment of Millinery.
June 16 *
JoHir Miller, Jon. >
No. 80, Dock, near Third Street.
Patna 1 1
Romal and, > Handkcrdiieft.
Mulmul J ••
Tht foregoing gotoit art noip tq it /Mat
N. B. of th<fe Goads may be to
advantage hi this covntty
may t6 '
IT'THF SUBieftlßEßS*
20 of Old Madeira Wine,
2 Canaan— 9 pounders
25 coils riggiag, from I 1-4 to 7 inch,
35 hhtlj. of bell |ame» River Tobacco.
Willing & Francis,
42 Hhds of ißichmond
of an excellent quality,
for sale by
Peter Barker is* Co.
No 148, High street
_ _ cots
6 moi 18
Junc,2sth 1799.
A MEETING of the Stockholder! of the DtLa-ware
and StluylHU C a rial Navigation will be icld
on TJiurfday of Augult nctt, at 6 o'clock
in the Evening tt die Canal Ulike.
By order of the PrtGrtetft,
CiSO/fCK WURRAL y S,c'rj
to DeUwai* and Schaylkjll Canal Company.
jt>oe 89 lawtiAu
\Just Imported,
In the Adrian* from London, and for Sale by
thr fublcribtr,
A-xcrj nmt qffitrtmtnt of tht Jolleiiing
G O O D S,
Suitable for exportation,
Dimities, printed an
Muflii>eit(, do
v Marseilles, do
Gingiiams well aJTortrd
Callicoea and chintzet of the ucateft and
oeweft patterns
Fine cotton shirting;,
Printed linnen hindkercbicft
An alTur(rae:it of brawn fteetincf
149, south Front Areet. '
6 mo. 38
A Commodious three *toky
OITDATE io Walnut new Fifth ftrett, is
We'l c alculated for *geot«l bftwding house.
En<jiure at no. iog, Walnut-Greet.
une 7
. J"'" ' ?3ff3«l
Ibis is to give Notice,
'T'HAT the fubfcribar, adminifh.itor of Joh.
X Mortor der.aled, hath(#r ha»r) obtained from
the Orphans Court of Cctcii County it Maryland,
Leu f'Teftax,entafy(orofadmiuil(rntion) on the
perianal Eftafc of John Morton, late ol Coecil
County in Maryland ''ccealVd, all pcrfons having
claims ajamltKe laid deceafcd are hereby warn
td to exhibit the fame with the vouchers thereof
to the fubfcribir, oo or before the 3d day of July
next, r£cy may otherwise by law be excluded lrom
all nn-t fit.ol the said estate, given under my
hand thi* nil day of.June 1799,
v- arvyich, Jwqe it. [June 24] 3*w<3jy.
i""c n
f \ story Brick HouiVs, fituatrcl on
the corner of Kmg and Columbus streets, be.
ing equal to any fituatii.n in Alexandria, for the
wholefab or retail buGnefs. The houfls are 4 r
leet by 18, the Dories are lofty, amJ the brick work
<ione in the mod elegant manner with flock routs.
One of the houses can be immediately occupied
h«ing completely fimfhed. the other will b« finith
ed by the firll of O&oter nrxt. The back hold
ings to the above premises are a&'o of brick, 16
feet square, with a number of otheJ- conveniences
for the accommodation ol a genteel family.
Each of the above houses will be lold fvliisd to
a ground rent of 40 dollars, with the priviledee of
buying out at twelve and half year's purchase any
time within four ycaisfrom thiirdatc. Dry woods
and groceries will be taken in part payment
"c F "JE»J "PP'y t0 Mr - J ohn K "oes, No. 16
flreet ' ° r J oh " Foiltr or Nicholas
VHfs m Alexandria.
jutie |*.
1 HE Creditors of Baly, HiJl, fcr
Evans. Infolveot Debtors, in the county of PulTe*
arc tr meet the Affijnceat the Court- House in said
county, on the ajth of Dec. r.cxt, at 10 o*H«. c k a
m. irt order to mate a dividend cf said InlolventN
olf ate, thu msy come to hand bf that da?.
CH. CASE, assignee.
J"ne *j
Mai fir Sale.
tu th & fat tf
id plain
For Sale,
Jr'owisn Jntcliigentc.
General Nouvion has arrived, and taker
up his head«quait< rs here: iod men efth<
1 3* regiment of dragoons have alio come ir
to day, and two, mare Battalions of thciine
are expected to-morvrtv. Thele L oopi * r <
| to be detached towards the Cantens of Glaro:
i and Uri, where rti* peasants have organized
a regular infurredion—Their purpofc is na
less, than to march in force against Lucerne
to expel the government, and to set fire to
the place* Hut ihoiild tney d ire to makt
futh an attempt they will be eifily repulfec
as we arc perfectly pre pared again!! their en
terprfzes. The Corps d'Elii?
and the Ftnitligarrifon are fiifficient for ou!
defence. lVifants «re daily brought if) her*
charged with being tbc leaders in these fedi
tious movements ; are to he tried by r
tniliUYy crmmiflion.
Thry order of the Extcutiy: Direftory,
for every commune to fui nilli a certain*nun'..
ber of men drawn from the Corps de' Elite to
complete the 18,00© auxiliaries, has not hi
therto bejen carried into perfeii ;
but it is fuppofird that MalTena wiiidifniifs a
mrtofthe Corps d'Elite, as minecefiary, f
ter tke reinforcements be has received,- tie
completion of the 18,000 auxiliaries will
fpeedilv take place.
The tardinHs which Prnice Cliades has
(hewn, iii'profiting by the advantages which
be had in the opening of the campaign, has
already confidently dtminiflied the hopes cf
tlie difaffefted. They are now appreheliiivc
of feeing his career Hopped, notwithstanding
his brilliant commencement.
A new irinifter of war is not yet appoin
ted ; Citiren Bachrran, who ppfl&flb* all the
requilitc talents, and is at this moment unem
ployed, is deftinid by report to occupy {b;.t
ltation. It may fie remembered, however,
that he did not enjoy the confidence of the
patriots of Piedmont, where he had been Co
lonel of a bivifs regiment.
General Ruby has rrfigned his command
in the neighborhood of S-'fiafThwfcn to Ge
neral Pallard.
The General Hotze still main
tain's his petition in ;hi Voratberg.
i.xtrct us a i-ttcrfrum tie Hcad-'*ua: t;rs at
dated April 17.
M The aicouhts of the bloody aftion of
ftie i6th March, and the jtft April, bavt al
ready-reached Paris, but-vhe'-rrfnlt" and the
circuftiltances are certainly not known.
" Ihe action of the a6:h cltj notwith
i standing the brilliant advantage we obtained
was more- fatal to us than the enemy ; be
cadfc it was neceflary to diflodgtfthem from
their politian between the Lake ps Garda
and the Adige, whiqh was defended by above
twenty large reduubts, which our'brave sol
diers carried with the bayonet, in fyke of the
fire of tbeij l riuiicrout artillery. The left
divif.oapcommandcd fey MoreKn, cenftantly
l>eat the enemy tlie whole day, drove them
acrtils the Adige, puriued the in to the Glacis
at Verona, and made 4000 prisoners. Tie
other di villous, though they performed pro
digies of valor, had not the lame success ; nc
vertbelefs our advantage was fuch,that if we
had remained on the field cf battle, the enemy
would have retired in the night. That was
Moreau'jopinion ; bait at ten o'clock at night
the commander in chief ordered him t* retire,
and thus a ppfition, which cost so much blofid
to obtain, *as given up. Ihe enemy were
iuperior in nvmbers—they had 60,000 men
against 35 or 40,o«o.
" The sth was fixed for a new attack; at
day 'break our troops were in prvfeuce of the
enemy, who wers alio in motion to attack us.
The shock was dreadful: we gave wa\ at
firft, but soon recovering our fuperioritv, the
enemy was defeated in all points until $ o'
clock, when a want of foresight made us
lose a part ef the advantage ofthedav.
" MoreWsdkifior. had passed the Adige,
beater tfce enemy, and taken 3,000 prisoners
anu ij pieces of cannon, and was under the
Walls of Verona, when he receiwd an ordcr
to retire. Ihe two divifiom of Grenier ani
Victor, having-purfued the enemy in disor
der, jvere attacked by a body of refen-e from
Ijegnagound Verona, Our two divilionx
I had left too great a l>ace betweeu them ; the
eneny profited by tkis Fault, and penetrated
their flanks : our troops fondly •.hemfelvcs
cut off, retreated in diiorder.
" Nevertheless Moreau,fnpporteti Bv Gen--
eral Dtlmas, hastened to covr the r*treat of
tliefe divisions. The progivfs of the Eno
my was arrested, and our Troops we re ena
bled to rally tl[K l e r the Walt of Mantua.
Our lot's in theft twj alFnirs, in kifk'd,
wounded, and Prifoners,amounts to 15,000
men, of whom ic,ooo ar? Pi ifoner.s.
" Generals Del mas,
Pigeon, and several other Otliceis were i'c
verely wounded. It it extiei.,ely unt'nti.*-
nate, after having obtained so marked au,«l
-to be obliged to retreat. The He*d
ouarters have been removed to I.odi. The
F.mniy.did not plirfue us in our retreat,
whi(fh fliews how much they mull have fuf
, Thc y have ukrn a polition behind tfcs
jYiincio, two days a~o 6ur cofnrmicication
with Mantua -was opfn . Tin; fir ft Column
ot Ruffians is already arrived at Verona ; it
consists of aOr 9000 men* The other
Columns, which are afrw davs
jnarch behind thcm._We also ejjpcft coidl
derable reinforcements. '*
A report was spread that our retreat
was concerted -with the Auftrians fur the
purpose of giving up the CTalpine • Republic
to the Emperor, jmnr of the Public Func
tionaries at Milan began in packup thtir bag
gage, bt % Ftenfli Ambassador prevented
their puiillanimots flight, bv threatning to
ftioct those who qaittid their polls.
" I have this mordent learned that our
are moved from Lodiyto Cre-
" vVe rv'acußtfd Cfcnvcpa yf^erciay'nior-
. f