%m jfortlgp Articles Received at Hat-fax by the Packet, 27 days from Falmouth^ Of Geperal Suwarrow. Landstiy May 10. Wednesday arrived the Mail from Ham burgh, by which we find that the Imperial Combined Armies continue to advance With vigour, and give 110 respite to the eneiny whom they have thrown into disorder. It is fated, in lettres from Verona of the 18th, that they entered Brescia on the 17th, though the Gazette of Tuesday fays; that the army ■was only to march for this purpose on the 19th. It is .probable, however, that they would ccctipy this place without much oppo sition. is likewise faid-to be in the hands of the Confederates, and their pa troles ftreteli from thence as far as Pizzigi thone. It is confidently the head-qußrters of the French have been remo ved from Lcdi to Milan; and thatin eonfe quence of the alarm, the Executive Directo ry and two Councils of the Cisalpine Repub lic haa withdraw n to Turin. The main body of the Imperialists under Suwarrow was to endavour to bring the French to a general engagement on the 24th or 25th, and, if •foccefsful, they expe&ed to be maflcrs of all Lonih&rdy. The Republic can* mnft now fight not only for viftory, but for life , for it is stated that the Ruffians give no quarter. The French army, .howe ver, has receivedconfiderable, reinforcements, a.id has recovered confidence since the appoint ment of Moreau. *The inaflivity which has prevailed for some days is owing to the late indisposition of the Archduke ; but since he has happily recovered some i-nterprife may be attempted •worthy of the energy of his chara&er. OF BUONAPARTE. While the alarms of the Republic have encountered difaftfr in Europe, success ap pears to have followed the flandaid of Buon aparte. The Vienna Court Gazette states, that he hid penetrated into Syria, and defeat ed part of their forces of the Pacha, who was employed to cot-dust the -war a»ainft him. The accounts from Conflantinople of the 3d state, that the Pahca of Acre is afraid to ven ture from his capital ; and that the French are in pofieflion ofalmoft all Syria. OF THE BRf.ST FLEET. Of the Brest or British Fleets no fatisfac tcry acconnts had reached town when our Paper went to Press- A squadron failed from Plymouth on Monday, confiding of : he Qu en Charlotte, of 110 guns, four other fh;ps of the line, and tw» frierteg, said to be to reinforce either Lord Bridport or Lord St. Vii.cent. asoccafion may require. Brid Bridport was off Cape Clear on Friday last, at which time the French fleet had not made their appearance. It is repor ed that tin re are 30 fail of trsnfpcrts with the Bred fleet. The gen eral opinion at Brest is, that the deftinatt'on is Ireland, and that in a certain latitude the fleet will feperate into three diw'ficns. They expeft that one may 1 e intercepted, which shall fuffic/enily employ Lord Bridport, to enable the others -to land the troops, of tohfr lf-cYcry fliip is full. Various reports were yefterdny in circu lation refpefling the Brest fleet ; but we can allure the public that nothing i» ascer tained rcfpe&itig its destination ; and under the ignorance which too unfortunately pre vails ot its force and the nature ef its em barkation it is at best but a daring conjec ture to sflign to in any precise objeft what ever. To give an implicit confidence to the French Journal;, which with a pardonable artifice might be directed to mifltad ue, would be the height of imprudence and cre dulity. There are some persons, for whose opinion we entertain coafiderabl* refpeft, who are inclined to consider Ireland as ren- dered invulnerable by thevvifdom and energy rf the measures which have been adopted There by government, and the fleets appro priated to the defence of in coasts. To others, the politic n of our naval force and the fupcriority of our naval charxftcr, seem to render it incredible that the Republic flioiild expoft her fqnadrons in the Mediter- ranean. There is but one quarter of the world where Frarce, by a sudden and unex peeled fuperiot'ity, couiri hope any favoura ble rdiilt from a cor.flift with the Britifli arn s. That the expedition mud be destined for Incia ; that it is only a part and, continua tion of their original plan of ravaging the Pcninfiila, and infilling a mortal wound up on her great enemy in that great arm of her empire. After driving Admiral Rainier with his unequal force from the Streights of Bi'ißelnaandel, the French armament would communicate with 1 ippoo Sultan by the ea sy capture of Manglaore, and extend its arms to Buonaparte through the Kcd Sea at Suez. After the facrifices the Republic has alrea dy made to this idol of her ambition, there is no oblation too precious to be offered. Upon the altar wlitre De Bruyes was immo lated, Bni'.x cannot be too dear a viflini ; lior can Kilmaine be more sacred than Buon aparte. It is a desperate chance, but they hav; 110 other. It is a game of double or quits, but they tave no alternative. Besides, the Rrcft fleet will revenge or {hare the fate fcf its ■■■■ 'r, and toe forces, faye or perish with the HTniy of We ha\«_• this opinion with all the rmdotir and force ve are able, in order to lubmit -1 fairly to the judgement of the public. For our own part, we confefs our ! vt<> pticiim. It is in vain that we are refer- | red to the gigantic projedh and extraordina ry t haracler of the councils of the Republic. We have heard in theology* of belief be ( Piife the point ; s impoffibjt-'. nul w e think ve have force ;iim difeovcred in politics a tendency >o believe, because a thii t is ji,. credible. When the advices frcrfl Lord Bridport reached the Marquis Cornwallis,a report was circulated in Dublin, that the two-fleets were in fight, This appears however to have bad no iounin-ion in truth. French dispatches, which have fnme rela tion to the object the enemy has in view,have been taken on Hoard a small vefiel from Bieß, which has been carried into Plymouth. . They were immediately forwarded by the Black Joke lugger to Lord Bridport. The nature of their contents has not so that the public are still left in the fame unj certainty refpe&ing the delYmaticn of the en e.ay. Extract of a letter from Cork, dated May 4. A lugger arrived at Covet this morning with dispatches from Lord Bridport, for Ad miral Kingfmill, the contents of which are said to be of the utmost importance ; Uiis lugger left the grand fleet off Cape Clear, in the most anxious expectation of falling in with the French. e.jy. A French lu*ger has been t:W;en by Lord Bridport, with dispatches for the traitors of this country ; theie completely develope th< whole plan of the intended inv;.fu.n, am cofltain the names of all those aiftive citizen who were to have a flirted in givi *}ie : country to republican plunder. 4»H;rai Bkuix'S SQVADI&N. FRENCH. Park May i. The Brest squadron set fail the.7th Floreal (.jYpril 26.) It is commanded by Bruix, Mi nifler of Marine, but its destination it a my fl-ry, which we cannot even conjeflure. The English appeared on the Bth, the day after its departure,but with only 13 fail. They remained till the 9th. We have, therefore, confiderabjy the fiart of them. May j. The failing, of out fleet from Brest is a great event. All eyes are at this moment di rected towards them. The ft ate of the fhipi of the and frigates whieh compose it, has just been published, with the names of those who command. This lift will inTpire the friends of glory with confidence. It is as follows : t Sbipj. Guns Cemmauiers. L'Ocean i lO Broillet. eipt. de vaifleiu Le Repnblieain no Berfenge. idem Le Terrible no Leoourt, idem I/Invincible no Lheritier, chef de e Bth inP. in dialitv. "When called upon for pfoo'f of so company and under conroy of the fo'low extraordinary an aflertion, he laid that his ing armed veffcls. author was a Mr. Calkocn, merchant, in j Ship Walhingtoo. Cppiyal, of Bolton, . Philadelphia, who had it from a merchant of j London, who had heard it said at a dinner id London, where a nuTrber of British mer chants were present. " Melt ft' title faftt, if he llkmiU: cVny thetn, and my own word is not fufficient, I, can fubftantinte by nndeceivable tellimony ; and I conftfs to' von that in ir.y judgment, a man holding such fentirretits, is utterly unworthy of the confidence of Americans." Xlje <3wttc. PHILADELPHIA, TUESjDAY EVENING, JULY i. tig up 1 MR. FEXNO, THE public having been called on several times, lately, to contribute in cha rity, t® the tu'fferers by the late fires at New York, at Baltimore, and in great inequality ot this mode of taxation, has led me torequeftyou will publilh a remedy for the defeft. . As it is now v/ell known, that there are public offices fufficient to Infureall the goods and other property of the United States lia ble to deftru£Uon by fire ; surely every inde per.datit Citizen would prefer to call on them for his right, than t<*(truft to begging for in demnity in any cafe of loss. Let it thtfi, henceforth, beheld disrepu table for any man, whole situation may re quire fmh indemnity, to remain a day, an Hour, un-insured; this is t[ie cafe in Europe, where no man is deemed trust-worthy, who would riik more than his all, by negletting to Infilre the property in his pofieffion ; and as this is already understood in this countrv, as far as iefpec\s Hupping, so ought it to be where evei we are endangered from fire. i. A. Buonaparte to tie swarms of Arabs. " What is y»ur substance, whereof ate you made, " That millions of grange (hadows <>n you tend ? " Sine? every one hath, everyone, one shade, " And you, bit one, can every (hajow lcne." Like as the waves mile toward the pebbled fliore, So do our minutes hasten to end ; Each (hangingplace with that which goes before, In fcquenttoil all forwards do coatend. Nativity once in the main of light, Crawls to maturity, wherewith being eiewo'd, Crooked eclipres 'gainst his glory fight, And time that gave, doth now this gift confound. Time deth flourifli set on ysuth, And d hut forhitfeythe to mow. ' f.ShakofpMre.] A fairer profpeft sos the hoheft men of all countries, than that which presents it fiflf at the preient moment, has not dawned upon the world, for a long, long series of years. There is a natural propensity in the mind, to eflimate any acquiiition oy the toils endured, or the evils encountered in obtaining it ; and perhaps there is not ano ther qualitj which tends in an higher degree to the complacency and comfort of our own weak and irritable being. In this view, a lource of confutation is opened to us, inex haustible and boundless ; and, in this view, the promise that lies before us is inestimable. Although the evils of human life be coe val with its duration, yet it can not be so with regard to its miseries : earthquake, fa mine, pestilence and revolution, are not icmpiternal: like comets they have their periods, and like them, too, they are eccen trick. Ten years inceflantly occupied in scenes of injustice and opprsrlTion, rapine, violation and murder, have commonly fitffi ced for two or three centuries. We have besides in the present instance, a more fa tisfadlory afluranee than precedent affords, that our afflidlions are soon to have an end. The purpose for which it is probable man kind have been so extensively visited with re- Volutions, it is easy to discern, has been very xtcnfively and very completely answered. Men begin to desire peace and quietness, and hanker no longer after the liberty or the re publicanism ot France, contented with their own : That Ipecies of liberty, that mock ery of reason, is palling away, and better days are hastening on. The trying hour is Pa ft in Europe, and the mir.dsbf good men are releafcil at I aft from the rack of appre hsnfion. So might, it have been with us, had the voice of the com try been more loudly and boldly spoken. Our grounds of hope are, however, ftroflger, than hereto fore, and our means of felf-prefervation more powerful and connefted than we have ever yet seen them. :-4.' r The Life of Man. Leghrrn St. Croix St. Kitts ■' 3 r~-, T v; • 'r- . V • y- ; ; 'V, ' r - Brig Ann, Burke, Ch.irlrfton, Selir. Eliza,- , New Yoik, [Bound to the Havannah. ——, Bird, of and for Boston, BrigDiake. -, of ar.df.~rN. Loudon from Stirrj am, cpptured by tli.t French and iccaptured by the brig Eagle, aad sent Into St. Kitts. A fliip ai d a (loop for Rhode IfLind, and 2 folirs. for Norfolk, names unknown. I 2th, parted i>iih the coi.-voy, i com par y with a fatt failing fchr. of and for Norfolk. 22d, spike a febr. from B fton ; fame day, an English fl .op from Baltimore. 23d, lat. 36, 23, Ion?, 74, 12, saw a brig to leeward that shewed signals of diftrefi, under Ame rican colours. Bore away for her, p.r.d found her to be the fair American, Salisbury, of and for Baltimore, from Cadiz, out 76 days ; supplied him with proviiionj. Left at St Thomat the follotving /1 me rutin veffelt. Schr. Neptune, Wattcrs of Philadelphia, ready to fail. Brig Commerce, Clark of do. ready to fail for Hamburgh. • «Schr. Maximillian, Cburnfide, do. jtift arrived Ship Friends Adventure, ——, of Balti more. Schr. Maiy, Rice of Boston, to fail in ten days. Schr. , Shelaly, Salem, not dischar ged. —, Boyal, do. do. Brig , Bray, Wilmington, (Del.) nearly ready, ai.d four other schooners be longing to Baltimore, names not recolle&ed. 80/ fen, June 25, Mr. Joseph Mackaneer, male of the brig Three Sijfcrg, capt. Savage, of Wifcaflet, who was IK at Cape Francois, as a hostage for the payment of 4000 dollars, for the lib eration of the vtffel and cargo, effected his escape the day he was to have been sent to France, and has arrived here. Arrived—ship Neutrality, Ba!; er, from Halifax, t days. She was from Batavia, and carried in there on suspicion of having French property on beard. On Saturday arrived at GlouceAer, fcbr. Sally, Knowles, Lisbon, 28 days. On the loth Miy, 4 French privateers failed from St. Stbaftians, mounting from il to 22 guns—bound on a cruise to the northward and weftw'ard of the Western iflandi, from 42,1045, N. lat. [Bj the sevtrc! arrivals jest^rdaj-.'} Thc lloop JqhFt, Enoch from Mar tinique, by way of St. Kitts and St. Tho, mas, in 12 days. Sailed from St. Pieres, May 30th, in < * pany with a number of American veflHs under convoy of an Er.giifh frigate for St. Kitts ; 2d June arrived at St. Kitts, came to anchor to wait for an American convoy, which I was told by the American would fail in a few days ; I waited until the 15th, when I got under way, with about 30 fail of American and Englilh veflets, un der convoy ofthe Baltimore, Richmond and Eagle, American Ihips of war ; we were joined by 10 fail of Americans from St. Bar- tholomevs ; on the 15th touched at St. 1 h'onins, tor the vefTels waiting for convoy ; there was joined by a number more in all to 4S fail— 119 th got under way lor America. I kept with the convoy until the 25th, when I left them : the Baltimore's boat came on board with a packet for New captain Barron, of the Baltimore, paid eve ry attention that was poiTible te the vessels under Ijis convoy ; while lying at St. Kitts waiting for a convoy, came in the Norfolk .brig, capt. Bainbridge, with both topmasts gone, carried away in chafe of a French lug ger of i4guns, by which accident she could not have the pleasure to convoy her in. A tew days alter came in the Baltimore, and Eagle, with a French schooner with 4 carriage guns and 35 men, a prize t® them; like wife a French cartel with Etiglilh and American prisoners ; three of the last Ame rican Captains that was carried into Guada loupe told me they were treated very well, had all their clothes and money given them and their expencea paid, while on (hore wait* ing for the cartel; was not imprisoned as others had'been before. 1 lie brig Little George, captain M'Grif fin, arrived yesterday in 22 Jays fromTrin idada, was boarded by the Qoop of war Lark, who prefTed one man out of her- Spoke a schooner from Jamaica bound to Norfolk, name unknown. The brig I,ark v capt. "Waylay, from Tor tola, arrived \elterday tn 13 dr.ys. Sailed in company.with 40 fail of Americans un der ccnvoy of two F.ngli'l: frigates. The schooner Two Sifters arrived ycfter t!ay from St. Thomas in 12 days, spoke a fhijj from Surinam bound to Baltimore. Thf schooner Ann, Watterman, anive.) yeflcrelay from St. Mary's in 10 days, spoke * schooner from ProvideHce to Baltimore. The brig Two Brothers, capt. Hain, ar rived jefterday in G diys from Chailefton, with the following pafiengers. General M'Pl.«ripn, William Price, esquire, and his family. Yeflerday arrived the Coop Corne]ia,capt. Culver, in 12 days from St, Thomas. June 9th, left at Martinique 20 odd fail of American vefiels waiting /or convoy ; this :la'y failed in company with the Errgiifji fbip Satista&ion, of 20 guais and 50 tnen,bound ' V New-York, fitly 1, to St. Barthclcmew9 ; the loth left the f ■ < under Wontfttyt; thr eleventh came to av.- cliov at St. Kitts- fotnrd the following' artned veflels belonging to the United States: the (Tlip Ganges, dilKV.Richmond and Norfolk ; the lattei had Ml.fioth top mails, in chace of i Fr nch privateer of l 8 guns, and three hundred men ; refitted and out on a cruise. Also the (hip Ganges ; the Baltimore had taken a French privateer schooner of 4 glint and-th.rtv men. June 14 wtigl id and fail '«•>! in company with the Baltimore and"Ea. gle, off Nevis j met the Richmond with the St, Bartholomews veflele, which joined fleet, except the brig Fair Amer.iait thai was bound to the bay of Honduras; the 16th they anchored out fide of the harbour o£ St. The mas ; the flee: confiding < f4O fail. June 21, lat. 24, parted wit) the fleet. Tlic Fre.nL'h privat'-i. .s .are m n.erous, .'as many a 9 8 fciil of Am lnc»DS had .'ately been taken and earrifd into v, uadattKipe ; they had taken and Englifli cut tr clcfe to Dia mond Rock, Martii tqtie. Macpherson's Blues. Legiunary Ord rs, July I, 1799. Thefirft anclifcond Troops cifHcrt'c,capt. How«ll|g company f K <1 -Men, the artille ry, Grenadiers and Infantry, including the Germantown company, are cVdt red to pa fade in Market-ftrtet near Tenth ftrcet, on the fourth inflant, prri ifely at half pad 9 o' clock A. M. completely equipped.—The Ar tillery will adeinble at llic Arlena! at 3 o'clock, A. Mi to fire a salute. By order of Brigadier Gen. Macpbcrscn. . J NO. M'CAULEY Adj't. Philadelphia Rifle Company Ar* ordered t» parjde on th-e 4th int. in th» State H life Yard.jjreciftly it 8 o'clock, A: M. with arms Jnd uiiifnrm eomplrat. JOHN COYLE, Capt. July t, t7s9 HORSE ! AT PUMI9 Auition, t#-rrop4&_ TK»rtriflp ? fre cifeljr a: if o'clo>]i, at MKiKc, at Philadelphia.July i,*99. f FOR SALE, |jl|h GAOSO, As jlx Htm lie* at Cuthbtrt's wharf, in complete order, And ready ro take a'Cargo on board ; will carry about 900 barrel*, md may be fern to fra with* out aey rxpenct. for terms apply at 47, P#nn flreet. If the above brig is not fold before Sa turday the 61b mftant (July) fte will then be offered %• Sale, at 7 o'clock, at vendue, at tk« Coffee-houfc. . inly » For Norfolk & Richmond, NOw at Ch. irmt Stmt Wharf.—For or paflagt ppply to Joseph Anthony Co. s4t i«'r * TAKE NOTICE, THAT I have appl ed by petition to the of the Court of Common P!ea< of thetounty of Northumberland for the benefit of the mfolvent a&, and they have appnm!e4 the 4th Monday in A wyiift to bear me and my creditors at the court in .Suuhiirv, at which time and place they may attend it they tiipk prpper. July 2, 1799 7 0 be Sold or Exchanged,. FOR Property within twelve milfls of the City of Pbila-iflphia, and on the Bristol Read; A beautiful and