Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, June 28, 1799, Image 3

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At i:
will W ifKv.i lj« condition to become me re
offertfive opcii-.t'-ms.
'4'l< of Cappe!, where near 400
iV-iu-b iVliUcrs- have been assassinated by the
inhabitants.and countiy'people in itsenvirons
has,been burnt.
April 24.
We know nothing of the army of Prince
Charles. We believe that his head-quarters
are {till at'Engen, near Stockac'k.-r-It is now
doubted, whether he means to attack with
great force on the fide of Switzerland. It
freros that, content with having drawn the
French forces there, he carries the great bo
dy of his army into the Tyrol.
Tfee Freueh ministers 'yffterday received
notifications, which enjoined them to retire
to S-^t(burgh, and invite such members as
desired to make a separate peace on the part
of their sovereigns, to follow them to con
dude the fame at Stra {burgh- They will set
cut .the 4th of this montli.
The private communication and seCret
conferences between the French and Prus
sian mirtifters arerjot less frequent than here
tofore ; but we are entirely ignorant of their
April 26
: Tlio la ft note of the Yiviich plmipitntia
ries Mi their taking leave, concedes, after
a statement of grievances, with the follow
ing expreiiions:
" Finally, it is in confcqnence of what
lias been just stated, that the underflgned in
fofcli tlie deputation of tV>e empire they will
depart from Raftadt in three days : but dt>
firiHi? to give to Germany a last and signal
tcftinrOny of the patience and desire of the
French govrrnrwit for peace, they declare
they fiiall retire into'the commune of Straf
burp h, in order to wait there for the renew,
al of negotiations, and to atVnd to ihe pro
portions of peace whith may be made to
An extraordinary apprehension is said to
have been exprefTtd by the cabinet of Vien
na, that the Ruffians, savage as their cli
mate, and devoid ef dicipline, had already
infsfted the Auftn'an army, and created as
much alarm through the territory they were
called upon to save, as had recently been eje-
cited by the in»ader.
that the Emperor had not only refufed to
become a party in the defenfive treaty con
duded between Britain,Ruflia and the Purte
to which he had been invited to accede,
but had even made overtures to the direc
tory to conclude a feperate and immediate
peace. It is not for us to advocate all the
measures of the Austrian, or of any other
cabinet ; but at the moment that Austria,
by the exercise of her utmost means, (hakes
to its very base the Colossal Tyrant of Eu
rope, it is hardly creditable to accuse her of
duplicity, and to lupport her charge by tra
ducing the chai a<£ler of the Ruffians. We
traft that the ailedged effect will be found
fallacious as the stated cause of it ; and
that.the Emperor will preserve all Ihe glo
ry that has and shall be purchased by the
exalted valour of his armies. The creatures
of party f° often f;»crifice their veracity to
evince their, that conjefture is often
loft upon a simple faft, from the contrarie
ty of liatements, until credulity is worn
out fey reiterated attacks, and even truth is
received with distrust and a,pprehenfion.
The attention paid to the formation of
the Ruffian troops is equal to any thing in
pr.\6lice or upon record. .There are no less
■than four ft pa b;tween the private and the
ferjeant ; merjt is almost the sole medium of
elevation ; as a proof of, what may possibly
be termed, the seventy of discipline, we
state from unquestionable authbrity that an
ofheer has been imprifoncd for three months
in the black hole without any other fuften-
ance than bread and water, for appearing in
toxicated in his regimentals—an example
which, by the bye, might be attended to if
followed in othe" countries.
The valour of the' Ruffians is proverbial.
We formerly quoted a passage from the late
Gen. Lloyd, who had long served again ft,
knew them well, and who fays of them,
" they can't be conquered—they mull be
kill'd," But having said thus much in their
favcur, the ill-judged praise of their eulo
gitU makes it necessary, in order to reconcile
the time employed in their route to Italy
with the accounts of their marching 24 to
36 milts a day, to observe that their bag
g»g- J generally >efembles that of an eastern
camp, and containing their women and
dren, impedes that rapid progress, to v* .
their cunftitutio»s and muscular powers ren
der them so dfiitiguifliedly competent.
The Russia s, on the 25th of Februauy,
left ihe neighbourhood of Vienna, and bad
not reached Verona, a distance of 518 Eng
glifli miles, on »he 7th April, which allow
ing that they had then arrived, would be lit
tie more than at the rate of seven English
miles a day.
Much uneafitiefe has beenexpreffedteft the
heat of the climate ot Italy, superior to what
rhe Ruffians hive been accustomed, flipuld
destroy them ; to which we fliJl only observe
that evep in Siberia, the fun is more power
ful, t (lap in juiy part of Italy, in proof of
which we mention that though in the month
j}' May the snow lies from fix to eight feet
d'-ep, and tiroughthe winter continues with
out intermission from the end of O&ober to
the middle of June, the natives have, in their
three months of furomer, two crops even of
haj ; which, in point of quantity, is not to
be furpaficd in any other part of the universe.
Specific for the Tooth-Acb.
The little infeftcalled the Chccinella, Sep
tenpuncVato, or Lady-bird, bruised to death
between the finger and thumb, and the liquid
rubbed on the part effedled, is fa id to be an
for this very troublefonie com
Rastadt, April 20.
" Bonnier,
" JrAN DiSßtiy,
il Roeertjot."
London, May 7
The accounts add,
On Tuesday last, James Hughes, Esq. At
torney atLaw, in this town. Thefous of Ge
nius will long mourn the death cf a brother ;
the man of science, taste and sentiment will
drop a tear to his memory. The various ef
fufions of his Genius brilliantly witness, that
he was a star of the fir ft magnitude in the
hemisphere of American literature. As ai
man, a heart, that could feel the woes, as well
as beat in union with the joys of another,
was his. Tho' no splendid titles decorate the ,
registry of his death, yet he, whose genius
has often strewed with flowers the hcarle, and
embalmed the memory of others, has left
monuments to his own wore durable, than
marble ; audio long as the native language
of Americans can charm by elegant compbfi
tion, the name of Hughes will be remembe
red, and blest.
Bp tffe. 'SDap'g ilDaii*
Last luefday afternoon arrived in this
town, Ctfptairi- 'Jobn Warrior, a white.mart,
adopted among the Shawanefe natidn, with
furs. By him we learn, that a number of
the tribes are to aflemble ir. council at San
duflcy on the 7-th inft. to consult on matters
relative to their own national concerns ; he
informs that they have not the least idea of
any thing 1 hostile againfl the frontiers,
or the people of the United States: on the
conqfiry, they wish to live in amity with the
white people ; he mentions, that a number
of Frenchmen and Spaniards have been among
them, endeavoring to stir them up to war
against the people of this country, but could
not prevail ; he fays « Indian, verj sici of
" yar '--he confirtps the account publilhed in
the journal of last week, under the Lexing
ton head of Maj' 21, of Tome northern tribes
gjoing to war again ft the Kafkaikias Indians
—he likewise informs, that the Shawanefe,
Delaware and Wyandots, wifli to unite and
become as one nation, which is the chief
purport for which this council is convened.
Captain Warrior is an aftive intelligent
trtan, about forty years of age, was taken
when an infant, and ha#remained among the
dians the whole of his life ; he has travel
led through several of the States in hopes to
find his parents or relations but never cculd.
June 11.
BY a gentleman wljo arrived in town on
Wednesday last. we are informed that, on
the 2(jth or 30th two men were hun
ting horses on Floyd's Fork rear the town
of Shelby, (Ken tucky) they wtrs surprized
by a party of Indians, who .appeared by
their diefs hoftile.—ln a short time these
apearancts were realized, for no sooner had
they approached within gun (hot, than the
India s fired—killed oue—and put a bullet
through the cloaths of the other, who made
his escape without receivicg any other da
mage.—On. his return heme, he spread the
alarm thro, the neighbourhood, in conse
quence of which the inhabitants immediauly
Rationed and put themfrlves in a Hate of
defence.—The Indians are supposed to be
Shawoiiefe or Delaware. This information
may be relied on, as our informant was
kn owing to the circumstance.
Information has been received in town
last week, that the Jndians killed a white man,
(a trader) on the waters of Indian Ken
tucky, about 80 miles below this place.
The man kiilad was a Frenchman j it is sup
posed the Indians were drunk.
We hare it From undoubted authority,
that general Wilkinfon has received orders
to repair immediately t® Philadelphia—and
that all officers of rank had- received similar
A gentleman who arrived in town last
Saturday evening, from Hamilton, informs,
that the Indians have warned Captain John
If ami ton,, (a gentleman who has been along
time a trader among them—and who now
lives at 'he Big spring, five miles the other
fideof Hamilton) to move within this pre
sent moon, into the town, else, he might
expe&, that he and his family w ou'd be kil
led, ss there were a party collc&ing to «ome
agairift the frontiers.
Nothing can equal the ravages which the
Canler-ivorm is making this spring, among
the Farmers of this County.—The fields of
Wheat, Rye, Oats, Indian Corn and grass
swarm with them—the two latter, are tntir
ly laid waste by them
Union C Fayette County J June 21*
The Grand Jury of Bedford County, con
vened at Ajrril term-1799, conceiving it
highly neceflary that a.true republican cha
racter ftiould be fele&ed to succeed the pre
sent Governor, have therefore uivairiinoufly
agreed to support, and recommend to their
fellow-citizens JAMES ROSS, Esquire, of
NEW-YORK, June 27.
Extract of a Letter from a Mercantile
House of respectability in London, dated
May 4.
" Tobacco yet remains perfectly unsalable,
but our political horizon brightens amazing
ly : and beyond all expeftation, which will no
doubt give a spur to this and every other ar
ticle—The powers in Europe hive at la ft
risen, and will soon curb that of the Great
Nation. Ruffians, Prussians, and Turks
have joined the brave Auftrians ; and no less
than 25,000 Frechmen have fallen since the
sth tilt- The Archduke Charles, is now in
Switzerland, and will soon be down the
Rhine, into the low Countries."
BOSTON, June 24.
£I;C tiSajette.
P H 1 L A P E L P HTA ,
If -i-nftcad of Tinging hofannas to the
'French, rehl rc!\:blicans, were to read with
attention, the Roman history ; it might per
"iwps open their eyes to the tendency of
French conquests. The fa ft is; the French
have adopted, -and even rjfined upon, Ro
man maxims—'nence we fee'them, use the
fame mean*, which the Romans did, to con
quer, and make precisely the feme use of
their conquests..
No people could cover, or flicltcr them-
selves, from the enterprizes, and vexations
of the Roman Republic, however attentive
they might be, to fyrniih ho pretext' for a
rupture ; that Republic always found- they
had been guilty-os fotue Crime, which it was
necefiary to chnftife. It is' the fame with
the Fiench .Republics. The two following
traits will exhibit the charter of the Ro
man Republic When Manlius f-eturned
from his expedition,againftthe'Gallo-Greeks,
Furius and Emiiitis, his <»emies, endeavor
ed to prevent his triurtipb, upon
the pretext, that the war, he had rilSde, was
unjust ; but Manlius Confoundedthem easi
ly. by reprtP-nting, that the Gauls liad for
merly pillaged the Temple of Delphos, an
impiety, which he said, hat! not been punish
ed. These fame Ilomans (according to Jnf
ti:i) were not ashamed to alledge, as a serious
reufon, for undertaking the defence of the
Acumcnians, again ft the E'.olinns, that the
Ancestors of the fir ft, were the only people
of Greece, tvbo bad not sent troops to the
siege of Troy. What state or country has
been fortunate enough, to cover or shelter
itfelf, from the revolutionizing enterprizes
of France, when it suited her to make them ;
and when (he has prepareda people to receive
her yoke, has Ihe in any instance, employed
better reasons for impofmg it, than that
tbey or their ancestors bad, or bad not, sent
troops to the siege of Troy ; or that their
ancestors in days of yore, bad committed a
supposed crime, for mjbicb, ibsir posterity
deserved punishment.
Mr. Ffnno,
I believe I ip»y defy the. annals of the U
nited States to fliew an if.ftanceof hardened
audacity, equal to that of Duane, in Pub
lifiiing the following- account of himfelf. ♦
" Duane prints, every day, paragraphs an
hundred times more obnoxious than those
for which Abijah Adams *as dressed in a
ft one jacket. ' But then the pulse of liberty
heats a degree harder it! Philape'phia than in
Bofion, and as a fkillful aftronorner can cal
culate eclipses, so a tkilU'ul (late quack must
learn to calculate political pi'lfes*"
How long are we to be insulted by wretch
es who can thus boafl of their obnoxious qua
lities and thus irifult us for our forbearance
and tame Tubmiffion to Grimes which are
puiiiflitd evet-y where but in Pennsylvania ?
Extract of a letter from an American in
Paris, dated April 18.
j " I am sorry to int'erm • yon of the
continuance of the cause of my being in Pa
ris : the value of your Uiip and cargo was
too important tobe relinquilhed. Although
since the recent fuccefies of the Auftrians
the tone of the French government has chang
ed materially towards neutrals, they are not
yet in a condition to refund. Indeed, Ido
not think they are able, since from the Di
rectory down to the lowed fcriib ia office,
every one lives in every species of debauch
ery far beyond his income, and leaves 110 ar
tifice untried to drain his credit to its ut
most verge. Yau have seen enough long
since, to explain to you the views of the par
ty which refuted Lord Malmeibury's lad
proportion, which occalioned the proscrip
tion of Carnotandthebanifhinentof Piche
grue and his friends ; but you have not the
pleasure to view the change of countenance
in these once iufolent, but now chop-fallen
wretches. When I firft arrived they were
all elation : " Let us reiider the whole world
tributary." Let us outdo the Romans
in glorious c&nqued And extent of power.
While every PoilTard inParis held this lan
guage, the complaints of the neutrals were
treated with the utinod contempt and ridi
cule. " Cite us an indance, said thev, of
rcjlitvition by Alexander or by Csfar, and
we will hear you," " You may thank cjur
forbearance that we have not demanded as
much of you as we have received from the
Dutch" said another. " What right have
Juch impotent Colonies to expeit not to pay
an acknowledgement to the maders of the
universe, for your political exidence as a na
tion ?"—All this have we been fotced daily
to hear, till the check which the unexpected
coalition of Ruflia and Turkey made these
wretches resort once more to cunning. They
now fay that it is a pity we diould quarrel,
who were once friends ; in fliort, they cant
and whine as if they hoped to deceive the
neutrals, but until they can force us to swal
low the whole of Lethe, they w ill never fuc
cced, since there ft not a neutral in Paris
who has not been insulted by the open avow
al of their determination (if heaven had fa
voVed their schemes) to scourge, to render
tributary and to humble to the dud all the
nations of the universe."
No. 11.
To the Managers
Oftbe Alms-H6usr Us House <f Em'ploy
IN my address to vou No. I, I ftat .d that
453 grown persons, found by the public in
every necelfaiy article of life in yourhoufe,
have earned by tlieir work onjy f~. 87 6 4,
which is not four (hillings, one with another,
,iti the whole year when a laboring man in
I the fame filiation, earns twice as much in
one day.
We are now waiting £or yourselves, net
for W. or any unknown person, to tell us
what is the reason of this obvious declenlion
of labor. We may well look to you for fa
tisfa&ion, for we arc, paying-enormous funis
ot money to encourage idlencfs and induflry,
and our feelings are sported with in calling
your things are going on, a'
I.«ufe of employ 1 .
Having made my remarks on the fubfeft
of employing the poor, I proceed to consider
the other items of your annual account.'
To speak of it in general, I may fay, that
you have blended your charges so improper
ly together, that it is impofTible to under
ftandthSm. For hifhnce —you debit 1 ip
No. 2, far provisions pyre haled £ 64!; 5 6 3§;
Now what does this large sum consist of ?
How many barrels of flour, how many pounds
of meat ? Are the liquors included under
this head, or under the article of medicines ?
for there can be 110 doubt, the family have
consumed brandy, spirits, and wine top.
Now, Gentlemen, let .me ask vou, would
any one of you receive Inch an account from
your own fleward ? I think yoif would not ;
and therefore you ought not to deliver such.
an account to the public, whose stewards in
fa ft you are : for itis not only nof informing
the people, but it is much less ufeful than it
might, and ought to he to those who suc
ceed you in office ; tor if they should want
to compare one year with another, to dis
cover wherein they can reduce their expen
ds, 111 any article, how are they to do it ?
By going to infpeft your day book as one
of your old managers told me to do, or by
having a well digested abftraft before them.
In the fir ft cafe they would be loft in a laby
rinth of charges, and in the latter they would
fae your fituatioh in a moment, '
I have no tiling further to offer on the pro
vision part of youraccount at this time, on• 1
ly to observe, that you make no mention of
a large public Contribution, which I suppose
is all conf-jined in the house. Why you
omit to do it I cannot tell ; but I think
von (hould introduce it among your other
expences. I mean the articles of butter and
pork, forfeited by law to your Institution.
01 the former you have been known to re
ceive large quantities in a year ; and lam
told you or your predecefTors, have received
7o hogs in a day, and salted 173 in the fame
ipace of time. If you have debited, as no
doubt you have done, under the head of
provisions, the money you have paid for
their feeding, &c. I fee no reason why you
should not render an, account of what they
Enrtact of a letter [received at Boston]
from a gentlemen, Super-Cargo of an A
merican vessl (it Lisbon, to bis Owners in
this town received by the scb. Sally Caleb,
Knoivls, who .art.vedyesterdry at Glouce
ster,, 28 days passage.
" A French fleet of 19 fail appeared off
Cadiz, supposed to join the Spaniards—the
Eiiglifh Endeavoured to bring them to battle
for 3 days, but without ess.-st ; the boats
trom 6 iail were off Lilbon to day on their
way to join the Englilk fleet ; their- is alio 16
fail in pursuit of them, —who went fir (I to
Ireland but there received accounts of their
going towards the Streights."
The Lion.
Eaiton, Pennsylvania, June 23.
"Monday In fl a ft ranker flopped here a iliort
time, on his way from Kentucky to Vermont,
who was soon discovered to be the puiflant
and ever memorable Knight of the Wooden
Sword ; but he looked fq much more like a
Thief than a Lion, that even the Democrats
(shameless as they are) generally avoided his
company.—His " Inexpressibles" otherwise
called " Leather Organs u (hone like a new
ly poliflied mahogany table, and upon the
whole he made a verygreaseful appearance."
<©ajme flpariiu %ift.
Port of Philadelphia,,
Arrived at the Fort.
Bris" Gould, St. Jago j—.left it
14th May.
Shib Jenny, Brown, 141 days from Canton,
has arrived at Bodon.
Capt. Lewis, of the Brig .<\maeon, arri
ved'the 22d ind. from La Guirs— Left there
the following veflels, on the 25th, May,
Ship Alexandria, Hall, of this port.
Brij* Sukey.|Vedenbuiv!i, ofdn. to fail soon.
Ship dolly, ot Charleston, uncertain.
Gedfon Brown, t.o.
Schr. Thomas, Richards, of Philadelphia,
to fail soon.
Bar6ary,.Furgufon of Baltimore, un-
Lewis, Marblebead, tor - fail in a few
Philadelphia, June 28.
Letters for the Eritifli Packet Grantham,
for Fa/mouth (Fug.) will be received at this
office, until Tuesday, 2d July, at 12 o'clock
N. B. The inland Postage to New-York
must be paid.
?n7* Letters for the fliip Caroline, Capt.
Mottly, for Liverpool, will be ifceived at
this office, until Saturday 29th inftaut, at 6
o'clock P. M.
***• Charity Sermons far the /ug?
port of the Episcopal Free School??
will be preached on Stmday riext, in
Clirift and St Peter's Churches.
SUCH hale, healthy, and . robust Friend.i tc
the Liberties, ami Independence of iheir
Csuntry—who ars native or naturalized Citi
zens, and-not ltfs than eighteen normore than
forty years old—-as feci willing to share in thf'r
protection and defence, are hereby invited to
repair to the recruiting rendezvous at £>own
inpftown, and enlist in the fersjre. - The dig
nified and venerable Hero—6 ENE RJ £.
IV A Sit ING TO A r —is strain cillei, by the
threading crili# of.times, to direct and invigor
ate our army., >ar.d, (p Americans, this finglc
fafl nuaft he an i.rrefiftible ftimu'lpus, to patticir
pat« in the honor of ailing under i'o invaluable
a Commander, ip Chief. • i ,
Liberal bounty, pay, and cloatliing, -capital
quarters, pr6vifions of Ithe best kind, with a due
proportion of the Efitiuening •Draug&tf are ready
for the Patriotic Soldier., ,
Attention ! is the parole ; Obedience, the
. , . ROBERT wescqjt,
Captaip 10th ynite(j States Regiment
N B—For each fold ier, twelve dollars boan-'
ty, sixty .doiUri iJer annum, and one ,hat, one
coalj one y?ft, spur pair of overalls, four pair of
shoes, four fyjrts, four pair of locks, one stock
and clasp, and oneblanket -annually,! R..W.
•|»ne s€ 6{t
Next Monday, iftjfily, at 3 o'clock, P M. cor
ner of Market and Third ftrects,
Will be, Sold by Auction., for Casby
a quantity of . , ,
. . injots t..> suit pu .-cl-a'.crs.. , .
SBannon & Poalk, Xucfrs
j'jtie 28
Fo be fold at public, audtion to piorrow morn
ing at i 1 o'eloefcatthe Mori© Market,
Elegant Grey HotfeS,
well matched and well broke to h.u ness. 7 v-jrs
old—They may be fern at the stables of the sub*-
fcriberany time before the hour offale.
V.'m. David/on, Aitft'r.
jurie 28
to .be sold.
At public autflion to. rjiorrow morning precifelj'
at 11 6'clock, at the Horse Mar Vet,
An elegant Stud Horse,
7 yrars ojd and warranted pcrfeflly found He
may be seen at the tables of M'Knight, any
time before the hour of f*k.
. Wm. Davidson, Auffr.
'Just Imported,
In the Adriana from London, and for Sale bv
the subscriber,
J -very neat ajfortment of the tallvwinp
Suitable for exportation, r
Dimities, printed and plain
Mufliiietts, do
Marleilles, do
Ginghams well assorted
Callicoes and chintzes of (lit neatest and
r.ewcft patterns
Fine cotion fhirtirigs,
Printed linnen handkerchiefs
An a fTort in en t of brown 1 fhertings
S49>fouth Frcnc ilreer,
6 mo. 23
Pinejlreet, near Fif hJlrctt.
400 boxes Tin Plates,
Hardware, afiorted in casts,
Sadlery, aflbrced in casts,
Woohvich proof CANNON, s:z.
4 piunclers, S and i'l cwt fnch -j with
6 pounders, it, s 3 , rj &,5 cwi.esch I carri
-9 pounders, so and Ijcwt. each L aires
II pounders 12 cwt. each. f
4 ihort 18 pound carrofiades. J pletc.
Round, Double headed and Canniflcr hot
Engiifh CannsE Powder,
Cutl3ffe!> and Boarding pikes;
Muikets'and Piftol',-
Iron Crow Bar*.
JLSO, for sate,
40 boles Biown 7
10 ditto Wh,uj HA Y AN - NA sugar
Smith & Rodman i
By the Stockport and Orofio, from Liverpool, the
I homas Chalklet and frqra Lond6n, '
A Large Genera! ajfoitmcnt of
Fustians and Jeans,
Striped and cross ban'd
9 8 bleached and browrl
Dr Sheet ings,
7-8 & 4-4 lrifh Linens,
7-8 brown and bleached
Irilh Dowlas,
' White A: brown buckrams
7 8 bleached Drogheda.%
I 3-4 brown lrifh in bales,
9 8 brown and white Ruf*
fia sheetings,
i R<jven Duck and Ruflia
D illings,
, Thiead edgings, & laces,
Coloured & white Scotch.
i Fine Ribbons and Tapes,
4 lb* and 442 lb. Pins, in
small cales,
Mens* a d womehi' leath
er Gloves,
Cal inpancoes & Durants,
Joans Spinnings, Sc. Cor*
Dimities and Fancy Mar
White and colored Mufli
Silk llrioed and coloured
Cotton & callico Checks
Mens' and womens cotton
White & black Qlk Gloves,
Piinted (£allicoes & Chint-
ladia b iok #4«Uins & Hkfs
Peniafora and ftrrped Nil
Sll wide India Perfianj,
Ruffi? Diapry, 3t Towel-
Weil country striped Bed
1 icks,
With a variety «f other articlfif on b&nd r which
they wilt fell on the mo ft rcafohabfe terms, for
cash, or on a fliort credit.
jure 28 diot
A Clerk Wanted.
AYOUKG MAN of pond character, {peak
ing the French language, and /riefirovi of
to a healthy island in the Weft Indies,
may hear of good employ mint by applying at
the office of the Gazette of the United States.,
june i 8 d6l