jfMttsst intelligent. GLEANIXG>, FROM LATELONDOK PAPERS 7HE DUKE OF WIRTEMBERG. We have already mentioned the arreil of the Hereditary Prince of Wirtemberg by the Duke his father. As soon as he was arret ted the Duke assembled his Ministers, and the young Prince underwent an examination which lasted till midnight : he was then sent to an apartment in the castle, in the cuflody of a Lieutenant and Adjutant, while two fentinals were ported at the door. The Camberlain De Pfuhl was also taken up and • sent to prison. The following letter from Stutgard explains the motivas qf the arrest of the young Prince The King of Prussia had offered to the Duke of Wirtemberg to take hisfon into his service, and to give him besides a pension of 4000 German crowns. The Emperor not having been informed of this proposal, and vifhingto attach the Duke of Wirtemberg to him, offered higher terms than the King of Prussia. The Duke* Unwilling to dis please either of the two Sovereigns, replied, that his fonwastwoyoung (he is 17) and that his education was not He there for* demanded a year, at lea ft, before he sent him abroad. The young Prince informed of this negociation by one of the persons in his service, thinking himfelf tbo harfllly treated by his father, and giving l the preference to the iervice of Prussia, had formed a plan, it is said to escape with his confident and to go to Berlin. The correspondence, howev er, was intercepted, which this confident kept up with his brother, who is in that ca pital. This i* the real slate of the cafe The Prince is still under arrest ( and is in a few days to he sent to Tabingen, seven leagues from Stntgard, where he is to finifh, it is said, his courle of studies. Tabingen is one of the most celebrated Universities in Germa ny. The President of the Court Martial, keld on Capt. Thompson after the Sentence was read, addressed him nearly as follows: " Captain Thompson, I feel the rnoft lively plt-afure in returning you the sword ■with which ycu have so bravely maintained the Honour of your King and Country ; the more so, as lam convinced, that, wheivvpu are again called upon to draw it in their defence, that you will add frefh laurels to the irreath which you have alreadyfo nobly won," The thanks of the Court were also given to Sir Edward Berry, who was present on thi* occasion, for the gallant and aftive zeal lie manifefted, by giving his afuftance on board the Leander, in the combat with the G longer be delayed, without putting the Republic in danger, as the gigantic effort.', of the coalition require the immediate employ ment ofcvery means left.. Jourdan and Bat xadottc, being taken ski (probably from a coiwiftion that the Auftmn sheers were (..los ing cn their laurels) have lefr tl-eir armies and gone to Paris. A galloping 'consump tUn, alio, is pervading the whole French sjs- Stutgard, Dec. io. tew. YVchave lotlj predi&ed that the pre ient order of things in Franc; would not be permanent. The abuse which the ruling par ty has made of its power, not only by tyran nizing over the French people, hut by destroy ing tlie independence and robbing the whealth of the neighbouring States, has never been equaled. All that seems wanting at the pre sent momuit is, an internal (hock to paralyse the power of the Direftory. Such a favo rable moment seems now approachiug, by the fuccelTes which have attended the Austrian arms, and the almost entire annihilation of their marine by the Britifl). The moment when it arrives will not be fuffered to pass without a new revolution in France ; for it is impossible but the present rubbilh, permit ted to exist for a time to punish mankind, must be swept away to make room for a bet ter order of things ! The Helvetic Republic is proceeding in the mild steps of its virtuous matron ; and to enforce continuance of their aflunicd autho rity, thegovernment decreed at Lucerne, on the 29th March, That every Helvetic citizen who, -at this request made by the government shall tefufe to march with the chosen bod), shall be punished with death : and that every citizen, or foreigner living under the laws of the republic, who either by words or actions (hall oppose the mcafures taken by the go vernment for the defence of the conntry, or shall attempt to draw others from tbeir obe dience to the laws, and their duty in their country's defence, or who fliall propose to submit, to a foreign power, shall -be penisbed with death ! ' Holland, it is said, has undergpne a new revolution, in favor of theStadtholder: effect ed by the removal of the French guard to the . Rhine.—The whole canton of Berne refufed to march with the French against the Auf trians ; in confeqaence every peasant who refufei is to be shot. The Neapolitans re taliate mofl revengefully on the French. In all the Grisons, Swiss and other conquered countries, nothing but opportunity is wanting to make the people rife en masse against their French oppressors. Of Egypt, the molt recent information ap paers via Constantinople. It dates, that Ge zura Pacha, on being informed that the French General Kleber had taken Gaza, in Syria, ported his army in a situation by which he cut off the communication between Gaza and Cairo : another article mentiops, that a Liguarian capt. at Spezzia, about the' 27th of March in 20 days from Alexandria, reports that Buonaparte was well at Gaza ; that he was mailer of all the keys of Syria, and that aIL «,»» rjuiev i" JZgjP*- Ireland was, politically, in a tranquilized state : the majority of refpedlable cha rafters are for the proposed union with G. Britain and are signing petitions to that effedt. The British H. of Commons 011 the 22d April coucurred with the Lords in this measure. CHARLESTON, June 3, Extract of a fetter from Hanover, dated May jotb, 1799. f u • 1 *' Our crop has sustained a considerable in jury from a fall of hail, the created I be litve, evtr remembered in South Carolina; the heaviest fall of it wa* between here and Ophlr. " Our cotton was much beaten down and injured ; the corn and potatoes fufFered less; the rice none at all. lam in great hopes the cotton tvill do well yet, though I have supplied the vacant places with corn. . " Ob Tuesday last after dinner, we per ceived a small cloud rising to the south, and another to the north ; the clouds-met about 13 minutes before 4 o'clock, when a strong south wind began to blow, with rain and hail, which continued with violence until 15 minutes-after 4* a duration of J8 minutes, at the expiration of which, the whole fir face df the earth was covered from two ■ to three inches deep, and in many places where it had been floated, it was from 6 to 8 in ches deep ; and in one of the walks of the garden, we measured 9 inches of solid ice. " It was so dark during the storm, that several times we could not fee thirty rods, and cloud 9 of smoke appeared floating above the furfacc of the earth, so that we could not fee one hundred yards from the door. The.noise from the fall of hail on the house was so great, that it was difficult to hear each other speak across the hall. The hail ft ones were not as large as might be expefted though large enough to break some of our window glaffcs. The hail remained iu some places until last evening." W A NT E D, A WET NURSE with a good Bread of Milk. Any such pcrfon who tin be properly recom mended, may hear of generous term®, by applying at no. joo, south Third Street, between Walnut and Spruce ftrcets. juneao s BOTTLED PORTER FOR SALE AT HARE's BREWERY. June »©. O LET, A genteel three story brick house with extensive back building!, and many conveniea- ties The proprietor -would exchange rents upon a lease, for a fmill farm within 9 or 10 miles of this city. ALSO—A lot on Paflyunk Road containing 10 acres, about thrte quarters of a mile below South-ftreer. Enquire at the office of this Ga zttte. June 17. TTren77 The HOUSE lately occupied by tha British Commiflioners, No. 7, Nor:h Eighth Stieut. THOS MIFFLIN, junr. jnue 17 61 Hhds of Richmond T O B A C C O, of an excellent quality, FOR SALE BY Peter Barker (Jf Co. No 148, High fttect cots 6 mo; 18 SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE tl. PRICES OF STOCKS Si* per Cent. Three per Cent. Deferred 6 per Cent. B4NK United States, Insurance contp- N. A. fliares 28 ditto Penniylvania, shares, 31 ditto 8 per cent Scrip 5* pe- cen:. lelow par. East-India Company nf N. A. ? percent advance COURSE OF EXCHANGE On I.ondon, 51 at 30 days 50 at *9° dajs Amflerdam, 35 a 57-100 per florin Jiamburgh 30 »3a -100 per Mark Banco. Of the N*mb«r of Vessels .convoyed by the ship Delaware, General Green, and Gov. Jay, from tie Havanna until out of dan ger, exclusive nearly of half this number to the Havanna, and upwards of eighty of stregling ships from the Havanna, naica and New-Orleans. Feb'y. 11 Fifty-Eight 58 26 Twenty-fix 26 March 8 Twenty-three 13 16 Eight 8 21 Ten 10 April -4 Seventeen 17 24 F.orty 40 > 1799 AT a large meeting of the citizens of Chefler couuty, held in the Court-House at Well-Chester, on the tfith of June, 1799, in puriijance of advertifemeiits in the public Papers, signed by the corresponding raetnber of the Committee of said county, appointed for thepwrpofeof supporting JAMES ROSS, Esquire, ot Pitt/burgh, for Governor of the State of Peunfylvania, at the ensuing elec- On motion, The following persons were unanimouily appointed for the different town(hip« is Committees m favor of the Eleftion of Mr. Rofs: > Birmingham—Caleb Briftton, fen. Amos Brinton, Satnuel Jones. EasL-Bradford~GeoTg£ Carter, Nathan Scholfield, esq. George Seed;, Eminor Jef feries, jun. Joseph Cope, Philip Price, Abi jah Taylor, jup, Moses Hickman, William Townfend. West-Bradftjrd—john Marfh'all, Richard Baker, fen. Moles Marshall, Hichard Buf fington, Abraham Baily, Richard Millefon, Win. Woodward, John Valentine. Srandywjm—lfaac Lewis, Jacob Kim meli, Isaac Coats, William Guthrie, William Powel, Isaac Reej, John Rhea. East Gardner, Robert Mil ler, Thomas fctocker, William Baily, John Edge, Samuel Hasnes, Richard Downing, HuntDownirig, Thomas Downing, merchant West Cain—-John Hughs, Samuel Down ing, James M'Clellan, Caleb Way. Cbarle-stown—Daniel Sowers, John Long ftretb, esq. JaGob Penncpacker, Joshua John, Richard Jacob, Edward Lane, fen. Jacob Buckwalter, Matthias Pennepacker, Jona than Wells, James White. Coventry—Robert May, John Rhinehart Jacob L.smtisj'e'CjpiiJacob Frick, Evan Jfugh, Thomas Church, esq. Jacob Thomas.' Ea Tuckir, Morris Moore, Writ. Hunter, George Adams, Mordecai Davis, James Morris, Robert M'Clenechan Scth Hoopesi ' East Falloibfieid' —Jaco's Humphrey, Jas. M. Gibbons,WTq. Eliflia Phipps, David Ea ton,- JelTe Laverty, Elias Paffmore. West Fallcmjield—William Black, Na than Walton, John Black, John Cunning ham, Wm. Clingan, esq. • GwZif«-i-George Davis, William Rodg'ers John Hannuci, Thomas Hoops, Samuel Stringfellow, William Haynian, Daniel Fitzpatrick, Jacob Ehrnzeller, Jefle Mat lock, Jonathan Wells. Roneybrook— Jacob Happerfett, Joseph Frego, David Jones, Isaac Gibfon, Benja min Marple, Michal Graham. Kennctt—C. lrb Hooper, Levi Woodrow, Abraham Taylor, William Walter, Ezekiel Webb, Thomas Marshall, Joseph Walter, Samuel Sinclair, esq. London Grove—Joseph Sharp, Isaac Wil fqn, Job Pyle, Samuel Morris, Jeremiah Underwood, James Wollafton. Loudon Derry—Jefle Good, John Wells Doftor Samuel Edminfton. London Britain—Thomas Lunn, John Whiting; Daniel Thompson. East Marlboroagh—Benjamin Swayne, Joseph Baker, Thomas Jackson, Joseph Pierce, Enoch Chandler. West Mdrlßtil-ov.gb—James Barker, James Smith, Joshua Baily, Isaac Pennock, Abra ham Pennock, James Hannum, esq. New London—John Menough, John Waugh, David Wilson. ' East Nottingham—Philip Scott, esq. John Jankin, John Pew, Dr. Wm. Thompson, Willian). Barret, Samuel Dickey, William M'Corkle, Samu?rHutchinfon. West Nottingham—-Roger Kirk, Esquire, Samuel Carter, Dr. Wm. Smith, Samuel Houfi', Ephrr.im Blackburn. diot Ay w Garden—lfaac Sharp, Isaac Wilson, .Nicholas Hereford, Georg-e- Chandler, Dr. John Rafs,. WiHian Tinfley. Neivlin—lfuse Baily, jun. William Smith, Caleb Marlliall, George Spsakman, Thomas Worth, jun. JM Harlan, Jofliua Pirror. East Nantm-ll—David Potts, Isaiah K rk |ohi) Nice, Thomas Leighron, Ifaat Van leer. - . ... 3aw |w West NantmUl— David Denny, Ephraim Allen, James Moore, esq. Joseph M'Clure. Upper Oxford—William Roff, Wuliam Dickey, John Stewart. %lje (Bajctte. PHILADELPHIA, PuiLADELraia, June 14. 2/> 14f4 19 percent. 18 ditto; 46 per cent. Pcnnfylvania, North Amerijra, ACCOUNT Thirty 30 Total. 212 sail. May 7 ELECTION. Lower Oxford —Vv ilhani Su'rrit, Na thaniel Walker, Thomas Henderlbn, esq. John Russell, Samuel Hoed. Pcnnsbury**-Jofeph Pic rce. Isaac Tofeph Taylor, Win. Webb, Emmos Jef fcris, Edward Temple, William White. Pikeland—Reefe John, Harman Penne packer, Samuel Reefe, Peter Hartman. Sadsbury—James Moore,(Sniith) George Richmond, John Moore, (Miller) Samuel M'Clellan, (Sen.) Joseph Paxton, James Williams, Henry M'Clellan. 1 hornbury—Thomas Hickman, Jacob Yearfley, Abraham Dalington, George Brin ton. s Tredyjf r in—Wm. Davis, Jacob Kurtz, Joseph Walker, Abraham Lewis, George Dewees, Richard Robinson, John Reefe, Abijah Stevens, Samuel Haverd. Uwchland—Tlion.as Downing, efq Jefle Jones, Joseph M'Clure, William Denny, Evan Evands, Ezekiel Evans, Joseph Har vout, juH. James Forreft, Charles Reed, Conrad Acker, fen. Vincent—Abraham Oldwine,Robert Root, John Roberts, John Lewis. JVest-Sown—'Thomas Mercer, Peter Of bornc, Cjiltb James, Joseph Hickman, Jeffe Mercer, Titus Taylsr. Willistown—Enoch Yarnall, Nathaniel Grubb, William Cox, William Wilson, Ellis Williams, Samuel Garrett, Joseph Rowland. East Wbitcland—Benjamin Bartholomew John Mellin, Randal Mellin, Henry Ruth, Joseph Hibberd, Charles Faunftock. West Wbiteland—John Bnwen, William Trimble, John Jacobs, Thomas Morris, John Jefferis, Richard Thomas, esq. Benjamin Jacobs, esq. Jaccb Zook. On motion, Richard Thomas, esq. Dennis Wheelen, esq. James Moore, esq. Mr. Da vid Denny, Dr. Francis Gardner, James Kelton and Joseph Hemphill, efq'rs. were appointed a Committee to draft a Letter, to be (igned by the Chairman of this Meeting antj a copy sent to the person firfl named on each Committee in the several townships. The Committee reported the following letter, which was adopted by the meeting— SIR, AT a meeting held at the Court House in Weft Chester on the rßth of June 1799, by a great number of refpeitable cit izens of Chester County, Committees have been appointed for the different townships of this county, to fiipport ROSS, Efo. of Pittlburgh for Governor of the (late of Pennsylvania at the enfoing eledtio». The gentlemen compoSng the committees in each townffiip have been carefully chosen as persons of known attachment to our pre sent constitution and laws, and who will be likely to exert themselves and use every fair and honorable means to irrfurS the eledVion of Mr. Rofs. The obje£l of each committee is, thatihe persons composing the committee (hould meet together with such other gentlemen of their townlhipas they may think proper, and to use their best endeavors to induce ev ery person in their township who feels him felf interested i» favor of Mt. Rofs, to at tend at the eleftion. And the committee of your towuftiip is particularly requfhd to cor respond with Col. Gibbons (the correspond ing member of the committee of Chester county) for the purpose of giving and receiv ing any information that may be necessary relative to the enluing election. The incredible exertions which the party oppoftd to the measures of the federal go uernment are making, renders it neceflai y to enter into some f/ftem of this kind. Mr. Rofs is well known, his simplicity of man ners, his ease of access, and his abilities so eminently displayed in the formation of our ftatt conftitut>in and in the senate of the United States have made his character ad mired, not only in the (late wherein he lives, but in the different states of the union ; and will certainly, if elected, fill the office of chief magistracy of the state of Pennsylvania with honor and dignity. Herewith istranfmitted to you the names of the perfoiis appointed in each township, and alfoa copy of a circular letter from the committee in the city of Philadelphia. Signed by order of the meeting. W ILLIAM GIBBONS, Chairman. Isaac Wayne, Secretary. Erom a London paper.—April I. On Saturday letters were received in town from New York, dated the ift uh. By thtfe we learn, that Mr- ADAMS, the worthy President of the United States of America, with an anxious wish to keep his country at peace with the whole world, had proceeded to tfee nomination of three gentle men to treat with French Republick, when ever a fit opportunity (hould offer, and a fincear disposition be (hewn by France to renew the negociation. The gentlemen pro poled were, Mr. Eifworth, of Boston ; Mr. Henry, of Maryland ; and Mr. Vans Murry, the American resident with the Batavian Republic. Mr. ADAMS's proposition, on being submitted to a committee of the Senate, was reje&ed. The capture of the French fri gate by the Constellation was not known in America at the date of the above letters } but though some of our Jacobin papers ever willing to apologize for the aggressions of France, are disposed to blame the American Commodore for having wantonly began a war, yet we believe his conduit will stand in need of ne vindication, when it is known that when the Insurgent was captured, 4 American Captains were on board her, wh 0 had been taken by the French Commando^ IRISH LINENS. Just reoeived, via New-York, also by tfco fliip Stockport from Liverpool, a good aflort ment of 4-4 wide Irish Linens, in half boxes, Which wiil b* disposed of by the packjge ori rea r l_l. . | 4 ® fonabie terms by JAMES GLIBBORN o J ENGLISH, No. jj, Couth Froat ftrcet. tut fa tf i'jae 14 [lt appears by the following a late George Town paper, that one rf jtitn of the fix dirc&eil Vy a ta' Congref?, it to be built at the city 0 ; ington ] S.l.p Timber Wanted. THE subscriber being autoorifid to ce with one or more persons, for the timber fevemy-four pun fliip.to be built at the navy in the city of Wa(hingtyn i will receive pro for any part thereof, until a fuflicient quan engaged. The timber will chiefly con white oak, red cedar, mulberry aad pin which good prices will be given. WILLIAM MARBURG June 10, 1799. I J ' •" ENGLISH WROUGHT NAILS Jr.fl arrivedfrom Liverpool. 150 calks Bd. iod. i2d and 2od. fine drawn Nails, suited to the Wefl-ladi, Market, and entitled to drawback—also, 50 calks different sizes small Nails FOR SALE, on moderate terras fur caih or approved notes at 4 and 6 months, by ROBERT DENJSON.Jun. .45 north Third street. j""<= d 14t FOR SALE, Tbe remarkably fast 'Sailing coppered SHIP Richard West, master, hat tea fix poandcri and four swivels, fnull arms and ammunition, and twe suits of faiU. For teimsapply to Stephen Kingston, 44 W alnut-ilrect K. B. If not (old before Friday next, will then be disposed of at Public Sale at 11 o'clock at the Coffee House. June 18 ,) 4t castor Toll ~~ A few dozen bottles just arrived from Jamaica, TOR SALE At No. 149, fotitli Front ftrcet, Where also may be had Spermaceti Candles Madrafs and Barhar Har.dkerchiefj Patna Chintz Black Perfuns Writing, Wrapping and Printing Paper, Wanted to Charterfor the W. Indies, to carry about •Tf " y Apply at -abave. J"'ie »' f fV.md.-CS'w. Br the Late arrivals, From Lonson and Livirpool, ■dtid now offered forfait, by the package ON VERY LOW TCRU3. jo bales of superior British fail Canvafj a ca'e* of Madam l.e Grnn. Rr.ileau'a fjffiior.. able Patent Hats and Eonntti Pins—affurted in small cases ed in small <-aflrs. By VcflHs in the Spring Convoy, 4000 hufllels, dried ftoved Salt I.forrate* of alToited F.arthen War? A few tons of the best clean St. Peterlhur h Hemp Patent Skotafforted incajksof jcwteai,' White and Lead, in calksoF icwt c"h Crown Glafa in boxes of 100 and 50 feet 1 .ich, London Superfine Broadcloths, and A few hundred Caflcs of Nails. MEDFORD & WILLIS, No, 78 North Front, near Arch treet. jane »i , JUST RECEIVED From Barcelona, in tbe Danish AurtrOf Captain Schlickting, 416 pipes kigh-flavored Brandy, 364 sacks Hazle Nuts, and a quantity of Cork«i FOR SALE BY Thomas Isf Join Ketland. dtit vi ay 31 St. Croix Sugar, Of Vss Fin ST QUAtIfT, WILL be landed To-Morrow, ui South ftreet Wharf, from 011 board of the brig James arrived at the Fort, fox sale nr PRAGERS WCo. f June 18 jusr arrived, In the ship Stockport, from Liverpool^ And for lale at No. 9c, The ccrner of Market and 1 hird-Streett, A PARCEL OF y.ST CHESHIRE And Double Glccefter Cheese, By the Hamper or larger Quantity at reilucci prices. JOHN FRIES. diW jure 17 Territory north-west of the Ohio river. NOTICE is hereby given to all who are proprietors of Wild Land, lying in the county of Waibington, in the North-weft "1 cr ritory, that agreeably to a law adopted by the Legislature of said Territory, in the year 17981 fubjeiling all nnfettlsd, uncultivated trail' of land to a tax —there has been a tax laid. All proprietors aforefaid, are hereby rrqueft ed and required to come forward by themfelvei or agents, enter their land in the proper office* and pay the tax, by the firft day of November next, or the penalty of the law will fill upon them. WILLIAM RUFUS PUTNAM, for and in behalf of the Colleit"'? of Taxes for the Couiity of Ww* ington. Marietta, jur.e 3 c CASES ELEGANT FANCY HATS, FOR SAIK BY W. M 0 7 T, lit Mjrket-ftred. , »»*»« j'J!U' 11 -.M-V* m f 4)t& (»0 f<*2W