Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, June 20, 1799, Image 1

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    and Philadelphia Daily Advertise : h
<•, l
iSUMBE.It 2106 J
| price of this Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others p'ay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and dj.
ecting ; and unless some person in this city
■will become answerable for tie subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
yv-.jtjfcx The Danish Brig
Will be ready to receive a cargo in a few days
great part thereof being engaged—She will take
some freight and fail in a Ifcort time, apply tw
71 on: as is" John Ketlcnd.
THE schooner
Now lying at Wilmington, Delaware ; to fail
on the »ih this month. For Paflage apply to
Capt. Cofti.'at Wilmington,
aJof}n CrifKs, maficr. For freight
. to
t>r p*
June 17
United States }
Pennsylvania District, 5
"\"t OTICF. 19 hereby given that in pursuance
J.N of a writ tn me diredled from the Hm . Rich
ard Peters Efq Judge of the Diftridt Court of
the United States in and for the Pennfylvanii
Diftridt will he exposed to public Sale at Pen
rofe's Wharf on Wednesday the 19th day of
June (inlhnt) at ten o'clock in the fcenoon.
. or ve /F e l
With all and lingular her guns, Tackle, apparel,
and Furniture and the cargo found on board the
feme confiding of one Trunk Umbrellas, two
hundred and forty-three cafrsof Claret, sixteen
boxes and seven bales of German Linens, nine
ty-fix barrels of Rice, nine bales of German
Linens, one box of white Sht-eting, two box-s
Glass Ware, three bales of GVue, one cilk of
Camphire, fix boxes Glass Ware, one cask of
Lamps, five cases Mahogany Furnitui e, fix pack
ages Vlahoganv chairs, four close ft-.0l chaiis,
Eleven barrels of Rice, one box of Checks, one
box brown Holland, thirty barrels Rice, two
boxes Glass Ware, ene b-x Quills, two boxes
platilias, two bales of Flemifl) Linen, one box
of German Linen, one box of Snipes, one box
of thread, two bales of German Linen, one
Trunk of Sundries, three boxes of Sundries sis-
bundles of printing paptr, twenty fourbbls.
Rice, forty boxes of Soap, one box t latillas fif
ty windsor chairs, twenty five half and ona
hundrtdand twelve barrels Rice, Eight boxes
and four,ba!es Linens, two boxes and one lmne
die sundries, oi.e cafe of Looking Glafles, On?
copper Kettle and two Dutch Ovens.
Also to befold at fame wharf on Wednesday
the nth inft at ten o'clock in the forenoon, fix
hundred Barrels of Flour, seven calks of Hams,
one hundred kegs of Raisins, one large and sev
en I'mall boxes of Cinnamon water, twenty-five
kegs of Raisins. twenty Kegs of Figs and eight
boxes of Manna, Recaptured from a certain
French armed vtflel called La Telemaque the
fame having be«n libelled aeainft, prosecuted
an.l condemned at the suit of Thomas Tingey
Esq. commander of the public armed {hip Gan
ges, in behalf of b'im/felf and the other officers
aHdthe crew thereof for Salvage.
William Nichols, marshal.
Marfhal'-Offic:, Bth June, '99.
N B. The inventory of the (hip may be seen
at my office,
I 'giiPS"*' The fast sailing Ship
She is well calculated as a
Packet between this and the southern states, hav
ing handfonie and extensive accommodations for
pafTengers. She is w»H fuitel for the ftreights or
Weft India tra<ie, and can be sent to sea at a trif
ling espence. The inventory may be seen and the
terms of sale made known by applying ts
may 3».
Ship Broker's Office,
And Csmmljfion Slore,
No, 119, South front Strfft,
Next door to *he CuftoiH Houle.
THE-§Bbferit>er, encouraged by the advice of
his friends, offers his service to the public
•»* Ship and lafurance Bfokar. He propof-
J»'to buy and fell veflels and every thing relat
iag thereto—assist matters <rf veflels and others
>n entering and clearing at the Custom-House,
procuring and shipping freight, fettling Iniur-
Wce and all other mercantile accounts, iftd
Wave nrtha-nd »be peceflary Blanks and Stamps.
Papers in foreign 1 frnguages translated, and in
formation gives in general mercantile matters.
—From a knowledge gained by long experience
of every branch of bofi&efs he hopes to be ufe
fttl to those who pldtfe to favor him with their
commands.- SAMUEL EMERY.
Boyefriber ig
A Handsome New House,
Vt'iihin 5 miles of the city.
'WO stories high, together with a grsfs let, it
i a very good Gtuation for bxfinefs—the terms
I be nude very convenient to the parchafer—
[uire of the printer.
may a 8 §
f ■«
yobn NiXo-n Co.
No. 95 South Front st.
William Ronnar
INFORMS the public that business ofimpor
tanre calling him 10 Europe, he is obliged
to decline his trade in Market street.
ALL PERSONS indebted 10 him, and th. fe
to whom he is indebted, wilt ;>leafe to apply to
Mr. George Dcbfon, no. 9s, Market street, for
the settlement of their refpe&ive accounts, who
is duly empowered for that purpose.
June 3
IiOSS ts" SIMEON, ' ' ~
300 pieces ift and 2d quality Russia
100 pieces Ravens Duck (superior)
Boston Iteef in Barrels,
A lew biles Bengal | HUMIiUMS.
1100 buihels St. Martins Salt.
April 11 $
Now Landivg from the fliip Delaware, from Can
ton and tor file by tt>.' Subt'cribers,
Hyson Skin, (
Young Hjfoa, ts-r 1 * A ■
Souchong, J
Canton and Garden Fan»,
China Ware, assorted. '
Umbrellas 13 to 30 inches,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Hair Ribbons and Sewing Silks.
fbey haiie alio rentuining ca Hand
Black Pofians, Chopyaand Putlicat Romalls,
And a general assortment of Dry Goods as ui'ual,
Thomas ISf Joshua Fisher.
4th hio 26
The fubferibers have on hand, and tor sale at re
duced prices, the following articles, viz.
Seventy Pipes London Particular
Madeira Wine,
the vintage of *96, fincc when they have lain in a
ore well adapted to their improvement ;
2$ Cheftsot Young Hyson Tea ;
An Invoice of weU-afTorted China—original
cost between 8 and 900 dolU. in Canton.
march si
Freight to be had.
THE Subscribers have3ooo bush
els of SALT to Ihip to she Havanna or New-
Orleans—Any perfoa who will take it at a mo
de-rate freight will please apply at No. 95,
North to
Who have for Sale, 70 tons Hemp, 14 pipes
rhoice Old Port Claret, Roll Brin.ftone,
Havanna Segars, Demyjohns, Window Glass,
Glue, Titklenburghs and Oznabiigs, Checks,
may 20
An Invoice of Woollens,
CONSISTING of Coaife and Fine Cloths,—
principally Dark Blue, and printed Caffimeres
A pply t0
Owen & Jonathan Jones,
No. iji
Epril 29
A GEN I'EEL convenient three story BRICK
HOUSE situate in Eighth between Market
and Arch ftretts ; has lately been papered and
painted. Enquire at No. no, south Second street.
N. B. A convenient Cellar to let.
June 8
Between Phuaoelpbia and BaiTrMORE,
LEAVE Philadelphia every day, (Sunday
excepted) at 8 o'clock, A M. arrive at
Baltimore the next day, by 11 o'clock, A. M.
Leave VJaltimcsre every day, (Sunday except
ed) at 4 o'clock, A. M. and arrive at Philadel
phia the next day, by 9 o'clock, A. M.
Between Nf.iv-York and Philadelphia.
Leave Philadelphia every day (Sunday ex
ceptedf at 12 o'clock at noon, arrive at New-
York the next morning, by B'o'clock.
Leave New-York everyday (Sunday exeept
cepted) at one o'clock, P. M. and arrive at
Philadelphia the next morning, by 7 o'clock.
Seats in the Mail Coachees to be taken in
&t Butman's Office, No. 5, Cartland-ftreet
In Philadelphia.
At Francis' Hotel, No. 13, Couth Fourth
•ftreet, and at the Franklin Inn, No. 59, north
Second street.
In Baltimore.
At Evans' Tavern.
Fare for Paflengers, 8•Dollars from Philadel
phia to New-York, and 8 Dollars from Phila
delphia to Baltimore
baggage over i+lb. weight, is carried at
j ecats per pound.
The Proprietors are not responsible fur Sag
Agent for the Public Line, from Philadelphia
to Baltimore.
Proprietors of the Mail Line, from
New Tjork.
General Poft-Office, ) ■
May i. 5 - ■' *
For Sale,
TWO three story Brick Houses, situated on
the corner of King and Columbus streets, be
ing equalto any situation in Alexandria, for the
whole sal« or retail business. The hoofes are 4c
feet by 28, theftories are lofty, and the brickwork
done in the mod elegant manner with stock ronts.
One of the houses can be immediately occupied,
being completely finilhed, the other will b« finiih
ed by the firft oi Oflober next. The back build
ings to tiie above premises are also ot brick, 36
feet fqttare, wirh a number ot other conveniences
for the accommodation ot a genteel family
Each of the above houses will be fold fubjsfl to
a ground rent of 40 dollars, with the priviledge ot
buying out at twelve and half year s purchase any
time within four years from this date. Dry goods
and groceries will be taken in part payment"
For terms apply to Mr. Jahn Barnes, No. 16
South Third street, or John Foster or Nicoholas
Vofs in Alexandria.
juac 12.
Delaware & Schuylkill Canal Office,
1 Philadelph -a, May 9, 1799.
IN purfiiance of a refokuion of the .prefideiH'
and managers o( the JDelawirf and Schuyl
kill Canal Company, the Stock-bnMcrs arc hsre
by notified and required to pay, on each of their
rcljii-iilive fliares, to the Treafurcr of the Com.
par.), at the Company's Office in this city,
15 dollars on the-15th June ilex;,
10 dollars on the 15th July next, and
10 dollar* 011 the I ;th Augnft next.
Wm. GOVET r, Trejfurer.
m&tu4w{ dtr.ufi; A )
Miv 13
Oid French Brandy in l?.rge and
i'raall cases
100 boxes 7 by 9 & 8 by ic Window Olafs
?o theft pint & half pint Tumblers, afiorted
a; 6 whole & 6 h.ilf-|iercs Uice,.
ttiav 1, 1J99
No i(q Markit Strfet,
Ha vs Received by the Ship Stocljkirt froiri
A General AssortmiTN 1 of
Suitable to the present fcafon, which '.hey
will difpole of on moderate terms tor
Calh or the Cuftoir,*ry Credit.
June 13
At No. 146, High-street,
A Handsome Coach,
Coacbee y fbacioiu & Pair of tforsts y
Either feyaiat' ly or together.
Also—a handsome Mafe and Grey
may *4
By tKs late afriyal?. from Loti on and Hamburg,
and for file,by tlv*
89 tons heft St. Pet<*rlbureh Hemp
599 IScccs Ergtiifi Sailclotn
i trwiiks, containing
Silk Handkerchiefs
Pcffian and Gauze
3 csfes faftuonable Ladies' Hat?, &c.
10 calks Bridles
8 bales Ticklcnburgs, and
A few package* oi
Creas a la Morlaix
Checks and Stripes
25 Hhds Bourdeaux Brandy
10 pfpes Spanish do
40 Hhds Bour<te?ux Claret.
Erick Lewis Bullmann.
No. 100 Sprucc-llrcct,
m & F 3W
April 17
A large and commodious threr. Jlory
H O U S E, .
Situated at the corner of Second attd Union
There are 4 rooms on a floor, anjd back baildings
three story high, with excellent cellars under
the whole —Also a large Yard with
Stables and Coach House.
No. 187 l'outh Second fireer.
June 8
0" Three or four gentlemen may
he accommodated with Board and Lodging, at
Mrs. M'CrEa's, no. 19, north Eighth street.
may 30
THE owners of Unfcated lands in FAYETTE
COUNTY (I'cnn.) are hereby notified, that
unkfs the tcxes due 011 said lands for the year-,
19»797 and '79%< are F a ' n(o le hands of
General Epbraim Douglafs, County TfealUrer, on
or befere Thursday the 19th day of September
next, they will be advertised forfale as the law di
Caleb Mduiits,
James Allen.
John Fulton,
Union Town, 'out 5,*99
To Bricklayers and Masons.
Proposals will be received for executing
ftone work, laying the Bricks of an
Engine Koufe in Cester Square according to
plans to be delivered to the Contractor, and un
der the direftion the Engineer of the city-
The Urickwprk will consist of plain- straight wall
plain and groined arches and backing to Hon*
work. The drawings may be viewed by appli
cation at the office of the City, in Center Square
where every Lnfor/nation on the fubjeft will be
gives and feperate prices may be offered fcr
each particular I'pecies of Brick work—All ma
terials, fcaffoldmg, Centering rope, p'.ank* and
board? will be found by the City—The Con
tractor is to provide all labourers and workmen,
hods ind wo king tools, and to eredl and take
down the fcaffolding Proposals to be deli
vered to B. H. Latrobe, at his office is Center
Square, before the 20th at the prtfent month.
4'june 11 dtjo.
A few Young Men can be accommodated
with Genteel Board on reasonable terms, at
No. 8 Cherry Alley—the Ctuation is piea
fant and healthy.
may 25.
That beautiful and healthy Faun called
S U N B U R Y,
ON Nefhaminy creek, one mile from the
bridge and three miles from Bristol. It con
tains 232 acres, 73 °f which ar« good woodland,
a proportion of meadow on which was cut JO tons
good hay last year ; there is every convcniency
on t'lis farm for a gentleman or a farmer; the
orchard contains all lorts of grafted fruit of the
bell kind ; it is so well known that further des
cription is thought unneceffary—lf it is not fold at
private sale before the 20th instant, it will, on that
day, be fold at the Coffee House. For terms ap
Attornies in faA for •
June 4.
Gurney (sf .Smith.
. • $
Hdr'M, very eal'f g-.itc<l,
Just Received,
County Commit'n
dticth ioft.
For carrying the Mails cf the
On the ftilfewing Post—Roads,
WILL be received at the General Poit-Of
fjce in Philadelphia, until the nth day
of Augu.l next, irnluiive.
x. Sco.idic by Machias, Chandler's river,
Columbia and Narraguagut to Gpldfboro', once
a e/timaied eighty eight miles. ,
From April 1 sthto Q3pber X5/6—Lea ve Scpo
dic every Satur ay at 1 P.M. and arrive at Goldf
boro' the :uxt Tuesday by 6r. M. Returning.,
Leave Golriftnro' every Wednefdav at 5 A. M.
and arrive at Scoodic oh Saturday by 10 «. M.
Fr»m Qdober 15, to April 15 —Leave Stoo
die every Sunday at i p. M and arrive jit Gouldf
boio' on YVednefday by 6 M- Returning
Leave Gotildfbo' every Thuri'd ly at 6 A. M.
alid arrrive at Scoodic on Sunday at 10 A. M.
4. From Gouldfcjto' by Sullivan, Trenton,
Blue Hit!, C.iftine, Buc'kfton, ProfpeA and
fielfaft to Ducktrap, oi:ce a week ; cftimated
eijlity five niiles.
From April 1 s,to October 15 Leave Gouldf
boro' every Wednesday, at ? A. M and arrive
at Duiktrapon Saturday by 10 A. M. Return
,nS—Leave Duck'.rap every Saturday ft * p.m.
and arrive at Gouldlboro' the next Tucfday by
6 P.M.
From OBober 15 to April 15 —Leave Gotilflf
boro'every Thurlday at 6 A. m. and arrive at
Ducktrap on Sunday by 10 A. M. Returning,
I.eave Ducktrap evrry Sunday at 2 i. M. and
arrive at (i uiditoro' on Wedtiefu V by 6 P.M.
3 Fi nm Machias to Pal'lmaquoddy, once in
two weeks.
Leave N achias every other Friday noon and
arnve at palTairuqiioddy on Saturday at 10 A.
m. Upturning—llcave P.iiLunaquoddy every
other Saturday at 2 P. m. and arrive at Machias
on Sundav noon.
From October 1 j to April 15 —Leave Ma
chias every other Saturday noon and arrive at
Pa£Tamaqitf>ddy on Sunday at 10 a. m. Hetur
ning—Leave Paflamaquoddy every other Sun
day at 1 p. m. and arrive at Machias on Mondjy
at » P. M.
4. From Augufla by tteadfield and Cliefter to
Farmir.gton, once in two weeks.
Leave Auguitj every other Wednesday at 8
A. m. snd arrive at Farmingtoti on Thursday at
10 a. M. Returning—Leave Farniington evpry
other Monday at 2 P M. and arrive at Malldwell
on Tuesday by 6 P. M.
5 From Windsor, by Royalton, Randolph,
Wil iamllon and Montpelier to Burlington,
once in two weeks.
Leave Windsor every other Thursday by 6
A. M. and arrive at Burlington on Saturday by
4p. m. Returning—Leave Burlington every
other Monday by 6 a. m. and arrive at Windsor
on Wednesday by 4 p. m.
6. From Fiftikill to Newbury, once a week.
Leive Fiftikill evrry Friday at 4J o'clock, P.M.
and arrive at Newbury by 6, P. M. Returning
—Leave Newbury every Friday at i, P. M. and
arrive at Fiftikill at 4, *• M.
7. From Canandaigua by Hartford to Nia
gara once in two weeks.
Leave Caftandaigua every other Monday, at
8 A. m. and arrive at Niagara the next Thurs
day by 9A. m. Returning —Leave Niagara ev
ery other Thursday at 3 P. M. and arrive at
Canandaigua on Sunday by 6 p. m.
8. From Lewifb irg by M.ffl nburgh, Aarenf
burg, Milefburg, Bellefort and Centre Furnace
to Alexandria once a week.
Leave Lewifourg every Tuesday at 1 P. M.
and arrive at Alexandria on Friday by \ P. m.
Returning —Leave Alexandria every Saturday
ai Ba.m. and arrive at Lewifbarg the next
Tuesday by 10 A. m
9. From Harriffcurg by Clark's ferry, Millers
town, Thpmpfontown, Mifflintown, Lewif
town, Culbertfon's mills and Huntingdon to
Alexandr a, once a week.
May 15 to Oclober 15—Leave Harrilburg ev
ery Sunday at 6 A m. and arrive at Alexandria
the next Tuelday by 7 p. M Returning—
Leave Alexandria every Thursday at 6 a. m.
and arrive at Hatrifburg on Saturday at 4 p. m.
Frora Oflober 15 to May 15 —Leave Harrif
burg every Monday at 6a. m and arrive at
Alexandria on Wednesday by 7 p.m. Return
ing—Leave Alexandria every Friday at 6 a. m
and arrive at Harrifburg on Sunday by 4 p. m.
th tf
10. Frcm Morgantown by Petty John to
CUrkfburgh, once in two weeks. Leava lvjor.
gantown every other Monday at 5 a. m. and ar
rive at Clarklburg by 5 p.m. Returning. I.eave
Clarksburg every other Tuesday by 8 a. m. and
arrive at Morgantown by 7 p m.
11. From Ptteifburg by SuEexc. h. and South
ampton c. h. to South Quay, once evtry month
Leave Peteriburg the firft Tuefilay in each
month by noon, and arrive at South Quay on
Wtdnefday by 7P. m. Returning. Leave South
Quay the firft I'hurfday in each month by 8 a. m.
and arrive a; Peteifburg on Friday by I p m.
In Virginia and North-Carolina.
17,. From Norfolk by Kempfville,Great Bridge,
New Lebanon and Jonefboro' to Elizabeth city,
once in two weeks.
Leave Norfdlk every other Wednefcay by a r.
M. and arrive at Elizabeth city on Friday by 10
a. M. Returning. Leave Elizabeth city every
other Monday at noon and arrive at Norfolk on
Wednesday by 10 a. m.
13. From Suffolk by South Quay to Murfrees
boro' once in two weeks.
Leave Suffolk every other Tuesday at 6 a. m.
and arrive at Murfretfbora'by 5p m. Returning.
Leave Murfreefboro' every Wednesday at 9 A. M.
and arrive at Suffolk by 6p a,
14. From Wythe xourt houfc, by Auftinville,
Grayfon cdurt house, Flower Gap and Bethania to
Salem once in two weeks.
Leave Wythe court hanfe every other Tuesday
by 6 a.m. and arrive at Salem the next Thursday
by 6 p.m. Returning. Leave Salrai every other
Saturday by 6 a, m. and arrive at Wythe c. h. the
next Monday by 6. p. m.
In Kentuckey and Tennessee.
15. From Moffats in TennsfTee by Col Orrs,
Powell's Valley, Cumberland Cap and Stamford
to Danville, once a week.
Leave Moflats every Friday at 1 r M.and ar
rive at Danville the next Monday by 7 p. M. Re
turning. Leave Banviile every Tuesday by SA.
m. ana arrive at Moffats the next Fliday by 10
A M.
Ibj Frcin Knoxville by South Weft Point, and
CraiJ fort to Nafhville»nce in two weeks.
Leave Knoxville every ether Monday at 5 A.
m. and rrrive at Nashville the next Saturday by 7
r, m. Returning. Leave Nashville every other
In Virginia.
Monday at 5 a. m. and arrive at Knuxville the
Saturday by 7 t. m.
Notei. The Post Master General may alter tho
t.tnes of arrival and depaiture at any time during the
continuance of ihe conrra&s, he pieviourly
an adequate compensation for any extra expense that
may, be occasioned thereby.
Note 5. Half an hour shall be allowed for orenv
l % 3nd closing the Mail at all Offices where no pai
ticular. time is fpecified. I
, Note 3. For every hour's delay (unavoidable acc
ents excepted) in arriving alter the times prescribed
in any contract, the contraftor (lul foifeii one dol
lar, and if (he delay continue until the depaiture of
any depending Mail, whereby the Mails destined fbi
luch depending Mail, lote a trip, an additional forfei
ture ot five dollars shall be incurred.
f J^ otc 4 Newlpapeis as well as Lettcrs are to be
lent itr the Mails; and ifany perfen making proposals,
delirei to carry Newspapers other than those convey
ed in the mail, for hisawn emolument, he mutt state
in (tis p'opofals lot what sum he will carry lt with
fhat<-molua.e..£ and syr what sum without that emo
Note 5. Should any person making prop-,fail cicGre
an alteration of the time, of arrival and departu e a.
bove fpeqified, he mulf Itate m his proposals the altcr
anons .oefired, and thedifferencf ihey will mike in
ihe *erxm of jus C9ii:ra6&
Nute 6. Perfo- * making proposals are desired fat
ftaiciheii prias by thenar. Ttapte who. contrast
will receive their pay qua.terly, i„ the mooiha of
January, .Aprii, Jim, «rid Odtober •, j ,
Note 7.7 hecomraQs t 1 the routes Numbered jpa
g, aie to be in opciaiion on the iil day of O&obet
r\ext, and aie to cc.n i, ue in lorte umii the 1 ilO£i.
ißjl. Contrails for the .rout c» N'urabned- iQ to i6<ite
alio to be in pperaurn on Hie i (i day ot OSober nrxt
and are to continue in lojce -jntii the jft of rtpril ifjos."
Pcfim Jler General.
General Pofi Office, 1 [i + l
Phi/a. June 10. 1799. J dlm.a/.col 3
Notice is hereby given,
rpHAT application wii, be made 10 the Treaf-
A ury ol Ihe United Sta'es, for the renewal
of the following Certificates of lix per cent. and
Deferred funded Stock, ftau.iing in the follow
ing names, the prwperty of John Cla,i io, Esq.,
of York (hire, in England ; the said Certificates
having been loft on board the Swallow -Packet,
captaiD Kidd, from Falmouth to New-York. I
Dolt. Cts. No.
12731 dated March 7th, 1795, Re._
gifter Ctrtilkate in fjvor of"
John and Francis Baring & Co.
15070 do. March I:7th, 179-",
in favor Brauj;_ iiajjpel
Batfch & Co of AmiV. idam
148*3 do. l)cc 3d, 1796 do, in Fa
vor of F. L Braunfberg of
3536 do. March 15th, '96, do. in fa
vor do do
14135 do. May 17th, '96, in favor
of do do
M67S do. Sept. 9th, '96, in favor
of do do
13242 do, May 27th, '9?, in fzvor
of Frederick Lodewyk B.aunf
berg of Amlterdam
3249 do. August 28th, '95, in favor
of do do
3305 do. July 23d, '95, in favor
of do do
13860 do. Dec. loth, '95, in favor
of do do
3316 do. Aug. 28th, '95, in favor
of do do
362 1 66
413 **
367 89
898 36
387 37
33 6 7 5
3711 8
213' 47
342 O
298 22
13793 do Nov, 16th* '95, in fjvof
of John and Francis Baring &
Co London.
13137 do. May 27th, '95, in favor
of do do
13798 do. Nov. 16th, '95, in favor
of do do
4000 o
1500 o
i6ce o
1J963 do. Apr. »4ih, '97,-&§inmi(?
iioner of Loan/ of New-York,-
in favor Jonathan Hoare of
9376 66
Dots. Cts.
7997 93
1143 do. Mar. id, '93, Regiftef
Certificate to Herman Katen
camp of Gr;at Britain.
5757 do. do do
7000 o
do of do
5883 do. Mar, 18th, '93, do to
do of
1176 do. do do
1500 o
do of do
90c do. Oft. 9th, '92, do to
John Warder & Co of London
952 do, o<3. 26th, '92, do to
do of do
6076 do May 13th, '93, do to
Stadnitlkl & Sonof Aifillerdam
6368 do. Aug. 6th, '93, do tor
Nioh las Van Staphorft of Am
6367 do* do do do do to
do of do
2868 do. May i6tb, '95 , Commif-
1200® o
700 43
10783 33
5000 o
5000, o
8352 91
fioncr of Loans at New-York
to Henry M. Bird of London,
1717 do. Nov. sd, '92, do to
Philip Sanfotn of London
1718 do. do do do do to
4000 o
3618 69
do of do
3968 do, Nov. 3d> '92(
do of do
1714 do. Nor. 6th, '9l,
*634 O
ioco o
Deferred 6 per cent Stock.
74J87 s°
-way 25 f
Notice is hereby given,
THAT application will be made to the Tfci
try of the United States for the renewal of th®
following certificates of 6pr cent funded stock
the said certificates having been loft on hoard the
Swallow I'ackcti captain Kidd, froih Falmouth
to New-York :
No. 307»> Signed Joseph Nourfei in favor of
Samuel and Henry Waddington,
dated February ;j, i 79S , f tlr
lare 4000
No. 1964. Signed Jofrph Nourfe, t© William
Ik Jan Willink, and Nirholas &
Jicob Van Staphorft & Hubbard
agents or the United States at Am"
{ierdam, dated January 31ft, Jyjf
for $ cgo dollars.
may *5
[Volume XV.
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