Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, June 11, 1799, Image 2

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    o. 'id "*'*'■ y .- j i <Eft3*lte fc'gatiitt am. © ? 3aj>':^"|
'lt hi' ISftSffffe • the tortus ,f France, fpeech-roakert,perhlt,' <in tnc m p.. € J . Z
•. £s£*&&:*«.*•* Porl of Philadelphia, ~
<*™wm ms■ ss! * a e and I™^
TUESDAY IVINI*O, 7 MM.r. (£££*#*>>'**.'*>* If" »4 <?V Q > mm. . '
n-,:M « Fonupne's Gazette." treaty with Great Britain, was proper anil eiyicu man ; and *e -know net . 'Sclir. Sally, Church, or an f r m '-''pool. .
necefery for the peace and prosperity of the could find a p. «ts • w»lld. Keifer, Bofcon, GERMANY. : - I
nKviF.w or United States, and did not impair any prior a greater inhght jnto tne prejent jv ■ yi 0 , ver , Pearfoll, Province. roveredo
AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS. , O \, h7 ntions with France or any otter nation tmencan politic*. ' style u ?§* Willing Lass, Gault, S»«w-I-lill. " -*U j.
Nothing, except intelligence of recent im- not proceed from any motives un- perlpicuolts ; a f..w - < Ytfterday arrived in this port, the (hip A- flCr the Fi.ncb on the M( ujfc
poitantevents, is more immediately the pro- f r i €n <ily to France, as had been unwifcly and 'Urns, corrgfl and lume.en. > orci e. , miablr. iaotain Tillinghaft, from . London, made the fourth fruitlefs attacl on; V^
vince c- a new 1-paper, than to give the pub- wickedly misrepresented on Both fides the vvrrnOTK '!•' via Cork. Came outoftbe Cove the 21ft of trians in Italy, under the comW V
ixcorreel information refpe£lingthe opinions wa ter.' P. 7. 8. ;Uttuu . . _v with a lari?e not? 4 ?f Amftr- „ , ' ; " ct gen,
which foreign nations entertain of the littra- Ai] these heavy charges we think this au- HL LET, a "noted }„„ and Brkifii veffcls, bound to'tte United, * 1 ! >' on : e 31ft £ fthfi))J
ry prodnaions of,the country. lam happy thor has Riac l e goo d, and by the mod irre- ane strong, clear and melop . V?*,' State., Quebeck, Newfoundland, stfld Weft- gen. Scherer appeared
to have it in my cowef to give a considerable fraga bJ e and fatisfaftory of all argument, viz. .ng too ipHbh ot t>> w -■ co; . ]v( , y of th? Bo«on frigate, t he Auftnans, and take Legna» ani) V
degree of information of this fort. Ihe the statements and aumiffions of the gent.e- cade of his dt .th. .- Cantzin Douglas, and Tarmi S;=t Hoop of f nd 'fro.
Appendix to the firft volume of that excel- ma n himfelf agalnft whom they are alledged. sure in rtealin upon P' ( ' ' . 6 " na ' lore tne Ruffians lhouldar,\ e<
lent periodical work, 7be Anti Jacobin Re- I„ various points of view the circumftanct h aiid deafening bim witn a 101 M . ni, Lat. 42, long. 36. 47> »' this v,ew he continually fcro\;ht un f .
is folcly coiv.ined to foreign literature ftrfking and important ;in the firft place,t the ftren^th m ornin ? , « blowing hard from the (buthward and thick troops, and reinforced himlelf v', ,1
and a-nongft the numerous articles, are fe- alnoimt 3 almolt to a proof, that this Mr. his was prattling this incLo - * weather, loft fight of the convoy—Same e* . .
veraj from America. Monroe was not the unprejudiced andtl.fin- « rehMr ( al ' him in 24 vening law the following vessels belonging rJ ° M of Aiantua and Pefcl«ei> but
On 1 hutfdav I gave the Review of Gen. tere ft e d friend of his country, but the wil- broke aT)la.od ? yeffe!, -which -, • to Philadelphia viz. endeavors failed, and on the 3i|ht w .,
V Eton's -frweeof his charafter ; I this H„g, tool, of his 'party, imposed on hours. • Shin Suoerb, Boyd, for Philadelphia, tirelv def«ted wi.h ur. L
give what .3 little Irfstntereftmg ; viz, th c executive power, and in an evil hour of Thomas Chalkley,Park, do. . , r . !' J ne Atf.
the R. ,Ie . of Scipio's Reflections on unguarded confidence employed by them, N EW-YORK June 7. Adriana, Charlton, do. tasn! cut oti the retreat of th Frenm j t
MukSos's View of the Conduct of undertaking the mission, 011 purpose to fell j t affords <ns plcafure to give publicity Harmony, SneO, do.' Rivoli; and they loft in killed, ~.
TH k Fxkcutive, which has met with very that country _ to France. Of any otter guilt, new particularly when Bri? p e nnfvlvania, Douahue, do. prisoners, not less than 8000 ™
ar a. 'Uplaijfe, but certcinly not greater thar. or even error , ln thus employing a power, - t fair to become of great utility—The Sh ;„ Eagle, Barry, for New-York.
_ . ... , hostile not only to their particular views, f oMowsto g wa ,handed for publication by one Orion, Hughes, do. ~~
V\ !nk- T. arn committing this review to the but to the g . cnera l wl ll and will of the states, Mf _ Goukls . Atlantic, Dean, do. (Another Utter, same d*,), a vefl-rbon of no very pleasing nature t han, that of a want of fufficient forehght, . Rfb-rr/ -Baltimore « TW. t w
intrudes itfelf. I cannot Ikld lamenting, or fufficient firmnefs to «fift popular recom- A ne-w Sba Log has lately been l '" ve " e Br'ur I iifht Heife ' do - Ma o iftrac> of this ci bavt„.
Uvu this vork which is lo much admired by me n'dat.on% we find no proofs; but the h SloL sffters for Charleston ceived the following Official AcL,, ( ;„ d
*f*« •»r; s *-« - i,h r* a -« 23& .» d . „™. v„.™, ot
ai dl 5 now nearly forgotten by tbofe for j nR n ft ance , in confirmation of an impor- lb - oj arc us j<. . ,
- whefe ihftruction it was intended. It was 3{fcrtio ' n firft advanced by M. Mallet . » v.t: thflht Roday and Ret- P
fown amongst tares. ju p an , that diforganuers of all go- A wheel of copper, about 9 inches in V Nimmo an J f or " In the night between the 30, j,i, .5
. r—?«« sc„d in dp"svor,r,«'n;.i» 3 , .F«i*-«*™, p . !Ma . a u e(^
Er.trctt from toe Anti- Jacobin Review, docinp thr'people at large, but by corrupt- or fere"w in the middle ot the axis, in order ' £ , - 15
Vol. pc K < 8,4. inR some of the persona tortpfcd by go- to let the vanes in an angular position with -fathom water, off Nantucket, in a gate from hrnlge of boats near Rivoli, to^J
AMERICAN PUBLICATIONS. vemmcnt :• that ambalTador, and the the is to run endways through the tc u . c # \?a n' sank hy the mountains, the -ritiwrnrf
Av,.SV. Mmimm r hi , wirt. «hi.hhe, ai c».- „,« r . TI, .te1.,11 c«M rf 6 fc.™ ,i„ Arlm , Tk Wl
7j. the conduct of the Executive, pub- federated, were as much the creatures of the. or will the motion ofxhe wheel . .
*K?bed in fifteen Letters in the Gazette French the leading members be regulated .according to the quantity of while with the convoy, an n tcr e- and I v \im nad recourse to the follvirg r h .
of the V.:i 'tedStales tinier tie sigitc- n f tbe council of 500 are, or any other oi ; angle contained betwixt the ends ot the vaner IF -' ' none appearc( . c.n m). j t: ,g rm . 1 liey caused .thej,r.lnfarry tO ,.
ture of Stipio. ("No nbficc when* their more immediate and avowed depen- and the parallel of the axis. The fame wheel ° nl on > 01 e *' low out . almost to Veron in'onleri
cr by printed.) dents will now be doubted by no man, who may be made to run from 20 to 4 o feet at ° f ™aalefton, d.ed icl or .2 day, after the 1 mmt to \ erona, ,n o«kr ; „ „ tlft
To the people of the United States these ~a s givcn due attention to the course of po- 'one revolution,but S3 feet is considered the "me out ; the vessel was left after 1 un; the French, wli.le a corps of Cany, fc,
letters must
they were important and uftful : jfcven in. or thrte years. Happily for those. our the centre of a copper cylinder, so that it >»», near the ledge, spoke the fliip IX-laware, K g
•nis coutitry, t.lough oty interest m them be quondam brethren and fellow fubjefls, the can turn at l'hertv. To this wheel a combi- C-lay tor Lon; OTI. . . > r
ro.doubt fonu-what more remote, they will p|aH . and pro j c as of this desperate party nation of 5 final! brass wheels are connefled Sh !P Emanuel—and (hip Otrma: retreat q! the* French columnbein^ SO i
he rea-. 'xitn pleasure by who, with werc not fcconded as they were in Switter- the.4th of which will move a hand round a ' lom * • »r«, un
4j?, .things it of moment either to watch l an ,J, by intriguing generals and plundirPfig srraduated circle once iii 100 miles, and the St. 1 homas'j, (hip Orlando, Smith, irom _ . < '
the progress of the new dates, or fliU far- armi '„ f and , s ren §,k of the imminent dan- jth once in 2000 mile. ;fo that the distance York has arrived at St. Sebastian, In 2.; remaining 6000 laid.down lhc V ar S Tkj
ther to ascertain the deep and almcftdiaboh- ?tr thfy haV e escaped, it is to be hoped the is fliewn by a inlpeftion of the hands. The . _., u had with them 11 pieces of cannyr-,
c«: art by wnich France fecks to tfTrift her American government, as well as all others, whole xif the midline being made of copper , , T'?' ^ n ' 1 to be a car- g re at number cf ammunition wacaj.' 1
purpose of overturning eviry fettled govern- will hereafter be more On their guard. andbrafs.willweigbfrom6toß tel, last from N.lork, is below. " ' ' f' '
Besides these great points, this pamphlet insy run..anv convenient distance under wa- Brig Beaver, E;hot,from hence, has arri- . . -
. -_r. . iomoc, (a native, we believe ox the has in it many occasional ind incidental re- ter v according to the length of the rope by vc< l 1 Havai»na. • • London, apl.ij,
; uch perverted and fidly degenerate slate oi we v jj deferring our attention. There which it is towed, as from <; to 20 feet, which "^ n . n an M ai 7i Hunt, from hence p xtract 0 r a j €tter r rom r 0 / one i :ii: ar(
Virginia), it will be remembered, was mi- ; s much meaning in th's following sentence, will effedlpaUy rcmedv any errors arising to Bilboa, »taken and fentifl to St. Anto- „ , ' ''
i„er troin the United States to the French extrafled from a letter of Mr. Monroe''J, to from the heave of the lea ; and the cylindei ."' a * arc xy. .JB,
rt iii'Llic, p.t aff.jntereftmg ptsjou, and super- the American in the year *94. will guard .it-again ft cross
t r.c-.i--V •• r. :uKknev. Before his mission After extolling the power and fuccelfes of have to bt brought in as often as the course a n* cond biule to'ok place on the »6tl« S::.
"" '":r- r; '- : • % ' ay '. Deea V..'J. France, he rdds, "In any event it will pro-, of veffcls is varied for infpeaion. If the vef- e , . ARRIVED. Daxs
S .f 1 : '' ■ ;r. v .'• i w V , . iMimiig ■'» l.i ( iiii duce ftvcTi cTTefl, tnat tr AmermrsrmTr. "tn-fails C.ft or flow, it notiies the distance Ship Nonpareil, Periten, Bristol 19, .Wfch, m which the I' ljt.ftwFt,
tin-infhcd chleflv
I Hoiie,near Feldklich. - lithiskw^
U' ited States ns a orovinc to tte'lFV-neh c °nfequence attacks the Britilh Weft-India " The above described machine is not at >chr. Experiment, Ruflcl, Hivantia g morning of tte"?'6th, 150 waggoi*M
% repuldtcf Had this * get out of order, and being well George and Jane, Ward, ; .out ded, -li fe'™ t#
<.< •. ml t ' ru.nous to the fortune of that proud and in- made, will last several years without renair- [Georgetown lo . * " I'■
T ' -"h n H Un " ' sol ' nt nation, (Great Britain) wil]certainly ing." " Ship Janah, Cotton, is laid to have arri- men, arrived at ; Lindau. .The si
fliould be loft bv the vCrv fame ' / .P rocu * e us the objects we have in view,' fry Any person desirous of feeing the ed " A aterford from this port, and failed however, been conlicierable. on ba £k,
t hich it w.',. obtained, is to fay, by 0* p ; 8 lar S e of Britinr commerce.) above machine may be gratified by calling w,th ' th<: Draper. thoDgh the number of the French
rntr"<Wn" her m'oft effentiM to .he P ' 44 ' next page we find some .at tbf houle of Mr. Michael Stagg, Murray. 1h « Elizabeth has arrived from Canton : 6 • ■ •• .• • K
of nerfons hoftd'e r«tonlv to C c b,ntS 35 to the . loan wh ' ch north-weft corner of College-Green. **ktt there the 19th Dec. last. than our;. Ihe French, in ConfcW^
... u,, t r,... f.l 1 France was to repay by securing to the Amen Ontario, and were to fail two the of general Hotze, ardtrj
' Tl tl n-k ricans ' the navigation of the Miffiliippi, THESE may Certify, that we have had the Elizabeth. , p .. '' ••, •
princin!»-s of herrxilting government. The - . j a- • V nave naa y , . , _ tlie Rhire v.-ith treat precipitaticjtw
k-f Great-Britain mikhthav, tarn-ht then, western P°«»» proteAion agamft the Mefflra. ChestfT and Cahin Gould's New In- Sunday arnvea fliip Galen, Nichols, St. T . 6 . '
P * In American Lw with our v,ir,! from Phi- Lcfmo American vcf- V™' I have not time to fay anw.
Waving the con&ra-ior. of Mr." Mot- J and American treasures, were: to have ladelphia to New-York, observed its motion there. " -
roe's very flagrant breath of conduct in pub- JCt H I ™ ; nfat " ble . re P»!>; in , ro "K h a " d Iniooth water, and unde» fwift Same day, brig Little Sarah, RuflU from, " A Nerjcastk pa ,. r ~ S Uurd
lifhinc, without either authoritv or nermif- would never^.Jiave thought they did and floy jnotionj and found it to perform
lion, the confidential correfpoiidence be- n|i ( ' n Britain should be added to with great accuracy, under every circum- iat * 4°, 00, long. 60,00 spoke Ihip Amfter- tains the following paragrai
tween the Prcfrbitt of tte United States :e ' ] c ° nc i uert ' d countries.' p. 47. Their fate, Ihnce which attended it in the paffagr. dam Packet, Crockatt, from New York, to .« We .have iuft learnt that a inrof a
and .heir-minister ir France ; and waving they according to the schemes of this - JAMES MARBLE, Greenock, out 4 days, all well June a, lat. ncotral who „ riwd at
slfo any diflinft filial,ires o„ the lervile de- K' IT % fT" U EPHRAIM MARBLE, 40, 00, long. 67, ep. Ipokethe firitiO, sloop 1. ?I aft 1 h
tio'n ' f -hisgentleman, to the nilir.rpow. fo««Wy defcr.ted in the p.fture Captain and Mate. ot war Swan, from New York to Halifax. rhurfday from AmfterdaWi, has brfjto
c: . r.v contniftrd bv his extremely ,e raws B^tavia —drained 4 of millions -*. \ . . S:ur,e day, brig Fanny, Wade, * days that the French Diredojls
curetpect-ful, and even disobedient conduft nT i 1 arn,,e ®' fru and Ypfterdfty commenced the demolition q.f fronj Ufton. Left there fliip Fair Amcri- w i th( j rawn »-reat part of their trefe
; o .hat'of "his own country, the writer of ban, Ihed, commerce deftroved, all the the Old Exchange, lately occupied by Mr. of andfor Bo,ton, to fail in tw 0 days; 7 " '
•"r I iir.s aronofe to confine hi. t felf to 'niployments of a peace dhblilhtnent Baker, .late keeper of the Mufcum. The abrig and fchr. of and .for do. Holland to reinforce their beaten
fix fptrifir charges, or forbidden ;in ftiort, a republic Market adjoining is also to be dcmoliflisd. rhe f ebr. Trio, Sillfby, Was to fail from Li- the Rhine, the inhabitants of thj#«
' 'l-i is 1, is n.-t hsving com- w " ho » t . a and-c.tizens with a power' " ——- fton to St. Peterfcurgh, the day after capt. country had risen on the remaind'*
plame '. r-» terras instructed to do, 4>f the f"" P" ° ns or P* 48. The June 8. VVadelailed. A Brit;fli fleet of merchant- 'tit
J- Cice which, dispensing v ith W articles an -"-^ ra,,ft ; J«coh,n party in ■On «,lt. a body war, found float- mcn »rrived at Lisbon the day before. thc )' bad entirely MASSMXer, arrf^
r:- the treaty ni .imitv rommeree was iaidtoDe indebied for the notice mg ia th; North River, oppofiteWeft 3amt day, brig Pegsry, Roiffe, from Cadiz rescued themfclrei from the fangi
mended with th, most ruinous efFetfs on the
Anlerican commerc:. > 1 -r t c I P "|g na nt hatred which they Magee, o{ the Hoop William. After search- ,oril s, that the brig Harmony, Capt. Mar
' idly, That without any Authority for .''' B ™ orm 'y dar , ed | a g a '"« Creat Brit- ing th-'body, it was found, that his namr I a "i of Charleston, taken by a French pri- I u
fpcb iiu opinion, he informed the committee j *cy con Ireit as their pride and was H>- y H GLLN, ftippol'cd to be a (ca- I v -teer of 20 guns, sent in the re and condeni- " General Hotze if marching • '
st public fafety of his well knowing, that if, g r/T.I ran "' and hate Britain, man ; and th; t 011 the right arm was an arch, rvf«n ~n m ,trv and a divi6oi. of l^' l !
upon confide ration, after the experiment , k 'j •" >' and they are said compass and fquanr, indented with China Same day, fchr, experiment, Lewis, 18 . ' _i.
wedr. it should bo their opinion that it pro- ®, Te . tebo "s d ">«Mantiy, at it every mk. Ihe body was decently interred in Wefi days from Havanna, faded under convoy of duke's army is proceed ng into Swr»'
-Kired any f, hd good to the republic to dif- J ere tne practice of such parties, to Ten. (>4mp Church Yard, by a number of res 'be Ihip Eliza, of 16 guns, of and for Phila- by which means the French are lilrfo te
/rd the and 24th articles of the trea- I admimftration, of the government peftable neighbors Mid brethren, who atten- delphia, in company with
f, the American government, cndbiscoun- to the people." p. 50, 51. ded on that otcafion. Schr. Dispatch, Hudson, for New Yark. ' jl
■ynift, would not only bear tbe departure " It'»a lamentable and Undeniable truth , , Betsey, Earl, do ' It it reported that General S
'i'Jm thofo articli'i wi.b pain-ncc, but with that there hat been, and is, a perfed con- ! what Wood is this— Brig Dawfey,. , v Baltimowr been beforehand with General Sf W
Measure.' cert of aftion between the French uartv r . n ' eiQ mafferfeft and gory
Schr. Rover, Smith, do'. . t >• mfc
.It. is baftSy parfiibte notto patife a moment ere » and the ruling power of France. 1 « difcolou.U bv th„ ... L, Geo. Sinclair,' do. lng ,0 O ffenbur g h bc ' or « f
."•■re to ooierv~. tn passant, now deep this "» by thit policy (viz. that of gaining over raACt— S!oo P n > Gieen, baker, for Newport, manoeuvre he cut off that Gener**"
-mi:iin.-r it, ; 1 ti;e most dangerous of the |° their interest an aftive and daring party " And ftecp'd in blood! ! Ah! what an un anot her veflcl, name not recollect- to Kehl on the right bank of thel''
J -ci bin dottnus. By the diftinition here |n any country) which France perfectly un- kind hour " ed.
pinto', : : existing between the government derftands, and will never neglcft, that (he " ~ Bu ' l ,y this lamentable chance!" The Exjieriment. on Friday last, was cha- '
aid people of a country, it is more than hi- hat added so largely 10 her territory during We have Teldom to record a more distress- red '. nflf Hatteras, 6 hours, by'a fchr. which , Received by the Hamburg! 1
mutated, th it,, mouh. tne government prove ' e present war ; and which i, to be guard- ingftnd unaccountable catastrophe thau wa- be fuppoled to be a privateer. The French have been beatcij" 1 '
re&at.ory. and unmanageable, the people ed agamft only by a rtfolution in every gov laftThurfd*y night witneued at the haufe ci Ca P l- Lewis informs, that 3 American , . r tlwir olansm brl
- :j<!it taliiv oe so Ueli.or.i by the uftal arts ernment to .xclude from.tteir council, those Mr, Treadwell tackfon, near Brooklyn L veSris hadbeen «ken 5 days before he failed «l Mrter : the whok ofthe,r P h '' , o!
iacliout. men, as actually to appolc the talthiefs men,, who, whether the dupes or- IfaHd: Having returned from a vilr to' his anc * *** CWcr s landed iit,Port Antonia. so completely deranged, that the
executive power, and violently enforce its *nies ojforeign polltie,, no longer deserve brother's, whek- he had passed the evening Orion, Hughes, London, their dcfeated armies, retreating I '^
acoiuehrnce. o 58. " TH* lhe weight, dispatched his fervaut for him, bu ( ***** «». »»d parted Compwy ' . now endeavt/^
■ ft He eitner grossly of President Wafhmgton's service, might in.his.abfer.ce, impelled by causes which am w,th them in >"• 43 5 co. long. 46,00. in every d.rea.on, u.ll no« endea
or failed tiuly to reprcct tie ob Jc a of Mr. be <iiminifhed or taken away, calumny and unknown, he resorted to the horrid exDedi- com P ai, >" w 'th three Ihips. Tte Boftonfri- if poflible, their own frontiers, F
Jay s-mmon_n J,e court ot Great Britain, falfehood have been at work night and day : d murder and suicide, by firft ft,ob!Lr S ate ftlll with the fleet. on the d-fenfive for tte rtft of th<*P" 6 '
T r 4 i n 'J.'.. c , 'V r "Ti° PC y G ,'*ettes in oyr- anmtry have Mh Jack/on, and prelintly after himfelf j Some day, ship Nonpareil, RofTetter, Loll- ' lßr
, edged to c mmuuc of pi.hhc fahty 111 with every malevolent fidion that could be We only authortfed togive this bare flat/ ' an °tber of the convoy.
■ . ranee to eommumcau-to ttem the de«fed against him 5 and not eontent vitb .«•««.of the fails, being unacquainted with A Ihip supposed to be the Atlantic, of ~ „ 6
r '' atfd t)y Mr - >'" h wd gazette, into pay, h mav tW particulars. Mr. Jackson was rep-itid th » P 0 «» Satrrday last at the back of tte East Hamburgh, '
~ - bclleved > hr French Republic h ? v e hired 10 be a man in very eafv and plealant cir Bank * on ro,I '"S yard arms in thewwa n u orh u l. the French el!
,J tf to Carthagena. [of .