/ - VM V *'"■ ■ ■ - V , '■ 1 ' ?! S '■■■ "'- ' ' ' ! Df §&tUtZB, Ai -"' Philadelphia Daily Advertiser ; ■ *—■ 1 ' ' ■« ■■ ' ■ H_ ■■■ PL ... -I".!.. - " - -'J" - .-■>■- ■- —— iJgLLJ-- •jjwflr-i— : - : — r: ri .. n ~ T , n..,,.,,, , T jC7» The price of this Gazette is Eight Notice is hereby given, for saLf., for sale, ou to LET, Detaivdri & Sebw&Ul Canal Olfkty D, Heirs per annwn to Subscribers residing X HAT wil > bc *' ide wthe Tffsf " A Handsome New rlpule, A large and ekgant Brick Hou/e, Plnl&lpbra, May 9, 1 799 . ... , A uryof the United States, for the renewal Wtibtn $ milet ff the ctty. Suu te in foyth Fourth street, near the mar- TN wirfoincc of a >,f il„ n r,11,f,,,i in the ctt? of Philadelphia. All others pay a f t h e following Certificates of fix per cent, and _ Two (lories high, -ogetber udrh agr ift lot, it ket. For terms apply to i and in.uta«ers ot the Jlelaww'-iitTs.-hiivl. one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- Deferred funded Stock, finding hi the toll®*-- i»«n a very goad fituanon for b*Snel»—£'•« term- BENJAMIN NONES. kill Canal Company, the' Stock-holder- are here , , J , , Ing names, the property of John ClakKk, Esq. wdl he made very conwnunt to the pu acket, " _ -P«ny, at the Company's Office in this city, itmuit beJaidSi* Months in Advance. " Twenty-fivt Thousand foOtf# & Three Or four gentlemen may Jjg on the Ittj, June % gj=— ! * scoo um dated March ,th, 1795- Re- j S yet ut foP ,J yc „ on ,ood ra « »o do'Zl o" the $ A-Lft&t? FOR SALE, Certificate in ta.or C 1 J ale , i. thisc j„. and it. vicit.iiy. by mortl MCm*/., n0 " «*■' north Wm. OOVETT. Treaforer. , -B--TK The fast sailintr SHIP John ,no lTaocfsßanagfeCo. gl g e vhe titiednv 11 be cl,:jr and ,he —Miy i 3. m? n Brauniberg Kltippel %j ~ Chefnttt li~eet. „ . J799- / , She is well calculated as a Faefch &Co of Amllei\lam .. ' J./ ' lj.tu As ptopfietorj of certificates tflired forfub- TVT AIT fO'A PMTf PQ Packet between this and the southern dates, hav- 4ljl i i 4 8»3 do. Dec jd, 1796 do. in ta - A ll &"f* P jt. lug bandfor.ie and extenfivc accommmiations for I J vor of F. L Btaunfhrrg of' ' x< fra^ e ' i,otcs ' &c- &c * ■ 3OU E !l 31 10 on | eight per centum per annum, are notified*, that | paffsntjert. She is well fuita-' for the ftrei K hts or Amsterdam 1 commilbon. , at any time after payment (hall h.ive bern made T EAVE Philadelphia dav, f Sundsv J»c(t ludu tral«, and can he sent to tail a trif- . g 3536 do. March 15th,'96, do.in fa- " iay - ! ° ... ~1 fciL—. of the sth inflalment, which will become due JLi exeeoteii) at 8 o'clock. \M. arrive ><■ ungexpence. The inventory may be leet. and L he rfo do Old French Brands in lafee and (,llr ' n « thc firft len ,sa y s of »he rnonth cf July Baltimore' the next dav, by i 1 o'clock, A. M.' terms ot faletn.de 3,836 , 413J d „. May 17th, ',6, in favor UlCl ' in anu of Fuii(Jed gtpfk ms; . at i ) ' A * W * N* j- t HAZIER, o j do do imall calcs t he;r option be obtaine'.'. at the Treasury or Loan . , turning. No. 95 South Front St. t6 g do s th , 6in f 100 boxes 7by9 & 8 by. 10 ,W in low OU» officcs> refp< .aivety, for the amount of the sow ,'; £ave every c'ay, (i, in faVor »*6 whole fc 6ha -tjercs Rice, prefStd in the fabfe. iprio*cenificet*. : —Kocer- P-'« :ne n«*t day, by 9 6'cUk, A. M. - ? of Frederick L.xlewyk B-aunf- . FOR SALE ljT t ificate. of Funded St.-ck will howewrhc -ffuod 2?« W «„ andFiiil AZTl*v:<. NIGER, berg of .SmHir-dam UUrnty 1* SMltl), for lei* than one hundred dollar*. Leayr Phto'#lp'.i» every r'.ay (Stlntiay eafury or Loan Offices u, «»,- York the Rcxt morning, by 8 e,\Lck. . r 1 c u. t.v, ,» rm . US' 4! t»o< do. July 13d, 05, in favor . r „ (>q»er rof tie foregoing arrangement, will be ,can teuive some l " * ' ,iv,au rv 0 x3»iSo do Dec lotk, 'os, in favor. piOKSISI'iyG ct Coarse and fii\- C'otht.— that a moetyof the stock hasbeen iff'icd. Leave'Nev.- York eec.-y .lay , SnmlaV exoepj •t)3S,T V -[■ y - of do ,do . pr-. ci?a!ty n»rk iUe. and printed Caffitaeres OLIVER H'OLCOTT, at oi« o'clo. kP. 'A. and .mivc at FOR BOSTON. *9B %t 33*6 do. in favor v, pf ly to Secretary of the Treasury. 1 *>■"«•';*»* ">« ««*t by 7 o'clock. , , ... , p of do do Owen & Jonathan 'jonet, ' ' 4«oo o 13793 do Nov, 16th, in favor No. 131 Marku-flrett. A'bcdUtlfulCountry Seat,for Sale New-Tork, HERCULES, cf John a».d Francis Barmg tc. a P"' *9 __L QITUAI ED r n the bank of the Delaware At But man'.' O.Mce, No. /; Cortbp.d-flrcet. X'mir James Lathrop, matter, M.y«lh. in favor Freight to be bad. p toHUMilwd# of Matt6i«%'c» M Mr. In Philadelphia. WiiUlntcndavs. for fteirbt or passage, ' V do'^d'o 95 ' . THE.Subfcribcrs havcjOOO bufil- W*'. At FrW ILnei, No / fc ß ,h Fo,,h apply to the captain'on board at Chefnut i6co 0 «3798 do. N d ov ' 95. » n Favor e i, oi -SALT to Jhm to the Hav.rn.aor Ne«- The bttilding. confttt ofantw two A.'ry Frame Secon'/ftrett.' C 1 , « ««»»•* Sh fill ...K„,.r , 0 , , , , „ Wf Orleans—Anf per (on who vil! t. kt it at a tno- House and Kitchen adjoining— 3 rooms on a L ' " ' ' 4 _p W »vrtt»n\'Tfr 963 Nlo. Apr. 141 h, 97, Cammi - j frrare freight will pieafe apply at No 95, floor, a Piazza the whole front of the House, a In Btiltimon'. JOSEPH ANTHBNT* u>. fioner of Lban. of New-Ydrk. Nerth Water.llrtet, ,0 Pump of excellent ,vater, also a 7 ood garden and At Evans' Tavern. J"" " r ' ™ AT>I * K^ orchard-,o acres of land will be fold with the iare so .- p affenpfr ,. frcm . - premise.. but more can be bad ,f re,u,red. p fi iato New-York, a»d S Dollar, from Pbih- Mfkt. ~r f - . Who have for Sale, 70 tons Hemp, 14 pipes There 13 a gravelly ft re at the river, the water ddbhia to Baltimore. 2 WmW 30.014-97 u per cen , choice Old Port "A'ine, Claret, Roll Bii.T.ftone, stage.(or Burlington pas. every 9. s°u TH F ROW tStrJ ft, ' looe 0 5883 do. Mar, .Bth, '93, dote IHE l l olloWUlg certificates of NOII L E. Proprietors vftbe Mail Line, from Tur ofr T to C advir# of ftiarei of the stock of the Bank ot the United 1 partnership of Joibua B. Bond, and Philadelphia to New York* * HE bubs. i y . T^oo 0 \\ft do. do do do do td States h»\ebeec 101 lor d«ftroyed*t Tea, toH X John Brooks, trading under the firm of Getferal PoA-Ofice, > hn" iend». oj ers i» rv,. l ..y p. do do 13 st a res in the-ame of Peter Blight, of which Bond ii this day diflblved by mutual May I, j $ as a Ship #nd m urapce n 01. V ? laoo® o 90c. do. Oft. 9th, '92, do ti| 5 (hire, No 4185, 3 shares No 4186. and 3 consent, all persons indebted to them, are re- •. , es to buy ai c i s an< ev , b , John Warder &Co of London (hares N041X7, and 6 (hares in the name of qusfted to make immediate payment to Joibua hVnterine aS the Cuftom-H.-ife, 700 43 95» do, Oft. 16th,' 9 !», do to John Barker Church, ® , - . r • , n,uir forwarde by the Counted ot Leiceftrp packet thecr accounts to him for fettleroent, all other'mercaSile accounts, and io 7 8 S 33 6076 do. May i 3 lh, '93. do to tronr, Falmouth for New-Vork-andun (hares Joshua B. Bond. COO GuineaS Reward, v /» '■l 'John BrCokso a I • and in- S°°° ° do. Aoc:- 6th, *93, do to of Amsterdam, No 1796. which were forward- apr {| t x T OST this evening, between five and fix fr> nafr" eJeraf mercantile matters Nich'Jas Van StaphorA of Atn- C **%* P'" o M.,r„r. •> ,n,s in ml! Hr, ,u> r>,r, ,lo ,i n A ItV 1 . V. . ! divided into lats to contain from too to 500 acres 1000 17 li, 47 OA. Ditto Hv fin Skin ' j n r Bank of the UHited Mates, No. 4933, in each: The terms of faie as follow, vit Purohafers icoo 1714, «7 Ditto Ditto •Vnni »V ; vfoH iff r SA S. , ,n/s*il, Nr,v ~1 'no /t^r n name «f Julia W adlworth Knox, and for t o give bond immediately after the sale with ap A f>raft on Mess. Hankey and Co. £53 13.. wlnr' S 34 3968 do. Nov. 3d, 9J ,_ do to 4?hi r h, appl.cation is made at the Bank of the proved conditioned tor the payment of Ditto Dorien and Co. 367 7 and Garden Fan., JOCO o 1 7 a 4 do.° Nov." 6th, 'oa,"" do W b '" ,ud S ' l[ " for ,hc ■"C..ewal „f ixid ccrtih, rl )e purchafc money, with intcreft from the day of gitw Cart a and Co. 30 it N , J ' 4 J A V ' 9 -l cate; and all persons concerned are deflred to ;i!e, m four equal annual inftateieat., agreeably Ditto Steiihenlon and Co. o 4 China W are alTorted. • ° °' ° take notice. BIDDLE. to an ait, cothlcd, •' Aa a a appointing . ommil- Ditto Rogers and Co. 3316 Umbrellas, 3 to 30 inches, 74387 30 Deferred 6 per cent Stock - lilL- andputchaa-th.fanAscOtf.- Di;to P.rcfco, and Co. 37,8 SllkHandtefhiefc. , WfLLING'S L FRaNCIS I nts lh*t etienma- monly called the Choptauk Indian l.ands .n Do.- Ditto Harcourt and Co. lj i< Hair Ribbon, and Sewing Silks. ro#v .. «'LLING S & FRANCIS. Lost, lttSt efcmng chefler coumya-,d for• appropr.al.ng the fame t. DJtlo Smith, Payne and 00. so Ij '/ hey have also remaining on Hand V * s —A GRLY-HOUND, the ufe4,fthis state, and t«j repeal the aA of affem-. Djtto Dorien and Co. ;s 5d Black i'ciCUns, Chcppa and Hullicat Romalls, is hereby PlVeil, of the English breed ; fioa si-'os! !re ' ,ilC '" l ' '' P a - at °^ cmoir ie Ditto LeFe»re&Co. 111 11 6 And a geneiaVaffortnient ol Ury Goods as usual. XHA.'!'annU aiinn will hr ri aHe-o the Tru- TLXAS a brass collar round her neck with '.he ' ' m M MARBURY Agent Ditto Ditto - - Bao o o •7 bomas if Joshua Fisher. „ r y of the United Stltes Vor the renewal of the H name ofThom««terling on'it ; kod, quite 'for the state of Maryland. . A bill drawn on Plepning & Wake.B-.wXane, Athmo a 6 ... ;* following certificates of 6 per cent funded stock wh.t f , except a small spot on her left fide ; -ach apri l , 9 . ,!,n, as\-cr cruforwT r-j . r x. • i n u i u cheek ot a dove aoiour ; anlwcrs to the par jof two months after date, value ; £zo.-—One ditto ROSS if SIAISON, the fa id certificates having been loft onboard the Doye wl)oeTcr hls t ' kcn her a an / w ; 1 de . - T o be La, on Fell, No 3 a O'd Change, by Hall, and HAv t for sale, Packet, captain Kidd, from Falmood, liver i.er at th, Indian queen, (hall be rewar ed. A Stnrp nnrl T riff payable to Smith, dated Nov 30, at two month, 300 pieces lft and 2d quality Russia '"New-York: _ may » s A. s tor e and Lott, /after date, for^u, , 9 r-O.Mit tev ,Savwell ° Duck No. 307*1 Signed Joleph Nourfe, in fayor of NEAR Market-ilrcct Wharf. Enquire of & f < ins , Wood ftrect, by Ball, and payable to 100 pieces Ravens Duck (superior) addmgton, NOTICE, the Sub-briber, . Braddock, dated Dec. 19, at txn monrlii, for Boston Beef in Barrels dated February d, 1795, for dol- A Certificate of one (bare of Bank Penniylva- GEO. DAVIS, &e-.—One ditto on Eden, Word it, 't, by At. ,K. 1.. R-n»,l $ COSSAB w , r' l s°?r lW r w .„. /» ma ft«k, No 7-t, mmy uame, having 3 i 9 H.gh-ftrret. Willums, payable to order, dated No v. .. at A few bales Bengal [ I]UMHUMSi No. *964, Signed JofVph Nourfc, to William beeriloft or m, flair), apphcati on „ made »t tl.faid W „ Ja -,tf efcree months for/30 2J —One ditio. on Neale 1100 bulhels St Martins Salt. *Jw Willmk, and Nicholas & Bank for renewal of the ianie ; all persons con- , w Tv~.lT & Co.St. Paul'. Ch.ich Yard, by Adams, and ,pn! ri . ♦ Jacob Van Hubbard, cerned are defircd to the of lufpeaion, at the house 01 the subscriber, in dated Nov. it, at two mmths, 01 so caflcs-SriltleS ' Alf*_a Narraga»fet Mare and Grey county of Berk,. JOHN MORROW. Norr.ton townfliip .in the county V, boever may have found the above, and w«l , fig ia_ Dowlas TUST RECEIVED BOARDING. 3d Dift.tft Sur.i'enniylvarna. |y receive Fi'je Hundred Cuiacaj Reward with- SS.-S.tJS »- Au — SKSfi < >J HhdSdcaux Brandy ±l6 pipCS bigh-flaVOrcd Brandy, Ld heahK! L ' > '~ n 18 pJW * known throughout tht. Country anrJCcn Xo pipes Spaniih do 364 sacks Hazle Nuts, and a quantity of Cork j, ' T r concerning the Duties on Spirits diliilled within tiueut 40 hds Bourdeaux Claret. FOR SALC BY - - the cJnited States," it i? required of all perfonr hav- april 19 2J,, ' ini hrick Lewis Bollmann. Thomas if John THK p.ptkrtsp-ip OV ing or a Still or'tijs to mi-ke entry there- No. IOC Snruce-ftreet' mnv ir ' A, .t PAR . NKRSPIP Cf of, brtV'tcnthslajl day of May and thtjfry? day of april 17. { j t f ' J 4 17JNIS, ANN£SLEl ~ is" Co. Jfty in each year, under the penalty of t-wo tun- ■ FOR SAL" J The fubfcriiiprTv v roa v/lf ■ IJEJNG diflfolved by the death of Thomas 'ired and fifty dallari: CO,OOO Acres of LAND, ine lublcnfcmhaye op hand, and for sale at .re- . ' O Roberts, all those viho have ar.v den-> d« NOHCIi is tharefore hereby given to all distil- * the following articles, via. /I bales Surinam Cotton, igaiWl them artdcfirecl to furtiih their accounts le r. or, owners of Stills, within the city and coun- T YING in the county of l' a < to rtj!lc cntr r " f chem at the K inia > hounded on the ealt by the river Madeira Wine RUSSIA DUCK. make immediate pavrncnt to Richard Tim.s fef Office of Infpeaion, at No. 4?. n 6 .th Third street, Clinch, on the fo.ith bv the river 0.-eft, and rhevintageof-96, fine, when ,he A.v, APPLY T0 Xober, Annefley surviving partners, who p,r- '"the'.ty of Ph.l.delph.a, w.th.n the above m.n- tothewellby Sandy river. This »iA ( fttuate (lore well auapt?d\o their^improvement IsHOC ffoTV&, JUTI. V°* continuing be business as usual under the uw * d *"*'*' „ a r r ,, _ f,x r " l,es fr ° m ,h . e <-°«»ho U fc of the above *5 Chest, of Young HyfonTea ' No h i Colkßor, o, Abm. ton „ well An Invoice of vrell-sfforted China—original mavio d.w And have for fate, Of the Revenueof tbe firftof Division of fettled,and has hkewife the Jdvantagc of a wag. cost hetwee. 8 and 900 doll, iti CmtM - James' River, "N the Pirft Survey of the Diftria of Pcnn- gon road) .s divided ...to trad), of 10, 5 and HIGBEE & MILNOR laU Notice Georgia, ( TOBACCO fylvani?. IJOO acre, ea.h, and Will be iu!d, altogether, march.i. vtt.rv.UK. L.QJI IMOIICe. CaroHna, &{ Of good qualitv. Philadelphia, June T, 1799- aawtjyt or in lots, as it may hit the purchalers, by o.lc - '"THE Commiifioners Appointed for carrying Maryland ) ~ ' li FMOVAT of the owners who will rtlide ihtte during the LAST NOTICE. 1 iSto eflß-a the Twenty Pirft Article of the yth mo 18th dfit nniitorrnT C qnM months of May, June and July rot, in order ALL ps.-foi s having claims againfl the Eflate Treaty of Fri.ndfhip, Limits and Navigation, KOBLKI t>Ut be bUIS, to put them who may teconie purcliafers in pof of John McGrann, late of Laroline county, between hi. Catholic and the United vJollCe. n.svi arMovro their session. in the state of Maryland, dec«af#J, are hereby re- States of America, hereby ire notice to those » CERTIFICATE of n <•'(h » m i'rrr Brush Manufactory c.nd Ironmongery Store, I tie plots duly authenticated and certifier? by queftid ro meet the subscriber in Deuton, at Mr. person. whole claims have been filed in due'time f\ nited States tlock °rf "nart of t0 No s 7s' Market Street, nearly opyofite the the surveyors, are in the baud, of the fuh'fcri- Benjamin Dinnej';, on the 3d I uefday in May but who have not yet turnilhed .the necefTary Dugas de Vallon havinp he n loft or mHlu'd Conneftogse Waggon, where they have for fab bers. Every fatisfadtion v. jli be given wirh tf. next, witn th«r account, properly attetted, that documents, to produce tbe fame at their office, applieatioa i, rriadeat the (aid or rtn.'wa! of a " usual.home ma n ufai Bth. jo 5 p. l ' dlvraOcWl . at. Bcurejl. the fprinjj vessels, an ampls addi'ie®. , ?.■' c. 4 a „ 2 Ph'ladelphia, May 15, 1799. dim Barchle . djm J. 10 . t **f p eterfl;Urs:i p eb . F ' &A< J^ F * 1 1 • l{. . ■ f