Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, June 07, 1799, Image 3

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1)03 i ON, June 3.
Etmimeficitl Gazette*.
i.-rter from, Europe, publiflied in
v ur is dcfjtrviitg the attention of every
one ivFio wii'hcs well to his country. The
pr»4,/.i)le plan of operations on the part of
Franc \ there pointed'out, cannot be too vi
giUntlv guarded against. Our national in
dependence, the fruit of so much toil, and
' trealure, and blood, may be loft in one un
warr hour ; aml<e?.rsand penitence, and even
maiiLy struggles, forever after in vain recal
the fund realitv. The. fedudtive arts of
France hsvej. already made almost half Europe
a fceue of vice and misery. Slavery—.slavery
jo wretchesgrovflingwith the warmeltpaflions
that cami£t irate .the human heart, il entailed
1 j poll those iutiop.s. \y hich have
psftilentiai breatk of French fraternity. What
shall we do to be saved .? is the queftiou
which eselv American should put to himfelf.
•The answer is-, and aOght to. be.: First pro
■ that Almighty Being
-wli!) decidpth the £ase of Empires-—emplore
pardon for-palVtrauljri'elfipns,- and. endeavour
to. turn frfilYi the jgvjfi of w.;<ikeduefs_aiid er
j-or—.J'ifcJrd. as.fcvr aSjyonr.influence extends,
-all.-the .iijppjou?, aqd' bcJfrid nations- of the
.French revolution—cherish the institutions
•of v Hir fitth'-rs Well each day your
dtuvas CiirilUani, a» fubjedls, and as jnen—
give your hearty fuppcr.t', to the wife and
- viitupus rukrs of the land—consider that the
authority which you have, delegated, and '
•which is used .only for good,- ought never
to : be impeded, much lei's raChl.y snatched
from- the hands of those to whom it is folemij
ly committed—if a foreign emissary arrives
• among you, and afTures you he is as much
your friend as your own government, set
him doMnvfor a deceiver who would destroy
you-—bear constantly on your minds, that, to
talk of national friendship is as ridiculous,
as to imagine leva to exist between distant
r'ocks. By pursuing steadily a course of this
kind, you will humanly fpea king, ensure a
continuance of yourprefent political, and re
ligious privileges; while a deviation from it,
will harry you to that vortex, fror l whence
■ now i (Tiie the groans of so many of the re
publics of the elder world.
The Directory finding thewfelves foiled in
their system of menace and outrage towards
these states, liave taken the. retrogade motion
which has been so fatally fuccefsful in the
cases of Genoa, Geneva, of all Switzerland
and c t Italy. In conformity to this ,iV*re
the proportions on their part for a new em
bafly to be sent to Paris—propositions which
they did not mean should be acceeded to by
our government.' They were therefore pre
paring a garb of hypocritical fanftity for a
new envoy to us, who was to come over a
picture of grief and dejeftion, that the go
vernment of the United States was so averse
to a reconciliation ; while the Direttory de
sirous of nothing but peace, harmony and
justice, had waved all etiquette and all digni
ty, ana notwithstanding the hauteur with,
which their pacific advances had been treated,
had fait him to make one last effort. What
measure they will now firft pursue, it is dif
ficult to fay—the President's nomination
must have greatly disconcerted them ; but I
am still inclined to think they will persevere
fti fending an envoy, notwithstanding his
language must be feme what different from
What they firft contemplated.
American Independence.
It is said that the Hon. Mr. Ames will
accept bis appointment to the Council Board.
We sincerely congratulate the public upon
this occasion. The fervicss of this accom
plished ftatefiran, patriot, and orator, can.
Dot be too h ghly valued. **
The Circuit CouVt commenced their term
in this town, on Saturday last. At 11
e'eh dk, this day the Hon. Judge Chace will
pronounce i Charge to the Jury.
We are unhappy that it is not in our
power to an' unce any thing more favoura
blf concerning the health ot His Excellen
cy Gov. Sumner, who ft ill remains ex
tremely ruduced by a dangerous and obstinate
As aninftanceof the wifdorn and policy
of detenfjv'fc tnealures, we note that from the
Ift to the 31ft May, last past, there have art i.
ved in the District of Boston, from foreign
Total, 88
all freighted with valuable cargoes, and'waf
ted home tinder the pretention of our own
guns. On the foore of profit&lofs, whohavefa
ved millions by arming; irr point of energy.
s<rd national spirit, our gain is incalcula
ble. 41 Rffift the Devil, and .he will flee
from," is as true applied to the French,
is to Lucijcr.
NEW-YORK, T*ne 6
The citizens of this state cannot be too
much commended for the late manit'eltation
of tht irztal and difcemment, in restoring to
it, the chirafter of Federalism which it had
hitherto 1 hazarded—the assurance we poffcfs,
that with ccmmon ir.duftry, our cause can
fJlv ays he rendered secure, is a fsbjcft of
pioyscongratulation ; it dill however is to
be lanrt-nted, that ia proportion as active ex
ertions became apparently the
viclffitudf 1 to apatfiy ar.d indifference fuc
teeds—We vainly imagine that oneconqueft
over Jacnbinifm is concluliveof the iinpoten
cy *nd harmleffnefs of democratic artifice and
French intrigue—this credulity is as danger
ous %s it is unfounded, 'she temper of op-
uofi ion is toj ia; •.•UTitC.ta be overcome by
a p rtiil Arl'eat ; the i.-cd is not yet destroy
ed ; and whik a gra.n remains, cultivators
will be foiuid to entourage and promote its
growth. At prefcnt it is to be ajjprelietfned,
that it is fufficient'y gv iitral'to unite among
us, what mofi we have to dread, A FRENCH
MINISTER—The difpoiition of the Di
re&ory towards us, h:;s ever been regulated
upon the principle-and hope of co-operation
here ; and it is not t*.; be doubted that at
this period they would want refpeftable sup
port. In addition to'their declared devotees
there are many whom we consider now as
supporters of our administration, who it is
feared would be deceived by the fhadew of
returning friendfliip, and seduced by the ap
pearances of truth and sincerity ; many who,
ignorant, or, regardless of their true inte
rests, and the importance of national charac
ter, Would be forward in proposing large
cessions for an untimely--and. insecure Peace;
This may be deemed anticipating ills ; but
be a (Tared, the Dire&oryare not uninformed
of our national pulse and sentiment—Spies
and Informers are not wanting- to afford
them all friendly and necessary aid; while
the evil"Si delayed: let us cooly lefleit; con
template the means that have been employ
ed for the rtiin of other happy republics ; and
recal their number; this confederation will
inspire us to be prepared in preventing the
United States of America from being added
to the long catalougue of ONCE INDE
Yesterday arrived in town from Philadel
phia, Mr. Lifton, His Britannic Majelly's
Minister to the United States. It is laid he
is on his way to the northward.
By a pafTenger, on board the (hip Argus,
arrived yesterday in 40 days from St. Sebas
tian, we are informed, tbac the French Gov
ernment hat iff'ied a proclamation declaring
that all Americans taken-in arired (hips iliall
fuffer imprisonment.
We do not learn, that the Argus brings
any thing worthy of note, excepting the
By the (hip Argus, Capt. Ward, art-ived
last evening from St. Seballians, we have re
ceived file* of different French Papers from
the firft of January to the 9th of March,
which we (hnX examine, and make tranfla
tiona of such articles as appear interesting.
We have also receiv«d(in a pampklet )"a
Memorial, addreded, by ♦Perignorf, to the
Minister of Justice, in bebalf of Capt. Thos.
Talbut. a Citizen of the United States," ref
pe&ing the brig Tryal, fram Philadelphia,
bound to Bilboa, in Spaia, and put inter
Bayonne in diftrefn, where (he appears lo
hare been seized by the French govern
ment.—Of this we (hall' give a Translation.
To the Captain we are indebted for the
following interfiling Marine Intelligence :
LIST of Amerrican VeJTeh in BAYQNNE
• . I /♦ jt. «f
BrigTryal, Talbert, of Philadephia, and
fchr. Alligator, Alden, of New-York —on
Schr. Alert, Oliver, of Beverly, and fchr.
Rising States, Bradford, of Dunbury—con
Schr. Molly, Stevens, of Marbl-liead,
commiffiontd for 1.3 —and fchr. Maria,
Coal, or ditto, for 1-4 —laying at a small
port 12 miles from Boyonne.
Brig Molly, Kelly, of Philadelphia—at
Passage, on 1 rial.
Ship Fame, Story, of New-York—at St.
Sebastian, on trial. ,
Vessels left in PASSAGE and St. SE
BASTIAN, 25 tbof Afril, not captured-.
Ship Superb, Lee, for Boston, at Faffage
—to fail in 10 days.
dt St Sebajllan.
Ship Maria, Travice, for New-York—
to fail in 4 weeks.
Ship Dianna, Smith, f«r do.—to fail in 4
Yesterday noon, during the races, Mr.
Peter Benicue, inn-keeper, near the fort,
committed suicide in the uncommon
and {hocking manner. While his house was
crotided with company, he deliberately un
(locked an English Mufquet, took his (hot
bag and powder horn, and walked the dif
tance of about three hundred yard, intofome
bushes, where it appears, he loaded the bar
rel, and striking up a fire, lodged the 'lower
end in the flames, while he rested his bread
on the muzzle: as soon as the explosion took
place, the whole charge was lodged immedi
ately in the pit of his stomach; and he'ap v
pear» to have expired instantly, An addi
tional horror was added to the-fcene,-by the
wads having fct fire to h's cloathes, which
burnt the body in the moll (hocking manner.
A coroner's inquest was immediately held,
but we have not learnt their verdidt.
• / •
the 20 th of April :
Brig Eliza, Woodbury, of Salem; brig
Mary, Howard, of New-York ; (hips Fame,
Rust, of Portland ; and Adalade, Murr, of
Baltimore—waiting for trial.
Sh'p Pearl, Latimer, of New-York—on
Ship Orlando, Smith, of do—not ready
to fail.
Ship Matilda, .Travfrfe, of do.
Brig Friendship, Watts of Philadelphia.
Schr. Adventure, Freeman, of Boston.
Schr Peggy Palmer of New-York.
/AN petition of George Hill to the Judges of
the Court of Ceinmon Pleas for the coun
ty of Philadelphia,. for the benefit of the adl of
the General Aflemhly of Pennsylvania pafled
the 4th day of April 1798, entitled an aft pro
viding ttoat the person of a debtor (hall not be
liable to imprisonment for debt after delivering
up his cftate for the benefit of his creditors, un.
less be hath been guilty <af fraud or embezzle
ment—said Court have appointed tke 24th inft
at ten o'clock in the forenoon to be,-- him and
his creditors, at the ftatehonfe or
the said Court lhall then be holden.
June 6.
It ; s said that the villain lego, (fomctiliie
focretary to the Governor of Cyprus) despairs
of the liiccels of that comport of lewdnefs and
debauchery, on tvhwrii i;H ly# Hbpes rested.
li.s visage wont to " cream and mantle, as a
standing pool," now grins horribly a ghastly
smile,—and he is ready to fay 's occu
pation's gone. When futb wretches tremble,
the jubilee of virtue mull fuieiy be at hand.
V/e learn, that old 111-pdvse has profited
no'thifig by his exiurliotis. The people, now
irritated by his overbearing insolence and op
preflion, now disgusted by his crouching
roeannefs and servility, cry out, where least
it was to be hoped, " Fellow, be gone! we
will not brook thy rule !"
The times (so continuously 'out of joint)
fteiri at length to be on the approach towards
a renovation of that (late, \yhich the illuGons
of a lunatic illumination led mankind to ex
change in a breath for a system fourtded on
the toils of sages thro' federal tboufand years,
Its is found out of Demagogtit s, thqaffiduous
apoilles Of desolation and death, that the {edi
tion thty preach, is the craft by which they
have their wealth ; and,- is the inv teracy of a
man awakened from a definitive and detefta
bie delusion, against those who led him affray,
and thtir abominable hcrefies, ill do in knows
any bounds, it were ealier, for Janus, Ccllot
d'Herbois, or Foucuier Tinvillc rpafs for
honeil men and chr.fUar.s, than it were "to
charm the terrible, though, just indignation
of the viiTtiiriSi of del.ufiou against their sedu
Ah idea has been taken up by many par
ibus, who, remembering the ancient adage
" ira a mailt turn redintegratio eft amoris,"
believe it still just and applicable, that the
craft of the old enemy of mankind, so abun
dantly infufed into his clump-footed rt-pre
fentative, will triumph over. American hon
esty and simplicity, and that our quondam
lifter republic, (wbm God confound) will
yet draw very tight round u| the cords of
her triendtliip. Against l'uch an issue, we
would fain hope operative might be
expected from the wisdom and the majesty
of the people. It is not easy for us to be
lieve that they have made up their minds to
such a state of things,—that they are fatigued
with the trouble and expence of indepen
dence, and cowardly enough to yield to the
Vandals because Rome is fufficiently rich
to afford to pay tribute, or that they are
asinine enough to submit themselves to the
domination of the bloody, Gqillotine, be
cause the gentle Barras, honest Merlin, or
the truth-loving Talleyrand mill tell them,
like the affaflin sent by the brutal Philip
to murder his own son, that M it is all for
their own good."
The ancient Pistol, were" he now alive,
would stand as fair a chance as alraoft any
character on record, for becoming the pat
tron and tutelar deity of democracy. His
courage and his honor, seem to entitle him,
above all other heroes, to their admiration and
preference, and if originality,and merit had
always their due, bully PiftoJ would certain
ly grace with his name one of the Comple
mentary Sanfculottides of the Republican
calender. • " -
It is faicl that Buonaparte has entered Je
rusalem, and planted there the Tree ct Li
berty. In the earlier annals of the he!'/ city,
we read of a barren figtree, and this modern
wicked (lick of wood, without a divine curie,
will soon refemblc its condemned predeceflbr.
The tee of Fi-ench Liberty is deadly hem
lSck.' It is like the fabled branch of the
Roman poet. Each rwftle of its leaves is a
groan, and its sap is blood. Let Buooapsr
to plant, and his associate ruffians water,
such a baltful fucker cannot increase. It
will be, in the sublime language of prophecy,
as an oak, whofc leaf fadeth, and there (hall
ahe great owl make her nest and lay, and
there also (hall the vultures be gathered.
WHEN 1 addrefled a few Hnes,
through the medium of your paper, to the
Board of Health, 1 did not imagine that I
(hould give any body the i'malleft offence j and
lead of all that what I had written would
fub'jedl me to the suspicion of being an out
rageous democrat ; as this is as different
from my real character as light from dark
ness, and the proportion itfelf, if it has any
thing to do with politics, has rather an aris
tocratic phiz.
As the Board consists of some of themoft
refpedlable thara&crs in the city, who are
justly considered by their fellow-citizens as
the principal guardians of the public health,
I always thought it proper that they fliou'id
have an absolute cotitroul over the Portphy
ficians, on whose faithful co-operation so
much depends. These physicians are paid
tor their ft?rvices, and it is neceflary they
(hould be refponliblc to some authority, more
efficient than tlis Governor, who has always
fieri from danger on its firft appearance, and
is often so indisposed at his country feat, a:
not to be spoken with. To whom then could
this authority be 4« properly transferred as
to the Board ot Health, who are always at
the port of danger f many of whole mem
bers had difKngiiifhed thfmfelves by their hu
manity, firmnefs and a&ivity in the melan
choly tall of 1798 ; and who fought no
other recompence for their past exertions than
the approbation of their own minds. It is
not common, neither is it natural, fqr men
v.'hf take so dangerous and troublesome an
office on themselves, without fee or reward,
'vantof.'y to abuse their authority. Norcan
1 fee tie reason why any person, who his
:ic»hi*g in view but the common fairtf, .t»j.thlßt
%\>c C3a?ette.
[farm. JV. Museum.
iiiould be so mcch alarnviu at the amendment
proposed, unlets he willied to render the Port
phyficiaps altogether uiiaccouiltaMe. ThYr
refponlibilicy to tbe Governor 1 cor.fider as
a mere Ibadow ; for it is well known that
many men have been appointed to offices by
his Excellency, and have enjoyed them for
many.yars, contrary to the genet al opinion,
as well as the peace and honor of the State.
The inftancts of the abule of power, ex
emplified in the former finale legilk.uire of
Pennsylvania, and i» tUj? late
French convention, are as itrong as any the,
Philadalphian could have adduced against de
mocratic alfemblies, but 1 cannot agree that
they have much relation, to the present Cafe.
However, when I wrote before, I had not
once considered thefubjeft in a political view,
or even coni'ujted the Constitutional code in
making up my opinion. It was the awful
Hate of the city, threatened by the ravages
of a desolating pestilence, that occupied my
attention ; and with this impreflion, I con
sidered as lawful and proper, any measure
that tended to our preservation.
But considered in a conflitutional light, I
fee nothing wrong or novel in the propor
tion. There arc many other offices that are
not in the Governor's appointment, over
which, therefore, he has no controul ; and
I know of none that could so properly be
taken from Him, as the appointment of Port
physicians ; or any other hands in which it
could f<j fafely and confidently be repofeii, ?s
in the 3nard of Health, who are appointed
to superintend the execution of evjiy part,
of the law. In cafe of mifconduft, and who
is impeccable, it would hardly be proper tin t
the Board should desert their post in the hour
of danger, and spend their time in waiting
on the Governor with their complaints, to
go through-the irkfeme process of finding
and proving, when the enemy had entered
the premises, and w*s spreading havoc and
dismay from hotife to house, No ! the evil
would require the promptest remedy; and
I repeat Jit ag-iin, no man or body of men
can be so sapabie of judging with truth and
certainty as the Board of Health.
Before I conclude I will just add, that it
is far from me to wish ft? excite jealousies,
or to throw.the apple of discord between the
Board of Health and the Port Physicians :
on the contrary I (hall rejoice lincertly if
they unite together in perfect harmony, to
guard us against the approaches of,the ene
my in every quarter: and this 1 have no
doubt they will accomplish, if they attend
with due vigilance to the avenue where the
enemy hitherto-has always entered.
I had written so far when a second reply,
by another hand, appeared in your Gazette,
and inclined me to delay the publication,
from an expectation of feeing something
more on the fubjeA, that one answer
might serve the whole.- I have not been dis
appointed : the Philadelphian, as he fliles
himfeif, haS taken up the pen a second time,
to refute me, and to defend the pernicious
dodtrine of domestic origination. I fufpedl
the author is one. of those creatures, called
Toung Doctors, and that he has Ijeen taught
"by his master, as a leading precept, to make
profelites, and. to adhere to his errors with
all the peitinacity, and tjnbluftiing impu
dence of a French Philosopher.
There is so great a similarity in the con
dutt of these medical innovators, and the
French Revolutionists, that I fu r pe£t that
tbey are scions cf the ftpe wicked stock, and
that it will not be ami fa briefly to trace the
analogy. The one, while he is carrying
blafphetny, oppression,. plunder and devfilia
tion through the earth, has the audacity to
declar® that he is contending for the freedom
and happiness of mankind :
" As if the villain no ties can bind
*' In private life, can cheriih all hit kind."
The other, while he is com. ndmg with the
obstinacy of a fiend for an opinion, which,
if generally ndopted, will roider Philadel
phia " a city forfaken" has the effrontery
to profefs hirr/'rlf her friend. They both
engage likewise with weapons forged in the
fame nianaf vft ry ; abftratt {'peculations ;
fanciful theories ; that will not bear the left
of fatt artd experience.
If thele gentry, in the numerous publica
tions they had vomited from the press, had
brgught a single faifl to prove the existence
of the yellow fever in Philadelphia from hi
to 93, or accounted for its suspension during
the healthful interval ; if they had explain
ed the it a lon, why it firfi appeared in the
vicinity of the shipping, an airy situation,
instead of the dirty, confined alleys, and the
nlthy suburbs of the city ; why nlfo it had
made such ravages in Wilmington, Marcus-
Hcgl., and Cheiler> open, airy villages
or if they had proved that the atmosphere of
Philadelphia, nutwithftanding the great im
provement of the city at?d the circumjacent
country, in every relpeft that regards salu
brity, was growtf more unhealthy, they might
boast of fometirile like a;i argument. But
they have done nothing of this kind : it
would be reasoning too much like common
men. All they have written, and wc all
i know they have written enough, has been
about (olne newly discovered agents in the
•air, Gas, and Phlogiston, which may exist,
or may not exist, for ought I know,.but
which I am sure were as hannlefs as the Ge
nii of Fairy-land, until thef* wife Dodlors
thought proper to give them " a local habi
tation, and a name," and to assign them cer
tain works of death to perform.
If the opinion of thele speculators in sci
ence, these Doftors of occult qualities, has
any truth in it, the quarantine law, which
employed the Legislature so many weeks to
mature, is not only useless but pernicious, and
ought' to be repealed. It is a folly to stop
the veflels from c'oming up one day, it the
yellow fever is an indigenous disorder : for
if it fliould not be imported by the fhippping,
such is the poi fa no us ft ate of Philadelphia,
and such the sickly temperature of its air, it
will be generated in our chambers and fami
lies. This is so abfuid and so gloomy an
opinion, io replete with ruin to our lives
and ellates, that I am really amazed any
man, who inculcates it, will dart to call
himfelf a Philadelphia!).
Igtxf* .'.liit th. ic !•' • ..••• fe u'.z. /.• ••• t
thr i'aiihfu! •":;n'inv.r! ? ii '
and of court** ths dekrtr. su;i ct, .heir fav. .
itcdoftriiie of do &sIV;C cri'jinaiiou ; and lor
this reai'oii they have hai tie iiiiouclencc t >
'Condemn, thi l;i# «s s»ri lmw f? rdlriftion on
the freecloiVi of commerce. for ftiame,
gCistlcme'i, your jlot' \i dif;u.v<*t*d—H-ac
youriiivM. part AiiLLPiitrs:
(oa?ctie %itt;
Port of Philadelphia,
Sehr. Trial, Hand, ■ Aleianaria 14
Came up from tf>c Fort.
Schr- Eflher & Eliza, Liodfley, Ciirracoa*
SJiip N ger, Depbril Thoui,
Brig Laviriia, Cooke,
Sally, Hampton*
Schr. Matchiefs, .Smith,
Almenia, Barker,
Sloop Supply, Towri,
Sally, Vance,
New-York, May 6.
Ship Argus, Ward, St. Sehaftian
Hun'er Banker, St. Thomas* 18
Schr. Republican, Mar ft, N.Providence ic
Yesterday failed froiri Sandy-Ilpoli, wittt
the wind at E. S. E..
Ship Suffolk, Whipple, for Liverpool,
America, Sands, . do. and
Rajah, , for London.
The fiiip Hazard, Siflon, for La Ver*
Cruz, failtd at the fame time, but put back £
like wife fcfcoorer Boyne, Burdeit, for Gre
nada, and a schooner f6r S itannah '
Barque Columbia, captain D'irgan, of
this port, has arrived at Cadiz, fro©
Charleston, in 29 days.
Baltimore, Jant 5.
Arrived ytQerday,
Sloop Farourite* captain Lavender, 17
day 6 from Havanna—fugar—John M'K>rn,
jun. & Co.
Left their tie folio-wing i>ejils i
Brig Industry, Traverse, Baltimore
Confidence, Manning, do.
Dorfey, , do.
Sch'r Sifters, J hns, * do.
, John Archer. ———, do.
Susannah, , do.
All to fail in five day*.
Arrived this day.
Schooner Sifters, capt. Johns. 17. dsys
from the Havanna—fugar—
All the above named veffeb fstffcd in com
pany with the Sifters. Tfcei fiij£ Louisa
was to fail the day after for thia this place.
Schooner Betsy, of Ballon, capt.
36 days from Kingston (Jamaica)—coffee*
The capt. brings no newfe
The brig Fly belonging to J. Barry, fr«n
Cadiz, is below.
Arri-ued, brig Almy, capt. Snow, 36 days
from Lisbon. Left ther<,
Ship Prefeverance Norman,- Baltimore
Birmii gham, Weeks,
Edward, Wickham,
Fair American, Piuley,
Brig Orion, Parker,
Schr Sul&y, ( rofs,
Trio, Silfbey,
Legionary Orders,
Philadelphia* *?i«w 6, 1.709-,
The firft and second troop
the Artillery, Grenadiers & infantry in tn'« c../ f
are crdererl to parade en Ttefcay next, the nth
in ft. at 4 o'c'ock, P. on the Centre Squar«,
■ cmpletely quipped.—Blank cartridges will b#*
furnilhed ojj ilie parade.
By order of Brigadier Gen. Macpberson,
SITUATE in Walnut ne-ir Fifth Arret, ij
Well ralculS'td for i genteel bosrding house.
Enquire at no. jcg, Walnnt-.ftreet.
The Springetjbury Lois,
REMAINING unfold will conimence felling at
Vendue, at the C,Jfic Hvufi, on Thu'fday°the
13th June, »t 7 o'clock in ihe everting, whefe anlan
maybefeea, as also at Ogden's iavem in Uief
'l"he eh-vatqd {iteration ofmjury cf these Lots,and
tfee advAnugeef obtaining Stone and Saijd, on ve
ry rcafortable terms miift rtnc'ir tbem deferable
to such persons as win to crfjby (re'lh airat an easy
Etpence, and within a flSort walk of the City;
The ground i-. laid out id I.ots from about half
an Acre to 5 Atm. —The terms will be a ill for
Lots of 50 feet front ai d under, and for those
of larger Sizes half Caih and the other half in <Gx
raoi thsj
i'.tnc 7 §
Not 33, Carter's A.ley,
Of th: Pcftilence Commonly celled
Which almoft'defoUted Philadelphia, in
the months of August, September
and O&ober, 1798.
may 13 3t
(if speedily applied for)
AV ALUABLE parcel of Land in Ann Arun-'
del connty, not far fiom the city of A -
napolis and about 30 mile« from the city of Walh
ington. On one of these trails is a mcfl ilegatit
two flory brick Dwelling Houle, 4 rooms on a
floor,beautifully fitusted ia an excellent and healthy
neighborhood— Thi ; body of Land will be fold
in lots or in a large body. There are feveraf ten
ements on said fracl wUich rent for fomethiu;*
considerable p'r aMi. ' A further description
deemtu mineceffury. Apply to the printer,
jutic t. iaw6w.
St. Thomas'
•*' <Bo.