Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, June 04, 1799, Image 1

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NH'mbe* 2092.J
vTj. Tpt price of this Gazette is Eight
D altars per annum to Subscribers residing
i, tb< xity of Philadelphia* All others pay
one Dollar additional, fbr enclosing and di
ecting ; and unless some person in thts city
become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance. _
2'he British Letter-os-Marque
fcr OTgSpAV (>"■>
ready to take lier cargo on
rtay is
/ life
Ship Broker's Office,
And CmrJjJisn Store,
No. 119, South fi(ont Strfft",
Next do»r to she Cufto.s House.
Hp BE Subscriber, encouraged oy the advice o!
I his friends, offers his service to the public
as a Ship and Infaraoce Broker.- He propol
e< to btiv and felt veflels and every thing relat
wia thereto—aflift matters of veflels and others
ii} entering and clearing at the Guftom-Hoult,
yrocuring and (hipping freight, fettling lalur
artcc ar.d all other mercantile accounts', and
have 00 hand the oeceflary Blanks and Stamps.
Papers in foreign I anguagestranflated, vid in
formation gives in general mercantile matters.
—From a knowledge gained by long experience
of every branch of bufinrfs he hopes to be ule
ful to those who please to favor him with their
commands. SAMUEL EMEH.T.
November 10
Now Landing from thejhip Delaware, trflm Can
ton and ior sale by the Subscriber*.
Hyfoti, ")
Hyson Skin, ( rR AS.
"Young Hyson, ts" C
Souchong, >
Canion and Garden Fans,
China Ware, assorted.
Umbrellas 13 to 30 inches,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Hair Ribbons and Sewing Silks.
They have also remaining on Hand
BlackPcrfians, Choppaand Pullicat Romalls,
And a general affortmeht of Dry Goods as usual.
Thomas & Joshua Fisher.
300 pieces Ift and. 2d. quality Russia
100 pieces Ravani Duck (superior)
Boston Beef in Barrels,
- . , „ , f COSSAS
A few biles Bengal £ HUMHUMS.
1100 bushels St Martian Silt.
, april 11 $
The subscribers have on hand, and for sale at r
duced prices, the following articles,via.
Seventy Pipes London Particular
Madeira Wine,
the -vintage of '96, since when they have lain in a
{lore welf adapted to their improvement
Cheiliof Young Hyson Tea ;
An lnvoica ot well-aflbrted China—original
colt between 8 ami 900 dolls, in Canton.
4urch »t.
Just Received,
By the late arrivals from Lon.on and Hamburg,
and for file by the hubl'cri'oers,
89 tons bed St. Peterfburgh Hemp
599 pieces Englith Sailcloth
» trunks, containing
Silk Handkerchiefs
Perfianand Gauge
3 c[es fafhionable Ladies* Hats, &«.
10 chfics Briltlei
8 bales Ticklenburgs, and
A few packages ot
Crtas a la Morlaix
Checks and Stripes
IS Hhds Bourdeaux Brandy
lo pipes Spanish do
40 Hhds Bourdeaux Claret.
Erick Ss? Lewis Bolhnann.
No. 100 Sprucc-ilrcct.
, ipril 37-
Brush Manufactory and Ironmongery Store,
to No 175, Market Street, nearly oppolite the
Comicfloj-oe Wag fc on, where they have (or fate
a» ul'ual, home manufactured and imported Brulh
rs ot almost every defection, togc her with a ge
neral afTortnunt of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sad
l-ry, and BrSf* wares, to which they expert by
the spring vessels, an ample addition.
jr!\ m« TO-
50,000 Acres of L AND,
LYIN G-iin »hf cooiitt : of Kmffe*,'fttfe «j§£>*
fr'inia, boonded
Clmcfiii'on the louth, bv the i3vej! Oi*fl»
Vr> t>he <*>cdhy Sawly (ftffiSlt'l
fix mil*s fr<Mti the Courthouffr aftbftWMjf
•.«wttyi_.tfy irotn the town of AblngtOPj is yefl
'(«tvlt4>andha* likcwife theictvaßtige of I wig"
yon roac! J is divided into tra£U of io, J ?fnd
rjOO acres eash, and will tic soW, attorfctfceTi
- gr in l<its,as it the purchifer»,bf one
• 'if «Jw-iOiir»»ers-wh» wißrs&defkefcedjiripg tfee
>mi»ntN*of May, J*)y fn order
: in (wit (lnrm wl>o m»y, Jw»9ine >b po£
> fcflw-V ; ' t -r.-_ .• _ . •
1 he pl"ts duly authenticated and certified by
the lurveyors, are in the haads of the fubferi
bers. Every fatisfaflion will be given withref
peft to the right, to which the patent» givcTfull
arid ample teflimony. Great accommodations
will be made r«fpc£ling payment, and every
neceflary information may be had, by applying
t0 F. & A. TUBEUF.
Pete»fl)urg,Feb. it. aa*3in
Old French Brsuidy in large and
smalt cafri
tt>o boxes 7 by 9 & 8 by 10 Window Gla&
»o chest pint & half pint Tumblers, aflbrted
936 whole & 6 hal/-tiercs Rice,
Gumey & Smith.
may i, 1799
An Invoice of Woollens,
CONSISTING of Coaife and Fine Cloths, —
principally Dark Blue, and printed Caffimeres
—Apply to
Owen If Jonathan Jones,
No. 151 Market-street.
April 39 §
THE Following certificates of
fharei of the flock of the Bank of the United
States have been lolt or defiroyedat sea, ta<wh
13 (hares in the name of Peter Blight, of which
5 shares N° 4ißj. 5 (hares No 4186. and 3
(harts No 4187, and 6 (hares in the name of
John Barker Church, No 1058. which were
forwarded by the Countefe of Leicefler packet
trom Pal mouth for Ncv-York —and ten (hares
. of said stock in filename of Stadnitflti & Son,
of Amilerdam, No 1796. which were forward
ed by the Packet from Falmouth for New-York
in November 1794 ; and for the renewal of
which application is made at the said Bank,and
all perforis concerned are desired to take notice.
march n
Near the corner of Market 4 fourth streets,
Back Store and a large Cellar,
Both well calculated for ftorifig merchandize —
Alio a vary good Stable and Coach-house
forfo»r horses,
No. 6, North Fourth Street.
may II
\ LL pcil'ons having claims againll the Estate
M\. of John McGrann, late of Caroline county,
in the state of Maryland, dec afe>4, are hereby re
queftid to meet, the fubferiber in Denton, at Mr
Benjamin Dinner's, on the 3J Tuesday in May
next, with thsir accounts properly attested, that
there may be a dividend (truck n said estate.
All who negledt this notice will be after excluded,
SAMUEL LECOMPTE, admir.iftrator.
Caroline County,april Bth. 30 JS ,
Loji or Mijlaid,
A CERTIFICATE of one (hare of the
Bank of the United States, No. 4933« in
the name of Julia Wadfworth Knox, and for
which, application is made at the Bank of the
United States fqr the renewal of said certifi
cate ; and all concerned are desired to
take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE.
tipsy »3' 1 d3tn
Lost, last evening,
of the English breed ;
HAS a braft collar round her neck with the
name of Thomas Sterling on it; bodj quite
white, except a small spot 011 her left fide ; i-ach
cheek of a dove eolour ; answers to the name of
Dove. Whoever has taken her up, and will de
liver bar at the Indian Queen, Ihall be rewarded,
may 10 §
Notice. ,
A CERTIFICATE of one share of Bank of U
nited States, ftoclc (landing ifi the name of
Dugas de Vallon, having been toft or mislaid,
applicatioa is made at the said Bank for renewal of
the fame ; all persons concerned are desired to
take notice.
Abraham Fan Reurcn.
march 20.
Freight to be had.
THE Subscribers have 3000 bush
els of SALT to fliip to the Havanna or New-,
Orleans—Any person who will take it at a mo-j
derate freight will please apply at No.
North Water«ftratt, to *
Who have for Sale, 70 tons Hemp, 14 pipes
choice Old Port Wine, Claret, Roll Briuiftone,
Havanna Segars, Demyjohns, Window GUIs
Glut, Ticklenburghs and Oznabrigs, Checks*
may to
A Certificate of one (hare of Bank Penofylva
nia fleck, No. 715, in my name, having
been loft or niiilaid, application re made at the said
Bank for renewal of the fame; all, persons con
cerned are desired to take notice.
April 20
The creditors of the fubfcriber>
ARE requested to take notice tkat he has appli
ed to the court of common pleas, for the
county of Bucks, to extend to him the benefit of an
ail of the legiflature»of this (late, passed the 4(h
ot April, 1798, for thebene t of insolvent debtors,
and the faki court have appointed the ill Monday
in A«gu ft next, to hear him and his creditois at
the court house in the borough of Reading, in the
county of Berks. JOHN MORhOW.
Reading, May 18 (ai) d3w
Lajt Notice.
r pHE Commissioners appointed for u-arrying
1 into effrdl the Twenty-Firtt Article of the
Treaty of Frisndlhip, Limits and Navigation,
between his Catholic Majesty and the United
States of America, hereby jjive notice to tlioie
persons whole claims have been filed in due'time
but wbo have not yet furnithed the neceflary
documents, topreduce the fame at their office,
qn or before the fevmteenth day of Augull next
By order of the CommitTionerj,
PETER LOHRA, secretary.
Philadelphia, May 15, 1799. dim
THE partnerihip of Jolhua B. Bond, and
John Brooks, trading under the firm of
Bond Brooks, ij this day dilTolved by mutual
cQufent, all persons indebted to them, are re
qutfted to make immediate payment to Joftiua
B. Bond, and those ha»ine demands to present
fhuit accounts to him for fettjement,
Joshua B. Bond.
John Brooks.
April I
To he teiy
m & f 3W
PennfylvaniaPopularion Company
Notice is hereby Given,
TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, that an assess
ment of Si* Dollars is levied ra each (hare,
payable immediately, which they arc requefled to
pay to the Treasurer of the Company, at the Com
pany's Office. No. 53, North Foorth Street.
By order of the Board,
SOL. MARACHE, Secretary.
may ao. \ 3awivr
May 1799.
THE proprietors of certificates ilTued for fub
ftriptions to the Loan bfearing interest at
eight per centum per annum! are notified, that
at any time after payment (hall have been made
of the sth inflalrpent, which will become due
during the firft ten days of the month of July
enl'uing, Certificates of Funded Stock may at
their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan
Offices, refpe£tively, for tht amount Qf the four
firft inftalmenu, or one moiety of theftims eX
prefled in the fobfoi iption certificates : No cer
tificates of Funded Sfock will however be ifiued
for lei's than one hundred dollars.
Such fubfeription certificates as may be pre
(ented at the Trrafury or Loan Offic*s in c*i
frqwence of the foregoing arrangement, will be
enforced and diftinfllv marked so as to denote,
that a moiety of the flock lias been ifiued.
Secretary of the Treasury.
To be Let,
A Store and Loft,
NEAR Market-street Wharf.—Enquire of
feb ii
Between Philadelphia and Baltimore,
LEAVE Philadelphia every day, (Sunday
excepted) at 8 o'clock, A.M. arrive at
Baltimore the next day, by II o'clock, A. M.
Leave Baltimore every day, (Sunday except
ed) at 4 o'clock, A. M. at»d arrive at Philadel
phia the next day, by 9 o'clock, A. M.
Between New-York and Philadelphia.
Leave Philadelphia every day (Sunday ex
cepted( at i» o'clock at noon, arrive at New-
York the next morning, by 8 o'clock.
Leave New-York every day ( Sunday except -
cepted) at one o'clock, P. M. and arrive at
Philadelphia the next morning, by 7 o'clock.
Seats tii the Mail Coacbees to be taken in
At Butman's Office, No. 5, Cortlar.d-ftreet.
In Philadelphia.
At Francis' Hotel, No. 13, south Fourth
ftreet,. and at the Franklin Inn, No. 59, north
Second ftraet.
In Baltimore.
At Evans' Tavern.
Fare for Paflengcra, 8 Dollar! frsm Philadel
phia to New-York, and 8 Dollars from Phila-f
delphia to Baltimore-
All baggage ov«r 141b. w eight, ii carried
5 ecßts per pound.
The Proprietors are not responsible for Bag
Jlgentfor the Public Lint, front Philadelphia
to Baltimore.
Proprietors of the Mail Line, from
Philadelphia to New-York.
General Port-Office, }
May I. j $
Br William Giffokd, Esquire.
To which is prefixed,
By an American Gentleman.
[In introducing this celebrated work to the Gen
tlemen and Ladies oi America, I have cnicavorcd
to give it a dress proportioned to its diltingtiifhcd
merit, and to the taveof thofc for whose amuse
ment and delight it is intended. No expenc# has
keen spared in th# publication; and I flatter myfelf
that the work docs not yield, cither in paper or
print, to any «neever published in America.
This edition has an advantage over some former
ones, as it contains by way of notes, the minor
productionsol the author ; and, it has an advan
tage over every other edition, i.l the Poetical Epijlle,
which is prefixed to it, and which must be ex
tremely gratifying to every lover of literature in
this country, as it is a proof that there are Ameri
cans who have the talte to admije, rhe justice te
applaad, and the talents t© rival thcXJeniufes of
other nations.
gj" Some Copies have been sent on to Mr. Som
trville, Maiden Lane, Netv York, also to Mr. Hill,
Baltimore, and to Mr. Young, CbarleJlon.
Copies will be font to Bojlon and other places, as
soon as occasions offer.]
John Miller, junr.
To the Five Story Bil Ming, in Dock, near
300 Bales of Bengal Goods;
C oss as 1
Striped Doreas
Handkerchiefs, &c. &c.
Also, a large ajfortment of
Madras Handkerchiefs,
of various dcfcriptions.
January I
Daily' Advertiser.
Chosen from large quantitu * at Surinam, is just
arrived in tha ship Spy, Captain Weil;
And for by •
LOST this evening, between five and fix
o'clock, in the neighbourhood of Grace
churchJireet, a BLACK CASE, containing the
Bank Notes and Drafts,
with sundry Bills of Exchange, not due :
jCjooo No. 19,19, dated 1 Dec. 1798
10 0 864, t6 Nov. Ditto
1000 184, 22 Dec. Ditto
ioco 171 i, 270 ft. Ditto
319 High-ftrret.
120 hhds. of sugar, and about,
100,000 wt. coffee in calks and,bags
Stephen■ Kingston,
No. 46, Walnut 9t.
Also*—A feiv puncheons \lh proof
. Jamaica rum, and son*-
may »j,
LONDON, "January 2, x 799.
500 Guineas Reward.
.1000 1714» 27 Ditto Dittd
Ditto 1 Dorien and Co. 367 7
Carnet and Co. 3.0 16
Stephenton and Co. 51 4
Rogers and Co.
Prefcot and Co.
Harcourt and Co.
Smith, Payne and Co. 10 15
Dorieri and Co. £45 7* 6d
Le Fevre & Co. 112 li 6
Ditto Ditto - - Bio o <3
A bill drawn on Fleming & Wake flow Lane,
by Fleming, & payable to Ormord,dated Nov.s,
tw'o months after date, value >£ao. —One ditto
on Fell, No 32 Old Change, by Hall, :md
payable to Smith, dated Nov. 30, at two month}
after date, for>£iai 19/ —One ditto on Saywell
& sons, Wood-street, by Ball, and payable to
Braddock, dated Dec. 19, at t*-o months, for
£3O, — One ditto on Eden, Wood-flreet, by
WHliamn, payable to oVder, dated Nov. 1. at
ehree months for £3O is —One ditto on Neale
& Co.St. Paul'* Church Yard, by Adams, and
payable to Kencorighi, dated Dec, 7th, it two
months, for^i4- —One ditto on Stewart, Red
CrofsSquare, by Young, and payable to Mar
shall, dated Nov. 22, at two months, tor £33.
2s. 91i. —One ditto on Royd's, Bukletfbury, by
Lord, and payable to Jackson, dated Dec 3
at two months, for £lB. —One ditto on Miller
and Co. Gracechurch street, by Redway, and
pryable to Hartley, dated Dec.6, at two months
for £so. —One ditto on Spitta & co. Lawrence
Pountney Lane, byLange, and payable to Hoyle
dated Nov. 6, at two months, for £l6l,
Whoever may have found the above, and will
bring them to Meflri. Atkinfon & Robfon, No. t
Welt End of Royal Exchange, (hall immediate
ly receive Five Hundred Guiaeas Reward with
out any further Trouble.
N. B. No greater Reward will be offered, as
payment of the whole is flopped, and the loss
made known throughout this Country and Con
April 19
Delaivart isf Schuylkill Canal, Office,
Philadelphia, May 9, 1799-
IN pursuance of a resolution of the president
and managers of the Delaware and Schuyl
kill Canal Company, the Sitoqk-holders are here
by notified and required to pay, on each of their
refpe&ive (hares, 10 the Tfeafurer of the Com.
pany, at the Company's Office in this city,
15 dollars on the 15th June next,
10 dollar* on the ijth July next, and
»o dollars on the 15th August next.
Wm. GOVETT, Treasurer.
m&tu4w( dfr.l it«lj A )
Miy j>
No 192, Market Stheet,
Next di or above the Prelident's. For teims
Inquire of
No. joi, Market Street.
ojay «»
City Bridge Subscription.
THE Prtfident and Direitors M the Compa
ny for ef-eifling a permanent Bridge o/er
the river Schuylkill, at or near the city,of Phi
ladelphia, having, at the time of their firfl pub
lication, received fubferiptions to near halt the
amount of the capital or joint liock thereof;
suspended further foljcitations until a site on
which to eredl said bridge should be procured.—
That objedl being now effeiled, by a purchase
of the neceflary property at the weft er.d of
High street, on both fides of the river Schuyl
Public Notice is Given,
Thai the book for Subferiptions to the capital or
joint flock of the said company will be opened at
their office No. »3, north JJifth Street, on Mon
day the loth of June next, and continue open
from ten to one A'clock every day (Sunday's
excepted ) until the whole shall be fubferibed for,
on the terms fpecified in the aA cf incorpora
tion. —
The time is extended in order to afford op
portunity to the friends of this important un
dertaking, on the weft fide of Schuylkill, or
at a distance, to participate in an object of great
public good.—Subferiptions arid dcpofits may
nevertheless be previously made at the Treasur
er's office, No. 13 Church alley, fubjeil to a pro
portionate reduction on the amount of fubferip
tions over and above the limited number of
shares, if any there shall be, at the end of the
13th day of June ensuing.
In the 10th fedtionof the law of incorporati
on it is enadled, that the nett profits on tolls
may equal, butfbalinot exoeed 15 per cent an
nually ; and that the.txcefs shall cornpofe a fund
for the redemption of the . said bridge.
A port fclio is opened at the said office, to re
ceive all communications, prints or drawings, on
the fubjetfs of bridges, ancient or modern, buil
ding in water, cements, mortar centres, caffoons
coffer-dams, or any information which may
tend to mature the knowledge of the direitors
previous to the intended eredlioniThey arefal
icited, care will be taken of them, and return
ed if desired.
JOHNDORSEY, Soery pro tem.
Fhitodelp! >*. May *799 mwf 13J
Twenty-Jive Thousand Do liars
IS yet io let out for' one' year nil good re a
estate, in this city and its vicinity, bjf
gage. The title mud be c)e»r and the propei"
ties insured. Apply to ' '
No. 22, Chefnut Jlreet.
£5" Al! kinds of Ptiblic Securities, Bills of
Exchange, Notes, &c. &c. bought and (bid oil
commission. _
may 30
Not ice is hereby given,
rir-iHAT application will be made 10 the Trcaf
ury of the United States, for the renewal
of the following Certificates of fix per cent, and
Deferred funded Stock, Handing in the follow
ing names, the prnperty of John Clarkf, Ef<j.
of Yorkshire, in England ; the said Certificate*
having been loft on board the Swallow Packet,
captain Kidd, from Falmouth to New-York.
Deli. CtJ.
1273 1 dated March 7th, 1795, Re
gister Certificate in favor of
John and Francis Baring & Co*
15070 do. March i;th, 1797,
in favor Braunfberg Kluppel
Fiefch & Co of Amlterdam
14813 do. Dec 3d, 1796, do. in fa
vor of F. L Braunfberg of
3536 do. March 1 jth,'96, do. in fa
vor do do
14235 do. May 17th, '96, in favor
of do do
14678 do. Sept. 9th, '96, in favor
of do do
13242 do, May 17th, '95, in favor
of Frederick Lodewyk Braunfi
berg of Amftt-rdam
3249 do. Augult 58th, '95, in favor
of do do
3305 do. July 13d, '95, in favor
of do do
13860 do. Dec. lot!*, '9i, in favor
of do do
3316 do. Aug. 28th, '95, in favof
of do do
13793 do. Nov, 16th, '95, in favor
of John and Francis Baring St
Co London.
13237 do. May 27th, '95, in favor
of do do
13798 do. Nov. i6th, '95, in.favof
of do do
11963 do.' Apr. 24th, '97, Commit
fiosrr of Loan/ of New-York,
in favor Jonathan Hoare of
362 1 66
4*3 »
33 16
3 7 18
17 16
j6J 89
898 36
387 37
33 6 7 J
»7" 8
*l3' 47
34* o
1.5 00 o
1600 o
9376 *6
36,014-97 6 per cent flock,
Dais. Cts
7997 93
7060 o
lOQ9 O
.150#- o
1100® o
7°o 43
io?&3 33
5«oo o
S 000* o
8352 92
4000 'o
9634 o
4587 io Deferred 6 per cent Stock.
33m. -
may «5
Notice is hereby given,
THAT application will be made :o the Trea-*
vryof the United State# f«r the renewal of tlid
following certificates of 6 per cent funded stock
the said certificate* having been toft on board thd
Swallow Packet, captain Kidd, from Falmouth
to New-York :
No. 3072, Signed joseph Nourfe, in favor 0/
Samuel and Henry Waddington»
dated February jii »79J> for dol
lars 2000.
No. 1964, Signed Joseph Nonrfe, to William
& Jan Willink, and Niehola- Sr.
Jacob Van Staphorft & Hubbard,
agents for the United States at Am
(ierdam, dated January 31ft, 1795
for seoo dollars.
my Ms
At No. 146, High-street,
A Handsome Coach,
Coacbee, Phaeton, LS" Pair of Horses.
Either separately or together.
Alio—a haudlome Narraganfet Mare an
Horse, very easy cn'" J
may 14
Valuable Lands for Sale.
ON Tueiday the loth of August next, ( {hall
expose to public sale, at the town ot Ncw-
Maiket, in Dorchcner county, all that valuahle
trad or parcel of land commonly called the Chop
tank Indian Lands, situated on the south fide and
binding on the Choptank river several miles, sup-«
pofej to contain about fn thoufaud acres, to t.e
divided into luts to contain from 100 to 500
each: The term* of hie as follow, viz. l-urchafers
to give bond immediately after the iale with ap
proved fectirity, conditioned lor the pay neat of
the money, with interefl.fri m th • day cuf
sale, 111 four equal annual uiilalnicms, agreeably
to an k&l entitled, " An a<3 appointing ommjf
fioners to contract for and purchase the )a ids com
monly called the Choptank Itdian Lands in Dor
chester county, and lor appropriating th.- fame to
the use of this state, and to repeal the ail of bfl'era-
Sly therein mentioned;" pelted at November Jef
ion, 1798.
[Volume XV.
H43 do. Mar. 2d, '95, Register
Certificate to Herman Katen
camp of Great Britain.
5757 do. do do do do to
do of do
5883 do. Mar, 18th, '93,
do of do
1176 do. do do do
do of do
90c, do. Oil. 9th, '92, do to
John Warder & Co of London
95s do, OA. »6th, ' 9 a, do to
do of do
6076 do. May 13th, '93, do to
Stadnitlki & Sonof Amsterdam
6366 do. Aug. 6th, '93, do to
Nicholas Van Staphorfl of Am-
6367 do. do do do
do of do
2868 do. May 16th,'95, Commis
sioner of Loans at New-York
to Henry M. Bird of London,
1717 do. Nov. id, '92, do to
Fhjlip Ssnfom of London
17 >8 do. do do do do to
3968 do, Nov. 3d. '92,
do of do
1714 do. Nor. 6th, '92, do to
do of do
' ■: <1 »
3aw rm
do M
Ho to
do to
do to
da" l