fcripljp! s \S. yeur ;fiia of' opening again jjlie diHy'eons in which he has ca'ifed them so long to pin-. Neapolitans, if the Fretji J) ai'ir.v isfluiitc- now the title of the nr «,y ofNapfes, it is in consequence of the so lemn caiglgetr.eirt into which it has entered, to die fiir vour cause, and to make no other u!'c of its arms thin to maintain your inde pendenjc, and to preserve your rights, which it has vindicated. Let the people therefore, be alfnted of the full enjoyment of their re ligion, mdceaffto be alarmed with vefpeel to the rights of property ! The force of inte- rests has maintained the tyrants in great ixertions which they have made to calumniate in tit eyes of the world, the integrity, and good faith of the French nation ; but to a natWn so generous, a few days are fufficient to tiveft credulous men of the odious preju dices to which tyranny has recourse to incite ' thei} to deplorable excesses. The organization of plunder and aflfaflin atio.i ptojected by your lad king, and exe cuted by his corrupt agents, as a means of defence, has produced the most dreadful and lior-iblc consequences ; but in removing the cause of the evil, it will be easy to check the tfiefcts, at'd to ripair even tVe fatal mifchief* which it has produced. Let the republican authorities which are shout to be established Tellore order and tranquility on the basis of paternal admi iftrati n; let them difiipate the idle charms of ignorance, ard appease the fury of fanaticism with a zeal equal to that which has been employed by perfidy to increase them; in a short time the severity of discipline, which re-cftablifhes with so much faculty order among the troops of a free people, will not delay to put a period to ihe disorders produced by hatred, and w },i t h have been with difficulty reprefftd." (Signed) " CHAMriONN ET." Cenimander in Chief of the army of Naples. Naples, June 24. LAW INTELLIGENCE. THE KING O VIJfT AND OTHERS. This was an information filed eM-oJficio, by his majesty's attorney general, at the in stance of his excellency the Ruffian ambassa dor, againll the proprietor, prnter, and publisher of the evening paper called The Courier, for a libel, which appeared in No vember lad, tending to viltify and bring in to reproach the chara&er ef his imperial ma jetlv the Eitlperor of Russia, and to excuse and promote a war between this country and Russia. ' The libel was in form of a paragraph, and was copied from a country paper. It stated amttng other things, that the Emperor of Rullia had rendered hirhfclf obnoxious to his fnbje&s by various acts of tyranny, and by his inconsistency bad made him {elf ridiculous in the eyes of Europe. The Attorney General felt it his duty to ■call theferious attention of the jury to the libel in question, which he had brought be fore them, by command of the ambassador •of a great and illustrious" monarch, whose political chara'&er had been impudently and wickedly calumniated. It became tlrj jus tice and dignity of this country to vindicate his imperial majefly against thefc'defamatory afperlions by a public profecutinn. It was evidently the design of the authors of this and other libels of a fimila'r complexion to dissolve the political relations at present I'ub lifiing between this kingdom and other coun tries,. and to flir.tfcem up to enmity, .and to provoke a spirit of hostility again ft' other. The attorney general then noticed che vari ous political paragraphs which occupied the columns of fomc diurnal prints, and which appeared to him to be fabricated with the malicious and frditioUs design to libel all the monarch! in Europe, for no other reason than because they were kings and emperors. He made a variety of other remarks, and concluded by referring the libellous para graph to the jury, for them to decide wheth er it was, or was not, a wicked, malicious, and fcdiiions libef. The fact of the publication of the libel was then proved. Mr. Erskine addrefled thq jury* ascotin ft'l for the defendant, in a very able speech. The Attorney General replied. Lord Kenyon was clearly of opinion that this paragraph was a gross and abominable libel «n a very great and illustrious monarch, wlxvfe honor and charafter it was highly in cumbent on this countryterVindicate against the charges contained in this libel. The jury withdrew, for about three quar ters of an hour, and on theTr return pro nounced the defendants—Gfiiliy. Agreeable to an a£l of Parliament pafled thb 24th,, Geo. 11. aim. 1751, the year of our Lord, tSo« will not be reckoned a Bis sextile or Leap Year, but will be computed a common year,.confining'of 365 days and no more : and tiwt in coflfequence thereof, the month of February next to come will tonfift of 2.8 Jays only, tuaki'og thereby a. difference of r 2 dav.s between the old ttnd new (tiles ; which .difference, of the 2 (tiles wilt confmue. the fame-thrOtigiioin the whole of the 19th century, in. order that the vernal or spring eonirms may b<> feed, on or near the 21A day of March yearly, as it happened at the time of the,. General Council of Nice, *>"/ • V. T ' V 1 h** Brest rqipciron confrfts cf'eig-hteen fail of the line, but is pre.ventcd'-from failing, frorji the want ps fearptn. >" His Prulfidn in said to have been much exalpprated bythe fnrrendirof Ehren breitftein ; avid It is. reported, a re que ft has been made for 4.5,000 Rtrffian'troops to pass through hi s the attack of Holland This makes the whole nambeV of Ruffian troops marching agjsinft Brance amount to 113,000. If these £)Cls,be-true, we may fee a very formidable coalitfrnv agamft the Re public, and a war the niqft terrible, in its im mediate effects, cf any j*t witnessed in the world. Lad week, one of tlie long chain of hills, called Hambleton Hills, in The North Ri ding- of Yorfcfltire, fell in the plain bel-'W and spread over a very considerable quantity of „J t , .-r ■'"* •1 t 1" ■ r .lliiic- sr. the night, it Jid no per foni-l injury, I', wis called Bvockfll Scar, li'tuatcd near the village of Kirby-Knowle, "lid contained sn the furface about three ■quarters i f mi acre of ground, with much wood growing on it. Probably the weight of the. thawed snow, jittering through the fitTures of the earth, mav have loosened this hill from that to which it was joined, and occalioned its fall. . Vi&or Hughes- has avrived at Ferrol. from whence he "Svill not be long of beinj.: brought to France. General Mack arrived at Milan on the 55th of February. He is lodged at the ta vern, formerly the imperial. Two soldiers are in his chamber, eight in his airti-Cham ber and fourteen are in the passages leading to his apartment. A great conspiracy in favour of Austria .has juit been difct,vered in Milan, which was managed with great secrecy. Several per sons bave been arretted. A fliip which arrived in five days at Trieste from Ragufa, brings advice that on the'4th Pluvioie there entered the canal of Calamota nine ships -of war, of which four were of 74 guns, two Turkish and two Kuflian. The' commanders of these fliips were complimen ted bya deputation from the senate of Ragufa. After receiving pro.vifiofis, these veilels set fail to block up Ar.cona. If we may believea captain of fl" fiiipfrom Sicily, in twenty days, two French frigates, which efcapedfrom Alexandria,, entered the port of Medina, without knowing of the de claration cf war by Naples against Franc*. They haveheen seized and their crews impri soned. The Britifji have landed in Malta foriie Neapolitan troops, who, aflifled hy the inha bitants, have made fevrral attack;' on the fort and the town. The British block up the port as much as the winds wiii permit. They have thrown feveril bombs* feme of which have fallen in the port ; but the French nre still mailers of all the principal fortrcf fes. Preparations for war are making in Por tugal. Barracks are conftrutting to receive the Britilh troops expefted in the spring. The government has resolved to put arms in the hands of every one able to bear them, and the regular* troops will be lent to the frontiers of Spain to be encamped. Scherer, minister of war, is appointed com rpander in chief of the armies of Italy and Naples. General Macdonald will preserve the command of the army of Naples under Scherer. General Millet-Murreau, brigade general at the artillery,- is appointed mini ster of war. The Algeririe envoy has been imprisoned in the Temple, to answer for the attrocities that may be committed again ft the French in Algiers. Delivered in Christ Church and St. Peter's, A - pril 13, 1799, being a day of general Humilia tion f appointed by the President of the United. States, Of the Pefti lrnr.e commonly Galled YELLOW FBr E K, Wh'ch almost desolated Philadelphia, in the months of September and Oftober, 1798. BY THOMAS CONDIF. RICHARD FOLwiCL. 3«L 120 Micls. of sugar, and about xoo,ooo wt. coffee in calks and bags Chosen from large quantitien at Surinam, isjuft arrived in the (hip Spy, Captaia Weft, And for sale by A POETICAL EPISTLE TO THE AUTHOR [ln introducing this celebrated work to the Gen ■t'cniexi and Ladies America, I have endeavored to give it a drofc proportioned to its diliingtifhed mcrky and to the of those for whose amuse ment and delight it is intended. No expence '«cef) spared in tbt publication; and I flatter myfejf, that tl]e work does not yield, either in paper or prior, toany «nc ever publiihed in America his edition has an advantage over some former ones, as it contains by way of the minor produ&ibnsof the author ; and, it has an advan tflgc over every ether edition, ill the Poetical Epifde which is prefixed to it, and which mull he ex tremely gratifying to every lover of literature'in ifcis country, as it is a proof that there are Ameri Cans who have the taste to admije, he justice to *pplawd, and the talents t© rival. the Geniules of ( other nations ipT Some Copies hf.vc been sent on to Mr. Son >,r'uiile% Maiden Lane, Ktiv York, also to &+r. Hill, Baltimore, and to Mjr 2 Young, CVarleJlon.' Copies will be fort to Bojion and othtr places, as soon asoccafions offer.] may a 8 ' 5 "" * ,C. x :"*■ y PARIS, February 28. ■Just Published, By JOHN ORMROD, No, 41, Chei'r.m-flreefc, A S E R M 0 N, ON THt DUTY OF CIVIL OBEDIENCE, hi RVQUIRED IN $ C R,l P T U R S. by WILLIAM WHITE, D. d. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal ChNrch, ■ In tbe Commonwealth of Pennjyl'uania. May 10. , JUST PUBLISHED, AND F()R SALfc BY 7HO M A:S COND IE, NO 10—&ND RICHARD FOl WELL, No, Carter's Alley, 1 [prick seventy-fivt cents.] HISTORY may 13 Stephen Kingston, No. 46, Walnut st. Also—A few pun-heons 4(16 proof JAMAICA RUM, and some IRISH SAIL CANVASS. may ij- oetd6t WILLIAM COBBETT HAS JUST PUBLISHED (PRICE I DOL. 5O CENT») -THE BA VI AD siNl) M M V I A D. Br William Giffokd, Esquire. To which is prefixed, By an American Gentleman. Bp ifris SDap's £oail* BOSTON, May 24, The renewal of war ok the European con tinent, whatever may he its termination, is a fa&, which through some have effected to doubt, is now fully eflabiifhed. The charge d'affairs of the French Republic to the Ger. man Diet, has been compelled to return to France; and his Inaperial Majelly, has pub h(hed a niawifefto, in which he charges he French with perfidy and aggrefiion, juflifies himfelf to the world, and calls upon the States of the Empire to unite with him in measures of mutual security. There is no doubt, from a variety of intcl !igct>ce, that the Turks, th • Ttiifiians, the Germans and the EnglifK wit! combiue in one great effort to restore the kingdom of Naples to its sovereign. Capt. Samuel Nicholson, of the Con „flitution frigate, is appointed to command a 74 gun (hip—which is to be immediately commenced 111 this town, and to -be built with all speed. We underltood, that St. Andrews Lodge, of this town, fublcribed 3000 dolhrs to be found for building ships of war for Govern ment. HARTFORD, (Can.) May 27. The ptccbmatlon pnhli/hed byjeneiai Du hrPme, on'his entering'the Abruzzces, com bines Jn z ftriktng* mjnner tbe traits of falfc liberty, perfidy and hvpocrify which have marked a!i theprodiudlion'a iffurdby the agents of the DiivAory during the war. It is pe culiarly remarkable for containing a inoft un eqiiivrcal ar.d fqinial of w;ii< against all exiftiiig governments and this declaration is anncunlsd in the .fol lowing language. • " The king of Naples in violating the mod sacred treaties, has dared to rouse the {Tim bering Lion. Cod who judges kings, has had pity on our nriferies. He imagined he could resist the Great Nation, and change the order of the Supreme Arbiter of Empires who has chosen the French people to renew the furface of the Globe, disfignred by the crimes of governments, and to eftab}i(hupon it the reign of that Liberty and Equality to which he has destined men»" NEW-YORK, May 27. The Ticket, No. 14,374, this morning drewj the higbeft prize in the New York State Road Lotte y, 10,000 Dollars, The fortunate pofieffors of this Ticket, are a company of five gentlemen, who purchafeci the unfold Tickets, at the time the Lottery commenced drawing. - COMMUNICATION. A small Daily Paper has. latelybeen Part ed in Baltimore, under the title of «« The American and JDaiJjt by a Mr. Martin, 7n conne&ron with Mir." James Ca rey. late of Philadelphiai. Its politics ate those of the Argus and Aurora. Finding after a few days trial,'that it was not likely to get much of adverttfmg enftom of the federal city pf. Baltimore, they at length very mudejlly inform.tie citizens thit one of them, or a person employed for that purpose will canvaft the city and big iheir fvpport.' It is io be hoped this unmanly and degrading gonduA will not insure the fuc ceTs of a yzyer prefejfedly inimical to the gov ernment. Thofc printers mull have formed an erroneous opinion of the citizens of Bal timore, or they would at least concealed their teal sentiments ; for it is vervevident that thegrnerbjity of the Merchantil'e part of Bal timvre, as wtll as New-Tori, would not withheld their patronage from men who came forward even with the profrffion of br ing OPEN TO. ALL PARTI E S, but INfLUEN- C i D by NONE, though :he"motto in it ft If is ridiculous in the extreme, as it is never adhered to. ALBANY, May 24. COMMUNICATION. REJOICING. " At Herkemer on the arrival of the Mail, on the 15th instant, difclofitig the e vent of the eteflion in the city of New. York, a cannon was in(ta> tly^lifcharged—a large body of Ci izens afTembled, whose counte nances bespoke uncommon jny at the success of federalifm. The ollowing extemporane ous tsafts were drank, accompanisd with the discharge of cannon, and rapturous huz zas : 1 ft. The Federal Cvvernment—May itn ftrepgth progress till the confummacion of all things. cheers. 2d. John .ldams—The rock of our poli tical salvation. 3 cheers, 3d George Wajhitigton— Second to no man on earth. 4th. Ihe Governor and 1.1. Governor of New-Tork—invulnerable by the poisoned arrows of expiring Jacobins. 3- cheers. sth. /llekander Hamilton his pen ta di rect, his .{word to defend. 3 cheers. 6 th. The City of New-Tori—Federal— -914 majority. 9 cheers. 7 th. Glorious profpeds from the South— Federal fm triumphant. 3 cheers. Bth. The diforgnnizing L faftion— A Jaci bin tiibe, Mortified pride, Their Sun o'ercaft, Their influence past. 9 cheers, yh- /Iron £urr—io. do. do do> I Extract of a letter from 3 gentleman in Coo peritown, to the Editer of this paper. " By information from Ticga, it appears that the democrat, Matthetu Carpenter, has milled an eleflion, and that Dost. Jofsph Hinchman, a firm and decided federal charac ter, is chosen Member of AlTmbly in his (lead. Mr. King of Chenango is re-clei:- t 96 by his crewand gave'C pt. F. dfrt ti'ofis t4 conceal whatever Englifli goods he :r.igt.{ would fend ten men to feafefr ;"'and'fttrthcf affiircd him;'that if we was obliged to in.-fctf prize of him, the vcfft,) fhculd bf rttUfredi I'enaud told cpt I*'. that he. had takes! id Ert*lifh vtflVls within a fftort time-! Aftef having farisfn-d the crew of the priv'ster? that capt. F. had n.V cOr'traband' goods o.rt board lie was luff tried, to proceed on h.s voy age- ■ifyv-Ybr'k,.iSt '• Arrival, , day«* Ship Mermaid, .Teien, Mn-rtiaico 2 j Brig Diadema,- Tyler, New-Orleans it Sch. Sifters, —, * • ■N. "GafoliiKi 4 Polly; Gould,' ' d-s Ii Hego, Savage, . Antigiia i 3 Sloop Harriet, Wbittelfcy, -St.. -Kitt's 20 Eliza, Perkins, Nevis 22 Vermofiti Ship Providence, Gardner ifrotji'Atoxatu dria. to St. SebsftiWr after a- iwffag&wf 96 days arrived at St. Arabia, in"Spai!i,"wlierfi (be landed her cargo. Ship Fame, from this fort to St. ThonWS, is taken* aYid carried into St. Martins, and condemned* A copy of the dijfe~/tft vesscbf master's names-, where Jound. arui cargo, which signals was distributed to,—Sunder convey Of the UnitidStates' vecsi/s D : zi'.-are tsf Govtvtsr Jay, ojf tbe Stmanr.i t May 7 s Ship Lucia, Weak, Eaisni, S'trrrafs General Lincoln, Lc«i3, of NnrWichj . _ b>'ims to New-York Sugars and Molafles ; Brig Little Sally, HudforT,Newport, Sugars ; Daniel and Mary, Farley, Roflon, do - r Mary, Coffin,,Newburvport, do J Cicero, Blackler, Salem, Molas.k do i Speedwel,- Brown, Salem, do, do ; Sch. Hibernia, Jew, Charleston, Sugars ; Relief, Daw, do. Mobiles ; . Fame, MarlhaJ, clo. Sugar-; ; Delight, You rigj Rhode-Iflani, Sugar and Salt ; Betsey, Wilson, Newport, Molufies } Jane, Snow, Bolton, Sugars; Sloop Camden Packet, Sinkins, Gliarleftou, " Molasses; Mary, Allen, Bolton, MolafLs. JOHN W. LEONARD. magpherson's J3LUES. MAT 29, 1799. C 3" The Artillery, Grenadiers and Infantry are ordered to parade at the Menage, in Chefnut-ftrect on Thursday the 30th inft. precisely ..at 4 o'clock P. M. completely e quiped for the purpose of going through their .firings—Blank Cartridge will be fur nifhed those who have not been supplied. Bv order of the Commandant. JOHNM'CAULEY, Adjutaut. THE Second Troop of Volunteer Cavalry of the United States is ordered to meet at the Manage on Saturday next at 3 o'clock p. m. in compleat uniform. JONA. ROBESON, Lieut. itiay 29. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, May lytb, 179 0. THE proprietors of certificate! ifii- fcriptions to the Loan bearing interest at eight per centum per annum, are notifi-d, that at any time after payment Cball.have been made of the sth instalment, which will become due during tho firft ten Uays of the month of July ensuing, Certificate* of Funded Stuck may at their option be obtained at the Treaiury or Loan Offices, refpeflively, for the amount of the four firft inftalratnts, or one moiety of the foms ex pfefledin the fublci iption certificatesNo cer tificates of Funded .Stock will however be iflued for lel» than pne hundred dollars. Such subscription certificates at may fc; pre sented at the Treasury wr Loan Offices in con sequence of the foregoing arrangement, will be endorsed and diftindly marked to as to denote, that a moiety of the liook has been ifi'ucd. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury, POR sale, 71 bales Surinam Cotton,' And a quantity a] firfi quality RUSSIA DVCK.. • APPLY TQ ' • ' \ ' Isaac Harvey, jtcth ; ■No. ft South Water Street. ' ■' mar 19 Twenty Dollars Reward. DESERTED, FROM the Marine Barracks, corner of I&tk hert and Thirteenth-streets, in the City of Philadelphia, the 28th day of this instant Two Marines, by trade Tailors, one John Crawford (the second time of his desertion ) five feet feveft inches high, fair complexion,-hair cut dole, dark eyes, fl m built.—The oth«r, Hilary fii/hop five feet fix inches high, ruddy complexion, Tandy hair, a remarkable ringaqrm 011 tbe'le/t of his lip.- (Went off iri uniform.) N B. Thty took with them one brown cloth Coat, one blue cloth Coat, and many other articles not known at present . . w. iv. nunxoirs. Major Commandant of Marine Cvrps. ' may 29 Samuel Miles, jun'r. Ot the cay of Philedelpbia, merchant, hav ing a (Tinned over all his rta!, perfonit arid mixed,*to the fobferibtr-, foi die berefit of ltich of hn creditors ii rr.j;- (u!>f ( ri>,e to the laid affignme;.; Mi or before Ihe firft of au-^J Notice is hereby given, To alt pcri'oiis indebted lo' ihe laid dtate, tha they are requeued to mikeimmedVe -. SV n-ent to either oi .be .'JTiprVrs, or to the fa the recovery of such debts =! ?rc not d,;.h