Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, May 29, 1799, Image 2

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    w 1 AM •. M ANN I KG,:
Tik PJafe Werher,
' /wo.'4 26, SOUTH .SF.6OKB Street^
E'U&t.SSfct) with a due sense oiF gratitude for
*« »ftfa»*rou» conferred on him since hi*
fm T»AV*t tohtaftßHD* and the
*£*<•>*. M"t tofonij# thrta Uut tie h*> for sale
*' ! .*l wi* wifcnttteniatiany person in thecitjr.
which has of We became so particularly ufeful
throughout the United States, is r.endered-more so
by an lujmovement of his own, which he flatter.®
himftlf cannot b« imitated by any other person.
He trusts that an afliduous Attentifh will cnfure
him the pro?e£ti«n of a discerning Public.
N. 3. Merchants and Captains of vessels supplied
with Shot Cannifters, I«4mhoms,Cookiwg Utensils,
and every other article in the above line ueceffary
lor f tp« use.
tar Country Orders executed -with punc
tuality and eii:pdtcl<.
May in
' Pennsylvania Population Company.
NatUs is hereby Given,
r I"Q THE SHAREHOLDERS, that an afler-
JL rnent of Si* Dolta'S is levied ra each (hare,
payable immediately, which they arc requeued so
pay t<> the Treasurer of the Company, at the Com
pany's Office. No. 53, North Fourth Street.
By order of the Bojrd,
SOL. MARACHE, Secretary.
nay 10. jaw2w
A Handsome New House,
Within 5 miles of the city.
TWO (lories high, together with a graft lot, it
is in a very good (ituation for bxiinefe—the terms
will be made very convenient to the purchaser—
« iquire ot the printer,
mar 28 5
LONDON, January i, 1799
560 Guineas Reward.
LOST tils evening, between five ind fix
o'clork, in the neighbourhood of Grace.-
chut(h (Ireel, a BLACK CASE, containing the
Bank Notes and Drajps >
with fuiulry Bili« of Exchange, not due ■
j£:coo No. ist'9,dated I Dec. 179k
864, 16 Nov. Ditto
100© 284, 11 Dec Ditto
toco 171 i, 4; OA. Ditto
a 7 Ditto Ditto
A Draft oil MelT. HarkevardCo. 13*.
D itto Dorien and Co. 367 7 1
Carnet and Co. jo 16
Ditto Stephenlon and Co. 4 ..
Ditto Ropers and Co, 33
have been iSio/en,
27 16 f And detained by the fubfcribcry, a tew days
Ditto Smith, Payne and Co. 10 15 ! since. j valuable platsd BRIDLE BITT.
Ditto "°p e " and p° - * 4S 7 ' * d : THE following articles were al-
Ditto Lf Fevre & Co. iz 6 r r j » , •
Ditto ditto - Bao o o toundin a trunk in their cciiar lomc time a-
A hi:; drawn on Fleming & W:ke Bow Lant, f.' wh,C n h , ir is M' through mif
by Fleming, & payable to Ormord.dated Nov. 5 !j£* ° r "° le " " d *P° fit < d th £ r ? C" * e
tv , m-n'hs alter' date, ralue^io.-One ditto H °° r T ° Ut u - lnd " 0t Uflcr,H for fc , vt '
on Fell, No 3a O A Change, by Hall, and »' ni together) v,z.- •
payable to Smith, dated Nov. 30* at two month* 4 Uozeji pair .Leather Ciloves.
a'Vtr date, fur/'izi 19.' —' n« dit'o on Sav well The owners of the above goods, by provinj
& funs, Wood-ft.eet, .by Ball. and payable to property.'and paying'thc eiperice ofadvertifing
ilraddock, dated Dec. 19, at t xo~mon'hs, for " lj y 'eceive them en application at no. 13a
£;,o One ditto on Eden, Wcod flreet, by Market flrceti to
V. '! ,m> payable to order, dated Nov. r. at
ehrcr ni ,nihs f»r/30 •/ —One ditto on Neale
& Cn. ht. Psiil'n Church Yard, by Adam«, and
piyhle to Ktncorighi, dated Dec. 7th, at two
months, for £ 14. —One ditto on Stewart, -Red
CrofsSq'iarr, by Young, and payable to Mar
fl.a.'i, dst.-d Nov. 21, it two months, for £33.
is I)d —One ditto i n Royd's, Buklerlbury, bv
I.ori!, and payable to Jackson, datfcd Dec 3'
at two mpntbi, for £lB. One ditto on Miller
and Co. Gracei hurch street, by Redway, and
prvable to Hartley, dated Dec.6, at two monthi
for —One ditto on Spitta & co. Lawrenci
Pountr.ey T.ane, byLange, and payable to Hoyl>
dated Nov. i, at two months, tor
* Whoever m\y have fay nd the above, and will,
bring them to M«flrs. Atkinfen & Robfon, No. »
Weit Enrt of Royal Exchange, (halt immediate
ly receive Five Hundred Guineas Reward with
out any fun'ner Trouble.
N. B. No greater Reward will be offered,'as
payment of the whole is stopped, and the lofa
m?tlr known throughout this Country and Con
April T9
WASfowid on .Sunday tbe 19th instant,
a silver Watch—The owner, by proving
property and paying charges, may have it a
gain, by applying at No. 135, Spruce street.
may 13 3t
THE fubferiber, h?'vir.g been appointed ad
miniOrafor of theeftate of Mr. John Lup
ton, latr of this city, merchant,'deceafedj re
qHeft! th'>fe uchoire indebted to said estate, to
make"payment, and those who have demands
riie fame to exhibit tfhem to him with
out delay.
No. t6, <buth Fourth street.
Spril afi
To be Let,
A Store and Loft,
NEAR Markewftreet Wharf.—Enquire of
the Subfcribrr,
feh it
A few Young Mm can be accommodated
vith Genteel Board on reasonable terms, at
No. S Cherry .VJiey—the situation is plea
fa nt and healthy.
may ij.
THE Public are requcfted not. to receive any
draft", note«, obligation* or bills sf any kind
drawn in favor of orindorfed by
Abijab Hint.
J. & A. Hunt.
Jesse If Abijab Hunt.
Jeremiah cf Abijab Hunt.
A''ijab U yno. W. Hunt.
Siuuigrass. 12 Co.
rhofe on whom they are drawn are also deflrcd to
fufyfnd until refirenc* be had to the
About twenty Dollari of Si!h of thr
ab've dcfcripti'jn havi-j* been taken from the car
rier noar the mouth of t'enr.eo«e river by a part)-
of Indians. SAMUEL MEEKER.
aj>ril tu ih&f tf
i toth.ft.jt
ON Tuesday the 10th of August n«it, I (hall
expose to public fale,at the town of New-
Mai ket, in Dorchester county, all that valuable
tf*il or parcsl of land commonly called the Chop
tank Indian Lands, situated on tht south fide and
binding en the Choptank river several miles, sup
posed to contain about (irthoufand acres, to ke
divided into lots to contain from roo to SOO acres
each: The term* of sale as follow, viz. Purdlafers
to give bond immediately Lfter the sale with ap
proved fecsrity, conditioned for the payment of
the purchase money, with interest, from the day of
sale, in four equal annual inftalmenti, agTeeably
to an aift, entitled, " Ah a<S appointing rommif
fioners to contrail for and purchase ths lands com
monly called the Choptank Indian Lands in Dor
chester county, and for appropriating the fame to
the use of this ft ate, and to repeal the ail of aflem
bly therein mentionedpalled at November ses
sion, 1798.
Brush Manufactory and Ironmongery Store,
ta No. 175, Market Street, nearly oppefite the
Cooceftogoe Waggon, where they have lor sale
usual, home manafaa»red and imported Brufh
e« of almost every tlefcriptioD, together with a ge*
neral aflortmcnt of Ironmoogsry, Cutlery, Sad-
I«ry, and Bras* wares, to which they expeft by
the spring veflel.i, an ample additioa.
4th m#. 10
3x9 High-ftrret.
To tlx Five Story Bu'Uing, in Dock, near
300 Bales of Bengal Goods ;
City Bridge Subfcriplion.
r ! yii.Prtfi'i.tiit anil Director* of the Cofflpi
i- ny tor ere-ling a permanent Bridge over
the rivijr at or near the city of Phi
ladelphia, having, at ihe time of tbeir-firft pub
licatiwii, rectived subscriptions to near half the
amount or the capital or joint ftcck thereof;
suspended further solicitations until a site on
which to eredl laid tridge Ihouldtee procured.—
7 hit objefl bei g row effeiled, by. a purchase
of the neccffary property at the weft end of
High street, ob both fidei of the river Schuyl
Public Notice is Given,
That the book for Suhjirift'ioni to the capital or
.oint flock of the said company will be opened at
Jtheir office No. 13, north Fifth Street, on Mon
-day the 10th of June next, and continue open
from ten to one o'clock everyday (Sunday's
excepted) untilthe whole shall be fubfcribe<! for,
on the terms Ipecified in the a£l of incorpora
tion. —
The time is extended lii order to afford op
portunity to the friend* of this important un
dertaking, on the weft fide of Schuylkill, or
at a diftantre, to participation an objeil of great
public good-—Subscriptions and depnftts may
nevertheless be previously made at the Treasur
er'« office, Km. 13 Church alley, fubjeifl to a pro
portionate reduflionon the amount offub!crip
tions over and above the limited number of
(hares, if any there shall be, at the end of the
13th day of Juae enfbing.
. In the 10th feflion of the law of incorporati
on it is ena&ed, that the nett profits on tolls
nmy equal, but (ball not exreed ij percent an
nually ; and that the exceft (hall compose a. fluid
for the redemption of the said bridge.
A port fclio is opened at the said office, to re
ctive all communications, prints or drawings, on
the fubjeAi of bridges, ancient or modern, buil
ding in water,cements, mortar centres, caffoons
coffer-dams, or a»y information which may
tend to mature the knowledge of the diredlors
previous to the intended erefiion: Thfy aref<;l
icited, care will pe taken of them, and return
ed if defned'
JOHN DORSEY. Secry pro tern.
Philadelphia, May 17,vh 1799 mwf 13J
BEING riiffolved by.the death of Thomas
Roberts, all those who have any demands
against them are desired to furnilh their accounts
and those indebted to said firm are to
moke immediate payment to Richard Tunis £s*
Kobert Annefley, surviving partners, who pur
pose continuing the business as usual under the
jlnd bat't for fate,
Jimf«' River,
Georgia, ( TOBACCO
Carolina, £lf sOs good quality.
Maryland )
Who bate for sale as usual,
Mens and woinens falhionable liddlts of vari
oas rtefcriptions an-i firll quality ; likewise in
ferior and common di>to; ail aflbrtmeut of
elegant plated bridles ; ditto common ditto of
all kmHs. They alio ni'Bufiflure and have
for sale. plated and brass mounttd Harness ; all
forts waggon gears ; cavalry eqyipmena», such
as light horse caps, pistol holders, fv»ord belts,
&c. &c. together with every other article apper
taining ta their line o^bufinefs.
0" They alfe offer 25 cent* reward for tak
ing up a hlark apprentice boy, who baa escaped
from their service, called JARED, about 14
years o!d ; heis a&ive, fancy arid dirty. All
perfont are. cautioned not to harbour him:
may 28
Valuable Lands for Sale.
for the (late of Maryland.
d jm
April 19.
John Miller, junr.
eoKtiiTiNe or
Striped Dorea»
Aifo. a largt ajfortmcnt as
Madras Handkerchief^,
of rarious
THERE is no position in political al
or faits that may be better defended than th
n principal, That the spirit of liberty will n<
rn exist, if there is a defect of operative virtu
,'s in tJ)e people. Alter the emancipation of on
sr, country from G. Britain, the American pcopi
were pcrliaps as virtuous as any nation tipo
the globe. The rational spirit of libert
P" cxifted in their hearts ; yet the* wante
nr Tome centre of union .irthe different rupnfc
lt lies of which they were composed to unit
av in. A constitution ,as necessary topreven
ir- their liberty from degenerating into licentious
°* ness, to conned, their different i mere ft
P" and defend' iheii mutual rights For th
" want of this combining and conicrvatory po
wer, the AmericanJstates fuffered the ill ef
fedls of partial anarchy. But the folii
lis worth, and patriotism, that bore us. fr> trium
n- pliantly through one revolution of govern
'd ment, /aw a necessity for another ; and know
ijig the generous temper of the people, tha'
f " they wotjd not be drove, even..t« .their owi
.good, yet might be led by the hand of wif
a , dora to ahy thing, they patiently acquiesced ir
iy 'their temporary diftrefles, with the hope thai
rs their Tufferings would at length bring about
'• a reformative temper, and induce them tc
embrace a healthy and. happier form of go
vernment : this important moment arrived,
and was at length leized on ; and after a pon-
J (iderable A niggle with political theorists, the
Federal Cqnftitution was happily establish ,d
—a government calculated for a virtuous
people, and whose strength musk be luppor
ted by public opinion. . The theorists pro
, duced a faftion, called Antifederalifts ; who,
3 as they saw they could not lead the public
1 mind, resolved to bewilder it ; and when
- ever they could deceive in the elections of
' the people,'creatures of their {lamp became
legislators, and weakened the public councils,
with f<»lfe reafoningsanddivifions. Thanks
to the cool heads, better jenfe, and penetra
tion, of the American people, that we were
not slaves to the paffions,.as were the people
of France ! There, one revolution tore up the
foundations of focietv—revolution followed
revolution, and toft the public mind to fiuft
uate upon the tumultuous .vavss of confa
ll on. The American people, tho' fame times she prompt fophifmj bfthe An
tifederalifts, vet eventually fettled down in
the orderly path ot reason ; and, with men
of wiflom arid integrity at the he»d of af
fairs, they increased 5n wealth and happintk,
and excited the envy qf other nations. At
length the apofttes of tfie French revolution
came Ufbti ,/fegenc'rating vfiiffions into our
happy country, when our'countrymen, fedu
oed by the'fatretTriarhe of liberty, supposing
it to be the fan* with them as with us, tho'
in fa A what they called liberty iu France was
an.infajwpuse»mpouml of brutal power and
licentioufnefe—ysr her foul votaries were ref
pecled, arjfi they were fuffered to patchwork
the tattered garments 6f antifederalifm, from
whence sprung thefaftiofa, under a newgju-b,
of the Jacobins, under whose intoxicating
influence the American citizens atone peri
od bid fair to lose their morals, and the love
of real liberty. Then, we were differently
Gtuatedfrom whitt we were when the Fede
ral Constitution was adopted. At that time
Europe was at peace, and we had nothing to
do With their domestic affairs : our duty wSs
to mind our own concerns, and consult the
puMic happiness. But now the times had
changed. Ihe French, Pruffiansand Auftri
ans had gone to war, and England Toon af
ter took an aAWe part against the French.
Our interests were not immediately involved ;
indeed itTeemed to be atfirfta war produced
by ths militancy of opihions, rather than any
adlual aggreflion that had been committed by
either party, but threatening in its progress a
diAblution of the ties of all civil focietv, and
a horrid deftruaion of the human race.' Thus
situated, it became our anxiety to steer clear
of the whirlpool of European politics, and
for the fake of humanity, and our dearest in
terests, to take a neutral part. Tlie wife arid
patriotic administrators of our government
did not hesitate, and the President i(Tu*d his
proclamation of neutrality. Then was dis
covered theefFe£l of the combination of anti
federal with jacobin principles, in the base in
trigues of this two headed faflion against the
Federal Government—their inceflant distur
bance of its whcleiome operations—their
vile calumnies against its administrators
and, where they could not fix a stain upon
theircharafters, they would detraft from their
merits; destroying by degrees the confidence
of the people, poisoning their morals with
French philters, and turning ihe charity of
their dispositions into the devil-like temper
of hatred to all other governments and na
tions that were were not French. X.
ASCERTAIN bishop was once engao-ed
in his nofturnal lucubrations at a late hour
in the evening, when hearing a noise at the
window of his ftu.dy, he. looked about and I
saw a man—The bishop said, "who is :
there . the man replied Apostolus Domin:, ,
(i.e. an Apostle of the Lord.) The Bilhoo
• nftantly gntfped hispiftol, and saving Reel *
Sp,ruvm Sanctum, (i. e. Receive the holy fpU
r.t,) fired him dead on the spot—The' man
was found to have been a noted Robber. t
' d6t
Letler Ba &* "p at the Coffte-Houfe.
• The armed Ship Delaware,
Captain Clay; for London.
Brig Sea JQpi,ph, for Hamburgh.
%\jt <3a-,mc.
From the Salem Gazette.
I ALBANY Mnjr. jt.
The evidences of ;ui rxiiting jacobin fact
_ ioi> in the boi'orn of our country have lohij"
"■ been too ;»rominetly exh hired to escape at
tention : if there exHU a clais bj vvliom they
have been unnoticed, that el,iis is competed
of characters alike inditflrent to our profpc
ritv and glory, or ourdegradation and infamy.
Weak, but well meaning men, have recoiled
from the belief that America cherishes par
ricides who (land ready to light the torch
which may consume her honors, and mingle
the ashes of herindependence with those ps
other republics, which have existed, ftourifhed
1S and expired. That charity which has been
i indulged towards a faction hostile to the mea
,e-i fures of the existing government, will if per-
Jr fevered in; be the source of calamities which
' e no after energy can avert, which no ptans of
in prudaice or wil'dom can control. Fallacious
7 h the idea that, because men pbflVls extcnfive
' ' property, and have families aird connections
which fhoufd render dear to them a Sate of
:e order, an attachment to their country and a
u well- regulated government, will always of
s ~ courie follow : the vidian who preleiits a pi
s' ftol to the bread of his follow man, and de
ie minds his purse, or who nifhes unawares up
on the traveller, and robs him of his life and
property, is ever flattered by the idea that he
ftiall efoape the arm o?justice, and revai 011
'* the fruit of his crimes : the ambitious dil'or
" < ganizer and the unprincipled demagogue, are
'*'j buoyed up by th" hope that they dial! rife
I I ainidft ruin, and climb to eminence upon tht
n wrecks of the State.
" I But there is another elafs of men, who
1 1 aipire to preferment, through any path which
chance, 9r their own inventions, may pro
t vide : it iscompofed of such as are dei'peratc
y in their pecuniary-circumltanres, and poflef
■j sing a pride which pants for the enjoyment
> | of splendor, and official honors, without the
■j hoi;eft means of gratifying the former, and
: l deftitue of that confißency and integrity of
conduct which can attain the latter. Snch
' | men readily league themselves with all dii'ip
•■[ pointed office hunters, and give the full rein
■ to depravity for the purpose of accompli filing
1 their objefts. The good sense of the com
munity may discern the nefarious plans in
agitation, to facrifice the public weal to pri
vate, villainous views—and that good sense
may cammand unprincipled demagogues to
retire to the private walks from which acci
dent, er the negleit of the people relat'ue to
their best interelh, may have too unfortunate
ly permitted them for a moment to emerge.
But the public vigilance should not slacken
too futldenly ; the friends to a free, repreten
tative Government, Ihould ever be watch
'Tis not enongn that daring demagogues
are excluded from posh of trull and honour:
their views aijd objects would never be loft
fight of—but should afford themes of conti
nual caution and warning no the' public :
failing in the more artful measures of Capping ]
the confidence of the people in the govern - 1
menti by a misrepresentation of its measure,
and a (hameful abuse »f its administrators,
they may, and probaly will, as aderuieT resort,
excite civil commotions in the country, to
obtain by violence and blood, what art and
intrigue have failed to effect. Already, in
partial indances have operations of this kind
been set on foot: and one of the "principals
of the opposition has been heard recently to
declare, that before the expiration of three
years, a civil war in this country would be
inevitable—'Tli# only remedies which can bt
provided against such an evil is to clothe with
power those alone who are friendly to the
Government—and for the p-ople eunftantly
to be upon the watch. While the Govern
ment is adminiflerd witji justice and necefTa
ry energy; and is supported by" public con
fidence, and decisive manifeftations of the
will of the great majority to defend it, all
will be well—Traitors high tnd low will
shrink from their open attempts to demoiilh
so strong a bulwark : but if l'upineneis and
inattention prevail, advantage will acvrue to
our internal enemies, who may eventually
take ineiures to verify their predictions by
openly brandiihing the dagger of civil dis
cord, and fuccelsfully undermining the pillars
of National and State authority.
The democrats are eternally railing at the
f-deralifts about ingratitude— we would ask
whether there tan be a stronger evidence of
ingratitude than the inveteracy thev show
to Gen. Marshall r l'he Fresch tell us they
fovght our battles, and gained for us our
independence and liberty; and pray let us
t l W „ S that eo-operated with them ?
John Marshall.
But what particularly charafterifss tfieir
ngratituJe 13, that Gen. Marttnll istfte free
bvn ion of an American, and who after hav
ing borne the toil <4*. furious -war, in his
country's cause, contisurd to be, and is now
the ready avenger and firm supporter of her
r hts—-Out Upon it, fye ! i t fadU rank to
It may be obfervcd-ai a proof of federal
ism gaming ground, that we do not hea, of
ahngle affray having happened at any one place
ofeledion throughout the whole (late. Mo
deration and temperance, charafter'ifticj' of
iedcrahitSj have generally prcvuilctl.
It is an established maxim that truth is
progreflive—-we cannot fay at what fixed ra
tio—but at the fmallcft calculation, we think
it may be allowed, that if we have'on* bun.
dred and nine majority in its fevor this year
we Jhall have 218 at the next election. '
I A person expressing some surprise in com
pany the other day, about the silence of the
democrats on their Tvho
fat near him, replied, « you will ceafc to
wonder when you learn they are chop-fallen.
It is really piteous ta fee theru—thfirchins
hanging on their their counte
nances depicted with fear and terror—Every
man they meet uto their app.eheufions an
inquisitor or a bar Hie with » eitre de cachet.
: I JForeirjn
y\- LONDON, Mairh »
d . TBe folio,nng is a Co® of tke
mas made between General cu
J and Prince
d I " Armistice concluded between C
■ Cl,ampio B „ct, Commander in Chief J2
h Ann) ot Rome, on one part, and M o
e de Miliano,'and the Duke de Gcffo W " ,r '
,f tentiaries of the Captain- Genera] K^TT"'
h given up to-morrow morning at ten n'.l l
< •*'-*«» hbUszti
• ' ' "' ,lll - r ) alld ammunition which n :: J
e have been taken out lor the intrenc fed
s shall be returned, A French ofScer !£
f comm.ffary of war shall enter the town th
a evening to verify the Hate of the mig^
f and to receive them.
2. 1 he French army fetvinp; its rip-lit
. on the Mediterranean, shall occupy the Hi e i, t
- j Bank of the Mouth of the Neapolitan Lake,
1 , Acerra, and the Road from Naples which
; | p«ucs through Acerra, Azienzo and Ben,-
, I vente, and fliall keep Garrisons in ail t lr
. towns and villages of this country.
' , > Jhe Line of Demarcation flu II extend
from Benevente to the Mouths of the Ol'anto
lv . (beyond the Gulph of Motltredonia, i« th ,
Adriatic Sea), inking the test bank of that
0 river, and the right bank of the Lombardo.
h 4- Ihe Neapolitan Troops which maybe'
upon the Roman territory shall immediately
:c evacu ite it. '
f- 5. The ports of the two Siciities shall fc e
,t declared neutral; those of the kingdom c f
c Naples immediately aft( r the ligning of the
d AS, and those of Sicily as I'ooh as the Kin"
,f of Naples shall have sent from Palermo an
h AmbafFador to Paris, to treat for P-jcp.
- Consequently 1 , no Neapolitan ships of v, J
n fliall fail from any of the norts of tbe tiro
r kingdoms, nor shall any of the ships fceW
. mg to the powers at wnr With the French
1 Republic be, received therein, and all the iiiw
belonging to these powers who may bi-th-CTt
at this moment, fhnll be immediately fer.t
, away.
6. During the continuance of the Artuif.
-> tice, no change Hi;.ll be made in the adminif.
t native authorities of the countries occapied
oy the French.
7. No individual (hall be troubled or. ac
count of his political principles.
8. The Kiner of the Two Sicilies fnall pay
to the French Republic, ten millions of' li
\ies, tournoi^; five millions to be paid iHun
the 16th Nivofe «f the present month, cer
refponding with the nth January, 1 ;« 99 ,
and the other five millions oft the 6th Plu
viofe, which correl'pcmds with the ijtb Ja
nuary, in tlx; IV r or year. These paytmnts
shall be made at Capua, and the ducat ihaU
be received ns four livres of France.
9. Theufual commercial relation between
Naples and the territory occupyed by the
French anny, fhaJl continue at heretofore,
with the reserve that the provTtrtmirrg of the
French army (hall not fnfftr at all thereby.
It is also agreed upon, tfist the recipreciiy
of the commerce of the French army, with
tbe territory occupied by the Neapolitans,
shall take place, with exemption from ali dtt
10. The present Treaty of. Armistice
fliall be submitted to thp approbation of tbe
governments of the iwo powers. If either
; refufe t« ratify kj the generals comman
■ ding shall give notice three days before the
re-commenccmen; of hoftilitics.
Done at the Camp-befoie Capua,
a 1 Nivofe (Jan. io) Seventh
Yean of the French Republic.
(Sigccd) Championnet.,
T!ie Pr?nce de Mili-no.
The Duke de Gesso.
Championnit, Commander in chief of the
army of Naples, to all the inhabitants of
the ci-devant kingdom of Naples.
" You are at length free ; your liberty is
the only price which France desires to ob
tain for her exertions, and the only clause
ot the treaty of peace which the army of the
Republic comes t.> ratify by a solemn oath
with you within the walls' of your capital,
and on the subverted throne of your last
King. Misery be to ret h fho shall
refufe to lisj n with u$ this honorable eom
paft, in which the fruit of vr&ory is given
to the vanqu-.fhed, and which only leaves to
the conqweror the glory of having confoh
dated your happiness. He -shall be treated
as a public enemy, agnin't whom we remain
in arms. If there are still among you hearts
that are so ungrateful as to reject that liber-'
ty wnich we have gained for you at n-t
expense of our blood, or menjb insane as to
regret a king deprived of the right of com
manding ihem in conftquerice of hm violat
ing tbe oath which he had fwjprn to defend
them ; let them fly for protection to dan
da dn, which are disgraced by jerjory !
War shall be prosecuted against thetn to ex
termin..tion. Republicans, tbe cause undtr
which you have [■> generously fuffereJj i» ul
timately victorious.
What the brilliant vift'ories of the army
of Italy hadtiot been able to accomplish) has
been happily eflfe£ted by tbe blindness of your
last king. Let him than Maine his own ijiad
I pride, and his nudacioii aggrefliQJi, fur the
liappinefs of your fatt, and the disgr ace
which he has experienced !. But let him be
jnftly punished for hafiug againft
the faith of oaths, a nation in alliance witn
him, and for having to deprive a
neighbouring nation of their liberty ! L Kt
hinj be punished by the loss-os a crown whiqh
he has dishonoured, and bv the' chagrin 0'
having Veen the principal juAritmest iu nip
king you free ; Let no apprehensions embit
ter the fenthnent of a li3p;»nefs unexpect
ed ! The anny which I command'.vir. a. sjn
the roidft of you for your deferxe. -t wil
lose its last man, it will shea its iaft Q rO P
blood before it will allow your lift tyrant t°_
entertain even the U'-pe of renewirg