Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, May 24, 1799, Image 3

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    ' ■ £ rMlc h ttaet to Cap;: !. We awa't the 'On Sundi-f al fun fef, a vam man
nnfirmatiem• i f this intelligence Before.! walki in h.s cabin wiih a squadron around
tefft«;(scre<llt. V ■; ' « , Mm, who_ l-oked up to chief lo
* _ ' • lead them to g ! ory. and in whom thei**
- , m • "
I o /
VIENNA, March 9. chief placed the fir~c:t reliance, that
A tcmod courier has already arrived with , the pro'l deft {hips of < qual numbers btrlongr
heMiiielligeiK-.e that the Fre rich had passed . ing to France Wyold have bowed their flags
Ve llhine and has alio,brought the procla- ! and with a very rich priic lying by hija—
Ltionifluedon that occ'afion. % the fame ; Figure y< urfelf on Monday mcrmng when
the Archduke Charles has an- ' the fun rose thi- pfoud conceited ma-, his
kjtaawd that lie has been compelled to pass fliip'difmafted, his fleet difpcrfcd, and him
'tivtLech, in order to give the enemy battle fclf in fuA diltitfs that the meanest; frigate
*«fooh as P lace an d circutnftaneei will per- I out of France would have betn an unwd-
V ( come gut ft. But it lias plcafed Almighty
9 ' ' G< d to bring us ihto a fafe port, where,, we
are refuftd the rights of humanity, yet the
Vanguard will, in tv\ o days get to sea again
as an Englilh man of war.
March 25.
Or Utters from Dublin by the Mails of
this morning i' form us, that the State Prilo •
ners, whom we have alreadv mentioned to
lave received notice to embark in a teffel
ltted for their riception, have since (ailed
: or Fort George, in o.tland. Every ac
:ommodation that humanity could suggest,
•oipfiftent with fafcty, was provided for
STUTGAIM), March 9.
The Archduke Charles has his headquar
ters at Mindrnheim, and his army has ad
vanced as far as Mcmmingen. Gen. Jour
ilan has halted rft Villengen, and Gen. St.
Dyr at Rathweil Their patroles have pufh
edas far a; Rothenburgh, Tubingen, Rent
lirtgenyand Nagold ; but the route of the
hUin body of the Republican army, which
was advancing again ft: Ulm, by Stpckach and
Riedlengen, has, on advice of the dil'after
fuflairied by the column under MalTena,
turned towards Sch.ifhaut'en and Constance
for his support.
* As loon a? a courier, who arrived from
Saftadt at the head quarters of Friedberg, on
,&e : night of the 2d in!tint, had brought 'the
news of the French having crofted the Rhine
aigHt columns of infantry puffed the Lech,
arid arrived at L T lm on the sth. These
troops- have been fumilUed with a park of
'artillery,' confiding of no pieces of cannon
too ammunition waggons. Two officers of j
engineers, general Frohn and major Dedo
wieh," have received orders !ince the 4th, i
t<J repair witji all poliible difpstch to that
city, ia-order to infpeft the fortification! of
it, and cause the nccefTary repairs to be made.
At this moment they are Qipplymg the place
'with provisions for a garriCon of 10,000 mefi,
and the.surrounding villages have been call
ed upon to furnifn their contingent. It is
thought here, that as soon as the army i>f
Jourdon shall approach our quarter, a Co-,
lunin of the army of Switzerland will join
before yesterday the Archduke
Charles ■arrived at Munich, and returned
this day to the head quarters of Friedberg.
He flopped no longer than
while he was dining with the EleAor of
Treves. Orders were given that none of
the wives of officer's or soldiers (hould follow
the army. The head will be trans
ftfr-ed to-morfow to Welkenheim ; and af
ter to-morrow to Menimingen. The troops
are filled with ardor, and repose entire confi
dence in their general. It appears to be the
intention of the Archduke to support his
right wing at Ulm, and his left at Kempten.
Menimingen will be the centre. By means
, ps these positions, his Royal Highness will
preserve his communication with the army
#f General Hotze.
Sir Sydney Smith is to fail from hence to
Egypt, in company with the Turkifli Admi
ral, with a fleet confiding of jo men of war
and several transports.
STUTGARD-, March 7.
We learn from Auglburgh of the 4th the
following news
" Part of the Imperial army patted the
Lech this morning. His Royal Highness
the Archduke Charles is arrived here from
his head quarters at Friedberg, and has cauf- :
ed t!ie HuCar regime Jit oi' the Emperor to 1
defile before him.—Several other regiments ,
have pa (fed this town and its environs."
The column of Jourdan's army under ge
neral St. Cjfr's command, which marched
from Freudenftadt on the 4th did not go to
Horb ; it took, the road to Rothwell ; which
causes it to be imagined that it is intended to
go to th. Lake of Conftancc, inflead of
marching dire&ly upoa Ulm. Letters from
this town dated the sth, fay, that great
quantities of ammunition and artillery were
expccUd from Gunzbourg,
Ihe corps under general Ferino which
palTcd the Rhine at Basle, is composed of
three balf brigade, fix regiments of horse
chafleurs, tv/o companies of artillery, and
Jevera! Companies of flying artillery.
General Ernoufhas published a proclama
tion, dated 13th Ventofe, at Gengenbach, in
which he orders that the horses, See. belong-
-ing to the poft-offices shall not be to
requititk' v as it is o£ the utmost coitfeqiience the port in the countries occupied by the
Ytfetc h arirucs sHould fufier no interruption.
The fcoufcs in which the pott-offices are (hail,
not have any troops (Quartered on them, and
the post matters ftiall' not have any services
ifed upon them. '~ s
A proclamation from our Sovereign, dated
3d of March, orders ptfrfons of every difcrip
tion, civil and military, to remain at their
post, and to. take care that the inh;bitants of
the commune through which the French pass
keep q'.iiet ajk! behave towards those troops,
peace between his Highness and the Repub
lic, tince, according to that treaty, his High
fiefs is aflured thatthf French will notexer
c:fu any hostility agsinft his ilates.
' '^ 0:
LONDON, March 22.*
We have been favoured w th a copy of
the following letter, which, we presume,
will be acceptable to ourreader«, as it po nrs
out, in the raaa who lias atcheived so ranch
for this country, a union of the characters
of the Christian and Hero :
Copy 'of a Utter frtm Lord Nclfon to lit LaJj.
Vanguard, St. Peter's I(land, off Sardinia,
May 24, 1798*
My Dearest Fanny,
I ought not ro cail. what has happened to
the Vanguard, by the cold name-os acci
deot; I believe firmly it was the Almiv'hty's
gondnefs t« check my eonfumm ;te vanity.
I hope it has made me a better offic r, aa I
; feel it has mode me a better ma 1. I kiss
with all humility the rod Figure to yourfelf
Yesterday dispatches were received from
Sir Morton Eden, at the Coyy-t of Vienna ;
and olfo Mr. Thomas Grenville, at Berlin,
which were immediately forwarded to Lord
Granville, at Dropmore. Thofc from Vien
na con ain a confirmation of the defeat of
the 1 rench forces by General Hotae.
The country of the Grifons is probably the
highest in *ll Europe. It forms an aifem
blage of the vallies upon the summit of the
Rhetian and the Julien Alps. Each of thefc
vallies is separated from the other by a chain
of mountains, To elevated that, the waters
which flow from them take an opposite direc
tion. On the western fide are tha vallies of
Msfon and Diflentis, the canal ot which
forms the sources of the Rhine, diftharging
itfelf into the Mediteranean. On the east
ern fide are the sources of the Rhine, which
flows into the Northern sea. The eaflern
part of the valley, which forms the source ot
the Rhine, is so high, that not even rK or
any fruit can be produced upon it. But nst
withftandingthis, it is very populous, water
ed by the Inn, which, after traversing the
Tyrol, discharges itfelf, together vr:th the
Dnnube into the Black Sea. On the south
of these mountains the waters increase.
That of the Adda, which pa£fc» through the
Tyrol, and uniting with the Po, falls into
the Adriatic sea. The Valteline and the
country of Bormio form a deep valley, which
makes the point of junction between Italy,
Switzerland, the Tyrol, and the country of
the Grifons, and renders it of great impor- '
tance in a military point of view. Its e»> ]
tent is fifteen, and it varies in its breadth i
from one to three leagues. On the ealj, it I
■forms a communication by the valley of Freel
and various other pafTages, with the Tyrol,
by Pafchinva and Bernina to Engodine and
the Tyrol, and, finally, by Chiavene and
Sopro Porto to Eugodine, and thence thro'
Sphngan to the valley of the Rhine. The
valteline is separated from Italy by i chain
of very high mountains at different diftancej,
by palfable hills, in the raftera pirt of wWcfi
they are separated from Bergomafque and
Berlion, but'inlenfibly decline between the
[ Valteline and the Milaiwfe, so at to afford
an eafv access both to an army and whatever
artillery may accompany it.
Ulm is to have a j»arrifon of 10,000 men ;
Field Marshal Count Kerpcri, who defended
Ingolfl againfl Moreau, is tobe commandant, j
with the Engineer General Fahr, under his :
orders. The city is provisioned for. a confi
de ruble period.
The Margrave of Badia has publilhed a
proclamation like the Duke of Wirtemberg,
to regulate the conduft of his fubjacts dur
ing the passage of the French.
Letters from the Hague of the 12th inft.
flute, that the fleet of the Texcl was 011 the
eve of failing ill conjunction with the Dun
kirk squadron upon loire secret expedition ;
which, however, it observes, will not be so
considerable as that which was to have taken
place in the fiimmer of 1797".
: We stated in our paper of yesterday, that
| French papers of the 1 jth and 16 th had rebell
ed town, and we mentioned in a f;w lines
what was the chief intelligence which they
brought. A paper of- the 17th alio reached
town in the course of the day.
The two councils have paired a Decree, by
which all privateers are forbidden, and the
Tailors who compose their crews are ordered I
to repair to Brest, in order to man the fleet
which is fitting out there, and which they
are making every effort to prepare for fen.—
We heartily wish them success in these efforts
convinced their (hips will never leave their
port's without finding their way into ours.
Another decree has patTcd to compel all
Foreigners in France to wear the Cockade
of their country. The precaution* which
the DircfWy are taking in the Interior
prove the unjafinefs embarraflrnent
of their situation, in spite of the pains which
they take to conceal it.
Our readers will feee with pleasure that
the Infurrec ion in Belgium gains additional
ftrengfh, The time is now come in which
it may prove of material assistance to the
enemies of Faance, and in which it may in
its turn receive considerable afiillance from
The Imperial Troopi haTing passed the
Inn, was confidtred by the Frer ah Diredo
ry a 9 a of War ; they in consequence
of it prepared entertainment for man and
The following Letter from S'r ftjirg, in
a Paris Paptr of the 16th, gi*f tbe latelt
account o£ the position of, the French Ar>
" Strasburg, March g.
Authentic information has been at length
received here respecting the Army of Prince
Charles. The General received on the morn
ing of the 3d, at his Head quarters, difpatch
ts from Raftadt, which acquainted him with
the pafiage cf the Rhine by the Trench Ar
inics' He immediately .ffued'crden to ib
body which foniied his .1 uguard, and whicl
for tome time part had been cantoned, in op
position to the Articles of the Treaties con
cluded between Aultria and France, between
Ulm and Autyfburgh, to advance by forjed
marches towards (Jim. Two battalion# ar
rived there mi the night of the 4th, and four
more at twelve o'clock the nsi:t day—On
the 3d, preparation; were made to Cross tpe
Lech, and in the night the j.rn y yf&\ <;o'-
lefled together, and leveral Regiments ol
Cavalry and Infantry, With a considerable
body of Artillery, efftfted the palfagc on the
4th and jth. All these troop* advanced by
forced marches on the fide of Weiituheiin
ard Ulm. The Head quarters were to be
transferred to on the 16th, Prince
Charles having arrifsd at that place on the
" Jonrdan's Ke?d Quarters transferred
on the 6th from Hmnberg to Villingeu. He
wns on the ;th to set out for Dullingen, ?.nd
to tfiarch this day to Bidingen on the Da
nube. ■
All the troops in Helvetia have advanced
to the frontiers of that Hepublit. 1 he cen
tre is in the Canton 'of Seiltis, oppollte to
Vorarlfcerg and the Head quarters, of Maf
fena, have teen transferred from Zurich to
St. Gall, and from thence to Alflallen in the
ci-devant Rhunthol. The left is on the
Lake of Conftancc, and the right has advan
ced on the fide of the Grifon, where several
a&ibns have already takemplace between the
Aulhians and' French.
The Head quarters of the army of Obser
vation are lUU at Manheim# A part ot thu
troops which have inarched through this
town are to advafcee by Bruthfal to Philipf
btirgh, which has not been hitherto'-blocked
up, on the Right Bank of tire Rhiiie.
' A final) Corps which pafied the Mein near
Mentr. in she night of' the 4th,.entered
Darmfhdt the next day, .Frunkford had
not been taken p'offc-flier. of .when tbi hit ac
counts from that place csine away. How
ever ail the troops betwetn the Mein and
thei-ahn were in movenient for the purpose
of marching fftrwaid.
t>v tl)is SDap'S spai!.
qy- The political Intelligence received by
the several late arrivals from England is
extremely unfatisfaftory;—we have Hat
ed the news as it was received, leaving
the public to judge of its confiftcncy. It
is proper, however, to observe, that capt.
Wood, who brought the paper containing
the letter of Meffiena, left Ljverpdol the
4th of April,when the new* of the French
defeat wa» again renewed, and generally
believed; but through the hurry »f the
bufinef* be omitted to furnifh himfelf wit
the documents on which the belief was
The Independent Chronicle of this mornin^
toßtiiaa two diyj latT than
we were able to procure: The Intelligence
it important; 41 That <Jorernmeot had re
ceived difpatchcs acquainting that the main
armies of the Archduke Charles, and pen.
Jourdan, had met on the Rhine about the
middle of March, that an obstinate engage
ment ensued, in which the French were de
f ated with the loss of 7000 piifoners, and
an immense number killed ; that thelletf t
wing of the French army, commanded by
Gen. Cyr, after this drfest, was ftopt in his
rtreat by general Hauendorf, and aim oft
totally cut to pieces ; that gen. Jourdan with
the reft of the army had made a hasty re
treat to Baile; and that gen. Mafiena was
attacked about the fame time, and also de.
■ •*
It was reported that Mr. Grenviilc lud
"occecded in his miflion to the Court of Ber-
The Frigate Boston, built by subscrip
tion of the Merchan s in this town, will be
launched fron) her ways Thi* Day at 12
The fliort period since the keel of the
B'Jlon 'rigatc wat laid, her admirable con
ftrudion, and workreanfliip, tefteft honor
on the patriotic (übfcriber.i, the acting Corn •
mittee, and. the expert workman, to whom
(he owe hertxittenc ; while they (how the
flcill of Americana in naval taftics, and prove
fufficicnt to render her <wc*Jen walls, in a
!hort time, adtquate to the proteftion of her
flag and her commerce, and tlie vindication
of our national chara ter.
We mnderdand, that The Prefirltnt of the
i da|r, accompanied by the Lieutenant Gover-
I nor, a- d other difiinguifhed charadters ; it
| it thercf re hoped, that the inhabittnts; who
refidc •. ii the streets leading to the yard, par
ticulirlf in Middie-ftreet will display their
ulual poli[ itclt in removing evtry obstacle
that might impede the accommodation and
convenience of the refpetlable and numer
ous fpptlator* who will atte d the scene
(traits in favcr of Abijah Hunt, drawn bv
Ciptain Ilaac Gnionon the Secretary at War—
Daniel Hatapan on William Bell, or Francis
Jol »s on Jolin Witkin«.
1 hose on whom they are drawn are riefired
to fulperd acceptance until reference be had to
Twenty five thousand dollars of the above
fttlcr hed bills have been taken from the Carrier
nearthe month of Teenrffee river by a p;rty of
;ndian«. SAMUEL MEEKER. '
may 18 tu th &f tf
BOSTON, May ao.
%ije ©ajette.
-v.:- ® -•>
IJxtraft of a !«ttei from London,of th« 27th
" The Two Fritnds, Gardner, from New
Ycrk, has arrived. The Chelerfield Pack
et Dispatch, nor barque Mary, have yet ar
" I hvve principally by the present, tt>
advift yon, that vie have this d-y, sn ac
court rf Capt. Truxton's cga ment, : and
that a subscription is opened at Lloyd's, to
present him a haudfome piece of plate."
Arrangement* are making at Lancaster
far the accommodation of the Sta e Legrf
lature. The puMic officers are now remo
ving thither from this city. V
from the Pavette Gazette*
A particular flatemcnt of the polls of the late
Election for a representative in Congress, for
Hampshire dlftridl (Virginia) has been sent to
us from Harrifon county, and (lands as fellow s r
Counties. Mcj. Raymond. Col.Juck/on
Hamplhire, 144 ' 3^3
Hardy, uj .5 3
Pendleton, 113 73
Randolph, 94 9 l
Aarrifon, 130 74a
Monongalis, -230 ' '7.5
Ohios i"i tJ3
Brooke, 7 1 1( 3
J *99
Mfjority for Col. Jaikfon,
•Mr. Henry Strickler, out of the sugar trees on
his farm, near J-'tewarts-Croflm-s, the preceding
season, made of firft rare fugjr. Mr
Abraham Challenberger, in the fame re:~h! or
hojjjtf, out of three sugar trees near his house,
ma:Jr upwards of 6olbs: ditto.
mmtttt £oarim Sift.
Port of PhiL'Jelphia,
Schr. Ann. Piatt, Chariefton 7
Sloop Amity, Woodward, Porrfmouth
A brig name unknown, fupjwfed to be
the Efperanza, Kenny, from hence to Suri
nam is taken and lent into Cayenne.
Ship Spy, Weft, andfchr. Harriot, Hefs,
failed from Surinam for this port the 26th
Arrived at the Fort.
United States brig Scammel, Adams, trom
N. CafUe
Schr. Virginia, Bright, St. Kitts
Schr. Esther and Eliza, Lindfley, Curracoa
Capt. L. informs that the Britifti Frigate
Magician had captured three French priva
teers, belonging to Curracoa, the 19th A
pril last.
A list sf vcffels spoke by the Delaware, ten
days previous to ber leaving her station
off tbe ffavanna.
April 30. — Brig George, of and from Phi
ladelphin, Capt. Harden ; Brig American
Hero, of and from New-York. May id,
fch'r Sifters, of and from Bitlfimore; May
5, brig Franklin, of and from Philadelphia,
Capt. Morris ; lhip Harry, of Philadelphia,
Capt. Armstrong ; Fabius, of do. C.ipt. Cor
r.\n ; brig Susannah, of do. Capt. Hunt;
I'chooner Nimble, of and irona Nww-\ork,
t2 days.
May ad—Schci.uer William, of and from
Charleston ; brig George,-of and .from ditto ;
brig Fame, of and from Philadelphia, Gapt.
Webb; brig Nancy, of and from dc. Capt.
Cook ; floep Pejtrlburg Packet, from N( r
fcik ; .lqop I- :.e,of Warehaitf,from ChavU'C
6:l)—Schooner Harnouy, of an
from Charlrft-ju ; Ifiboorier Poll}*, of
fro in Baltimore, C»,p:; Whittle ; llhocncr
Tie Spy ?nd Harriet, from are
Ship Thom s V» T ils- n. from hence, bafc
The Eagle Wick?, J3 uays from Jo lb a
Brig Dumphy, trom hence -s
condemned at Bilboa.
Brig Peggy, Maxfield, frqm hence,, has
i at St. Andt-tto - (chafed in.)
i United States, ?
_ 7-1 • *l*
Pennsylvania District. )
IN Purfu lice of a Writ to UIC direiSed from the
Honorable Rich.ird Pfter*, Esq. J«<lgr of the
Diftriil Court of the Uri'ed States in ai.d for the
Per.nfy Wania Dillr : ft, will be exposed to public
lair, at the M •rchauts' Co£fe< -Houl'e, in the Cit]
of Philadelphia, on Monday the 3d day of Jul:'
next, at u o'clock at noon,
TAt armed .Freneb vessel,-
by the States' {loop, of
War andcmdemncdaccordingta
law. WILMAM NICHOLS, marftak
. N. H. Th? may fce fcen at
Mof {hal't Office it Philadelphia, May a 4.
United States, ? ( y
Pennsylvania District. >
IN Puriuance of a Writ to me i.iire<ifed from the
Honorable I< icharil Pit r c E !q■ Jutige ot the
DiftriA Court of the raited States, in and for the
Pe nf\ lvania Ddlrift, wilt t-c exposed to puWie
sale at the Merchants* Coffee HVufe, in the citj <lf
Philadelphia, en Monday the 3d day of June next
at 11 o'clock at noon
: JEISkT French vessel
her apparel guix.and apf or
tenances, cajitupeJ hy the pubKe artejed vclTel cal-
Bfeited State*. John Barty, Efq.comJnin*;,
Ifer,'.and condemned according to law.' + ■
WILLIaM NlCHOLSfcjfnarftml. .
Thi inventory m*y be ft>n a; my office.
i.Jlf«rfll«i'*Odc« at PM»d«lp6i», ttafJt*,
BOSTON*, May za. ' ' .
Capt.- Wood, Jrom l.ivtrpool','biS '■'?
tsitb the Star, a Lvrtdor. -Paper of-via i't>
yotbf ivblcb' contains tie latest hce.n'n.s
ive have received. "
From the- STAR.
~L 0 N D O N, 'March 30,
. Tliis morning government rteeiveJ tiif
oatches of considerable importance; brought
to. Yarmouth by the Exprel's-, capt. Celt, nit
•xtra packet,from Guxhaven. - The contours
Have not fully tranfpited} they relate how
ever to an engagement bofween the Auftrifisi
and French armies on the Rhi, e, in which
the latter are stated to have been dTeat,..!
with great {laughter, and fevt n tboufmd 11-
ktn prifoilers by the Aufh ians. We cannot
vouch for the correftnefs of the pnrticul,.i-,
but would not be surprised, if the fepnr;
brought in private letters by the last Mail
Ihould thus receive full confirmation j as \v::
haw known many inflances of private vie-'
coupts of important events being received be
fore the official arrived.
The Arch Duke Charles commanded tile
Aullrian army: tie French were comman
ds! by General J lirdan. Some of ti;ij
Ruffian forces bad joined the former.
The left wing of the French ar n iy com*
mjfldod hy Gen. St. Cyr, fulLred mutt i\t
tbca&inn. '
The particulars were fe> t.<ii by <\fe{T.n»
gcrj 10 his Majefly at Windsor, and to the
different Cabinet Ministers.
Mr. iXtfF, Sii-'ward to [,or.t Elgrin, left to«n
last night for Yarmouth t» embark with- dif
pttchei td'Mr Thomas Grenville at Berlin.
10 S
§tr>r-Qsic, 4 a'clovJt.
We Stop the profs tr> give a ,jo? farther par
ticulars :
The force \rhh-h compoft3 the Iff:
viftg of the army, commanded by Gen. St.
Cyr, after the defeat *h y fnflained in the n£!i
on *ith the troops wereAopt in liieir
retreat by the Anftrian general
fuftainrd a romprte e : eat, hardly any 0 1, tiiem
tt'c aped—-The a£tion tookph e about te, n.i
dle of this month «t be.icveon or'aboot the
Jcurdan, with lb? other part of his armv,
had m*dc a haftv tow c-di S. He- It is
laid alio that M.-lTeta w:s ai'.a.-Jte I on or
about the fame titrsf - ■<{ »•!'• <1
We are h to add, hat aicoun s have a!-
Kuffians. T he' Leander, wb ch w«is taicrn by
. the French when bringing h.i>txie difuatcbes
1 from Lord Nel/on, has bc*n taken in the uar
bour, and also a French !ri• te
LONDON, March 28.
The Hamburgh mail due yefterd&y arrived
this morning', and brink's Tome very impoi
tant information respecting the opeiations
of the hoftlle armies on the Rhine., We are
forty to state, that the news by this mail give
but little countenance to the reported,fucc*.T,
of the Aitftrians under gen. Hotze, in an
a&ion fald to have taken place the 7th inft.
viz. on the day that followed the one on
which the French General Matfena, having
entered the country of the Grifons, defeated
the Auttrians, and took possession of Coivc.
The official letters from Gen MaflVna, con*
taxiing a detail of his operations on the 6th
are dated 011 the very day 011 which, if the
account by the mail had been true, he
fliould have! beer, recrofllng the Rhine with
a defeated army.
The operations 011 both fides for carry! rr;
on a vigorous campaign are conducted with
the greatefl activity, and, from the' breath
ing time each have enjoyed by the procrasti
nated and irrfincere Jjegociations at Raftndt,
and the eonfequent rafiruiting and improving
of their armies, it may bse;<pe<ftcd to be ex
reirely bioodv. ,
jjlfefoi&yrtnifare the eomrtiunic*tj.jn#*re
ce|ted n>?Hj-wh'rch are mol
' '£.
Kfffk* . Marin
of. t! & campßigrn which
heitai o*. tWf fttwtiiu of ttie
V-' iyu Wli mc IH' litis CM UIC
Gri foils, has <o' b tn fecou ab'e for the
AuUfiaiis..—The French ka*e penetrated
into the
taken po' -.Tioii of Coire the principal t •vni,
after liavi., j mnit _ . 'off bti* a iid fe
deral thou fa nd me 1, prtf> ;-.m. The follow
-15 • oi t e officii accounts-
Lt:,'. too General to Gtisen
i. a . French M':...icr Luce.. e.
A*cad Qua 1 (.-rs, at Coir,-, March 7.
I O'tiAcn 'liivi.-r—W? are now at Coire,
the capital of the (Jr. on:, : t not without
I artUioi.- exertionj. The Auftri -is dlfputed
! every of i&e ground. Tiwir \ s ft
I gie was made before the q-ates of Gbiry, set
: Jicre too they were entirely defeated. Tis«
fruits Ot fllis flav 1 *: wnrL- « rrs,-\ Y\r < '
of warj, i
General ConriiwKder
tte* left wing, a iter having yeflexfijy com
pelled t.he army to retreat, was to-day at
tacked by the fuperiorforce of all the troops
comman jrcl by Gen. Hotze. He has, htnv-
I ever, totally .defeated the enemy, and taken
' 1500 prifsinei-s, and 7 pieces of cannon. The
Auftrians are retreating witb precipitatioti.
Signed, MASS^TAS
The report that stn ad ion to the advan
tage of the Juitriavs had taken place fa the
Grifons on the 7th, is not confirmed.
An Architect &'Encinees,
Who has heen regularly h>-ei!,
'S.. line <lire<sled to A. B and left at thit luce,
will be attended to.
At No. 246, High-&reet,
A Handibrfie Coach,
Pb,:c'uv, .
Either fcparat' !y or toother.
Alio—ahai.d c.ra • N rrajripfc'': are i-rcGr-
Hcrfe, ■
.may 24 ■ '-*'
r y