Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, May 24, 1799, Image 2

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Mr. WignelVs Benefit. „
- . 5
(the last Sight but one> j
CM VRIP it EVENING, May 14. d
C Performed Here,) |
'A celebrated COMEDY, taken from the Ger- ,
man of Kotzbtre—Autjior 01 the Stranger—And
adapted to the Englilh Stage by Mrs'lnchbald,
[ Performed at the Theatres of London, Bos
ton if New-Tori, with great applause.]
Count Wilcierihaim, Mr Warren.
Count Caffel, Mr Hardinge.
Anhalt, Mr Marfliill
Verdun , Mr Bernard.
Frederick , (his 4thappearants) Mr Cain.
Cottager, Mr Wignell.
Landlord, Mr Francis.
Ag tha, Mr' M-erry.
Amelia, Mrs Marlhill.
Cottager's Wife, ' Mrs Morris.
To ivbicb will be added,
("For the First time in America)
A new Grand Dramatic ROMANCE, celled
Or, Female Curiosity.
[fffyittei by George Caiman ftbe Younger J Efij .——And
performed upwards of One Hundred and Fifty Night*
attic . heatrc Royal, Drury-Latu, London*
(Thtf Scenery, Machinery and Decorations, entire
ly new)
['j be Music composed, and Selected, fly Mr
Kstir, with Accompaniments by Mr.
Abnoielkjue, (Blue Beard) Mr Warren.
Ibrahim,' Mr Francis
Selim, (Lover of Fatrtta) Mr Marfliall
sha'cabac, Mr Btinard.
Kalian, Mr Bliffett.
Fatima, (Wife to Blue Beard) Mrs Marshall.
Irene, (Sifler to Fatima) Mrs Warr II
Beda, Miss Arnold.
Afl I. A View of a Tarkifh vi'lage, and a grand
proceifion of Abomel'qne, and his train to claim
his intended bride—Chonrfes, &c &c.
Aft 11. Blue Magic Chamher, fupcrbly decorat
el in the l astern Stile.
Mspk Skeleton, Mr Warrell. jun.
Turkish Garden, Brilliantly and Fancifully Illu
minated, with a Nuptial Festival. ,
Principal Dancer, Mrs Byrne.
A Wood—Ambufca-'« of Saphis —Cherus and
Principal 3aphis, Vteffrs. Hardinge, War
rell. Dowme, and Warrell jun. &c.
Janizaries —MelTrs. Do&or, i.avancy, &c.
Mrs Hunter, Mrs. Gil
lingham, Mrs. Stout, Mrs Lavancy, &c,
The Cafile of Abonulique, with Turrets, Cor
rider, Drawbriflge, &c.
tnfide of Sepulchre, Death of Abom.'iqtie.
The Dances and procellinns compofcd by and un
der the dceclion »f Mr. Francis.
The Scenery, Machinery, and Decorations, de
fined by an: under the dire&ion of Rfr. Mil
buur'-e, ad Mr Holland, anJ exeeuted by them
afTiltcd by Mr. Stuart.
Books of the Songs to be bad at the Theatre.
Ticket* to be had the bar of the city Coffee-
Houfc, anrt at the nfual pUccs.
0- Mr. RlilN.iGLJi's Night will be -on Satar
day » e*r
Notice is hereby Given,
_ vl*'n _ _ • ...111 V. m«AMm tm iko I si"i 1 f
That application will i)c made to* the iiTue
ot certificate* for ucn'y two ftiareo of the
Stock of the Hai.k of th<U niten State«, m lieu
of the ■ndermemioned certificates for a like
number of iha r e* of the stock ot the fa?d Infti
tt'tion, in favour of Jameb Eckley Colley, c
Liverpool, loft by the capture of the D ana,
Kichard Kirkbride, mailer, a voyage from
Philadelphia t > Liverpool, Grea 1 -Britain, viz.
five fti re« each Three certificate. No.
and 17004, for four Jbares Men.
G. SIMPSON, Cashier.
Bank of the United States, )
Bank of North America.
May l o, 1799.
■ -vilj} be.hdiitt'the Bank oh Tuesday vbc ?Sih
- MK n Vclock, A. M. for the purpose
- .if in the places of
• and Miers Fisher
» ,*•**>• I&r order of the board,
i - ' ■ .ftIGHAHD WELLS, Cafoier.
0- The Second Volunteer Troop
of Cava ry,of the Unucd Stues, are requ.fled
to attend a meeting at Ogden s Tavern on Fri
day evening the 14th inft »t 7 o'clock on bu-
Jonathan Rote/in, Lieut.
M*y »»•
Fauquier County, Virginia.
And bos session given next fall,
THE old {landing Tavern, call
ed Harneu'i (formerly Heavi'ls) wi:h the farm
al l in go d order for cropping—also my Tan
yard, Still and thrse stills, two of them
quite new. Also a valuable Grift mill, Black
lmith's ft op ami Iraitfct, with Rock of all ki .da
that I have, and part of my house hold and
kitchen furniture, with a stock of liquort, &c.
to lerve a year, that the tenant need be at no
ejipence for that time. There will he five or
fix hundred,acre« of land go with the house, and
good meadows on it, filfficient to support die
tavern, I will also leave a pircel of hands on the
place if required. T will bargain with the per
fonthat comei forward, on reafouahle terms.
may *Q'
TAKES this opportunity of returning his fin
■cre thanks to his friends and thi public in
general, for their pad favors, and at the fame time
to inform them that he has removed from No it,
to No. 45, North Fourth ftrect, four door? helcw
V ace street.whet j Bleeding, Toothdrawing Cvp
ping, Hairf'rellmsr, &c urecarried on as usual.
Philadelphia, May tad, 1799-
Tn a Who'ehle, or Rt-'tail Dry Good Store,
Of indifrutable c'naraflrr—has htely fttin in
the hibit of a Dry Good Store.
A line (lireaH 'o C. W »t the Office of thi*
Ga7ctf will b« rrompt!? aitendrd to.
Amy it
Gf the Springrijbury Lots,
WHICH comment tl on the 10th April la!).
I -will be continued on Hie premiles, 01
Saturday the lit of June neat, at i oVlock,? »>
Under tie lame terms, ■viz. " Cash tor lots < 1
50 feet front, anil under, and for th fe of * r
larget fiyeore halfcafk immediately, and the o
titer hits to be paid for in fix months from th
day of fate." - '
Maps fhew'tig Ihe divifioo of the ground int. 0
f .ill 'and large lots may be seen at the cosset L
hoiife, at Ogdtr.'s t-ivern in Che'fnut street, a
Sybert't tavern in the Northern Liberties, anr .j
at the Middle and Upper Ferries, on Srhoylkii
CONNELLY ii Co. Aua i s
may 14 titxje. (
O* THE Owners of Land in the .
North Weftem part of this State, particnlarh
between tbe Bald Ease's Nest and Piefqne Isle
arc earnefilv refuelled to meet at Dunwoody 1 r
Tavern ia Market street on Monday evening '
next-t (even o'ciork, to receive the report of (
the Con mittee appointed n a former meeting ,
on thefubjeil ofthe road prop f d to be open- £
ed between these plires. A« the bofioefS is im- {
portant, it is hoped there will be a full meeting,
may 24. d ? [ j
Tin Plate Worker,
No. 226, Sourn Second Street,
IMPRESSED with 3 due sense of gratitude for ,
th« numerous tavors conferred on him Once his
commencement in Bufin<f bep* leave to t
his rr.oll sinckbi Thanks to his Friends and the
Public, a.n r ! inlorm» them he has lor iale
every Article in the I J V t rade which he w 11 ren
der on a-. moderate term as any person in the city.
which has of late became so pai.icularly afeful
throughout the ynited States, is rendered mc>re so
*by an Improvement of his own, which he flarters
himfelf cannot lw imitated hy any other p'rfon.
H<> trulls that an affidu< u< Attention will enfu-e
him the pro edion ol a decerning Public.
N. B Merchant- and Captains ot vcHelsfupplied
with Shot Caniiiilert-, Cooking Utrnflit,
and every other ijticlc in the above tine r.eeeffaty
'ior •"ips use.
g£7» Country Orders executed vith punc
tuality and dispatch.
may 11 tu.jh.fa.3t
To -be Sold,
For approved notes at 90 days, on Weinefday
evening the »9th the Merchants':
the *toor
newly new,
Very (lout, and built of tke btft materials, Che
is now incomplete order, burthen tioo buihclscl
grain, and of an easy draught of watsr.
TimWer» nsulbn ry and ted ee*
Hasjull undergone a thorough repair, to ren- j
der htr fit for immediate ferv te ; burthe« from
I» t« 1 josbufhels grain, and ». r an etfy draught (if
Both of the above vtCTeli w«rc employed as ]
packets in the Baltimore line, via Appoquinrroiek ; j
arc in every refped calculated for the river trade,
and will suit as lighters to convey goous to and
irom the Lai?retto.
Connelly W Ce. Aucl'r;.
may n &■
United" States, >
Pennsylvania District, 5
IX purfuancc of a writ to me direded from the
konorabl. Richard Peters.Esquire, Judge of the
Diftrid Court of tbe United States, in and for the
Pcnnfylvanja Diftrid, will be exposed to public
sale, at the Merchants' Coffee-houfe, in the city
of Philadelphia, 01, Thursday the 30th day of May,
(inftantj at £l o'clock at noon,
rjv fid armed French vessel called
With all and finguUr her apparel,
guns, and appurtenances, captured
by the public armed vefTel cadsd the Contlellation,
THOMAS TRUX' PN, Rfquire, Commander,
and condemned acceading to law.
N. B. The inventory may be seen at my office.
Marfhsl's Office, at "}
Phila. lift May, 1799. j dts.
T j-j. The Britijh Letter-os -Marque
Tor KINGSTON, (Jam.)
' ttu\y lo take her cargo on
hoi! , can receive some freight. For termi
apply to . ROSS&SIMSON.
may t? ______ £_
Of the very firft quality;
Apply at No. 108, south Second (treet, or at
No. 48, south Sixth street—or at the printer'a
mav at dtf
7HOM AS C 0 N D lE, •
N°* 33, Carter** Alley,
Of the Peftiletice commonly called. ■
Which al mo ft deiblaicd Philadelphia, in
the months of August,
and Ofteber, 1798.
may 13 jt
Loji or Mi/laid, •
A CERTIFICATE of one (hare of the
Bank of the Uniied Stat«s No. 4933. in
the name of Julia Wadfworth Knox, and for
which, application is ma<fe at the Bank of the
United States so» the renewal of said certifi
cate ; and all per~»n« concerned are rlefired to
take notice. CLJ'.MF.NT BIDDLE.
ra?y , djm
The creditors of the jubfcrtber,
ARE rcquclicd o rake notice tkat he has appli
ed to the coi rt of common pleas, for the
county ot enend to hiinthe benefit of an
of the legiSature of this state, palled the 4th
ot April, 1798 for the bene t of insolvent debtors,
and the said appointed the 111 Monday
ia Ausjull next, to I ea- him and his creditors' at
tht court houfein the borough of Reading, in the
county of Berks. JOHN MORrtOW.
Reading, May 18 (»l) djw
t« stfr if
Major General Pinckney, and Brigadier
General Walhinjton, accompanied by Major
Rutledge, arrived at St. Mary on the Bth
11 slant, and were received by the inhabitants
of that place, with much relpefl and holpi
the foi&L'ing Address 'was banded to Gen.
Cnnid.T CoUWty, April 9th. 2799.
THE inhabits tits W St. Maiy's and
its vicinity, fcensKttulsrte you on your late
arrival to this <.*:*;tnhncr fovthern boundary of
our happy count-y, »nd though fiiuated as .
we are, rmiot't iron- the feat of the fceuer,l
: Government, mir principles are pure, undi
vided, and pert'ci iy .attached to that gov
ernment, which the great family of Ameri
can people formed for themtelves. We pray
yon to accept our fuicete thanks for your
patriotism and firmftefs on the late trying oc
cafinn, yourembalfy td the French nation ;
but from.your former well spent life, in the
fei vice of your country, we were sanguine in
our expeditions, nor were we disappointed.
OurExecut vc hasgivenus a-frefh instance
of hispaternal care, in fending you and your
well tried fettow-foldier. Brigadier General
Washington, on your present million, and
ill calling you to your diftinguilhed military
ranks ; and be assured, Sir, that the people
of this county, will luffer no foreign influ
ence to disunite or swerve them for a moment
from their attachment to the Federal Gov
ernment, %rhich they are bound to support.
\Vi(hing you health and a long life, I am,
§ir, in behalf of the Citizens of St. Mary's
and us vkirit;.
Will< due respect,
l'eur most obedhnt servant,
Maj. C. M. C. C.
St.- Mary's, April lotb, 1799»
I 3F.G leave to return my thanks to
the inhabitants at St. Mary's and iti vicini
ty, forthc<ongratuUt;u:n which ther have
3eeis to_o£fcr roe through you, on my
arrival at the foutliern boundary of the Uni
tfi Srit.'i.
It-is with plrafure, that I behold at this
extreme point of the Union so many marks
of happirrfs, and so many proof; of increnf
ing profpsrity. A cauntry J , which but a few
yean finw, had nothing but its native rich
ness to d-tplay, now prefects to the view,
the pteafiap pidu're of agriculture, and of
population. "• t
It b as jconfetjuence to the United States,
that its frontier should be inhabited 1 , and
ftiould be cultivated—lt is of still greater
confec'.ieirse, that it (hould be inhabited by
cititens, unbiased by foreign influence, and
pure in their attachment to the Federal Gov
ernment, under whose foftering care, they
cat, ilohe enjoy those general benefits, which
«: Qj r c gT:at .fur,illy, the American people
t have a right to expeft.
! The sentiments which you exprtfs on this
fubjeft, are the afiurances whi«h you offer
to our counuy, that {he has every thing to
expett from your patriotism and your virtue.
In answer to what you are pleased to fay
in relation to my miflion to France, I hope
that it is useless to assure you, of the fatis
faftion which I derive from the approbation
that you bestow on my conduct.—When I
undertook that million, it was with views
fraught with peace, and with feelings fully
disposed to meet with joy, any honorable
propositions, for a speedy accommodation
of existing differences.—America ha 3 watch
ed with an attentive eye, and Ihe has seen
the event.—The objefts of my present visit,
are of a nature far different indeed. Prepa
rations for war, and measures of defence now
occupy m.y time. Having resumed my mi
litary profeflion, I view with pleasure at my
| fide, the gallant Brigadier General Wa(h
ington. It is grateful to the heart cf a ■
soldier, when he is called again into the Id,
to be joined by those who have Pared the
toils of the day, in the maintenance of a
cause so dear to as as the .eftablilhment of
American independence.
At the fame time that I request you to
tranfinit my aftfwer to the inhabitants of St.
j Mary's and its vicinity, permit me to offer
you fir, my, acknowledgements for the very
handsome terms in which yon have conveyed
to roe, the exprcfiion of their sentiments,
and my aflilrances ps the (incere efteetn, with
I Sir,
Your tnoft .obedient' Servant,
Major Thomas .King,
commanding the Camden
County Battalion.
NEW-LONt>Oft, May JO.
The clerical lunatic, confinejd in Litchfield
jail, for money squandered away, is week af
ter week filling the pry 3 cf " the Hum Bug,"
with his fopbrific lucib rations.
Having tir'ed his readers, with the preten
ded claims of his m6ther-iti-law, 011 the ge
neral government ; he las lately employed
his feeble pen against the Debtor law of this
" Ncf man e'er felt the halter draw
With good opinion of the law !"
A petition has gone forth from the prison
of Litchfield ; and is now .circulating for f;g
ners ; praying for the abolition of imprison
ment for debt. Undoubtedly it will meet
with much support from a certain set ofpeo*
pie whose daily cry is 11 overturn and over
turn 1"
Letter'/Bags up at the Coffee-Houfe.
The armed Ship Delaware,
Captain C.ay. for London.
oArmed rtiip Fame, Captain Ricard,
for Hamburgh.
OCS" Brig Sea Nymph, for Hambu gb.
•> fi
fe- • ■
up..., ;
Ar slip Betsey, Cm ■<ocl->re ■Cavbtr^avr
rived at NeVL-'Nork from Litirp^ti*'
LONDON, iiarch 25;
ptrrr from the King ol Naples to Q?'i?rai |
Pignu telli,• commander in c'tiei »t
during the absence of hi = dutid
*t At the time when, from the urgency oi
ircunillances and the g6od ditpoliuoii ma- I
nifefted by my People to which ;n voi.r torm
w-lcrlxTS, yml have done juil'ce, I ejtpedWd
general, llifldg in deface $f the capital of
my kingdom. I received your' 1 - of the I? 1
in IV. which interims me or the oil
Treaty which has been conciliain conic*
the mod ablurd initi given
by you topeifons d;reined to ne ■ otiate. with
the enemv, and ly which I iee the o ivatclt
part of my realm, theugh uncotiquered, given
up with a view of (paring the capita!, when
it is obvious that these concefliins must lead
to the irrefievjble lo!s ot my whole kin
dom. I have been more surprised that you
have afted in this unwarrantable manner,
I as you had no powers from me for fiich ne
gotiations. The Introductions I left with
you were of a tendency very different. In
concluding fvrch a treaty, you may cither
ber it only for the purpose of imposing the
most scandalous and cifgracefd terms on
him. '
" You may suppose how much I am in
cenfcd at finding the trust 1 had reposed in
you, betrayed in such a manner, and how
indignant I feel against your unworthy Ad
visers." . ' " F. R."
We have author'"- to (late on the exa
-point, an American
Gentleman, whoft was mentioned in
.he public papers of yesterday :.. having .
taken to the Duke of Portland's Office in
custody, on suspicion of an unlawful Corrcf
pondence with' France, the rnoft fafisfattory
explanation was given of the vhole of that
Two other American Gentlemen, who Had
been prevented frcm leaving the Kingdom
! until they had been examined, were difmi.Sed
I at the l.imc time.
Lindan, on th= Lake of Conftancf, March 7.
Seven in the Evening.
The War ha* commenced in out neigh
bourhood. In the night between the sth
and 6th ifcftant, the French passed the Rhine
at Sarganz, bef veeo Chur {Coire) ani Feld
kirch, and attacked the Corps under general
Auffenberg; which they obliged to retreat,
at the communication between him and Ge
neral Hotie was cut off. This morning,
however, he again advanced with his army
from Feldkirth, and drove the French again
over the Rhine. The Republicans after
wards made attempt to pass the river in se
veral other places, and we have very
!y heard a cannonade dur'reg this d..y.
The Regiment of Stein, according to the
accounts already received, has loft 40 men
killed and wounded. With any fartherpar
ticulars we are not as yet acquainted.
To day four Companies of the Regiment
of Btniip* entered this town. A ccnfider
able train of artillery has likewise arrived,
| and been placed in the fortifications.
The communication between Lindau and
Switzerland is prohibited, and only retail
noitring' boats are i'uffeted to £o out.
ULM, March 9.
This day a Courier from General HotZe,
at Coire, with dispatches dated the 6th in.
ftant. passed through this„town.- Ha brings
accounts that the French, on the 6tb, attacks
eritbp Auftrians'at several point*, but were
repulfed. "
f 3pSeneral Hotze has advanced from Coire
into, the canton of Glaris, and been' jbifieti
by great numbers of discontented Swlfs.
March 10.
The Army of General JeuFilenf which-was
in full inarch by and Riedlingen,
has, hsllily turned toward Sehafhaufeii ana
Conflance, to fuppori Gen&ral Maffetia.'*.-
BANKS of the Leach, March S.
The following are-the accounts of the
movements of the Armies in Swabia : .
A Courier from Raltadt having arrived in
the night bstween the id ?.>'d 3d inft. at the
Head Quarters at Frietlberg, 'with advice that
the French on the Ift ijIJL had puffed ' t!r '
Rhine at Kehl, eight battalions on the 4t!
pafled the Leach, and by noon on the £tj
reached Ulm, for which place a park of artil
lery ot 123 pieces of cann 01; and aooaiijmu
nitien waggons, likewise let out. Genera
Frohn, of the Corps of Engineers, and M -
jor Dedowich, likewile proceeded, with al
dispatch to Ulm, on the 4th. to fup*nnten.i
the completion of the FortiScations. Th.
latter, who two years ago direfted the con
ftru'tion of the new fottifications at Ulm
will in cafe of a conduft the defenc
ot the place, Ulm will Foon receive a garri
son of 1,000 men, and be provisioned with
all speed, for which contributions willbe re
quired from the .whole Country. Itisfup
pofed that the dhny of J ur an, reii f iiced
by some Columns from Switzerland may ar
rive in the vicinity of Ulm on the roth.
Within these three days 80,000 Austrian
Troops have pafled the Leach at Augsburg.
Donauwerth, and Landlberg, and- will soon
be Followed by the remainder. Before thef;
movements, the Auftrain army in Bavaria
was estimated at 115,000 mexi.
March 9.
The march of the Auilrian Troops through
the middle of Swabia still continues. To
day th? Head quarters of tfce Archduke
Charles are at Mindelheim ; the army has al
ready arrived in the vicinity of Memmingen.
STU TGARD, March g.
According to the late ft accounts received
of the French Army, General Jourdan is fill
at Villtngen, £:>«! Gener.'. S". C.-> ;R. 3
Tveil. There fefms to be a £.•,< I .
mong all their troops icocr inert ■ who 3
tered Freudcnfladt, after the tli-j•
the iiift lofcitin,- were Hill thrfe vtl !
At Tubittw, Rent!.! '
&c. only J atrofes have Set arrived ; and-- -
Nagold there is but a l'mall numbt.r of I , t « \
Tlie most active preparations are 'tfiajkii: -
for the defence of Utm.' < ... ■ "
In the Tyrol, where Genera! BellegatiTe
commands, the greattft preparations areniai
king : The Tyrolefe Riflemen, holdthemfelv> s
in readiw fs to n°.arcli.
All the inhabitants of U]vn wkn have vaul.
ted cellars have orders clear them;, that
they n ay be made magazines for ammunition.
C not Kerpati fs to be commandant of Ulm,
who, two ye us ago so bravely defended lij.-.
thdt again it the army of ore's n.
T"he ariny of Ma If. na will join the Italian
army. lii Switzerland, 20,000 militia will
be marched to the front rs.
Freyhunr, and all the Brifgm, are in pos
session of the French Troops under general
Sou ham.
1 .
The Commandant of Phnlipfburg has had
a veibal conference with general ScWaaotte,
in which it lias been agreed to desist from liof
t lities on both fide 3, till orders from higher
authorities (hall be received. Gmeral, Ney
has (till h's head qtiflrtc :s at Sthwetzingen.
' STRASBURGH, March io.
The latest accounts from the army in Swa
bid (late,. that it is now on its march for MoT
kircb, where the advanced is already
arrived. The right wing is ext. ncied beyond
Stokach ; while the left has turned from
Freudenftadt on the fide of Rothweil, ar.d
does n6t anarch .by Rothenburg and Tubin
gen, as was at sirs! ordered. A great quan
tity of .artillery _and ammunition- has paficd
the Kniebis. General Jovirdan and the Arch
duke Charles are atPrarsclnx d'n'iftly tSwards
each other.
- RASTADT, Satcb
Yesterday tne French minifierf rteeived,
dispatches from Paris, by an extraordinary
Courier, and in the evening gffrs in the fol
lowing note to'the'fk'putatiojr:
" The undersigned Ministers I'lenipcfcn
•tiary of the. French Repnbiie have received
orders from the Uireftorv to communicate to
the Deputation of the Empire the proclama
tion of general MafTena, cbitimanijer in chief
of the French army in Helvetia. Thcv have
likrwife orders to avail themselves of this
opportunity to renew the declaration in their
note of the 7ft inft. that th« march of the
armies is only to be confide red as a measure
imposed by circumstances, which will make
,10 alteration in the ardent and sincere w.lh
for peace by which the French government in
attuated ; and they are formally commission
ed to renew the afTuraoce. that the Direi\ovy
• is ftilf ready to conclude a peace with the
Empire, provided the Empire will (J.claft
against the march of tbe Ruffians."
March 11.
Count Lehrbach leaves this today, and
has obiaiuei 1 Paffporrs from the F ench Mi
nisters. In the event of the Congress con
tinuing it-: deliberations, it is stated that he
will return The f mily of the El'ftor of
Bavaria has arrived at Munich-Baron Hom
pefch is his ■ew prime Mi-ifler. All in the
Duchy of Wirtemberg is tranquil.
LUCERN, March J.
The followin ' are the 3cc lints receive.l
from N'ajleS, of the date Feb. io:—" The
Revolution here advances rapidly. The A
bruzzo's are air dy organized, and the ci
' vil authorities appointed. Tl ey form thrte
departments 1 pper rtbruzzo (formerly
.Ternmana) Lr we' A' ruzzo (lately Ch-e-
Hn >), and Pefcar (lately Aqnilano). .Vl
the three have a common Goternment at
Pefcara-. • A half brigade of 3<J<?o men is
raising ; as also two Squadro 3 of Qavaliy*
and lour Co rpa ies of Artillery Men:
thev fill very lapdly The late DukeT
s Andria, Hcitoi*c Caraffa, 'hem.
' They' w ire from Tur'n, 'hat Prince
x "harl s-of Cafguan-has off rd,in a p<"**
rio?ic Letfefr, his palace, his lerv ces-, and a
part f h'S propcir-, to ''t empl y d for "t
use of his Country : the G >*ernm'tit has re
turned him t;.anits in a p li e ai fwcr.
t Field Mar/hal Obunt• Sr'warrow ets "tit
to-morrow,- to ta-ke the command of '.- e
\ulirian Army in Italy.
It J is now report d that Buonaparte has
declared h.imfclf Sultan of Egypt: In cna
.' quence of th-i rec in with P.'f'v.ia
•Jgloi), one half M the Ruffian a d Turkiih
Army, wjiich was to have been employed a
ai (t him, wi 1 march for Italy, and the
o her half or Egypt, to join the Army 01
' he Pacha of Acre, who has afTnred tlie
Porte th napart cannot hoi 1 out le n £»
though he has throw 1 up f^rtificationswhich
are al i.olV impreg able. Many ef
auxilary Troops are on their march ftr
Egypt, from Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and
u ' Morocco. ■:
" The Batavian Miniflermuflnow very fo cn
leave the Turkish Domimiaas.
j. FRANKFORT, March 12.
'■ We leatn that the French have attempt
. Ed to pass the Rhine on the Frontieiscf tie
la Grifons, or ofthc Vorarlberg, but fH»t th(V
were repulsed there by the An drains, i -
is said also that E en g a g" men,s " nave
;h place in the Country ot the which
*0 have terminated in favour of the Apft'**"''
ic We may e*pe£l official detadson tlii* sub"
- Letters fram Trent ftate,thatintclhßf^ c /
lad been received there that fotne Er;?
and Ruffi n troops, who were set nino ' a '
ed al, ha»i-g joined the Lazzaroni, had
11 tacked and retaken Naples, and had
j *-.