of ©tlitttS Philadelphia Daily AdvertiUh NuMßEfi 2082.] The price of' this Gazette is Eight per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di ectinv ; and ynless some person in this city ■toil become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advanced Ship Broker's Office, Arid Cemmiffton Store, No. 1:9, South front Strfft, Nexc door to Jie Custom House. THE Subs. rilier, eucounged By the advice o£ his friends, offers his service to the public as a Ship jnd Insurance Broksr.- -He#ropof to buy and tell veflcls and every thing relat ing thiceto —assist makers of veflels and others in entering and clearing at the Cnftom-Houfe, procuring and (hipping freight, fettling Inl'ur ante ar.d all other mercantile accounts, Aud have oh hand the oeceffary Blanks and Stamps. Papers in foreign Wngu.igcstranflated,and in formation given iu general mercantile matters. i-'rom a knowledge pained by long experience of every branch of business he hopes to be ufe fui to those who pieafe to favor him with their commands. S AMUEL EMERY. noveniberig law ■" ross & ISlais6N, H/- Vt. FO* SALP , too pieces iti;and 2d quality K.iffia Duck 100 pieces R-avens Duck (superior) Boflon Beef in Barrels, . f COSSAS A tew bales Bengal J HUMHUMS. - 1100 bufliels St Martins Salt, april II " * FOR SALE, , BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 14 four pound Cannon, different lengths, 5 Carronades. JOHN NIXON &. CO. § December i. TO BE SOLD, An Invoice of Woollens, CONSISTING'"" of Goarfe and Fine Cloths, — principally Dark Blue, and printed Caflimeres Owen & Jonathan Jones, No. 151 Markct-flreet. April 19 Jus? Received, IV the late arrivals from London and Hamburg, and for file by the Subscribers, 89 tons beftSt. Peteriburgh Hemp 599 pieces Englifli Sailcloth ■x trunks, containing Sattins Ribbons Silk Handkerchiefs Persian and Gauze 3 cases fafliionable Ladies' Hats, &c. 10 calks Brillles 8 balefe Ticklenburgs, and A few packages ot Dowlas Creas a la Morlaix Checks and Stripes Bretagnfs a 5 Hhds Bourdeaux Brandy 10 pipes Spanith do 40 Hhds Bourdeaux Claret. Erick £s? Lewis Bollmann. No. 100 Spruce-itreet. April »7 Richard Bayley Sff Co. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that the Retail Bufmefs carriad on by them at their Store. No. J36, Markct-flrcet. will in future be carried on by Mr. W«. Bonnab, whom they beg leave to recommend to the favor of th«ir friends and the public. All Persons indebted to the above firm and thole to whom they are indebted, will please to apply to John V'hitesides & Co. or the Settlement of their refpe&ive accounts, who arc duly empowered for that purpose. Richard, Bayley fe* Co. WILLIAM BONNAR, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that the above Store will be opened by him on Monday the 4th ef February next, with an assortment of DRY GOODS, Suitable to the season, which he flatter* bimfelf will meet the approbation of those wh» honor him *vith their favor. jt>n 29. Landing, From brig Enterprise, at Jackson & Morris's Wharf, 8c Rbds prime Jamaica Sugars 1 entitled to 4.0 do.' Rum j drawback AND FOR SALE Wharton Es? Lewis, No. tlj.fouth Front Street. Who have also for sale, Madeira wine in pipes and halt piptw New-England Rum ground Ginger, &c. &c. April 17 $ Englith wrought Nails. Imported in the Jh'tps Mollj and Dia»a t from L IV E R POOL* 400 Calks of Nails, CONSISTING of 6d, Bd, lod, 12A, and icd, flat points suitable for the (outhern Bilrlet—6d, Bd, iod, I id, and lod, fine drawn (harps'—also 3, \, and 6 clouts—iprigs— t ticks—f 5 Now Landing from the ship Delaware, from Can ton and lor lale by the Subscribers. Hyson, -) Hyson Skin, / TEAS. Young Hylos, f Souchong, J Canton and Garden Fani, Nankeens, China Ware, afiorted. Umbrella? 13 to 30 inches, Silk Handkerchief*, Hair Ribbons and Sewing Silks. They have alio remaining on Hand Black Persians, Choppa and Pulficat Romalls, And a general affortnient of Ory Goods as usual. Thomas & Joshua FistKm ' 4th mo 26 The fubfciibcrs-jrayc-oii h^nd, and for falc at re duced prices, the following artieles,viz. Seventy Pipes London Particular Madeira Wine, the vintage of '96, since when they have lain in a (lore well adapted to their improvement ; »5 Chests o( Young Hyson Tea ; An Invoice of well-iiiTorted China—original coll between 8 attd&oo dolls, in Canton. HkSBEE & milnor. inarch ai, Old French Brandy in large and small cases 100 boxes 7 by 9 & 8 by 10 Window Glass 10 chest pint & halt' pint Tumblers, aflbrtei a»6 whole & 6 half-tiercs Rice, FOR SALE BY Gurney £s* Smith. § may i, 1799 Lost, last evening, A GREY-HOUND, of the English breed ; HAS a brass collar round her neck with the name of Thomas Sterling on it ; bodj quite white, except a small spot on her left fide ; each cheek of a dove aolour ; aufwers to the name of Dove. Whoever has taken her ap,and will de liver her at the Indian Queen, (hall be rewarded. may 10 NOTICE. THE Following certificates of share» of the stock of the Bank of the United States have been loft or destroyed at sea, td wit 13 shares in the name of Peter Blight, of which 5 shares No 4185. 5 (hares No 4186. and 3 (hares No 4187, ami 6 (hares in the name of John Barker Church, No 2058. which were forwarded by the Countess of Leicester packet from Falmouth for New-York—and ten (hares of find flock in the name of Stadnitfki & Son, of Amsterdam, No 1796. which were forward ed by the Packet from Falmouth for New-York in November 1794 ; and for the renewal of which application is made at the said Bank,and all persons concerned are desired to take notice. CLEMENT BlDI>Ui. mar<*h 12 By SMON WALKER, Pine, near fifth-street, WOOLWICH proof Cannon— 9 pounders, 6 I-I feet long, 40 cwt. each, and 7 fe« long, is cwt> e sc h> w ' t ' l carriages, &c. completed ditto—6 pounders, 5 I-» feet long, 15 cwt. each, and 6 fcet long, 18 cwt. each, with carriages, &c. complete; Carronades on Aiding carriages, 11, 18 & 14 pounders, weighing 6 1-2, 8 and 13 cwt. each ; "oarding Pikes and Cutlafles; English Cannon Powder; Copper Sheathing Nails, Spikes and Bolts ; 6, 9, it, 18 and 141b. round Shot; 6, 9, 18 and X4lb; double-headed do. 9, 18 and I4lb. Cannifter Shot. Alio—a quantity of best English, Porter, Claret and Port Wine Bottles, Tauntftß Hie in cafln »f 7 dozen ca«h. mar oil 8, A S E R M 0 N, DUTY OF Ci'lL 0 nr. DIE NCR, DtlyfVv» CKnit j!(uvcli and St. Peter's, A pi * briny a'ilay of general Humilia tfor.;' '.■fpfiomtei! 'y tht President of the United States, isv WILLIAM WHITE, D. p, BiOiop of the Pro!, lant Episcopal Church, In the Com»< jmoedltb of Pennfyl-vania. May 10. m & f 3 w ?V For Sale, BY WILIAM MOTT, s No. 145, Market-street^ Very low for Cas Hi,-or a fiiuiHCREDIT, A Urge aflortmentufptinted cotton lund'ff. Do.bandannAs, Roraa'ls and fliawls, a Trunks printed cottons,' Bell EHglifc luteftriitgs, modfs, 7 4 fuperfineclotty. Several packages ilTorted hand'fs unopened, 18 calks pewter iflorttd, I calk bar (in, 1 trunk ferrets 4d & 6d, 1 trunk furniture fringes, Black and white la.es and edgings, may i r. ALL Person.,. having any De m<-.nds &gain£ tlie cH. - of the late Robert Bardie, mariner, -'.fcealed, r.r hereby requelled to present them for fett)«nient, ttd alltho/fe indebted to (aid estate, to make payment to either of the fubferibers san. 14' DONATION LANDS. Notice is hereby given, '""T'HAT Claims for Donation Lands granted A by the State of Pennfylvauia to the Offi cers and Soldiers ot the Line belonging to the said State In the late war, will be received at the Office of Comptroller General of said State until the ill September next inclusive, and that the fubferibers authorised by law will fit as a Board at the said Office on every Monday from ten o'clock in the iorenoan until one in the af ternoon, to hear and determine all unfatified Claims already tiled, as well as those which may be filed on or before the said firft day of September Hext. John Domnaldson, Comt'r. Samuel Br van, Regt'r. PeTir BAYNfoK. Treas'r. Department of AcSounts of ) Pennsylvania, May 15,'99. J A CERTIFIC ATE of one (hare of Bank of U niced States, ll»c!t (landing in the nan* of Dugas nt Vallon, having be«H loft or miflaitl, applicatioa is nude at the faid'Bank for renewal of the fame ; all perfoni, concerned are desired to tale notiec. " march 20, To be Let, Near the corner of Market & Fourth Greets, A SPACIOUS Back Store and a large Cellar, Both well calculated forftoring merchandize— Also a very good Stable and Coach-houJe may n ALL perions having claims agjind the Eflate of John McGraan, Caroline county, in the state of Maryland, dec arc hereby r - quefhd to meet the fubferiber in Denton, it Mr. Benjamin Dinney's, on the 3d Taefday in May next, with their accounts properly attefled, that there' may be a dividend flruck n said efVate. All who ncgledl this notice will he after excluded, SAMUEL LECOMI TE, admir.iftrator. Caroline County, april Btb» 30 5 THE pvtnerfhip of Joshua B. Bond, and John Brooks, trading under the firm ef Bond is this day diflolved by mutual coftfent, all perfnns indebted to them, are re qusfted to make immediate payment to Joshua B. Boad, and those having demands to present (■heir accounts to him for settlement, April 1 For Sale, time of a Black Boy, thirteen years of age, has fifteen yearsjto serve—He is flout, aitive and healthy. * Enquire at No 117, Chefnut-ftreet. may 13 (j Lajl Notice. r pHE Commissioners appointed for carrying JL into eflTcdl the Twerity-Firft Article of the Treaty of Frisndfhip, Limits and Navigation, between his Catholic Majesty and the United States of America, hereby give notice to tliofe persons whole claims have been filed in due'time but who have not yet furnilhed the necefTary documents, to produce the fame at their office, on or before the seventeenth day of August next By order of the Cotnmiffioners, PETER LOHRA, secretary. Philadelphia, May 15, 1799. dim djm ROBERT COE Sc SON, HAVE REMOVKD THEIR Brush Manufactory and Ironmongery Store, to No. 175, Market Street, nearly opposite the Conneftogae Waggon, where they have lor saLe aa ufunl,home manufactured and imported Brush es of almost every delcription, together with a ge neral allortnient of Ironmongery, Cutlery, Sad- Ury, and Brass wares, to which rhey expeit by the fprtng vessels, an ample addition. 4th me. 10. 1 eodtf 9swtf 'fust Published, Bf JOHN OR M ROD, No, 41, Ohefnut-ftreet» ON THt as Rr'.i'ip.en in S C li ! {> T U R £ NOTICE. PETER BAYNTON, > c E " a,i °" Nt. 12, Doch-Jirett. J diw (m.w.fa.tf) (t6) Notice. Abraham Van Betiren. d^m for four hori'es, lYiiquine at ' No. 6, North Fourth Strict. LAST NOTICE. NOTICE. Joshua B. Bond. John Brooks. REMOVAL. CITT BRIDGE. r President and Dire arches with the backing fojierftru&uri and causeways complete. Offerings conli(lent with the foregoing will bs received at any time previous to the firft day of A 1- gust next,— lawij, A seCtion of the river Schuylkill with the adja cent grounds on each fide at the weft end of High- Areet will t.e shewn to those personS may be dcfi rous of exhibiting plans a:id eflimates. JOHN DOR3EY ; fee'ry, j-r# tem. Philadelphia, May 15,1799. The pristers of news-papers throughout the li nked States are requc fted to insert the above a fnw times, tuths iftA - A country feat for Jkle. SITUATE about four miles from the city, and bounding on the river Schuylkill, againfl: the lower end of the white rock, and between Mount Fleafant and the Fountain Green Farms, contain ing aboftt twenty acres of well watered land, and tlie profpeils from several points thereof are ex ce»rttnent of * raught and call iron as ul'ual —Likewise for (ale as a bove, a quantity of dry hides, jufl received from Charleston, by the ship Carolina, which will be fold on reasonable terms for ca(h or the usual credit. miy 13- Miss Currie Refpe&fully informs the Ladi«s of Philadelphia, SELLING Ob V AN Elegant Assortment ofMiTlenery, At the firit coll. may 10 Real EJtate for Sale. A TWO STORY Brick House and Lot in Race Street, between Fourth and Eifth-ftreets, containing in Front sixteen feet three iuches, and depth two hundred and eighty three feet more or less, fahjetfl to a yearly ground rent ©f one half part of £4 17 6 llerling, A Lot on the Corner of Walnut and Thirteenth ftreets, containing ©n Walnut-ftrect »oo feet and <"n Thirteenth-ftrcet I io feet. A small tra>ft of Land in the Neck, containing 16 acres, about three miles from the city, and on the rtiftleading to Gray's Ferry, on the premjfes are craped i fTeufe, Barn and a Pump of excel lent Water, alfota number of Fruit Trees, among Which are Pears, Apples, Peaches and Cherries, Alio a Lot of about nine acres ef upland of the fir (I quality and in prime order, situate 011 Timber Lane, adjoihingthe Londs of Catharine Rpbcrts, and Dr. Robert 3afs. For further particulars apply at No. 168, High-llreet. A few Ton of excellent UPLAND HAT. may 17 2 3> 1799- NOTICE. William Lane. eod lot that she 19 now Spruce street, No. 66. Iffr.nl.3w ALSO, For Sale, G. SHAW, ReJpcSffully informs the public, be f\u : -c.:; from Robert Apothecary, No. to, Green flrctt./Soho, I. n-- don, a frcfh and very conjidtrablt l°"pi>>y of his highly efteenud Medicine. A WARE of the depredation*, made en every; ■L public liedicine of efiablilhed repute am! extensive iale, R. Johnftonf obtai*ed K-ng of England's Patent tor his invention, not " to recommend" hut "to dzjlinguijb," Whitehead'* ii Hence of Mustard from , SPURIOUS IMITATIONS, tc Five years have liow elapsed since. Mri Johnfton firft made known to the world this very extraordinary medicine ; during this /hoit period, its efficacy has been so clearly demVn ftrateed that its sale has far exceeded any form er example ; comparitively there [are few, fami lies in England or the United States which have not either heard of or experienced its beneficial effeiis arid with heartfelt fatisfaiSHon he had the hSppinels to declare Whitehead's i:flVnce of Mustard Has cured more perfon<; aflficfled wtthi Rheumatisms, Gout', Lumbago, Pahj/y Com plaints of ifttjsSiomtvb and other Paiu ' Ju! Maladies. Than all the Medicine ever before made public, indeed, the initances, of its efTieacv and letters of ackuowlr dg.rneijt from t( the molt re fpedlable characters" are f> numerous.that a large vointne could not polfjbly contain it has alio obtaintd the appiol>a>i*« of the molt crnintfiit fnen oi the fb'.uity And is honoured Lv the use ahd recommendatioii of the <;rft families in Eriglan.), Ireland and Amer U. A coaxrsHej: IT. R. J. 'IiN-. I ON has reifoif to believe a large quantity tinder the Mine of " Jmitoved Bffifce ofMuflafd," as . rlt as ;-n«ny other ha (hipped for \menc *, ■ c>f.s the affli