Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, May 22, 1799, Image 1

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of ? AND Philadelphia Daily Advertiser\
Number 2081.]
price of this Gazette is Eight
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di-
ecting ; and unless some person in this city
■will, become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
Shjp Broker's Office,
And Commfjlon Store,
No. 1 »9, South front Strfft,
Next doar to she Ouftois Houle.
fSpHE Subfci iber, encouraged oy the advice of
~i his friends, offers his service to the public
as a Ship ami lnlurance Broker. -He pr.opof
[o buy and IVU .veflcls and evzty thing relat
ing thereto —aflift mailers of vcfTelsand others
jp entering and clearing at the Ouftom-Houle,
procuring and (hipping freight, fettling Ini'ur
*ice all other mercantile accounts, and
of hand the otcelTary Blanks a«d Stamps.
, Papers in foreign htigmges and in
fgrntitiini given iu general mercantile matters.
—From a knowledge gained by long experience
of every branch of btffmefs he hopes to be ufe
fiii to those who please to favor hitn with theiH
commands. SAMUEL EMERY.
novemter ig
" ~~~ROSS '<Jf SIMSON,
300 pieces Ift and 2d quality Russia
ICO pieces Ravens Duck (fuperipr)
Boston Beef in Barrels,
a r u > n 1 C COSSAS
A few bales Bengal | HUMHUMS.
1100 bufheis St. Martins Salt,
april 11
14 four pound Cannon, different lengths,
5 Carrot* ades.
December I. $
An Invoice of Woollens,
CONSISTING of Coarse and l ine Cloths,—
principally Dark Blue, and printed Caflimeres
Apply to
Owen Jonathan Jones,
April 29
Just Received,
Bty the late arrivals from London and Hamburg,
and for sole by the Subscribers,
89 tons bed St. Peterfburgh Hemp
599 pieces Englith Sailcloth
1 trunks, containing
_ Silk Handkerchiefs
Persian and Gauze
3 cases fa{Moni:ble Ladies* Hat*, &c.
xo calks Briltles
8 bales Ticklenburgs, 3nd
.1 few packages of
Creas a la Morlaiz
Checks and Stripes
35 Hhds Bourdeaux Brandy
10 pipes Spaniih do
40 Hhds Bourdeaux Claret.
Erick Lewis Bollmann.
• No. 100 Spruce-llrcet,
april ?■?. dtf
r": ;
Richard Bayley & Co.
RESPECI FULLY inform the public that the
Retail Bufmei* carried on by them at their
Store. No. 136, Market-ftrcet, will in future be
carried on by Mr. Wm. Bonn ar, whom they beg
leave to recommend to the favor of their irieads
and the public.
All Persons indebted to the
iovefirin and tbofe to whom they are indebted,
ill pleaie to apply to John Whiteside* & Co.
r the fettlemenc of their refpe&ive accounts, who
e duly empowered for that purpose.
Richard Bayley & Co.
) fesPECfFULLY informs his friends andth
V publia, that the above Store will be openei
' him on Monday the 4th ef February next,
ith an assortment of
>c >■
Suitable to the feafen, which he flatters himfelf
Umeet the approbation of those wh® honor him
r ; ?h their favor.
en 29. §
m brij Entsrpriss, at Jackson & Morris's
Hljds prime Jamaica Sugars | entitled to
do! Rum J drawback
Wharton fc? Lewis,
No. Hs,fouth Front street.
Who have also for /ale,
ladeira wine in pipes and hail pipes
cw-Eng!aud Ram
-jround Ginger, &c. &c.
a?ril a 7
v* 1
Antigua 13 St. Kitts
v i anding, from the Prize Schooner Union,
Engiifli wrought Nails.
Irr.pot U& 111 tbf. jhips Mtlly and Diana, from
40."> Calks of Nails,
CONSISTJNG of 6d, Bd, iod, nj, am
nod, flat point* suitable tor the foutheri
nirket—fid, B<l, iod, 1 id, and iod, fine draw:
>i.irps—a!fo *, 3, 4, and 6 clouts—iprigs
i: Its—Uupprr nails—fkeathing nails, &c.
roK sA L f BY,
Robert Den son, junr.
i J? Market-street
2)' V
No. 151 Markct-ttrcet
Ntcklin isf Griffith,
' d6t
Freight to be had.
THE Subscribers have3ooo bufti
e!s of SALT to ftilp to the Havanna or New-
Orleans—Any ptrfon who will take it at a mo
derate freight will please apply at No. 95,
North Water-Brett, to
Who have for Sale, 70 tons Hemp, 14 pipes
choice Old Port A'ine, Claret, Roll Brimstone,
Havanna Scgars, Demvjohm, Window Glass,
Glue, Ticklenburghs and Oznabiigs, Checks,
Stripes, &c. &c.
mav so
Philadelphia and Baltimore,
LEAVE Philadelphia every day, (Sunday
excepttd) at 8 A M. arrive at
Baltimore the next day, by II o'cio 1 :!?, A. M.
Leave iialtimore every day, (Sunday exeept
ed) at 4 o'clock, A. M. awd arrive at Phiiadiel*
phia the next day, by 9 o'clock, A. M.
Between New-York and Philadelphia.
Leave Philadelphia every day (Sunday ex
cepted( at n o'clock at noon, arrive at New-
York the morning, by S o'cl ck.
Leave New-York everyday ( Sundiy exeept
cepted) at one o'clock, P. M. and arrive at
Philadelphia the next morning, by 7 o'clock.
Scats m tbe Mail Coacbees to be taken in
A r t'i 'J-Tork,
At Butmaij's Office, No. 5, Cortiar.d-ftreet
In Philadelphia.
At Francis' Hotel, No. 13, f'outh Fourth
ftreet, and at the Franklin Inn, No. 59, north
Secopd llrect.
In Baltimore.
At Evans' Tavern.
Fart for PalTengers, 8 Dollars from Philadel
phia to New-York, and 8 Dollars from Phila
delphia to Baltimore.
AH baggage over 141b. weight, is carried it
5 ecMs per pound.
The Proprietors are not responsible £;r Bag
Agent for the Public Line, from Philadelphia
to Baltimore.
Proprietors of the Mail Line, from
Philadelphia to Neiv York.
General Poft-Ofiice, }
May 1. J
Now Landing from the (hip Delaware, from Can
ton and ior sale by the Subscribers.
Hyson Skin, /
Young Kyfoa, to" f 1 K A
Souchong, j
Canton and Garden Fani,
China Ware, afibrted.
Umbrellas 13 to 30 inches,
Silk Handkerchiefs,
Hair Ribbons and Sewipg Silks.
They have also remaining on Hand
Rlark Pglfij.n. Cfmppn amt Piiilirart tt.imatij, J
And a general afforlment of Dry Goods as usual.
Tbom as Cf Joshua Fisher.
4th mo a 6
The fubferibers have on hand, and for sale at re
duced prices, the following articles, via.
Seventy Pipes London Particular
Madeira Wine,
the vintageof '96, since when they have lain in a
flore well adapted to their improvement ;
1$ ChefUof Young Hyson Tea ;
An Invoice of well-affbrted China—original
cost between 8 and 900 dolls, in Canton.
march si
id French Brandy in large am
small cai'es
ioo boxes 7 by 9 & 8 by 10 Window Glass'
ao chest pint & half pint Tumblers,
a»6 whole & 6 half-tiercs Rice,
Gurney £s* Smith.
may i, 1799
Notice, agreeably to Charter,
IS hereby given, to the Members of " the
Corporation t'oi the relief of the poor and dif
trefled Preflsyterian M'mifters, and of the poor
and dtftreffed Widows and Children of Prefby-'
terian Mmifters, that a meeting of said Corpora
tion is to take place, on Weifiefday the aid
day. of ihe prtfent month, ia the Second Pref-
| byterian Church id the city of Philadelphia, at
4 o clock, P. M. for the dispatch of all such
■ business as may be brought before the board.
ashbel green,
Sec'ry of the Corporation.
may 2, 1799,
Lost, last evening,
1 of the English breed ;
HAS a brass collar round her neck with the
name of Thomas Sterling on it ; bodj quite
white, except a small spot on her left fide ; »ach
cheek of a dove eolour ; answers to the name of
Dove. Whoever has taken her up, and will de
liver ijr at the Indian Queen, lhall be rewarded
mav *© r *
I THE Following certificates of
(hare» of the stock of the Bank of ths United
States have been loft or deftroyedat sea, to wit
13 (hares in the name of Peter Blight, of which
5 (hares No 4185. 5 (hares No 4186. and
(hares No 4187, and 6 (hares in the name al
John Barker Church, No 1058. which were
forwarded by the Countess of Leiceller packet
from Falmouth for New-York—and ten (hares
of iaid (lock in the name of Stadnitiki & Son,
of Ainfterdam, No 1796. which were forward
ed by the Packet from Falmouth for New-York
in November 1794 ; and for the renewal of
which application is made at the said Bank,and
all persons coßcerned are desired to take notice.
march 12
A Place Wanted.
A SITUATION in a Merchant's Compiing
House is desired, for a Youth, of age
of 17, of reputable connexions, an ' ptifleifing
the requisite at i|uiiements. Apply to the
aptil 24
The Subscribers have for sale, nr their Combing
house, Ko. 35, Dock-'trc«t,
White and red Lead
Patent (hot, No. 1 to 8, B & B B
Bourdeaux Brandy, ift and 4th proof
Claret in cases, firft quolity
One trunk of Umbrellas
Three Cases consisting of
Brass and Wood Compares
Amplitude do.
Day and night Gl-aftcs. and
Sewing Twine
100 Cullaile#
4000 bulhels Liverpool Salt.
April 11 mwh ,>w
m & f 3W
A CERTIFICATE o! one {hare of Bank of U
nited States, £ock (landing in, the name of
Dug as de Vallon, having he«» loft or miilaid,
apolicatioa is made at the said Bank for renewal oi
the lame ; ail persons concerned *rc dew red to
take notice.
march to.
Near the corner of Market k. Fourth streets,
Back Store and a large Cellar,
Both weit ca!c. laied for llr>rii>g merchandize —
Alio a vGi y good Stable and Coadi-houfe
may II
AIL psifons having claims agiiMl the Estate
of John McGrassn, late ot Caroline county,
in the state of Maryland, deetaftid, arc hereby re
quefl. d to meet the Jubfcriber in Denton, at Mr.
Beujau.Hi Diimey'ii, on the 3d Tuesday in May
next, with accounts properly attelled, that
there may be a divi 'end lhutk' nfaideflate.
All who uegW<sl this notice will be after excluded.
SAMUEL LF.COMfTE, admir.illracor.
Caroline County, april Bth.
THE partnership of Jofliiia B. Bond, arid
John Biooks, trailing under the firm r>f
Bond fcf Brooks, is this day diirolved by nmtui!
coftfent, all persons indebted to art re
qusfted to make immediate payment to Jofcua
B. Bond, and thole hsvirij; demands to present
thah - ascounts to hinj for fettlenaent,
aoril 1
For Sale,
rHE time of a Black Boy, thirteen years of
age, has fifteen years to l'erve—He is flout,
a&ive and healthy.
Enquire at No i»7, Chefnut-ftreJt.
may 13 $
Ten Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the City Guard-house,
on tbe night of the nth instant, William
Reed, corporal of marines, 23 years oP age, ;
feet 9 inches high, dark brown hair, swarthy
complexion and blue eyes. Whoever. appre
hends faiddeferter, and lodges him ig goal, or
deliver him at the Marine Barracks, will be en
titled to the above reward, and all reasonable
Captain, commanding Marine Barracks,
may 14 diw
THE CommiiTuuars appoin.ed for carrying
iato efF.-<s\ the Twenty-First Article of the
Treaty of Fri»nd&ip, Limits and Navigation,
between his Catholic Majesty and tiie United
States of America, hereby give notice to tliofe
persons whole claims hive been filed in due'time
but who have not the neceflary
documents, toprsduce the fame at their office,
on or before the seventeenth day of August next
By order of the Coram iffioners,
PETER L OHM Ay secretary.
Philadelphia, May 15, 1799. dim
Has for sale, at no. 105, fourk Water flreet,
Cognise Brandy, ifl; 3d & 4th proof
Jamaica spirits, 4th pro
w' C r" X 1 ,t I RUM.
New England
Sherry "\
Lifton I WIN£S
Port f
Malaga J
And various kiads ef Groceries!
Pine, near I'if lb-street,
WOOLWICH proof Cannon—9 pounders,
6 i-l feet long, 10 cwt. each, and 7 test
long, 25 cwt. each, with carriages, &c. completed
ditto —6 pounders, 5 1-2 feet long, 15 cwt. each,
and 6 feet long, 18 cwt. each, with carriages, &c
Carror.ades on Hiding carriages, 12, 18 & 24
pounders, weighing 6 1-2, 8 and 13 cwt. each ;
Boarding Pikes and Cutlasses ;
Engliih Cannon Powder;
Copper Sheathing NaiU, Spikes and Bolts;
6, 9, 12,18 and 241b. round Shot;
6, 9, i&and 241b; dou de-hcaded do.
9, 18 and 241b Cannifler Shot.
Al(o—a quantity of best Englilh, Porter, Claret
and Port Wine Bottks,
Taunt«a Ale in calks of 7 dozen each,
mar oh 8. 2a w fcf
A Certificate of one (hare of Back Pennsylva
nia Hock, No. 725, in my name, having'
been lotl or mislaid, application is made at the said
Bask for renewal of the fame ; all perfous con
cerned are deQted to take notice.
April jo
have removfd their
Manufactory and Ironmongery Store,
to No. 175, Market Street, nearly opposite the
Conneftogoe Waggon, where they have Jor faie
as ufimljhome nianufa&ured and imported Brush
es of aimoft every description, toge.her with a ge
neral nff >rtment of Ironmongery, Cutlery, .Sad-
Wry, and wares, to which they expe3 by
the spring veflels, aia ample ado^'Jo.-:,
4th ni®. 10.
Abraham Vat} Beuren.
To be Leti
BritUiiie at
for fun r horfc-s
6, North Founh-Stnet.
Joshua B.
Join Brooks.
Lajt Not ice.
cirr BRIDGE.
r T 'HE President and Dircdors of the Company
1. incorporated for the purpose of ereilin;; a
Permanent Bridge over the River Schuylkill, at or
near the City of Philadelphia, having
with the Selett and Common Councils of the said
City for a Cte 'or such Bridge at the weft end of
High street, hereby give NOTICE—That a pre
mium o\ Two Hundred Dollars will be paidby the
said Directors for the mod approved plan of a
Bridge for the said site, the calculation of which
(hall be confident with the following general lim
The material to be of wood, iron or stone, or
of those articles combined.
The con 11l usion to be suitable to the charadter
of the river which is as follows—fubjeil to exref
five frelhes, occasionally llopping above or below
the said High-street, in the firil instance breaking
loose and bringing dowi. large masses of ice, tim
ber, &c in the latter instance causing a back wa
ter fwel! equal to 19 feet above low water level,
and at that height covering a trait of ground
near 5 miles iu length, by a very confutable
A» ftw piers as can be conGftent v.ith fafcty,
or without a pier if equally faie and permanent.
The opening betwien the abutments to be not
mere than 400 feet, nor less thiiri 3CO feet.
The plans to be accompanied with elevations—
explanatory descriptions arid etlimates—the eitt
tnates to fptcify the quantity of materials of each
kind, thefsparate and colledtive cost thereof when
wrought anJ laid or fixed, the (fOantity of filling
in or rtr\ arches with the backing fuperftruiture
aird caufewfiy* complete.
Offerings confident, with the foregoing will
received at any time previous to the firft day of A'i
guft next. —
A fe&ion of the fiver Schuylkill with the adja
cent grc unds on each fide at the weft end of High
ftreet will he (hewn to those persons may be atfi
rous ci exhibiting plans a id cftiraates.
JOHN D'iRSEY ; fee'ry, rr* t?m.
Philadelphia, May 15,1799.
The printers of news-papers throughout (he U
nited States are requ.(led to irtf'ert thtf above a f«w
tU'liS iftA
A country feat for sale.
SI l UAI'F. about four miles from the city, and
hounding on the tiver Schuylkill, against the
h-wcr end of the white rock, and between Mount
Fkafant and the Fountain Green Farms, contain
ing about twenty acres of well watered land, and
the profpecls fron: several points thereof are ex
ceeded by few in the neighborhood el Philadelphia,
there are now on the premises, a farm house, See;
There are several excellent flone quarries already
opened, which are so conveniently situated, that
when the Canal ft.all be in operation, the boats
plying therein, may lo*d from the quarries.
For terms of sale apply at No. 21, Arch-ftr«et,
No. 12, North Third-street, or No. 51, South
Sccoad-ftrcf t.
If. B. An indifjiutable title will be given to the
may 15
A VALUABLE Lot and two flory frame
House, situate on the Bethlehem and Al
lentown road, near the Turk's HeacJ tavern,
about 25 miles from Philadelphia. The house
is about 45 by 35 feet. On the ground floor
are two large commodious rooms ; a fait store ;
and a large fbore suitable for dry goods. On
the fecont! itoiy ail. four rouins. The whole
has been built about 8 years, is copipleatly fin
iihed, and has been occupied as a store for 7
years pad. On the lot (which contains about
half an acre) there is a good stable and g-arden.
The above is an excellent fland for business,
it being at the int'erfeiSion of fix roads, and is
now let for £4O per annnm. The present te
nant is willing either to continue in the tenure
of the whole, or to rent all except two rooms,
as maybe agreeable 10 the purchaser.
For further information enquire of Jacob
Clemens, Turkshead tavern, as above, or of
giay 7
A Summer Retreat.
Por Sale,
Sixteen Acres of Land,
About half a mile from the city of Philadelphia,
I "'HERE are on th« premises a one story brick
JL house 38 feet front, a ftablc and corn crib,
a well of excellent water,and a few frurt trees, the
situation is perhaps superior to any within the
fame diftanct* of the city, and. commands one of
the mod beautiful ani pi&urefque profye&s of the
city, Kenfmgton, the Delaware and Jerseys,
Enquire of
march 4
No. 145, Market-street,
Very low for Cash, or a short Credit,
A large alTortment of printed cotton hand'i's.
Do. bandannas, llomalls and lhawls,
2 Trunks printed cotton 9,
Best Engliih lutestrings, modts,
7 4 fuperfine cloths,
Several packages aflorted ha(id'f« unopened,
l 8 csiks pewter aflbritd,
I calk bar tin,
x trunk ferrets 4d & fid,
i trunk furniture fringes,
Black and white laces and edgings,
may it. 2awiJ.
ALL Persons having any De
ruands againf: the estate of the late Robert Hardie,
mariner, deceased, are hereby requested to present
them for fettlemeut, and allthofe indebted to said
estate, to make payment tc either of the fubferibers
Walnut-firtet. ( r
No. 12, Doch-fircct J
in. 14-
Just Published,
No, 41, Chcfnui-ftreet,
nurr of civil obedience,
a C R I~H T U R E.
Delivered in Christ Church A
pril 23, being a day of general HuotHta
tjon, Appointed hj tht President cf tke
Stptes, ■ < '*
'"'m'y WILLTAM WHITE, n. ».
Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church,
Ir.tht Comrr.onrjjtahb if I'tnnjylvania.
May 10.
No. 6i, North Sixth-flieet.
For Sate,
, 10 be fold at Public Auction
OnWedriefilay e*s=.i»* ,»,c of ..May
at the City Tavern, i:; Seoml-ftrcct, »t 7
o clack, ... . • \ ■*
A v^ able Three (lory BRICiv
-4 HC JSE, Kitchen and the Lot of ground
thereunto belonging, situate at the j'outli cast cor
ner of Race 2nd Seventh-Hi eels in this City,
' he Lot is 76 feet front on Race-street and 8S
feet deep 011 Sevpiith-ftreet. The Hoirfe is a
bout twenty-five feet front, is well built and
completely furniflaed. There is also a small
i'rame Building on part of this lot fronting
Rice-llreet, it i- free of every incumbrance, s:hl
immediate poflelSqn will be given. Alio a
ground rent of one hundred and fifty pounds
per ahn. free of all taxes and charges i-hatfoev
er, payable half yearly, iflliing rut of a lot of
ground situate at the north east corner of Wal
nut and Fifth street, in the City of Philadel
phia, on which lot is treiled fevsral Brick and
frame tenements. The lituation is defit-eaWe,
being opposite the State Houfc square on Fifth
ftieet. The terms of sale will be made known
at the time thereof, or on application to the sub
Connelly &? C 6. AtidSs.
may 13
Real Ejtate for Sale.
\ TWO STORY Brick House and Lpt in Race
i X Street, between Fourth and Eifth-flresu,
containing in Front fmeen feet three iuchcs, and
depth two hundred an-1 aghty three faer more or
left, fjlijeit to a yearly gfound rent o£ one half
part of £4176 (Wrling.
; A Lot oh the Corne-r of Walnut I,c-1 Thirteenth-,
fireets, containing on Zoo feet ani
on Thirteenth \ir«ct 116/ccC.
A imall tra<3 of Land in the Neck,
16 acres,"about three miles from the city, and on
the road leading to Gray's Firry, on the pn-mjfes
areeiescd a 1 loiU'e. B.irn and a Pump ot excel
lent Water, alfo-a nuniber of Fruit Trees, among
which are Pears, Apples, J'eacho and Cherries,
Also al.ot of about nine acres of upland of the
firft quality and in prime order, filiate on Timber
Lane, adjoihing the Lond« of Catharine Roberts,
and Dr. Robert Bass.
.For further particulars apply at No, 16'g,'
Por Sale %
A few Top of excellent
may 17
'es of Furniturei
At 9 o'clock, at Nc. 246 High-street
A variety §f excellent
Household {s* Kitchen Furniture.
CONSISTING of almolt every artici jnxeliary
to House Keeping, and in good order.
It can befeentheday pteceeding tli« Sale from 10
until 3t> clock. Cafli to he paid before the deli*
very of the Goods.
N. B. The House was free from the late
COANELL'i cJ* Co. auctioneers.
may 17 dts
Notice is hereby givtn^
THAT Claims for Donation Lsnds grsutpj
by the State of Pennfylvauia to the Offi*
ccrs and Soldiers of the Line belonging to the
said State in the late war, will be received ac
the Office-of Comptroller General of said State
until the xflt September next inclufn-e, and that
'.the subscribers authorised by law will fit as a
SoarcJ at the said Office on every Monday from
tdri o'clock in the iorcnoan until one in the as*
terndon, to hear and determine all unfatified
C'aitns already filed, as well as those which
may be filed on or before the said firll day of
September next.
J-THN Donnaldson, Comt'ri
.Samuel Bryan, Regt'r.
Pkthr BaVnton, Treas'r.
Department of Accounts of /
Ptnnfylvania, May 15, '99. 5
r r"HE Public are requelted nut to receive any
X draft#, notes, obligation* or bills of aijy kini
drawn in favor of Or indorsed by
Abijah Ilunti
J. is* A. Hunt.
Jesse & Hunt.
'Jeremiah b - " Abijah Huntt
Abijah & Jno. IV, Hunt.
Snodgrass, is" Coi
Those on whom they are drawn are also defircd to
fnfpend acceptance, until referenc« be had to the
About twenty thousand Dollars of W!ls of the
ab ?ve description having been taken from the car
rier near the mouth o( fenneflte river by a party
of Indians. SAMUEL MEEKER,
april 26. tu th&f t f
Appointed by the corpora lion to open
Books of Subscription for a Loan to intro
duce WHOLESOME WATER from the River
Schuylkill by means of Steam Enginet (already
contradled for) to the Center Square and from
thence to be distributed through theCitv. cive
THAT a book will be opened at the City JJaW
to-morrow, the 13th inltam, and willhccun
r«ve fubfcriptioos.
By ordrj- of the Board,
Jacob Shoemaker % scc'y.
N. B. Ten dollars to lie paid on each fcsre at
the time of Subscribing,
3c dollars zt the efcpirjtipn of ~).,
two months Q* ron * time
jo ditto, ditto, 4 months ( ri.r°',-
30 ditto, ditto, 6 months J lubfcruing
Miss Currie
Refpcafully informs the Lauifs 0 f
' that itie i« now
Elegant Assortment of Millenery,
At the firll cost.
may IQ
;s y . *■ \
• > -
dlw (m.w.fa tf)
v.v •
•s v