flriarv forces circulated here : —IOO.OOO in fantry, and 14. rcgimjnts of > avalry, 10 be employed in Italy ; on the Lech, 100,000 infantry ami 23 regiments of cavalry ; in the Tyn.l 36. battalion«; and on the fron tiers of the Hereditary States, 24 battalion* of infantry. LONDON, MarA 20. It i« expected, as the French Directory has the absolute controul of alt the Batavian forces, that a Duth squadron will be sent to form a part of the expedition from Brest. Extract of 4 letter from Naples, dated the 17th of December, which did not strive till " On the 14th, I ftipped at Sir William Hamilton's when Lord Nelson (hewed u» the presents the Grand Seignior had fert him— they were brought here by an Effendi or Se cretary, in the Alcmene frigate, which fail ed last from Alexandria. His lordship fays, that the Effendi and his Suit (13 in num. ber) performed their part with great gravity ; and dignity. They put on their noble robe* i in his anti chamber, and presented the , aigrette on cuflr'ngs.aftertheorientialcuftom. The robe is of scarlet cloth, lined with the finelt fable imaginable, and of ineltimable ▼alue. The agriettc is 1 kind of feather; it r'epvefems a hard with thirteen fingers, which are of diamonds, and allusive of the thirteen fliips taken and deltr- yed at Alex atnlria—the ftze that of a child's hand a bout 6 years old when opened ; the centre diamond and th t|its Dap'sf flpail. PROVIDENCE May 1 j. Extraß if a letter f ram the Surgeon of the ship Ann and Hope, of ibis port, dated, Whampoa (China) Dtc. 17, 1798. " I wrote you (via London) from Port- Jackson, in New-Holland, and gave a cir cumstantial account of the voyage, till our arrival there. I will add, that after beating several days off Port-Jackson, and finding it in vain to contend with adverse winds and i #rong current,-we feJJ to leeward, and ran into Botany-Bay," that southern realm, and land of rogues," where we anchored October 11. Next day MelTrs. Snow, Thompson, Page, jun. and myfelf, went to Sydney, a Britifli settlement about 9 milesdj(tant, where we waited on governor Hunter, and were po litely received. After tarrying two days, we returned to the fliip, accompanied by some ot the firft charadters at Sydney, who dined on board. 011 the 25th, after having com pleted our wooding and watering, we again .put to sea. " On the" 9th of November, off New ■ Georgia, spoke the Ihip Jenny, Capt. R. Brown from Bolton, formerly of New-York, bound for Canton. He informed us, that, agree:,bly to this orders, he had touched at "the island of New-Ainfterdam, and taken off 2 number of the crew of a Boston (loop, that had been wrecked there ; the reft of the crew preferred remaining on the island. On the 30th of Novejrber, at half past 4, P. M. we made tlie island ot l'inian, 7 leagues distant. Next day came to anchor in the road, and -the Captain, with 25 men, went ashore. As ' we lay at anchor, wc discovered by means of a glass two flags flying on Lord Anfon's beach, and i man walking backward and fpr- Watrd leemingly in great agitation. When the pinnace drew near the fliore, he hailed hei, and enquired what countrymen we were. Being told, he -was quelYionfcd in tiiVn. He n plied, that he was an unfortunate Lascar, cast away there about 18 months since, in the brig Br&min, from Macaco, Captain Swain, formerly of Provide nee (R. I.) When tie Captain wert asl lore, lie profliated him felt at his feet, in the oriental manner- He informed us that he was the onlv human tjc '"goii the island, and begged to be taker, on board, ar.d drfivertd from death. The iceue was Capt, Page consoled"him by **> s?■*+***w. a {Turing him t!?at he llioiild return to Mucico in the ihip, where he would find, veflels bound for Bengat, and reflored to his friends. He is about 15 yjM'r of age, had been the futang or head of the gang, (a term answering to hoatfwain with us) and is a man of ability. He converses in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Malay, beside his own lan guage. He informed us that the hrig was originally commanded by Capt. M'Clellan, an Irishman, who died at Leuconia ; that the mate, whole iiame was Swain, fucceded to the command ; that they arrived at Tirtian about 18 months Soce, and prel'erving no or der, the Captain arid his miitrefs being ashore and the people on board intoxicated, she par ted her cables in the monsoon at night, and flruck on a reef, where &e went to pieces. The people were all saved except one, and part of the ca-go was likewise preserved. The crew lived ionic months in huts, after, which the whites were taken, off by a velTel bound to ths north-weft coafl. Tli? Laicars, 9 or 10 in number, remained till the arrival of a Spanish ve(Tel, when they v/ere connned'in irons, and all carried off except this unfor tunate man, who escaped into the woods. When the Spaniards had failed, he returned ■to the huts, which he four*! plundered of every thing laved from the wreck. Here he had spent his time in solitude and tears till our arrival. " Tinian abounds with fruit, such as oran ges, limes, guavjis, the bread fruit, cherries, plumbs, beans, cocoes and cabbage ; cotton and indigo are also in great plenty. The cat tle are numerous large, and hogs and fowls abundant. We saw feme remains of the pyramidical pillars mentioned by Lord Anfon, irt.it none of them are (finding. This island, even in its prelent uncultiveted fUte, appears to be one of the fineft and 1110 ft desi rable spots on,earth. We remained there about 12 hours, got Jifupply of vegetables, ard then departed. It lies it lat. N. long. 146 E. "P. S. It is no ffijall coin.pjyjient to the Ann and Hope, to fay that (he outfalls tilt Jenny, as the latter has been allowed to be the fwifteft sailer out of America." A coppered (loop is arrived at Newport frojn Manilla, after a pa(Tage of 6 1-2 months. Left there two French frigates, which did not discover any hostile intentions towards American veflels, About 25 fince was boarded by a French privateer, which had taken several veflels to the northward of Bermuda, among them mention was made of a R-. 'ltland fchr. and a valuable fh-ip from Charleston. The privateer was bearing a way for the Weft-Indies, having compleat ed her cruise. • NORFOLK, May 14. Citizens, Look Out! ! It appears that this place has been for some timepalt infeftrd by a gang of villains who have hitherto cfcaped dete&ion. A man by the name of'Clark, who went from hence, was apprehended at Peterlburgh on Thursday lift, tharged with having picked thd pocket of Colonel Wells, of AnreKa county, of a pocket book csntaining 26 to bacco netei, exceeding value at the Theatre on the preceding evening: the notes had been fold, and Clark had received zr payment. A letter wbb sent last mail to the post-master here, ftatirig that a correspon dence was going forward w|iich might ltad to a difcoyery of the gang ; a magistrate, therefore, attended at the Pull Office on Sunday morning, who irrefted a certain fe male, and secured some letters, which impli cated feve al peifens; particularly a man named War (or Waugh) one Ellefworth, and another called John Powers against who.n warrants were immediately iflued. Powers was arrested, underwent an exami nation yefttrday, and is now confined in the jail of this Borough ; the two former have not yet leen taken. The Public will do well to be guarded—the msre so, as no ex a£t description of their perlons can be ob tained. RICHMOND, May i 4, ELECTIONS. E ' RESENTATIve *to CoNGREJS he ft ate of the poll in Botetourt so unequi vocally evinces the fide-at,fm of its citizens, that you wll oblige a countryman by publi/hing candidates. Georgs Hancock,federalift joo John 1 rig, UnUfcdcraltJl 12 Delegates for the ensuing General AJembly, Botetourt—Co\ James Breckinridge, and Capt. John Milkr. Extras of a letter from a gentleman in Meek- lenburg ounty, dated May 3, 1799, '* 1 he friends to governmeot in this coui ty have succeeded in electing, both to Cod grefs and the state assembly, men hearty ii the of government. Since theeltctior the few demo's among us, hang their heads, and look feolifh; and I vnrily believe wi(h themselves any where, but at the devil, pro vided they could be invisible the rettof ttnir lives. To be Rented, OR,!hotild an eligible offer be made, it will be fold, free of any incumbrances* and imme diate pofleflion give, a small neat three story Brick DWELLING, almost new, situated to the well ward of Ninth fireet, confiding of a kitchen, two parlours, the chamber*, and a well plaiftered gar rat, a If* an .excellent store room, with a leaden cifterri for holding cool wat«r, which it receives through pipes from a pump near the door, of the belt vvatcir, —the rooms are all completely papered sad hung with belln, marble chimnief and hearth are in three of the room*—there i? lihewife a piaz za to the fcuth front, which renders fhc back par lour extremely cool and agreeable in the warm season. The firuaiien is plcafant and perfe>sly healthy, and well calculated lor a family that do not relide in the country during the lummer as ■ eing both pleasant as well as convenient to the city l»r bufinefk —For particulars apply at the ncure, the sooth call corner of Cheinu: and Eleventh f)reet». *ay »» %i)t (3asctte. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY EVENING, MAT ai PRICES OF STOCKS Six per Centi Three per Cent. Deterred 6 pur Cent. BA.NK United States, l'epufylv'ariia, North America, Infuranee comp N*. A. (hares 31 ditto Pennfylvania, (hares, 34 ditto 8 per cent Scrip 5 per cent below par Eatl-India Company of N. A. 5 per Cept, advance COURSE OF EXCHANGE On London, 5 1 at 30 days $0 at 60 a 90 day* Atnfterdam, 35 a 37 too pep florin tiamburgh 30 13a -10 a per Mark Ba.hco.° IT is more important St this moment, that) it can poililily be at any' time hence, to at tach ourselves with zeal to the eleftion of Mr. Rcl's. Old Vice and his adherents uhderftand this m itter better than yre, arid' tlfefreaHy acti vity, is a leflontci irs that {holild not be disre garded. Ourenemies 'have dbne muclifor us, in the fckiftioh they have made of a dafidi date ; for we ftilf thinkfo favorably of man kind, as to believe, that a better qualification' thin the pofieflion of every vice is neceflary to the attainment" of their fuff'rage.' But much Hill remains for'us to do; line'e, ami Jit the corruption which' is, inundating' the age, the fonleft of crimes mv not the least frequently glossed over with the perverlion of virtues—-Thus, turbulence and inlbletke have beeli styled Republicanism—confulioi)} cqui!- /.[j—anarchy, reform—devotion to' France, patriotism.-—This is the vocabulary ef UnitedlriHtmen and of the fllvej oi'-Frarice; but '.vheu it is propofjd to us, we cleft, one of either .tribe to rule over us, it is fu re ly high time to looki'o.rwardto the operation of their code. , . t . With Evipson for Governor of this Com monwealth, and Dudley for Chief Justice, (though we might indeed, breathe, for a sea son) the air already polluted, would soon be come deleterious, and patrlotifm and virtue would flee the tottering State. like their anceflors, their rate would have an end ; and the Mammon of Hlood, on, wkoi'q altjir they had immolated their country, would soon put rats-banc in their porridge. The life of a Democrat is one continued scene of outrage upon the decencies of life, and the principles of fellowfhip by which {he intercourl'e of society is sustained. One of the firft moral writers of, the age,'remarks, that " a man's firft care (houldJbe to avoid the reproaches of his own hisnejft to cfcape the cen'fures of his fellow-meß.|' The prime purpose of a Democrat seems to be, to render huiiielf every one. .he comes in iew of hi* fellow conspirator's, with \rtioA a commbri' exacerbation of foul harmonizes him ib het li(h accordance. Lifcethe Houhnhm phila fopher, ■ Godwin, he is happy Co long as his evil deeds elude the public scorn, or tfce pub juftice, and tike him he believei'tbere are no moral evils ; but that pain, disgrace, "arid the like, are the ciiief efiemies' of mortal enjoy ment. ...... This Officer, having been ciiarged with uttering some infamous expreflions at a IV-er House in Sixth-street, we are deJired to (hite that he has fmce entirely dorte away thole of tenlive words by an acknowledgment which has been accepted, wherein he declares, ".that he has repeatedly .reprobated the conduit et' the Editor of the Aurora, in publifhingfalf hoods arraigning the conduct of the troops on the Northampton expedition^" The foes to our Government are- a&ivf, intelligent, united, and artful- . Bftft-ff ed of no property, aonfufion is to- tlietfi jjp calamity ; of no eharafter, inf;nny carries witli it to them 110 horrors, W ; hat hold thenj is there upon their conduit ? Nonej it be the fear of personal fuffering and {low long will this fear operate, if our jCoiirts of J u (lice are lhameftilly converted into.: heat ret for the display of mere mock tragei^es*? If a daring banditti had declared that none of their brotherhood Ihould be punilhed by law and that civil process dare not touch them, what (hould we think of the energy of the municipality that was terrified by the threat. This is precisely the ciy of the ja cobins with regard to their partizans and ac complices. >fR. FENNO, The mutual agreement between our City Corporation and the Schuylkill Bridge Com pany to erect the Bridge at High-ftrcet, has given univerf.il fatisfaction, and there is now 110 doubt of success in the undertaking. I have however, taken the liberty to fugged ttfat the Bridge would becolne freed from the toll by the finking fund much fooftir if on the original plan of Mr. Penh, the : grounds on the weft fide of the river were laid out into 1 lots and streets in conformity with the in tentions ot the venerable founder of Philadel phia. lam informed that on cbferving, the funi mer louth wettefn breezes brought with them a sickly vapour from the jnarflies below, Mr. Penn formed the defig'n of fixing - a part oi the city 011 the wefiern fide of the river, and from our recent experience in the bad effect of this vapour in fpriading the yellow fever, there cafi 6e little doubt but that all Proprietors-will unite with the Corporation on any plan to extend the City 011 its molt healthy tide, which would prevent the nccef 4'U th f».n PiiJLADELfHI A, May 17. i€f 14/4 10 to 21 percent. 10 tolO ditto. 4.6 per cent. Major SergkaxV. eo mm uhica riyits. lity of flyiug to the country forjiealth if wt should ever be so unfortunate as to be yiiited agaip by contagion or by exCefiive fall fevers the natural conllquence cf vapour from the inarflifes below. , The Briitifh March Packet has arrived at Halifax. A veflel has arrived at Bollon, whiib fail ed from Liyerpool the 30th March in com pany with other American (hips for different parts of the United .States.—Tht convoy was. r\ot expected to fail before the 45th of April. This vessel brings a report of an action between the French and Auftrians armies, in which the former is laid to have been | worded. Departed this life on Thursday last, the 16th in(i, in the 30th year of h.-r age, Mrs Ma 11 v M auli., the amiable cor,lore of Mr. Robert MatiH of this City, and c!*ught-r of Mr. Joseph Engic of the Northern Liberties. If perfoiral worth, domeiKc and uniform virtue, agreeable manners, relative affection, and a Ready, eonlcientious regard for reli gious worship, conk! have refoued any one from the grave ; then had this Lady been (till spared to admin iifer happmefs to a be reaved husband. an afSjaed father, nume rous connexions, aiid'a IVleft circlv of fvin pathizing friends.—-but. Heayi-.n ordained (jtherwile, and unexpectedly removed her from eveiy earthly scene, to a participation of joys, more fubflantial ! "Her remains v.-erc conveyed the 'day fol .lpwing to the Baptifl burial-ground, andin tered i» the presence of a refpeilatlc number of connexions, neighbours, and citizens ; the obtequies being performed by the Pwev. Dr. Rogers. " DEATHS SHAFTS f>y thuk : Here falls the ycv.Jt- Jul xuijc, " And there the lovely child. The cup goes round " And ■ .sii so artful as to pat it ?" To Correspondents'. " A FjtnEßALltiis received, and will be attended tp to-morrow. dsa3ette £oariiu Hill* ARRIVED. Days. Schr. Lydia, Choate, New York 4 Sloop Maria Burrowes, New-York 2' Jane, Hichcock, Paflamaquoddy T3 Anne, Trickey, Portfmoutli 9 .. . Morning Jester, Berry, New-York 7 Stiip Carolina, Motley, failed from Liv erpool the 24th of March, to join convtoy 'at Cork, on her way to thii port. Arrived at the Forr, the Delaware sloop of War, capt. Decatur from Havanna — failed from thence the 7th inft. with the foj' lowing vessels under convoy, viz. Ship Sally, Thorndike for Theodore, Paxton, Lucia, "Weeks, Lucy, Mceke. ~ ' .> - Gen. Lincoln, > Brig Neptune, Flint, ~ *ETisa, W«Tfliunf, J Little Sally, Hudson, Newport Daniel and Mary, Farley, Boston Maria, Coffin, Ntwburyyort Cicero, Bluckler, Salem Shodwell, Fillebrown, Do. John, Fiine, Neptu e, Robinson, Rebecca, —-—, Snow Guardian, Stevena, Schr. Volant, Wi'.lis, supposed bound in, and (hips Sa muel Smith, New-Jersey, and two brigs at anchor in the (hip Chaunel, abreast of Cape May, on Sunday evening, bound out. Ship Fabiua, i.'orran, of' this port, haa arrived at Havanna.from Martinique. The ship Harry, Ehrnftrom, and brig Sufa&nah, Hunt, of this pore, fiom Mar tinique, arc also supposed to have arrived. Brig Franklin, .\lo ria, from hence has arrived at the Havanna. Sloop Farmer,, of and from Wilmington, Del. has arrived at the Havannah. ■ i i I Neiv-York, May 20. ARRIVED, days. Ship Mercury, Miller Kirealdy Brig Meirmaid, Hayden Saybrook Schr. Sally, HudOm Virginia 2 Jane, Young Windsor, S.G. 18 Minerva, Leader Havanna 20 1 Eliza is" Abraham, Edmund, Martinique 22 Sloop Vermont, Turner, has been retaken by the {hip United States and carried into Ship Holland, Goodrich, has arrived at t-eghorn in 37 da) s. She was attacked by a French privateer brig in the Mediterranean which (he beat off after a leyere engagement of three hours. . Brig Porcupine, Buller, is arrived at Leg horn, after a p;.lTng'e of 55 day?—ten other American vcfiels arrived about the lame time names unknown. Ship Venilia, Pain, from Gibraltar to Vera Cruz, is eondcnini-d at Martinico, vef l".-l and car;;o. Brig F.phigenia, Tliompfon, is below Cadiz. ' > Schr. Lyclia, of this port, from North Carolina to Barbadoes, was taken in lat. 23, 00, long, Co, 00, by the French privateer Alliancfj ovit i f Gundalourie, aim /..IVcs'rh meii .put on board was taken in the fchr. Nancy, Uy ' privateer—flic was retaken bye-apt, and z»liand« t thrifS days afteri'.ajdu, -.. i.» fafe arrived at To:n-!*, . ' CIV IS. , * ' i ° r ~~ . ' ' '' . Extract frput a, litter frmn tie J.o?-7ioi4 of the bt*g Susannah,. Alexander CW.:£., master. .. " April istli, at 7 a. m.. got at Sandy-hook and liood out to lea, at ; i.-_- U' after fcvffl, observed a Ri itiib armed i.ii 0 - off 12 guns, oiled the Earl of Moirp, com manded by Joiles Fawfon, getting alio yndar weigh and (landing out after us. • At 8, the Susannah .hauled up for the ifiand of S:. Thomas, where (lie was bound ; - una ti;< Earl of Moira, instead of- proceeding on her voyage to. Halifax,, to which place ihe wgs bound, hauled up apd gave chace.to the laid brig Sulannah, At i, r. M. the..Earl of Moira came up. and .ki>3.t4f.f Ncverfink'bore x.'-vr.'by w.-uiltance '' three leagues. , . .. . Gapt. Jones Rtw'Arti, after having takfea. poffeffion.of the Stifanna'r, d??Urebur t h. ; (Cr" Brig S;a Nymp'i, for Hambu gh. , PfniifylvaniaPo'pulaci'on Company Noti.-e i.i jben-lf 0 : -> TO THK SI'QvK tnent.or' -ix '• 1 . 'payaHe ~ Pennsylvania District, \ s " IN rurfuance of a writ to me ciirefled from the honorable Richard Ferers.tfquire, Judge of the Diftrid Ccurr of rhe United States in and for th« Pennfylrania Datrid, be elpofed to public sale.at the Merchant.' Caffee house, in tbe city of Philadelphia, o» < hurf lay the 30th dny of May, (inflarit) at o'clock-t noon. Toe armed French vessel called LA UNION, an as usual. Philadelphia, April tsd, 1799. TO £NC.