• V —iVg-.-i ■■■■ • -r • <. »v~- i* i.'Ji'Ot'j.'iLt) j :v ;».s. h ; kr :• -it e 'Company of.North America . '•'nr. i>u K ,sce agaiwtV on Dwslling- HwuJiwv vVire Huufes, and othbf Building; (and 6n SViOcU coiitjoiied in such Buildings) diftaotfrom in the United States. \ T. Common lufurance*, on hazards of the firft clal's, will he under: iken at a premium of ahout hall per cent, per annum. For extra hazardous rifques a larger will be required, which will vaiy according to circunftances, seldom ex ceeding one pet cent, per annum ; bat in forne in tlances. where the property infurcd is not only in itfell" extra hazardous, but rendered still more so by the vicinity* of extra hazardous buildings and occupations, the premium demanded will be raised according to circumstances. Houses and Ware-Houses, the walls and prrti iions of whioh are wholly of stone or brick, well conftru&ed, so as to b? guarded as well as may be againO fires from within, and tree from extra ha zardous buildiWs and occcupations inth>-ir neigh borhood, will be deemed hazardous of the firft class, and may be infurcd to their full value. Also Goods and Merchandize, not o' an extra hazardous kind, in calks, bales, or packages, de- Vofitqd in such buildings, to an amount not ex ceeding 4000 dollars ; but if more than thisfum is required to be insured in one tenement, an addf= tionai premium will be .required, in proportion to Circumstances. 11. Insurances will also be made on buildings and goods extra hazardous, at premiums proportioned to thd risque. But it is wot easy to arrange these under particular heads or clalTes, so as to describe caeh with the neccffary accuracy. Each cafe must therefore be decided upon accordingto the circum llances attending it ; and these circumstances wili, in general, appear from the description accompa nying the application. 3uildings partly conflrtl&ed of brick or flone, are preferable to those wholly wooden. And in both cases, the stile of building, how they are oc cupied, how they are situated, the neighboring buildings, and how occupied, are considerations to be taken into view. And with refpeit to goods, tli\cir tendancy, whether from their nature, or from the manner in which they are exposed, either to commence or to increase an accidents'fire, awd their liability in such state to receive damage by wet, or by sudden andhafty removal, or to be sto len in time of confufion and hurry, are all cir cumstances of weight; and the premiums must be proportioned accordingly. 111. The following conditiont are to be under flood i.y the parties . ift. The Insurance is not binding till the stipu lated premium be paid ; biit it shall be deemed ef fectual from the time of such payment and accep tance thereof, whether the policy be immediately signed or not. 2d. Insurances may be renewed at the expira tion of the term of the policy, without further ex penses than the payment of the premium of the re newed term, the circumstances continuing the fame M they were wnderflood by the Insurers at the time the former insurance was made ; but the payment of the premium is eflential to such renewal ; and if the party insured fuffers any time to elapse after the expiration of the former insurance, before he pays a premium fur the renewal, he is not insured during such tine ; nor can the insurance be renew ed on the former policy but by computing the commencement of the renewal from the expiration of the former infuranr.c. The fubjeil of insur ance may nensrtheiefs open to treaty for a new ini'unince ;id- If tiny other infumice be madeon the fame •pplicatioH, othervvife the policy made on i'uch ap plication will be void. }thi Goods h*ld in trull, or on confignnient, may be insured as such in a l'eparate policy; but they are not t# be considered as infuied atherwufe. sth. 'i'his compti-ny will not be liable or accoun table fpr any loss or damage occasioned by any tor efin invasion, orbyaoy military or usurped force ed by teafon of any civil commotion ; or occalion, or by gunpowder, aquafortis or other thing of tk hke kind kept in the building, or amonglt the pro perty itfOfcd. 6th. Bills of Exchange, Bonds and other Secu rities, Title Deeds, Money, Bank and other pro miifory Notes, are not included in any insurance ; rior are paintings, medals, jewels, gems, antique oirriofities, or mirrors exceeding the value ot twen ty-iive dollars each, to be considered as insured une Ufs parciculariy mentioned and by special agree ■ mcnt. ;th. No insurance will be made for a shorter terra than one year, nor for a longer term than fe vew years. Persons choosing to infare for seven ■yt.r> (hall bcallowed one year's premium by way (if dileount: One third of a yearspremium shall be abated 111 like manner on an insurance for threi: years. Bth. LofTes fuftaincd by fire on proi erty injured, shall be paid in thirty days after due prouf and li quidation thereof, without dedudion. A del ci iption of the property to be infurod will he exp> ileil with each application, to be made by a mailer carpenter and signed by him, as well as by th>- owner of the building ot applicant for in surance, and attested before a Notary or principal Magiltrate, who will certify his knowledge of the parties and their credibility. ' With refpeift to Houses and otner Buildings. lft. The site and polition; describing the street or roacl on or near which the building Hands ; its contiguity to water, and other cir i-umllam.es relative to the extmguilhment of fire ia cafe oi accident,* and particularly whether any and what fire companies are established, and engintii provided, in the place or neighbourhood. id. The materials of which it is built, whe ther of brick, Hone or wood, and what part of .-ach, as well as to the outside walls as inside or partition wills, and their refpecSlive height and thi.'knefs; the ftyleof the roof and of what materials; howfecured by battlements or par ly vcalU ; whit kind of acoefs to the top of the houie and to the chimnies ; whether anyand wh,it eieftrie rods ; the number and kind of fire places ; and the kind of deposit for ashes. xni !iow occupied, whether merely as a dwel ling house, or for any other, and" for what pur pose ; also a" estimate of the value of the houi'e or budding independent of the ground. • 4th. The situation with refpell to other build ings or back building«, whether adjoining or not, comprehending at least one hundred feet each way : \«hat kind of buildings are Within that distance, how built, of what material!,and 'now occupied or improved* whether is dwel lings for private families or ot'fierwife : whe fher any and what trade or manuf.i£ory is car- onnd particularly whether there be any extra hazardous articles ui'cd, or nl'i illy depo sited in'tiie Mo'-*fe,or within the diitar.ee afore 'a'tii, air', of \vii-'t kind. RefpeClmg goods in Houses, Warehouses, dkc. •i. A general defcriptinn of the budding in which they are kept will be expelled, f'milarin »1j relpefis, aslo the danger from fre, with shK- require# for Insurance on the baildmgs 'thrrtlfctvt". A 'Ufcriftion of the kinJs and.nature of "tr.ds whether ill caflc* or OitW package, -W iTpened ; and whether difphyed' in wholr ••j-wes u r is the ufaal form for retailing- And *f lie fib v-ry ma er-ally in kind, ijgeaeial cltimaie of the value of each kind proposed to be inlured ; but in the last particular minutenels of description is not expelled. 3. Articles 01 the following kinds aredeem ed ext; a-!,j*arod» of an inflammable kind, open ed.—Glal's, china ware or procelain, especially vnpacked ; Looking glafTes, jewelery ; and all other articles more than commonly inflamma ble, or more than commonly liable to injury by sudden removal or by msiftures, or particularly obnoxious to theft on an alarm of fire. Letters port paid, directed to the Secretary of the Board of Direflors, will be duly atttnded to. An order for Insurance accompanied by the means of paying the premium, will be imme diately executed on the premium being paid. If the application contain an enquiry only, is will be answered. By order of the Board t Ebenezer Hazard? sec'ry. Office of the Insurance Company of North ) America ; Pkilad. Feb. I, 1798. ) feb x TREASURY DEPARTMENT. March < ith, 1799. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Pursuant to the a6ih these iot> is rendered healthy by gravel walks arid grUfs plats and a number of fruit and foreffc trews growing thereon. Each lot hath the privilege of a passage into Eighth '• reet through a 15 feet wide alley ex tending to the fame irony the back ends. One other Lot of ground adjoining to andeaft wardof the fuhferiber's Dwelling Houfc, contain ing in front 33 le%t and extending southward to the depth of 306 feet—on whicb are erected a iubftan tia Brick Dwelling Houle, 18 feet irons, with garrets and very convenient back buildings of the iame height and materials' Alio a Carriage Houle and Stables built of wood. ON cHussu-r srrtEEf. A Lot of Ground on the north fide, and be tween Seventh aod Eighth Streets, containing in front 10a feet, and extending in depth northward 178 feet. This Lot is also accommodated with a passage into Eighth Street, through the above de scribed alley. In the town of Dover, KF.yr coux-rr, Delaware s^A-ris. Eight Lots of Ground adjoining each other, on the weft fide of King street, containing in front on the fame 50; feet, and extending in depth wefl ward about 401 feet, on which are ere&ed a two (lory Brick Dwelling House, and anothejr Bricjt Biiilaing adjoining, suitable fer a Store or Office together with several ffame tenements —a stream of watci- runs through the south part of the lot, where a tan-yard might be improved to advantAgt. Payment of a part of the purchase money will he required—the remainder may be at in tertft for a number of years by giving the pre mil'esini'ecurity, &c. RICHARD RUNDLE. d t\* »awtf ian 11 llx Subscriber offers for. Sale, THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY. AN Excellent three llory Brick House, fltu ate the cornar of 7th and Race-streets; the honfe is about 15 feet front and well finifh ed in every refpe£l ; the Lot is 76 feet front on Race-flrcct and 88 feet deep,the situation remar kably airy, having a public fqnareopen in Front of it. Two three ftor> Brick Honfes, Brick Stores, and good Wharf, fltuate iu Waiei-flreet, be tween Arch and Race-streets, the lot on which thel'e buildings are, is fifty four feet frojit on Water-street, and continues that width about 9 j feet, then widens to thefouth 13 feet 6 inch es, so that the front on the water is sixty seven feet lix inches, this lot adjoins Juhs SteinmeU esq. on tjie south, and has the advantage of a public alley on the north, and is a very rfellCa ble fituatiou for the bufinels of a Flour Factor, or Merchant A large elegant two ftwry Stone House, situ ate on the Point no Point road, being the fir ft house to the Northward «f the five mile I'on.e ; this house is about 60 feet front and 40 feet deep finiHied in a neat manner; there is a good gar den and choice colleSion of the be!} fruit trees, Ice-House and other conveniences with about nine acres of ground—or if more agreeable to the purchaser, thirty two acresof upland and meadow rrwiy be added to it. A plantation in Bibirry Township., Philadel phia county near the Red Lyon, about ij miles from this rity ; bounded by the Northampton Road and Poqueffing Creek, this farm contains about 140 acres of land, a proportionof which is woodland and meadow , a brick dwelling houfe, frame barn, and other out-4ioufe«, and there isfai'i to be a good llone quarry on part of it, although it has not yet been opened, a fur ther del'cription is deemed unnecefljry as no person will purchife without viewing the pre mises, A final! plantation in Horfbam Towe(hip, Montgomery county, nineteen miles from Phi ladelphia, adjoining to Graflae Park, on which is an excellent new Stone House amf Kitchen, with a large Stone Shed for the accommodation of traveller's horses ; the house is now occupi ed as a tavern, and ie luitable for any kind of public bufinef., the land is good in quality, a good neighborhood, and a remarkably healthy Situation : there is fifty acres of land and mea dow in this farm Alfoforfale, several trafls of land in different counties of thia state The House in Race-flreet firft mentioned and ane of the Houses in Water-street, are now TO BE LET, Amd immediate p< {Teffion given. For terms apply at the South-east corner of Arch End Sixth-fireets, to feb 7 Valuable Property for Sale, la Chefnut, near Sixth street, diredlly oppofit Conqriss Hall, A LOT of ground, about »i feet front in rChef nufc street and 73 feet in depth, whctreoD is a good frajme house, now in the tenure of Samuel Benge, fuhjed to a ground rent of sos. per annum. The advantageous CtuatioH of this property re quires no comments, for it mufl be known, there are few in this city to equal it, an uaecceptionable title will be made to the purchaser. Apply to JAMES GIRVAN, no. Ipß, Cheftmt street, next door to the pre mises. mareh 5 iuabie Lands "for Sale. WM.MARBURY, £or the Hate of Maryland. April 1-94 1 JOSEPH BALL. th&ftf tu.th fa-tf Kc'nfova!. THOMAS Clayton, jHatter, HAS removed to vo. lit, P>uth front street, where h« carrying «u; Jiia buftnHs a:- formerly, and has o."» hand a complete afiurt.i epi of his own manufavhued laUc .arrivals romi.ornion, a complete aflortmrnt 01 ! ' iFaJhionabk Etegtifh Mats, ■■, Which he now offefi for falc at veiy reducicf price«< jc... 29 FOR SALE, 50,000 Acres of LAND, Lying in t-i>? vbunty of kutfei, feu of Vir ginia, bounded >' tftfc river G-. eft, to the welt by Sandy river. This trail (littfate Cx miles from the Courthouse of the above Gountyi, 25 from thetewn of Abincton, is well l'ottled, and has likewise the Advantage of a wag gon road) is divided into tradU of 10, j and 1500 acres eat h, and will be fold, altogether, or in lots, as it may i'uit the purchasers, by one of the owners who will reside there during the months of May, June and July next, in order to put them who may become purchasers in pof ftffion. The plots duly authenticated and certified by the lurvcyors, are in the hands of the i'ubfcri bcrs. Every fatisfadion will be given with ref ped\ to the right, to which the patents give full and ample teftimonv, Great accommodations will be made refpeisling payment, and every neceflary information m»v be had, by applying to F. & A. TUBEOT. Petersburg, Feb. II FOR SALE, At the two mile (tone, on the Wejfahickon, or Ridge Road, A Place containing about eighty acres, in parts' or the whole together, as may fait the pur chaser. There is on the preoiifes a hotofe47 1-4 feet froflt, by 43 i-t deep, a scullery, milk house, pump, ice houfi>, and [«nn house, a large barn, 60 feet by 31, with ftallsfor 25 horses and cows, a carriage house, and a pump of good water in the barn yard, and a second milk houl'e supplied by a spring. The grounds are well manured, and laid out in good stile, with an abundance of orna mental, and fruit trees A the.Jituation hel:hy and high, commanding a view ol the city and Dela ware. There is alio a small difiancelrom the man sion |houfe a [arm house in good repair, with kitchen, flable, &c. and a pump of good wa. ter: Forsterms apply to EL MEREDITH. SAU No. I 7»,Chefnuc Street. March 11 No r I a E, A Certificate of one (hare of Bank Pennsylva nia flock, No. 725, in my name, having been loft or mislaid, application is made at the said Batik for renewal of tie fame ; afll persons Con cerned are dtfired to take notice. JOHN VAUGHAN. aprilio Patent Ploughs, ( be fold for ealh by Joftph Salter at Atficm JL» Kicbard Wells, Cooper's Ferry—Jonathan Harker, Woodbury —2nd Jeffe Evans, Lumber ton, Those who have used them give them the preference to »ny other-tiud.a&they require lei:. team, brem the ground batter, are kept in wider at less »xpence and are fold at acheaper rate —the plan it much Amplified and confiftsof' but otie piece of cart iron, with the h-andles and' beam ef wood ; they inay befixed with wrought lays and coulters to be put on with ferews and ta'.ten ofl'at plealure Patent rights for \ ending with inftruilions for making theta may be had by applying to John Newbold, or the subscriber No. iu North Front-llraet. Who has for Salt; Or to Lcafe for a term of 7ears, A. number of valuable of Land, well situated for Mills, Iron iVorksor Farms, moil ly improved, lying chiefly in the county of Hun tingdon slate of Pennfylvnnia. Thole who may incline to view ihcm will pleafc to apply to Joh» Canan ei'iq.near Huntingdon. Charles Newbold. inly r7 Valuable Property for Sale. FOR SALE, THAT well known Estate, called SHREWSBURY FARM, formerly the residence of General John Cadwatadar', Ctuite on Saffafras River, in Kent county, Maryland—containing a bo-ut 1900 aci es of prime LAND, upwards of 500 of which are in woods. The Buildings are ali ex cellent, andconfift of a handfotrie Dwelling House, two ta'ge Barns with Cow houses, Stable 6 for fifty horfes,a fpeeious treading floor under cover,a gra nary,two Jverfeer's houses, two range* of two fie ry buildingsfor Negroes (one of them new and of brick), Corn houses a Smoak honfe, &«. &c The whole Estate being nearly surrounded by water, it requires but' ittle fencing, and has a good Shad and Heiring filhcry. It is conveniently situated for both the Philadelphia and Baltimore markets,with two landings orfa navigable river but a (hort fail from Baltimore. There is a large Peach, and twe large Apple Orchards on the premifes;alfo, a varie ty of excellent fruits of different kinds. The foilis mostly a rich loon . —The whole will be fold toge therordividedrintofmalUr xarms(forv. hicii the buil dings are conveniently situated) as may fuittbepur hafer. The Stock on said Farm, confiding of Hor cfes, Cattle, Sheep &c. will also be disposed of. For further particularsapply to George Ha stincs on the premifes,or to the fubferiber, in Philadelphia ARCHIBALD M'CALL, Jun. 01 t'f. Deiembtr 11 0 T fc E. THE Following certificates of (hare« et" the flock of the Bank of the United States have been loft or dellroycd at fca. to quit 13 lhare» in the name of Peter Blight, of which 5 (bares No 4185. 5 (hares No 4186. ind 3 (hares No 4187, a»d 6 (hares in the name of John Barker Church, No lots. which were forwarded by the Countess vf Leicester packet from Falmouth for New-York—and ten (hares of fsid flock in the name of Stadnitlki & Son, of Amsterdam, No 1796. which were forward ed by the Packet from Talmnutli for New-York in November 1794 ; and for ihe rehewal of which application 13 made at the said Bank,and a\l persons coscerned arc dclired to take notice. CLEMENT BIDDLE. ri3m march 14 A Place Wanted. A SITUATION in a Merchant's Compting Hours is desired, for a Youth, of the age of 17, of reputable conae&icns, Ent! pofleffine lie requisite acquirements. Appiy to the prinler. apiil Z4 • ■ .if! NOTICE. are rcqt*flif4 hoi to r. cei-r# *j£ •drawn In la , "oi' ,of orimiorfcd by /V*l ' 1 t-| Jiise tf AitjabMiiiffy '• jerentiab & ABijab 'Hunt. ' 1 , Mnt. - ,\ : Snodgrass, & Co; ■■. . '.• v] TKpJ| on whoip they N are drawn artalfo fufp<»lrf accept ante, Tintil fefe*euc» be iJTaQg fubferifjer- '- ■ V .* . «^&SS A' ouLiwentV thoufajid D.^Ur..rfajnjJggl ab.'ve defcrjptifta hiving been tabm rier Dear (he mouth of. Tenririh* ipli>i>rltJS!9HMß of Indian*: . SAtfiiXL No. >5 1 and No. is.u on tfjl ;ond street, me?r Spnicc flreet, iots near.she city v jar Unas, jbjM« ytffflß ■ > -;; cha^les '{■' No. is6,'sp\Hh St C gffi.jSfflfsM - Whoifat./oi' Sak, ' . *«lflS Fivebtwces as * -« Qfffr hundred Tp« Chhi*. Black, and colored Lotclhia« - . i Silk &c.Jce. , THE COMMISSIQNS^r^i xi. Boqka of Subfcnption fori £ o »nSi duce WHOLESOME W.fTER fr ß SchuyHclll'by nieatls of contra£led for) ro the Centef thence to be tU'Rribuicd tlironrgh tjleCity B** N 0 T I G iSy r I THAT a ftook will be opened « tfc# City Vkg Ki inorrowj the 13th tinued frotQ day hS pleated, wh»re the canHgjgjanew. Jg* from 1.0 o'clock in the c«ve fubferiptions. ■■ iaw6m * - aaw^m - r By order of the Bnard, ad mo. 12. N.B. Ten dollars to be paid on each fhurc at the time of Sbhfrribjn?, 30 dollars ct the expiation oi") r two months /From tiie time to ditto, ditto, 4 months C c il-tio, ditto, fubfcribing To be Sold at Private Sa/e~ ! 'WO tracts of band, being the eflate al do'lor 1 Samuel Cooper, lately deceafd, Wing m Talbut county on the Waters of Tuckahoe Crjek in the fljte of Maryland. Out of them immediately on th« said erect j, part of a wait called Ummpton' and part oi mother rracl calied Rich Range, containing about Two Hundred acr.s; there are on the laid plantation 2 tolerable good dwelling house and kitchen, and some ufeful outhouses, an apple orchard, and a spring oi excellent water; this place, about five miles Irom Kinggrwn, is bounded in part by lauds nowor lately ol William Sherwood, and of Hngh Work, in the heart of the fifheries. and convcni ently situated for a person in the trading or vessel line. l'he Ithcr is a PlaMat'um one or tw« miles diOant from the above, being parr of a tra; WILLIAM PENNGCK. Adra'r Springfield, Delaware county,> ift mo. Btlv, 1799. . ) jail, i NEAR Market-ltfeet Wharf. —Eflquirfc the Subscriber, fell 11 ALL perfcms Jiaving any deitf audi on the Chevalier de Freire, Minilter of lfortU» ; gal, are desired to prefeht, whhoatlcifstlftimU their accounts to his Steward, Mr. Hapili, tbi} they nyy he immediately paidv 1 Franklin Court, At a Court of Common Fle-s, held, at Grteul burg, for the county iot WeftraprelSßd, the fecund lVV>'iday in March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine, preient Ali xander Addi s os, Efq- F rc ' fidep.t, and his Ailaciates, Judges of the fame Court. ON the petition of LUCAS S. GIBBS, an insolvent debtor, to the Court of Common Pleas, for the county afifreLid, praying ' or ' ' benefit of tlie hws made for the relief 0! iuc pcrfons, and fubjoinirig a lift of his creditor! and tffefls on oath, the Court appoint theje- Cond Monday in June next, for hearing theps titiciner and hi 6 creditors, and dircft that notice thereof be given in Fetfflo's daily paper of 111(1 city of Philadelphia, in pne of the iiaitim' rf papers, and in the Fayette gazette, by being r _ ierted therein, in three furceffive papers, at 1" three weeks previous to the day of hearing- Hy order of Court, J THOMAS HAMILTON, ProtU y april 26. iaw3w—af. o3 u ea.6t PRINTED BY J. W. FBNNO. ALL PERSONS, To be Let, A Store and Loft, GEO. DAVIS, 319 High-flrret. iivtf r (iE. NOTj the 26th April, T799. taw tljy iautf J. ° f ' V