PROPOSALS, Infix cht.ce Company of North America. For Insurance ngamft Firi, on Dwelling- Houses, Ware-Houses, and other- Buildings (and o» Goods contained in such Buildings) distant from Philadelphia, in the United States. I. Oomn\on,lufuranccf, on hazards of the fir ft class, v/iil he undi rtaken at a premium of about halt per cent, per annum. For extra hazardous rifr]ues a larger premium will he required, which will vaty according to circu-nftances, seldom ex ceeding one per cent, per annum ; but in some in ftnnceg, where the property insured is not only in ltfdf extra hazardous, but rendered still more so by the vicinity of extra hazardous buildings and occupations, the premium demanded will be raised according to circumftar.ces. Houses and Ware-Houses, the walls and parti tions of which are wholly of &one or brick, well con tlru-fled, so as to b,£ insured in one tenement, an addi« Clonal premrum will be required, in proportion tc circumstances. H. Infurance3 will also be made ,on buildings and goods extra hazardous, at premiums proportioned to tho risque. But it is not easy to arrange these under particular heads cr clafles, so as to describe each with the accuracy. Each cafs mufl therefore be decided upon according to the circum fiances a tending it ; and these circumftanccs wili ini general, appear from the description accompa nying t application. Building.* partly conflru&ed of brick or stone are p.tfer.'ble to those wholly wooden. And ir both cases, the stile of building, how they are oc cupied, how they are situated, the neighboring buildings, and how occupied, are considerations t( be taV ni. to view. And with refpe«fl to goods their tend-tney, whether from their nature, 01 from the manner in which they are exposed, eithei to commence t to increase an accidental fire, awe .their lability in such ftate'to receive damage bj wet, or by sudden and hasty removal, or so be ftO' leu in time of confufion and hurry, are all cir cumAances of Wright? and tlie premiums mufl b« proportioned accordingly. IH. The following conditiont are to be under flood by tfie parties . Tf>£ » Ihe Insurance is nrt binding till the ftipu la ted premium be paid ; but it (hall be deemed ef fectual irom the time of futh payment and accep tance thereof, whether the policy be immediately f'gned or not. 2d. Insurances maybe renewed at the expira tion ot the term of the policy, without further ex penses than the payment of the premium of the re newed term, the circumftanccs continuing the fami as they were underfbood by the Insurers at the tim< the former insurance was made ; but the payme-ni of tliG premium is eflential to such renewal ; anc if the party insured fuffers any time to elapse aftei the expiration of the former insurance, before h< pays a premium for the renewal, he is not infurec during such -r,me ; nor can the insurance be renew ed on the former policy but by commuting th< Commencement of the renewal from the expiratior of ;he former insurance. The fubje& of infur ance may ne terthelefs be open to treaty for a nev insurance. 3d If a»->y other insurance be madeon the fam< property ; it mud be made known at the time o application, crhcrwifc the policy made on such ap phcatiou will be Void. 4th Gr.'.Jii held in trust, or on consignment inisy infurvd as such in a fcj>arate policy; bu the) are not* t« be considered as insured otherwise. sth. This will not be liable or accoun # table(or i r y !ofs cr <>. ."nageoccafioned by any for eigrj iiivafion; or by niilirary or usurped force or S; pv-vlon ot duy civ:i commotion; or occasion cd by v owdt.r, aquafortis or Other thing of th l.k kj.xl J,-- pt in the building, or amongfl the pro pert) irilured. ■' th. : i:!s of Exchange, Bonds and other Secu rities, Title o«eds, Money, Bank and other pro n.<:' ry .Notes, are not included in any insurance nor arc paintings, medals, jewels, gems, antiqui cu: i -f. i mirrors exceed it£> A-, The Brigantine JllJp JAMES. - { **» J-icon C. Ram-o.'master. Carries about 800 barrels. If rot chartered in a f ift May, 1799. i ELECT 10 N. Pennsylvania Hospital, stb mo. 4, 1799. Ihe Contributors to this institution, are hereby notified, agreeably to the Charter of Incorporation, that a general ele&ion will be held at the Hospital on the 6th day of the sth month 1799, being the second day of the week, at j o'clock, P. M. for twelve Manager?, and a Treafurerfor the en'fuing year. By order of a Board of Managers. SAMUEL CQATES, Sec'ry. eodt6m NOTICE To the Greditors $ William Richard/, Deceased. 'T'HE real estate of William Richards having J- been recently fofd, the creditors fajd «sUe are reqpefted to fnrpi(h their zcccimts im mediately, as a dividend will be struck on the da y of Ma y ptxt ajad paid at any time af terwards, on application so * P» lA. V- ,r, ILLIAM BILL, Philadelphia, 45th Feb. 1799. jforriffn Received at Norfolk bj the ship Planter, captain King, from Brijtol, LONDON, February 9. The paflengers who arrived in the cartel ship on Wednesday, at JQover, JY-oni Grave lints, report, that two villages in the Nether lands were reduced to allies by the French in the courl'tf of the preceding week, and the wretched inhabitants put to the (word. The advices from India by the Ia ft (liips ftste, that Tippoo Saib was plating himfelf in a warlike attitude, under the exps&sstion no doubt that the French army in Egypt wouh' Government has, however, taken every prudent precaution to augment our military IorCG in India—and accordingly a detach ment of 2000 rien from the Cape embarked in the beginning of November for the differ ent presidencies, under convoy of the Sceptre and Raifonable men of war. The voluntary contributions from the East-Indies amount to'tip-wards of 200,0001. It is reported, that duke of Dorset has re finned his place of lord fkwan) of his ma jeffy's household. The earl of Weftmore land is mentioned as his fuccefibr. February 16. Several neutral ships have, within these few days, arrived in England, which failed from Holland without their cargoes, in con sequence of a general rumour that prevailed there, that an embargo was about to be laid in all the ports of that republic. The master of a vefTel jutl arrivtd from the Texel, reports, that he looked into that harbour the beginning of last week, and saw twenty five (hips of war, of various descrip tions, many of which appeared to be in a very forward (fate of eqnipment;—."but the whole were so completely ifrozen up, that the lead movement was impra&icable. The French merchandize and property put under the seal in Turkey, and ordered to be fold for the use of the public Treasury, is valued at thirty millions of piasters, or about five millions and a half pounds sterling. Among other new arrangements, the fol lowing are talked of as likely soon to take place : Sir George Young is to be appointed Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, in the room of Lord Macartney -Mr. Steele to be master of the Mint ;—Lord Hawkefbu ry to be joint Paymaster ; —Mr. Canning to succeed Lord Hawkelbury as one of the Coinmiflioners of the board of controul. February 18. Paris papers were received on Friday by express, from the 27th ult. to the 9th inff. with the exception of the dates of the 4th and jth in ft. Tliey were brought in a cartel iiom Cuuis, in which colonel Cunningham of the Guards came pafTengei. The contents of these papers are highly important ; for a very fliort time indeed muff now determine the quelhon of peace or war between the em peror and France. While the court of Vienna has been con ! tinuinf its tedious and unavailing negotia tions at fiaftadt, at the fame time that it appearances of preparations for war, the Executive Directory has obtained by an artful management and hypocrifyevery thin r it Wanted. Having gained the neceflary time required to aflemble its new levies, to overthrow the government of Piedmont and Naples, and to get poHellion of the fortrefs »f Ehrenbfeit-fiein, which has been starved in to a surrender, the Direftory now assumes a very menacing and peremptory tone towards the emperor. On the iff inft. the French plenipotentiaries at Ratftadt fignified to the count Lehrbach, his minister, in the qua lity of king of Hungary and Bohemia, that if within 15 days from that date, his inaiefty did not . make the Ruffian troops evacuate Awttria, the directory would order its troops to recommence hoflilities. Thus do we fee the emperor, according to custom, always behind hand in taking advantage of cireum (lances, and now forced in a humiliating manner to have the very day didhted to him by, on which he (hall be compelled to take up arms, or conclude a -difgraceM peace. If he fhoujd acquiesce, and order the Ruffian troops to quit his dominions, the next demand of the Directory may probably be, that his majesty ffiould abdicate his throne I The disputes between the Bar of Ireland and the Chancellor has been put an end to, in consequence of the advice of the late prime lerjeant, who recommended to the Bar to give up the contest. ..V"?- Allt ' Unionists have been veiy fuc cehful in their endeavors to procure addrelT es agamft the Union, Arthur O'Connor has been removed from Jvilmainham prifori to the Newgate of Dub -7' ,n °/ der t0 separate him from the other ' at n e , l 5" * M'Nevin is removed to the t.altle 1 ower, and Emmett is in close cuffo dy at Kilmainham. ■February 19. Hie subscription for the Irish Speaker al ready amounts to i 2,0001. Prince Frederick of Orange died at Venice on the 6th ult. and was buried with great tuneral pomp on the loth. General de Mer cantirf, and all the officers of the ftaflTof the anny of Italy, with detachments from the regiments of Wartenfl,-ben, de Preifi, and Lobkowitz, attended in the proceflion. A letter from Venice mentions that the death of this gallant young prince has caused the greatest affliftion throughout the army, as his talents and bravery were superior. Notwithstanding the system of plunder uniformly prattifed by the agents of Direc-, tory, from the banks of the Rhine to t.hofe ot the Nile, they have failed in supplying its pressing exigencies. It wrt- at the inftancr jof the Executive governmentttha t ~ I Salt, which had from its amount and .equality of. its distribution among tbfe( | r n | ent provinces, caused general complain j remonstrances under the monarchy, i posed to be renewed. The total j of this duty had procured many adh-i' t ■ the national alfembly, and the rcviv.U % was opposed m fevera! successive fitting II ! the Council of Five Hundred, by a conn rable number of members, among whom U particularly difti„ goi( £ The Directory, finding its influence i n f,,f fic.eut to carry tins important measure ' ' obl.ged to have recourse to its cuftotw™ Z ' nceuvre ot a mefTag, to the council' re pre fen ting the finances of the country » the molt nufcrable and exhausted state _ M. de Puifaye has not been very fortmm, in his object of founding a new colony S ; the back lettlements of America. On h arrival at Canada, all the artificers who went out with him, left him, having G ff ers J other emp'oyment. The French are reported to have intercem ed a letter, written by Lord Nelson, pre" v.ous to the king of Naples holtile march into the Roman territories, promising f rom this kingdom every aiMance. A copy 0 f I this letter, it is added has been sent by thr Executive Directory to the agent for French prisoners, accompanied with ihftruaiofl? to alk of this government, if, from their friend (hip for his Sicilian majesty, they wcv- w il ling to exchange French for Neapolitan nri"' loners.—This request,• it is further dated" was laid before the Transport Board a few' days ; but no answer has yet been returned The Clef du Cabinet of the 2 d of Febru- ary, hints the plan for the conquest of P or . tugal. A letter from Madrid, in that paner" fays, ' We are afiured that our court at last cpnfents to the expedition- which'the French have for a long- time wilhed to un dertake Portugal, and that it has e x prefled a deGre that the French army deftin ed tor this expedition fhojild be intrusted to General Perignon, -who resided litre two years as arobaGaJor from France, and from whom our Court, appears to have preferred a particular esteem." The la tell accounts from the Netherlends ltate, that the insurgents had issued a procla mation addressed to the French soldiers, ia whichjhey invite the'm to join them in'op pohtion to the tyranny which now oppreffc : France, and declare themselves willing to eftablilh a cartel for the exchange of soldiers on both fides ; but as the officers of the in furgfcnts had keen put to death by the French commander, they determine to avenge their deaths on the French officers, several of whom they had in confequcnce put to death. Sir John Parnell's resignation of the of fice of Chancellor of Exchequer in Ireland, took place in consequence of his determina tion to oppole the question of the Union as will be seen by the following letter from the -ord Lieutenant to the hon. Baronet : rienix Park, Jan. ij, '799« " Dear Sir, " Having maturely refle&ed on the con. verfation which pajQeti between jTrflrniay it is with sincere concern that I feel ftjyl'elf under the neceflrty of acquainting you, I cannot, confidently with the duty I owe to the public, fLib in it to the parliament a pro portion, in which the future interests and security of the Britilh empire are so deeply involved, ull lels it is to be ftpported by the person who v holds, the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer. I have the' honor to be, Sir, See. Cornwallis." Lord Carhampton, who is reported to have loft his situation of Matter General of the Ordnance, in Ireland, is expected to be" suc ceeded by capt. Pakenham, the present Lieu tenant General of the Ordinance. 1 he number of Grangers who have lately ocked to Dublin from the provinces is so great, that measures are about to be taken to ascertain the the population of that city. A subscription has been ente'red into by the citizens of Dublin, for the purpose of e redting a marble pilfar, on whict\ are to be engraved the names of such men as shall dif tinguiflicd themftlves in opposing the mea sure of the proposed Union. Lord Caftlereagh and the Irifli Chancellor are the mart (launch supporters of the mea sure of the proposed Union. February 20. - It was yefterdiy currently reported in the c 'ty, and we hope the report will prove true, that a cutter belonging to Lord St. Vin cent s fleet had finglv. captured a rich Aca pulco ship, laden with ingots of filvcr. This will be a fortune to T$ officers of - the cutter and to all the seamen. Lord St. Vincent will be entitled to an eighth. NOTICE. THE Public are reqi»jfled not to receive any drafts, note, obligations or bills of any kind drawn in favor of orindorfed hy Abiivh Hunt. J. V A. Hunt. Jesse isf Abijah Hunt. ~ Jeremiah is* Abijah Hunt. Abijah & Jno. W. Hunt' Snodgrass, is* Co. Those on whom they are drawn are alfa deflrod to suspend acceptance, until r«fcrenc« be had to the fubferiber. About twemy thousand Dollar, of bills of the ab« A ve description having been taken from the car rier near the mouth of Tenrjefl«e river by a party of Indians. SAMUEL MEEKER. A P ril a - tu th&f tf To be Let, TWO HOUSES, \ Ko. ljr and No. 153, on the East fide of Se cond street, near Spruce street, and three Graf* Lots near the city. For term*, apply to CHARLES WHARTON, No. 116, South Second street. Who has for Sale, Five boxes of Lenaws One hundred boxes of Tea China RJact, blue and colored J.uttftrregs Silk Unibre!Ji«, Sec. fcc may t J "it