tte Grai'd SJg: ior'> dtf.rr, have ergaged »p tjis mp's iflpatt./s&?*fcttAß!s!l& all the French iecured in that p ace, which at prtfent arc about 250 ; they will all be made Saves, and ii is ptcfumed the Tripo litans willalfodeclare war agairiftlhe French, and that Morocco will follow their example. This news has just arrivt d by CKprefs, two days from Algiers, sent by confJl O Brien to consul Montgomery." SALEM, April 12. - j , On Tuefdffy arrived here the brig Eliza, • Capt. John Carlton, from Corunna, which ' he left the 15th Feb. Left there the {hip ; Belvid'-re, Frankford, Philadelphia, to fail , in 10days, destination unknown ; brig Good Hope, Neal, of Salem, cargo one third land ed, to (ail for the Havanna in about 4 weeks ; brig Brothers, Brown, Boftori, part of her landed, destination unknown Jan. 22, fdi'r Hannah, Barker, of Marble head, failed from Comma for Lilbon From Jan. 10 to 20th, five American vefiels were carried into Corunna as prizes, and condemned by the French consul, viz. the Pacific, Kennedy, from London for Char leston ; the Aurora, from Savannah for Lon don ; 'the "Sarah, from New-York for Lon don ; the Republican, from Baltimore for E,viand ; the Eagle, from New Bedford for Leghorn. They had no articles but Ameri can oroduce on board, and their papers were psrfcftly clear,—Feb. ij. La Penfe- frigate of 44 arri/ed from Guadeloupe, 011 board of wbieh was ViSor S eleven day. after this (hip fitiM, they had a very heavy of wind, in which they, threw over „]j o-Li !IS, yards ?n.d topmftft.j, and could i;ure keep the (hip above wafer : after (he arrived at Gorunwff, a hrjje number of Spa niards were put on board *tf< keep her tioui iitikei£< Viftor i'et out for France the 20th by way of Madrid. It was said he carried immense riches with him from GuadaWpe. The Bellegarde, 16 gi»n (hip, failed the 23d Feb. Oft a cruise, and the Mai's, of 22 gur.s,- the next day : and four French privateers re imined at Corunna. Feb. 28 las 44 2;, long 16, fell in with the (hip Flying Fish, of Bayonne, mourni g ej 6 guns ; went on board, and saw there one Englfh captain that had been taken, the mate and 4 fsaman belonging to |the brig Bttfey, Wyer, of NUwyork, taken on her paffjge from Newyotk for St. Scbaftian's, the captain and boy being sent in the brig to St. Andrews's. Took on board the above by requefloftbe French "Carlton's vesTal being in b.-Jlaff, did . pot worth making a prize of ">l«rcTi' 31, lat. 42 18, long 57, 30, spoke brig Two Sitters, Pinkham, from Newyork for Londonderry, 9 days out. , BALTIMORE, April 17. .Arrived this morning, brig George, capt. ' 35 days from Cowes. We have been favored withpapers bro t ( From the Paris Journals.) jy the George, ot' the ift and 2d March, Berlin, Jan. 5. but find in them nothing entitled to atten- p U y; c papers hare exaggerated th( tian. We are promised some papers of an- war i;k e preparations in the Prussian states terior dates, when we hope to be able to lay an( j t | ie marc (, 0 f the troops, The garrison before our readers a regular chain of intelli- Q f "Wefel has been reinforced with a batta lion, and that of Ham with two; but after The Cork fleet were to fail under convoy erc .aing three batteries in the front of the for America, the 16th of March. A fleet I( ] f 0 f Bu irrich, the works which vreie car of 10 fail of arjned Americans, for different on there have ceafcd. No movement perts, but none for this, were to leave the : made b tbe army 0 f demarcation ; and Downs the March, tßff day after thoßgh s ome difpofitiotn have been ordered H. left Cowes, under convoy of the flup ; which seeme d tll announce the march of Connecticut, of 20 guns, of Philadelphia. 1 6 0 ,000 men, their execution has been so flow The Morning Hen, Id of the fir fir March, j and thc inclination of this Cabinet toward* mentions the arrival of the Ann, Johnson, ( cfo markedj that every thing indicate . ot ,p)! s P® rt ' at D r°r r - •! r • jit. it will not change its fyltem. 1 he Morning Chronicle of tne 2d March 1 Contain'", nothing but parliamentary debates | oagainft the French; the Cenful, merchants, and French peo ple of eery description in Algiers, were put into chains, and are kept at wprk as cap. t'ves. On Chri(lma6 day fix Algerine cor fairs failed with orders from the Dey to capture all French vclfels they may meei •and he has tent a party, to surprize a fafio ry, the French have eftabliihed on the coafl for the coral fifhery, and bring them all in chains to Algi'.s. All this in consequence f)i the Grand Seignior's request, mads hy kit Ambafiador arrived at Algiers, 20th Dec. The Tunifiar.s also, to 'J' s ,l\ * v > i ■ [V.> General Cuyler goes nit Commander in Chief to. Portugal. Major Gen. Taileton is to command the cavalry. From a London paper of Feb. $ General Maitland, accompanyed by Co lonel Grant, have fct out'on their appoint ments, the firft, it is said, to succeed Lord Balcarraii as Governor as Jamaica, and t'ne other to be the &riti(h Resident iri St. Do mingo.— They are cetlainly the two men the heft qualified for the impo taut ftatiins, for it is only by a perfeft co-op'-rstion bet ween the commander of Jamaica and our a gent at St. Domi"go, that the advantages flowing from a treaty with Toufl int can be fecurril. Tl>e vigour. fln is, the b-.lief that Auftr-a only waits for the when he (hall be at war with France, in order to make her peace with that power upon iny terms, and to leave PrufF.a alone in the contest. From a Liverpool paper of ygrefs, and extraordinary profpe r»ty of that province, till near the time of the de in lependency of the United Stales of Ame rica ; effected by fuchuncommon.and pacific meaws Aixh Angular, jufl and prudsnt policy, a- appear \ ho wherein the hidary of nations, to have so gen erally, and so €xt«nfivuly prevailed, in any other country, to an equal degree of advancement* im portance, and felicity of the people, and f~ gene rally to have excited the admiration of all obfeiv ers, as in the flourifiiing and happy Oate of the province of Pewtfyivani a prcprr to be known and remembered by aJ) those, who wifli to be in formed in the extraordinary melioration of this coyntry, and in tYc means of rendering the inhab itant* so happy and prosperous in former time ; as well 3s an egregious example for posterity and fur roufiding states to imitate and improve upon, &e. " Hoc opus, Hoc ftudium, parvi proptremus et ampli ; Si patriae volumus, si nobis vivere cari M Hor. In deeds like these", let all ♦hcrafeWes approve. Who seek thkir proper feitfs, and country's love Hon.—The fubfcrlbcrsfor this work are particu larly deftred to call, or d onfe-r through the whole Course of theit march, It aupears that the violence of the deluded peo ple of that country is complete' fubduedj and many of them begin to be ilnfiblu of their error ; though too many .. ; in a slate ps luflennctfs which time only at the pun iilnnent of the nioft atrocious ©{Tenders at lead, will remove. [Lou. Pap-2 The (hip Connefticut, arrived at this pot from London, has brought 127 chests of stands of arms, and 80 heavy cannon, 011 government account. The fliip Amiabl", of this port, stated t» have been on fliore, on the coall of England is fafe arrived at London. Brigadier General Stevens Ihomson Ma son having calumniated me, and having since refufed me the fatisfaftion of a Gen tleman, I hereby declare him to be an infa mows Coward and Liar. A SPECIMEN OF SUBLIMITY SUBLIMATED, The plenilunicular orb had just emerged from the cerulian ahyfs _of tbe ey,panfive oceai\. The mild radiance of her beams re fplendant. gamboled eccentric 011 the verge of the horizon, fulfilling ineffable tranquil lity through the love-loi 11 breast of the con templative philosophic philanthropist. The dimpled i'urfaee of a capacious reservoir of aquatic particles, gently agitated by aroma tic nocturnal zephyrs, retlc&ed the placid rays of night's beauteous recent. The tremulous undulations, relplendently lucif erous, illumed by Cynthian emanations, fur pafled the ftintillating corrufcations which gaily g'lded the gorgeous gems, so glaring at Golconda. What raptures extatic thrilled the glowiiig bosom of the amorous Alfander, when through the attenuated, fcmiluminat ed, intervening, verdurous foliage, the celes tial feinblance of lovely Lauretta arretted at tention ! the pcerlefs Goddess, in a molt fal cinating attitude, of delicate (Tcmideclination, fat secluded beneath the froiidiferous opaci ty, whe/e pjiant woodbine, romantically va riegated, with a multifarious diveriityof cir curarot.ative and curviiineal ramifications, mod dele£lably mantled the vivid circum ference of a beatifical alcove. Would you form an idea of lovely Lauretta ? Semlin, Jan I. Recoiled tint», of the cloud dappl'd morn, Tke FbAMx cimctbrep, moltibo'o arch in the sty 5 X!)e dSasettc, PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL T9. From Northampton. From tie Columbian Mirror. THOS. BLACKBURN, Jun. Aprii 10. From the Verceskes Gazette. WheT bright bumilh'tl b»autics creatinn adorn— TIlf.T ARE ALL ONE DULL BLANK, WUIN COMPA- RED TO HER EYE. Go gaze at the charms ofthi> Goddefa complete, Fr«m the tolcoiher head, *o the creirn oi her feet, For a primary lVraph,you doubtleiswould tak<» her And swear heav'n was* ummac'd for. matter TO MAKE HER. ' Oft had the enamoured Alfander, fmittcn by the arrows of chubby fae'd cupid, fecreth heav'd the unavailing fighof lurid anguish. Oft had his plaintively latoguilhiug (trains harmonic taught solitary woodlands, to revibrate fympltoniousechoes, in unison, fwe'etly responsive, to the wild, melodious, warbling, rhnpfodical .carols of love 1 1 lie Goddess of hope, though often delusive, yet flattering ever, now ventured to prompt the fad hearted swain, to annunciate to the di vinely amiable obje& of his fondeft wishes, what thrilling ienfations of rapturous love extatic, glowed intensely ardent in the abflrufe recefies, of his palpitating breast, cou vulfively fmgultatiiig, with ceaseless so licitude ! (Vll did heiitating timidity, ap proximating murky despondency, with the frigorific hand of pallid anxiety impoi'e the ferrugeneous fliackk'i of that fsiul damping diffidence, which precludes any origin to amorous utterance ! * cJltera desunt. POST-OFFICE. April 18M 1799 THE Britilh Packet Harlequin which was advertised to fail the 3d itift. being still in New York- Letters fir her will be re ceived at this office until Friday the 19th April at 12 o'slsck. noon. BRIEF DIALOGUE Between i~uo individuals, friends to their ceun try, and to the Navy of the United States. Q. What, think you of infant navy ? A. Mojl highly, Sir, I think, Godfave ye. You re.xl the papers/ like your betters, What think you of our naval Utters ? A. Sir, I'd evade reply moll gladly— IVefight d—d well, and write d—d badly. Your remc-' ? (the faft's confeft) — A. Print logbooks—and burn all the refll PRICES OF STOCKS Philadelphia, Apiil 13, l6 f* \ . Six Per Cent, Three Per Cent. Deferred 6 Per Cent. B\NK United States, —— Pennsylvania, 21 ditto. North America, 46 ditto Infuranae comp. N. A. (hares 3110 jl ' Pennf/lvania, {hares, 38 to 39 8 per cent Scrip 5 COURSE OF EXCHANGE Ob Hambur >h 33 1-3 cents'per Mark ffanco. London, at 30 days 56 r-» at 60 days 54 ——— at 90 days 51 i-» Am[terdam,6o days, pr. guild. 36 to 37 t-i cents —-r- ; <®ajette sparine fUft. Port of Philadelphia, ARRIVED. days Ship Conne&icut, Hylansler, London 42 Brig Maria, Woodward, La Guira f] Sch'r Albert, Paul., St. Croix Extra&s of letters per the Connefticut, of the 6th of February. " The Hardie, Philadelphia to Hamburgh, is toft, people saved. The Amla' le is ashore in a dangerous situation, cargo on board.—The Superb, Adriana and Harmony, are all taking in goods for Phi ladelphia, The Kensington, Kerr, and Sally, Doffon, of Philadelphia, the former from anived at Cow»s, detained by the Gover nor of St. Helena, A convoy for the American trade is appointed to fail the 4th of March, but not expefted before the aoth of March. We have just learnt the capture of the Aurora, from Savannah } Sarah fr®m" N. York, and Republican from Baltimore, all bound to London- The Adventure, from Philadelphia to Dublin is loft in the harbour. March 2, the following veffcls for London are considered as out of time : Pigou, from N. York, Statira from Boston, Dublin Paeket, N. York, Rebecca and Gen. Washington of Bal timore. Saratoga, of Charleflon. New-Tori, /ipr'tl 18. ARRIVED. days Ship Washington, Packwood, Laguira 16 Schr. Sarah & Rebecca,Starr,C.Francoii 22 CLEARED, ihip Flora, Lorett, Hetty, Neil, London Brig Hannah, Olcott, 3chr. Argus, Fowler, St. Bartholomews ftepnblican, March, Ship Indultry, Rudd, from Virginia, has arrived at London. Skip Chcfapeake, Pomba, ba* arrived at London in in 28 days. 1 The fol'owsng American vtflelshad arrived at Liverpool on the 21 ft of January : Catherine Kearney, Columbia, Fletcher,, Young E-agle, Pullard, Ruby, S .tford, Polly, Dru mmond, Polly, Tubbs, William, Caffiday, Yelterday arrived the armed ship Walhington, belonging to Stephen Saltus and Son, in 6 days from Laguira. Left there, Ship Alexander, of Philadelphia, Sloop Indepcndencrfof do. Ship Gadfon, Brown, of Charlellon. The Wafhir.gton met three French pii vateers, one of which (hhe fired At and obli grd her to sheer off. S iled in company with the folowing vefiels : Ship Governor Sumner of Boflon, cptain Dinfraore, Brig Lovley Lassos Philadelphia, capt. Shields. Brig Maria, of Philadelphia, captain Woodward. Schooner Maximilian, captain White of * Philadelphia. Schooner Triton, of Boston, captain Par fona. Spoke with the following vessels at sea. April 6 Brig Eliza, of Baltimore, capt. , eight days out, bound to the H avanna, lat. 28, 14. April 12. Spoke flaoj) Diligence, of New-York, four days out, bound to Cur tacoa: April 14, Soke Sloop Fanny, of New- York, capc. Greenwood, 19 hours out, for Nt w-Providtnce. _ Yesterday a; rived the schooner Friend (hip, ohn Berry, from Cap# Francois, 37 days passage. Left there schooner Sarah and Rebecca capt. Star, of New York; fch oner 4 -Vnn Pcnnoch, capt. Hamilton, condemned as unfit for sea; Schooner Richard, captain Price, of Baltimore; Brig Sally, captain Abbot, from St. Croix, to fail in 30 d?ys. Notice. tr~r* A {lated meeting of the American Pliilofophlcal Society will be at their Hall, at (ip'elocfc this evening, (Friday.) N. B. New M*mfeer» to b? bf.'.l.otted for. April lg, - - i \ -rL, I, _M L Ik The Pennsylvania Q'aimv Kfits to" Lands in the ftvtnteen Towr.fii ;>'» in L< zenic county, previous to the IX-c < 4 at TrentO', are desired to meet at Ggd< ri'i» Tavern in Chefrnt-ftffet, on Monday the 21 ft, at seven o'clock ie the evening. LONDON., Jdnuary. t, 17.99 500 Guineas Reward. LOST tkis evening, between five md --X o'clock, in the neighbourhood of Gr.viv chutchJlrett, a BLACK CASE, containing the following • Bank Notes and Drafts, with sundry Bills oi Exchange, not due : £IOOO No. 1919, dated t Dec. 1798 864, 16 Nov. Ditto 1000 uDec Ditto 1000 i?i;, 27 Oft. Ditto leoo' 1514,* J? Ditto Ditto 9/8 14/4 «3 percent. A Draft on Mess. Hanlcey and Co. £53 131. , Ditto Dorien ami Co. 367 7 A bill drawn on Fleming & W-ke B >w Latit-, by Firming, & payable to I'rirroid, elated Nov. 5, two months niter date, value ,£2O. —One ditto on Fell, No 32 O'.d Change, by Hall, and payable to Smith, dated Nov. 30, at two months' after date, i<.rj£jn 19.,- —due ditto on bay well &'fr 6d LrFcvreScCo. in si 6 Ditto - DIUO Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto I>itto Ditto Ditto Ditto N. B. No greater Reward will be offered, 29 payment of the whole is ftupped, and the lols made known thiaugiout this Country anu Con april 1 Notice is hereby given, THAT on Monday th« a2O initant, the appeals on the Dirf& Tax of the United States, for thefirft andfecond DiftruSs, 111 the State of Penn sylvania, (containing tbe city ot Philadelphia) will commence in the East Chamber of the Old City Court House, from 10 o'clock in the morning un til two o'clock, P. M. Attendance will be given for days. CALEB NORTH, Principal Assessor for Dillridl No. I. ISAAC JONES, Principal Aflefl'or for BiftriA No. 2. Bhiladclphia,' April 19, 1799. At a Court of Common Pleas held at I'ittfburgh for the county of Allegheny, the firft Mon day of > arch, it} the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine— Before the Hon. Alexander Addifon, Esq. President, John M'Dowell, John Gibfon, George Thompson and George Wallace, N Efqrs. Aflociate Judges of the fame court. ON the petition of Alexander Sumrall, a p r ;. foner in the jail of said county, praying ro be discharged according to the piovifion? of the afl of aflembly, Blade for the relief of insolvent debtors. The court order, thnt the said prison er be brought before :bem at •Pitt&urgh, on the firft Monday of June next, that hi? petition and his creditors may be then heard —and direA that notice of his application be pubiifbed in the Gazette of the United States, and in the Pittlburgh Gazette, and continue three weeks in each, the lali of which (ball lie at Icaft two weeks before the time of hearing. By the Court, JAMES BRISON, Proth'y. April 19 tjwju'&joM. Valuable Lands for Sale. ON Turfday the 20th of Anguft rwst, I (hall expofc to public sale, at the town of New- Matket, in Dorchester county, all that valuable traft or parcel of land commonly called the Chop tank Indian Lands, situated on tha south Tide and binding on theChoptank river several miles sup posed to oontain about fii thoufanci acres, to he divided into lots to contain from 100 to 500 acret each: Tht terms of sale as follow, vi?. I urchafers to give bond immediately after the fair with ap« proved fectrity, conditioned for rhe ; ayment of the purchase money, with interest frrm the day of fa!e, ic four equal annual instalments, agreeably to ati ail, entitled, " As a<2 appointing ronimif fiocers to contract for aud purchale th« lands com monly called tho Choptank Indian Lands-in Dor chester county, and for appropriating the fame to the use of this state, and to repeal the a£; of assem bly therein mentioned;" pa/Ted at November fef- Wm MARBURY, Agent for the (late of Maryland. _ April 19. N 0 1 I C E: ' THE crcditor» of TODD f3* MOTT are requeu ed to leave their accounts calculating interell ta the »»d of November, 1798, the date of I odd and Morts's nfEgnment, with W. Mott. no. 145, Market ftrtct, on or before the fit'ft of July next, as a ('Milend will be immediately made alter that .'ime ; those who neglect to fend in their account# will be excluded ftom that dividend. , John Wadding tin, John Rhodes, I Assignees. "John Allen J april .13,1799 " taw trTy C JUT lON. ~ WHERJJAS my wil«, proved unfaithful to my bed and to my interest, and behaved in every rcfpe& unbecoming a wife—' I am thereby and in eonfeq.uence of the failure of ali my other endeavors to reclaim her, reduced to the painful receflity of declaring that I wi!l not hereafttr pay one iarthing of any debts she may attempt to-c.'ntrxfl iii my name. ANDREW JAMES, april J.T ~ Sheathing Copper, «$ P»l>e» of the tiruft paniiular Madeira Wine JOSFPH P. LEWIS No. 2;, D Mitch iJ M. fr & m 810 00 2awim ■*-. - V ' > 4 > " ' t,'