m m m m I tins £>ay's £oaii* BOSTON, Ap il 7 Arrived' fchr- Weld, 44 days from Cadiz ; also brig Industry, Fifiicr, 29 days from tlie Havatiah ; aMo fchr. Sally, Barray, 66 days from Cork. Left there brig Union, Hovcy, of Newburyport, arri red there in diltrcls. Through the attention and politeness of capr. Barry, we have received London papers, to 20th Jan. from which vve,ha ve exiradted the following (hip news : The American ship Hiram lias been re-taken by a Briti(h privateer and arrived at Plymouth ; the (hip Connecticut failed from Gravefend 16th Jan. ; the Then-, from Charleston, and Fricndlhip, Atkins, from Boston, Deal, Jan. 17 ; the Fame, Bradford, palled by Gravefand Jan. 18; the (hip Minerva Goodwin, put into Plymouth, Jan. 17 ; the Six Sifters, Baker, of Wifcaffct, is taken and sent f«r Bourdeaux ; the Argo, Rich, has been retaken, and arrived at Falmouth ; the Maria, Jeffrty. has been taken and sent into Rofci.ff; the American, Brut;ie, is ta ken and carried into Dieppe; the John. Watfoif, of Virginia is taken by the French The Maria, Juglas, has arrived at Grave end j the S : ft rrfpondent at the port of New- Bedfod April 2d 1799. Yesterday arrived is; this port, the (hip Prelidcnt, Andrew Pinkham, from a whale voyage, in tht Pacific Ocea:i ; obtained about 1200 bbls of fpermacety oil and 50 bbls. of whale. Lett the Gallipagutlflands the 15th of Sept. l«ft ; capt. VVm. Clark, in the (hip Juno, of this port, left the said island, S days before kim, all well, bound home with 1100 bbls. spermaceti oil. Capt Pinkham 101 l four of his mer. duriag the voyage, two by fick:iefs. viz. Rufus Haney, and Limbriek Tilluvgheft, blacks, one other black, Reuben Sainfon, drowned, by the oversetting of the boat in the furf, in bring ing off turtles ; and on the 26th u!t. the captain loft his brother MofesPinkham, who fell overboard from the quarter as he was heaving the log ; all earrtions to save him were fruitlefs. Was treated by the viceroy " I have been herein this fliip (Cicero) a of Lima with great civility ; after exami- bout ten days prize matter ; (he belongs to ning his papers gave him a writen prote&ion Liverpool, was captured by the French pri on the back of his fed letter, against their vateer schooner Democrat, and re-captured cruisers. On the 23d Dec. Capt. Pinkham by the United States, and lent inhere; her put into 6t. Catharine on the Brazil coasts cbnfifts principally of live stock ; (he to refreln his men, who were growing sick bring about 30,000 dollars ; is a fine of the feurvy —was there hcfpi'ably treated °f 430 tons, mounts 20 nine pounders, by the Portuguefc, and failed from there the and carries 50 men (fay 35 men and 15 boys) 13th of Jan. for home Flit* privateer mounts 12 nine pounders and Capt. Pinkham has politely furnifhed the bad 100 men ; they fought her hours,' following lift of uUaUnxn Wca.d -of afc r Frcrreh of an spoke with, in the Pacific Ocean, viz (hip* hour on the deck. Out of the 50 hands on Maryland, Lefcombe, of Newyork, in June board, the captain and 3 men were killed, had 100 bbls. all well ; Commerce, Gardner and 26 wounded. Could I but give you a of Nantucket, in Atigull. had 150 bbls. ail defciption of the scene this ihip presented well Bedford, Barrey, of Newbedford, in w ben we firfl took poffeffiun of her, it would August, had 150 bols. all well, Barclay, ma ' ct ' y our very foul 111 udder within you. Barney, of do. in August 500 bbls. all well ; Never were men more inhumanely mangled Hope, Giles, of Nantucket, in September t ' lan ai ' e : anc ' ,riuc h of it done after had 500 bbls. all well ;He Jtor. worth, of S avf * U P- A little boy, Wis than our do, ii Sept. had 250 bbls. all well ; Ruby brother William [a child about 9 years of Myrick, of do. in September, had 300 bbls. ' a ° e l w ' lo was a of the captain's was all well; Wareham, Clark, of Newbedford, I or^ by the Frenchmen to.go aloft and in Sept. had 750 bbls all well. ' j baul down the colors ; he cried and said he could not, which was the faft. A French-, man immediately up with his cutlass and cut hi s arm almofl ofFand wounded him in iever al places. Ihe Englilhmen, there can be no doubt, fought like men ; every thing on board proves it. The French had poffeflion about 36 hours before we recaptured her ; during which time not one of the poor fel lows who had been wounded, had been drefT ed, nor a Tingle bucket of wnter thrown on the deck ; they were in a perfedt gore of blood. I declare when the Ihip rolled wit.i the heave ot the sea, the blood in the cabbin would run from lide to lide in a per feft current. . You no doubt have heard of Truxton's I'uccel's and glory in the capture of the Infur gente ; (lie was the la ft French frigate left out here. ( the reft are all gone to France. We have now nq other hope but to capture the privateers of which there are ft 11 num bers out of Guadaloupe— and to whom our 'hip 15 as well known as (he is to vou, and is as much dreaded as they are bv'our mer chantmen. " The capture of this ship Cicero ouH* to be a fenous lessen to our merchants hbw they fit out their (hips ; thr.y put on board 10 or 12 guns with twice the number of men at the utmost, and then think (he is able to defend herfelf against any thing they can possibly meet with—Tie a great mistake —it is incredible how those Frenchman tight when drove to it by det'peration. To 'fee this (hip you would think it impoflibie they could have had the courage ts have her much iefs have carried her. The ia£i is they have nothing to lose and every thing to gain, and whenever they fee any thing that looks like plunder, nothing will deter them from attempting it. " Yesterday (jpth March) a gentleman in formed me of war having been declared a gainst America by Guadeloupe, 'Statia and St. Martins» He has learnt it by a letter from St. Thomas'. If this be 'he cafe there can be no doubt but their refpedtive govern ors have their orders from France, as they could not dare to go so far without such or ders ; of course the declaration of war will NEW YORK, April , 3 . Extras of a letter from Savannah la Mar, dated 12 th ult. " We have got here (Black River) a brig called the: Dolly. She came in on Friday the Bth infl. having fallen to leeward of Port Royal, whither the master meant to carry her. She was at anchor but a few hours, when captain Thatcher, of the (hip Hebe, boarded and seized her by virtue of of his letter of marque and hit people are now in poiTcffion of her, by the advice of Mr. W. B. now at this place. He tells me he has written to colle&or W. and J. B. Esq. about the business, but had not got their aufwer. The hittory of the bri.i is as follows: That about the 16 or 17th ult. (he was captured from the French by the armed brig Genius or Janus,with a letter of marque, from New York, commanded by captain Cables. The armed letter of masque belongs to Cadwallader Colden, of New York, and was comple'ely fitted with 16 or 18 guus, and 70 or $0 men: and Mr. Colden himfelf was on Woard, and had a cargo of provi sions &c. in her. Soon after the capture of this French brig Dolly, captain Cables ordered one of his lieutenants with 4 or 5 hands to take pof f'ffion of her and proceed to Tortola ; but if {he would not Leat up thither, that he vas to proceed to Jamaica. He could not eat up to I ortola, and was obliged to bear way tor this Island. The vtflel being light, coly about fix or eight calks of Sugar and lm on board, on htr way down (he was boarded by two of his majesty's frigates, "ho, on examining his-papers, permitted Mm to proeeed without molestation. A third Eritifh (hip of war hove in fight ai.d hailed him; and while the lieutenant or prize matter, captain J. B Smith, was get ting ready to go on board with his papers, the vessel gave a lee lurch or jibe, by which means the papers were thrown out of his pocket into the sea, and he could i.ot recov er them. But the Bntifh commander on examining his log book, a: d understanding tuat the other two men of war did not dif. turb or annoy him, he allowed him to pro. ceed. All thef; particulars art Fet forth by capt B. Smith, in tii* affidavit of protest, in a circwfriftantia! manner, joined by his four seamen and the French enpta n of the Dolly, which belonged to Guadaloupe; and as cap tain Smith is a total draper in Jamaica, and without friends, and no American coun cil being 1 in that island that he cau hear of, be; claim* the prote&ion ar.d aid of the -Britiftigovernment, &c. He hat no money, aed seems really destitute." %i)t nfi. derable re'ief to the other troops of C3»alry, which had before that bee" much harrafled with frequent excursions aftcrthe irifurgents, and without much success latterly, as they h;id become alarmed, and th« m«(t adtiye of them had fled Irom their- homes. Several parties had been in pursuit of a perfou by the name of Marks, of Quaker-town, a lea ding chaster am >ng them,but he had eluded the pursuit. •. . A review ■ f the troops had taken place, which hadgiven greatfatisfaftion —the body of harfe amounting to between four and five hundred, with artillery and infantry propor tionable. A company of volonteer infan try, from Reading, had joined the army- It is supposed that the Cavalry of this city will return in the courfc of the present week. COM MUNICAtIOHS. IT is a notorious fa£t that a number of the artizans of this city employed by the United States in carrying inta effedt the late laws for the defence jf the country, are of politics deftruftive to the conilitution. No one ought to enjoy advantages ari sing from laws which by the mod infiduous and violent attacks they are endeavouring to annul. The support of a government should always be particularly extended to those who. .uy their principles and anions, strengthen and assist that g vernment in its operalions When this support is in ano ther manner applied it is certainly in direct fanctiou cf a contrary conduft —That this cannot be the intention of our public officers I am convinced—it mud have arifeu from inattention : but be the canfe when it may, the effedt is the fame A Southwark de mocrat in conversation a short time ago, af ter abufitig the'government and advocating the conduct of the " tmpey" of the day whom he declared he would support at the next eleftion, broke out in an exclamation " what do the government th nk of yau ariflocrats ; they dont trull you with employ ment—the molt of the work is done by us Jemocratt"- That individual* Should so strongly draw the line of discrimination as to refufe employment to a man because of politics might b« improper, but every prin ciple of Jultce and reason proves a conduit of that proper in the Government. IT is a point of great importance, with our liberty and equalitj.-mcu to oblite rate from the heart all traces of national love and affedtion. In its stead, the infiifion in to the mind of the principles of cofinopoli tiftn is attempted by all pollible expedients. For they well know, that if the rajnd can be brought to throw off those attachments which are natural, and adopt the forced sen timents which they endeavor to render plau sible and imposing, it is well fitted ttfpr&gref's in their gTeatcrjnd more important tfeftrineY of atheism, anarchy and general confufioa. —A warm attachment to our natal foil is, therefore, condemned by thei'e philosophers, as a narrow and illiberal prejudice. The pleasant scene of our early pleaftares, the country which has nourished andcherifhed us, According to their system, is entitled to no higher place in our affedtions than the sandy plains of Arabia j its inhabitants, our friends and fellow-citizens, to no greater portion of our love than the roving rohbers of the de sert. This in fa£t, is the amount of their doftrine, though its extent is not openly ac knowledged, and many fine spun veils of lo gical and reasoning are fabricated to conceal its tendency, and end. They tell 115 that the affections of thf foul fliould not be confined by the narrow limits of kingdoms or coun tries, but should expand themselves through the whole world, and embrace all nations This idea upon a general and fuperficial view appears plaulible, nay flattering : but it is deceitful and founded upon falfe principles. It is a natural and spontaneous diftate of the heart, confirmed by reason and found judgment, that we should reward with grat itude, those who have conferred upon us a benefit; and more especially when this bene fit is unasked, when it has been bestowed without our own intervention or application, the ties of gratitude become doubly binding, and our affedtions are more forcibly and strongly interested. Djes not our country then defcrve our utmost gratitude, and our closest attachment ? Its laws have afforded usprotedtion and security. It is under their auspices that we enjoy the advantages which civilization boasts over barbarism. It is the laws and energies of our country which have saved us from being plundered, opprefled and enslaved by foreign nations. It is to them, in short, that we are indebted for all our pleasures and happiness ; for without laws our happiness and pleasures would be at the disposal ot any one whole inclinations might prompt, and whole fupcrior strength or in genuity might enable him to deprive us of them. In our country's bosom have we firft seen the light, and on its lap have we been surfed and brought up to maturity. In its citizens we behold our acquaintance, connex ions, friends and brothers ; every thing, in deed, that is dear and delightful to us. v such is the hold which our native country has upon our noblt-ft and molt gen eious feelings, can we without diverting the heart of its fenlibility, and the mind of its realon and judgment, declare that it has no claims upon us for our gratitude and affec tion The man who can do it, is far ad vanced in the dodtrines of hiodern philbfophy | and well qualified for an initiation into the higher degrees ol the mysteries of diforeani zation. " C 3" he Letter Bags of thg {hip Juno, \\ olt<;rs, and brig Liberty, Henderfon, for Hamburgh, will be taken from the Coffee House to-morrow. D.ed an (he iotli ijift. Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhm, wifi, of MrrPeter Kuhii' merchant, of this City, in the 42d year of ;ige, af ter a painful and lingering illness, which The bore with christian resignation. Shf was an affectionate wife arid &'tender' mother to i' numerous family of children, who will loilg have'to itiourn her departure. Her re mains Were on Friday last' intert-ed in the Gerrrtan Lutheran Burial ground, attended by a large andrefptiftablecoftcourfe of mourn ing friehds and acquaintances— 11 Ye wheels of Nature, fpeed-your course ; 1 Ye mortal powers decay > Fast as' ye bring the night of death, Ye bring eternal day. 2\ W. spoke the (hip Polly, of Philadelphia, from Savannah bound to Martinique, our 10 days, all well. April 6, ht. 36, 29, N. long. 71, W. spoke the sloop Independence Summers out 5» days from Great Egg Harbour, bound to Santa Cruz all well. The (hip John, captain M* Neal, from Martinique, is below. Ship Aftive, of Philadelphia, John Har per, matter, bound to London, taken by a French privateer and plundered; retaken by the British. Ship Old Tom, of Philadelphia, Richard. Wood mailer—was boarded by a French privateer, and notwithstanding the comman der informed captain Wood, that he had orders to take all American vessels, treated politely. A brig belonging to this port, name un known, bound to Ii eland, has put into Ber- muda, in diltrefs. Ship Connecticut, Hy landcr, of and for this port, failed from Gravefend the 16th of Jan. New-York, April 13. Brig Nancy, Reed, Savannah la-Mar z8 Neutrality, Cunningham, Jamaica 24 Experiment, Philadelphia 8 Sch. Btllonn, Dunn, New Orleans Ha.inah, Snow, N. Carolina 5 The ship Washington, from this port has arrived at Bristol. The Sally l'rom. hence, arrived a't Liver pool. Sloop Selters frcm this arrived at Balti more. Brigantine Adtive, Palmer, is arrived at Barbadoes from Alexandria. Brig Venus, from Savannah, arrived at Montego-Bay on the 6th March", in 19 days. Arrived fch. Bellona, Dunn, 20 days from Mew-Orleans, left there several American velTels, among them, fch Paragon and sloop Gen. Greene, of New-York. The brig Di adem, of New-York, was going up as the Bellona was coming down. Three days ago spoke the brig Huntress, from New-York to Savannah, infoundings. Alio arrived brig Neutrality, 24 days from Jamaica, spoke 011 the jft inft. a brig from Cadiz bound to Charleston, out 40 days On the 27th of March, in lat. 23, 31, spoke a British frigate on a cruise. Yesterday arrived brig Nancy, Reed, 28 days from Savannah-la-Mar,(Jamaica). Left there two American veil;ls belonging to Norfolk. Extract from, her Log-Book, On the 18th March, lit. 19, 11, was boarded by a British letter of marque, of so guns, bound from the Spanish Main to Kingston, Jm aica. On the 21 ft, in lat. 22, 54, was boarded his Britannic Majefly's (hip Brunfuick, of 80 guns, after overhauling our papers, fuffeted us to proceed. On our leaving htr, (he fired three guns. On the 24th lat. 23, 52, was spoke by the United States sloop of war Delaware, with a schooner in company fleering for the Havannah. On the 7th, lat. 36. 36. fell in with the wreck of a schooner difniafted, floating even with the furface of the water, her fide» painted red, black ends and white bottom, with a gun port on each fide of the main jraft, figure head Snd high quarterdeck. Volunteer Grenadiers, : < ' April 15, FHB corps to parade at the Jutes iisge, in Chdnut street, on Thttrfiiay next, at 4 o'clock, P M. ai fall uniform, with and accuucr.'meri't. By cor m?nJ, { J). {Miirgafrovd, tst Serjt. ' ; CAUTION. \ ' WHE'<\£ AS nwif», Mary Jnmei,J»« prp*C(J unfaithful to my bed and to my intercity and beliaved in every refpi di unjKcominjt a I am thereby aru} iu ncc of the failure of all Ttiy ojher endi avors to,reclaim her, reduced t» t!;e painful neceiTity of declaring that ( will not hereaft.r pay onip a fawdoz en of 800 i\S, of an excellent quality, which are now open for file, by Joiln Bedford, No. 79, south Set or. d ftrest. N. B—A f >Ser steady foreman who underftandj the boGnefsof a (hop, and n or 14 good bpot and iho'e-rnakcrs wanted april j 5 FOR SALE By SIMON WALKER, Pine, near Fifth-street, WOOLWICH' proof Caonon—9 pounders, $ I-1 feet long, jo cwt. each, and 7 te«t long, 15 cwt. each, with carriages, &c completed ditto—6 pounders, 5 l-a leet Ion?, ij cwt. each, and 6 feet long, 18 cwt. each, with carriages, &c ---complet f; ' Carronadis on Aiding carriages, 14, 18 8c 44- poun'ders, weighing 6 t-s,B aad 13 cwt. each; Pikci and Cutlasses ; tnglifli Camion Powder; Copper Sheathing Nail-. Spikes and Bolts; 61 9. 11, 18 md 141b. round Shot; 6, 9, 18 and 241b. douMe-lu-24£d do. 9, 18 and 141b. Canuiiler Klior. Alio—a quantity of belt English, Porter, Claret and Port Wine Bottlei, Tauntwn itlcin caflcs of 7 dozen each, maroh 8 Patent Ploughs, TO be fold for calh by Joseph Salter at Atfion Richard Wetts, Cooper's Ferry—Jouathau Harker, Woodbury—and JefTe Evans, Lumber ton, Those who haviufed them give them the preference to my other kind, as tkey require less team, break the ground better, are kept in erder at less expence and are fold at a cheaper rate —the plan it much Amplified and cnnfilhpf but on£ piece of call iron, with the handle and beam of wood ; they may befixed with wrought, lays and coulter* to be put on with fcrewa and taken off as pteafure Pktcnt rights for vending„vrithinftrn£Hons for making them may be had liy applying to John. Newbeld, or the fubferiber No. au Norut Frant-ftrset. Who has for Sale; Or to Lease for a term of years, A number of valuable trails of »ejl situated far Mills, Iron iVorksor Farms, moft> ly improved, lying chiefly in the county of Hun tingdon ftatt of Pennsylvania. Those who may incline to view them will please te apply to Joha>Canan efq.near Huntingdon. Ntwlold. jawtf juty »7 JACOB PARKINS, HAVING invented aneffeflual ch«ck for de telling counterfeit Bank Paper, which has received the fanilion of one Bank, and the approbation of the undersigned eminent artifls, and having obtained a patent, securing to him, and to hit alliens, the exclulive light of the in veution, hereby offers to his fellow citizens the privilege of using it upon terms, to be agreed on between him and any person dilpofed to avail themfelvts of a guatd against counterfeits. THE underlined having examined Jacob Ptrkin's new invented method to deteil coun terfeit Bank paper, do approve of the plan, it being inpoffitile to engrave or fink two plates perfeflly alike, without the original die or hulj, the counterfeiter would find it iinpoffible to make an imprelfion which would perfectly gage with the check from the original die. ROB'T SCOT, Engraver & Die Gnker JAMItS SMITHER, Engraver. , JAMES AKIN, Engraver. The terms may be known by applying to No. 11, Souih 3dftreet, . , March 13 TO MILLINERS. TO BK SOLD, For che Benefit of th£ Underwriters, at SLannon and Poalk's Audlion Room, No. 183, Market Street, on Friday next at 10 o'ciitL in the forenoon, One cafe of Madam Le Brun Boilsau's Patent fapionable Hats and Bonnets y Julfc received by the British (hip Douglafs. April 9 w & t N 0 7 ICE. THE creditors of TODD t3* are rec^ueft «d to leave their »ccpimt« calculating interest to the lid of November, 1798, the date of i'odt} and Mocts's uffigt>ment, wich W. Mott, n». 145, Market on or before the ftrft of July next, as a dividend wilt lie immediately made alter that time ; thole wk cfes, Cattle, Sheep Ac. will also be difpofrd of._ For further particitlarsapply to Georoe Haitihoi on the prcmifcvor tothe fubferiber, in Philadelphia i: ARCHIBALD M'CALL, Jun. ». tf. December n I p ft ANDREW JAMES. . 3t y eo6t law tf lawtf