OtXU>. New Philadelphia. i,rc)>r:etoi s of the ground in the .1 I of this city, known by the ftitlK at Sprtoptfhuiy Manor ; (bounded on the w t ft!jy tKe river Schuylkill* on ti'fc ca!i by Fourth firest jrmnfichßylk.U, on the north by Francis's tide, and ou'the fbuth by Callowhill flr«et) have * lri" a tv' \v city as a finnnlcr retreat* *rh« p'r.r. i t two f«sHons may he seen at the Cofite Jioufe. The main Ureet, too feet wide, runs rearly ea!t a.ul weft along the top of the tidge, ftrikins? Schuylkill a iittle above the upper, ferry, where nature has placed everlasting abbut jnents,aiid ftotie in ahundence to form a perma nent bridge of'ot»e arch, that sannot be approach ed by ice vr Hoods. A ftrr«tof 66 fe>t wide, ialaid cut on each fide of, tor 1 parallel tothe Main street. Thefeare cross ed by'five new rtrects at right angles, and hy the ft'raets from Schuylkill. The Dotation ibiiigh.aiTy and healthy,andcom fa»nd> an cxt.T,f.v?pr «>£. The. water is good. Th. canal runs obliqui ly through it. It i» i'jft a fnflkient tirftance front the Delaware for a pleasant walk, to give an appetite to dinner tft.tr the bufmeiV ot the day is over. * ' 7 o'be fold ut Public Vendue, OnSaitfvday the 13'h inft. at 3 o'clock in the af ternooti, e*n the premtfes, One hundred- and eleven of the highest and best situated Lots in the New Totvn, F.ath containing 30 feel from and about 200 deep. The whole is fruited on the weft (ide of Fourth Street from Schuyklll, on the high g.ound opposite Bulh Hili gudem, agreeably to a plan at the Gottee Huufe, »rd at the old' city AuQion Store. 'i'o accommodate purchafeis. one lot will be put, up at a lime, and the buyer will have the right lo take ism .iy adjoining, as he may think proper, at the fame rate; The terms are, one thud cafli, approved notes jt three months for the remainder, when deeds clear of all incumbrances, will be given Connelly & Cc. Auet'rs. April 3. ■ i. Sales at Auction. On Saturday the 10th April, at a o'clock P. M. i on tha ptemil'es. Sundry Building and Garden Lots, Some of chera contiguous to, aritj others at a (rial! Pittance fr;.m the city, containing fr m ib&ut one quartet- of na« those largn q-uarrie* on the eaftfide of the SfchtfflkiU, near and above the bridge. The terms will he ca!h for the lots sf 49 1-1 an.l JO feet frcnt, and for thole of a larger file one half enfh immediately, and the other half to be paid 11) fix months from the day of file. COMELY & Co. Auctior.ters. April 4 For C,harkJton> (S. C.J -~± THE MAIL PACKET h&k, TEAT MAN, Capt. LouoniAD, —with goad ac commodntion lor pjffengers, will f.ofitively fail at 8 o'clock on Friday morning the I ith toft. For freight or paffagi ap ply to tha captrin on board at Smith t wh.irf, the firft above Race ftrcct. March 5. FOR LONDON. fc. The 3ritifti armed ship flttiL D OuGL As > J AMES Walker » captain. NOW ready to receive a Cargo—for frcigh W paffcge apply Jo Thomas & J°^ n Ketland, April i JUST RECEIVED, By the ship Douglas from "London, jt frimt ajjbrtmrnt of Morrocco and Kid Skins, of various colours. A bandfome fnpply of MILITARY ARTICLES, jSr.d » few cares of the m"(l fafhionable Straw Hats and Bonnets. Fi.r Ole at No. 87» Chefnut-ftrtet. MICHAEL ROBERTS. larch Just Received, jffoirf Hamburg by the Jasqn, VissEß.and via Biltrmore and for file by the subscribers platillas, Creas a la Morlaix, T>ow las Check" ind stripes, Liftadoes Bretagnes, TicklenburgS, riareelona Brandy it) Pipe*. Port Wifte in quarter calkr. On Hand, Cl&cet in Hogfheid*. Boiirdeaux Brandy, Rufiia Brifiles. Ertck W Lewis Bollman. No. I of, Spruce.ftrect. I iril I . NOTICE. THE partnerfhlp of Jofliua B. Bond, and John Brooks, trading under the firm of Bond iff Brooks, h this day dissolved by mutual all perfor.s indebted to them, are re rju»fted to make Immediate payment to Jofliua H. Bond, and those having demands to prefer.t thstr acsounts to him for fctllement, ~ April I WANTED r-j ->o go ts ery handy in any common hoiifc work. —Two :hildren of the said Jacob's and Patt's, the one 1 male child about four years old, the other a em ale child about two years old. The above lefcnbed Negroes took with them, besides their >wn wearing appavel, three coats, two of which *ere linfey cloth of a light grey color, b th lew j one of the two was a great deal too large or either of the said fellows ; the other coat of irown cloth, half worn; three under jackets, >ne a velvet, another drah, the other a light olored linfey cloth do, one new pair of Call kin ftoes, lined with linneii ami bound with eaiher, one pair of boots rermrkaMy large ill he legs, fevcral pairs of stockings and a silver watch, all lloleti : tlv ir own wearing apparel is follows —William had on a light-hoife regi nental coat worked with fiKer twist, (which he firfl t.f February lall, a round tailor ja< ket blue,) thickset breeches, patched with cordu •oy in the stride, with other neceflary clctlung. facob, two linfey cloth coatees, lead colored, )»e new the other half worn, blue linfey cloth acker, half worn, two pairs of linfey cloth ngs. Patt has every cUv cloalhing, and her >ther ch>athing not so well known ;|it is uncer ain which courte they niriy take, as W illiarn is uch an experienced coaster. Any person or persons apprehending said ne ;rdW or (bonding them, so that their matter nay get them again, (hall be entitled to the a iovc reward, or in proportion for either Gf hem, thai is to fay, 40 dollars for each of the faildren, and if brought home, all reasonable hargtspaidby dtfri diw Joshua B. Bond.- John Brocks« and dimity 2 one cafe containing plufli I one box containing tapes one box music books one bux soap four hhds. bean« one bag coffee two barrels walnut one barrel peminta.. one Jjox f»par ias eight l9 ston, THE "£HI" jd£»y~ n» for p*lTenjrfs-—u ill fail on the 13th infl. For pafiaee oely app'y to SA.IVf y HLKHrf A DS, No. 1, Aprtl 9 JUST LANDING, ' froi-i on board tilt ftip - . John B. ffoDCsax, commander, from Canton,—andFarfile by JOSEPH SIMS, No. ISf- Ssut ' l W«ter-flre«t, Bohea Tea*, in whole, half, afld'tjr. cherts, Hjfon, Hjfon Oomee, YcmigHyfon a«, ) [ no. 9O) Uiiion-ftreet. dt?M Tliis day is published, By B. DAVIES, at No. 68, HigK-flreet, Aad ready to be cjelivetei to Subferibt'it and o'hers, The Philadelphia Magazine & Review, THE petty officers, seamen, and ordinary seamen, in the United States feryice, late of the schooner Retaliation, are derreti to re pair immediately oil board the United States brig Norfolk, in the port of Philadelphia. Thole who have defertcd are prunifed par don, ind theball-jnce due thein, if they com ply with above order. WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE. E. Fox and J. Greenleaf, INTFRESTED in the made to the lub- Icribcrs, arc reqnclfced to meet at Ogdcn'i uvern, in Chefnut-ilrcet, on Wrdnefday the 10111 of April, al g o'clock iu the evening. | RIGE Secretary of the Treasury; iawtt aprit 9 The 111. Number of OK, Monthly Repository of Information and Amusement, For March 1799. April I TAKE NOTICE. April x T-HB CREDITORS OF march 28. Fnglifh wrought Nails. Imported in the flips Molly and Diana, from LI V BR POOL. 400 Casks of Nails, CONSISTING of 6d, Bd, iod» I»d» and »od, flit points "fiiit able for the foutheru m»rVet>— Atii Ba*idd,per uaifif—flicathing nails, b'c. FOR MU BY, , Robert Denifon, ju-nr. I»7 Mr.rktff-ftreM Valuable Property for Sale. FOR SALE, THAT well known Estate, called SHREWSBURY FARM, formerly the residence t>l Genera! Johp Cadwaladar, fituite on SalTifras River, in Kent county, Maryland—containing a boot 1900 acres of prime LAND, upwards of 500 of which are in wooJs. The Buildings areali ex cellent, and coufift of a handsome Dwelling House, two ta'ge Barns with Cow houfei, Stables fw fifty horses, a fpeekiUi.treadi«g.floor under cover,a gra nary,two /)verfeer's houlei, two ranges oi tw.i fte ry huildingsfor Nugrocs (one of them new and of brick), Corn houses a Smoak house, 8:9. &c —The whole Eftat? being nearlt surrounded by water, it requires Kutlitfle fancing.aid has a good Shad and Heiring'filhery. It is conv«»i*ptly situated for both the Philadelphia anjl Baltimore marketi.with two landings on a navigable river but a toon fail from Baltimore. There is a large I'cach, and two large Apple Orchards on "the prennfes; also, a varie ty of excellent Iruits of different kinds. Ihe foil 13 mostly a rich loon-. —The whole will he fold togc ther or divided int«l'maller iarmj{ lor which the buil dings areconvtoicntly fitua;«d) " may suit thepur hafor. The Stock on said Farm, confiding of Hor cles, Cattle, Sheep kc. will also be difpsfed of.— For furtherparlitul«rsapply to OioaoEHASTiNO3 on the premifes,or to the fubferiber, in Philadelphia. ARCHIBALD M'C'ALL, Jun. December FOR SALE, BY THE SUBSCRIBER, On Willings aud Francis's Vi hirf, zoo Gia Cases, Also, a few bales of Bengal Goo4s. G. WILLING, Fab. 18. Notice. THE fubferibers being appoint ed by the court of common pleas o! the city, and county, guardians to the person and estate ot Jo nathan Be ere, now confined in a state of lunacy in the PtniifyWania liofpital—All persons holding liis effedts or indebted to him will pay or return the fame; immediately ; and thole having demands will present threm duly authenticated, to Mary Ueere, Thomas Hurly, Philadelphia, april 4 A Summer Ret real. For Salr, Sixteen Acres of Land, /bout hnlf a mile from tbeciiy of Philadelphia, | '"HERE are on she ptrßiifes a oae'ilory brick _L house 38 fee: Iront, a liable and corn crib, a well of excellent water,and a few fruit trees, the situation is perhaps iupr.rior to any within the fame ditlar.ee of the city, and commands one of the moll beautiful and piSurefapje J!rof|>er.a p.v.lcngera roc. . 0 f ,u Slip Thomas »*f M, WO. W» A. <*«&# » Vl2ilSli*eislrt%^S*3S«' "A.'lt.!! , asthey we«t out the, £ i '£s? •"* * d *" J > (camc wi,h " "*j M'C.vhk tlic obfa.cJ, that fe bad ,V?V * a 'conci...'ve aofwrr. worn and fubferibed ~l that the aff.ult was committed in the even before me, April 6, J- '"g, and that M'Gurk had no scabbard with the sword—he obierve i that from the evi- ROBERT IVH/iRTON, Mayor. dence before them, he did not doubt but the jury would be of opinion with him, that M Gark wai equally guilty with his "nend. THTL'a D&i? *J A • Q3* iaw3t H, Pratt, T. 'K. Frartcity I. Millar, J. Jsklej, I. Baker. 11l the course of conversation between Mr. Hopkins, Dr. Hall, and myfelf, 011 the i'ubject of the Ihip Thomas Wilion, alter the Doctor had vilkedand ordered her down the liver, the dodtor'i opinion refpe&ing ber Ivtuation wr.s asked, he replied that the cap tain had bad a bad fever at Petit Guave, that he had ft rclapfe at Jamaica, had caught cold on the puffage and rehpied —that it was highly improper he ftiouiJ come up before ihe was viiited ; he stated that soon after he had come on fliore he nvt one of the members of the Assembly, that he mentioned to him that he had just ueen visiting a ship, the captain of which had the Yellow Fever, that the member of Assembly was off from him like a (hot—from the whole of Dr, Hall's conversation 1 had no doubt that his opinion was, that the fever the captain had was a iclapfe of the yellow fever. ISAAC MILNON. Affirmed and fuhfcrlV-~j ed before me, April V 6th, 1799. J ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor. m. tf. 3taw. no,. 16, Cart«r'» alley; . %\}t TUESDAY S.yEWNO. AP:UI 9 In addition to the foregoing statement tc> which I affirm and subscribe, I do aifo affirm that Dr. Hall told me exprelsly he had no doubt that the captain had the yellow fever. ROBERT HOPKINS. Affirmed and fuhfcr';b-~| ed'before me, April V 6th, 1709. j RORERT WHARTON, Mayor. MAYOR'S COURT. April Scjfions. Commonwealth,T vi. > A (Fault on—llilliarb. John M'Gurk. J Mr. Hilliard sworn. Aout of February or beginning »f March, I was in Mr- Fenno's office, be tween 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening, wri ting at the desk, when I was alarmed by the furious entrance of two persons, ooe armed with a club, the other, M'Gurk, armed with a drawn sword—the oße with a club, bran dilheditover my head, and alked me if my name was Fenno; I allured him it wai not; he continued to (hake his club over my head, and theo»a(ked me where that damned rascal and poltroon was —M'Gurk said, Fenno (hould or would (I an not certain which) fuffer, if he did not desist from his abusive publications againfthis { M'Gurk's)country; he did not me tin eaten,but frequently threat ened Mr- Fenno. Quest. Had M'Gurk a scabbard with him ? A. No Sir, his fvrord Vvas drawn, and be had no fcabbar! iv'ith him. Was the door open, and did they knock previous to their entrance? A. The front door wr,3 open, the office door was (hut, they did not kuock, but rilfhed iu, in a furious manner, and before I had time to speak, one of them brandished hi? ekib. Before the mayor next morning, M'Gurk, I conceive fuppofirig I could not know him, ■a(lied me, "f I bad ever seen him before : I told him I'bad—he tken said, sooner than The Recorder addressed the jufy and delivered a clear, handiome & corred charge —he observed that it seems to have been the intent of the person «ntering Mr. Fenno's office in the manner tlicy did, to have com mitted an aft perhaps of a very different na ture from that with which the defendant is charged—that had Mr. Fenno happened to. have been in h;s office or that evening, he did not lcaowr what event might have taken pUce—His Hot.or then re-capitulated the tettiinony, after which he gave it as his opi nion that M'Guvk was in the eye of the law equally guilty with his companion, and in deed that he was the most alarming charader of the t wo, having a draw sword in hit hand and that if thejury saw the testimony in this point of view, they would fay that M'- Gurk is guilty of the afTault with which he is charged --Verdid GUILTY. , LIST 0/ Officers of a RegiMimr. Is tbe Service ot the Upited States, To be Raised in Pennsylvania. Thurnas L. Moore, It. col. com. Philadelphia Pennsylvania. i William Henderfon, major, Greencaftlej'rfo. X George Stepbeiifon, major, Pittfburg r do. COMPAMBS. , >' J*fcph M'lvin*ey, . captain, Shippenibufg, So, John Sharp, iieut. dp. d<». George HaineU, ensign, tlx do. l*®ts Bl*ine, -captain Carlisle, (Jo* 1 Siml.JS. Magaw, FranKlin coun. do. *j Archibald Davis, en&gn Lsncafttr do. do. : Andrew John Won, captain Yorkiown* do. Nelson Wade, lieu;. Non i lown do- ( John A- Doaglats, ticai.Yoi k'owri do. Matthew Henry, captain. d 0.,, &enry G. Slough, lieut. Lancaster do. Herman Winner,, tnfign do.; Bciy. Gihba, jun. captain Philadelphia do. ; Cromwell Peirce* lievt. < CheAsl- cotiltfy do. Hugh H. Pott*, enfiga PhUaddpbia do.| Wm. ft Atlee, captain Notriftown dd» ; Henry Weftcott, Kart- ■ •"> / John ,S. Porter* ensign Hugh Brady, captainNcrthumberland d® iames P. Nelfoii, licut. ghn Smith, ensign do. do, Wm. ,Graham captain Bedford, dn kobert Lawrence, lieut. Huntingdon do Robert Chambers, i-nflgii do. do. David Duncan, captain Carlisle do. Thjmas Swearinger litnt. do. Wm. Morrow, enlign Pi;tft>urg do. Jame Alhmun, captain do. Benjamin Wallace* lieut. near Harrilburg