and Philadelphia Daily Advertiser', NuMBEt. 2045.] i '.iii't- rrr The price of tbis Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay o ne Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and 'unless some person in this city uill become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. United States, ? ff> I Pennsylvania District, S . " Notice u hereby given, 4 I *rr» r Curt of the United THA T,I P wdcn at the City Hall in the Sutes will be hold sos t|iePennfyiVa . C - enT-uefdiy the 16th day of April »« a on T , n »' , rej At(orney of tb , .heftuUiftrifl, agttinft UiiiteQ at The Brigantme SiSr&fo. AMIABLE ADDELE. w ith her tickle, apparel and ap- i"!TtiC9. " m ; ®. , ..a»iine'/>mUble'*adele being . vessel The tad on f ,- withm the I'micd States, with pcrfonsrefideni within and t mnloyed r r - n cl, Republic, contrary 10 t ZZiSXi SSto. - r— and seized therefor, <£: c. By order of the C South front Strfft, Next door to she CuftotM House. _ THE Subfcribev, encouraged t>y the advice ot his friends, offers his service to the public as a Ship »Bd Insurance Broker. He propos es to buy and fell vefiels and cc'y t' 11 "? re ' iag thereto—afoft matters of veflels and others ip entering and clearing at the Custom-House, procuring and £hipp lin £ freight, fettling n u ance and all ofher mercantile accoi.- s, and have on hand the oeceffary Blanks and Stamps. Papers in foreign languages translated, and in formation given in general mercantile matters. —From .1 knowledge pained by long experience of every branch o,f bufiftefs he hopes to be nte ful to those who please to favor him with their commands. SAMUEL EMuRY. novembeno 2aw This Day -will be Landed, At Cuthbert's Wharf, From on board the (hip Townftnd, capt. Lowering from St. Kitts, 124 Puncheons Rflm, 24 ditto Molaffe», 1200 Bufbels Salt, For Sale, *y Jehu Hol/ingsworth, & Co. No. 47, Penn-ftreet. FOR SALE. dtf marth 20 Richard Bay ley Co. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that the Retail Business carried on by them at their Store. No. 136, Market-street, will in future be xartied on by Mr. Wm. Bonn a r, whom they beg leave to recommend to the favor of their friends aad the public. All Persons indebted to the above firm and those to whom tjicy are indebted, will please to apply to John WniTßSiots & Co. or the fetjlement of their refpe&ive accounts, who ape duly empowered for that purpose. Richard Bay ley is" Co. IVILLIAM BONNAR, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that the above Store will be opened Vy him on Monday the 4th of February next, -with an assortment of DRY GOODS, Suitable to the feaf«n, which he flatters himfelf will meet the approbation of thofcwh® honorhim with their favor. jtm 29. § NOTI C E. Joseph Thomas's Creditors are hereby earnestly requested to furnilh their Account* duly attested, as foen as convenient : thereby to enable the Afiignees to form an idea of tfce flare of his affairs and *ll those indobt edto said Thomas, are required to malpe im mediate payment to either ot' the Subscribers. SAMUEL W. FISHER, 1 Afiignees WILLIAM BUCKLEY, >- of JOHN HALL. ) J. Thomas. ■dee. it. dtf WANTED, To Article for two or three years a young Man to a profitable bufinefs — For particulars enquire at no. 68, foutli Fourth street \ person who has feme knowledge of paint' fng ordrawmg would be preferred- W. HAYDON, WHO HAS A Cellar to Let. j«n 11 NOTICE. PUB* IC NOTICE is hereby given that the fub fcrihur h?.? applied to ttw Judges of the Court of Common Picas of the county of Northumber land, for the benefit of the a& of Aflembly pass ed on the 4th day of April last for the relief of ir.folvent debtors, and that the said Judges hav« appointed the fourth Monday in April next, to i.ear him aiad and his creditors at the Court House, in the town of Sutit,in calks ef 7 doz bottled. Earthen ware ill ciates, assorted Far Sale by SIMON WALKER, Vine near sth street, eo tf. O&qbcr 19 ALL Persons having any De mands dgainft the fclUte of ;l,e lire Robert Hardie, mariner, deceased, are hereby requested to present themfor fettlament, and allthofe indebted to laid estate, to mak«' payoant to either of the fubferibers A Housb and Lot in Trenton, houfe is of brick, two dories four JL rooms on a floor, ard in good ordfir. —I'or further particulars enquire of Ab ; Hunt, in Tren ton, or of JOHN E. CRSSSON, No. 54, Market flrect. J march 9 For Sale, TEN or twelve Tons, Clsver £3* TimoAy Of the firft quality.—Apply at No. 43, Almond-ftieet. Jan. 8, > IMPORTED, In the Britifli ffcfp Douglas, capt. Walker, from Load on, just arrived, Cannon—Woolwich proof 91b caliber, bored from the solid wishing i6cwt. 2qr<, and 20cwt. each Ditto of 6lfc> caliber, wt. ilcwt. 2 qrs. each, Ditto Swivels, mountrd Cannon fliot, viz. CanHifter, cross-bar and round. 30 cafw fhipsmufkets, fowling preces and mulkct oons Ship Store, Horfcnuß'* and Saddle Pifloll, A large iffottment .of Flint?, Ijo caflcs Porter, Brown Stout in Bottle*, Pantheon Stoves allotted from 4Q to 40 iachsi diameter 40 Calks Shot, No. i, to 6, 3000 Birfhels Coals, 50 Crates Window Glass 100 Crates and 10 hhds. Queens ware adapted to the Weft India Market, 6 biles Whitney blankets 8-4 and 10-4 The fubferibers have on hand, and for sale at re duced prices, the following articles, viz. Seventy Pipes London Particular Madeira Wine, the vintage of '96, fines when they ha\« bin in 4 (tore well adapted to their iraprov«msnt - »5 Chests of Young Hyson Tea ; An Invoice of well-afTorted China—original cost between 8 ami 900 dol'a. in Canton. FOR SALE, To be EXCHANGED for property within thirty mi es of the city, or to let on ground-rent fcrever Several valuable building Lots, In Philadelphia, Enquire of William M. BidtHe.oe. ti)7> cbefnut \ street. Nov. ix § ROBERT GRAY. e th. jw PHILADELPHIA: TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, 1799. PETER BAYNTON, "S Wnlwii-flrut. ( r JOHN CRAie, ( gx " u, °" No. 12, Dccl-Jlrect. J in. 14' FOR SALE HAY,i Forfale by THOMaS S3 JOHN KETIANn- Walnut Street Wharf. March 16, 1 f Who have ajfo on handy Claret in cales, fiift quality, Old Port Wine, Horsemen's fiords, hangers, &c. Dry White Lead, Ironmongery and webbing by the package, Boston Beef, a cafe best roll arnotta, Painted floorcloth*, Enghlh quart bottles in crates of la dozen cacfc, Ruflia bar iron, Hemp and ccridage, Cables from 7 to 16 inches, Platilias and Britagnes, A few trunks bed kid and morocco (kins, Balket fait in, hhds. HIGBES 8c MILNOR. irtarch t(. Red Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass • SEEDS, Herds Grass and White Clover j4ll warranted frejb and free from M 'foul feed, FOR SALE, BY C. ROBERTS, No. 97, Market, between Second and Third street?, IVho has also on hand, a general offertment of Ironmongery, fadlery, cutlery and brass wares ; T. Crawley Millington steel, pig lead, block-tin, red lead, Spanilh brown, Venetian red, Vtimillian, &f. &c. IVholefate Retail. march t Pursuits of Literature. In a few day will be put to prefa and pubiiihed with out delay, by J. Osmroi>, No. 41, Cbesuut street, The Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem. In four Dialogues, with Notes. This celebrated work -will form one large oftavo volume, will be printed from the !aft London editi on, with the Notes translated by the author, on a fine oaper and gool «ype, aod will be delivered, hand somely bound and lettered to fub!onbers at two dollais. March 18. deal bow-legjca ; he pretends to be something of a cobbler ; —had on when he went away, a white yarn (lockings. There is no doubt, but hty will charge their clothes ai well as their lames —they having been taken up on the 29th ■f December last at Puck-creek, in the ilate cS 'd committed by John Cole, Ei" Delaware, a'ld co. >y John Cole, 4 (by the names of Stephen and Charles) to thi care of John M'Wherts aud Thomas Kerker, from whom they made their escape. Who ever apprehei.ris the above negroes, and lias them secured in jail, so that the fubl'cribers may get them again, (hall receive the above reward, or fifty dollars for either. John Nelson. William Boixms. Salisbury, Somerftt county ) Maryland, February lj, 1799 ) Itn Mount Pleasant on Schuylkill. THE subscriber i» willing loj fell the ettate on whteS he liv«, tlio end oE the new o&nal, and tboutihree ifn'd a half miles diflant from this city, A plcafant place adjoining is also lor sole. Ihefe fi(Ustions ate too well known to require description, efprcially as it i» presumed the purchaser would choefe so judge for himfelf.' If not fold brfore tbe fiift of M.y, the manfioivboufe it engaged to be let. Enquire on the preniifes. JON. WlttlAMS. ' eodtiflin gawtf 3awrm April i ISAAC PAINTER having mad? an align ment of all liis property for the benefit of all his creditors who sign his difctarge ; —the aß wifhirjg to arrange the bufintfs as soon as poilible, and likewise to give the laid Isaac Painter an opportanity of d*ing fofnetliing for himfelf and family : therefore those creditors who have not signed his discharge are informed that unless they come forward and sign the fame drfcharge on or before the firft day of May next exfuing, they will be excluded tie henefit of a dividend ; and *ll those who are indebted to the said firm are requested to make immedi diaite payment to prevent further trouble. JAOOB CLARK, Aflignee. 3awtf ISkWtf msrch 3 INDEBTED to tbeeftateof MonnecAi Liwii, late of this city, merchant, deceased, are de sired to make immediate payment, and tliofe w!io have demands against it to produce them for pay* meat to Thomas Morris, Samuel Coates, >- executors. Jofcph Merr it, J at the Counting Heufo of JOSEPH S. LEWIS, no. »j, Dock-ftrect. march 13 CHINA GOODS, Juit received per the ftip New-Jitfey from Canton AJID FOR SALE BY ARCHIBALD M'CALL, Store No. 187, south Second street, —▼IZ- An aflbrtment of Teas of the filrft quality, White and yellow nankecm Jaflia, fitfc ambrellat ad aflortmcnt of china ware, and a variety of SILKS, confining of Black and colored Lnteftring do. do. fattins do. do. fenftiawa do. d». silk handkerchiaft ' do- do. sewing Cltki Black Taffctiei ALSO, 12 pipes of excellent Madeira Wine, fit tor immediate ui'e, jiin. 44 S To befold by private sale, A NUMBER of Lot# tor building, ot differ ent size and lituation, on the Brifkol road, adjoining that well known stand called the Walh ington tavern, between the 9 and to m le stones. where the mail and a number ol public stages are flying continually. The situation is high and healthy and e?Sy of access both by land and water, within a f«w rods »f the Fennypack creek, where there is fafe nav gation and good landing, where grift aad merchant miib are ca r rying on a considerable trade; the above road being the heft at all feafons'of the year of any coming out of the city.—A plan of the said lots may be ft'en,and the conditions of falc made known by the fubferiber near the premie. march 19. Charles Campbell, W A TC M-M A K ER. HAS removed to the Shop formerly occupied by Mr. Jnhn Wood, No, 55, corner of Front and Chefmit-ftreets ; where he will thank fully receive and execute orders with ncatncfs and difpafcch HE HAS CONSTANT!.* ON HAND, A Neat and Large Affortmcnt of Clocks y Watches. WANTED, A JOURNEYMAN ALSO, one or two' Apprentice! of refpefia' ble parenti. FOR SALE, A large quantity of Wat-ch Glafies and Retail. nor 94 Sheathing Copper, a 5 Pipes of the fineft particular Madeira Wine For Sale by JOS.FPH S. LEWIS No. 25, Dock Street, March »i. WJfEREdS ILL PERSONS, jawim JOHN HOLME. tu> th. fa. tf. CHINA GOODS. Now delivering from the Jhip Ne-4.'-Jcr/cv, from Canton, FOR SALE, At the Stores of the SubJ'cribers, CONSISTING OF BOHEA Hyson flcin Young hyson Hyson and Imperial White nankecnj I.utL-ltriugs, colored ami black Sen (haws do. do. Handkerchief# do. t:wing silks do. lack hair tibbon Black fattins Gaflia in fniall bales China ware in dining and tea setts On Hand, 50 trunks and cafi>» dimities, maflins ginghams, muflinets and pullicat handkerchiefs,in fihall pack age*, for the Weft-India market. 2j trunks of printed cslicots, assorted for the V» ett-lndi* market. 1 bale of woolen cloths,\)rr priced Sail canvas by the bale or pi'ce, No. Ito 8. Copper in (beets 24 by 48 and 48 by 60 inches Railed coppet bottoms in tubs A small invoice ol queens ware aborted. Englilh wrought natl«in ca£ks. Sheathing pa^er. N&w-Orlean« indigo Paints of different color?, dry in calks. Old Madeira wine fit for use. NICKLIN fcf GRIFFITH. t'eb. ii The Subscribers have for Sale, AT THEIR COUNTING HOUSE No. 35, Deck-strcct, Wliite and Red Lead, Patent (hot No. 1 &: 8 & 13, Bordeaux Brandy Ift & 4th proof, Claret in cafes—firft quality. Thas. Murgatroyd Sons. march 29. row&f^w NO 7 ICE. GOOD encouragement will he given to * pcrfon who undcrftands the Tanning bufii.efs in all its branches—also to a ferfon who undcrftands making of Tin-Ware, to move into the Wcftern Country.—Persons who have fraall families would bo prekrred,—For further particulars enquire at No 5 3 North Fourth-street. None need apply but thoCe who can bring good recommendations. march la FOR SALE, A (mart, a&ive Bay Horse, BETWEEN fifteen and sixteen hands high,riling five years, would suit very wtll for a gentle man in any of the troops of Horse, heisperfe&ly found, the price is dollars For a »iew please to apply at No 10, North Eighth street, or at Gif bertfon's Stable, in 4th between Lombard and Ce dar or South-streets. march %& A Pleasant Retreat. To be fold at public vendue. By order of the Orphan's Court of Montgomery County on the ljlh day of the fourth month next, at 7 o'cJock. in ihc evening, at the Merchant!* Cof fee house, in Philadelphia. Tbe following defer ibed capical house and lots fi'ua ted in EpttsTown, abomt 36 miles from Philadel phia, being part of the estate of Thomas Maybur ry, dcceafcd. The Maofion house Handing on jhc Main streets, built with itone and the b'eft raateri ah, commadioufly dtv ded into rooms and wellfinifti* ed throughout—with an airy entry and good cellars, forty-two ffiei in froTt and thirty fix feet in depth adjoining is a Stone Piazz», stove room and kitchen with lodging rooms over them—a well of good water in the yard —and a (lone milk hfcufe with a smoke house over it—a good gaidern&c. on the south end of the lot are a brew noufe, carriage house and ftonc barn— withexunfiveftablt s forhorfes.cdw s&c. Thijjftate would accommodate a large genteel fa mily inclining to retire into the country. Pott* Town being one of the chrapefl places tor piovifions within the fame distance from Philadalphia—and for healthy fttuation, conveniences of Oages, &c is equal to moll inland towns in Pennsylvania. With the foregoing premises will he fold, a Lot of exceJlent Clov cr Land, adjoining the Barn, con taining about ihree Acre», in which are a number of Apple Trees. Further particulars may be known on ap plicator. to Rebecca Majburry, ") Adminhtrators t0 % L e J r T' e *' i *** sbo - Jobn Wvrdcr,# f Majbtvry, James Faux, in dececxdm Philadelphia. J aeceaxa - 3d Month -29. JACOB PERKINS, HAVING invented an efledlual check f° r de leting counterfeit Bank Pjper, which has received the fanilion of on« Bank, and the approbation of the ur.ckrfigned eminent artists, and having obtained a patent, fequring to him, and to his assigns, the exc'.ufive right of the in vention, hcTeby offers to his fellow citizens the privilege of using it upon terms, to be agreed on between him and any person disposed to avail themselves of a guard against counterfeits. THE underlined having examined Jacob Ptrkin's new invented method to detedl coun terfeit Bank paper, do approve of the plan, it being inpoffible to engrave or fink two plates perfedlly alike, without the original die or hub, the counterfeiter would find it impossible to make an impression which would perfectly gage with the check from the original die. RQB'TSCOT, Engraver & Die Tinker JAMES SMITH ER, Engraver. JAMES AKIN, Engraver. The terms snay bo known by applying to No. 11, South 3d ft (ret, March aj THE PARTNERSHIP OF PETER isf HENRY MIERCKEN, IS this day dissolved by mutual consent, all per form indebted to them ai« requested to make immediate payment to Peter Miercken, and thofc: having demands, to prtjcuc their accounts to the fame lor fettlcment. 3»wtf march Ii • Just deceived, Bf ftiip Douglass, from LoNiieiJ,s And f'r sale, by 1 JOSEPH tf JAMES CRUKSHANK No. 87, High-Street, Philadelphia. AN account of two cases of the Jjiaiv } Mellitus ; a general view of the na :;re of the Disease and its appropriate treatmsnl ad a detail of commuaicat itfns on the Aibj- J, I Y 7 MAS, With the results of the trials of vario-is \e'j| and other fubflatice in the treatment of ::: Lues Venerea ; and some oh.rrvatfons on the nature of Sugar, &c. By Wm. Cruikfhank, Chemist to the Ordnance, and a Surgeon of Xu tillery. Dr. Johnfton's Table Talk : do. 4-4 do Containing Aphorisms on Literature, Life, sod Ma liner?; with anecdotes of diftinguiflyerl per form : feledled and arranged from Mr. Bofwell's life cf Johnson. £? I" hls compilation arc contained feveral,au thentic annea'ote* of dfcftingui(hed literary a«slern; rules for the condu Aof life in the in oft se rious and delicate cpnjun&'jrcs : and these found remarks on works of genitls and learning v. Inch in a pecuii r difticguifhcd the beloved friend of Mr. Beiwcll. march 15 Goodsfuppofed to The followi'.ii article' were b« ought from th late mayor's office ano deposited with the pre fect! mayor, at no. 15 * i'outh 2d ftrect, where they are open for the infpehich 5 fbires No .4185. 5 stares No 4186. and 3 fliares No 4187, and 6 share« in the nartie a£ John Barker Church, No 2058. which were forwardfcd by the CoUstefis of Leicester packet (rom FiliVlotith for Ne-v-Yoik—and ten fliares of said ft l roll of black trimmitigj I firing of violet Ho i bunch of gura claili'c bottles I pair of knse hue. !es set with stone i mariners compass i pair i f new fhec# 7 Clver tea f,. o.'ij a do ca! le di } groceofplattu! buttt _ inlaid with pearl 1 gold thimble 2 do rings, one whereof with a rainia'ure, 1 1 box of white platilla> > _1 m.w.Scfat. ti 7A. James Toivar. wedjw