' * fpJwvqitP K«I6TCJKUKK Treasury Department, '799* PUPMC NOTICE IS HKRKBY GIVEN, THAT by an att of'Congrefs paired the 28th day of February, oi.e thousand seven hundred a id ninety nine, the following al terations and amendments have been made t® an ail paired on the fiitli day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety fcven, intituled, " An afl hying Jutiea upon llamped vellum, parchment and p»per." The (lamp duties heretofore impofedupon foreign bills of exchange and bills of lading are to cease and determine from and after the 31ft d*y of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. The several flamp duties hereafter enumerated will be Uvied and colleAed throughout the Uni ted States, from and after the 31ft day ot March, one thousand feveii hundred and ninety-nine. 3?or every (kin, or piece of vellum or parchment or (hect or piece of -paper, upon which (hall be written or printed either of the inflruments or writings following, to wit Any foreign bill of exchange, draft or order lor the payment of money in any foreign country, ... ao Any now or bill of lading, or writing or receipt in nature thereof, for goods or merchandize to be export to ; —if from one diftriA to another diftridt of the United States, not being in the fame slate, - 4 If from the United States to anyforcign port or place, . - 10 Any policy of insurance, or inflrument in the nature thoreof, other than thole heretofore fpecified in the above recited a St, when the film in lsred (hall not exceed five hundred dollars, - - - *5 When the sum infurW (hall exceed five hundred dollars, - I n dthefaid Duties are chargeable upon each and every Bill of Exchange and Bill of Lad ing without refpeft to the number contained in eich fcr. TIT JJonds required in any cafe by the Laws of the Uuite'i States, or ot' any state, upon legal process, or in anyjudicial proceeding, or for thefaithfu! performance of any trust or duty are exempt from the payment of Stamp- Duties. Giren under my hand at Philadelphia, the day and year abovementioned-. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Srctctarj ef the Treasury. dd« dtefcribed by the a. THE fubferiber, intending to leave off, the Mahogany and Lumber Business, offers for sale at his yard, the corner of Queen and Water ilreets, Soathwark, all his flock on hand, lonfifting of a great variety of St. Domingo and Bay Mahogany Boards Ail that (hall remain unfold, will be disposed ps at public fale,at io o'clock on Thursday the 18th infant. The terms of paynunt will be cafti for purchases under 100 doliars, from 100 to 50© dol lars at 60 days, and all above j©® dollars at 60 and 120 days, for approved iniorfed notes, with the discount. The sale to be continued until the whole is disposed of. JOHN M'OULLOH. N. B. The fubfcrlber will fell or Ist the above yard, wharf and dwelling house, which he now occupies, march 4 PARTMENT. la ChefßHt, near Sixth street, dirt illy oppofit Congress Hall, A LOT of ground, about n feet front in.jChef nut ftrect and 73 ftet in depth, whereon is a gooj frame house, now in the tenure of Samuel Denge, fubjed to a ground rent of acs. per annum. The advantageous situation of this property re quires no comments, for it mufi be known, there are few in this city to equal it, an usecceptionable title will be" made to the purchaser. Apply to Eighteen Acres and tiuenty-Jix Perches of LA ND, In a fine healthy Irtuation, with a fmsll stone houle upon it, some meadow and woodland, a run of water, and a good fpritig ; situated in the Manor of Moreland, Montgomery County, on the Southampton and Wright's Town road, 14 miles from Philadelphia, adjoining the lan.<. of W. Dcani* Esq. W. RoKens; aifrf j. Lau moy. to J. LAUMOY. *m* Pblftfiion will be given on the lirft of April. Engliih wrought Nails. LIVERPOOL. 4©o Casks of Nails, CONSISTING of 6d, Bd, iod/iad, and lad, flit points suitable for the southern mirket—6d, BJ, iod, I2d, and 2od, fine drawn {harps —affo i, 3, 4, and 6 clouts—lprigs— lucks—l'eupper nails—fhrathiag nails, isfc. T accreditors of JOHN SHAVER, of Hope well township, in the county of Huntingdon, are hereby requested to produce their accounts and demands againfl him, duly attested, to the fubferi bers, at the court house in the town of Huntingdon, on Saturday the 10th day of April next—And all persons indebted to the said John Shaver, are re quired to make immeciatc payment to either of the fubferibers Given under our hands 43d Feb fuary, 1799, Sec. of the Treasury, GEO. DAVIS, 319 High-ftrret. iiwtf A Summer Retreat■. For Sale, Sixteen Acres of Land, EDWARD tONSALL &Co. oeitf Enquire of march 4 FOR SALE, SAMUEL MEREDITH. No. 171, Chefnut Street. March iz, Mahogany. Plank and Scantling, All well seasoned and fit for immediate use. Also a few thousand feet seasoned half-inch and ck White Pine Boards, and a small quantity of wo feet cedar {hingles. Valuable Vrdfcrty for Salt, JAMES GIRVAN, Dp. 19S, Chcfuut street, next door Ce the pr«- 1 milei. match 5 I9th, 1799 t'ebruar IrttportM in the Jhips Molly and Jbiana, from FOR SALE BY, Robert Denifon, junr. 117 Market-street. Notice. JOHN CADWALLADER.,7 Affignecs of GEORGE BUCKANON, J John Shave, march 15 iaw4W Iron Works for Sale. The fubferiber wiftiing to de cline the iron business, will dispose of all his pro perty, lituatein Botetouit county, Virginia, on the navigable water of James River, confining of a Furnace with all the iieceffary patterns complete, a Forg< wit h three Fires and two hammers, two good Merchant Mills, two Saw "Mills, together with all the r.eceffary buildings for the use of the Work*, several large Banks of Ore convenient to the Furnace of an excellent quality fer bar-iron— The whole of the works have been built within five years, on the most approved plans, by the best workmen ia the different branches from Pennsyl vania; they are in complete repair for casting and manufacturing iron. There are attached to said Works, about lixteen thousand acres of Wood-land, a very confiderible stock of wood cut and ore raised. It is prcftimed unnecefiary to enlarge, as a purchaser will undoubtedly view before he pur chases. Indisputable titles will be given, and the terms made know*, by applying to the fubferiber at the Works. . WILLIAM WILSON. eoira march 15 Cepper Warehouse, Late ALEXANDER BISLAA T I), & Co No. 101, Market-Street, ROBERT KID, HAVING purchased the Stock of the above firm, Solicits the patrouape of the public and their friends ; whe*e they may depend on being served on the very best terms with the following goods : A general aflortmeut of Copper Bottoms and Sheets, for Copper Smiths and other puspoies, Pig and Bar Lead, Block Tin and Crowley Steel, ' Tin in Boxes, and Brass Kettle&in Neds, With a large and general afforiment of Ironmongery, feb. 16. fliw wtfiif Fok SALE j By SIMON WALKER, Pine, near Fifth-street, WOOLWlfcll proof Cannon—9 pounder*, 6 I 2 feet long* 20 cwt. «ach, and 7 long, »5 cwt. each, with carriages, &c complete d ditto —6 pounders, 5 l-a feet long, 15 cwt. each and 6 feet long, 18 cwt. each, with carriages, iicc complete; Carronadcs on Aiding carriages, 11, 18 & 14 pounders, weighing 6 1-1, 8 and each ; hoarding Pikes and CutlalTes ; Englilh Caanon Powder; Copper Sheathing Nails, Spikes and Bolts ; 6,9 12, 18 aod 241b 1 . round Shot; 6„ 9. 18 and 24H5; double-headed do. 9 18 and 241b. Cannifter Shot. Alio—a quantity of bed English, Porter, Claret and Port Wine Bottles. I Tauntwn .-tie in calks of 7 dozen each, march 8 INDEBTED to the Elt.ue of Abraham Dicks, E: lattf Sheriff of the Cotmty of arert quested t>> make immediate pay ment, and all iluie who have demands again't said Estate to anthentirate and present them for settlement. Also, all thole who have deposited writings with fai'l decerfcd to apply tor them to WILLIAM PENNOCK. Adm'r Springfield, Delaware county, £ 'ft mo. Btb, 1799. 5 ON Tfcefday morning, iath March, about la o'clock, a frr.aU. Red Leather Pocket Book (being an Almanack for tjie present year, pub- KJhed by Y. Birch) near the corner 01 Third and Spruce streets, or in Union ftrewt between Third and Fourth streets, containing sundry De laware, Baltimore and Potewimc Bank Notes, with various other papers and memorandums. Whoever has found the fame and wil-l bring it to the Printer, fhallbe ha-ndfomely rewarded. ALL Persons having any De mands against the estate of the late Robert Bardie, mariner, deceased, are hereby rcquefted to present them for fettkment, and all tholf indebted to {aid eft ate, to make payment to either of the fubferibers A smart, aftive Bay Horse, BETWEEN fifteen and sixteen hands high,rifing five years, would suit very well for a gentle man in any of the troops of Hort'e, he is perfeitly found, the price is 110 dollars—For a view pjeale to apply at No 10, North Eighth street, or at Gif bertfon's Stable, in 4th between Lombard and Ge dar or South-streets. e®t4BVlay THE realeitate of William Richards having been recently fold, the creditors »f foid estate are rcquefted to furnifli their accounts im mediately, as a dividend will be ilruck on the firft day of May next and paid at any time af terwards', on application to WILLIAM BELL. Philadelphia, ;.;th Feb. 179.9. m^th-tiMa y tu th fa-tf ttzte; Of the city of Philedelphia, merchant, hav ing afiigned over all his effects,- real, perianal and mixed, to the filbftribers, for the benefit of such of his creditors as may fubferiue to the said aflignment on or before the firft of Augult next. Notice is hereby given, To all persons indebted to the laid estate, tha they are rcqueited to'make immediate payment to either of the or to the laid Samuel Miles, who is authorised to receive the fame ; in failure whereof legal fleps will be taken for the recovery of such debts, as arc notdifclnr ged accordingly. GEORGE ASTON, 7 CORNELIS COMEGYS, f- Assignees J.OHN ALLEN, J ffb. 14. 3tawtf APPOINTED by the Corporation to open Books of Subscription for a Loan to intro duce IVHOLES&ME WATER from the River Schuylkill by means of Steam Engines (already contradled for) lo the Center Squire and from thence to be distributed through the City, give NOTICE, THAT a book will be opened at the Gity Halil to-morrow, the 13th instant, and will be con tinued from day to day, until the Loan is com pleated, where the commissioners will attend frotn 10 o'cleck ia the morning until one, to re ceive fubferiptions. ALL I'LRSONS, Uti. 8 LOST, PETES. BAYNTON. Walnut-street. ( r JOHN CRAIG, r Ex "" tor ' No. ll t Dock-Jlrcrt. J jen. 14' FOR SALE, march 23 NOTICE To the Creditors ef William Richards, Deceased. Samuel Miles, jurfr. THE COMMISSIONERS, By order of the Board* Jacob Sbtemaker, sec'y. id moi 1 %• N. B. Ten dollars to be paid oo each tiare at the tim« of Subscribing, 30 dollars a the expiration of } Fr#m t ; me two months f Q c 30 ditto, ditto, 4 months C fubfcr j b; 30 ditto, fiittQ» 6 months J 45 Valuable Property for Sale. FOR SALE, THAT well known Estate, called SHREWSBURY FARM, formerly the residence of General John Cadwaladar, fituatc on Saffafras River, in Kint county, Maryland—containing a bout 1900 acres of prime LAND, upwards of 500 of which are in wooJs. The Buildings are all ex cellent, andconfift of a handsome Dwelling House, two large Barns with Cow houses, Stables for fifty horses, a fpeeioustreadiag floor under cover, a gra nary, two Jvcrfeer's houles, two ranges of two ft#- ry buildingsfor Negroes (one of them new and of brick), Corn houses a Smoak house, &icujly disposed of at private fate, r ~|~'HAT valuable cftate 71 feet ot Watar street, 1 bounded on the North by Saffafrasflreet,and extending into the river Delaware; on whi.h are eredled very extenfivo stores and wharf, in good repair,—Plenty of water for the lar H e(l Clips to lay at t-he wharf 111 every refpeifl a capita! Gtua tion foranybufiuefs raquiring extcufive ware houses and the convenience of a wharf; or for any peifon wifhiug tp invert money in real efiate, that produ ces a handsome income. Tawtf < The following Ground-Rents, well secured, on Saffatras, Seventh & Cherry-llrefts Dol.'j. Cm. 20f 90 per ann. payable by John NicholCon, 35 do do Robert Evans, fen. 37 do , d® William Powell, 40 do do William Bell, 40 do do John Evans, jun. 39 da do Andrew Beamer, 63 do do Maurice Moynihan 33 60 do do Henry Pepper, 19 80 do 4o Thos. Ncwby & wife 36 90 do do John How, 39 60 do do ThePennfylvaniaSo- tion of Slavery, 19 83 do do Adam Zantzinger, 23 75 do Jo Ellis Fry, St 35 d* do William Rinchart, 46 67 do dp Peter Fritz, 46 di> do Valentine Hoffman, 45 do do Valentine Umbchend 42 58 do do Jacob Colloday, 140 17 do do Frederick H'.ifi, On Brown, between Second and Third ftreets, Northern Liberties: 10 per ann. payable by Jacob Houfer, 20 do do Jofsph Fitch. For further particulars, enquire of jawtf lawjw 3d month, 19 A Pleasant Retreat. To be fold at public vendue. By order of the Orphan's Court of Montgomery County ca the 17th day as the lourth month next, at 7 o'clock in ihe evening, at the Merchants Cof fee house, io Philadelphia The-following defcrihed capital house and lot* situa ted in PottsTowirj ab«ur 36 miles from Pbiladel» phia, being part of ibe estate of Thomas Maybui ry, deceased. The Mansion house standing 011, }he Main ftrecis, built with stone and the best materi als, commodiouQy divided into 100 ms and well finifh ed throughout—with an airy entry and good cellars, foriy-two feet in front and thirty fix feet in depth adjoining is a Stone Piazs3,ftove room and kitchen with lodging rooms over them—a well of good water in the yard—and a ftor.c milk house with a smoke of the lot arc a brew house, carriage house and a large stone barn—with extrnfivellables *orhorfes,cow s See. This eftatc would accommodate a large genteel fa mily inclining to retire into the country. Potts Town being one of the cheapest places for provifioni within the fame diftanct from Philadelphia—and for healthy situation, conveniences of stages, &c it equal to moll inland towns in Peonfylvania. With the foregoing pi emifes will be fold, a Lot of exceJlent Clov Eft Land, adjoining the Barn, con taining about ihiee Acres, in which are a number of Apple Trees. 3*wtf Further particulars may be known on ap plication to Rebecca Mqyburrjy ~ . . . , , . J J \ Administrators to ontbe premt>es, I , , <* i rzr j i to* estate of Ibo joon Warder, or > , y Tr 7 . I mas May our ry. James raux, tn 1 , j Philadelphia. J deteaMlL 3d Month 29. Now landing at mefflrs. Willings & Francis' Wharf the Cargo of the Ihip George B relay, Charles McAlliiler, commander, from Calcutta, —consisting of— Cfcmife and fine Moflins Madras Handkerchiefs Bandanna ditto Taffcrias Heavy Black Pepper Sugar in hogftitadsaiid bags Jallon Cotton, &c. For ftls, by Philips, Cramond Co. march 26 WHEREAS Jonathan I'cr.rnfe, Esq. Sheriff'of Philadelphia county, hath advertiied for fale,at public vendue, on Wednesday the 3d day ot April next, at the Merchant's Coffee Ho»fe, fiindry Messuages, Lots and picc-'s of Land in the j Northern Liberties, which he alledgeshe has leiz cd and taken in execution, as the teal eft ate of Blair M'Clanachan, and whereas two of the said lots or picc. s of ground, one of which is described in the said advortifement as containing by compu tation 24 acres and ten peaches were duly convey ed »nd traiuferred in fee by the said Blair M'Clen a chan to Alexander James Dallas, aud John H. Hufton, Efquireff, on behalf of certain creditors of the said Blair, by deed, dated ad September 1797, and executiri before the judgment or judgments were had, under which thoi'e lots are now about to be fold. This is therefore to give notice to and forwarn all persons not to buy the said lots or cither of them, as the title thereof is now veiled in Thomas Fitzfimmont, William M'Murtrie, Isaac Whartsn, Samuel W. Fitber and Philip Nicklia, for the use of the said creditors. And the said premifesare not at all liable to the eiecutiea, under which they have been fciaed. march 17 Indebted to the Eftatc of HENRY HILL, deceased arc requested to make payment to the f'ubfcriber and t-hofe having any demands on the fame t« pro duce their accounts for fmlement. GIDEON H. WELLS, Agont to the Ex : Philadelphia