Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 03, 1799, Image 1

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    szitz °* milium States, AND Philadelphia Dai
NVMBEt 2040.]
y- - The price of this Gazette is Eight
Dcliars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay
cue Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ; end unless some person in this city
will become answer able for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
Unitep States, ?
Pennsylvania District, 5
Notice is hereby given,
Tu a fceria! Diftridl Court ot the United
r , r'av fr r the Tiul of an Information filed
, Wil'iVm Rawle, El'quire, Attorney of the
kited Slates in and tor the laid diflritf, »gainst
The Brigamme
> jV*" 'jt* with hen-tackle, apparel and ap
f*r.''AffuSr.ivuriv-«aiir<:», and cargo, confitl
*TT„"f S,Ta'r, cilTec, Or lV ami Limes.
The fai.r brie»«ine *mtablc Addele bei.'g a velTel
ewnfd by periods -Ming with,, .he United States,
and employed in traffic with perions resident wi.l
" .UMldiiion ot the French Republic, contrary to
lr ,c aft ot Congrels, miuchofe trade and provided
and feieed the>cfor, &c.
By order of the Court. •
Clerk of the Dijlria c ®^ f (f
»arch 20
Ship Broker's Office,
And Cammiffion Store,
No. iti), South front St»fft,
Next door to she Custom Hoofe.
THE Subfcribtr, encouraged By the advice ot
his friends, offers his service to the public
as a Ship and Insurance Broksr. ——He propof-
M to buy and fell veflels and every thing relat
ing thereto —assist mailers of veftls and others
in entering and clearing at the Quftom-Ho ,
procuring and (hipping freight* Cettnng n ur
ance and all other mercanule accounts, and
have on hand the peceflafy Blanks and Stamps.
Papers in foreign languages traiflated, aud in
formation given in general mercantile matters.
-r-Frbm a knowledge ™aiutd by long experience
of every branch of bufinrfs he hopes to be ule
£ul to thafe who please to favor him with their
commands. SAMUEL EMERT.
November iq
For Charlejlon, (S. C.J
-Tl-, The Ship'
j° s ep h u s ,
'•uffixrA K enn 'dy> ma f cr >
lying at Mr. Rofb* wharf. She
willfailon Monday next, and any freight offered
immediately will be caken on reasonable urms.
A few paffengerscan b« accommodated.
Enquire of JOHN CRAIG,
march iO.
This Day will be Landed,
At Cuthbert's Wharf,
From on board the ihip T own fend, capt. Lovcring
frpmijT. Kitts,
124. Punchsons Rum,
24. ditto Molasses,
i2co Buftrels Salt,
For Sale, »y
Jehu Holltngsworlh, Ss 5 Co.
No. 47, Penn-ftrcet.
march 20
Richard Bayley Ce.
Respectfully inform the public that the
Retail Business carried on by them at their
Store. No. 136, Market-street. will in future be
carried on by Mr. Wm. Bon na r, whom they beg
leave to recommend to the favor of their friends
aad the public.
All Persons indebted to the
above firm and those to whom they arc indebted,
will please to apply to John Whitesid«s & Co.
or the fetjtUment of their refpe&ive accounts, who
arc duly empowered for that purpose.
Richard Baytey b* Co.
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the
puhli®, that the above Store will be opened
by him on Moaday the 4th ef February a|xt,
with an alTortmcrit of
Suitable to the fcafon, which he flatters himfelf
•will meet the approbation of those win honer.him
■with thoir favor, t
i"» 29. .. • §
Joseph Thomas's Creditors
are hereby earnefily reque/ied t* furnifh their
Accounts duly attelted, as foen as convenient :
thereby to enaMcthe Assignees to form an idea
of the (late nf his affairs ; —and all thnfe indcbt
edto said Thomas, are lequired to make im
mediate payment to either of the Subscribers.
SAMUEL W. FISHER,") Assignees
JOHN HALL. jJ-Thomjs,
?'• dtf
To Article for two or three
years a yoong Man to a pr fitable business
Vor particular! enquire at no. 68, south Fourth
A person who ha« some knowledge of paint
ing or drawrng would be preferred.
A Cellar to Let.
Jan ii
Just llmporte r
Iron camion, douWe fortified, Woolwich proof,
with their cartiages complete—3, 4, 0 »'"» 9
Carronades, Wool with proof, with carriages, &c.
complete—l», 18 and 14pounders.
Cannon powder in kegs of Islbs. each
Round, double-headed, and canflilUr (hot
Patent (heathing copper, bright, assorted 18,10,
21, 14, 26 and 18 or per square foot, (heets 48
by 14 inches, fuiwHe for v-flcls from 100 to
iofflo tons
Copper nails, bolts and spikes
Boarding Pikes,
Common cutlafles
Gunners stores of all kinds
Tin-plates No I—l-3 c-rofs boxes
Patent (hot in carfks of scwt. each
London porter and *>ruwn fteut, in calks •! 7 doz
Earthen ware in c>atcs, assorted
By the Subscribers,
15 JjiptsOlil Madeira Wins,
1 'pair of 9 p«und Cannon
5 packages of Girn Guiaccum
% bales of St. Domingo Cottofi
100 boxes of Wax Candles, of I4li>s each.
Willbigs b* Francis.
Penn-flreet, - }
February 19. 5
A House and Lot in Trenton,
HpHE house is of brick, two {lories high, four
A. rooms on a floor, and in good ordsr. For
further particulars (Inquire ot Ab . Hunt, in Tren
ton, or of JOHN E. CRESSON,
No. 54, Market {lreet.
TEN or twelve Tons, Clever (if Timothy
Of the firft quality.—Apply at No. 43,
jail. 8
In the Britilh ship Donglas, capt. Walker, from
London, just arrived,
Cannon —Woolwich proof gib caliber, bored from
thefolid wighuig l6cwt. aqrs. and joewt. each
Ditto of 61bcaliber, wt. Ilcwt. a qrs. e4rh,
Ditto Swivels, mount d
Cannon (hot, t!z. Canaifler, cross bar and round.
30 cases (hips muilcets, fowling pieces and mulkct-
Ship Stone, Horfcmen's and Saddle Pistols,
A large assortment of Flints,
150 casks Porter, Brown Stout in Bottlss,
Pantheon Stoves assorted from 40 to 40 inches
40 Calks Shot, No. 1, to 6,
3000 Bufhcls Coals,
50 Crates Window Giafs
100 Crates and 10 hhds. Queens ware adapted to
the Weft Ivdia Market,
6 bales Whitney blankets 8-4 and 10-4
Said Ship
Apply at alow.
Far Sale by
Pine near jth street,
October 19
march 9
For Sale,
Forfale by
Walnut Street Wharf.
Who hgpf ft
Claret in cases, firft quality,
Old Port Winfe,
Horsemen's swords, hangers, See.
Dry White Lead,
Ironmongery and webbing by the package,
fioflon Beef,
a cafe best roll arnotta,
Painted floorcloths,
Eng'.ifti quart bottles in crates of la dozen each,
Russia bar iron, Hemp and coidage,
Gabies from 7 to 16 inches,
Platillas and Britagnes,
A few trunks br ft kid and jnorocco (kins,
Basket fait in hhds.
Mirch »6,
The subscribers have on han*l, and for sale at re
duced prices, the following articles, via.
Seventy Pipes London Particular
Madeira Wine,
the vintage of '96, since when they have lain is a
(tore weli adapted to their improvement ;
15 Chests of Young Hyson Tea ;
An Invoice of well-assorted China —original
coll between 8 and 90Q doUs. in Cantons
inarch ai
To be EXCHANGED for property within thirty
mi'es of the city, or to let on grouud-rent fcrever
Several valuable building Lots,
Tn Philadelphia,
Enquire of William M. Biddle.rve. 147, Ghefnut
»OV. It
Red Clover,
Blue Grass
• White Clover J
All warranted frejb and free from alt
foul feed,
No. 97, Market, between second am
Who has afo on hand, a general ajfartmenl of
lead, Mcck-tin, red lead, tSpanifh Irown, Venetian
red, Vermillian,&c. &c.
Wholefak & Retail.
march *
Pursuits of Literature.
In a few day will be put to prefi and publilhed with
outdelay, by
J. OxmROD, NO. 41,
Cbesitut street;
The Pursuits of Literature.
A Satirical Poem.
In four Dialogues, with Notes.
Thii celebrated woik will form one large o£h»o
volume, will be printed from the last London editi
on, with the Note* translated by the author, on a fine
paper and goo 4 lype, and will be delivered, hand
somely boui.d and lettered to fubfcr.bers at two
Match 18.
Buildi ig and Garden Lots,
CONTIGUOUS to, and at al'inall diftanct
from thecity, to be ibid at the coffee houi'e
in Second flreet, on Wednesday the joth ot
March, at 6 o'clock in the evening, containing
from about 1-4 'fan acre to about 4 acres each.
The small lou fronting on Vine and Callowhiil
streets, on the weft fide of Schuylkill Second
street, and the large lots containing whole or
half or quarterfquares,fomeofthem bounded on
,lhe weft by Schuylkill and tne up}>er ferry road
"including some fine quarry lots on Schuylkill :
the wfcrole contaiaing about 140 acres, and for
merly known by the name of Springfbury ;
bounded on the north by I'lanci.lft.eet, exteu
ding fr»m the Ridge road to SchuyikiU, crossing
the canal, on which feverat of the lots will give
The situation of many of the large lots is on
high ground, commanding- beautiful views of
the Schuylkill# supposed to be fefficiently de
tached to escape any unfortunate disorder which
may be prevalent in the city. —The terras will
be made known at tine time of the file.
N. B. Maps of the lots are fixed up at the
middle and upper ferries on Schuylkill i at
Seyfr-rt's Tavern, in Second street, Nor
thern Liberties ; at Ogdens tavern in Chefnut
street, and at the coffee houff.
The convenience clftone fonear the premises
will prove very advactageous to purchal'ers.
CONNELLY & Co. auft'rs.
£5" The uncommon severity Df the weather
hiving prevented many persons from viewing the
lots above defcribid, the sale is po.lpomd until
Saturday the aoth April ncit, <»h«n it will lie h Id
en the | l-cmifes, at % o'cloc'; in the jfternoon.
The terms will be cash for thofs lots which ?re
jo feet. aWct 49 and it; hall feet front, and lor theft
of a 'arpcT size, one half the c .Qi to be paid down
and du other half ir. Cs montas from the day of
w&f tf
marck ao
ISAAC PAINTER having made an align
ment of all his property tor 'he benefit of
all his creditors who figtj his difchsrge ; —the
afiigntfe wishing to arrange the.bufiuefs as soon
as poflible, and likewise to five the laid Isaac
Painter an opportunity of doing something for
biwifelf and family : therefore those creditors
who have not signed his discharge are informed
that nnlefj tliey come forward and £ign the fame
discharge on or ths firll 'lay of May
next exfuing, they will be excluded the benefit
of a dividend ; and .ill those who are indebted
to the said firm are requcfted to make immedi
drate payment to prevenr further trouble.
JACOB CLARK, Aflignee.
INDEBTED co the cftateof Mohdecai Ltwis,
late of this city, merchant, deceased, arc de
sired to make immediate payment, and those wU#
have demands against it to produce them for pay
ment to
march 13
THAT Jam la hejoid .on fiich terms, that
tfie pnrchafer need not advance any cafti,
uslefs he pleases, till it is earned by my services,
provided no accident happens me ; or, if you
please, I am to be farmed out for two years,
and not Ifcfs. lam a bright bay, full ijj hands
hiph,of noble descent, my name is TRIMMER
—I was got by Hall's imported hurfc Eclipse,
my darn, purchased by DoilorHall, was got by
the imported horse Slim ; my grand dam was
got by Old Figure my great grand dam by
Talkers Othello out of Selima, &s. as will
more fully appear by William I,yle's attested
certificate who raised me. My charailer as a
racer is well established ; I won the colt's purse
at Bladenlburg of twenty guineas ; I won a
fifty guinea purse at Baltimere, a fifty gtftnea
purse at An apolis and a fifty guinea purse at
Hagerftown. I never loft a race but the last I
run at Alexandria, which was owning to my
being badly (hod, as I loft all my plates before
I got in. lam in fine plight, found in every
refpe.'A ; my offspring are ui great repute, some
of which are now in training for the turf —pro-
cure me good stand* and entertainment and I
am able to earn one thouland per an
Any person inclining to buy or rent may
know the terms by applying to John Carnan
(Lovehall) Coecil county and state of Mary
land, eight miles foutli of Elkton.
Feb. 21.
Juit received per the frip New-Jersey from Cantou
At his Store No. 187, south Second street,
An assortment of Teas of the firft
qu» if y,
12 pipes of excellent Madeira Wine,
To be Jold by private sale,
A NUMBER of Lots for building, of differ
ent size and l'ltuation, on the Bristol road,
adjoining that well known Hand called the Wa(h
ingtou tavern, between the 9 and 10 m:U stones.
where the mail and a number of public Rages are
flying continually. The situation i« high and
healthy and easy of access both by land and water,
within a few rods as the Pennypack creek,
where there is fafe nav gation and good landing,
where grift and merchant mills are carrying on a
considerable trade ; the above road beiug the heft
at all leafons qf the year of any coming out of tiie
city.— A plan of the fajd lots maybe feen,and the
conditions' of iale n - adc lcnowH by th« fubferiber
near the premiio.
■aarch 3
Thomas Morr'tt, *i
Samuel Coatet, J- executor*.
Joseph Mcrtl t, J
at the Counting House of
no. IS i Deck-ftrect.
White and yellow nankeens
Cafiia, silk umbrellas
an assortment of china ware,
and a variety of SILKS, consisting of
Black and colored Lutefiring
do. do. fattins
do* do. fenfhaws
do. d««. silk handkerchiefs
do* do. fewingfilks
Black Taffctie9 j
fit lor immediate u£e,
l»n .14
tu, th. fa. tf.
march Ij.
Now delivering from the Jhip Ne ,
from Canton,
At the Stores of the SubJ'crtbers,
Hyson fein
Young h)fon
Hyson and
White nankeens
Lutestrings, colored and black
Senlhaws 00. do.
Handkerchiefs do. do. 4-4
Sewing fi!k* do. do.
Mack hair ribbon
Black fact ins
Gaflia in small bales
Ghina ware in dining and tea setts
On Hand, .
50 trunks and cafe* dimities, muslin*, ginghams,
muflinets aad pullicat handkerchiefs, in small pack
ages, for the Weft-India market.
25 trunks of prir.ted calicoes, afTorted for the
VC elk-India market.
l In 'e of woolen cloths,low priced.
Sail canvas by the bale or pace, No. I to 8.
Copper in (hects Z4by 48 and 48 by 60 inches
Hailed coppei bottoms in tubs.
A finall invoice ot queens ware assorted.
Englmi wrought nails in calks.
Sheathing paper.
N&w-Orleanf indigo
Paints of different colors, dry in calks.
Old Madeira wine fit for use.
Feb. ll
The Subfcribcrs have for Sale,
No, 35, Dock-street,
White and Red Lead,
Patent fliot No. 1 & 8 & 13,
Bordeaux Brandy lft & 4th proof,
Claret in cafes—-firft quality.
T/jos. Murgatroyd Sons.
march z<j. mwScf^w
GOOD encouragement will be (riven to a per fan
who unja'.lanjs the Tanning bufirjefs in all
its branches—also to a person who understands
making of Tia-Ware, to move into the Weftero
Country.—Persons who have fraall families woyld
ho preferred,—-For further particular! enquire at
No 5 3 North Fourth-ftrcct.
None need apply buttho£e who can bring good
recammt udations.
march 12
John Iff James Poultney,
BEING dissolved by mutual confeut, all persons
Indebted to them are requtftcl to make im
mediate payment to either of the fubferibers; and
these having demands to present their accounts for
ift m» 30
To be Rented in the Country,
A CONVENIENT Stone Dwelling House
two flories high, with two rooms on a
floor, toj»eth«r with an out kitchen. Also a
Done Building adjoining, wcH calculated for a
retail store, and in agoodftand. For further
particulars enquire of
3d mo. 99th
Ten Dollars 1 Reward.
DESERVED from the Marine Barracks oh th
10th inlt. Wm. Johnfton, a Marine Soldier
aged 30 years, 5 feet 6 inches high, black hair and
eyes, and has loft the middle Cfiger of the right
hand. He carried nff with him his full uniform-
Whoever secure the said deserter iu any goal,
(hall receive the above reward.
c mmanding the Marine Barracks,
march 18 eodaw
HAVISG invented an offefhial check f° r de
tecting counterfeit Bank Paper, which,
has received the fanflion of one Bank, and the
approbation of the undersigned eminent artifti,
and obtained apatint, feciiring to him,
and to his assigns, the sxcSufive right of the in
vcution, hereby offers to his fellow citizens the
privilege of using it upon terms, to be agreed
011 between him and any person difpo&d to avail
therafelves of* a guard against counterfeits.
THE underfij ned having examined Jacob
Ptrkin's new invented method to deteil coun
terfeit Bank paper, do approve of the plan, it
being inpofiible to engrave or fink two plates
perfectly alike, without the original die cr hub,
the counterfeiter would find it impoflible to
make an impriffson which would perfectly gage
with the check from the original die.
ROB'TSCOT, Engraver & Die linker
JAMES AKIN, Engraver.
The [fcrm9 may be known by applying to
No u, S<iu h 3d street.
IS this day dissolved by mutual consent, all per
sons indebtf d to them are requested to make
immediate payment to Peter Miercken, aad those demands, to present tjaeir accounts to the
fame tor fcttluncnt.
march u
ALL persons having claims against the Eftata
of Thomasßoon, of Caroline county, Hate
of Maryland, deceafcd, arc requeued to exhibit
them, properly proven, to the fubferiber at Den
ton, in the county andftate atorcfaid, on or before
the firit day of May next, that there may be a di
vidend made »f the alftts now in the hands ®f the
fubferiber. Those who neglect this notice, will
be forever barred of their dividend, which will be
mad* on the aforefaid day,
march 9
near Chelnut street whaif.
f 31
Peter Miertcken.
[l'm. BOON, administrator
Saml. Potter, Wm. Page,
Thos. Price.
N&- 31 j Cbesnut street.
per ftiip Lex ; ngton, from London,
A vert large affirtmmt• of
Which they will fell low for calh, or notss at a
fhortdate, among.which, arc
Printed Callicoes, arid I"
Chintzes, i
British Muslins, plain,
and tambored,
Silk, cotton and worften
ho fiery.
Leather Gloves,
Black and white lai;eß and
Callico and cotton checks
<:. march 14
Goods supposed to
Th-e following articles
were brought frorh the
late maj or's office and
deposited with the pre
sent mayor, at no. 15;
south 2d street, when
they are open for tbi
ilifpe&ion of any per
Tons who may think
themselves interested
therein, to W>t:
3 blankets
I coverlid
3 hats
% bhie cloth coats
1 spotted nankeen coatec
2 grey plain coats
3 iailors jackets
i striped pique de mar
feiUe» waittcoat*
« do half worn do
I dark cross striped do
I green silk laced do
I white embroider'd do
i striped winter do
I flannel do
i pr.blackfattin breeches
3 pair nankeen do.
7 pair trowfer* pair of Silk and
cottsn kof«
white and check fliirtf
cravats & hankerchfei
x filvcr flock buckle
6 do tea spoons
l roll of coarse fteeting
I do of whits doVlafs
i piece of striped calico
I coarfc muslin {heet
3 kegs of flints
And Cundry other,article?
of fir all value
Mayors Office, march
THE creditors of the late William Compton,
deceafcd, who hav. not rendered to the Ad
miniftraters accounts of their claims properly at
tested, arc hereby informed, that if they do not
exhibit such accounts on or before the seventeenth
Jay of April next ensuing, thsir claims will be for
ever excluded, as a dividend will then be struck
and paid by S. Wilcox, at No. 145 Chefnut-ftreet,
on any day proceeding. And all those who are
still delinquent in discharging the debts due from
them'jto the estate of the late Win. Compton deceaf.
td, aforelairi, will be pleased to take notice, that
flits at law will be commenced against them, with>-
rut rofped to persons, if not difcLarged before that
tnarce 23
N O T I c E.
THE Following certificates of
(harss of the stock of the Bank of the United
States have bees loft or dsfiroyed at sea, to wit
13 (hares in the name of Peter' Blight, of which
5 foares No 4185. 5 (hares No 4186. and 3
(hares No 4187, and 6 fliares jn the name of
John Barker Church, No 2058. which were
forwardad !>y the Couatefs of Leicester packet
from Falmouth for New-York—and ten (hares
of said (lock in the name of Stadnitiki & Son,
of Amftrrdam, No 1796. which were forward
ed by the Packet from Falmouth for New-York
in November 1794 ; and for the renewal of
which application is made at the said Bank,and
all persons concerned are desired to take notice.
march i»
India Calicoes
Gilla Komalls
Sheathing Copper
An elegant afortment of
Madras Hankerchiefs
»5 Pipes of the finefl particular
Madeira Wine
For Sale by
March ai,
That I have applied to the Judges
of the court of common pleas for the caunty of
Northumberland, for the benefit of the insolvent
aft, and tfey have appointed Monday the lid
day of April next, to hear me and my creditors at
the houfe in Sur.bury, where they may at
tend if they cUink proper.
To all my Creditors.
march 20
'« A CERTIFICATE of one share of Bank of U
il nit»d States,liock Handing in the name of
Dugas di Valloh, having beta 101 l or miflajd,
applicatioa is made at the said Bank for renewal of
the fame ; all persons concerned are defirtd t*
take notice.
march 19.
[Volume XV.
■Cotton counterpanes,&c.
Puling- & Sarfoetts
•attin» and Modes,
Plain & plaid silk lhawls
Silk and cotton fringe
and trimmings,
■i handsome aflortment
of ribbons,
a cases of the mo!l fafli
ionable ladies hats and
futh&f tIA
have faen
l"he following
which, i; i«b#l£irtd,
has beta ftoltw, wa*
left with the Mayor*
by the conflablee, ■
to wit:
i TO blankets
t«« tjQ
•I," Ifc-own great cow
r Ihirt
[ white caffimerc waist.,
18 yards. of black fattin
i remnants of cotton
c do Bengal
J do Iriih Linens
r do rauiliii'
I roll of black trimmings
I firing of violet do
t bunch of gm* elaftjc
t pair of knee buckles
set with stone
i mariners compafe
1 pair of new fhat«
7 silver tea spoons
> a do table do
) groco of plated buttons
inlaid with pearl
I i gold thimble
2 do rings, one whereof
■ with a tninia'ure,
; i box of white platillas
Isaac Cothrall ~i . , .
John Ha-wortk i Adrr ' ,nif -
Samvcl Wilcox j trators
m.w.&fat. U7A.
No. aj, Dock Street,
Take Notice
James Temar.
• wedjw
Abraham Van Beuren.