Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, April 01, 1799, Image 3

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Ed, less or ni. ft J hjV<! finding it irhpoffible to
keep them off any ionger, was obhged to
{lrike. The privateer had seven men killed,
and nine wounded in the engagement.—
They carried us in here, landed the cargo,
and dripped the vcfiel of every thing."
NASSAU, (N. P.) Feb. 25.
On board the sloop Henry, Cufack, from
Africa for this port, captuted by the Spa
nlfli schooner St. Rofelia, capt. Monefe,
were two African you hs, of about twelve
years each, one named John son of King'
George, and the other Tom, son of King
John Qua Ben, both having extensive do
mains on the river Giboon. Thef« yeuths.
their fathers had crmmitted to the charge
of Capt. Cufack, to be carried to Liver
pool and there educated. They were b th
taken from capt. Cufack to be fold a. (laves
in force of all his remonftranees—and at
Havannah he was told by a refutable
Spanilh m rchant, that they w-uld not be
delivered up Th« owner of the Spanilh
veflVl is Francifo Maria Cuefto, wlm mull
consign his name to eternal obloquy,
fliould he persist in refuftng these unfortunate
yout'is their freedom. A reprefen atio 1
on this business, we liave reafo'i to exped,
will be made to the Governor of Cuba.
A ycfiVl »hich arrived this day from
Havan a, brings information «cf inte.ligenct;
being received there, of Minorca having
furr ndered to the Britilh arms ; of three
Bri'.ifh fhipsofwai- driven alhore near
Caiiiz, in a violent storm and of the royal
(land rd being ended ia various parts of
BOSTON, March 25.
On Saturday fnorning tl»c President of
the U ited States, arrived in tows from the
feat of government. He came on as far as
Hartford 10 his private Carriage, when his
hcrfes failing, occafionea by the extreme
badness of the roads, he took the Mail Stage.
The Prefuleiit was in town only about
half an hour, during which time he was
waited upon by a number of refpr£table ci
tizens. The fatigue of' hisjourney, and
the renewed indifpifition of his amiable lady
prsvented his gratifying his fellow citizfns
by receiving those public teftimomals ofref
peft and veneration which had been con
templated for the occasion ; and induced
him, thus suddenly to set out for his feat at
Quire/ in the fame carriage in which lie
arrived. Capt. Amory's troop of Horse,
were in readinef3 to haveefcorted him if his
approach had besn known, or the length
of his visit, had poflibly admitted of their
It mult be highly gratifying to every li
beral mind, to fee the First Magistrate of a
great nation, when convenience requires it,
relinquish every appearance of diftin&ion,
and travel through the country as a private
gentleman. Plainness and simplicity are the
aceompanyment« of true greatness, and in
our illustrious Pre-fident, are eminently dis
played, the result of unaffected goodness.
We fiscerely hope that his official cares will
allow of hit pafiing the summer, in his na
tive (late, and that his residence here may
contribute to his health and domestic happi
ness ! and we ardently pray that his inva
luable life may belong preserved—that his
ufefulnefs may be continued—that his coun
try may b« prosperous, happy and grateful
under his adminiAration—and when the fo
vcreign Disposer 'dlall call hira from this
tnnrtal state the transition may be easy,
and the change inexprefiibly advantagious.
There is a report received at Salem, by
Captain Phillips, via Salem, that the.French
have captured Naples. We hope, and at
present believe, it is only a report.
THE partnership of Joshua B. Bond, and
Jolm Brooks, trading under the firm of
Bond Biooks, U this day diflolveei by mutual
content, all persons indebted so tliem, are re
qutfted to make immediate payment to Joshua
B. Bond, and tbofe having demands to present
thetr accounts to him for fetilement
Joshua B. Bond.
John Brooks.
ipril i,
One Hundred Dollars Reward.
RAN away from the fubferihers, living in
Somerset county, state of Maryland, on the
26th of December last, two Negro Men •
George and Randel —George is about fix feet
high, twenty-two years of age, and ef a yellow
complexion—had on when he went away a dark
cloth coat, kersey breeches and white yarn
flockings ; he is a pretty good player on the
fiddle. —Randel is about five feet two inches
high, twenty years of age, and of a yellow com
plexion, has a loud hoarse voice, and is a good
deal bo.v-lcgged ; he pretends to be something
of a-cobbler ; —had on when he went away, a
fuftian coat, home-made kersey breeches and
white yarn (forking*. There is no doubt, but
they will change their clothes at well as their
names—they havng been taken tip on tile 29th
ef December last at Duck-aeek, in the state of
Delaware, and committed by John Cole, Ef'q.
(by the names of Stephen .and Charles) to the
rare ,>f John M'Whertj and Thomas Kerker,
from whom they made their escape. Who
e\ar apprehends the above negroes, and has
them lecured in jail, so that the fubferibers may
get them again, [hall rective the above reward,
or fifty dollars for either.
John Nelf on.
William Bowns.
Salisbury, Somerset county >
M.ryfa-nd, Fthfßary Ij. ,„q \ djm
WJTereTS —
TSAAC PAINTER having made an afW
n ]" rnt "/ a " >»s property fcr the benefit of
all his creditors who sign his difchirge the
afiignee wishing to arrange thebufin<fs as Toon
as potTil-Je, and likewise to give the laid Ifaar
Painter an opportunity of doing fometliing for
hinile-lt 3nt l family : therefore those creditor
who have not signed his discharge are ins rmeil
tiiat iinlef? they come forward and lign the fame
difchnrgcon or before the fir ft (lay of May
n f Xt T. xfuin £' the y w ' ll be excluded the benefii
o a dividend ; and all those who are indebted
to tlie said firm are requested to mijce immedi
aute payment to prevent further trouble.
JACOB CLARK, Afiignee.
®arch 4 jawtf
16fi to 3d Int. off.
q/6 to 7<l. do.
23 percent,
ai aitto.
•ica, 46 ditto
(hares 30
}a, share.% 35
Six Per Cent.
Three Per Cent.
Deferred 6 Pt'r Ctf.
B4NK United Stas,
■ Pennfylv;
North Ar
lnfurame enrip
8 per cent Scrip
0n Hamburgh
London, at 3<
j-3 cents per t.:ark Banco.
fays 56 I-»
(Jays s 4
Jays 5a l-»
j, pr. guild. 36 to 37 I-z cents
at 6<
at 91
Am(lerdam,6o di
When 3 matplaced in a conspicuous Na
tion, whether | has been recommended to
that {latum byM villainies Or not, has the
audacity to th»ten another with hiring a
bravo to aflaultiim, and having threatened,
publishes withhidied ostentation such a
threat, in all cppanies where he goes,*i>f is
justly chargeabjwith any act of violence that
! points out as the signal for
tliii way, theJirst subsequent
But -when h
his vengeance, i
personal attack
when the con la
attack, is the
there is fometl
'bat is made upon him, and
icnce of that fir ft subsequent
assassination of its author,
ng move than presumptive
ale. I do not heficate to
evidence in the
declare that in
uptSn Mr. Bii
have g»ne dira
lie may not ha
i the author of the attack
'n. He may not, indeed,
iy to work about the thin*- ;
t laid down the cafli into the
Irderers, (thougU blast me, if
hartds of the t
I think him ti
tively. ,suborn(
encouraged th
them of impu
that fell on i
ble coward *
in serenity an
which, notwi
shall cover h
Justice shall y
gamblers, do'
lequins, (alia
dignities an
tremble at he
cratic knave,
his treasons,
the heart o)
burniftied chi
ijiay yet ihaj
end which
good to do it) but be effeo
them, countenanced them,
i, and by his flation, allured'
:y. He ftrnck every blow
Bro* - n ; and like a deleßa-
i knave, laughs at this hoyr
lecurity, behind that curtain,
jftatiding all his jugglerfhip,
i but for an appointed time.
I revisit the earth ; drunkards,
(■ds, tyrants,, thieves and bar
cd for wife ends to revel iu
power, yet a fcafon) shall
frowns ; and many a denio
hat erniin'd on the wages of
id on the spoils wrung from
bleeding honsfty, drifhcs his
ot round the indignant town,
his cpurfe to that ignominious
t await such unnatural crimes.
ON caftii
honor or c
crew, such,
1 my eyes around for a man of
merit among the democratic
las, were my reflections on the
ve I seen viitb eager eyes,
search of silver prize,
ier seraft tbi ougbthick arui thin
ilht Gem—a piece of tin !
A B,oy
? And
Navy Department,
"iijtb Marcb, 1799.
IT as
from the e\
the circuml:
Iris me much fatisfaftion to find
idence of Vour officers, that the
parigraph, fo'injiirioUE td your
lis a gross mif-reprcfentation of
apce to whrdh it alludes'.
As you have'befcn so long absent in the
Weft-Indis, your'requeft for permifllon to
attend to ylur private affairs' for two months
is thoughtreafenable. You will therefore
consider ths, as your leare of abfrnce for
that time, provided it should not be found
neceflary ti call you sooner into ferv'ice.
I ha\c the h»nor to be,
fir, your most obedient ferv'arit,
GsptainThomas Williams.
Extract of a letter from an officer on boqfd
tbe United States, dated
"Off Sr. Pierre's, 17th Feb. '99.
" Yesterday savj two sail to windward
which proved to be tbe French privateer
Democrat and her prize, tbe Cicero, British
Letter-os-Marque, Captured after a se
vere act(6n, in wbicb seven eighths of her
crew were killed or wounded. This' ship
'■"e re-took ; b u t night coming on. -we lost
°f privateer, w£>icb one hour more
of ay-Ugbt would ba'je secured to us. Tbe
Cicero carries twenty -9 pounders and to
men. 3
Philadelphia, March 28. 1799.
%FJ= LETTERS for the British Packet
[iAßLfcouiN, will be received at this Office
until Tuesday the 2d April, at I 2 o'clock
P. M.
N. B. The inland postage to. New-York
mull be paid.
To be Rented in the Country
A CONVENIENT Stone Dwelling House
LV twe stories high, with two rooms on a
floor, t pethir with an out kitchen. Also a
flone building adjoining, well calculated for a
retail (lore, and in a goud stand. For further
particulars enquire of
CHaRLES shoemaker,
near Chelnut fireet wharf.
f 3«
3d mo. i9tVi
Ten. "Dollars Reward.
T~\FSc.U.TED from the Marine Darracks oh th
U »oth infl. Wm. Jot 'fton, a Marine Soldier
aged 30 years, 5 f e ,t 6 inches hijrh, black hair and
hlTj ""w miJ ' ! c *"* er the r.ght
hand. H« carried off with him his fuU umfc rm.
Whoever *-,l| fe the faH dcf ,, rttr jn ,
In all receive the above reward
inarch M,r ;ae
For raising supplies, and making appropria
tions for the services and exigencies of
the city for the year one thousand seven
hundred and ninety-ntne.
BE it ordained and enacted by tit Citi
zens of Philadelphia in Select and•
Common Councils assembled, That the City
Commiffioncrs (hall forthwith after the pas
sing of this ordinance, raise by tax on the
estates, real and personal, and on the profef
hons of persons within the city of Philadel
phia, agreeably to the la(t county aflefiment,
the full and entire sum of fifty seven thousand
five hundred dollars, for the year one thou
sand seven hundred and ninety-nine, which
with the taxes heretofore levied, and which
remained out-flanding- and in arrear on the
thirty-firft of December, one thousand seven
hundred and ninety-eight, shall be appropri-'
ated in manner following, that is to say
For paying the debt due to the Bank of
North America, a sum of lixteen thousand
three hundred and fifty-eight dollars.
For paying part of twenty-one thousand
three hundred and twenty-nine dollars and
fix cents, due to the Bank of Pennsylvania,
a sum of nineteen thousand nine hundred and
ninety-five dollars and (eventv-three cents.
For discharging debts contraAed by the
City Comniiilioners, and remaining unpaid
on the firfl of December one thousand seven
hundred and ninety-eight, being for lighting
and watching", paving, watering, nnd ckan
fing the city, the sum of thirteen thousand
seven hundred and fifty two dollars and "fe
venty-five cehts.
For salaries to four city commiflioners and
their clerk at the annual coijipenfation esta
blished for them retpeftively by an ordinance
paired-the ninth day of March one thousand
seven hundred and nine'ty-'fevtfn, the sum of
two thousand eight hundred dollars.
For the office expenses of the city com
missioners, the sum hundred and twen
ty dollars.
For the new paving Zane street,' begun
last year, and remaining unfinifhed, eight
hundred and fifty dollars..
For the purchase of ftune and repairing sf
old pnvement?, ouc thousand fix hundred
dollars. • .
For the repair of unpaved streets, and car
rying off stagnant water, the sum of two
thousand five hundred dollars.
For cleansing the city, the sum of nine
thousand hx hundred and fifty dollars.
Forcleanling the docks, and repairing and
cleansing the common sewers, two thotiiand
dollars. »■
For lighting and watching the city, the
fuifo of eighteen thousand dollars.
For watering the city by wells and pumps,
th* sum of four thousand dollars.
FoMlifcharging any claim fer services per
formed in one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-eight, in regulating the (treats, lanes
and alleys in this city, a sum of hundred
For the payment of arty interelV'Which
may grow due on the city debts Ifefot* the
colle&ion of taxes lhall be fnfficiently ope
rative to discharge said debts,a sum of one
thousand two hundred dollars.
For preventing, co'rre&ing, or' removing
nuisances, and for other oontiilgint objefts
which may occur in the course of the cur
rent year, the sum of two thousand eight
hundred and ninety dollars and seventy-one
cents, for a reiiduary fund.
For paying the iritereft and towards pro
viding a fund for the redemption"of the prin
cipal of my loan that may be railed for the
more effectual supply of the city with whole
some water, the fwm of twelve thoufanddol
. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained and
enacted, That the sum of two thousand and
fifty-nine dollars, .and nine -Cento, being tb,e.
balance of monies arising from the income of
the city property and in the treasurer's.hands
on the thirty fir ft ol December, one thou
sand seven hundred and ninety-eight, the
'.balancesj °f the rentals of the last and prece
ding yfars receivable, but on that day re
maining undifc.harged, together with the
monies which may grow due and arise .from
the rental of the current year lliall be appli
ed on the receipt thereof, and the fame are
hereby appropriated to the following uses
and purposes, that is to say, For
thefalaries to the mayor, to the recorder,
to the elerks and melTenger of the feleft
and common councils, and to the clerks
of High-street and Second-street markets
agreeably to the ordinance eftablilhing
lhe _ falark-s of certain officers passed on
the ninth day. of March in.the year one thou
sand seven hundred and , ninety-seven the
sum a£ three thousand five hundred dollars.
" O'
For salary to the high conftabie, seven
hundred dollars.
For pay of constables to patrole the ftreetj
-of the city On the Sabbath Day of every
week one hundred and fifty-fix "idol lars.
For menial fcrvicesand expences in sweep.
ing and keeping in good order the High-ftrec-t
and Second street markets four hundred and
sixty dollars.
For incidental e%£ences of the fclapft and
common councils, as printing, ftntionary,
fuel, candles, &c. fix hundred dollars.
For repairs and improvements of the city
property (the bridge and ferry on Schuylkill
excepted) including one hundred and fifty
dollars due on this account in one thou fend
ieven hundred and ninety-eight by tjie city
commissioners' ftatemerrt on the firft of De
cember in that year, one thousand five hun
dred dollars.
For paying the Bank of Pe nnfylvar.i a
the balance of five thousand three hundred
and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three
cents, a laan in August one thousand sev
en hundred and ninety eight to pay for the
Hea.tli-oflice Lot, and buildings, ore tbaiu
and three hundred and thirty-three dollars
and thirty.three cents.
For payisg Henry Pratt and Thomas
Allibone, on account of their advances in
one thousand seven hundred and nineiy-fev
en, for finking a wharf at the end ot Safia
fras-ftrett, oa the settlement of their ac
counts atvdvpuchers, when brought forward
for examira:ion and adjustment, three thou
sand eight hundred and thirteen dollars and
fifty-two cents.
And to the wife and children of Hilary
Baker, ECqnire late Mayor of this cityand
now deceased, in confideratioft of his faith
ful ffrviees during tha prevalence of the
late pestilential sickness, to be paid in quar
terly payments, the lum of three thousand
dollars. •; „ . ■ 1
Sec. 3. Andbe it further 0 dained and enac
ted, That the sums received and which (hall
afife on account rf tolls at the bridge and
ferry on Schuylkill at the welt end of High
ftreet, within the year on: thousand seven
hundred and ninety.nine, (hall be applied
and are hereby appropriatgd as follows,
to wit: For the payment of the Toll Col-
Icftor's, {alary one thousand dollars, and
the residue of thr said toll-receipts (hall be
applied to the discharge of all necefiary re
pairs and expences which (hall have been or
may be incurred, on t|ie account of, and be
properly chargeable to the said bridge and
fer'yin the firft instance, and if after such
discharge any further sum (hall remain, such
residue (ball be applied towards the provi
aing of a fund fortheredemption of any loan
th3t may be raised for the more effeftual
supply of the city with \Vhokfonie Wa
President Pro. Tem
Common Ceuncil.
P'refident of tht Sited Council.
Enaded into an Ordinance at
P hiladelfh'm, the thir
(l.s.C.) tieth day of March, in
in the year 1799.
Both houl'es of the leg'iflature cf this Rate,
have agreed to a bill for the re moval of the
feat of government of the lVate of Pennfyl
vatiia, to the borough of Lancaster, until
a permanent feat can be fixed on. By this
adV commissioners are appointed to prepare
buildings for the reception of the legislature
whose next fcflion is to be held there, and
all offices attached to the government sere to
be removed there on or before the firft of
November next. The goverrer has not
given his assent as yet. . •
Extract of a Utter from, an officer.on board
the United States ship Constellation, to
bis friend in this city, dated'
B'assa'Tsjiic, 4tb March.
" We are informed, that it is our com
mander's determination when we fail, which
will be in a few days, both Chips being for
sea, only a few men wanting for the Infur
gente, to flretch under Guadaloupe in order
that General Desfourneaux may have the
pleasure of feeing that ship under the colors
of the United States of America, before the
road of Baffatere, the capital of the island.'
Yesterday arrived the brig Angelica, Capt.
Robinson, from Lifbou. Capt. R»binfen
left Lilbon the 13th February. In this ves
sel came Mr. Tazewell, late Secretary, to
Mr. Gerry. This gentleman was taken on
his passage home in the .(hip Pacific, bound
to Charleston, and carried into Vigo (Spain)
"from whence he went to Lilbon. The day
before he left there, a Spanilh mail arrived,
bringing accou-nts that the king of Naples
had reriioved his family to Palermo forfafe
ty, and intended returning again to head his
army. This, it is supposed, gave rife to
a. report at Lisbon, that Naples had been
taken, and the royal family had fled ; but it
received very little credit. Another report
was, that the king, of Naples had left >the
army to remove his family to Palermo, that,
in the interim, a battle had taken place in
the neighborhood of Rome, between the
French and Neapolitan a\rmies, in whichthe
latter had had experienced a partial defeat,
and both were intrenched waiting for rein
forcements, when the king returned, who
immediately ordered his principal engineer
to be (hot, and disgraced a great number of
his principal officers. But bur informant
adds tBH the reports at Lilbon were so va
rious 'and contradictory that vcry little cre
dit can be attached to any of thejn, pxeept
that of the removal of the Royal Family.
No authentic accounts li'fpedVmg the
operations either in Egypt or I tat)-, were
known in Liibon, when the Angelica failed.
<Ba3ette Marine lUft.
Arrived. day§
Brig Angelica, Rpbinfon, Ll/bon 44
Schr. Ann, Lar.ghead, Charlel'on 10
Johanna Tucker, Lee, Porto Kico 31
Sloop America, Burden, R. Iflaud 9
Sally, Webb, Norfolk 3
Ship Asia, Morgan, London
Four Fritßds, Hathaway, Belfaft
Brig Maria, Simk/ns Havannah
Five Sifters, Donaldfon, Jamaica
Schr. Sally, Hufe, Liibtn
Trial, Hand, Alexandti^
Lyon, Saunders,
Sloop Lively, Weaver,
George, Brown,
Arrived the brig Angelica, Robertfon,
from Lilbon—failed from then«e the 13th
of February, left there the fhtp Old Torn,
Wood, of and from this port discharging.
Ship Adlive, Harper, of and from thence
to London, had been captured by the
French and re-captured by (he Engliih.
Ship Arethufa, , from London to
this port, put in in distress, cargo dischar
ging and repairing.
The (hip Adtive, for Baltimore, failed
the day before the Angelica.
. A Dsnifh barque was f:en ftandiiig fcr
the Delaware previous to the late jrale.
A difmaftect fchocner, name unknown, is
Ship FriKleiicc, Mitchell, of this port,
ftoin Baltimore, has arrived at L*ifb»n,
The il;,op fanny, Brown, from the Weft-
Indies, was left in attempting to get into
ttie J.aibour.of New-Port \fi the florin the
wjek before lafl—cargo partly saved.
General Orders.
Philadelphia, March !, 179,9."
THE troops w'ho arc under orders to
march on Wtdnefday-the -jd inft.V\yili >f
femble on their own Parades precifrly at 8
o'clock, ai-V. on that day, in a*'.complete
state of preparation to tike up the tiye As
march—.The different commanding officers
will receive their inftru&ions'as to the ropte
&c. on Tuefdav morning at 10 o'clock—f T
which purpose they will attend at my quar
Lieut. Jonathan Williams, of the 2d
Troop of Cavalry of the Blues, is appointed
Aidide-Camp, and is to be refpefted accord
First Green Infantry Company.
nr "HK gentlemen enroled in this company, arS
J. requcfted to meet at No. 142, south fourth
street, en VVednefday evening the 3d inft at ftven
o'clock, op bufiricf intereliing to the Co-opany.—•
Punfldality is expedted.
April 1
Mount Pleajant on Schuylkill.
npHE fubfcribcr is willing to fell the eUatcort
*• which he lives, at the ei.d of the new canal* 2nd
about three and a has miles distant from this city
of the
A rleafant place adjoining is alio tor sale. 1 hefc
filiations are too well known to require
efpecial!\ as it is presumed the purchaler woiil'd
chorfe so judge fo{ bimfeU. If not fold beto r C
the firft of May the manfi-n houfc is to be
let. Enquire on the preniife^
j4pril l.
This day is published,
By B DAVIES, at No. 6JfHigh-flreet,
And ready to be delivered ro Subferibcr» and other!,
The 111. Number of
The Philadelphia Magazine & Review,
. D * , ■
Monthly Repository of Information
and Amusement,
Tor March 1799,
April r
Just Received,
From Hamburg by the Jason. Vipkr, and
via Baltimore and for the fubferibeH
Cress a la Morlaix,
Checks and flripes,
Liftadoes 1 -
riarcelona Brandy in Pipes.
Port Wine in quarter calks.
. On Hand,
April I
Superfine Writing Papers,
Just received by the Adventure from London f
By William Young,
No. 51 Second, the corner of Chefnut-ftreet,
.TMPERIAL, fsper'reyal, slate, wote and plain,
. A rojal, medium, thick pod ; extra large vellum,
and plain folio poll; extra large plain and wove
poll; quarto gilt and plain fuperfine h»t-prefled,
W. Young has also on hand,' a Urge aflTortmeut
of the hell American manufactured writing and
printing papers; a I forts el papers madi on (hort
notice , grecable to patterns,
Commitment ftr sale at prime costs and
charges :
5 Trunks 0/ hooks aifortcd ;
1 Jo Reams large royal printing paper ;
100 Reams London brown royal do.
113 Reams ioolfcap do.
The above are entitled to the drawback.
1 Cafe black leather and Morocco pocket books,
april 'l. 7t
The Creditors of William Stccdman
of Nor*fcurobcr! and county in the fUtc of. Pcnnf v va
nia, ate delired to rake notice, that he has applied to
the Court of 'Common Pleas Ot the county aforefaid,
for the benefit of the insolvent lawi, and the fjid
Court have a-ppointed the fourth Mon lay of April
next, at a Court of Common Picas then to be held at
Sunbury for the said countv, for a between
the said William Steedman a d his Creditors; at
which time and place the\ may at'end.
Northumberland, Match 30, 17*99. 5 S3t.
PUfil.IC NOTICE is hereby given that the sub*
fcribtr ha« applied to the Judges of the Court
of Common Pleas of the county of Northumber
land, forihe benefit of the :i<Li m; /T<,mbiy<pnff
ed on the 4th day of last for the relief of
insolvent debtors, and thit the said Judges havs
appointed the fourth Monday in April next, to
hear him and and,his creditors at the Court lioufo,
i» the town of Sunbury in thefaid count/.
e t'n. 3W
march »8
To all whom it may concern.
THE Creditors of the Subfcri
her are desired to take notice, that application ha 9
heen made to the C«urt of Con.mon Pieas of Mif
flin County, in the State of Ptrinfylvanfa,in ordcf
that the applicant may receive the benefit of the
several laws passed for the relief of |rifoWent debt
ors, and the said court have appointed the second
Monday in April next, to hear liim and his credi
tors a h the c«urthoufe in Lewis Town, id the said
' do.
Wm. ARMSTRONG, jtin.
N 0 1 I'C £.
march 18
GOOD encouracfitieittwillbe given to a person
who understands the Tanning n'iifii/efs in all
its brar.che —alio to a person vho undtrftand*
making of Tin-Ware, to m ve into the Weftera
Country.—Persons who hav. frwall families woii Id
he preferred, — For further particulars enquire at
No 53 North Fourth-street.
None need apply butthofe who can bring jfood
recom men dat i o
march 12
PCji\ S L
A quantity ot Mould and Dipt
and CLOVER SEED, enquire of
Samue! Ccatts,
Claret in Hogflieads,
Bourdeaux Brandy,
Iltifiia Bristle*.
Erich Lcivis Bolivian.
No. io.r, Sprucc.ftreet.
NO r I C E.
no 8» fofttb Froiji ftrMt
•- - JM«*
v-*- J