Urates, "«■> Philadelphia Daily Advertiseri r NuMBElt 2036.] jrj* The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay :M Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. For Sate on a long Credit, The SLOor Neiv-Tork cJ Philadelphia Packet, NOW lying at Henry Pratt's wharf,the firftbe j,w Race-street, burthen 38 95 tos.—fbemay fore MouJay the ill of April, (he will tht-n he aX 7 o'clock in the evening, APPr.r to Pr-att & Kintzing, No. 95, North Water-street. WHO HAVE FOR SALE. go tons Hemp, 3000 buflicls low priced Salt, 21 pipes Port Win*, Jto boxes Window Glats, Ihe Cullom Haufe. r pHE Subscriber, encouraged oy the advice of JL his Friends, offers his service to the public as a Ship *n> the words of command, in performing the tn'inual exercise art exaSly reprefentcd* This is the most complete work, of the kin J, ever offered to the jjublie at so l»w a price. Every person able to bear arms, msy,_ for about the value of one h; If day's labor furnifti hirafclf with ample ditwilions to perform tfce manuei exercise even in his room by the help ot a look ing glass upon fitch certain principles as insure fitccefs. N. B. The only way to feenre our right') is to be able to defend thctr. 'i|>rch jo rr. mott, Having commenced bufincfi in th« C»mmifflon line, his (lore it now open fer the reception of Dry Goods of all defc-riptions. I hiladelphis, February 4,1799, § Richard Bayley Sff Co. RESPECTFULLY kift>rm the public tha{ the Retail Business carried on by at their Store No. 136, Market-ftrcct, will in future be carried on by Mr. Wm, Bonnar, whom they bejs leave to recommend to the favor of thwtr (rietod* and the public. iaw Said Smr IS ALSO Jfply as above. dtf r Ii I L A DELPHI A: FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 20, (799. NOTICE. Joseph Thomas's Creditors are hereby earneitly requeued to furn»(h their Accounts duly attested, ai loenas convenient : thereliy to enable the Aflignees to farm an idea of the (late of his affairs ; ind all those indebt ed to said Thomas, are required to make im mediate payment to either of the Subscribers. SAMUEL YV. FISHER, ~l AfTigneee WILLIAM BUCKLEY, £ of JOHN HALL. , 3J.Thom« t • dtf For Sale by the Subscriber, No. 145, Mirket-llre.t, Very low far Cafli, or a (hort Credit, The remaining Jiot k of the late Home of TODD MOTT, Cloths, Kerfcyraeres, a few printed Cottons, Printed handkerchief* and ihawls Printed dimities Hofierfy, threads, twist and sewing CHts A small atneunt of hardware. WILLIAM MOT-T.; Agent for the assignees of Todd Mott, to Whom, all per foil j irdebted to that concern, are requsfted to make immediate payment. All Persons indebted to fbe above firm and those tQ whoir they are i^d«feU' at 4 doz. bottle# each") elaret of fuper j»B do. at I do. do. do./ ior quality. A/Jo on HanJ t II bales tickienburge. a* to a 8 cents pr. ell 14 do. Wefer linnen, at 16 to ao cents pr. yard I box paterbornes t boxes hollow glass ware 5 calks Ruflia brifUei (firft quality! Erich & Lewis Bollmann, do. lOO,JSpruce street Feb. 13 Pursuits of Literature. I« a few day will be put to pref. and pubiifhed with out delay, by J. Ormhod, NO. 41, Cbesuut street, The Pursuits of Literature. A Satirical Poem. In four Dialogues, with Notes. This celebrated work wfll form one large othvo volume, will be printed from the l.lt London editi on, with the Notes translated by the author, on a fine mntr ar.d eooi type, >nd will be delivered, haud fomely bound and lettered to fub'enbeta al two dolia!». March i< Butldt ig and Garden Lots, CONTIGUOUS to, and at a frail! diftancs from thecity, to be fold attbe coffee houle in Second ' street, on Weiluefdjy the 20th of March, at 6 o'clock in the evening, containing from about 1-4 *i'aH acre to about 4 acres each* Thefmall lots fronting on Vine and Callovrhill ftrects, on the w eft fide of SchuylkHl Second street, and the large lots containing whole or half or qiMrterfr/p deiiribcd, the ftlc is po!!po.ic,l until ity the 20th April ucii,w!itn it u ill bt h:U ' "*1 x terms will be cam for thnl'« lot* which arc 50 feet, and 49 and an halt feet tr.jnf, and tor thofa I of a larger size, one half the calk to be paid down | ind the other half in fix months from the day c r marck 20 TAKE NO? ICE, r T~ v HAT i am so be loid on such terms, that 1 tke pufchal'er .need not advance any cash, aiiltf> he pleaiis, till it is earned by my fcrvices, provided no accident happens me ; or, if you pleafcr, I am to be farmed our for two years, and not Ul's. lama bright bay, full hands high, of n*ble descent, my name is TRIMMER —I was got by Hall's imported horse Eeliple, my dam, purchaJpd by Dodlor Wall, wis got by the imported horse Slim ; my grand dam was got by Old Figure my great grand dam by Talkers Othello out of Seltma, &«. See. as will more fully appear by William Lyle's attested certificate who raised me. My charafter as a racer it well established j I woa the colt's purfc at Bladdniburg of twenty guinea ; I won a fifty guinea purfc at Baltimsrt, a 'fifty giinea purse at An.iapolit tad a fifty guinea pvrfe at Hagerftawa. I never loft a race but the last I run at Alexandria, which was owning to my being badly (hod, at I loft all my plates before I got in. lam in fine plight, found in every refpe.i ; my offspring arc in great repute, some of which are bow in training for the turf—pro cure me good stand« and entertainment and I am aWe to earn one thousand doHirs per an num. Any person incVining tt» buy or rent may know the terms by applying to John Carnan (Lorehajl) CajcH county and Rate of Mary land, eight miles louth of Elkton. fcb. »i. CHINA GOODS, ]u»t received per the ftip Ntw-Jerfey from Canton' AKD FOR SALE BY ARCHIBALD M'CALL, At his Store No. 187, fowth Second ftrect, —v! 2 An assortment of Teas of the firft quality, White and yellow nanVeejii Caflia, (ilk umbrtllai an assortment «f china toarc, and a variety of SILKS, conftsfiaj'of Black and colored Lutcftring do. do. fitting do. do. fenlhaws do. de. silk handkerchiaf* do- do. /*win(g Clkt Black Taffeties ALSO, i 2 pipe* of excellent Madeira Wine, fit lor immediate use, Jan. 14 WATER LOAN. THE eommiflioners for receiving subscriptions to a Loan for supplying the City of Philadelphia with wholcfome water, give notice, That they will «all oil the citizens for their fubferip- tiem in the following diftri&s Villiam Jena will receive from Vine to South Cd of Pau>lbM> Levi Hollingrwcrlb will receive from the North fid of Pins to ths South fide of Spruce-streets. Jrjp JValn will receive from north GdeofSpruc< to thefoutlifideof Walnut-streets. Edward Tilgbman will receive from norlh fide o Walnut to the fovth fide ol Chefnut-ftreets. Join Itfiuf, ■> will receive from north fide of Jonathan Rolinjin, ( Cheiiiut to the south fiie of Market-streets. Stephen Girard, « do. da. Bli*A hair ribbon JSlack fattins Gallia in small bales China ware in dining ana tea setts On Handy 50 trunki ami caL-t , muslin-, graghwiis, muflinet»and pullicat handkerchiefs, iu I'mtU pack age\ for the VVVB-liuii?. market. 25 trunks of printed calicoes, assorted for the Weft-India market. l bale of woolen cloths, low priced . Sail CMi»a« by the bile or pi>ce, No. j to#. Copper in flieets 14 by 48 ard 48 by 60 inches Raised copper bottoms in tubs. A final! invoice ot queens ware aiTorted. . Engliih wrought nails in calks. Sheathmi* paper. N«w-Orlear* indigo Paints of different colors, dry in cefts. Old Madeira wine fit for use. NICKLIN Of GRIFFITH. Feb. 11 White Oak Logs—or White Oak Pipe—-Wanted. PROPOSALS, trilL BE KBCFirtD, On or tefore the 10th day of March, For the Delivery, To the Corporation of the City of Philadelphia, or their agent at any part within the said City of the whole or past of feet, running measure, of WHITE OAK LOGS, In \engtht of ten or twelve feet, Or of the lame quantity, of LOGS, Bored into pipe, counterbored and tapped, as tinier : 14,000 feet to measure 13 inches at the thickefl e»d, if bored, 41-1 inch pipe. 16,000 Let to mtafure I a inches at the picked end, if bored, 4 inch pipe 64,000 feet to measure 11 inches at tke thickest end, if bored, 3 inch pipe- r04,0®0 The Logs m»ft be strait and free from fhsfces and knots : uo faulty logs will on any account be received. Those who deliver proposals for bored log), are rcquefted to mention the price at which they will deliver the logs unbored, in caCe it flioula ba found proper to bore them in Philadelphia. Prepofals in writing will be recei veH by B. Henry Latrobe, engineer. South Twolfth-ftreet, the firft Honfe from Market-street. feb 8 MPORTE D, In the Britilh ftip Douglas, capt. Walker, from d6w London, just arrived, Cannon—Woolwich proof 91b caliber,bored from the solid wighmg i6cwt. iqrs. and jocwt each Ditto of 61b caliber, wt. newt, a qrs. earh, Ditto Swivels, mounted Cannon Jhot, viz. Cansifter, crofc bar and round 30 cases ihips muflcets, fowling pieces and ir.ufltet oona Ship Store, Horfemsn's and Saddle Piftoli, A Urge aflortment of Flints, ,i J SO calks Porter, Brown Stout in Bottles, L'anthcou Staves aiforted from 10 to 40 inches diameter 46 Casks S>hot, J7o. i, to 6, 3«oo EufhJi Coals, 50 Crates Window Glass' too Crater and 10 hhds Queens ware adapted to the Weft India fvlirltct, 6 bales Whitney blankets 8-4 and 10-4 Forfale by THOMaS 13 JOHN KETLAND. Walnut Street \Vhart. March 16, Whx> have also on hand. 'lacct In cales, Hrlt quality, Jltl Pnrt Wine, i&rfcmen's f*ord», hangers, See. Dry While Lead, renmougery and webbing by the pack?ge, loilon Beef, csfe «f best roil arnotta, Painted floor clothi, End!ifh quart bottles in crates of la dozen each, RuflU bar iron, Hemp and ccidage, Cables from 7 to 16 inches, Platillas and Britagres, A few trunks befl kid and morocco (kins, Basket fait in hhds. The fubfcr.ibers have on hand, arid for sale at re duced prices, the following articles, viz. Seventy Pipes London Particular Madeira Wine, the vintage of '96, since when they have lain ia a (lore weil adapted to their improvement ; Ij Chests of Young Hyson Tea ; An Invoice of weU-afforted China—original cod between 8 and 900 dolU. in Canton. march M< THE PARTNERSHIP OF PETER V HENRY MIERCKEN.\ IS this day diffolred by mutual consent, all per sons indebted to them arc requested to make immediate payment to Peter Miercken, aid those havmg demands, to present their accounts to the fame lor Settlement. I march ai NOTICE. ALL persons having claims a gain ft the Estate of Thomas Boon, of Caroline county, Hate of Maryland, deceased, are requested to exhibit th«m, properly proven, to the fubferiber at Den ton, in the county and {late aforefaid, on or before the firft day of May next, that there may be a di vidend made «f the a flits now in the bands ef the fubfcribcr. Those who neglcdt this notice, will be forever barred of their dividend, which will be made on the aforefaid dav, JVm. BOON., administrator •f THOMAS BOON. iawsw march 9 r». "" ' I }• TMAS m w.fr.tf. HIGBEE & MILNOR. Piter Miercken. Henry Miercken, 1* . . > r • ■ r ■*»- Saml. Pbtter, Wm. Page, Thos. Price. . AV ji, Chattut,streft- , , HAKE JUST kRCZIVED, fee fbip Lexington, from London, . . A very-large af.rtmert of DRY GOODS. Which they will fell low for calh, or ootai at» (hortdate, among which, are Printed Callicoes, and Cotton connccrpaqo^c. Chintzes, . PuKngs & Sarfaetts Britifli Mnfljns, plain, Sattint. and Modea and umbored, Plain Sc plaid filfc ihavrlf Silk, cotton and worded Silk and cotton fringe ho fiery, and trimmings, l eather Glove*, \ handsome auortmciit BUctand white Ucei and of ribbons, edgings, • cafes.of the moll faffi- Citlicp and cotton check, ionable ladie« hats anil Ginghams, bonnets, march 14 Goodsfuppofed tc Tbc following artids' were broutrhr from the late ir.ayor's offiee aod tlepuGted with the pre fcnt mayor, at no. I 5 7 south % j street, where they are open for tbt infpe&ion of any per sons who may think themfcivo ii)(erevHd therein, to wit: 3 blankets I coverlid 3 bats a blue cloth ciat* 1 fp6tted P.ai:kr cu coatci a grey plain e nti j sailors jackt * 4 striped pique tie taar feilles waiftco.it* t do half worn do I dark crois striped do I green silk laced do I white embroider'd do I striped winter do I flannel do 1 pr.blackfattin breeches 3 pair nankeen do 7 pail trewfers Several pair of Silk and cotton hefe white and check (birt cravats & hankercliief- I Clvtr flock burftle 6 "do tea spoons 1 roll of coarse flieeting I do of whitt dowlafs 1 pi»ce of (triped calico 1 coarse mufl n (heet 3 kegs of flint 9 And sundry other article, of fa-all valua Mayors Office, march NOTICE. THE creditors of the lata William Compton, decealrd, who hav» not rendered to the Ad ministrators accounts of their claims properly at* teftcd, arc hereby informed, that if they do not exhibit such accounts on Or before the feienteenth day of April rent enfaing, their claims will be for ever excluded, a* a dividend will then be struck and paid by S. Wilcox, at No. 145 Chefhut-itreet, on any day proceeding. And all tbofe who are still delinquent in discharging the debts due from them|t« the estate of the late Wm. Compton deceas ed, aforcfaid, will b» pleased to take notice, that f»its at law will be*commenced against them, with* | rut refpeik topcrfons, if not difcttrged before that Isaac Cat fir all ") ~ .. John Haworth 1 m ' n ' Samuel Wilcox marcc ay NOTICE. THE Following certificates of (h»re« of the stock of the Bank of the United States have been or dsftroyed at sea, to tend if they think To all my Creditors. march a* Notice. A CERTIFICATE of one fliare of Bank of U nitad States, Cock {landing in the name of Ddsas Dt Vallon, having be»a loft or mislaid, applicatioa is made at the laid Bank for renewal of the fame ; all persons concerned are desired to take notice. Abraham Van Bcur n. ijm march 20. [ Volume XV. ■adl ruth&f trA have been jiolen. The following property, which, it is believed, has been stolen, wa3 left with the Mayer, by the cjnftabJesy to wir 3 n-w bisnkets I eld do I brown £re®t coat t I rollpfblacK trimming* t tain? of violet do i bunch tot guia elaftjc bottle* I pair of knee buckles set with ftoue i mariner* compafe 1 pair cf new fhacs 7 Clvcr tea fpotni s do table do .5 grocr of plated buttons' inlaid with pear! l gold thimble 1 do rings, one where»f with a nsinia-ure, 1 box of White platillaS ro.w.&lat. U7A. No. 25, Dock Street, 3tawim James 'Te^aar.