jfaragn Jntei%ence* LONDON, November a. to the last tetters from tlie 1 '"- *>? king- of Prussia still remains uji;t cuwti ; -.vhile the directorial agents are bjjfilv eippioyrd in corrupting the minds of his tuhjects, and (educing th.m from their •allegiance. It is a fa&, that fifty Jacobin emissaries toere sent from Paris for the spe cial purpose of debauching the Prussian ar viies ; and that eleven of them actually pro ceeded to the capital if the kingdom. A near relation of Che king was informed of their arrival and of their errand ; but, in Read of taking any measures for apprehending them, he coolly observed, La police les survcillera —" The police will keep an eye on them." The firft AafF officer in the Pruflian army, Rationed on the frontiers of Germany, to guard the line of debarkation, is a decided Jacobin. It was lately observed, by a Prus sian, in the pretence of several Pruflian of ficers, that the king did not dare to "enter in to a new coalition—-Such a step would occa sion his deposition !} ! When ftcfi fads as these are tolerated, and i'uch languages as this is liiftcred w> pass with impunity, no conduct of the monarch, however absurd, tan .excite aftoniftimer.t. But is not this prince aware of the dangers to which he is exposed by his unnatural neu- j trajity.? Does he not know that the French j have offered the emperor the pofiellion of Ravaria, on tke death of the eledtor ; and t;hat they may be tempted to make him (till snore alluring offers, in order to procure his coni'ent to their projedts of aggrandizement oij the Rhine ? Nay, Us have good reason i tahclnvc that such offers, including the its tion of Mantua and the adjacent country, hare very Ictely been made. Were the.em peror influenced by the fentinwnts which aftuate his conduct, those offers woiild be accepted ; it is therefore xbt interest, as much as it is the duty, of the Pruflian monarch, to strengthen by his aceeffion that leaugue which has for its objedt die refinance of a power, that has fvvorn hatred to all monarchy, and which has de\*oted all monarchs to de ftrudtion. One of the most wife and salutary mea sures which the emperor of Germany has adopted, is a dismission of four thousand of his officers, for to their perfidy and trea chery may chiefly be imputed the disasters ' vbith befel the Imperial forces in the last 1 campaign in Italy. He was right to crust j all domestic traitors before fce refumeda con- I test which can only end in the annihilation of the Frinch Republic, or the destruction of the German Empire. The die once cast, no alternative will remain. The country of ,the Grifons will probably be the firft scene of artion. The emperor, seconded as he is by the inhabitants, ought immediately to en ter that country, the pofleflion of which is of the utmost impprtance to the future opfc rations of the war., On the one hand it will facilitate the recovery *of Switzerland, and open to the Imperial armies an entrance in to Prance, in a part that is whotty unpro tected by fortified towns. On the other, it wjjl enable the French to complete and fe . cure the conquest of Switzerland, and even fiye them ati easy paflage into the Tyrol, fnderr tlieie cntumftances, if the emperor waits i'ntil the enemy tell have flricken the . firii blow, bis folly may be deplored but can .not be excufcd. , " The, temporary viftory (fays Mallet du Pan) gained by the French direitorv over, the courts of Vienna and Petei Iburgh in the eoynfels of the king of Prussia, lias been at tributed to the talents and credit of Sieyes, hutthisopinion is without foundation. Sieyes has not concealed from* the directory the horror and contempt which i-s expreflcd for him at Berlin, by people of every rank and description. Though the Prafiian govern ment has obfervfcd towards him that appear ance of refpeft which is due to a public char after, yet it has'taken good care not'to.ex teed the limits of the cuftoinary etiquette. the court nor the city has diiguifed its true l'entiments in regard to this crafty priefl. .Every one keens him at a dilance. In his quality, as minister, philosopher, au thor, and doer of revolutions, he expedted npthing.fliort of the nioft refpeclfiil homage, fy»it he has not been honrred with a visit from anyperfon of dift : neti-n. " There never ex.:' d a more artful, and more corrupt, man than this Prnoencij-prieft, whefe haughty pedantry refpefts not the pride of others, difdnins decency, and indu ces hiih to fancy that all his equals ought to prostrate thenjfelves before the immensity of his knowledge. What 1 pec its of success could probably be obtained at a polilhed court by a n .obicuic metaphysician, as mean in point of vigor.as he is haughty in ronverfa tion, unacquainted both with the forms and spirit of .negotiations, devoid of all qualities ■which gain aijt'ftion, merely qualified to frighten probity, to confound reafdn, and tojinfp the pjoft defcrved mistrust :It is this lall fenthpent which has regulated the conduct of Prussia towards this emiflary of anarchy; he is watched by the cabinet of Berlin, bated and disbelieved , his residence ill that city has been more beneficial to Eu rope than to the French republic ; it litis completely alienated the aSeftion of count Haagwit*, the atfhial Prussian' minister for foreign affairs, .who i? deemed the moll per verinj pr.ojnrtte'r.ef• the fyltenrof neutrality prefcr vt4 by.the.PitjlEau conrt." Holland is in ganger of inundation from the dikes, as they have not been repaired since thjf, beginning rff tfcff revolution. Ac- Cording- to the last accounts from France, the dikes of Dol, in Britamijr, were broken down by th# lea, .an iminenfe ; extent of country was inundated, a. great number of cuttle and houses swept away, and about ,o >°oo families reduced to the iitmoft mife- IV'. a'ny' habitation arid rcfource. J misfortune arole from the dikes having ceen fer t'lffe tight years pad all over Prance, to whicb-canfe are likewise to ', 'mputed the fame disasters that have be tallen Morbihan, and La Vend:?, and the b at tVe 1.0-v-r ! r;;,-. "Ij uLlkVeads which formerly tvwg ar, r of admiration to ail foreigners, are nearly imputable. V e speak here, only of pl> vfical, disasters, for to ?mj«rerajc ;ji-,tbe .moral disorders, murders, :-ir.fli o »tiojis, 'iuicides, &c. would be an endlefsbbor,. When the Great General of the Nation was living in Italy at the rate ->f 20,0C01. a week, the whole world seemed (00 little to contain him ; 'he scene is however changed in Egypt, as he wrote (ome time ago to his brother, that a finale room in Paris would content him* Slice that period, he would, bo doubt, be'glad, like his Comptrol)er-Gc neral, to get there even " as naked as ike back of his hand." Lucian Buonaparte has drawn on him ftlf a coiifiderable degree of indignation from the Agent of the Directory, by hid observations on the conduft of the French Government towards the Cisalpine Repub lic. The Clef du Cabinet of the 13th inft. observes, that " a letter from Lucian Buo naparte, has a awakened the of the enemies as the country, hscaufe it appears to have sown in France the feed of new dif fentions." Citizen Lucian is perhaps in debted only to the fame and popularity <>f his Brother for his exiftei C e ?n Frnce, or even for his privilege of wearing a head. He would otherwise no doubt he qualified to give a faithful leport of what his r.ame-fake has attempted, the Dialogues of the Dead SDomeitic Articles* CH A RLESTON, February 23. We have gathered no farther information on the fubjtdt of the papers detested in the Hamburgh veflel, which can be relied r-n ; a trunk was y fterday found on board of her, the contents of whicS it is said are of considerable importance. February 26. We are informed, that the Frenchmen, who were t ken out the Hamburgh brig Minerva, and confined in Fort P nckney, Ire now released from their close confine ment, and fuffered to walk about the Fort, and that thsir baggage has been rtftorcd to them. February 77, A letter received by the schoo ner Ph be. frcm the Havanaa, mentions, that a large Hamburg (hip, from Hamburg, bound to the Havanna, with a very valua ble cargo of linens and feme Teneriffe wine had been captured off that part by a French privateer, which cond'idled her into the Havanna, where she had been.condemned. BALTIMORE, March t3- ExtraS (f a letter from one of the,officers on bnard the Montezuma, dated Martinique, February 14, X 799, to his fr 'tend in this city. '* Friendlhip demands the tribute of a tear—the tear of fenfi ility on the death of a young gentleman—one foho truly deserved the title—Mr. John Barry, midftiipman, who died of a »Jalignant fever on the firft of February. Let his friends know, that al though he died from thetn, he died not un lamented, nor will he fee Ihortly forgotten by those wln» had the pleasure of hi* acquaintance—one more has fallen a facri- 1 sice to the disorder. and others are inft&ed' " Saw this day the frigate United States which 2 days since came up with a French privateer of 12 guns and 80 msn, and funk her at a single shot, and now has the priso ners on board, who were picked up. ,J March 15 A public dinner, in honor of the brave commander of the Constellation, his officers and crew, for the naval vidfory late fo gloriously won over the •enemies of their country, was on Wedntfday lalt given at Mr Brydin's. A number of Occasional joafts were djak, a correct lift of which we have not been able to obtain. A letter from on board the Baltimore (loop of war, dated the 3d in!) ant, mentions, that "the (hip had been restored to order, and was weighing anchor to proceed on a cruise, of perhaps 3 or 4 months, uiider the comand of the ill lieutenant, captain Sperk. Mrnf Bunell, we und.rftand by a letter from himfelf has taken his passage, in coiii pany with Dr. Stevens, special agent of the United f>tates,ar,d Mr Meyer, former con sul at that place, in ordtr to return to the Cape. We farther learn, that as soon as geti. Touflaint prohibits the privateers of the island from coainrii ting further depreda tions on our commerce, the vifTcls of the United States, will be again permitted to carry on trade with St . Domingo. NORFOLK, March 9. On Thursday arrived the schooner Caro line, Wehb, frotti St. Kitts—by her many letters have been received in town from offi cers on board the United States frigates the United States and Conflellation. We are indebted to our mercantile friends for the following INTERESTING LETTER. Extratt ot a letter from an officer on boat J the United States frigaf, under the com mand of commodore Barry, to a merchant in this town, dated At lea, on our pafure from Barba does, to Martinique, With a con voy, Feb. 13, 1799. - " I wrote ydu some time part from Dema j rarsu fmce which nothing material has occur red except the capture of a French privateer from Guadaloupe on a cruize ; the particu lars are as-follow : " On Sunday the 3d infl. to windward of Martinique, at 8 A.. M. ;>ve chafe to a fchooncr, and at 3 P. M. came within two gun foot of her, wliefl, to the afloniSjment of all hands, flie attempted by short stretches to gr-t to windward of us direifUy under our battery, but in this (he failed, for w/r foqn brought her too, our third (hot having gpne effcftualK through her, and in a few minutes fl.e filled with water, upon which th-y haul- sdtfbwn their fail*, ani set u}» the me!?.ia- ciitizefls, the propriety ps voluntfifting illimitable luiwl I e«r?r heard ; and although a gcrtcfil contribution,- to fuftaiti and i-p ---its laid they hive Sb-liflitd all religion, tfc«v li«ve thole fafnilies/who, if cbnfeej'-tefice of have not forget the: old way of imploring thg the aMence of friecifi, tv:ll be deprived of proteftion ol the omnipotent, .with gefturee, their ftfpporf. profeffions and prqteftations. " Our boats were immediately jsnt to their relief—T was in the fiift, but when I came near, and found the cvtw alf ftript and ready for a fvyim, I thought it not fafe to go on board, but told them the only .chance for their tufety, was to run along fide the fljip, wjhch they d el, and in a few minutes after the icboooer went down. The whole of this piratical Crew were saved, amounting to 60 men. " This tm tjus fclioonefr proves to be the Le Amour de la Patrise, and has ran for four years with great success, in capturing num bers ot our vefft ls-<~ihe was commanded by the infamous Williams, who was some years ago in your town. During his la ft cruise (lie captured the schooner Margaretta, be longing to Norfolk. * " Our fhlp outsails every veflel we meet. In fix hours we run, the Conftitmion hull under." Xije dPajette, PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 18, On board the Montezuma, at Sea, lat. 32, 30, long. February 20, 1799. I HAVE Fo frequently trefpaff-d upon you, with my long- details, I am loath to trouble you any further at present, but as I deemed it necessary to proceed a litdt way with the c- nvoy under the Merrimack, iroin St. Cliriflopher'i, where I arrived in 24 hours from Prince Rupert's Bay, and as Captain Truxton exprefl'cd his deli re that I HiQuld give the lchooner Caroline a good run off, fr.om the Islands, J have taken her in tow, Hie being charged with his dispatches, which are of great moment, and I make no doubt will give yoti great jfcy.' I have likewile turned over to the Infur gente, 14 of my men, whkh .1 thiqk will | promote the naval service, Ihould he liicceed j in manjsing so fine a fliip. j I parted with Commodore Barry off the ' j Road of BaiTeterre, Guadaloupe, where he i lent his boat with a flag to (ndeavour to ne- I gociate an exchange ofprifoner3 he took up from the privateer he had funk off Martini co, which he will inform you of, bet the fort fired on them and "would not let the n land, j I only saw the ciixumftance, as I had no op portunity of fpeakiag to him afterwards, not deeming it prudent to leave my fleet. I seems to be Captain Truxton's particn ! lar desire, that I should return to him, after I have difmifled myprtfent chaise, and lhall comply with his wi(h;;if he thinks my ser vices can be better applied, in any obje£lshe may have ia view, than thoTe'X have planned —I have no objection, as I entered into the service with a pure zeal of -doing the oeft in my power to serve my country. I cannot conclude without exprefling my aftonilhment at the flourishing situation of the trade of America. When Lfee our'numr rous fleets constantly pafEng these islands, it looks as if our veflels sprung hil» ochr Hopewell, S 'oh g uelphia, defirnus to become members of the sloop Caroline, Scud der. Charleston I a Troop of Cavalry, are informed that CL.EARFD arß era ' va<- ""ci?s in the Troop; .;nd that Fair Trader, Ofl> ,er " ' SteVl™* H*»ry Mierken, in «. . The fln'n it* -Vincents K. T*yloj, James Hamilton, Owen Fonik and h-iv.nr;„ H . u' g . E ' ttr P r ' zc James Sirnmont, VVm Oprfeti's T] /• * e a Havanna ; Brig Belle na, tavern, Chefnut-flrec*., rvrry mondav evrninj?. ari-iti ha»e arrived at Savannah; briir OCi the purpofeof receiving apphca- Derray, do. ,o or 12 da\.;fcl, r tioM " Geerge Christian, Lingo, d». d*. fcb JAMES SIMMONS, Wr r . £? THE Infantry Companies of the Blues, in the city, are . i,iter.e'c!t?cJ;,P M. con pletely e^uipp.d. Rolert Hiysban, Acljt. P. T. ■ 1 • ' '4- ■ ,v A .CITIZEN* $3- THE firft Troop of Philadel phia Cavalry, will meet at the ufu.-.I place of pa rade. on Thwfday'utxt, at 2 p'cici'k, in the after noon. More than coir mop- pun&ualiry will be neCessary at this meeting as an iufpedion ef arm?, &c. will take place. Jubn Dunlapy Captain. 0" T&E second Troop ofPhila^ delphia Cavalry wiU meet at the Manage in Chef nut ftrtet, on Thurfiiay next at j o'clock in the aft ternood. More than common pundinli'y wili b« necessary as an infpeflion of arms, will tak« place. 0- THE Troop of Volunteer Green, will meet at the Msnage inC'hefnut ftrett 011 lfcurfflay next, at 2 o'clock in the alternoon; Morethan common punctuality, will heneseflarjr as an infpc&ion of arms, sfc. will talte place. Job): Marrell, capt. Artillery Blues. Take notice that a fpecia] rar-trrag said com pany will be held at OgcL'ii's ravern.Chtfniit ftree£ on I utfday evening-, (lyth infi.} at .5 o'clock in the evening, on i of *r<-a* importance; therefore i' is expend member will giv® his attendance. J< bn In. Jones, serj't. NB. As there arc ft»nv vacancies, application to become members will bt jwcfejved at thf fame time; march .8 Philadelphia Rifle Company are to parade in complete unif rm, at tii» hcnifc of Leivis Younj, in Sixch-ltr.*[*t, on Wednesday next, preciflv at 3 o'clock P. M. As bufilitis of efFeat importance will be laid before the Company, punctuality is expetted. Those members who havj been ballotted for, and have not yet appeared in uniform, are pointedly called upon to eannj withdifpatch. JOHN COYLE, Captl march 18. C. N. Mole. Canal Lottery, No. 11. Tickets may be had at N>. 68, Ssuth Second Street, at 20 dollars each. March 18. THE Creditors of the Subfcri bcr are desired to take notice, that application has been made to the Court of C'on.mon l'leas of Mif flin County, iq the State of Pennfylvania,in orde# that the applicant may receive the benefit of th« several laws paflsd for the relief of infolvetit debt ors, and the said court have appointed the second Monday in A j>ril next, to hear him and his credi tors at the court house in Lewis Town, in the said county. march 18. A CONVENIENT Stone Dwelling Houft .£\. two stories high, with two rooms on a floor d mo. IS Wanted a kumje Servant, well rfcommewKd j entb»hb can drrfg bur will be preferred. Apply the winter. March" 18 Ilr SULKS at AUCTION, By ISAAC MOSES, Cs* SONS. l>i CARGO of the {hip Sansom. Samuel Hubbart, from Calcutta £3" Madras entitled to drawback, for approved iiidorfed notes at 2 and 4 mouths. cowSisrrsc of a rtttfefraCHtoeM «f MADRAS j i*» ®OOD% BUGAd sod iff r •«., BBfTEft, J 0f <**&<* *M4( WA Days of Sale will be as follow, Monday, > The SUGAR, confining of ijoobae. March 15. J and PEPPER sop bags. The ship SANSOM, As (he arrived Iron, Sea, burthen no TuefJay, torn, a d coppered, with 16 guns, March 16 ]> equipped in the htft atii qnoft warlike maimer—a fwift sailer, is in the com plcatcU order ami canhj immediately , fcnttofek. Inventory at the Au&ion Room. Tuesday J The DRY GGODS, confifling of 650 April jf kales «f the most feafonablc and belt' ' J affortmett. N. B. The particulars of the aLove will b« given in a few days. New-York, March 15, ,g 5 Pursuits of Literature. ■ i,. t ,WjeM&yfjSSSP^if'' ' Itect - "'"" "• '** -* Miicpheifon's Blues. t■- . \ ■ ••• ' : , BAtfAtlON -OfcOEßji Marlh 1€...: T, ' Abraham Singer, capt. To alt ivbom it may concern. Wm. ARMSTRONG, jun. | 1.1W3W INDIA SALES. i