9B Caned Lo IL X X 71L«. .fce finifhei in tho colttie of the prcfent W rncnth. The wheel U upwards of iio,ooc dollars richer in proportion thaii at the commence ment of the drawing, and only 3,700 tickets re main undrawn —T ickcts 12 dollars each, to be had at William Dlackburn's Lottery and Broker's office, No 68, Couth Second Oreer, until Saturday the c, tb iru ..m ,if cr vhich uay\ drawing they will lie 1 dollars and will rife considerably at the dole of every iuture day's drawing. march 2 aawtf Notice. T I 'HOSE "'ho have demands against the Estate of Mr. Gtonot Keprtt.*, deceased, in his private or individual capacity, aro requested to piefent their accounts to the subscriber.tor inem and liquidation ; and those who are indebted to the (aid estate are requeued to make payment to the Rev. Joseph TonNtH,no. 36i,fouth Second Street, or to THOMAS RYERSON, 110. 177, Market street, Attorney in fac above firm, Solicit* the patronage of the public a> d their friends; where they may depend on being served on the very best terms with the following goods : -—v z A general afTortrflent of Copper Bottoms and Sheets, for Copper Smiths and other purposes, Pig and Bar Lead, Block 1 in and Crowley St#rl, Tin in Boxes, and Brass Kcttlesin Ncfts, W» h a large and general assortment of Ironmongery, feb. 15- ciw w£jfcf NOTICE. AI.L persons having any demands against the Elt te of the late Jamis Wilsoh, Esq. are defiredto prtfent their accounts, proptrly authen ticated, to either of th« fubferibers. The creditors whole debts ire fecored by mortgage, are particu larly rfcijuclled to prtfent their accounts, as soon as convenient, in order to enable the fubferibers to make a (latement of the situation of the property. A meeting of the creditors is requested on Moo day the nth of March, at 7 o'clock in the even ing,*t the City Tavern. Bird Wilson William Nichols L dm,mV I tratori. John Adlum J AH Persons Indebted to the Estate of HENRY HILL, dtceafed ar= requeued to make payment to the fubferiber 2nd those having any demands on the fame to pro duce their accounts for frtdemcnt. GIDEON H. WELLS, no. T39, Market (Ireet Philadelphia dee. 4, 1798 eotf FOR SALE, A Small Plantation, OF about 116 acres, whereof 34 acres are tinder Clover of one and two years, including an orchard of ten acres ; 16 acres of excellent bottom and wp'anti watered meidow, and about *5 acres of woodland. The remainder is now under the plough, 10 acres of which are in the best order to lectfve graft feed next fpiinp. It isfituatedin the maaor of Moreland, Mont gomery county, and distant 14 miles from Phila delphia. The imprivemen'sare a stone Dwelling-Houf«, Kitchen and pump ; a flone Spring-Houb and Wafh-Hcult • a stone Tennam's Houffr; a la*ge flone Barn and many othur ufeful uut building, and a gv oil Garden fenced round with boards. i'«l further particulars apply to P. THOMPSON, Conveyancer, No. 43, Mulberry-street. B. BONSALL, Dotk-ftrect, or J. LAUMOY, osthe Premise«. • To be Let, A Store and Loft, NEAR Market-street Wharf.—Enqoire of the Subfcribcr, feh xx Hemp Iron. •Ibe Cargo of the Brig Fanny, J. Brufsn berg, master, from St. Petersburg, —eoNxisfitfc or<— 89 Bales Hemp, 1634 Bar* Iron 11 Bale« Ravens Dutk 3 Ditto Kuffia Shesting FOR SALE BT Pratt & Kintzing, No. gj, North Water-lirtet. WHO HAVE ALSO FOR SALE. aco Bales Ticktenburghs and Oznabrigs, ioo Ditto HelHans and Holts, Creas, Brit'annias. Patterborses, Bielefield Linen, Checks and Stripes, Brown Holland, Bunting, Sail Twine, Turl»ey Yarn. Htown (lent, in calks »f 7 doz. bottled. EartheD ware in crates, aflorted For Sale by eodtiTmsr Penn-ftreet,"> February 19. J One Hundred Dollars Reward. RAN away from the subscribers, living- in Som erset county, state of Maryland, on th« lith of December last, two Negro Man ; George and Randel—Georga is about fix feet high, twenty two years of age, and of a yellow complexion— h»d on when he went away a dark cloth coat, kersey breeches and white yarn (lockings j he is a pretty good player en the fiddle.—Randel is a bout five foet two inches high, twenty years of ags, and of a yellow complexion, has a ioud hoarse voice, and is a good deal bow-legged ; he pretends to be something of a cobbler ;—had on when he went away a fuftian coat, home-made karfcy breeches and white yarn (lockings There is no doubt, but they will change their clothes as well as their names—they having betn taken up on the 19th of December last at Duck-creek, in the state of Delaware, and committed by John Cole, Esq. (by the names of Stephen and Charles) to the care of John M'Wherts asd Thomas Kerker, from whom they made their cfcape. Whoevar ap prehends the above negroes, and has them secured in j«iil, so that the fubferibtrs may got them again, > (ball receive the above reward, or fifty dollars for either. \ jawtf GEO. DAVIS, 319 High-ftrret. aawrf aaw^w Englifli wrought Nails. Imported in the /hips Molly and Diana, from LIVERPOOL. 400 Casks of Nails, FOR lAII BY, Robert Denifon, junr. 117 Market-street THE COMMISSIONERS, Just Imported, SIMON WALKER, Pine near sth street. eo.tf. OAobtr 19 for sale, By the Subscribers, 15 pipes Old Madeira Wine, I pair of 9 peuiid Cannon 5 package* of Gum Guiaccum s bales of St. Domingo Cotton 100 boxes of Wax Candlas, of i.ilbs each. WilFmgs is" Francis. For sale by, PETER BLIGHT, At bis Store—South-Jl'tet f 10, j and 1500 acrea each, and will be fold, altogether, or in lota, as it may suit the purchasers, by one of the owners who will reside there during the months of May, June and July next, in order to put them who may become purchasers in pos session. w&f tf The plots duly authenticated and certified by the surveyors, are in the haads of the fubferi'- bers. Every latiifaAion will be given with r*f pe& to the right, to which the patent* give full and ample testimony. Great accommodations will be made refpefling payment, and every aeceflary information may be had, bv applying l ° F. & A. TUBEUF. Peterftiurg, Feb. n. lawjm Wharf and Stores, For Sale. THAT valuable Estate about 71 feet 3 inches on Water street, bounded on the north by Saftafrafs street, and extending into the river De laware,on which are ere&ed very extenCve ftor»s and wharf in good repair—plenty of water for the largest (hips to lay at the wharf.—in every rcfpeA a capital situation for any butincfi requiring exten five ware-houses and the convenience of the wharf, or foe any pcrfon wishing so invest money in real estate, that will produce a handsome in come. Also, fHndry valuable Ground Rents, well se cured in the city, and of such amounts as to be an obje& to any person desirous of invetting money ill that way. For farther particulars enquire of the ftthferiber, JOHN WARDER, no. acß, north Front ftrcet. and Month, 7th, 1799. 3awjw Eighteen Acres and twenty-fix Perchet »f L A ND, In a fine healthy situation, with a small stone houle upon it, some meadow and woodland, a run of water, and a good spring ; Gtuated in the M-anor of Moreland, Montgomery County, on the Southampton and Wright's Town road, 14 miles from Philadelphia, adjoining the lands of W. Deans, Esq. W. Roberts, and J. Lau raoy. yfpply to J. LAUMOY. *** Poffefiion will be given on the firft of April. dim February 19th, 1799 A genteel, convenient three ftorv BRICK HOUSE, In Spruce Street, (no. 64) THIS houfehss been newiy papered and painted and was not occupied during last fcver. kb' ll, d,jc as. eo tf. George-Town. 3»w,}w REAL ESTATES. —a//*. — ON HIGH-S TR f, OH CBESNUT STVSXf. FOR SA'LE, To beLLett t PROPOSALS, BY i t <-,•' Injur a rice Company of North America. I'cr iNauRAfJCK Fir«, on Dwclline- Houses, Wwe-Houfes, and other Buildings (..ad on Goods contained in luch Building.-) distant lrom Philadelphia, in the United States. I. Common lufurance*, on hazards of the firft | class, will be undertaken at a premium of aliout hall per cent/ per annum, hor cxcra iv.zardous rifques a larger preminm will be required, which will vaiy According to feMoai ex ceeding one per cent, per annum ; oat in iome in stances, where the pro'perty insured is not only in itfell extra hazardous, but rendered still more so by the vicinity of extra hazardous buildings and occupations, the premium demanded will be railed according to circiimftances. Houses and Ware-Houses, the walls and parti tions of which are wholly of stone or brick, well ConftrutSed, so as to h? guarded as well asmay be agsinft fires from within, and tree tjyni I'rtra ha zardous buildings and occcupatio:i-> in thrir neigh borhood, will be deemed hazardous of the firft alafs, and may be insured to their full value. Also Goods and Merchandize, not o' an extra hazardous kind, in caflcs. bales, or packages, 4e pofitcd in such buildings. an amount not ex ceeding 4000 dollars ; hut if more than thisfum is required to be insured in one tenement, an addi = tional premium will be required, in proportion to circumstances. 11. Insurances will also be made on buildings and goods extra hazardous, at premiums proportioned to tharifque. But it is Mot cafy to arrange these under particular heads or dalles, so as to describe each with the oeceffary accuracy. Each caf must therefore be decided upon aecordingto ihe eircum ftances att«ndiug it ; and the fa eircumftances wili, in general, appear from the dcfcriptioo accompa uying the application. Buildings partly conftru&ed of brick or (lone, are preferable to those wholly wooder. And in both cases, the stile of building, how they are oc cupied, how they are situated, the neighboring buildings, and how occupied, are confederations to be taken into view. And with refpeA tt, goods, their tendency, whether from their n-.ture, or from the manner in which they are exposed, either to commence or to inereafe an accidental fire, and their liability in such state to receive damage by wet, or by sudden andhafty removal, or to be sto len in tiir-e of confuflon and hurry, are all eir cumftances of weight; and the premiums must be proportioned accordingly. ill. The following conditiont are to be under stood by the parties . ift. I"he Insurance is not binding till the ftipu latcd premium be paid ; hut it ftiall be deemed ef fectual from the time of such payment and accep tance thereof, whether the policy be immediately figncd or not. »d. Insurances raay be renewed at the npira tion of the term of the policy, without further ex penfethan the payment of the premium of the re newed term, the eircumftances continuing the fume as they werennderftood by the Insurers at the time the former insurance was made ; but the pay met] t of the premium is elTential to such renewal; and ff the party infored fuffers any time to elapfc after the expiration of the former insurance, before he pays a premium for the renewal, he i« not insured during such time ; nor can the insurance be renew ed on the former policy birt by computing the commencement of the renewal from the expiration of the former insurance. The fubjeA of insur ance may ne.erthelcfs be open to treaty for a new insurance. 3d. If any other infurancc be made en the firtic property ; k mull be made known at the time of application, otherwise the policy made on such ap plication will be void. 4th Good* held in trail, or on consignment, may be insured as such in a separate policy ; but they are not ts be confidcred as infilled atherwitfe. 5 th. This company will not be liable or accoun table for any lofc or damage occafioncd by any for eign invaGon, or by any military or usurped force or by roafon of any civil commotion; or oecaGon, cd by gunpowder, aquafortis or other thing of tk like kind kept m the buildiog, or amongst the pro perty insured. 6th. Bills of Exchange, Bonds and other Secu rities, Title Dtedt, Money, Bank and other pro missory Notes, are not included in any infurancc ; nor are paintings, medals, jewels, gems, antiqae tuiioGties, or mirrert exceeding the valae of twen ty-Gve dollarteach, to be copfidered as insured use left particularly mentioned asd by fpccialagrct mcDt. 7th. No infaranee will be ttiade for a ftorter term than one year, nor for a tongtr term than fe vea years. Verfoni choosing to mfare for seven years (hall b eallowed one year's premium by way of difeount: One third ot a years premium (hall be abated in like manner on an insurance for three years. Bth. LolTet by fire en prof ;rty infur-d, {hall he paid in thirty days after due prouf and li quidation thereof, without deduction. A det'ciiptton of the property to be infiirod will be expefted with each application, to be made by a matter carpenter and signed by him, as well at by the owner of the building 01 applicant for in surance, and attcfted before a Notary or principal Magistrate, who will certify his knowledge of the parties anrl their credibility. With refpetil to Houses and otner Buildings, ift. The site and position ; describing the street or road on or near which the building Hands ; its contiguity to water, and other cir cumilances relative to the extinguilhmeat of fire in cafe of accident; and particularly whether any and what fire companies are established, and engines provided, in the place or neighbourhood. id. The materials of which it is built, whe ther of brick, stone or wood, and what part of each, as well as to the outside walls as infidc or partition walls, and their refpetflive height and thickneli ; the style of the roof and of what materials; howfecured by battlements or par ty walk j what kind of acocfs to the top of the house and to the chimniea ; whether any and what eleftri< rods ; the number and kind of fire places ; and the kind of deposit for allies. 3d. The dimensions of the building and how divided, and the style in which it it finifhed so as to enable indifferent persons to judge in what manner it is to be repaired or rebuilt in cafe of injury j the sge and condition of the building, and how occupied, whether merely as a dwel ling house, or for any other, and for what pur pose ; also aneftimate of the value of thehoul'e or building independent of the ground. 4th. The situation with refprdl to-other build ings or back buildings, whether adjoining or not, comprehending at leail one hundred feet each way : what kind of buildings are wkhin that difiasce, how built, of what materials, and how occupied or improved, whether as dwel lings for private families or otherwise : whe ther any and what trade or manufactory is car ried on, and particularly whether there be any extrahazardous articles used, or ufi.illy dep»- sited in the hovrfe, or within the difauce afoce faid, and of what kind. Refpeding gsodt in Woufes, WareJioufts, *c. I. A general description of the building in which they are kept will be expe£*.ed, timijarln all refpeiSis, as to the danger from §'e> that required for Infmauce on the buiidincs tliemfclves. . jtawtf i. A description of the kinds and nature of tie goods, whether in calks or other packages, or opened ; anil whether difphyed in whole pieces or in the usual form for retailing. And if the goods vary materially in kind, a general estimate of the value of each kindpronor,! . be.nlured i but in the l>ft ot dtlcrrption is not expedted. u 'cn t ,, f 3. Articles of the following kind,a redfem ed extra-hazardous, though in various in whatever building they may be placed " ' pitch, tar, turpentine, rosin, wax, tallow 'm inflammable fp.nts, sulphur, hemp, slav r * unpacked Looking glaflVs, jeweler'y • ?! other articles more than comraonlv infbl ble, or more t{un commonly liable to injury™'; sudden removal or by moistures, or pa.tcuLf obnoxious to theft on an alarm of fire y Letters poll paid, Sccre tlr „ r the Board of Dinars, will be duly attend i to. An order for Insurance accompanied l,Jff means of piymg the premium, will b e dZ d.ately executed on the premium be,»g By order of the Board, Eltenezer Hazard, tee'ry OJtce c n " Front-street. Wht bat for Salt; Or to Lease for a term oj TearJt A number of valuable trjflt of LaiKlt fituited for Mills, Iron «Vorks or ly improved, lying chiefly in the county o tingdon flat* of PennfylvanU. Thofev'bo incline to view them will please to app Y John.Canan elq. near Huntingdon. Cbarks Ntvrhld. July o Joh^JmTpouitney, TJEING diffolred by mutual consent, all p" _ D_ Indebted to them arejryqof ft*and JOHN PWL7HST' JAMES POVltsf-p w&frrf ift mo 30 PRINTED stY J. »'■ PZHX 0, V; T..- * Secretary of tie Trcefuryi iawt t