• < . " ... '• - ,- » Saks of ('aluable Property. T| S o e d £* CITT DANCING ASSEhBLr. On THURSDAY the 28th day of Much «$»?• ' l^ U ' : n "'' U: lh '' Al * "*>' nol ex<^' ti: ; K tllat I'HE Sp 1 jerihrrsare i..fdtm<*d tfi*t n . Yt +*??+** &* c 1 1 i • ~, aru * ?eUVI«» nulhbe procured, manned j the i.ext A. n,li:)- will be held on Thursday the Trf'/1 C'//A l) Uti T* 1 *&&?£&'■■ Z**%' : Xisf' *"V S' A\d h •,'. j {, J -.;?'. employed as soon as may be for th» f*• 7th of \:.uL It til hi Sold by Public tendue, . it fhaU be kr.vful f« % };:%• of ~ny di;iri«l ofthe Uuitcd Ma.es. And • lce fc; - ,7 At 7 m " At the MM lc I'crry, neur the Kalis of Delaware, .^fIiSJJSSCP 3 } Court «f the United Sutea,' withih afci.* Pf cefliry expenditures to be incurs!? k° f '!* Volunteer Grenadiers. T "" !!' t | T ,N ° / dittnrt any contagious or epidctucal diieafc a sum not'exceeding one million of doU eia ' THIS Cm |>s isordcred t;> affeoible at the Koufe MelfiKige, Uts, Ba.fdmgS, ator-works . f % (l « % ¥"* P?™ I'* 1 '* « "P" 1 ?. (hall be and hereby apropriated ,ft of Wm. Ogucn, in Chefnut rhcct, at 6 o'clock 4i . *Jr lr/cs o. pe: ho paid out cf any monies which fh 11 k • on Saturday ev.i.ing next, o.i bufincfs of impor- situate in the county of Bucks, oppofste to the T r±l TT UJQ* s. I «rpetfi>9f In the pr'.fon <,f focia d",l- theTu-afurv *f the United Statw " tance. thriving tmvrrs of Trenton and Lambrrtoti y jLjCIZUS Ot nJC LJ TlltCCl K^ld^CS» . tn*t, in ot any law t«v L jvt. ci therwife appropriated ' n °* °* """T K- HARRISON, tf ttrj't. b f ,r S far! of MorrM FJIaU. State,, to di«« the ,1 tit $ A , feb. 2r ift.' IHK manfKn house latily occupied by Ro —»cw«- . pCil»n p. ridilS as to i»c the Prcfident of the United Statr* il! 11 l 1 T . A n Vat t~* ' 1 , bcrt Morris, jun. E/q. with 34 acres of If «»-f-i* 4r I rmo.vc Jto the jie>:L ad i-ceflt vrii'on where and i\ lierr-Kv V.R „ ALE, land,including an excellent garden, orchard and /-vtlltt)olTlTuch dileafe does not prevail, then* lo be difcrt tion the fo-rr f ° RU ?? lent » at his 50,000 Acres of LAND, '-™ J V ■ , _ t.ntil ;,e, fee orttey may be MM „win X e W Vel H LYING in the county of Ruffe), ftatt of Vir- The hoafe « near y new, eonfiftmg of a hall, . removed back to tlx nlacv c-. - ' e , » T •*, I building for ,h e f„. Rinia, (xjunded on the east by the riv«r two passages, two eleg nf h. w rooms and ,iree Fifth Congress pj the United States fi n „ment which rcßiovals be t the Ijj-' i' C Un,tcd Slatss > by allcwinij a „ Clinch, on the fnoth by (he .iver G.iefl, and other rooms on the mam floor ; four chambers .J . ■ ; s ,V , , ~ l.n-ujclit , «Inch itsiov.il;, lx -t t.V additional number of guns and men th£' to the weft by Sandy-irer. . Thi,tra« (situate S™" »» "PP" ™ '• u, **£**,<* the United States. beyond the cftablilhed rate,andTeco - ' fix miles from the ConrtWe of the above 18 Grounded hy a piazza ol 14 teet j' 7 C Tk«» the surveyors, are in th'e Jiaads of the fubferi. pf stone the other bnck ; a gootl stone bam and America, in Congress asutniltd, 'llwt the whenever, in the opinion of theTihief luftice. t relident °t the United States (hall h{. btr?. Every f«ttUfa and saw makcrt stop on Mi „ such Rate ftrfpediively, and by the masters the laid court to such other place within the advanta g« and compensations, proportionj. IN this pamphlet thereare varioa» fads and a,- . and crews of the fevera) revenue cutters, and fame, «r an adjoining diftrift, as !x may W y to r.te, of such yeffel,, and (lull be gov. g-jmrnt. adduced to prove that many of the Indians lohoufes of different sizes on the fame street. by the military officers who (hall command derm convenient : anti the laid nurlhal (hall erntd PV the rules * ,, d difcjplme, which arr, in America arc descended from the Tin Tribes. A house now in the tenure ot R. 1 rimble in any fort yr Hation upon the lea coall thereupon adiourn the laid court, by or wl, "-h fliall be established lor the n»v» 0 f Lately published by this Author, with a large barn, barrack, aud extensive lot. and all such' offiv.-rs'of the Unit»d States publication thereof in one or mere public the United State.. The Chriiiian. a Poem, in fix books; a Poetical e * e " '?®'' f " ccup,ecl " wo p '" stall and they hereby are, authorized and p lpcr s printed at the place by law appointed JONATHAN'DA YTON, Six brick buildings', with good lots near the faith ;P"y cxttutio " holding the fame, tVom the time he flu.ll S^r °f'% of Liberty, a i'iudarit Ode; Obferirationi opon upper ferry. _ • of fucli quarantines and heal.h Jaws, accord- receive iuch order, until the time bv law iH . JLftLKbON, the Downfal of thc Papal Power, and the confe- An iflatid in the river Delaware, c< ntaming. in o t0 their relpechve powers and precir-, when j journmenu of the Diflrift and Circuit Courts J resident oj tbt Jwtd StJUi, 'T*HAT valuable Efiate about 71 feet jiinehes or hoops, mil! for drawing wire, trip hammer, f CDn * u W'tv to iuch quarantine* and healthy within jheir several dillridt, to* i'ome cOn\e« . . on Water (Ircet, hounded on the north by A forgt and compleat air fur nice for convert- I,lWs '.'quue it, and m "aflafraO flrcet.and extending into the ti*cr De- ing pig into bar iron which (tall .be iubje& thereto, to prolong) Sec. 8. And be 1: farther enacted i'hlt the Depaititient of Stite. . Uwarc, on wluch are erc.<2ed very extensive ftorss The whole of the island, and the above the terms limited for the entry of the lame, the aft, intituled, "An act rehtive to Timothy Pickihjxg, tSJ&fSssaSrrSS <«WW.bn, lulintf. t;i]uiring r,ttn I,M.' " 10 «W "• J'lp:»l= ».th » 0 , othtr re £ yl». f„Ulll. CoO S rcf, of the Unittd St.lC., Ulull - I r ! s 10 reports orentn-s: br, and the latne is herebv rej ealed. ?LBfP VP! fTtt Z&SZ'O&pS?J3R if) a , >Wl#™* uvctsn Articles roPie ed ; purchaser« may be accomodated witb a ) coiiccr a aury or tonnaje or im- Speaker oj the Hiuse of Representatives. mauttc Aifo, sundry valuable Ground Rents well fe- f without the consent of the Congrel's of j THO : JEFFERSON, - „ November I. eure.l in theeity.and ofluch to be an ofthe lands will bere:erved for that.pcrpofe. the United Stafes thcrctq : And provided, Vice-Preadent of the United States, . " tas lately greatly incteafed. lngalligned over all hi. rtal, perfooal trail be always kept open. thereto, anyveffel arriving within a coHeftiwn tences vbicb r*a- arise incarrying into •• ' - and mixed, to the subscriber', for the benefit - r J mu, arise in cm rj/ing into HRresFl S \I-.- . of such of his creditorS as may fuhferibe to the FARMS Wn~ t t ? prohibued from effect ««« treat,e* between tbe United said iffigomcot mi or before the firft of Aucuft AfarmedWill ' •►• • ' f o,nu « to ths port of entry or delivery by . States, imd settril tribes or nations of ."* an K >"• having, been mftfofoei 'next. wXhire^»oS' >* w '"abjilhed for such diilrift, and lnd..ms. f. w.th a wnfiderable jibber of .troops hm Notice is hereby .given, houfe,baen, (table, out' buildings,'a" Vxceilent l' I ''', 1 ® r P srft>lK -f such T> Eit enacted by tbe Senate and House dl ' : r rent P' lr «,.the liete hiving btea To all persons indebted to ihe said efiate, that orchard, with a good cyder prel's. healtt-ausj that the cargo ot iuch vessel Jj °f Representatives of tbe United Stales er . v w here attucw-a fuceefs, and we tbey are rrqucded to make immediate payment A. farm called Bayley's, fronting the pofl *** ma y be unladeni at foine other place of America, in Congress assembled That w U)on rciftora}, to either of the aflignees, or to the said Samuel road, containing 149 seres* with ag od new within or ncaf to such diftrift, the collector lor the purpofc qf defraying the ex'peiices ericral haj already declaredjtlic de. Miles, who is authorised to receive the fame; two-story frame : heufe and" neW-bam, remarka- attth rized therein, after dufe report to him 1 which nuv a rift iu carrvin^'into effi-a the P ai "tment of the Dvle and this citv no.loDset in failure whereof-.fcgal-fleps will be taken for bly well watered and timbered.. of the whole of inch cargo, may grant his following treaties, (viz.) A treaty made in a ftav °Hiege. Seven waggon, with ar, aS " e ,10td,fChSr ' in^SSd S2Kri f# V te ■ GEORGE ASTON, I taining too acres, part wood land, on the farm r a ' lchar^e the care of the : New-\ ork, on vthi seventh day of April. or } rfrls - CORNEI.IS COMEGY'S, > Assignees « a new house and barn. _ urvcyor, ot ot one or more u.fpeac-rs, at one thoulnml fevei, hundred and ninety, aud TGHN ALLEN \ A m ca^ Lovei'*, containing no 1-2 ie other f c h. 14. ' ' I tawtf acres of good frelh land, with a good new honfc permit, and upon the conditicos and re (trie- ahd concluded' ut Culerain, iu the (lau- of , According to hft accounts from Bdgradc, CHARLES CAMPBELL. ot th ® Treasury, or which such collefto, one tUouiind hundjidaod TV AT C H-M AKE R. "tSZS^Sbfiioufc and S?c£fc TfAS removed to the .'.hop formerly occupied b "»- jSLfw ? d '" consequence fentcourps to fcvfral IT by Mr. John Wood, No. <5, corner of ' Watson's farm, containing 185 seres, with a that ln c^ er y lu cn ca,e, all the ar- eleventh November, one thoufani seven hun- :hc neighbouring Pachas to rtcjuire rc, hoofefnd K T, l x ,Cr "' K g 0r l " ck>furcs ' " the colleftof stall ciefignate, July, one thouiand seven hundred 1 d nine Appearances are again very warlike. TV A (had fifhery on the river Delaware, with 69 luch coiieftor, and of the owner or owners, j the amount of three thousand dollars annu° ot the U hiuf, and be augmented to 80,000 «» -«, i acres of excellent land, including an island cin- ° r r iatt "' 1 or ot |' er perlon having charge of ally: And the treaty made and concluded at me ?" The French head quarters at now at . ..'bai r,-,,',,, ed Goat lfl4nd > w ' th the right of landing on luctl vellel, until the fame (hall be entirely Teliico with 'he Cberokfe tribe or nation on W ' lba den, and will, it is said go with gene. > RAl',} j\ 'AN ; the mi:n and establishing a ferry to Lamberton unladen or discharged ; and until the goods, the second dav of October one thousand se ra ' Jourdan to Strafburg. The situation of A1.y.1, one or two Apprentices of refpe«£la- There» on this place a tenant's house, and: one wares or merchandize which fliall be so de- ven hundreii'aad ninety eiirh- • and » Ehreubreitften becomes e.ven' day mom _ >r ejinns rent, stprefent for pofited" may k OOfremoved, without con- of fifaSSTnStiSd Jsttaft™ TS FORs/lB 19s acres of excellent up-land, fenced, and I. \? Uh ,, S ; a " cl 'when iuch ney ariling under the revenue 1v»; of thc A n.iintlHr ri\r'n* Uni (V adding several fine situations f©r buildings; part * mo> ' flowed, the colle&or having United States, which have b'-en h MILAN, Nov. 19. A kjgs quan my °f Watch GUflcS nbolfalc and Retail. The sale will commence at ten o doc ,n the may grant permits to the refpeftive owners other ourpoil - that is to f - o muchthC riv edliere, as General Infpeftor ofthe army 2 ; ;,awtf morning,and continue'till the whole arelold. or confio-nees, their favors nr lr -nf - *• " * J muchth^- re- . • • „IT . . , CJfy\rEDon.heb.nkof the by a mortgage on the premises. thall be el ered, and whereof the duties ac- the annuities itipulated as afore said to be arr ' vccL General Joubrt left this city the r-.H-lcia:. h miles from ftcm Itr.ft. 1. .1 un . a Y P 4 1 y 1 of a rea!on - to continue so pledged and appro»ria»ed lo dlv 'fions of the army, and their positions. Ihe haiUingsconfift of anK o^ G . l°f *' Sr'tet & SSsnirsrs?t z! _ ■J y ifta i c-r J i\TJ lUC ' a P\ )r /» cr an >' other mere convenient within the U'.iteo Stat** nv 2S2tz=«^ w rr?r r ■ a. s r