!>-» .rri_j ;i i; n -■ - . "*"""* Pincknev) yefterdr;v :r,!d th-committee, that |- tlirfp privateers, it may be'» Modfnn n AN " * uni ' ,eu 4 ',• ■ • Som CONGR E$ %■ -•'*« ungrounded jtrai'-uly had taken possession why we ought no* declare war against them - i -fV >■?* p *" k ' c b "* r ■?t" ~ n ™*""s •* & THE Suhfcrihers'are "rcfp/flfullV informed thrt f"*V hT' f HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ' n"/? J*'! Ms * £~ 'the" the next AlTembly will be held on Thursday the R»nd«U-«■' five feet two inch , high, twenty year, of _ Pmckney (aid he did not mention of Wm. Ogden, in Chefnut-ftre.t, at 6 o'clock and of » T ellow «**«'"»». h ®» a } oud hoar . fe T,ll XSD.tr, January 24. t,ve I he was leaking 0,1 the subf ub J e£t of * ar *J C " " dulgC them ' If H °t. they will on Saturday evening next, M bufipef. of impor- voice. a»d .s a good deal bow-legged ;he pretends cOTßniitte#bf the whole Mr * L. said it amounts to the lame thing, retrain fromthem. tance. P '» be fomnhmg of a cobbler ;-h a d on when Ihe Ihe houl „ oUhe whole distrust relative to war, mull relate to ex- Mr. Otis said, he would state the motives By rtmmnnJ, went away a folhan coat, home-made k.rfey on the above b,11,, and Mr. Spaight » amend- ■ f , , (l|tl . s taken in which induced the committee a (C- HABmsnK I a .rri't breeches and white yarn llockings.— There is no ment under conlideration, cutive meauires , tortne meaiurts committee to mfert this feb. a*. ' J j doubt, but they will change their clothes as well as Mr. Living tton was airaid, and it could th,s ho . use rplamr t0 war ' must in C l on " eC , blll, Jt was stat ed to the com- — 7 _— -r-~ their names—they having been taken up j"*' not be too often repeated, that the committee , tio " with executive measures. Mr. L. said j mittee, that ravages and depredations to i * fVRLCH dULlbl I ■ * 9 th of December last at Duck-creek, in the state . . .. . he had ever considered jealousy, though a great and nnfchievous extent, are fanftioned T H E memb«r» of the Welch Society are re- of De.aware, and committed by John Co e lallk wht " t0 a h b >' tllC various pots in S 1 quested to attend the annual meeting on the (by the names as Stephen and Charles) so the care gentlemen ha\e heretotore lo warmly elpoul- f Governmental m-ocrfdin- than Weft-Indies, with which th P iL-.L c firft of March next atone o'eloek at Owen's "f John M'Wherts and Thomas Kerker, from e d, viz. the danger of interfering With the " , !n r governmental procmlinrs man » u ' cb ' wn.cn the United States Tavern, No. 36, Chefnnt-ftreet, to choose offi-' whom they made Iheir escape Whoever concerns of other ;tovernmen«. Jt has been blil c! tons^ nce ? a » d if T > laid " L " ar;l " e at P 63 "* At C " r ] raLoa , Havanna, Por cers for the ensuing year—a dinner will be frovi 1- prehend. the above negroes, and has them secured s a id that this dttelhale plan has been prac- t0 be considered in the light of a jealous toKico, kc. our vefTels, captured by French ed and on the table at 3 o'clock preeifely. jo jail, so that the fublcribers may get (hen, agau, tQ an ;|[ llr Eu ' llHkno /„ to man, I mull consider the gentleman from S. privateers, are taken and fold, and sometimes OWEN FOULK, Secretary. receive the above reward, or fafty do, thc ancirnt or mo dL world. If this is — ~ ' -John Nelson true, though he uns&iot himfelf inclined to where they really ex.lh Which of by documents on the: table, that the judj« January-p I7 no belleve it is a llloderll doftnne, it Certainly d.fpoht.ons may be indulged with and officers who condemn them are concern. IN purluance of a refolvc of the JVlUtam tiowns. ought not to bc pr;iCticed , nations wh ; the least danger he left the committee to ed. n1 the vessels who make the captures, Pre Mem »nd Manage,, of the Delaware and i \ dim make the law of mtions their rule of aftion. dete^ mine - For his own part, when he saw This bemg the state of things, it was thought Schuylkill Canal Company, Maryland, February 15, .799 S We have complained, laid Mr. I, that oppde an amendment, which necessary to introduce a ledtion of tins k,nd ; .he Stockholders are he,ehy notified and re- ° es t0 n,eet what they fay is the objett of for since the fourth fedion is agreed to, it s ™ tul:*Z & &/« # «•« L ?"■ i c ° uld ° o ' ,void ; f*» *» i ~* t *« ■» - citizeiisof this comitry itom its government. n,o«me.n, than ,n«t„be l«re,of,„e li.led f r .„„ St. „,l: be Company at their office near the Bank ofPcnn- On THURSDAY the 28th day of March If the fad is founded, aad could be proved, ear i # Tw u - A . A -it | lrive " t0 thc J e P lac "« It would, therefore lylvania. U ° nex t> it ought doubtlcfs to ha-e excited the indigl f *" t0 b r^ 0l "« halv «' not a Extraft from the minutes, TJ/'ill I.* A., p,.A/;> nation of all America Let us said Mr I iaic * an y thing on this lubject,as rt.is le&ion of this kind to be adopted. With GEORGE WORRALL, Sec'ry. Will be Sold by FubllC Yendue, " a ;° n J A w k I P all r a commercial concern, of which he refped to the argument that these iflandl w WILLIAM GOVETT, Treasurer. the Middl. Ferry, near the Fallaj.f Delaware, u " knew but little ; but he also conceived that obliged by treaty toadmit French * Jan. frfa 4 w. .. «, roccowiso to fay by law " that we will give particular agricukura ', interpfl u conneaed with to t^eir / ons> | U yp D . } ff. MeffuaS * L S PwS's WatCr * WOrkS the Franco,aTl Kundto ,®j 1 j| enlen arC m 0" is meant Fl ?" Ce and V in .°f this kind ; but if these Fennjylvama Dtjlri3 % \ ana riantations, r. .1 u 1 u j r , this bill than meets the eye ; they are afraid prizes are taken from a nnitnl N°Court w^riL al hidden Si "f { in tbi *"<*'><*&<"> th * nation, and, of course, cKy to die will £ take a °'. 8 °J an "d Spain thus become^ at the ctiy Hall its the City of Philadelphia in and '^ZllTa^ffMorrZM F%u ' of their government." Are we not about TTh KM? 2TL j" T US ' luch a '^ty for the Pennsylvania dillnit, on Friday the Bih b ""J ar ™ t0 do this ?No man who reads thU bi „ can thought this bill calculated to promote peace, ought not to be.binding upon us. He could -f lay of March next, at IO o'clock ill th<» forenoon mansion house lately occupied by Ro hefitatc to fay we arc. It is admitted on all hands, said Mr. W. not believe that Spam had entered into anv "of the fame day. for the trial of an information 1- bert Morris, jun. Esq. with acresof pr :» • i . that Hifpaniola cannot support itfelf. How treaty which would countenanre . filed by William Rawle,ef,. Attorney of the Unit- land, including an excellent garden, orchard and But gentlemen fay it is no lure thrown ft f , tice / Wf mi K IT .. r ? ed State".in and for the said diftrifl, avainft the some wood. out to the dependencies of France, to fay to ' lupport . £,itner we v mignt, laid he, as well suppose dutr.«, aga.nit the The house conQfting ofa halI) them y 'we are o ) iged to lent our , .° s ,e to let these gentle. < i?ui C milk-house and smoke-house, and at a conve- der to induce them to aft differently from tobacco through Spam to France, is this, me have their talk to themfelvfs. tr 1 j nient distance are substantial brick stables and their government, whether rieht or wronp- laid an advantage to the people of this Mr. Nicholas said the gentleman from i 45 hi lids. 1 coach houses, capable of containing ten horses ir would be riirht for afr I countr s r • " may be prefijmed, Mr. W. Delaware did not understand him • the o-cn log Bbls. I COFFEE. and four carriages, with every necelfary accom- to nepociate vrith fepame Lm of the Uiri said » that the President will go no farther tleman from Massachusetts seems to have balfbbls.] dationforrervant, b usiness than the intend of the coun- undcrftood him, but had not fatis&J hh^ 7 tans Logwood. The ferry from Pennsylvania to New- 3 The rirt V ' tr X This jealousy of the Prefi- Mr. N. did not mean to deny that wr ' r-in* .■ -v r u ■ „«• 1 Jersey, with a large convenient house, one part general government. Ine . mult be re- ;j„ u i_j/rn. u r c ■ v.. . j-n ™ - nave rite said Bngantine Express «,ng . offtone the other brick , a good stone barn and ciprocal. 6 I d ' nt h " a bad effeft ; because, from a want the right to intend,d 0U « commerce with a. 'lid L-npToyei in traffic with L perfonreGdent with-' ftablin ? for 18 horfe4 » w ' th this Wl " he folj 18 France may, for inftancc, consider the law t °, T" ' h 5 J Wl [' be , ena " " Y cou " tr y P ! but, if prior to our in the iurifdiaior. of the French Republic, contra- acre » ol la " d > a " d 'he priviMge of landing on authorizing the fitting out of vessels in the V a " r th ,' ns us ' He the treaty ol amity- and commerce with Spain, a ry to the form of the a& of the Congress of th# an y P of the eftatc. , L T nited States to cruiie again ft her, as an adt i amen " n ' cnt would not b'_ agreed to. treat) cxilled between France and Spain, in United States in such cafe made aod provided, and 4th. Four frame houses on the main road of hoflility and vc i n j urious t0 he - w " was negatived 49 to 41. which tbe r *ght was rrciprocally allowed to seized therefor, jtc pose, then, the government of Franee were 1 Mr - Egglefton hoped, since g-ntlemen had carry prizes into each oxtmt ports, with By orderoftbcCeun, de I °' 60 feet ■ roDt 4X1(1 400 teet to fay to the inhabitants of New-York °P pole . d amendt ? ents which had which we were acquainted at the time, if we, r l tf, n'.7-»r , 1 S ood two * or y frame house on the old or Boston, « provided you (hall refrain from offered ' w 'th a v.ew of benefiting the com- because Spam admits of these prizes, interdid t>l-, j, ~l 1° J J ,!v " roid ' with 1 lot of abov = dimenSon., fitting out any veflels against our trade, we mer « o f'« rU i" P ar " of the United States, commerce with any of her possessions, PhtlaMphpbia, I and a good Smith's (hop adjoining. will refrain from capturing your vessels" to which they belong, he hoped they would we violate Our treaty, and she will be at l'- 19 th Feb. 1799. j eviuf tatbmar. a frame house, and Wax Bleachers shop on Would not a condurt of thi«= kind excite'a fu PP° rt an amendment which he should pro- berty to fay, the treaty shall be no longer REAL ESTATES. ~, . . far greater degree ot indigmtv in -he Ameri- P ° fe ' ° Ut ,° f rCgard f ° r the commerce of that binding. This, Mr. N. said, was the ob- ft reel ' d mlkf " ° B M '" "n government and people, 'than any con- ° f th , e t0 \ hkh he f ia his m ""' this fedion, for which THE SUBSCRIBER, 10 houfei of different flzes on the flme street . dust of the French Aernment has yet ex- We are ' said in carrying on a he did not think himfclf deserving of the re- Offer» for sale the following defcrtbed property, A house now in the tenure of R. Trimble cited ?It certainly v> mid. Yet, where is commerce ' n tobacco to France. This com- proot which he had received. As to the ar ms' with a large barn, barraek.aud extenGve lot. the difTeitnce betwijf this"cbndu(sV, and that n ' ercc 1S ot no a dvantage to France, but it is gument that no harm could a rife from giving ' __ c OiV HIC ."- '' rß r > t Several buildings, occupied as work (hops. which we are purfuilTg ?" He c-would I'kely to run foul upon a treaty, it ought The improvements on this lot ar.-a substantial ahou( 4o aboy( . tht mi|] damj am , us juft.ee ?" This will give no answer. Eve- plundered and robbed, he hoped net: be given. ran«' below, on which are the following works, ry nation is its own judge, and can always this commerce would bc fuffered to be car- Mr. Gallatin believed it impossible to mis.. ZTf three XteSnuff-mill, Plaifter of P.ris mill Saw-mill, declare themfelvcs right, and their enemy ' ™ J ZJof T ° T Action ; it is ex- ' genteel parlours-a fpaeious drawing room-back prindftone-mill. Slitting mill, mill for rolling wrong. . ,t h s purpose, he moved to ftrtke out of the tremely plain ; and the gentleman from Mat parlour-kitchen—walh-honfe, &c. and a great bol ' 8 ' rolling mill for rollmg bar into flieet iron But gentlemen fay no negociation is to , k£t '° n ' t,le words " hired or employ- fachufetts is doubtless right in endeavoring number of Ued-chambeft. It han the privilege of or "oops, mil. for drawing wire, trip hammer, take Will the President, said Mr 1 his would give an opportunity, to to make this a party question in order »« 3 feet wide >oramnn ' LTZJt p r tters 1,0 ,onger fiued -?ve ff r e to accept of it,to cmpi °> :ncu ' Another lot on the fame situation and next ad- The whole of the island, and the above . c . n por s, renew mtercourfe at TVn* C'A j ,j . a L W or t' n ? the propriety of joining, westward to the one abeve described, eon- works, together with the lite for a grift mill, once with such port, without any assurance , . ' n " ,l this amendment would not i'"ion by argument. He therefore tair.i gin front, on Market street, 10 feet 8 inch- will be fold together or ieparate as may appear t' iat the fame conduft will be pursued ? Some i 1 . tin til the bill was gone through, makes an appeal to party, by faying it will e.i by ,306 feet in depth, on which are ereAed a two most eligible at the time of file. intercourse must take place before a procla- e c^airman confirmed this opinion. be best to leave gentlemen to their own on. fiory frame dwelling house aad kitchen well calcu- The dwelling houses arc, many of them, niation can be issued declarinc: that the orac- Mr. E. said he would move it at that time, verfation ; Mr. G. believed so too K,.r»,.r." s=»>• A". " f f » »• j-~iib.ta-tti.6r healtliy asd jsleafant by gravel walks and grafj plats few acres of land convenient to them, as part H< j re ls then a negotiation, and a treaty, not " L e one aTncr.imcnt,--he would eftion to anlwer the objedtions brought and a number of fruit and sorest trets growing 0 f the lands will berelerved for that purpose 7 a he would r t^r t r or p,ace in , whici be lo t d ? , feribed allev. As, m ~nJ ni> P r • , . government carte by its power. It would P rlvat eers shall be built, or repaired, &c. an unlimited confidence in tl,r . In the town of Dover, road, containing lucres', w?th £ '" g good ne°w But under nat '° nS a " Udcd ° f coronlerce > w hich the con ft i" KEVf CQUvrr, DELAWARE state. frame house and new barn, remarka- £ */*** t0 ,ndt ? ld " a, s who cxcrcife a r I t° /" u exclufiv <% placed in our hands > Eight Lots of Ground adjoining each other, on hly well watered and umbered. iubord.nate power, they can never be equal t ' lus . to c ° ine «■ and repair, See. and becaule Gould it be supposed that members on this tha weft fide of King street, containing in frost . " tarto called Clark's, between the road lead- to making a national compaft. A governor, 1 ls a " owe d, shall the President cut off door who repreient the western con r' r en the fame jo* feet, and extending in depth weft- ln ? }° Philadelphia and that to Falls-town, con- commandant, or justice of peace, may be ne ol ' r comm erce with these places? He hoped Pennsylvania, Virgins and r! It ""c'v ° ward about 401 feet, on which are eredled a two faming ioo acre., part wood land, on the farm gociated with under this ad ; and,'if this not she was not willing to go to any such tucky and Tennessee' story Brick Dwelling House, and another Brick «a new house and barn. amendment he , ■ r extremitv nnrl .1, U • /- cuee, llloula be lilent when* Builaing adjoining, suitable so- s Store 01 Office A farm called Lovet's, containing i IO I-a will neeocia'te with na'rfi ° l" 0t ° ' ly , We would not L committee P % "°« 's propof-,1 tothe House which together with several fiame tenements—a ftrcam acres of good freft land, with a good new house r.i ' 1 particular persons, but * _ nnght go to prevent those parts of the coun of water runs through the south part of tine lot, andbarn. expressly declare that we will negociate Champlin hoped the feftion would try from exporting a bu'hcl of whe where a tan-yard might he improved to advantage. 100 acres, part wood land, between the main th P erfoßS not under the .government. not be struck out - Great abules, he said, barrel of flour > This eoi.W not I '°V Payment of a part of the purchase money road and the river, without buildings. Gentlemen fay that this bill means that per- were commi "ed m tha Dutch and Spanife ed } for his own mr» h» notoeexpect willbc requires! the remamder may beat in- ioo acres called Butler's, with a house and son s legally constituted.only should be treated islands 111 the Weft Indies. InCurracoa, l>eve his ownews wLA. iv rii tereft for a number of years by giving the pre- barm with, but they refufe to fay so, by admitting id lle > imprisoned, and vef! of the bill. rCad th ' S miles in lecur. y, jJ ic^a^d RUND I E br ;^ : l™' C °j U «T? * 8 . 5 ', cres ' with aan amend nient which makes the matter fels commiffioncd by the French republic are a ian i» dt w 21 1 vt f on the river'- this - What is the meaning of this ' What to equip m those ports, and sol- AI T •, S cntlema n from Rhode —l ' r ; d"' maybe conveniently di- but if the general exprefiion is fuffered to lc>w our Ihips immediately upon their Pettine r had f a ' d about the imprisonment of Moore's farm, with xzo acre,, a good brick ,bnd ' would have Uin -der way. He did not Z"S3 has no relation to fhe.t, an ' a {feffmem of Eight dollars is levied on each liiaie, house and barn, and a landing on the river. P°wer to negociate with any man who chufes nal 'ons would juftify the treatment which have J ' T 1,18,1 payable, one half immediately, and the remainder in 'B* acres adjoining the above. to Tay he is in power under the authority of our leamen there received. Whether or not 11 P° wer to ' U 'F II(I our intercourse with 60 days from the 1 4 th instant; whieh they are rtqueft- A shad filhery on the river Delaware, with 69 France. The inference is clear. these abuses could be correded he could .mr aJI ™ ole places in which French privateers ed to pay to the Treasurer of the Company at the acres of excellent land, including an island call- An infinuiftion had been thrown out that tell ; but he thought it would be well to ' hul bt " b "''!t, repaired, Ecc. It is not known t me,lWiihed rath6r P promote the Prefint the t V-and Holland are The proprietor, w.ll please to recolleft the necefli- There uon tM> p , ace a 4 art - s y hottf< an " o°n" 0 ° n " rests of / raf,fe than of their own country. ° ffour 1,1 tercourfe with those islands : which, Lefenr ire P- UeS * the & tv of bcinn puß«ual,otherwife the forfeiiure of their for curing fifll . jf reߣ3 at BrefeHt sos l , It any inference ot this kind is proper, said howeve r it might be necessary to hold over Fir "' ar a ß ainA Great Britain, and that (hares w th^board °" ec uu lon * annum. Mr. L. the reverse is true. Gentlemen fav tbem terr ° r .«jjysras zssxr4s^ NOTICE The faJe will commence at ten o'clock in the 7 p ' UCCrta,nl * muft be a " advantage dered this fubjeft in its proper lipht Tf veffid ' f their captures of Br.tifh To the Creditors of William Richards, morning,and continue -till the whole .refold ° th Tu V° P** * commercial the United States have a beneficial"'rade to of' crui^^^ft' ui, 177?' Tfie terms ol payment are i- 5 down, r-7 in such of them as are in dtftrefs for provi* any of these iflandc u „ u trade to ot cruizing against the Britifti, they bring „ . „ f • p., ~ . one, the other in two years, with interett, secured f ,ons —to allow them to receive direftlv bv thi? hill h V not be cut off in American vessels, it cannot be expefted d f What \ h f y now receive in a tMn- ?V tIA ° f V? estate are req«efled to furnifh the.r accounts im- any monies paid in advance. Cma' can in 110 wa y avoid ... Vf w k »T to persons enquiring. Ed opposition. " . 'f, * mil jeice What have we it; and unless we mean to make even- nation Philadelphia, a jth Feb. 1799. m.th.::Msy Match,. dußMar . The ]cman Thev are oblleVh"'" thcfc islands ?If Europe a party in our disputes v ith France Carolina (Mr. the> are obliged by treaty to give harbor to ani declare war against them, as joint ent *** . - - ..rfaft"*. '