■ij" # > 0 cf tt>e tUtUtti Jl»t&tCo, a «» Philaidphia Daily Advertisth NuMBCi lOOg.] cj* The price of this Gazette is Eight dollars per annum to Subfcri bsrs residing in the city of Philadel phia. AU others pay-um.dollar ad ditional, for enckfing and directing; and unless fomeperfon in this city will 'become answerable for the fubfcrip lion, it mutt be paid Six Months in .advance. ViinrniSisriii — i >■i■ 11 M ~ , . 'LYS'7RJ:XCF OFFiCh, * THh laofci ibers beg leave to inform theircommer ~ial iriends in particular, ?nd the public in general, Ih At an office for the Insurance of Shipping, is aow opened 6i No. 95 Soulh Froiit-ftrcet, where a share of, ihepublic patronage is folici;ed. N. £s? j. FRAZIER. M» 5,5 tor f.ale by the Jub/crtber, A r Portsmouth (n.h.) THE HULL Ml&t&kts NEW SHIP, So fkst keel, 27 IX feet hold, ic i■' ks ; a'jc an: all the carpenter's and Cntith's work con. pletcd ; built of (ro®d found seasoned timber ana plank ; launcV9, South front Strfft, Next dosr to she Cudom Hcrafe. »-r-ir« a: r'ne oHi'tc of the UniteJ itjtc Gazette. ifei ' ; A quantity of Russia Hemp Cordage ao«i »ar Iron 25 hovjfticads fallow Platillas, Royal krirtamas Checks See in cafe* Now lajictifitf from 'he rtiif> Four Friend*, Capt. Hubber, from Hamburg, at JciTe and Robert Wgln's wfc.ari, and for Sale by THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND, Ivbo have on band, Crates of liai rlvm Ware Cannon and Carronadas of various sizes Dry white Lead Guns and Piftelsafibrted in cafet Gun Fiiuts in ltegs Ships' Muskets Claret of a superior quality in cafcs of i to 3 doz n each. ifb:. 13 'ust received per ship Juno. Capt.■ Waiters, from Hamburgh, Creas <2 la Morlaix, Dowlat, whole pieces Do. half de. Brown Platilhs. Also on hand, Ruflla HorfV Hwir, curled and uncurled. dim Do D?ck nai! rdds, Brangy 4th proof, and Kite, Forfalehy ISAAC HAZLEHURST & SON. ;t, An assortment of* Teas of the firft quality, White ami yellow nankeens Cafli.a, silk umbrellas an assortment of china/ware, and a variety of SILKb, consisting of Black and colored Luteftrlng do. do. fattins do. do. fetifhaws do. dtf. silk hanefkerchiefs do* do.' fewmgfilk6 Black Taffetie# ALSO, saw.tf. 12 pipes of excellent Madeira Wine, fit lor immediate ofe, jan 14 RYchard Bayley Co. RESPKCI FUI.LY inform the public that the Retail Buftnefs carriad on by thsm at their Store. No. 136, Market-street, will in future be carried on by Mr. Wm. Bonnar, whom they beg leave to recommend to the favor of th«jr friends and the public. All Persons indebted to the above firm and those to whom they are indebted, will please to apply to John Whiteside* & Co. or the settlement of their refpeflive accounts, who arc duly empowered fortbat purpofc. WILLIAM BONNAR, RESPECTFULLY informs his fricnd6 and the public, that the above Store will be opened by him on Monday the 4th ©f February next, with an assortment of DRY GOODS, Suitable to the season, which he flatters himfelf , will meet the approbation of thole wh« honor him with their favor. j«* *9 NOTICE. THE Public are cautioned not to trust any of the people belonging to the Swedilh Snow Maria, on my account. I dec 29 To be EXCHANGED for property within thirty miles of the city, or to let on ground-rent forever Several valuable building Lot-s, In Philadelphia, Enquire of Wifliam M. Biddlt.ne. 147, Chefnut- Nov. %% TO LET, "■pHE large House in Southwark, lately occupied * by Mr. Henry Mitel ell ; apply to Isaac Wbarton. Jan. It - FOR SA 21 vi BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 14 four pound Cannon, afferent lengths, 5 Cairoiiades. JOHN NIXON & CO. December i. _ § For Sale in Germantown, TWO valuable Estates adjoining each other, near the market place—-The one containing a modern (lone house adapted for a genteel family, coach house, liable and other buildings with fix acres of land, more or less : there is a beautiful garden with a variety of fruit trees adjoining the house ; the other containing a large convenient stone house, (lone am, coach house, liable and eut houses for fervams, cyder mill and pr< fs, with »5 acrc6 of land m re cr less ; part of which ii a good bearing orchard, the reft in winter grain ) repared for clover ; the land is in good order and ot an ex cellent quality : there i< a constant njn of water through both places. The greac houses of both ef;ate*are on the main street, commanding be twixt them 400 feet front ground, much calculated for building lots.—For further particulars apply to the proprietor Jame» Chambers, on the pre niifes. The above ellates will be fold together or separate as may suit the purchaferj, and immediate pofisffion NOTICE. Joseph Thomas's Creditors ire hereby earnellly requested to furnifh their Accounts duly attested, as foan as convenient : thereby to enable the Afljgnees to form an idea of the (late of hie affairs ; —arid, all those indebt ed to said Thomas, are required to make im mediate payment to either of f(>e Subscribers. SAMUEL W. FISHER,') Aflignets WILLIAM BUCKLEY, > of JOHN HALL. J J.Thomas. dec. JJ MAYOR'S OFFICE REMOVED to 157 Soulh Sccond'ftrcet, 0»W By JOHN WARD FENNO, N° 119, Chesnut-StreEt. PHIL ADELP HI A : MONDAY EVENING, ILHRJJ ART 25, 1799. •« mi «^nwr.'^-'wiiMi rOODS, - Richard, Bayley & Co. Hans Olof Kock, master. FOR SALE, street. WjW& f3t Ms. Francis T TAVTNO r.Jtrn Mr. i if XjL relpeiSlful'iyinforms his fricfufcjed rtu pub lic in general, that they propose opening their fchoul immediately on theis arrival from Bal:i ---marit, of which due notice will be given in this paper. Private tuition in families as usual. Terms and time of beginning will be made known in a future adtertiiemcnt. Feb. 7 dtf Java coffee, , ABO'u J' ai.ooolb. of Java' Coffee in bags, en titled to the drawback, dioc At No. H9, Market street, Where also may be bad as usual, Ironmongery, Cutlery, Hard ware, Paiats, Giafs, &e, &c. of RICHARD WISTAR. 3»Wtf Feb. is. To be Let, A Store and Loft, NEAR Market-street Wharf. —Enquire of the Subscriber, feb 11 Ta be 'Let, A genteel, convenient three story BRICK HOUS>F„ In Smir, (r.<. C 4) THIS houfeb a been newly pigeMd and parted, and occupied during lift fever. Feb. ii. djtaf. eotf. ALL Persons having any De mandi against the cftate of the lilt Robert Hardic, mariner, dcceafed, are hereby requefled to present them for fettlenient, and allthofe indebted to {aid estate, to make payment to either of the fubi'cribers PETER BAYMI ON, Walnut-firett. { c JOHN CRAIG, ( Exm "°" No. IZ, Doci-Jirtet. y Jin. 14' A Farmer Wanted. WAITED a irarried Man capable of man aging a Farm (of 60 acres within 10 miles of the city) having some knowledge of gardening and whwfe wife would undertake the charge of a Dairy, &c.—Such persons, on producing fufficient recommendations of their honelly, industry and so- wiil meet with liberal encouragement ; for particular* apply to th« printer, Feb. 6, Paiture Lot. T© be rented lor one or more years, a Pasture Lot in Fourth street, continued, about half a mile above the city—lt is m a good state of culti vation, well fenced, conuiix msn acrss,- and has the benefit of a run of water puffing through it—apply to the printor. fob. 6 7 o be Sold at Public Sale, On the 15th ofthis month, at the house of Willi am Anrlerfon, in the borough of Chester, De laware county, A Lot of Ground fitnated on Chester Creek, 180 feet on fsid creek, and 100 feet deep, there is on said lot a good fton.e dwelling house and kitchen, two good stone store houses, two good wharves, and an excellent place for a lumber yard. It is at preient occupied by Margaret Moulder. Also, abaat 36 acres of good Land in the townlhip of Kidley, and county ai'orcfaid. There is 011 laid premises two small teramer.ts, a _goad young apple and peach orchard, and an ex cellent good (tone quarry s>n Crum Creek, at pre ient occupied by Charles Ramsay The terms will be made known on the day of sale JOHN WALL. February 9. .jtawtijth f. 'T'HOSE who have demands agiinft the Estate of Mr. George Kepph.*, deceased, in his private orindividual edacity, are requsfted to prei'ent their accounts to the fubferiber lor adjuft mcnt and liquidation ; and thofa Who are indented to the said estate are requested to make payment to the Rev. JosiPH Tußij wi,no 36n,fouth Second street, or to THOMAS RYERSON, 110. 177, Market street, Attorney in fa«!l for Mrs. Ann Keppele. N. B. —To be let, a good House, with convenient Stores, 6cc. in a most eligible situ ation for bi find's in the Dry Good line, or other wise. In thi» house there were no inhabitants du ring the prevalence of the late malignant fever ; and the whole ha« been well repaired very lately. For terms appiy as above. Also to be difyofed of on Very moderate terms, part of the library of the late Mr. Keppele, confuting of frsm three to four hundred volumes of valuable Books writre« by the most refpe&able authors on their refpeflive lub jeils—Thefe are to be seen at the house of the said Mr. Turner, and to whom application for them most be mide. Feb. 14 Thomas Clayton, Hatter, HA.* removed to Jto. 116, south Front flreet, where he intends carrying on his business as formerly, and has on hand a complete aflortment of his own manufadured ladies, gentlemen ami childrens' HA rs. Canada Beaverlst Mujk-rat Skins, With a complete aflortment of FURS, always for sale.-—He has received per the late arrivals from London, a complete: aflortment of Fhjhionable Englijh Hats, Whi,ch be now offers for sale at very reduce! prices. ■j»n. ap Printing Work, Oj Every Kind, EXECUTED AT THE SHORTEST , NOTICE, At ih; Office 0/ the Gazette of the UnitsdStatss, Dancing FOR SALE, GEO. DAVIS, 319 High-ftrret lawtf 3avrtf saw tf Jaw tf Notice, ;aw4.w Removal. iaw6m *w. :: * . - ,ew •■••. » - .; •, CVv* \= •< ■.' V.-*Vw# " ! • Tv A. / . •4^ White Oak Logs—or « White Oak ripe—Wanted. PROPOSALS,, triii. bs xscsirtD, On o« before the iotli day of March, For the Delivery, To the Gorporatios of the City of Philadelphia, or their igtttit at any part within the said.City of tha,WH9LE or PART of 104,000 feet, running meafu'e. of WHITE OAR LOGS, In \engths of ten of twelve feet, Or of tiic fame quantity, of LOGS, Bored into pipe, countarborcd aud tapped, as under : 24,0b0 feet to measure 13 inches at the thickefl. end, if bored, 4 i-a inch pipe. 16,000 feet to measure 12 ncches at thithickeft end, if bored, 4 inch pip« $4,000 feet to measure 11 inches at the thickest end, if bored, 3 inch pipe. 104,0e0 The Logs mwft be flrait and free from {hakes and knots : no faulty logs will on any account he received. Thole who deliver propoials for bored logs, are requeued to mention the price at which they will deliver the logs unbored, in cafe it b claret of do. at 1 do. do. do. j ior quality. Alfa on Hpnd, II bales ticiLlenb^g». at aj to 48 cents pr. ell ii do. Wefer lirrnen,*ti6to to cent» pr.'yird 1 boi paterbr>me» ; ,f 5 boxes hollow.glifa ware J. (firft^u»lityy Erk'k & Lewis Bolltnann, 4.- .. 1 * Wo. loo,.Sjiruce ftrett frb. 13 ¥ Wick-1%1 Tm Hvßo*««,a'(>d Biafife»lßfywNcft», ■*. > Wtih a large and rtneralaffomneiit ol Ltoßtnan****,, feb. i 6 r : -f i - ; ;; «!«i.< eff.tts, real, per i'ottal .. b d, to the lur tfcr benefit of all creditors— NoffcJi is her Ear ens#, TO all persons who are indebted to the fatd Eilate, thjt they -ire requeued to make inm>ediace payment of their refpetfive accounts, to either of the affijnees; in failure whereof, legal naeafsres will be taken lor 'he recovery of 'uch debts, as art not diicharged without further delay. V.V; January i Engliih wrought Nails. Imported in the flips MqJ/j and Diana, from 400 Casks of Nails, CONSISTING of 6d, Bd, iod, ii BJ, iod, nd, andaod, finedrawn IharpB —also a, 3, 4, and 6 clours—fprigi— tucks—lsuppei nails—flieathmg riaiis, i?\-. THE COMMISSIONERS, APPOINTIiU bv the Coippraiion to open Books of Sublcripriop f.>r a Loan to intro duce WHOLESOME iV.tTKR from ;he Kiver Schuylkill by means of Steam Engine) (already comrade.l t'»r) Cemcr Squire ami from t Wrote to hip difiribn.Vd through the Citv. tive NOTICE, THAT a book wifi be opened at the City Hall to morrow, the 13th inltant, and will be con tinued from day to day, until the Loan ws corn pleated, where the commiflioners will attend from 10 o'clock in the morning until one, to re ceive fubferiptions. By order of th* B^ard, Jacob Shoemaker, sec'y. »d moi j». •B. len dollar* to he paid on each fharc a the time of Subfcribinjr, 30 dollars it the expiration of two months /from the tinjt 30 ditto, ditto, 4 months f 30 ditto, ditto, 6 months) "bfcribing , Pennsylvania Population Company. NOTICE is hereby givento the Shareholders, that an aflcffment of Eight dollars is levied on each (harc, payable, one half immediately, and ihe remainder in 60 days from the 14th instant; which they are requcft ed to pay to the Treasurer of the Company at the Company's Office, No, North Fourth-Hieet, agree ably 10 the times above mentioned. , The proprietors w ill m rfcolleft thc neeeffi ty of being puoftiwl, otherirife the for eiturc of tl*ir fhareswill be incurred jgwabjy to Ihe soaftitiuioft. , By order ot the bo»rd, - ;' SOL. MARACHE, sec'rjn lawiilii V Feb. 16 Is given to all those indebted to flis firms of Jackson Es? Evens, . John B. Evens, is * Co. Evens Bullock., - - WMtioriy Epens Co. and Jotiri - % Miens? . THAT th« is fully anthorized to aifc j»ft. the affaimof those convn s 5 "Sfad : tfctffc 9viT"s;will be uidifcriminatcly commenced oft' all account? that xenwlii tfcujJaid OQ tbt acth day of March next. *-.4. • fcb 2 pQR Sdl Juiges of said Court. On the perition of David Jones, a prisoner in the jail of said county, praying to be discharged ac cording to the prorilren of the ail of aflembly made for the relief of infclvent debcors, the court orders, that the said prisoner be brought before them at Pittsburgh, on the firft Monday of March next, that his petition and his creditors may he then heard, and that his creditors have due notice thereof by publifhirg in the United States Gazette, that they mry (hew cause, if any they have, why he lhould not be discharged. By the Cmirt, "JAMES BRYSON, Proth'y ft'iruary I , » *» «v s [Volumz XV. GEORGE PENNOCK, WILLIAM FRENCH. wed & f r.6w LIVER POOL. FOR SAtt stY, Robert Uenijon, junr. ii? Market-ftieet. NOT ICE. John B, Evens, 119, South Third-ftn-et, cod6flr * J&* ■c * t St" ( * v "' -y 'J 2 aw