Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 12, 1799, Image 3

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    P %i)e
The impedem, leditious and inflammat 0 "
ry memorial, whjch we had occasion yesterday
to notice, purports to be the address of " a
number of the natives of Ireland residing in
places convenient for mutual communication"
—their ostensible objeit, to obtain " a re
peal of " the law concerning Aliensthe re
al design, without doubt, to obtain the
most exteniive enrolment poflible of existing
United Irilhmen, and by the plausible falf
hoods it so artfully dilplays, to make new
" The law concerning Aliens," it is set
forth in the remonstrance, " affects with
great anxiety" the fubferibers to the petition.
From this, and more expressly from what
Immediately follows may be gathered the di
rect acknowledgment, that thel'e petitioners
are aliens, foreigners, Irilhmen. Thus ac
knowledging them [elves to be Iri(hmen, they
with unprecedented indecency proceed to ex
ercise the firft and den reft rights of citizens,
byaffuniing'tothemfelvesto pass cenfureson
our government, our laws, our principles,
and our general conduit. In this manner,
are we audaciously bullied out of our reason,
and thus (hall we be bulbed out of our pro
perty, and our lives, if restraints more se
vere than alien and sedition laws be not fpeed
i'ly imposed.
Although the petition is pretended to be
from Irishmen, it is remarkable enough that
the principal aikors in difleminating it, turn
out to be citizen* of America, viz. Blair
M'Clenachan, Reynolds, Duane, &c. Thus
does the revolutionary talisman endow patri
ots with the faculty of reconciling two gross
inconfiftences—thus does it enable them con
tinually to after new rights and privi- -
leges, without afTuming any of the duties :
and obligations of theirnew chara&er, with
out renouncing any of the immunities of '
the old. Thus do a body of foreigners ere£l
themselves into a peculiarly privileged order;
and thus are they permitted to cast over the '
original American character, a shade of ob- 1
loquy and contempt. t
If the authors of this petition are Irifli- '
wen they have no voice here. If it is the 1
voice of the country that they be imprisoned
or banished, there is no appeal, unless, in
deed, they mean seriously to resort to arms,
a design, which their conduit evinces to be
not very remote from their imaginations,
—not indeed against imprisonment or exile,
but against measures of internal policy do- u
me (tic regulations, of the propriety or ne
cefllty of which we are the sole judges. <j
If they are Americans, what have they
to do with the grievances, real or pretended,
of Ireland \
But the truth is, that though the casual- °
ty of birth, in the one cafe, or the obferv.
ance of certain forms in another, may war- a ,
rant men to aflume the character of an I
rishman or an American citizen,—such men _
as those engaged in this difgraceful business, a .
httvo ao y>a Wlicttr '
i£ the American, that would own Duane or
Reynolds or any other United Irithman, J'
for a fellow-citizen ? If there is one, he is a
fit tenant only for Hell or for France. "
Where lives there an honest, a real Irilh- "
- man, that wouldadmit either of them to be °
his fellow-countryman ? Ask the members of *
St. Mary's Church—the gentlemen who ap- u,
prehended Reynolds—aik any man of fair w
character, in the city, or the United States,
—you will be answered as he was, that he t r
is no Irishman, but a traitor.
The nextclaufe in the memorial that me
rits any notice, is a pretty dij-eit allulion to ?u
the probably meditated aflaffination of the f 0
President. They remind us in language by
no means unintelligible to us, (though by
obfeuring it, they seem to have strove to t i,'
make it (o) that Jefferfon is their friend and
patron—that it is only neceflary, in order
to make his friend/hip and his patronage ef- a i
feaive, to remove Mr. Adams ; « his mor- *
tality," they observe, « would 'occasion a i"
new standard of conduct." Beftirew my f ou l,
but I believe the withered paw that indited ''
this line, clutched in bloody imagination, a l,i
dagger prepared to do the deed. These are wh
no times for men to wear their hearts upon r n ,
their sleeves. F ior
These audacious petitioners and remon
flrators go on to describe to us the Irifli P
charaiter ; and to dilate on its confluence g
to America. 1 hey represent the Irish na
tion, and particularly the Catholics, as op- gK
prefled, discontented, and impatient for a
revolution,- under the auspices of France 316
with many oth-rfimilar assertions which cv'
<ry day's experience gives the lie to. " Ie
As to the Irish character, it is better ,
known in America than these outlaws imair
ine. We did not take it from their fampk ° nS
or it would have been seditious, treacherous C ° r
and sanguinary ; we did not take it from n° r
their report, or it would have been woife.
There is bne trait in the Irish character r
(generally received in this country so far as -
our observation extends)'which, with every '
people that aspires to be great, ought pecu- J. 1 ) 5
liaily to endear it a strong, and where
once polleHcd,an inextinguishable nationality. t ?
Had we copied from Ireland this firft of all j j
requisites, we Ihould not at this day be bull- i f
ragged by an ignominious band of outcasts j-n,
and outlaws—our citizens would not be •' n
j•op ad i zed for aflerting the character of | v "jj
ot their Country, nor their fanituaries pro» -p!
faned by (edition and riot. The outlaws _
know this charaiteriftic of the Irifli nation
—lt has been branded oil their hearts, —and j o „ ca
the iron of experience yet hUTes in their j g '
imaginations. They know it well, for it ( _ r„j
drove them hither; and it is because they
know it, and its power, that they cor.ftantly *'
labor to array the formidable and honorable > ,
propensity, a°ainft thole who hold them up
•n their getiui-ne, bloody and detestable co
lors to the world. « The Irifli blood runs ~ 1
not so pure here as in Ireland," fays one of
oi .. :e ahi;fe 0 f t-ic Irish nation, <
would not have been patted over." The A- I
'y erican Gazettes, fays the petition, incef- '
lantly propagate n:iiVcpvefentations concern- !
« ing the Irifli it fidents in the United States,
and the Irish in general. One fellow has
u. gone so far as to accuse a printer of calling
" the nation" Irish out-cafts,—lrifl, Vaga
n yTT. va &r»nts,—lrifli cut-throats, 1
mat 0 " 'lrifh blood-hour.ds,—wild Irish. To pass 1
terda? °ver the pretty cjiujax i* the composition, <
,f «a the absurdity of calling " the Irifli nation," 1
ng i n In in out-cafts, could only enter into the 11
ition" brain of an Ass. No, no; not one of these i
a re- expreflions was ever applied to the Irish na- c
he re- tlon b y any printer in America ; these things i
i the are-trumped up merely to kindle the glowing p
lifting hea t of weak minds into ads of afTaflinaticn t
: sals- — tlle "illigator may betake himl'elf to Dela- t
enew ware county, or any where else, till he sup t
poses the deed is done, and then deny the a
[ s s et tatt by justifying it. ' -j
with Jhe remonstrance closes in a strain of pee
ition. f ullar turpitude, and demands here more \
what len fftby notice than we are able at prefeiit I
ie di- t0 oeftow. r
oners _ a]
S ac . 1 o record pafling events, and those parti- ir
|they cularly which excite general interest and ai
0 ex- anxiety, or affect the repose and comfort of ti
zens, the community, has been deemed the eflential v(
es on province ot Newspapers— When newspapers, n,
'pies, re '. P ais 111 (llence over a transaction, la
nner, a ™*<; tln g >n no remote degree, eyery member th
afon, °' lociety, they countenance, as far as in fe
pro . them lies, the offence, which they thus auda- da
e fe- c 'oufly attempt to smother. ca
seed- is
A French gentleman, agent from Guada
:o be lm was landed at Cape-My, yesterday
that morning. ' -
Blair r A BULL.
fhus Hibernian diseiple of Escnlapius, tvbo
atri- was Drought before the Mayor on Sunday last,
jrofs 'interrogating one of the witnesses,'asked
con- the following question ; » Did you or did
rivi- you not see three or four persons assaulting
uties me before you came up V—To which the i nt
with- "'"""ess replied " Sir, I have not the faculty f p ,
s of °f seeing where lam not prelent." (^ a
're it jj c ,
der; A correfpond.-nt wi'flses to know how
the Me(Tiß. Claypooleand Bradford came to "re- 0 f
ob- men-ber to forget" to insert au account of t hi
the daring putrage committed by the Up- t hi
rifli- raen in St. Mary's Church yard on Sunday hri
the last- 1 Tf
jned dCI
on , s ' chapter i. tht
•ale, ,
d ° Life of Government is RiPUTATroK." U.
ne " the
1 honorable House of Representatives Eg
, , of the National Government. foil
' 1 address you, Gentlemen, Mr
I on a fubjeit, which I know is important to fpo
the community, over which you are placed
" as rulers , and I wifli in the outfe tof my naj
address, to convince you, that I will neither
- accost you as my servants, nor arrogate to Me
myfell the character of sovereign. That I
els > approach you with tiie confidence of a free
man, is true, but, at the iame time with the
•or reverence of a fubjea ; that reverence which
is a 13 r ot ,- lncom P atlble wi th my rights, but an
* "nfa'ling concomitant of a freeman, whose
• mind is i m pre lied with the sacred duties he
" owes to a legitimate government, and to you
sos 3S r C ° n ' pCnent ,P art °f government.
I am a native American, born and
f a £ °^ ght Up ,' n the coun try, and in common
te<i 111 >', fell °w countrymen, have fought
he' a , ter T ncw P a i ler<; ». confining your debates,
that I might gain information of the pro
ceedings, learn the different charafters and
to Opinions of the speakers, &c. In doing
the r ' S been s om etimes surprized, and
bv et ' mes mortified, at finding bad gram
/ mar, falfe logic, incoherent premises and
y wrong eonclufions, publiflied as coming from
the mouths of our enlightened Reprefenta
"u tives.
,r few weeks lines I concluded to improve
■ a little leisure I had in coming to this city,
and hearing for myfeli. After a number of
days faithful attention to your debates, I feel
| myfelf impelled by motives of duty, to alk
e your attention in turn. Your debates are
taken, or attempted to be taken by two men, Mefl
whole names T do not know, and whose per
sons I onij know by feeing them in your
house, taking notes': one I am told for Clay,
n" and the other'for Bradford's newf
-4 P a F rs - 0 )' hearing the aftual debates, and
reading the printed ones, I discover the
great injustice done by the publication. I
am,not about to accuse the note takers, they
J are falid to be Englilhmen, and men of inge
t.' ni, 'ty> and by their appearance are young
men ; perhaps they do their best; but not
, r oeinp acquainted with the country, its poli
tics, the members, and their p>litical opini
> ons, it would be strange if they were always
ls corre ft ; the fait is they are often very in
r, R° rr ?f' J ef P ecial} y the debates ppblilhed in
Bradford's paper ; would it not be better to
ave no cebates published, than very incor
reit ones ? '
y wav he «^ P r e i u thC coxintr y 3r S l,c in this
delnKia ll J fe a re pablifhed in
e haM "j " eyeS of the fakers, pro- T l
JSV A Ch r P eak co ire it ion, and n T s
11 I leave th mU ■ 1 " Xaftly what they fay."
. I i ' co nclufion to your own -ood t.
s gentlemen ; read the debates, atpub- b " f °
s '^ ed ' with tb " impression, that they are
f JU n h ? Pa f e<t m your houfe ' anti what
-J!' , eke 1^ ,lt R&cur to my motto,
s E ofGover ™ t " Rotation, R ev
molt of you, certainty, probably all, will re Ff '
I mem G was Spoken, and the" &
j occasion which rendered it peculiarly impref
: i Ti'r t ; at a " y rate the f en tence contains ~—
a feli evident truth—no government can gT
exist longwithout its reputation is s up . the Pb
ported ; and upon you is emphatically de- livered
yolved the all important duty to support the at 12 0
reputation of this government, so dear to A r
the people, it is a sacred deposit we have o'clock
lodged in your hands. The opinions of the
people at large, must be founded on such Feb.
nation, j fefts as come to their knowledge ; and al-
S r d jI , glVe Credit t0 the intentions ofMr.
, .ncef- J Bradford and Mr. Claypoole, and for ought
oncern- j I know, the note takers are men of the in
states, moll integrity, yet the debates are spread
ow has , into the country newspapers in such a-man
calling ner, as has a tendency to injure your repu
, vaga- tition as men offenfe, and,/, ore, as men of
hi oats, literature. ]he people are i.iduced to think
r P 1 ,nl y of a government, when they are
.fit,on, obliged t© think lightly of its admjniftra-
In va ' n you fay, « if people Will
to the take the trouble to attend and hear us, they
ft hefe will decern the real state of things, and be
fh na- convinced that the debates as publiflied, are
ings mcorredt ninety-nine, hundredths of the
lowing people can Wno fo U rce of informa
nt,** t.on on this fubjeft, but from public newf
'Dda- papers; and very good men, well disposed
n h P' toward s government, are led to fay Congress
y fre wafting their time in uttering nonsense !
I his tends to destroy the reputation of
ofpe- government, which I repeat, is its li»e.
more Whatever is publilhed as coming from the
> relent Executive is correct and energetic, and the
influence of those publications has been seen
and acknowledged by all. If the proceedings
paiti- in yout house were as correftly publiflied, I
t and am happy to declare, from personal obferva
.ort.o* tlon ' your reputation, and that of the eo.
lent'al vernment would be greatly increased. It is
apers, J not for me, who am unacquainted with legif
ction, lative proceedings to point out a remedy for
!m >er !; evil > evil it certainly is, and its con
as in iequences are becoming more serious every
auda- day. I submit these observations to your
candid conf,deration. A word to tbe'ivise
is sufficient.
asked Monday, February ti.
r did Mr. Harper, from the committee appoint
tit ing to confer with the Senate on the disagree- !
' tbv ing votes of the two houfeo as the bill re- :
Wit? fpectmg balances due from certain individual
state to the U. States, made a report, vyhich
lies on the table,
how a mefTage was received from th« President i
r e- of the United States, informing the houfr |
"tot that he had approved and signed the aft fur- ,
W>- ther to fofpend the commercial intercourse •
nday between the U. States and France, and the i
dependencies thereof. t
A mefTage was also received from the Se i
nate, informing the house, that they had c
patted a bill for organizing the troops of the t
U. States, and for other purposes, to which t
they request the concurrence bf tin's house. J
The bill for augmenting the Navy of the
ok." U. States, was read the third time ; and on
the question, " Shall this bill pass ?" Mr. *
■ ives Egglefton rose in oppofitioo to it. He was
followed by Mr. Gallatin on the fame fide.
nen, Mr. Jofiah Parker,Mr. Otis and Mr. S. Smith
it to spoke in favour of the paffageof it.
aced The question was then taken by veas and
my nays as follow ; <
tlier YEAS. ]
:e to MefT. Allen; Mess. Imtay,
at I Baer, iCittera, - .
Free, Bartlet, Lyman, i
J* Bayard, Machir, Brace, Matthews,
t an Brooks, Morgan,
hose Bullock, Morris,
s he Champlin, Otis,
you Cohran, I; p arkcri 7
; ?
non Dennis, Reed,
■S ht Bent, Rutledgt,
tes, Edmond, Schureman,
>ro- Evans, Sew all, w
»nd A. Porter, Shepard, r
ing. D- Foster, Sinnickfon, ,
and J. Freeman, S. Smith,
"*>- Glen, - Spaight,
md Goodrich, Sprague,
om Gordon, Thatcher,
)ta " Grifwold, Thomas, 9 <
Grove, Tillinghaft, 1 '
ave Harper, Van Allen, to
ty. Hartley, Wadfworth,
,°f Hindman, Wain, M
Hofmer, J. Williams,
are •• • NAYS. 54 ' fa '
Mess. Baldwifi, Mess. Heifter, bo
er ~ Bard, Holmes, ne :
,ur Blount, fpbes, I
l Jf rent - Livingflon, fai
V ; Brown, Locke,
" d Cabell, Macon, an <
hl j T. Claiborne, M' Clenachan, ho
W. Claiborne, M' Do well '9
Clopton, NW, ' a
Bavu, Nicholas, J
"b Dawfon, Skinner, I
ot Egglefton, W. Smith, U P'
'y Elmendorf, Spriee, I tor
Findley, Stanford,
Fowler, Sumter, abc
. n " Gallatin, A.Trigg, ° ec
' n Gillefpie, J.Trigg,
Gregg, Van Cortlandt, 9 l "
Hanna, Varnum, ln . tc
Harrifon, Venable, J w ' t
Havens, R. Willi ami.
42 j
bill authorizing the eilablifhrnent of
Docks, and ev et
' The bill anthorifing the purchase of Tim
' ber for Naval purposes, were severally read
the third time and passed. I "^ ec
* I aflifl
lt ~ He
>, MARRIED^ —Last Evening, by the had
r i Rev. Mr. Tennant, Awdrew Heath, j had
- Esq. of Germantown. to the amiable Mrs. I whi<
f Barbara TuoN,ef Montgomery County. I wife
, mi ■ ■—»<■. 1 1 j take
1 0" The Anniversary Oration before If 5!
- tie Philadelphia Medical Society will be de- into
liveredat the College Hall in Fourth Street, I
: at 12 o'clock to-morrow. J y
> A r . B.—Dinner will be on tbs table at -j I Rob'
' o'cUky P. M. at o'Ellen's Hotel. x
GE.QRGE LEE, Secretary. I Barr
Feb * la ' ' j the {
• 1 '• 1 ' * ' f ...... r , »
s mormr, S citizens were surprized
of Mr. by intelligence that the schooner RJLTA
-1 ought LIA TION,' lately-belonging to the Uni
the ut- ted States, and commanded by captaiin Bem
ipread bridge was in the river ;■ various conjures
i m„n» were formed and the Democrats were as
] R pu- usual b.ufy in fabricating goad tidings .'! !
men of Her appearance however about to o'clock
> think enabled us to ascertain the following fafts :
a A new CammifEoner having arrived at
in, ra- Gu daloupe, Vidtor Hughues was sent pri
ilc will foner on board the fame frigate where cap
'A h tam B " W; ' a cor,fincd . Ms men bung lodged in
and be dungeons -with n,g,oes and criminals, and fed
' are 2 0%. of raw meat per Say !! ! Before
. ° h ' s departure capt. B was permitted to go
orma- a /hore, but not in his uniform, tho! the
newi- Commiflioner said he did not consider him
lpoiea a pnfoner, notwithstanding the treatment
given him and his brave companions who
ow f re^ufed the!r liberty until they (hould be re
not , a . ly exchangcd- Qwing to the scarcity
» of provilions they were at length forced a
jt) J ,av > about 200 Americans in all being
f en aboard the schooner and two brigs un
dines flßgs ° f ' rUCe • The whole fleet of P rl
lec j j Ta f ers bad failed to prey on our property,
r.' rJ , ich continues to be condemned without
legir * rrDr- B °STON. February 5.
y or n Yeßerday morning about half
con- past seven o'clock, the Work-House in this
every town superintended by Capt. Hammatt,
your was discovered to be on fire. The Citizens
wise promptly assembled, and their usual exerti.
ons were fuccefsful in preventing the loss of
the Building, although it unavoidably fuf
fercd imich damage. The fire is strongly
fufpeckd to have occurred by design, as it
*rft appeared in the oakum room.
MARRIED]—At Newburyport, by
the Rev. Samuel Spring.on Tuffday evening,
• . »/r\^ NDREW Beat t"s, of Salisbury, to
oint. M.fs Mary Boardman, of this town. On
rCC l e . a y forenoon, they were met at the
1 re- bridge, m theirway to Salisbury, by 1 Sfleighs
dual from Mr. Beattie's parish; nine of which,
hich with Col. Evans on horseback at their head,
went on before them, and nine followed,
en including in the middle with them, 7 other
°f i I? from Newburyport. When they ,
tur- polled the parifii school house, the scholars in ,
'urie a row paid their refpeds. At the parsonage 1
t ey found a handsome and copious enter- J 2
tainment provided by Mr. Beattie's parifhio
e ner», and no circumstance was omitted, which [
had could on such an occasion teftify the affec- .
e tionate refpeft of a people for their miuifter, j
tiich and welcome to their circle the partner of r
his joys. {
the r——«■
m" (Bajette patriae Hist. "
m'th Port of Philadelphia,
and ARRIVED, days]"
Ship Juno,Wolters, Hamburgh, via.N.Y. I
Brig Polly, Hill, Frederickflmrgh S I
Brig Peggy, Maxwell, St. Sebastian ~
Schr. Sally, Coffin, Baltimore
Sloop Nancy, Hall, Richmond
Harmojiy, Prouß,L-. Frederickfburgh I
A Urge ship is below, name unknown. ftr
A person who left Great Egg.Harbour N '
yesterday informs, that the evening before h!
he saw a brig on shore on the bar of that ,h<
place, her mainmast gone, and several hogs- 'T
heads of rum washed on fhorefrom the wreck Fri
' Tin supposed fl»e was cast away in the gale °"
of Saturday morning last. Nothing furfher Z
w as known. I
Arrived this morning -the ship Four of"
r nends, Hubber, in 6 S days from Ham- ,nc
burg—brings no news. I mi
__ Co
Boflon, February 5. I ]
t'b. 1 Arrived ship Ha-mah, Morland, ~~
90 days from Bristol, via Vineyard. No
thing new. On anchoring she saluted the I
Same day. Brig Lydia. Cazneau, from
Martha a Bray (Jamaica) 25 days. Left
no American vessels at this port. On an- A
choring flie saluted the town. At 3 t m I
saw a large privateer fch. full of men, which A [ l
bore down and hauled into our wake for Z
near half an hour, and on their feeing our (
rol de equipage, bore away and made all of
X , . Ure
j«• armed ps Mercury, Pearfon, > r g
and Washington, Cunningham, from Leg- ft ' r
, horn > 97 days. The latter fell in, on the an ?
19 th of Nov. m the gut of Gibralter, with • •
a French Zebeck, of 2 nines, and 4-fixes on
her wa,ft, and lined with swivels fore and I mei
as, ( manned with 50 men, who bore down I en,
upon him. and fired a gun ; the Wafhin?-
ton was prepared with 12 fixes, and about P ate
2$ hands, to engage, her, which /lie did for
about half an hour, during which the Ze- ■
beck attempted to board the in 1
but at the moment of this maneuvre Capt
, yinningham, fired a well direfted broad fide
into the rover, and obliged her to sheer off
with great slaughter. ' s;
2 n „ Charleflon, Jan. 21. Brie]
if t-apr. Young, who arrived on Friday a " 0<
evening last, left Malaga on the 12th of No anrf '
- £"*"• before be fa "'led, a fleet with 7 coe n W
i troops on board had pafftd up the jn l"
Mediterranean, supposed to be intended to "ac
IT !}? e . "S of Naples again ft the French. Well
He also informs, that the island of Malta hft f<
t had surrendered to the English; that they c <
, had there captured the ship William Tell f"'
. which had escaped from Bequires; he like' Rent";
. wife underftoodl that the British fleet had to be
taken the (hip Genereux, (another of Bru- of £■
eys.s iquadron) and retaken the Leander thevp
®f JO guns, which the Genereux had caried lot Gr
into Corfu. - rent is
v be dec
V.R j , , January 24. annuir
R 1 ar . nvetJ t}lf Harmonr,
Koberts, Martinique, 19 days I'ht
The frigate Uiiited Srates, commodore
Bar ry arnved at Martinique the day before '
the schooner Harmony failed. feb
rpn'zcd | *•*« Tie Gentlemen, lately appointed (ih
LET A- fctrs in the Army of the' United Siafny lit
e Uim- present residing in this- city, ck-e
ii Bern- to m&t tc'-m'orroTJ evening at Mr' DutU
jtfttires woodys Tavern.
verc as fek i 2. .r ; -- -
f'ciock NEW THEATRE.
' fa£b : ' —«»—
■ivedt at WEDNESDAY EVENING-, Feb. ii,
:nt pri- will rfE pkZsekzed,
re cap- (for the firA time here)
dged in celebrated 'COMRUTT, -fdliedy
tndfed THE heir AT law,
Before r ... .
to £0 r ,' tten y Cl " Jr g f Col man, the Younger ; Aii*
o' the f Mount ineers, Inkle and >
er him Jll If?" ' and performed at
'l' e Theatres Royal, Hay Market, Drurj
it merit Lane, and Cove fit Garden $ and at the Tkcn*
5 who tre, Baltimore, with unbounded applause]
be re- Te which will be added, a CGMIG OPERA,
■arcity called,
THE romp.
gs un- BOX, One Dollar—Pit, Three-quarters
,f p r i ot a Dollar—and Gallkuy, Half a Dollar,
perty, gC7° The Doors of the Theatre will open
ithout at a quarter part 5, arid the Curtain rife at a
quarter past 6 o'clock preciicly.
5- A r £°}™ ™ bl : tlle Cbrpot-au'on to open
.1 if , B ""l«oFSuhfchptionfora Loan to intro
, hi sT "^^ ESOME WATER from the River
n this Schuylkill by means of Steam Engine, (already
imatt, contraflc-d lor J,O the Center Sotiare and from
tizens thence to be distributed through the Cltv five
xerti- J? Q TIC £, 6
O-fs of THAT a book will be opened at the City tfa'l
y fuf- I" morrow, the ijth iniiant, a 'nd will be con
ongly t, I n " eH / rG " , <la >' to until the Loan is com
«it ?_ Cd ' «here the commimoners will attend
. \° " r !" "" theiiioniing until one, tors'
ceive lubfcnptiocs.
» By orrir-r of the B Srd.
; b y Jacob Shoemaker, scc'y.
mn g> id mo, i». •
fy, to N. B. Ten dollars to be paid on each fture «
v_/H the time of
t the 30 dollars ?.t the expiration of S r
leitrhs two months /From the time
■hich, 3 °<! itto ' 4 months t <*
head 30 ditto, ditto, 6 months) iubfcribmg
,wc,i; notice.
other A P er sons having any demands Sgaitift the
they • t ~ cmmittee appointed to di!>ributc the Do
art in "f ,Tr T"" 5 r°t alleviat;n S the DiflrefiV-s
■Pffo-f iJn*! are fLffenn ? m eOFifequecce ol the
mage late Calamity, are requested to bung in their
inter- accounts previous to the ?Oth instant.
ilhi'o- I fy Order of the Committee,
rtiich J PETER BARKER, Clerk
affec- ad ?">■»*, 1790-
I'tter, City Dancing AfTembly.
;r off T~HE fubfenbers are informed that there will
I r t . 0 Assembly priorto the isd inft.
I feb, i t . >
Ct ♦ I 'To be Let,
A genteel, convenient three ftorV
I In Spruce Street.
THIS house has been newly papered and painted,
days aD r T a " " 0t °' ccu P ,ed during last fe Ver . ' '
Y. I— feb ' ' d Jt as. eo tf.
[h 8 Sales of valuable Property.
At tfc<: Merchant*' Coffe* house, in Second-fireef.
I on -SATL)S.aAY, the lith inftant,at 7 o'clock
nn I ' n 'he Evening,
rgh ALL that valuable property, situate in Front
'• I V uctweea Walnut street and the Dfawbridg-e
lour I No : ll 4,late tht property of Daniel
rorc I M r ' n g , of a lar g e 'hrce-story Brick
hlr ; bnck Kitchen > with «"»" under
at Ihe whole— Also a two Jtory brick Store on Doclt
>gf. | ?trcet, No. 23 ; the lot is nineteen feet front on
ck. Fr °nt-strcet,and extends 145 feet to Dock street.
rale ol \T h ' Ch ' he a r b °Y e st "' e h erefied; the whole now
her J -T "eofCUdeu, F Rofett: the yard ispi-
A h" !. ;W n ,r a PUm P ° f S° od by
the kitchen door. Possession to be given the Gih
our I of June next. The above property is clear of all
Ull- I '"""Bbrance. Any person wiftiing to view chepre-
I miles, may fee it by applying to Mr. C. F. Rof-tt,
I Conditions will be made known at the time offale
I February la.
the . Thursda y the ifl March, next,
cne j At the Merchants' Coffee House,
In the evening, at 7 o'clock,
oml the following property,
eft I viz.—.
an-[ A LOT in Arch-street between Sixth and
M "V , beventh-ftreets, containing in breadth on
ch , ch , ftrc et, 3» feet and depth 110 feet, oa
for * l "' h , thcre ,s 'wo frame tenements which rent
for 601. per annum-free of all incumbrances.
M L,,t Cotters Lane in the Towr.fiiio
of Moyemenfing, betwten Front and Seconci-
I fireet, about half a mile from the city, contain
>n, "'•g one acre of land, on which Is ere&ed a on«
g . fli ry Brick tenement and a flahle, the said lot
he appurtenances rents so annum,
th I • . , ne c > c ° nt ainirg acres of Land ad
an JOln ' n ,? Ca,f " s ,^ ftale . in the townftip of Moy.
I emenltng, on which is a two ftorv Brick tene
nd ment, two reoms on a floor.a good Brick kitchl
yn en, a good Orchard of the fceft grafted £
g,. Newtown Pippins, a very large ftrawteerrv
1,1 n'f Land 3 " S ood or der and well
adapted for a garden, now in tenure of Rebecca
e- ™ ' u" d ren " for 6oL P er
1 he above three lots pnfleflion can be given
"» 111 April next. given
' e A beautiful
Snuatsd ir. Turner's Lane, knemn bv rh
name of Gravel Rui, on which is a handsome
Brick Build,ng two high, two rooms on
y Za thc W ' h " le front o{ th « House
)- Ce ' lafs under the whole, an excellent well
e of water, a good Tennants House ; allba - o od
Barn, a garden, good orchard, &c the wf c '-
incompleat ie-au, and containing from' t 4 to
' 10 a ni^d
in J q f 5 y tarsto come from the
a lait for which period the rent has been paici
' a?" I '"Sis
1 J A 'peranum, out of which / r r
1 to be dedaitcd leaving a ground rent tr [J e '{
■ * £ ';■ '-5 per annum -also a gr oun | r , nt on
, ' 6 W t George street. adjoining the al- s -- e
1 lentls/l , " °° 'he grcr, d
i a' a I,cJ1 ,c JP cra *' n «m out of w.uch /r -
e deduded, leaving a rent for f»!e ot T 2 c
f"fV™T the ho *'f«--joini- g laid lot in George ftrlee
is fubjed to pay tUp ground. rent. . . *
I he terms and fhall be made known
,( r„e „d , mla
Foot Kan iff Co. Am. i eer*
, "d