Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 07, 1799, Image 4

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    . ~..; ggry». !!■■■■■»^
For Sale by the Subscriber j;;
No. 145, Market-street,
Very low for Calh, or a ihort Credit,
T<.\' remaining Jlock of the late House of
Cloths, Kerseymeres, a few printed
Printed handkerchiefs and Itawls
Printed dimities
Hosiery, threads, twist and sewing silks
A small amount of hardware,
for the assignees of Todd isf Mott, to
Whom,all persons indebted to that coucarn, are
requested to make immediate payment.
Having commenced business in the Ommiflion
line, his store is now open for the reception of
Dry Goods of all description*.
Philadelphia, February 4,1799. §
Alexander J, Miller,
No. 44, South *'ront-Streft.
6y the Atlantic, capt. Read, arrived at
Ntw-YoRK, from Madras,
Which will be ready for Sale on Monday next,
Alliaba)d Bai'tas
Tandah CofTies
Long Cloths
Mooriej and Short Cloths.
ftb 1 * ■ . f I
. IS hereby given, that application will be
made to the Directors of the Bank of Pennsyl
vania for the renewal of a Ccitificate for a (hare
in the said Bank, No, 1282, da'ed July 24<h
1 797, ftandlng in the name of JOSEPH REED,
the lame having been accidentally loft or de
flroyed, (
Philad. Jan. 25. d6w
Of an excellent quality for Snips or Families
Thomas Joshua Fisher. ,
No. 5, Dock-street. ,
lit mo. 2?. diw |
all Persons
Indebted to ths Estate of Mr. John F*NNo,late
of lliilade'.phia, dcceafcd,are delired to make pay
ment. and those having any demands, to prefect
them for fettluDJtnt, to .
' SAMUEL BLODGET, -Adin'r. (
or ;
to the adiiiinifttation. ,
nov. Sc ,
A Cargo now landing at SouthJlreet wharf, i
Apply at Stores on the Wharf, I
BRANDY, 111 and 4th proof I
Madeira and Port WfN£S, &c. Sec.
Nov. l. dtf j r
Five Dollars Reward. 1
OTOI.HN yeftcrdiy morning, b.-tween 10 and ]
0 iio'clock, ironi No. 68, South Fourih Street,
A Single cafe Silver Watch,
the maker's nam v Marknobfe number not known.
The letters W. llyare icraujhed 011 the rim of the
cafe—a ftcelchaiii and key, feal with a cypher '
W. H. «ngraved 011 it. Whoever will give me
information so ihat the thief may be brought to a
Julticefhall receive the above reward.
jan ar f
Stray Horfc.
WAS taken up, trclTpafltng on the fubferiber,
in the townlhip of Paffyunk, in the county
of Philadelphia, a grey Horfe,about fourteen hands
high, thir'.ein or fourteen years old, blind of his c
right eye, and (hod before. Whoever ha< 101 l c
hii-j, by proving property and paying charges, may c
him again on applying to the fulifcribsr.
On the Banks ot Schuylkill.
I* l ' Tl >- 1 \
ISAAC PAINTER having made an aflignmerit v
of a!! his property to me the fubferiber for the f
benefit «' his creditois, this is to requell alt per
n»is indebted to the said Isaac Painter, to prevent
further trouble, to make immediate payment to
nv the fojpfcriber ; and all those having any de
mands Jgainfl him to render in their accounts to
f AOOB CLARK, AJjignee.
jon. sfi d t f
TJUWsUANT to a Kefcrtve of the Board of
1 Truflecs of Walhington Academy, in Som
t'tl'ct county, Maryland, authorising William
F' LR'/'efqr. majors Samc/il Wilson, and
WilliaM Jonss, Members of Board, to
procure a principal teacher for said Academy.— \
NOTICE . is here y given, that a gentleman quali- j
lijd po teach the Greek apd Latin Languigef, Geo- ,
k;r:<phy at'd the Mathematics, . and l'uch other ,
biinches of -Literature a» it is customary to teach ,
ill such Schools, will meet with liberal encourage
ment ami it isprelumed. will be well accommodat- J
(• in taking charge of this Academy. The bnild
i'lgis spacious and will accomodate at lcall lixty
Proposals may be addressed to John Dennis, No.
t6t Arch-llreet, or Williana WiHder-, accountant
r.i Navy department, Walnut street, Philadel
j hi\ o-to either of the three gentlemen above 1
mentioned, near Princess Anne, Maryland.
_dc< 17 §
1 o Article for two or thr&e
y.-ars a young Man to a profitable business
For particulars enquire at no. 68, south Fourth
A person who has some knowledge of paint
ing or drawing would be preferred.
A Cellar to Let.
jan ri j
ALL persons are hereby requested not to
trust my wife Sarah Fifs, from this
tUte, as I am determined not to .pay any
debts, of her contracting.
~ _jan 51. 3 t
r- - t
rj-iHE Book for Subfcription6 to the Company
* for ceiling a permanent Bridge the ri
ver Schuill.i'.l, r.», or n«ar the City of Philadel
phia, continues open at the house 01 the Treafurur
ol laid Company, No. 13, Church Alley.
January 8, 1799. «od6w
' /\ LL person* bav any demand* again A the 1
l\. Efi;t - of tin: late Jamls Wilson, Jifq. ire I
desired to ch-fent the it accounts, prop, r'y auclicn- j
ticateil, to either of the fu&Tcriber*. The creditors j
whole debts are-fecurcd by mortgage, parycu- ;
hr!y i t-quelled to present their accounts, us lo jtt as
convenient, in order to enable the fubferibers to
make a statement of the foliation of the property. :
J A meeting of tire creditors is requested on Mon
day the nth of March, at 7 o'clock in the even
ing, m tile City Tavern.
Bird Wilson
William Nichols Adminis
John Adlum
0 f,h 4 eodtlimar
A Small Plantation,
OF about 116 acre*, whereof 34 acres are under
Clover of 011 c and two years, including an
f orchard of tea acres ; s6 acres 0f excellent bottom
and upland watered me dow, and about 25 acres
of wood lar.d. I'he remainder is now under the
plough, 10 acres of which arc in the heft oifder to
KCtive £raf. feed'next fpringi
It isfituatedin the manor «f Mceland, Mont
gomery county, and distant 14 miles from Phila
The improvements are a stone Dwelling-Hbufe,
| Kitchen and pump ; a stone Spring-Houfi and
Walh-Houie ; a Itoll c Tennant's House ; a large
stone Barn and many < ther ufeful out building, and
a good Garden fenc d round with boards.
For further particulars apply to
P. THOMPSON, Conveyancer,
No. 43, Mulberry-ftrcet.
B. BONSALL, Dowk-Ureet, or
J. SAUMOY, on the Premifei. 9
JV> 4 jawtf
To be Sold, or Let
A NUMBER of very handfomt Building Lots,
on the South fide of Arch-street, F.ear Ninth
ftrewt, and on Ninth-flreet, between Arch and
A few Lots of four acres each ; on a high, dry,
and elegant situation, within three miles from the
city—Enquire at No. 418 Arch-street.
Jan. 30. lawtw
John Id "James Poultney,
BEING diflolrcd by mutual eonfent, all persons
Indebted to them are requcftel tomakeim
madiate payment to either of the fubferibers ; and
those having demands to present their accounts fur
ift mo 30 w&frtf
WHEREAS Mary Pawling, widow of Walter
Mottly, afterwards wife t» John Billons, at pre
sent the fubferiber's wife, did on the 17th Nov.
in the evening my being absent, with the afliflance
of her son, take all the furniture from the room
where we li*erf, and has put them in some place
whcrel cannot find them, excepton; bed, bureau
and a few l'mall trifles not worth'io (hillings has
1 been delivered me since This is therefore to
forbi I any person whatever in the country or in
th« town not to employ her nor harbor or iflifl
j her, nor to give her any credit whatever : and all
pcribns.l do forbid from keeping ;h. remainder
i of my furniture from me, as I am determined to
| prosecute thofc who may harbor hsr o# my good,
j that lhe or others might have given to keep. My
j reason not for advertising looner is, I had themis'
fortune of breaking my leg the 13ih December.
This is the third husband (he has got off in a linu
lar way.
_ dec. 14, 1798. H.Tt
All Per Jons
Imlebted to the Mate of HENRY HILL, deceased
\ are requested to make payment to the fuhferiber ;
and those having any demand* cn the fame to pro-
I duce their accounts for futtlemi nt.
no. 139, Market street
Philadelphia, dec, 4, 1798 eotf
notice:' ~;
ALL perlons indebted to Jamcs E.ulcn, late
cl Middletowß, in the county of Delaware,
deccafcd, are requested to make payment to either
of the fubferibers, whom they thall find it most
convenient to call on : and all persons haVmg de
mands, will he pleased in like manner, to furnilh
them, that they may be paid.
All rents, which fell due on or befora the fourth
day of the 10th month last are payable to the fub
feribers and those which accrued after that day wrl
be payable to the guardians of his children, who
ill duly notify the tennants where to pay the
MIERS FISHER, of Philadelphia, 7 Exec-
ABM. PENNELL, of Middletown, ) utirs.
dec 28 *aw6w
Pocket Books, for the year 1799.
No, 17, South'Sscond-ftreet.
TOR The tear 1799.
Embellilhed with miniature likeneffts of the
President of the United States and General Wash
ington ; containing an Almanack, ruled pages for
memorandums, and for an account of monies re
ceived, paid or lent, for every day in the y»ar
new country dances, miscellaneous pieces in profc
and verse, new songs, a marketing table, «.d other
ufeful tables.
. THE TEAR 1799.
Embellilhed with the fame miniature likenefTes,
containing an almanack, ruled pages for memoran
dums and a calh account, a lift cf the members of
Congref?, the departments of State, War, Navy,
Treal'ury and Judiciary, with an account of what
i- material in each; the federal courts of law.
Mint eftaWifhment, heads of all the most impor
tant a£ls of last fcflion of Congress, a lift of the
stamp duties, of duties payable on goods imported
and on domellic articles, a lift of the Britilh na\ y
several ufeful tables, and other intcrefting matter.
The above books are neatly bound in red leather
with tucks and pockets. J.
Sold also by G. Hill, Baltimore ; Somerville,
New York ; Bailey and Waller, Charlcfton j and
by the principal boekfellers in Boston.
[price 12 l-» cents.]
Heads of tUc molt important a<sls of the lallfef.
fion of Congress, printed in a pocket size, and
neatly dona up in marble paper.
W. Y. Birch has for fait, a good assortment of
merchants' account bocks, paper and other station
ary goods, playing cards, hair and leather trunks
< k ( - I 9 i W4W
For Sale,
TEN or twelve Tons, Clover fcf Timothy
11 a r,
Of the firll quality—Apply at No. «,
jan, 8. iawtf
THE SVmtmptßi
j Offers for sale the fallowing iltlcribed j roperty,
C/V IIIGU-srilEF.r,
A I.OP of gr-und on'the fou.h fide thereof,
between 7th and Bth (lreet<, containing in
Iront 35 | cct g inches and exten-ii.g in depth
foutlnvard ic6 (Vet.
Fhe improvements on ibis lot are a fuhQantial
Brick Dwe ling House, three (lories high, with
garret' and an extensive range of hack I.Mildings
also ol three (lories—the whole comprising two
genteel parlours—a fpacioui drawing room—back
parlour—kitchen—wash-house, See. and a great
number of Iced-chamhers. I> has the privilege of
pallage into Market-street, through a 3 feet wide
alldy communicating with the yard.
Another let on the fame situation and next ad
joining, weft ward to the one above drfcribed, con
tain!. p in front, oji Market street, select 8 inch
es by 3o6Tttf!in depti ,on which areercitrd a two
my liame dwt lliiiv house an.i kitchen well calcu
lated to aceo.nmod:itt a [mall familv.
I he back ground of both thefc lots is rendered
healthy and wleaiant by gravel walks and graft plats
and a uunibrr of fruit and fcreft trem growing
thereon. Each lot hath the privilege of a paff.i-e
into Eighth • reet through a 15 feet wide alky ex
tending to the lame from the back ends.
One other Lot of ground adjoining to andeaft
wardof the fublcriber's Dwelling Howie, contain
ing in front 33 leut and extending southward to tile
depth of JOC feet—on which are created a fubflan
tia Brick Dwelling House, 18 feet front, with
garrets .md very eonvmient back buildings of the
time height and materials- Alio a Carriage House
and Stables built of wood.
A Lot of Ground on the north fide, and' be
tween Seventh and Eighth Street®, containing in
front loz feet, and extending in depth northward
178 feet. This Ijot is also accommodated with a
passage into Eighth Street, through the above de
scribed alley.
In the town of Dover,
Eight I.ots ol Ground adjoining each other, on
the weft fide ol King fli eec, containing in front
on the l ime 50; feat, and extending in depth well
ward about 40a feet, on which arc ereiled a two
llory 13iiok Dwelling House, and another Brick
Building adjoining, suitable for a Store or Office
together with several frame tenements—a dream
01 water runs through the south part of the lot,
where a tan-yard might be improved to advantage.
Payment of a part of the purchase money
will lie required—the remainder nwy be at in
terell for a number of years by giving the pre
mif'es in security, &c.
J»1 U (llwTMulf
THE Creditors of Ponteus De-
Icre SteMe, of Trenton, who have, or fnall, by
the fir!l of March nexo, sign the discharge of
the said Stelle, will please to ptei'ent rhe r ac
counts to either of the fubl'criberi, made up to
the firft of August 1797, ij there will be a di
vidend made on the fir ft of April next. The
dilcharge will be in the poffcfiioii of W. Mott,
No. 6i Dock-ltrect, until the firlt of March
WILLIAM MOTT, \ affipaec.
i an - lc - jivim
Just Imported,
Iron cannon, double fortified, Woolwich proof,
with their carriages complete— 3, 4,6 and y
Carronades, Woolwieh proof, with carriages, &c.
complete—n, 18 and 24 pounders.
CannoK powder in kegs of 2<H>s. each
Round, double-headed,and cannifter (hot
Patent Iheathing copper, bright, afiorted 18,10,
17, 24, »6 and 28 or per l'quare fbot, fteets 48
by j 4 in chit, suitable for Veflels from too to
1000 tons
Copper nails, bolts and spikes
Boarding Pikes,
Common cutlaffcs
Gunners {lores ot all kinds
Tin-plates No I—l-3 crofs.bnxes
Patent (hot in calks of scwt. each
London porter and brown ftfa'jt, in cases «f 7 dcz.
Earthen ware in c.ates, assorted
For Sale ly
Pine near jth flreet,
Oilober 19.
BEING the experience of a farmer of about sixty
years of a-c ; near forty years of which were spent
in England, Essex county, on land where farming
is done in the greatell perfeillon : and feven
years on three hundred and twenty acres of wOrn
out land in Pottfgreve and Alloway creek, in
SaLem county, West-Jersey :
Shewing the means whereby these worn-out
lands may he inprovcd ; and" that the means are
ki the power of almofl every fanner:
Ptinted for the Author,
Chefnut-flrcet, Philadelphia.
N. B.—Some of the large fort of ClSver feed
may be had at Mr. John Cooper's, baiter, noi 15 a
December 13, law
THE creditors of George Johnfton, late ef
Queen Ann's county, in the state of Mary
land, deceased, are hereby requefled to appear
at Church Hill, :n the county and state afore
laid, on I hurfday the 21ft day of January next,
with their claims against the said decealed,
properly authenticated, at which time a propor
tionable division of theaflVts in the bands of the
fubferiber willbemsde among the creditors ac.
cording to law ; and thole who do not appear
on the said day, will be forever precluded froir.
their claims on the said estate.
Church Hill, Dec. n.
r pHE co partnerlhip of JOHN GREEN is" Co
A is this day dissolved by mutual coufent.—
All pcrfons indebted to the said Firm arerequcfted
to make immediate payment, and those
demands to present them (or settlement to any one
of the Subfcribors—each being duly authorized to
adjull the fame.
N. B.—They have the reminder of their (lock
of Goods—confiding of
Ironmongery, Hardware, &c.
At No. 16, North Second Street, which they are
felling on very low terms to dole the business.
Jan. 18 taw j-v*
REMOVED to 157 Soul* S»con«l-flraet.
BY aiV A(sl of Cbiiefels p JTe i. Il i he fl\',Cenill
day of July in iiie year of our Lord out tuou
lsi«f*!sven hundred and ninety f'i-'t't, thePrcf;-
dent f the United States is auihonled to bjrrow
on behalf of the United {.tales from the
Bank of the United States, or fr, tn any othir
body or bodies politic or corporate, or from
any perl'on or persons, and upon Inch terms
and conditions as he (lull knoiV adv*u
tageous for the United State», i sum not
exceeding five millions of dollars, I'o however,
that no contrail or engagement be made wfiich
(hall preclude the United States trom reimburl
ing any is n or i'ums b«irruwed at any time after
the expiration of fifteen years from the date of
such loan, /inil -jjbereas, it is declared by the
laid that lb much as may be neceflary of
the furpjus of the dutiu on Imports and Ton
nage beyond the permanent apju ojiriati n> here
tolorccharged iipon ti'ein by law, lliili lie pledg
e J and ap|iropruted tor paying the intereit, and
alio for paying and (lllrharcin/ the . principal
111111 or funis of all the utoiiics wh;ch may be
borro>yed, according to the term or terms which
may be fixed, pursuant to the authority afore
faid—And whereas by the said Acl, the faith of
the United States is pledged to eftablilh lujficient
permanent Kevenues for making up any deficien
cy that may hereafter appear in the provilions
before-mentioned for paving the interest and
principal Ibms, or either of tliem, of any mo
nies whirh may be borrowed purfuaut to the said
Ail. /tnd whereas the President of the Unit
ed States did by an Ail or Commifiion under his
hand dated the ninth day of January in th» year
one thopfand seven hundred and ninetynme,au
thorife and empower, the Secretary of the Trea
sury, to borrow on behalf of the United States,
any sum not exceeding in the whole,, five mil
lions of dollars and to make such central or
contrails as (hould be neceflary, and for the in
terest of the United States, in purluance of the
Ail of Congress above recited.
Notu therefore, the underlined, Secretary
of the Trealury, in pursuance of the Afl of
Congress, and the authority from the President
of the Unitad States, above mentioned, doth
bercUy-on behalf of the United States of Ame
rica, contrail aad engage in manner following,
to vuit.
ifl. A book for receiving luofcriptions to a
Loan of five millions of dollars for the use of
the United States (hall be opened in the city of
Philadelphia, at the Bank of the United States
on Thursday the twenty eighth day of February
enluing, which book (hall continue open for the
purpofc of reccivtng fublcriptions, until the
whole of the said five millions of dollars (hall
be fublcribed. If mote than five millions of
dollars (hall be fubferibed on the firft day of
opening the said loan, the surplus (hall be de
duiled 111 prop-iriion to the funis fublcribed by
individuals, exceeding four thousand dollars.
ad. For e»ery hundred dollar* which may be
fublcribed there (hall be forthwith depoliled and
paid the sum of twelve dollars and fifty cents,
aud like payments of twel ,e dolla(s and fifty
cents, (hill be made within the firft ten days of"
the months of April, May, June, July, Anguft
September and Oiloher enfumg. The Secre
tary of the TrciTu. y howjver refervci the rij:Jht
of reducing the number of installments by (pe,
cial agreements, with the individuals who may
become fubferibers.
3d. On the failure of payment of any install
ment of the sums fubferlbed according to the
tenor of the fecoad article, the uext preceeding
indalimcnt of twelve dollars and fifty cent-,
which (hall have been paid, for every hundred
dollars fubferibed (hall be forfeited to the Unit-
4th, 'she funis fubferibed shall and may be
paid to the credit of the United States, at the
B ink of the United Statei, or at the.offices of
dilcount and deposit os-he said flank at Boflon,
New-York, Baltimore, or Charleilon, oral ei
ther of the Banks of Salem, in Maflach'ufetts,
Newport and Providence in Khode-Ifland,Hart
ford in Conneilicut, Albany in New-York, or
Alexandria in Virginia, for which payments,the
receipts of the Cafliiers of the Onie ; cs of Dis
count and Pepofit and of the Banks afuiefaid
(hall be received at the Bank of the United States
;s equivalent to money ; but 110 payment of a
subsequent iifHaUmcm (lull be received at any
other place than that where the firft ii,flallment
was paid, except at the Bank of the United
States ; 111 eil'c any depolits shall be made at the
offices of Dd'count or Deposit, or at either of
the Banks aforefaid, which (hall notbe applied to
the payment of the lirlt mftallment as l'ubfcrip
lion* to the Losn aforefaid, the laid depolits
(hall be forthwith refunded by direilions from
the Tre a fury.
ith. For the fum> or number of (hares of one
hundred dollars, which may be fublcribed, cer
tificates fliall be given by the C-fhier of the Bank
of the United States, which (hall be aflijjnable
by indorsement, and delivery of the parities in
whsfe favour the said certificates may be ifTued,
until the complttion of the payments .required
by the tenor of the (eeond article preceeding.
6th. The sums fubferibed and paid in purlu
ance of the tenor of the i'econd article preceed
ing, (hall after the fiid payments have been
eotnpleated, constitute a funded capital flock
divisible intoftares of one hundred dollars each, i
which capital flock shall bear idtereft at the rate
of eight per centum per annum from the times
fixed for the payment of the refpeilive install
ments payable quarter yeavlv at tlw Trealury of
the United States, or at the Loan Offices where
the fame may fland credited, until the last day
of December, in the year one thousand eight
hundred and eight.
7th. After the lafl day of December in the said
year one thousand eight hundred and eig >t, and
after realonable notice to the crsditors, which (hall
be given by an advertisement in some public news
paper, printed at the feat oi the government of the
United States the said capital (lock (hall be re
deemable at the pleal'urc of the United States by
the re-mhurferr.ent of the whole fuin or sums
borrowed, and which may tonOitute the said capi
tal Hock either at the trealury of the United States
or at the loan offices where the' fame may fland
Bth. The credits for the said capital stock (hall
and may be separately certified in funis either lot
one hundred, four hundred, one thousand, four
thousand or ten thousand dollars, and.the credits
lo certified fliall be transferable by the creditors, or
their attornies, at the 1 realury and Loan Offices
relpeclively, in pursuance of the rules which have
been, or which may be «[lab l liihcd relative to the
transfer ol the funded flock of the Umted States,
9th. A fufficicnt lum of the surplus of theduties
on Imports and Tonnage beyond the permanent
appropriations heretofore charged upon them by
law, together with the faith of the United States
are hereby pledged far the fulfillment of tliiseon
trail, in pursuance 01, and according to the terms
and conditions of tiie ail of Cungreis hsreia be
fore recited.
' • - %
Given under my hand and the fral of the
(L. S.) Trea fi"7 of tbe United States at Phi
; ladelpVia, this twelfth day of January
one thousand seven hundred and nine*
ty nine.
Secretary of ihc v.
City Commissioners Office,
January jr j„ f
Fur the information «/ the Citizen,, the fulL
%-T a frl °f^ CmU y,paJfedX
l»/,,Joy of February, 1769, „ nuu _
pubhjhed. c '
Sed. 4v A N :° b . e " ftwthar enafled by ,fe
£\ thorny aforefaia, That if an
fun or ft-rfons, fliall, after the publication h e £tf
prelum* to call, carry, draw out, or lav anJ '
| horie, or other d<?ad carcase of cattle fheei h
dog,or any excrement or filth from faults «° g(lr
or , eccffary houses, and fliall leave fuel,
carr.oi, or filth, without burying the fame afuffi'
dep h in the ground, on any part of the cdmi
ol the said ci.y. or on or near any streets I 0,13
alleys or highways, within the said city diltr l""'
township adjoining the fame, every perfonorn
lons so offending and being convi-ited thereof k
fore any justice of the peace of the city or conn.'"
of Philadelphia, refpeSively, (ball forfeit andp !
tor every such offjnee, the sum of thirty fhillin 1
Agreeably t£> a rofolution of the Jielefl and C O T
men Qouncili", dated the 10th of January i V/J
Notice is herebyghen,
I That a Pit er Hoi.*, is fiow prepared on ,k
weft fide of Fifth ftrcet.from SchuylKilL bctw
Vine and Saflafras streets. ' bMy "«
And one other Pit or Hole, is opened on ,1
weft fide of Filth Arret, from Schuylkill,
U alnnt and Sproce streets, where all filf t h or „
crement from vaults or privie., of the city of pj,
delphia, fliall be denofited. WheKfore if V
perfwi or persons lhall be found tranfgreffin,, th"l
must expeit to bepunifhed a. the lawdircv<l s ' a „I
that the fame wi.l be llrifllv «nfcrced '
'*"• x > ' ' nw*w
1\ tue of an aft, paired during the prefemfrf
fion «f Congress, so much of the a<ft entittiled
" An Afl making further provision for-hei™
" port ol public credit, and for the redemption
" of the public debt"—passed the third day „f
March, one thousand seven hmndred and ninety
five, as bart from fettlenient or allowance
Certificate., commonly called Loan Office and Certificates, and Indent, of I„.
ferefts, is suspended until the twelfth day
June, which will be in the year one thousand/even
hundred Mid ninety nini.
That on tfe liquidation and settlement of th
faid Ceitif.catcs, and Indents of filtered at the
Treasury, the Creditor- will be entitled to'receive
Certificates of funded Three Per Cent. Stockequal
to the amount nt the said Indents, and the airear
ages of intercft due on their laid Certificates, prior
to the firft day of January one thousand ievtn
hundred and ninety one.
That the principal funis of the said Loan Office
and final let Clement Certificates, with the inured
thrreon, lince the firft day ol January, one thou
find I even hundred atld ninety one, willhedif»
chit ged after liquidation at the Treasury, by the
paymant of interest and reimburfcmeiu of princi.
pal, equal to the funis which would have btoi
pa, able thereon, if the laid Certificates had been
fubfesibed, pursuant to the AAs making provision
for the debts of the United States, contracted dur
ing the late war, and by the payment of other
funis, equal to the market value of the remaining
Stock, which would have been created by such
fubl'criptions asaforefiid, which market value will
be determined by the Comptroller of theTreafury.
Secretary of tlie 'Trcaftrjt
i»" c *8 lawtf
New-York, January 1, 1799.
History of Jacobinism;
- hi three Parts.
Parr I. The Antichriflian Conl'piracy.
11. 1 he Antmionarchial Conlpiracy,
111. The Antisocial Conl'piracy.
ji translation from tlx French of the Ml
I. Tots ivork to be pn-.tcd on a good type
and fine paper—in 3 volumes, Bto. 400
pages each.
11. Tic price to subscribers, bound and let
tered. u-iU be 4 d illttts <;o cents ; in boards
3 dollars 7j cents,
Subfcriptiops will be rccsived by Cornelius Davit,
No. 94, Water llreet; and by others who hold
Inscription papers.—Bookfcllers the ufi
ual allowance,
jan. 28 iaw3iv
AT an adjourned Court of Common Pleas help
at Pittsburgh, for the county of Alleghany,
State of Pennsylvania, the »d day of January 1799,
before the honorable John M'Bowell and John
Gibfon Efquire-6 Judges of said Court.
On the petition of David Jones, a prisoner in the
jail of said county, praying to be discharged ac
cording to the proyifisn of th<2 aft of aflemblv
made for the relief of infolvcnt debtors, the court
orders, that the said pril'oner be brought before
theai at Pittsburgh, on the firft Monday of Match
next, that his petition and his creditors may be
then ht-ird, and that his creditors have due notice
thereof by publilhing in the United States Gazette,
that they mry Ihew e.iufe.jl any they have, wby
hefhouldnot be discharged.
By the Court,
fchruary Ktawtw
V aluable rropcrty for Sale.
THAT well known Eflate, called
SHREWSBURR FARM, formerly the refideree
ol General Jolih Cadwaladar, fitmta on S»iTafra»
River, in Kent county, Maryland—containing s
bout 1900 acres of prime f. AND, upwards ol SCO
ol which are in woods. The Buildings are ex*
ccllint, andconfift of a haudfome Dwelling H»ule
two la ge Barns wich Cow houses 1 , Stables for nt. '■
ho'rfes, aTpeeioustread ng floor under cover,
two hoiiles, two ranges ol ty.. r.o
ry buildings for Negroes (one of them new and
brick), Com houses 4 Smoak house, &«. &c —'l he
whole Ellats being nearly surrounded by water, ft
requires biit!ittle foncing, and has a good Shad and
Herritlg fi(hcry. It i< conveniently situated lot
both the Philadelphia and Baltimore markets,witf
two landings on a navigable river but a (hart la"
from Baltimore- 1 here is a large Ptacli, alia tu»
large Apple Orchards ;n the premises; also, a vani
ty of excellent fruits ol different hin.'s. The foil "
mostly a rich loam.—The wUle wdl be (old tog<-
thert r<'ividcAintofmaller farms(forwhiclithebun
dings are conveniently situated) as may fu.t tbe pur
haler. The Stock on said FarnucoKfitling ol Hor
cfcs, Cattle, Sheep &c. will also be difpoled 0. —
For further pnrtitularsapply to Gi oboe Ha s riNO*
011 theWeniifes,oi-tothe fubfcrf|ei\in PhiUcfelpr"
December 11. _____ m ' —»
ANY Persons wanting
passage t« France, eati obtain it iji the
Barque N. ptune, panieJ Jaderham. mr.s'i - r . If S
at WcW->>rl;,.hytppljii)g it, Mr. I„
Ric/urJ Conlul l r --- 0 w .