Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 16, 1799, Image 3

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    flored The Aml nan? have for tied four
camps in the late Venitian territory, an J
are throwing up en Tench :;i<ius along the
A cutter is just arrived from St. Marcou,
being the third which withn a few davs
have come here with difpatchcs ; fram
which, and a combination of other circum
stances.we are flronglyof ODi'nion.that the ill
fuccefsof tluir former rifit has not deerred
the French from again, and immediately, at
tacking those Islands. It appears that in
the Bth and ioth inft. fix more powerful gun
vessels, and a fchponer, west from Cherbourg
to La Hogue, from whence they occafiorial
ly pass to Ifi?ny river, apparently full of
troops. A French geritieman came here
from Normandy with it asserted, accounts
of encreafed, or organized difaffcftion a
gainst the Diredtory, and other intelligence
ef much importance. I learn that the Beau
iieu, of 40 guns, Capt Fayrman, has recei
ved orders to prepare to immediately pro
ceed for the Weft Indies. Sir Sidney
Smith is arrived from London, in, I am con
cerned to hear, but indifferent health. He,
however, soon as the wind permits, fails sot
the Mediterranian, to add to his diflineuifh
ed reputation, and the already unparalleled
glory of his country.
PLYMOUTH, Oaober 22.
Arrived the frigate of 4.8-gu»s,
commanded by Thomasßvam Martin, with
the Immortalice French frigate of 42 guns,
having a commodore's broad pendant, which
she captured on Saturday the 20th instant,
a few leagues from Ulhant, aftc- a defpe
rate a&ion of 2 hours and an half, in which
the former had about 40 killed and wound
ed, and the latter 153. The Immortalite
carries 34 four pounders on htr mn'n deck,
and four 44 pound carronades on her quart
er ; the others 12 and 9 poundera, her
complement, of men was originally 300
flic is very much cut in her hull, Her mizen
mast h carried by the board, and her fore
and main-masts fevertly wounded—(he
i§ an exceeding fine frigate, four years
old and fails remarkably faft. She is one
of tas three frigates which appeared in Do
negal bay, on the coast of Ireland some
days fince—3oo troops were embarked in
her from France, has 7000 stand of arm*
and a large quantity of horse equipage on
> bo:ird. The ift and 2d captains, ans) the
general commanding the troops, with seve
ral of the latter were killed in the a&ion.
When met with by the Fifhguard, she was
on her return to France withoutlanding any
of the troops, having received intelligence
of the difafbons fate of the army under
Gen. Humbert, whieh induced them to re
linquilh the favorite projedt ,of invasion.
An Irish revenue boat went along fide, con
ceiving (he was an English (hip from having
falfe colours, the crew of which were de
tained as prifonera, and obliged to a£t as
pilots. About 50 Iri(h gentlemen went en
board her whtltt she continued on the coast,
seven of whom are said to be in rrom on
board the Fifhguard , who, from the friend
intercourfe that appeared to subsist between
them rffcd >he enemv s may naturally be con
fidsred aa no very good friend* own
Previous to falling in with the Fifhguard,
(he was said to have engaged and beat off
an English frigate of fuperror force ! but ,
this, as it is bare assertion of their own, ,
needs confirmation.
The linmortalite was one of the squad
ron which failed from Brest, confiding of
one ship of the line and 8 frigates ; they ,
proceeded a great way to the weflward, and ;
then tacked .awl flood for Ireland, but L' ,
Immortalite and another frigate, separated ]
in a gale before they reached the place of del" a
tination. She brings intelligence that her c
consort has alf'o been taken by an English t
frigate, but knows nothing of the general c
aftion that has taken place near Tory island.
P. S. General Monge, second in com
niandj and also the French captain, were
bbth killed at the fame moment, near the
.wheel by a cannot (hot.
The French officers express their doubts ' 3
of their being able to succeed in an expedi- '
' w tion against Ireland, aud feejn to think that c
further attempts on that country, are like- 11
ly to. prdve as fruitlefs as the preceding ones. a
The French f'oldiers appear to be picked men, ''
being inoftiv stout fejlbws, drefTed in green j!
Huflar uniforms, flowered with pink, hav- 1
inga standard on board of a green ground, *
with a harp tompofed of yellow bunting in
the middle, which was displayed when they 1*
came on the Irish coast, as afignal to their
friends on fliore.
The ships of war which arrived here yes- "
(fcrday from the channel fleet, are the Queen
Charlotte of 110 gtins, Formidable, and At
las, of 98 guns each, under the command
of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Thompson.
The.Shannon frigate of 32 guns, captain °
A. Frafer, in coming into the harbor this
morning, ran ashore at the entrance of the
harbor of Hamoaze, but was got off with-
out material injury.
LONDON", Nov. 1. g
It is with much pleasure we have to add 1
another naval capture to the numerous cata- j
1 igue which nur brave herpes have of late af
forded us an opportunity of presenting to 11
our rcnier?. Advice was yesterday rec ived t!
of the capture of a Dutch frigate with 200 C
troops cn board, by his majefly's ship Si ius, it
oi 36 Rirrs, captain King, belonging to ad- t
rnha! o«flow's squadron. Ihe Sirius fell in ?.
with the raptured ship to the northward of h
tlie Tsxt 1 : On coming up with her, she 1
(IruGk without firing a shot. Captain King tl
no looser *took possession of her, than he tl
went in pnrfuit of another veffcl of the fame
description, vyith every probability of feeing r
aLL to come up with lier. It is conjectured ti
that they were both going the northern T\
voyage to Ireland, tinder the idea t|iat the f«
Brefl fqtiadron had effected a debarcatim of o
its troops in that country. This pleasing in- n
telligence wis brought to Yarmouth by one d
of his rnaj::fly'.- cutters. \ a
1 J »v iliiair. Arm [lron ely. arrived l.ere on
»< Sunday faft; f roia he left Fal
mouth on the t sth November, in the second
Oftober pacL-t, and had a passage of 20
11, days to B*rfe«fc?«. We have been favoured
„s with London papers to the ift of November ;
m one of tlie 27th Oftober fays, That a treaty
n. of offenfive -ind defenfive, between
ill Lngland and America, is reported to be at
•d this moment on the tapis.
Arethufa, off I.a Hogue, 03. 17.
g In co ifequence of having received in
-- telhgence, off Havre, that considerable pre-
P 3, ; at,on » R r ere niafcing in this quarter to at-
fack the Isles of St. Marcou, we came
h . ere nlerday, and have reason to think
J- that the report wa< not wholly without
e fornication. Several gun vessels came round
J- Cape Barflenr from Cherbourgh, and had
t- been for some days parading about this bay ;
>- but th«y disappeared just before our arrrU
7 val, and, tis said, are gone for Havre,
' bled" 0 3 C ° nflderable
" ew "'ghts ago four, marines, who
t- were cor.t.guous fentrie- on the Well Island
of St. ivliTcou, with an efFrontciy unparal
leled, got the guard to launch a fix oared
cutter affertinjr that CaptaLn Price had so
ordere., it; and, witb their arms, fcc. ac
i, companied by a sailor, made off to the
1 coa*, part of which wai but four
, milcra diftawt. r l he d! consequences of pof
-1 fefling the enemy of the exact (late of that
, island, in particular, confidcrable as they
are, cannot be put in conjpetition with the
1 apprehended difaffection of many of the
- late comrades of these rillians.j fourteen of
: whom were on the point of following them,
, when the plot wan happily discovered.
. Translated for the [JV. r.] Daily Advertiser,
1 ./} on the latest Hamburgh papers.
. NAPLES, Oftober
. The Maltese have been supplied with arms
. and ammunition by the English, and con
tinue to oppose the French.
The arrival of the French minifbr La
Combe St. Michel, has revived tlie profpeft !
of peace with France. Our war preparations ;
continue with redoubled vigour.
General Mack isexpeaedbere momently;
report fays, that the combined Austrian and
I urkifh fleets have arrived at Napole di Ro-
mania, in the island of Morea. '
It is said that the French garrison at Mai- !
ta have offered to leave it and to depart on
board the Porteguefe squadron. The city of '
Genoa is under great apprehensions of a bom
bardment by the Englifli.
The revenue of the Cisalpine republic a-
mounts at present to 74 millions '223,980 °
livres, viz. military eflablifhment, 21 millions
707,100 livres, tribute to France, 23 millions
250,000 livres, &c. the fuins required for
next years eflablifhment, amounts to above
29 millions imperial guilders ; and the po- 3
pulation of the Cisalpine republic amounts to
i millions.
UEGANSBURG, Oaober 21.
A ri'j. )rt gains ground that an Englifli
and Ruffian ambassador are to make their
appearance at Raftadt with a .profpea for a
peace ; and that if not accepted the
coalition, with increased numbers, will have
recourse to arms.
CADIZ, September 28.
Within 3 weeks we have seen leveral A
mericari vefiels with sugar, Cocoa, Jcc. arrive
in this port from our colonies. It is fup-'
posed that the Englilh who blockade~our "
harboup, have, in consideration of the alli
ance fubfifling between England and Ameri
ca, allowed them to pafe, while other neu
trals, as Swedes and Danes, are daily turned
off and refufed.
PARIS, November 1.
It ha-ving been difcovewd that the enemies m
squadrons, privateers and other vessels, are 1
partly manned with foreigners, the direaory G
by an ordinance of 29th Oolober decrees ; f ;1
each person a native of countries connected p
in friend ship, all or neutral, who bea-rs b,
a commission from the enemies of France, or J\J
who belongs «.o the crew of armed ships or m
other vessels ; shall by this very act be con- m
lidered as pirates, and as fitch he dealt with, r ; (
without any regard to allegations of having g
been forced, threatened or crtherwife com-\
pelled to enter that fervice—tlie direaorvof
theßatavian, Ligurian, Cisalpine and Roman
Republic lhall be notified of this cletermina- l
tion ; as also all the powers in Alliance with m
France, and also the neutrals.
November 5. ,
To day an answer ta the War Manifefto
of the Porte, has made its appearance, which t
the Propagateur fliles an indirecl official an
swer of the government; the following re
marks are noticed : thole that accule, ask,
by what right we have unexpectedly attacked v*
t country belonging to the Grand Seignior,
our ally, to exercise againfl the Egyptian
?eys, great vengeance ? It is true this expe
dition was a secret, but only from the British ™
government; the Porte was well acquainted ' S
vith the views of the French government ; j C
its ambassadors had conferences about it with
the direaory, and the Porte did confer with £
Citizen Rtiffin in Constantinople. The ob
iea of the expedition was not concealed from so
he Porte. Buonaparte began by conquering" &
Malta the Porte was informed thatthis was tl
:iis errafid : this appears from a letter of its f<3
ambassador All- Effendi, wherein he advises,
that the minifltr Talleyrand had told }}m
that Buonaparte was to take Mr.lta, which
wtJuldprove an agreeable occurrence to eve
ry Moffelman. Will they fay that this is
the only profpea confided to tlte Porte ? Its
"Manifefto will give an answer to it it is
said in it, that citizen Ruffin had delivered Jc
copies of lettrr:, wherein tie D.reaory con- E
municates to 1i 11 that Euon-parte had ( - W
ders to enter Egypt, to pvn ih tlie Bev C!
[ and injure the Englifh,—.of cimrfe, there" i;. If
•>o doubt) i»?l Lc.;i Jorf« to tie cerla.ti '
on knowledge'w.;th* Porte, fui'ca, at
al- gut ion of ih • Britilh, the to:.e is altered,
'it! and now only eom[>l be 4ft to Tippear.
20 She 'dips not complain .rf thp French govefa
"ed ment, hut only of Buonaparte, who made
t ; this ins jad without perniifTion of the 1/ r.'C
tty tory, and only, hut after the battle of Ah- tl
en bukir, r.p x, r;d the Turkish Manifefto. C
at -i ijjmLij ).. . , t | oi
%fje @a
_ ir
n- j » hl
id six Per Cent. 16/ P 1 ' 1
d Three Per Cent. 979
r< Deferred 6 Per Gent. 14 an ,
' B \NK United States, 13 percent. t u
w Pcnnfylvania, at ditto ,
e> North America, 46 ditto
Infurante comp N. A. shares 40 ditto de!
Pennfylvania, {hare«, 50 ditto, Divid. on
On London, at 30 days 60 sea
IJ at 60 days S7l ,h a <
1 I • at 90 days 55
d Amfterdam,6o days, pr. guiftf. 37 cents '
0 30
•" Tie following letter from the wtl: known -! e^
ie Paris youth, to the meddler, Lqg-ah, would ,nl '
ir merit attention at this time, if it went on- tee
I"- ly to shew that this im-rudrnt pretender to t *'- r
•t patriotism actively co-operated, heretofore, Wa ,
y with the very worst men in society, in la
c boring to " atop de vttk of Z:s Govern- re P
e ment." ° « a
f _
Paris, June 24, 1795. I 7'
DTtJH sis,
' I GIVE you within a short sketch lut
of theaftnal state of things here, a copy of '
which, I likewift; fend to one or two other 0
friends, of wljom Mr. HECKLEY is one. bus
! If you and Mr. BECK LEY, if in Philadel- ,r, &
phia, deem it worthy the attention. I have no t0 r
objection to your inserting it in BAGHE's
1 paper, the firft paragraph excepted, and if j rec *
J you likew-ife approve, I will hereafter keep \ at 1
1 you regular!) apprized of the course of events .j tro '
whereby the community at large may be more | I
; correftly informed of the progress of the re- j
volution than they have heretofore been, or i
can be, from the Englilh prints. The cha- I * c
racier will be, " from a Youth at Paris, to cou
his friend in Philadelphia,"—occasionally va-
. ried as from some other quarter, as Bour- mea
deaux, that it may not appear to be a regular cou
thing : though in that refpeft, aft as you law
please, for as truths only will be cqjninunU bet*
Gated and with Anperanee, it is iit;material ted
what the conjefture is, provided it be only ha*
conjefture. the
You promised me a vifitl cannot you yet com
make it, as we /hall be very happy to fee you 1
and Mrs. LOGAN, and will certainly make lion
your time as comfortable as possible. In ly el
your absence, Mr. BECKLEY can attend ed ti
to the little* object of my communications,' 1
for I wiih you and him te act iti concert whilst buli
he is is in that neighborhood, -*rrd indeed if on i
you Were both absent, you will arrange mat- save
cers confidently with Mr. B. himfclf, who Mrv
likewise poflelTes mine. 1 Sde'.
I beg you to present my refpefts to DOC- cre d
and that you believe me fincerelv, ! feet
Your friend-and servant, befo
* By ihe studied provisions made for this calls
.object of concern, it is evident be lopked upon Wg
it to be a schelne of no " littlt" consequence. ing 1
Prom the N. 7~. -C ommercial Advertiser. -1
Byjhe fchr. Ajax, C.<pt. Wheeler, from
St. Kitts we have positive accounts that i Me 13
Vi&or Hughes was arrested hy the new 'Go- |
vornorat Guadaloupe, and close confined on ! "
board of a frigate there ; as fyon as he could
make out his account current with his A
merican Agent", was to fail for France.
This was brought by a C.rtd vciTel.Troni
Guadaloupe the day before capt. W1 eifler,
failed ; a tew days previous to winch, the
1 edrix Hoop of. war of 18 G poup lers,
brought in Vidior Hughes's privateer ihip,
No. lof 18, 12, and 1 pounders, and 175
men, which (he took after an ad.'on of 40
minutes ; and that thera were 5 others car
ried into St. Kitts »nd Antigua from 16 to
8 gum each.
From the Courier, 09ohtr 23.
SdturHay night fjme dispatches tor Mr.
Lifton his majesty's envov to America, wire
ihad« up at the fecrctary of Hate's office,
in Downing-ffreot, and sent to Falmouth
where they are to be put on board the La
dy Harriot, a new packet, which has the ,rp
American mails on board, which is ordered
to fail immediately for New-York. The
packet goes no further than New-York till
' v Prii (according tocuftom during the
winter mouths.) The Halifax and Quebec
Mails will be forwarded from New-York
over land.
It is understood that the new Packet,
which carries out the American Mail, and
is now under orders for failing, will also
convey to America a treaty of offenfive and
dcfenfive alliance between the two countries.
Times, Oft 24 '
AT the Annual Meeting of the
for alleviating themiferies of PublicPrifons.
&c. held on the evening of the 14th inft.
the following members were chosen officers
fpr the present year.
Dr William White: President.
Dr. Samuel Magaw 1
Dr. William Rogers j Vice Prefidenti.
Caleb Lownts 1
Dr. Samuel P. Griffiths j Se( ;r«»rie».
Benjamin W. Morris—''l reafurer. Co
acting committee.
Joseph Budd Charles Marfliall '
Ebenezer Large Benjamin Thaw
Wm. Garrigues Tl.omas Wiflar TTF-
ChriftophirrMarfhallThomas Morris lJ i
Isaac Parriih Thomas Harr'fon h
fti- C 0 N G R E S S,
e<3, ' -
tc 'e tuksjjav, Januaiy i<;.
.'C- Mr. Otis moved that the report made at
l!>- the last liffion on the petition of Thomas
Cox and others, be referred to a committ e
„ oi the whole house Agreed.
Mr. Ha rpr, from the committee of Ways
and means, laid, that that committee having
received from the Secretary of the Treasury,
a plan s for digediflg and afrangiug into one
art all the Jaws impoiing a duty 011 ipirits dif>
•tilled within the Unit, d States, and On (tills,
think it would,be advil'eable to have it print
ed, and had defn-fd him to alk leave to do ib.
. Mr. Harper, from the fame committee
propolecl the following resolution :
" Resolved that the committee of ways
and mean's have leave to report a bill to au
thorize the reimbtirfement of monev advanc
ed by our consuls, for the aid of ';ck and
defVityite teamen in foreign countries."
m Mr. H. laid, that twelve cent? a day
were allowed by law to our consuls for every
seaman who (lull be frvund in need oi" fnpport ;
. but this had been found an inadequate al
lowance for the' present timfs. Last feilton
30,000 dollars were appropriated for this ob
n jest for the hft year; he ftippoled 20,060
>d might be wanted for this ; but the commit
tee thought it necefflry to have the e
tures authorized,. b^i v ore the api'l'oiiriation
was made.
The resolution being agreed to, Mr. H.
reported a bill for this purpole, which was
read and committed.
Mr. H. from the fame committee, alked
leave to report a bill making appropriations
for the support of government for the year
1799. —Granted.
Mr. H. also proposed the following ref'o-
I lutioa :
! " That so much of the report
r of the committee of revifal and unfiniflied
business as relates to the aft or afb refpeft
ing the compensation of Clerks, be referred
j to the committee of ways and means."
. The compensation of the clerks here refer
f red to had been made a renewal of this aft
,| at every session. In order to preveut this
, , trouble, the committee think it will be bell
, j to pass a permanent law upon the fubjeft.
. ; The resolution was agreed to.
r j Mr. Gallatin presented the petition of
. Richard Gemon, praying for relief on ac
-1 count of a of his which was detained
. at Bourdea™, by embargo, and by that
. means prevented from returning to this
- country within the time stipulated by the
law suspending the commercial intercourse
. betwixt this country 'and France. Refer
red to the committee of the whole to whem
has been committed a bill farther to suspend 1
the commercial intercourse betwixt this
country and France.
Mr. Varnum, from the committee of elec- '
♦ions, reported that Robert Brown, was du
ly elefted and entitled to his feat. Order
ed to lie on the table.
The Speaker having declared, that, the
bu line Is firft in order was the Bankrupt bill, "■
on its third reading, Mr- Bayard rose in its
fav©r, aud spoke at considerable length. (
Mrv Sewall-and Mr. Otis spoke on the fame <<
| fide. Mr» Gordon and Mr. Baldwin deliv- f
ered their sentiments against it. Mr. Har- *
per and Mr. Nicholas were both on their "
1 feet to have spoken upon the l'ubjeft; but '
before they had uttered the words " Mr.
Speaker," those of " Mr. Allen" had been "
called by the clerk, fw the purpole of tak
ing the yeas and nays ; of course (,iccoi-d
---ing to the rules of the house) the debate clo
The yws-and nay.s w«r<r. taken as iollow :
Y £ A S. N
I Messrs. Alltn, MelTrs, Ilofmer, 31
Bartl'-t, . Imlay,
Bayard, Kittera, fc
. I-i^nJlon,
Brooks, Machir,
Uiamplin, Matthews,
Chapman, M'Glemchan,
Cochran, Morris,
Ciaik, Otis,
D."ia, I. j'arker, /
Djmus, Pinckney,
' n t, Rutledge,
Edmond, Schurcman, (
Evans, Sewall, i r
A. Poller, Shepard, v ir
Gillefpie, Sinnickfon, ''
Glen, S. £\nith, h:
Goodrich, Thatcher,
Gnfwold, Thomas,
■^■ ana » V. Coftlandt, tl
Ha rpr, Wadfworth, H
Hindman, Wain,
NAYS. 47 ' ' w
MefTrs. Baer, Messrs. Holmes, i y
Baldwin, Jones, th
Bard, Locke,
IJount, Lyman, '''
Brown, Macon, .
Bullock, M'Dowell, tj,
Gate!, New,
T. CI liborne, Nicholas,
W. Claiborne, J. p ar ker,
Cla y> Reed,
Clopton, Skinner, la
Dawfon, K. Smith, at
( Egglefton, W. Smith, ft
LlmendorM w
Findley, Sprirg,PPr. r
D. folbr, Stanford, . j-J
j. Freeman, Thomson, c 0
Gallatin, . A. Trigg,
i Gordon, j. Trigg) th
ie Sß> Varnum,
Grove, V.nable, c
Harrifpn, 1. Williams,
Havens, R. Williamr, T
Heifter, 4 _ A
"Confeqvently, the hill is loft. Dl
• \ mi
the TIME of f d j
A smart NEGRO LAD, set
TO 1)1 IPtJt. Wl
TTRi-nbout sixteen \ ears (f ag>, has-between
J. J. Ivn ai d eight years to forv/—is hf n-ft and S P
nar a out houKfiiilu work-- cnqtnrcit 'hisoffice.
The ; foteft of liooficOr BeaujleU, nr. }
(he_reH tile iniri.vrity rn the Pe ujy.v a
i-' ff"' : e, agawft the late Addrtfs t« iU
Freli.; [he United States, as pufci,:!,*
e ln l k e Vehicle of sedition, Containa ti if
paflTa-gc t -vi£~—.
at " !Ve hold rsjledfnf ly in our W«a'* &e
■as S'upfcl blunder !, they- affrtf to teli Us
C:e forrcthing new. How ftediaii they are to
their yicep, wc knew long befne. But,
ys confident as they seem, they may find tin :n
---"S" Wv « lin another sense, than they
y, appear to imagine,
| TO t otight we to think of the honorable
Is, proy.-iion made for the heirs of Benjamin
it- Franklin Bad*, when the Conipofitors and
o. Preflmen rsfufe to be concerned in the dirty
bttfinefs r
x , '■
It is rcjehrted that a dispute took place,
s some ie\V days fince 3 aiiicng the writer* in
•i- the"Aurora, on the Tußjp& of the merits of
?- their Mpe&iveelTays; and that, upon their
u appealing to the proprietor, she very modefdy
decided in favor ui the liifhman's be'form
y anccs,
;; oa3cite Marine %itt.
I'-'t of Philadelphia,
<- Cleaßfd.
n Ship Perseverance, Williamfon, Bat a via
Cleopatra, Naylor, Canton
Betsey, Phelps, C o ,k
s Le- no*, Lark, Havanna
Thsmas, Wi!liflo.i, . Newry
d Fox, Pennillon, Gharlefton
s Biig Lit le John Butler, Smith, St-Thomas
r Abigiil, Uughes, Hamburg!,
Schi. Mary, Sadler, Jamaica
Thomas Brov.n, Martinique
Liberty, Bufhkirk, New-York
t Sloop Mary, Gamble, from hence has
1 arrived at the Havanua.
1 CC)' Letter bags up at CofFe«-Houfe.
» Ship Clootliier, capt. Gardner, for Liv
- erpoal, to be taken away on Thursday the
i I7thinftant
i Ship Wilmington, capt. Blair, for Ham
t burgh, to be taken away an Mtufday tilt
■ The Adventure, ,nnd Nanev, Da
vifon, for Virginia; and the Mary, Sherry,
for New-York, failed from Gravefend on
the 16th October.
Veflels up at New-York.
The Danish Ship Speculation Also,
the Hamburgh Ship Amelia. Apply to
Henry Sadler iit Co»
Ship Chesapeake, to fail in all this month.
James & Samuel Wat fen.
Schooner Paragon, to fail in to days.
T. S. hor ton.
%* THE Members of he Society of Sr.
GEOfts«, established at Philadelphia, for the
advice and assistance of Englishmen in dis
tress, are requested to attend a quarterly
meeting of the Society, at the City Tavern,
on Wednesday the 23c? it: St. at 6 o'clock in
the evening. GEO. DAVIS, Sefry.
The annual election of officer : and several
new members are u be 'ballolted for.
Jan. 16, 1799. Jt2 3 jy.'
ARTILLF.RY BI.JES are requeftea to
L lueet at Giorob Hin'., (fignof the Buck)
North Second Sireet, on Saturday evening next,
at fix 0 clerk. c '
rT GEOR a OE rAY LOR, Captain.
I n« duTcrent Printers are rc quelled to is
fcrt th :a bovs.
January rj.
(By tbe Amiable »f Philadelphia, and th, Factor of
And has jnft opened for sale,
CON I AINING the moll extensive ikCoitment
of new, valuable, <mci elegant works ever
imported into this country at one time j there be-
upwards of two hundred publications never
before received in America, and even those which
have not neveltyof title to recommend them, be
ing all of the very latest ciitior.s, and rendered
novel by the fnienefs of the p prr, the beauty of
the tjpe, rhe richntfs of the engravings, and by
the general style of superior olegance in which
tbey appear.
N. 8.. As no man in America has a rrfore re-
fupply of hooks from London than niyl'e'lf,
1 think proper to notify, that any orders in this
way, which may be left with rac, {hall be careful
ly attended to, unless coming from a Dynocrat, & r !ien
the books come, the person who orders them will
be told the price, ana it (hall be left at his own op
tion either f> take them or leave them.
C!r Any one who wants an order completed by
the Spring Veflels, mud fend it me on or before,
the 18th of this month.
. J in - Tr - tpjg
THE creditors of George Jrhnfton, late fef
Queen Ann's county, in the state of Mary- '
land, deeeafed, are hereby rcquefted to appear
at Church Hill, in the county and it ate atore
laid, on I iyiriday the day of Januarynnet,x t,
with their claims ogainft the said deceafej,
properly authenticated, at which time a propor
tionable division of the a(Tcts in the handi of the
fabferiber will be made among the creditors SC.
cortling to law; and thole who do not appear,
on t'ne said day, will be forever precluded froti
theirelaim? ofl the said estate.
Church Hill, Dec. 22.
INDKBTED to the Estate of Abraham
D Ick s, late Sheriff of the County of
Delaware, are reqaefled ti make immediate pay
ment, and all thrfe who have demands again't
said Eftatc to anthentirate and pryfent them for
fetrlement. .Also, all those who have dipoiitcd
writings with said dece>fed to apply for them to
Delaware rour.ty,
ift mo', S ')/' t7<pf. )
j*i. £ ;:wtf