Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 21, 1798, Image 2

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    j'ust Publijhed
At the Stoce-houfe,no. 4l,fouth Scconu-f.reet,
MloQF.u.aOTous literature,
On a riAN entirely
Art Hitothc Form of DiU'nft
Treatises oa systems:
("HE Hiftwjr, Theory, and Pra&ke, of ea.h,
according to the latest difirovprio and improve
ments and full npUnaticm given *f the Variout
Dttaclti Parit of Knotrltlge, whejier relating to
natural and artificial o* jeits, nrto matter* ecdefi
aftiral, civil, military, commercial, &c. lnclad
iog elucidation of the inclt important topic* rela
tive to religion, morals, manners, and the <rt*no
my of li e: together with a description of all the
c-iußtrie«, cities. principal mountains, leas, rii-ert
&c throughout the vorllt a general history, an
cient and rrcJirn, of the different empires, king
dom* and (late.; and an aciount of the lives of
the molt eminent j.erfon« in evtry nation, Irom
irft age» down to the pn f-nt timet. Com
piled from trie writings rtl the belt authors, in fe
veral la-, guage*; the mod approved diiftion iries,
at well ol g<rer»l fcicyeeasol particnl?r branch
es ; the tr:ir.fa.3ions, journals, and memoir". of
learn dfo:i' ti;s; the MS. lectures of eminent pro
ttf.'or, on different eiences ; and a variety of ori
ginal material*, furniiked by an exter.five corre
The work i, row completed in eighteen large
quarto volumes, i!lbi. rated with five hundred and
»orly-t>vo Copperplates.
■» he few copies which remain on hand are of*
itred for iale at
1.15 dolors forthe 18 volume* in hoards
I'll dollars neativ bound in Ihccp leather
180 dollars hound in Calf
tOJ dollars ill Ri:fiia or Mffrocco.
r. d^Tbson,
i'or Pijblifhin>j' a Suppfcnitnt to the Work
1 he ohjrit ot which is to correct such mif-ilate
i.icms uluit b en foun : 111 the \('ork, and togive
■1" account ol the rnoft important difcovertes and
i ..rrovrment4 which have been made for the lafi
ten years. 1
It I* expected this supplement will cotifift of :
three volumes, on futh paper and type as the En- j *
• (lupcriia, at Sit Dol:ar? pervoiume, in boards,
ti l D-'llmof which tube paid on fubfcritiing,
f dec ij aawiw
FAR ]\l I N G :
81-ING the experience of a farmer of about futy '
y urs r.f a™c ; n'a forty years of which were spent
in England. UTex county, on Ja' d where (arming •
ii done ui tie griatelt perfect ion ; and rearfeven i
year* on three hutdrcd and twenty acres of worn- j
cat laid in I'ottfgrove and Alloway creek, in i -
S ileni county. Wefi-Jetfcy :
Shewing the means whereby these worn-o'Ut J 1
,»n'U >nay be improved ; and that the means arc
it 'he poWer of almost every farmer:
Ptinted for the Author, ,
Chefnut-Jireet, Philadelphia
N. I*.—Simc ol the large fort of Cldver feed /•
rr.ij he had at \lr. John Cooper's, baker, no. 151 _
Uace-ftreet. ' *
december 13, law4W
Delcware & Schuylkill CauaU ~
THE Stockholders are hereby notified, that the r
Eledion for PreCdent and Managers, for the S
enfairg year, will beheld at the Company's Office, co
■A. lc firfl Urond day in January n«*t, at ten ,[
c*- ock in the forenoon.
Susquehanna C 3* Schuylkill Canal.
iHI! Stockholders are hereby notified, that the u
T;"i; n for Prefidrnt and Managers, for the enfu- l
' f ye*r, will ba held at the Company's Office, on ?'
'.h.- nrU fecoud-cay in Janmry »cxt at ten o'alock .*!
v. a. tjl
to Delaware & Schuylkill Canal Compar.y.
1 9 , .ite _
Wants a Place,
iv I'l ttSON that Writes well, is a Ready Reck- A
■ * oner, a praitical 'ioot Keeper, and can be x.
u?li recominended, a line, (or personal applica- Hie
•innj . :.-cclcd t« M. No. 71, North Seventh- plci
ttve :. bj duly attended to. spa
N. li Encks cloftd, and new Accompts open- Fou
r !, i'.ittSßrlhip Accompts adjuded, or any buCnefs
i:i t.'u Kot k Keepirg line, done at the above place,
cii*abroad of Evenings.
■l'.-- 1 s f
A B Jlj f nine o'clock latl evening, a white man ! < ' rfl
V c*:ne into my store, and requefled me to ad- J for 1
v_;icchiiu a few dollar* on a CandUflick which
?L V r> to l>e silver. Prcfuming he had not got
tinner!)'. I alked him from wham he received it,
iid at the I .me time called for afliftance.iutcnding [S
t ■ tti-jic him, but he direflly made his efcspe j s
y ptri-m who prove it to be their property, y
t,.jy have it 011 paying for this advertisement, to , n
Corner Stamper's alley, New-Market. perf
_ fjt 11,
UniTtn Statts, 7 y.
t'.i I'fylvania Uiflridt. ) •*'
NO I'ICE is her«by given that in pursuance of a
wit to me directed, from the Honorable
t .ic!iaru Pritas, £fq. Judge of the Di(lri&
0 urt of the United States in and for the Penn-
Ivania will be eapofed to public {ale I
. v So. II? in SafTafras (trect on Monday the 14th
\y of December iaflant, at 1* o'clock at noon, " fff
2 Hogsheads and
2 Barrels of Spirits. d,
' br fame having been libelled against, profccuted
tondtmned a* forfeited in the fatd Court.
Mjrflial. \
Officf, IVg, Ijtk, 1798. £\
Ready Fir n't/bed Jpjrtmcnts. Gene
A I'ltONT Parlour ar.d four chamber*, wirh C
' \ the ule of a Kitchen and Cellar, in a to . r V
t Jtant »art u! Arcn ftrnt; enrjuirtf :it the office 1 •'
• tm* avc
•J. U. —A» the furniture u all n«w, i; preclude
-1 r .-)>i>rcb.ulion ol'g on fro.T. tile iite pre '
''■" A ,
t'\ ■»>. rll * L eodjt Lec
Superfine, fine r.nd coinmoacloths
• ct t i Swaodowss
P.3!Z i
Printed calieo ■
Furni:nre & fauty dimities
; Sewing silk
' Bruifeli and Persia caipttts
For sale, for cqfh or credit, by
no. j43 Arch flrcet.
'' r.ov. r6 §;Jant
■st nc. 9, South Watii-Stsht.
es hi Ijifh Linens, 7-8 and 4-4, weH aflorted, in whitle and half boxes
arimn Checks, in ditto
ng to Drogheda'*, ai d Brown 7-8 beetled Linons
cicfi- 'rift Hackled flax
clad Seotts Tlirvad
rela- Men and Women* Comb*
r»no- Ruflia Puck, of an excellent quality, and
lithe joo hhds. Aux Cayes Molafll-s.
; i " r ' By ISAAC HdRVET\ junr.
j.Tllh. mo. 17 d 4 w
e'sTf ~ THE FORMS,
from A S prefcribeit bv th'-ComHi lTisfcrrt <;f Pcnn
:nm- I'ylra iia, for'the return of DWELLING
"fc HOUSES, LANDS and SLAVES, may be
' . had at
, C ,f J°f e ph James Cruckshjtik's,
pro- No. 87, Market Street,
fori- Dec. 10
I and RE f'URN them to No. 7, South Fourth
Street, and be rewarded.
: Dec 20 dtf
Just Puhlilhed,
At No. *B, Hig)i-ftr«et,
For the Year 1799 ;
'rk Containing c mplete an i correit lilts of the
ate- Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary De
?ive parnnents ot the General and Slate
"y Governinenls
' a ' ( A treat variety of ufeful Tables, neccfl'ary to be I
ku « n in every Stare of the Union,
j Emielli/hed urith a handsome engraved Fron■ I
rds. tifpiece.
Dec, j I
- nrrsTf'Li N ENS,
4-4 iuid 7-oth White Linens wclK
\ Entitled
3-4 Brown ditt» ditto C to I
.1-4 Irilb Checques fpitable for the \ Drawback. I
Weft India Market.
:nt , On reasonable te«Hi—by the B.x or Bale, 1
By Gamble & He-lmvth,
No. 148, South Sccond-ftreet. | <
Tn" : _ t -Vawtf ,
i No. 128-, I'
'r t The foutk eajl corner of Market and Fouth J
TTAS just received by the late arrival from 1
JL i liurope, a large, general and elegant ai- I
lortmenr molt
rd • a^l ' ona ble Merchandize, J 1
(in the gentlemen's lir.e)—The whole of which
will be cilpofed of, wholelate and retail, al re- I
diiced prices for cafb.
" <lfc ' '9 2awtf
Genteel Boar din? iff f.odrirr. a
Q E '*R 'TE ind ready f.rnKhed aoartments
V wnh genteel Boarding and L'o'g.r g for the ac
> common,ti-„ of four Gentlemen (wnh their Ladies I
■n if reqm.ed) may be had at No i« 3 , Acb Street.
Dec - Tcifa
1 o be Sold,
Tie time of a flour heilthy Negro Lad, aged
about 17 yeart, and boond to serve until ii •
d he is honest, underftaoii the t.fml bulWefs of a
family, ani ha« beei accuiiomed to wait on Iso
table—Apply to I CJ
1. , , No. 41, Arch flrcet. *r
decwßber i 9 t d6t th
DELIVERABLE at New-Caflle or Port pr
Penn, by I fa,
~Jf c d 4 w I
- A NE AT,convenient twc-.lory fra ne HOUSE
e £\ and BAKE-HeUSE, fituatcd in fou:h E.urth
- ui eet,below Gerw.n llre.t—Thehoufe isincom
- plete orcer, having two roams orv. floor, with a I
fpacioas garret; the lot !. ! 9 J.» | eet front so
• Fourth flreet, and in I.a feet deep. I „
5 Apply to I H
„ . . co >.'s» M*>erry-ilreet. | 1
, . A * 'he property belorgs to orphan chil- an<
' ' fo7"he ,"«? a,go ° d fcCUri: »
Philadelphia, deeembef it, 1708 *raW3w
QAMUEL RICHARDET, inform* the Gentle- j jT
y men Subfcnbers, that the £JTCH AN G K i~.
P° r w th r Cir recc P ' on ! » nd «•>' CI T r Bri
,j * N < Gentlemen and Travellers and
P^ m . prmg " "Edition of twelve Bed wil
Chamber, to the fide building, which make, it in,
perfectly convenient. H , :
■ovemht r 6 .
chaw pre
A capital Hand for Burmefs.
T-HP °" lbt } th *" J Har
I HE commodious Four Story Brick Houfeon «on,
the ioiith fule of Market, near Water- pre!
V pr D ° ccu f ;ed 1 Tavern, by Tho- lets
° rd<
Tut cr rDiroaj~ ~ beap
A 0F *»'Lao*i»hia. take
RE hereby notified, that applied, t. P
1 i»K'l J ,°r of r Com c mo s lor the county of
Philad-lphia—for th. bene6t or tha Aot of the Nev
general AffemWy, of tbo Commonwealth of Pern- Fror
fyirar.,a, providing ihat the perion of a Del tor
Inall not be luhic to imnrifonmrtit for dfht a^tr
delivering up I „ tor the benefit of his'ercdi- \
t.vs. See—palled the 4ti day, ol ..p r l , an . o do P , A
1798; anj that the Juigti ot ui<l C««rt I
have appointed the fcc.ind . la y , J'"
Jaauary ,„*< for a heanr.g „f , lld iohß M'D' .iaW "T
and his Creditors, w..ere you may attend "
Canal Lottery, No. 11.
Will re-. 3nwuw drawing, on M.uJax,
iths tle '/i r ,f January nsxt, uM con
tinue until]>
I'ICKKTS to he had U.ilUr.tarli, at
ir<rl Jji'okcrj nfii'e, No./14 South Sp*'nnH»Bfrtt»
wherr i lutkhinbirt io pt tnr regiflwng :n< '
rsrtn : iution «r Tickets in the iV»ve, Oily of
and Patterfn I.ittri ic, k-.
St.'.ti oi thi Wheel.
One prize of io,oco dollars io,cco
Five 4.0"® zo,or*>
y Two Sj'jca 4,0? >
Two i,ico ».oco
nt Ten 500 .?-c o ■
Twenty-.'even lei s>4°°
With a fuJJ proportion of the one'hundred
and of the fiftv dollar prizes—The Lottery is
ircH more then two ihirds drawn an 1 above Ij.rco
dollars richer than at the commencement.
£2" Note, the liiiliiicls of a Broicr duly at
tended to in all its branches. tu.ft.
Nov. i>
Dancing ScHOoi.
[. T X TSIXJ AM WPOUGALL presents hk rtf-
W peAfu! compliments to the public : t.-kes
the liberty of informirg th'tm, that at the requelt
—— of mar.y of his former employers, te will open
hi* School, at his Ball Room, in Fourth, bec
rnn- ween ChcfnutanJWalmit f"rt-et-,oii the fird iVlon-
NQ day of D«eem')cr—For l.aiiies at ten;
, [j C o'clock in the morning—and far GcKtleineu> ?.t
fix in tVe evenings of i\loudays, Wcdntfdays and
' nov. iR roim
, t Ephraim Clakk,
Coruerof Front and Market Aretts, Philadelphia,
irtb has just keceived,
BY the different r rrivals, a fupplf of Clock
t and VVa:ch makers and Silver Smiths Tools,
Ales and materials,
consisting or
Rowling Mills, large and small Bench and Hand
Vices, Turnbenches Flyers, Sliding Bra
ces and Birrs, to«ls, Saws, Scratch brtlh
e-, Blow pipes, Screw and lit aw pla'es, large and
1 ' fruJl Hammers, Clock dials, rail hraf» BclU, for
ged w«rk a"d pinions, E nery. Rotten lloiie, Pu
mice flone, Borax, Spelter Sorder, Brass, sNrl and
j Iron wire, (beet Brass, mail fpringi anl glu'Tes
the I and ftcel chains, seal» and keys, icc. &c. ]
- J and Watches carefully repaired
I nov. 2i eodrf "*
lbf J Hats SfJ* Holiery.
I No. 134, Market Street, 1
I tJAS JtIST OPENED, in addi.ion to his for-
I "> r r Hock, a very cxtenfivc afTortment of i
I Men's, Women's, and Children's Hats, and all '
I kind* ot Stockings—particularly a quantity of A- t
I berd een knit Hose, suitable for »hc prifent season t
" ov - rortn
Notice is hereby Given, c
j I 'IIAT application will be made at the Trea- c
I -*• Ijiry of the United State* for the renewal 3'
los tV.e following certificates of Six per Cents, tl
I '""tided debt—(landing in the name of Robert
I H iljoa of Calcutta in Bengal, Surgeon in the p
I service of the honorable United Company of
merchants of England tradinf to the Eaft-In- °
I dies, which were loft from on board the Swal- "
low-Packet, tapt Kidd, from Falmouth to New w
™ ork - „ Dolls. Cts. qi
is- »>o 10,444, Reg. office 14th Dec. ai
I I?J3» ene certificate for i; 3J t |
I No 10,478, Keg. office 17th Dec, ,1
.kl i7«Jjs one certificate for io ? o ?0
e- j EUyion is* John Perot. ™
'3 eod6w as
This Day Publijhed, of
And for sale at the Office of the Editor, No, al
tl I "9 CheJ'nut-flrtet, as
c - (frict r-itb »f a Dollar,) fh
■AN ORATION, \ y .
a. .t. Pronounced July 4, j 79 8 ( p
~ sncrnu the Inhab: tants of the Town of
BU\rUN, in commemoration of the anni- ,
d I v crlary of Ameriean Indcpcndcccc.
i t By JOSMK ShjtHCT. in
a I The inroads upon our public Hberty, call P 1
" 11 r f PJr4, ' on ~ TKt wrong, we have fultaiHed,
I call for—Jujfice. That Keptration and thu fta
may y " be ob,jiaed ' b y Unhn, Spirit, in,
»d But to divide and conquers* di
the maxim of the Devil in the gjrden of Eden, 11
X °( nV ind hlth b " n thc pr'tici- p
t prefoit. VOUn " tr ° m thjt P er!od t0 th «
Observations on the Boslol Port-Bill, & c .p. 7 g
august u 7 ' Cr, jUn ' ° C(
, I Trench Language. j
G. DUFIEF, l 'y
No. 63, SOWTH Second Street, [° U
Will OPt N nits
NB °P ,he l V h I'ifl. ' aTi
!' nH N V? - n PnVate ' U,t,OQ 4ttcnded ™as usual 1'
a d Tranflanons from either Language into the
Uifp«'ck P mCd W "^ a "« r «7. f«recy, and
IO • .
ew inh;
Horles to Winter. ? vl;
TTORSF.S will bt taken in to winter at P«o- lts '
Brirt l'" C J H, . u " atthe *« Mil« Stone, on the not
I — NoT "— ' wf tf -ail
Patent Ploughs, brfJ
t°ras sr «Atso. [i:
sjassrs-s »
order S'lrf"* gr °' jntl bs,tCT ire ke P' in [
: T .V ! e *P cnce arc fold at a cheaper - ior
',T h fim P liCed ind to c
[ M"t **l piece of calt iron, wits, ,hc handles and I
\ lav,"ml ZTlrl lh \ mi y *»h wrought V
ixririK 1 " pu ' - r "'- 1,
makl» Vh m f ° r v k en^ in ß wl,h inftr«aion» for
«» number vai'uKir fx * snd
LTT*- T n e ch,rfl y ln 'he Ciintv ofHun kct {
S 0 e n i 1,,0,P ? r ' r >' lvanU ' Thole whom"
; u : v ~ Claries Nsn folJ. inort
1 y 7 aawtf black
1, at
tu-ry FRIDAY EVENING, I)£C£MrtER it.
r<*rt. -■ rp.
nd «>— ---
y 70 th
,'co, UNDERSTANDING that you are prc
,oco paring to enter upon th- coniiJcratlon of a
.co- | a w for the future prevention at' the YcHow
,400 Fever, which hr.s of l.ite years proved si»
~rrd deftrmlivc to the lives and intercll of P|»j.
laddphia, and other commercial town? in the
*" Union, and foiwe experience, and
- a t read much •« the i'ubjec^,'(not for the pur
"r. pole of deputation aiul mvielf or
party, for I reprobate every thin r rel'iiitinj
from f'ucli unwarrantable motives) but from
a ilncerc delire 01 divefh'ng a lubject from
the ambiguity in which views hav.-
•kl] involv < <! * l ) IWgWve.tofubmlttovourat
juelt tention and disposal fuchfacts and arguments
ipen its have convinced" jr.e that the diCale has ii
bet- heretofore been introduced into this country it
lon- by imported contagion, and has never been d
tc " : derived from any impurity of the air of our I
a yj climate, though I admit that the air of po. n
jrnlous cities in the Summer and Autumnal ' a
n ieal'ins has a tendency to render the conta- !f<
'ffion more active, and to favor die prop;;-a- b
j tion of the diftafe. " j
'» ' I am, Gentlemen, •
a « With all due retr.-jft,
Your moll obedient l.inr.ble ienant, v j
A IhiCIXKXTAL SVbbkon. T v
ols, • ir
and Of Facts and Argument* in proof of the .
Ira- Yellow Fever, being of Foreign, and not ;
of Domestic Origin. ; .
Vir' HOt'GH the bellow Fever had been more p.
Pu- or ,elf fP'd' mic in v Philadelphia,' four tin-es
sn j before the year 179^ —-via. in 1741, ™
Tcs and in 1762, the Phylicians in i'hi- a t
Stc. ladelphia at the time of its appearance in •
ed 1793, were entirely not only ,
| with its nature, but with any appropriate .1.
method of cure. Some conlidering it as a l.
putrid, others as an aggravated f.jrm or va- ' ''
riety c.f the coiqmon bilious cr fall fever, i
> Though the improvements which had been ,
made in different parts of the citv weie ac- I r°
nr _ knowledged bv all to lave rendered it less :
of infefled with bilious fevers than formerlv. j a''
all U P on comparing its symptoms however with • }
A- the description given of the Yellow Fcverin ! y
on the \\ cft-Indics, it was ibon discovered to
- thc Yellow Fever, and this was more fully W
confirmed by its fubiequent and almost un- W '
a- cxampled mortality. Its contagious nature,
al as well as many of its symptoms diftinguiflied
:s, the Yellow Fever from the bilious fever. ?'
rt In thc most dangerous cases of the Yellow
of . r ' thc fevrr is "nftant for the firft three I
or i(H ' r and then ceases '-ntirelv to out- 1
,|. wa f d appearances f<y some hours) during ?'
„ which interval the patient feels easy and ,!t '
quil, but the fever again returns' with new I 7 K
and aggravated symptoms— a ycllowneis of ht '
tlie eyes and ffcin. inieffwt vomiting, at !irft WIJ
of various matters, but before its fatal ter- pOl
mination a dark coloured mixture relemblimr
coitee grounds, am! in ibme cases as black ll><
mk. The inflamed and watry apjiearance " ,f
°,V vn e - ye! at the bt B inn »'g of the disorder de I
, alio distinguished it from ;he Bilious fever, ver
as well 6s the fliort period of its durahon, and G r J
the malignity of its symptoms, in which it " ff(
bears a much nearer rcfbmblance to thc true ter
Plague. wit
'• 1 thC Yd ' oW Fevcr does rot from fto
the 8.l ous or Fall fever of this climate, only tu !
in the cireumftanre of contagion, and the as- ner
" L '\;. r , ; . t . v l>f symptoms ;it differs wr<
' a Ol I' > B '. I,OUS ftver also in the circum- cor
t tance of being aggravated and rendered S P !
, more certainly mortal by some of the leme- t,m
aUes that are mod efficacious in the cure of Ma
- fW? UI rr rS j P art!cular >y by the Peruvian wrt
f Bar., and Laudanum. the
These fevers ;.ifo occur, and are most nre- S™
( valent in different situations. Bilious fevers »«"<
occupying chiefly, the Suburbs of cities and
. e »"*!'*e tntft, of marlhy and level country '1
—w nil: tlx 1 chow Fever is almost exclusive- veil
y cor fined to cities a U d towns, and cfpecial- «6t
> occupies those parts that ar; moll poiiu- whi
lous and thicldy fettled. The Yellow FVver race
a ' fo * lwa y s teen observed in this citv Avi
near onie; particular wharf or vessel, or in
ome lodging house appropriated to leamen, l*v
as in lome families whole bulinefs leads them f«co
miirh among veflels. Like moll other coa. Am
• .ous difeales >t spreads from famiiv to fa- duly
mii ), and from one street to another as the r "
in j.tants have more or less communication unti
v.-h one another—Hence it is evident that -A
>ts cause, or the feeds which gi W it birth are fr>fta
° f mutl and P Ht rid ve- rick
ft' k* j S ,ve origin to bilious fevers) fwoi
ued abroad m the atmolphere. When nias
Biuous fevers occur, people are affefted in ed as
erent f»rts of the feme dilfrid at the feme that
S't!° r W1 " a Wda - V! qf t Scli at thev
r j r° nty ° f thclt: "■•«= alike and (but
Tthe weft .V' r ' r ° mC ln thl ' Cal!e!
the weft, and some m ey cry warter . Do . s Fieri
he yellow fever makes its {% T
K* , h " tnu, i,L Ration and
h" *himfica! daughter has created a ien- made
an'dThe h tfcC, h" CW in » of thc phltr
" ion m f'\ nant of conn- p»ff I
ft.ort^b U t t ',ofe Who have taken the trouble the ,
Ibe tW rfcL 1 C ,' r P l '® no mea® «j|| „ a l, )
and the tooL'ach. tha " K'7
'IT f ° Uree ofthe Yellow clo'!
b / f ol ; ,c gentlemen T.
opinions than the ftren th c'f 01 f °' d J
amnnp-ft n " 4Clr arguments) come
ters tk ant w:,ttr °f the jlreet <*w the /
to w F ;Vewh^?f"^r s ™ °7
thof«? sources ar, *<<l:r-n: confu
- von tog. orthataflemblageof fymp- that 1:
1 S2
' '" bt Continued. J
The following detail will h er k
*1 "V American with feeling, of b J, ever T
detection. (he conHA , orror
French in this inllance h w ° ,hc
ntinable f 0
f f wordsto exprcfs our Wr •7- ant
iio..v ° f ur onl >" c °nfolation
Il„ " ° ur c;u: ' :tr ymen is awakened and K
1 z &
and i« fnu&f HSmC
jur- ° Ur w,de „ Reading compere. -f nd Z
for ' ab 'e to repel injuries and
;|"J * hatCVer <3 ua^r' they
•om —•
a v.- [c or r.]
rat „ curracoa
nts BY th.s public inttrument and protest hr
- I'LT'vt
»« I I'l.iiu, conf.ll of die u ni | tJ s
4% God, t-vf
in the said fch.oner from New-Yoik n',l'
M-k^»fA, g „U,»,WdLihC e
, M " ' nd 10 'he Welt-InJiei ; ? nd c„
•".the 20th September arrived at Grenad ,
i wherc he fold part of her cargo j and on tl c
| 4'h "..I, 1 ft Gre. Ada with the rcmai uW
I P 3 " ° f h . tr « r «°» &*»«! for Curracoa.
| , a . t . on , the 6th 'n' l - at meridian, he saw
the island called- Roca, it bore by his coai
'« P f' i E 'r E ' Unt about 6 lca g Ufs »
wh« the febooner was hauled to the iuuth
and weft ward in order to pas, between the
jn • above named .(land and the Wc, of Avis,
,] v . (I UPIU '" K l 1'" thtre wa <> a current fetiing
Ite W "i Watd > from h < small progress
a b fr VC a hat on the 7>h i»ft. at
a " 1 ST.lp'l k' u C saW th * brcait "*
under the lee bow, when the helm w„s i m .
m racdlate! y i«»'»'o bring the nfTcl
c- !7T . l but be J o,e io, and the
fails trimmed, she ftruek on the reef on the
j ° ort " of Aril, atid there (he
th ' , C l the guns were immediate.
jn ly th.iown overboard to ease the vefTel, and
to th* boat was put out and sent
with the firft mate and fix people on shore
n. W, ' h . f ° mc Provilions.—That the Bth and
c 9 1 " *ere occupied in getting prorifi.
:d ?".* °" fharc for ,h . f crfw to fubfifl on ; the
d island not being inhabited : That on
w „ ! ub ln the weatlier moderate,
, e * " a g f was m »de, and by iu help got on
t shore the main fail, fore fail, and some light
( , [»')»— but finding that there was no poflibi-
I,l r faviD g the veflel and cargo without
w ! afliHtnce, the boat was prepared and
yf fitted in the best manner that circum.lance*
would .allow ; acd on the 13th inft. the de
r_ p oner, t with fnur of the crew, faihd from
the island of Avis, for Curracoi, where
£ they arrived the 14th infl. That immedi
;fi ately on their arrival at Curracua, he thil
;r tJeponcnt waited .>r his txcellency the go-
vernor, and told him his fit nation, who with
d £ rcat t'omplaifancc and apparent friendfllip,
t effered him any aflilhiicc in his power, ic as-
terwardi waited on the iatd corful to advise
with him, who j»incd in opinion tha: a vcfTel
n fhouhl be procured with the utmost dispatch
y to bring away th. prople of the said schoo
ner, ni.d what could i-e saved fr m the
s wreck 'or the benefit of whoever it might
. concert ; and ggrteable thereto, hr paid a
1 SpaniQi fchoi.ner (the <>n!y vcfTel at that
. time to be get) called Santa Antonia Abad,
e Marucl CorfoD, maftcr, to proceed to the
, wreck, and there to wait eight days, and
then proceid to Curracoa, for whigji he a
. greed to pay him 320 dullars, acd to in
s lure hit veflel, valued at 1050 dollars, at
1 the late of 5 prr cent.
That he failed from Curracoa in the said
veflel Co hired, for tlie Illss of Avis on the
. 16th instant, her decktlie boat in
which he and his four people arrived at Cur
■ racoa, and -that the)' arrived at the Ilics of
Avis 011 the 18th inftnr.t. Ar,d on the 20th
instant came James Conner, failing mailer,
laevi Bordine, lirft mate, and Lifter A fguith ,
second iraK, all late of the said schooner
Amphitrite, who havmg bPen also severally
duly fivurn, did confirm the foregoing, fofar
as relates to the failing 'from Ncw-YorL,an<i
until said Snf II left the lilt?*: of llois.
Afterward:;, that is to fay, on the 22d
instant, caine said Th.oma; Sncll and Frede
rick Maretk. Said BaR-th having beenduh
fworn, deix>fecl tliat lie went with said Tho
mas Snell to thelllesof Avis, andthefeafl
ed as interpreter on the following oicaficn":
that on their arrival at the Ilies of Avij,
they found a privateer under french Coiouis
(but owned as they are informed in. Curracoa)
called, " Fhurde la Mer," comciajided by
Pierre d'l'ine, lylfi j at anchor.
That the day before their arrival at the
Isles of Art'i. the said Pierre d'Pine had
made prifonrri vf all the people 'if th# Am
phitrite, who remained thern and had taken
posT flion of all tliey had got un shore from
the wreck, with the vcflcls log book, jour
nal, Sic. and that by order of one or the
privateers prize mailers, a httt where some
"f the people lived, was burned wiib all tbeir
clo ! es.
That the privateer being then under way,
said Pierre d'Pine ordered the deponents to
come on boaid the privateer, and ail
the Amphitrite'* papers with them. ' ' le ■
-privateer fron after came to arch or, when
the deponents along wiihcapr. Corfon «et»t
on board, when the (aid d'Pine demanded
the papers. A letter from th« governor of
Curracoa, at d a certificate from the said
consul were harded him, both which he trea
ted with grejt contempt, and told them that
he wat governor of the lflesof Avis, aod
that he would t?kc from ihc «fr;ck of the